• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,225 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch03: Clash of the Unicorns

Chapter 3
Clash of the Unicorns

It had been a couple week since Twilight came to Ponyville, and it was now time for the first day of college. Something she was looking forward too, since she stopped taking her lessons at Canterlot, she was starting feel she was slipping. With college, she would keep up with her studies, and hoped to avoid the feeling she had about being so far from her mentor. She was glad that she had her Bay-B too keep contact with her.

She did feel right at home, no small part of that, because of her friends. With that feeling came her old habits of locking herself up in the room or library, when Pinkie Pie was around the dorm.

The day went on without much to say, she received her classes, and spent the time getting use to the set up. Fluttershy was there to aid her through the process.

The next couple days were rather simple, getting into the courses, and starting the college life. She had only one worry, that snooty Trixie, was in a couple of her classes. Just as when they first met, she made sure to be the one in the brightest light, and any time attention was diverted, she made sure it was never long.

Twilight worried about the rest of the semester, if this is how it started. she decided to try and ignored the proud Unicorn, who's magick was more like her name implied, tricks.

She avoided her the best she could in school, and classes, and for the most part it worked, but seemed every time Twilight was with Rarity, the bragging blue, would appear, to drive them both nuts. Suppose it was because only a hoof full of unicorns were in Ponyville, and fewer in the school, that it was Trixies way of being around familiar faces. She had a funny way to make friends, both Twilight and Rarity felt.

The month was nearing it's end, with the first week of school, and Twilight received a message from her mentor.

"My faithful student, Twilight Sparkle, Your old friend, and fellow royal student, is going to be in Ponyville soon. He wished that he could come see you"

This was a bit odd for her, she was never very friendly those years they grew up together, as Celestia and Luna's students. He always tried, but Twilight was more into her books than him. She wondered why he always felt they were friends. Guilt started to take her, when she thought of how now she enjoyed friendship, and all a long, she had a friend back home.

It faded a bit, when she thought about it more. He always had friends, it was his way, always out and about, making friends with the citizens of Canterlot.

The message said he'd be around in the week's end, but it was vague about when.


Classes let out, and Twilight trotted happily out of the building, carrying her books and humming that same song she learned from Harmony Spirit, still wish she knew the words to it, but it did not stop her from enjoying it. She hoped that she would remember to ask him.

She walked toward her favorite place, to get her favorite drink. A routine she had formed early on, only modified to fit in her schooling. On her way she saw Pinkie Pie, who seem to always be out of school before her. Not sure if she had a free period or not, but like to think the teacher just wanted her out as soon as possible. She was walking and laughing, along with another pony. A familiar one, and a unicorn.

"Wait a minute..." She noticed the cloths, kind a like her style, the shirt, nothing special, a hooded sleeveless over shirt, and loose shorts that only made it down to the bend of his knees. She spotted the key features of this unicorn. Red glasses, just barely covering his eyes, if they were not partly down his muzzle, and the ankh necklace. Added to the blue coat, and violet mane and tale, she knew who it was that Pinkie seem to already be buddies with.

He spotted her, and stopped. Pinkie took a moment to notice, and stopped and looked at him, then at her. "Hi Twilight!" She shouted, not very far from her.

"Hello Pinkie," She took a moment, and looked at the other. "Hello Harmoneee~" She could not finish, he poofed and reappeared, clinging to her. Already she can see why he and Pinkie got along so quickly, and was glad Pinkie was not a Unicorn.

"Twilight!" He continued to squeeze the life out of her. "I missed you!"

"You know each other?" Pinkie did not take long to come bouncing up beside them.

"Yes, I have known her pretty much all my life" He answered, and let her go, when she looked like she was about to pass out.

She used him to keep herself up, gasping for air. "I... I... I wish you... you wouldn't do that..."

He smiled innocently. "I sorry"

After a moment, she regained herself, and took in a deep breath. "How did you meet Pinkie Pie so fast? Did you know her already?"

"Oh, no. I just met her like two minutes ago" He smiled, going back in detail of the advent.

-Pinkie was humming along, skipping a bit, thinking Pinkie thoughts, when she saw a bright flash of pink. "Oooh" She said, making haste to the source.

Just in the middle of the street, a bit of smoke was fading, and a figure was crouching to the ground. Slowly, it lifted it's head, and looked upon the Pink pony with glowing green eyes.

Frozen a bit, she watched as it stretched up to full height, standing glaring at her, looking like something from a scifi movie she saw once.

"Hiya" She said, smiling.

The figure was plain to see, and he smiled back. "Hi"

"I'm Pinkie Pie, oh you are new here? What a cool entrance! I wanna try!"

"Awesome! Oh, I'm Harmony Spirit. Let's do this!"-

"So we spent a few minutes trying out the entrance he did. It was awesome, I was all like 'Come with me, if you wanna party'"

Harmony started to laugh, and Twilight sighed. "I see things are still the same..."

She paused a moment, and she thought about it. "Funny, how much they are alike... I do not think he is as bad... prolonged exposure, cannot be good though"

She came out of her thoughts, and nearly jumped, as they both stared at her. "What?!"

"You were off in space" Harmony said.

"Ssshk, Pinkie Pie to Twilight, come in Twilight"

"Horsedon, we have a problem... we're out of squeezie cheese"


They both started to laugh, and Twilight rolled her eyes. "I have to get to Applejack's" She moved on toward the diner. Harmony appeared before her, not long into her march. "What?" She looked back, seeing Pinkie bounding away.

"She had to go, but I'm here to spend time with you Twilight" He smiled, and to that, she smiled back.

They both headed to Apple Cider's, and she trotted in, and took her spot. Harmony followed and sat across from her. "So, this is a Ponyville dinner? I heard they were simpler, but wow, it's so much more open, and homey"

He looked around, at the decor, and some of the others around. As he was, Twilight wondered if she looked like such a... She pondered the term, not really sure what it was called when somepony was acting like Harmony was now. gawking, and showing that he is not from around here. "I will have to ask AJ, she knows a lot of terms" She said finally.

When she looked up, he was gone. She quickly looked around, and found him looking at some old signs that were on one wall near the kitchen.

He stepped back, and Twilight got up, knowing she would not get there in time, as Applejack came out of the kitchen, equally not paying attention as she carried a tray.

The dinner was quiet, following the loud crash, and the yelp out of both ponies, one of surprise, the other out of pain, as some hot drinks poured on her.

"Dang blast it! How'd hell am I suppose work when y'all not looking where your go'n?" she shouted, not even seeing who it was, she was too busy trying to get the hot liquid off her as best she could with only her hooves.

Harmony jumped up quick, and offered his hoof to help her up. "I'm so sorry, I was just... oh it's no excuse, I should been paying attention"

She calmed some, and looked up at him. "No, it's ok... it happens..." She paused, looking at him. She already had her hoof in his, and he was pulling her up. Something about him, seem to cause her to freeze up. She didn't even notice Twilight asking if she was ok.

"AJ?!" She shouted, snapping the orange mare out of her trance.

She looked at Twilight. "Oh... What?"

"Are you ok?" She glared at Harmony. "You need to be more careful, stop acting like an... oh what ever the term is, but stop acting like an outsider"

He hung his head, feeling bad as it was.

"Now now Twi, it was an honest mistake. I wasn't paying too much attention neither" She looked at the other Unicorn again. "Are y'all ok?"

"I'm ok, besides feeling bad I knocked you over"

She waved it off. "Think nothing of it partner, be a lesson fer me, not to come out with a hot tray, and my eyes blocked"

"Can I help at least, I can't just go on without making it up to you!" He nearly begged.

"Well... not very neighborly, to have a new face about town, feel'n so low" She thought about that. "Say, who are y'all? Don't believe we've met"

"I am, Harmony Spirit. Old friend of Twilight, and student of the Queen Luna"

"Well well, seems Ponyville has two royal students now" She smiled.

The two went on, and Twilight just shrugged and walked back to her booth. He always had an easy time making friends, even under the weirdest of circumstances. Most of the Unicorns of Canterlot were unaffected by his natural charm, though he always won them over eventually, but Earth and Pegasus seem to fall for him. A bit of a curse, he felt, for he was not even trying to trick ponies into friendship, just wanted to be friendly.

Some time past, and Harmony was working with Applejack, to take orders, and do what ever he could make up for the incident. She again was starting to notice something between him, and her friend.

She decided to let him go about with his personal mission, and so she got up, and headed out. She needed to get some things done any ways.


Harmony Spirit had spent nearly the whole day at Apple Cider's yesterday. He found Twilight's dorm easily, thanks to Pinkie's help, and finished out that day there, till it was after hours. He could not stay there, but luckily, he thought ahead, and made arrangements with Big Macintosh. When Twilight saw him the next day, he seemed to be in even higher spirits. She wondered what had gone on over at Sweet Apple Acres, then decided not to think about it too much.

It was getting late in the afternoon, and Harmony had met just about every pony that Twilight was closest too. After seeing him around all of the five closest of her new friends, she was seeing a connection between each of them, and him. Pinkies silliness, Applejacks honest nature, saw the same kindness as with Fluttershy, when they took care of her little charges. She imagined that he would even find similarities in Rarity and Rainbow Dash, was not so sure what it would be.

After a bit of thought, she told herself, "It is just my mind projecting onto him their traits" because she felt guilty for pushing him away, and her mind wanted to make it seem that he and her had always been friends, and as close as she was now with the girls. All to keep her from feeling so bad that a pony that has been in her life for over half of it, was more a stranger, than friends she had in just a few weeks.

Satisfied by it, she moved on. She actually forgot what she was doing, till he appeared before her, as he loved to do. Teleportation was his favorite spell.

"Hiya Twilight" He greeted her, hugging to her. This time, she did hug back. "Hello Spirit"

"What'cha doing today?" His eagerness to be around her, only worsen her self loathing.

"Nothing much planned, I am just heading to the library to get some books for next week's lessons"

He stuck his tongue out, and raspberried at the idea. "Let's have fun, what's there to do here?"

She started to think about it, when she heard the sound of another unicorn using a teleportation spell, or at least sounded like one. It was immediately followed by a voice she was growing to hate. "What is this?!"

She turned to look at the wizardly dressed Trixie, Harmony looked over with her.

"Another foalish Unicorn dares enter the realm of the all mighty Trixie?!" She stormed closer, glaring at the male blue Unicorn. "Foalish indeed, and I suppose that you are another of Canterlot? You think yourself better than us in this little town?"

"No" He said, a bit confused.

"Do not listen to her Spirit, she's just a pain in the flank" She turned to speak to him, but in a way to show how little she cared that the new comer was here.

He ignored her suggestion, and moved closer. "Hi, I'm Harmony Spirit"

Trixie looked at him, and snuffed his warm greeting. "Don't dare talk to the Mighty Trixie as if you are equal"

"How should I talk?"

"As the peasant you are" She gave a mocking laugh.

He gave his tongue another bit of daylight, and blew another raspberry. "What ever, if you are gonna be a poop, then I'll be on my way" He turned away, and trotted on. "Let's see the sights Twilight"

"Ha, you make a fine pair, losers of Canterlot!"

They ignored her, something she did not take well, so pressed on her verbal assault. "Is this how they raise the ponies in our capitol city? If your magick is as poor as Twilight, then I fail to see the wonder of the city"

Harmony turned. "Twilight is a great magick user, was she inclined, she'd show you!"

Trixie had a great sense on ponies, came with her calling. She could tell he was defensive of Twilight, she did not know it was any friend he was protective of, but that did not matter. She had a button. "Great? Ha, that is a laugh indeed. Trixie is the Great, and is far better then her. Her talents are not even on the level of a new born foal"

He moved closer, as Twilight tried to stop him. "She is just trying to lure you into a duel. do not, it's not worth it" She tried to reason, having faced her once a few days ago when Twilight was having a poor day as it was.

"So afraid is she, that I'll humiliate her again?"

Harmony growled. "You best stop, or I'll show you what real magick is!"

She started to laugh. "I doubt you could manage any better then she did" She was lying, for in their duel, Twilight proved far better in her magick.

Harmony's horn started to shine a pink hue. "You want magick?" His tone was dangerous.

"Please Spirit, stop, remember what happened last time you used magick in anger?"

"I'm not mad, besides, I've gain control over that problem, Luna has taught me well" He turned to Trixie now. "And that will be demonstrated now"

"Luna? You mean the Night Queen Luna?" This thought cause her to laugh even more. "First Twilight speaks of knowing Queen Celestia, and you think you know the Night Queen?" She was partly laughing through her words. "Are all from Canterlot so delusional?"

"Don't have to believe me, but you'll regret crossing a Black Magick Pony!" He started to phase from his normal blue coat, to a ever darkening one, slowly turning into a shadow of himself.

"Anything you can do, the Great Trixie can do, far better!" Her horn lit pink, and she too started to shape shift to a blackened version of herself, not as perfect as Harmony, but still was a shadow form.

Twilight watched as they did their spell work, and was worried. She had not seen Harmony use his magick for a long time, not since a tragic incident that unleashed a darkness that lurked in him.

With his Shadowed arms, he sent out a wave of blackness, that Trixie countered with her own, still not as strong looking as his, but it held against the attack.

Like a Black Rainbow, he arched over, not looking at all like a pony any more, till he was in front of her. She dispersed herself, and reformed behind him. with a quick motion, he made a cutting arch, that should have slicer her in two, but she was not so whole to be effected.

Twilight focused more on Harmony, as they continued to fight in their dark forms. she did not even notice others stopping and watching the morbid show of a long since Forbidden art.

She felt out his energy, making sure it was his, and not the other that was deep inside. If it should take hold, this little bout would turn into a nightmare.

After a few moments, they stopped their various shows of dark magick.

"You hold your own well, but all you do it mimic. I see through your kind of magick" Shadow Harmony said, with a voice as frightening as his form.

"It would be too easy to prove you so wrong" Shadow Trixie replied.

They became two waves of blackness, and crashed against each other. Pushing, and pushing, trying to get the other to yield.

"I am starting to believe that you are Queen Luna's student"

"Why is that?" He was skeptical of how genuine she was.

"Yes, only a student could be as much a looser as that master" She had no real face, but it was not too hard to tell, she had a wicked unseen smile.

Something snapped inside Harmony, and Twilight felt it immediately. "NO!" She cried out, hoping to prevent it, but it was too late. The thing deep inside, found the door, ripped open by the attack on the one pony most dear to the male Unicorn.

"You dare?!" He moved away, turning back to the shadowy figure, then all shadows faded away. Trixie reverted, but stay her shadowy self.

"Have I struck a nerve? So sorry, I guess I'd be touchy about having her for a master, after all the evil she's done"

Most knew the story by now, once long lost to time, only to a few was the tale of Nightmare Moon known. When she made her return a few years ago, most had not noticed, for it seemed over before the darkness spread through Equestria, and the Queendom was again ruled by two. The Day Queen, decided to unbanned the old stories, for she learned that covering the past, did nothing to prevent the repeat of it, only fueled it more.

Queen Luna was not so evil, but Trixie was using it to throw Harmony off, little did she realize, she may have awaken something as bad as Nightmare Moon by doing so.

Harmony stood still, eerily so, and Twilight ran up to him, and gripped him. "Spirit, Spirit, don't let it out!" But it was too late, the light in his eyes was gone, as with any colour. Not long, his eyes closed, a good sign, if not for the fact this was just part of what was too come.

"What are you goning on about?" Trixie asked, changing to normal and coming closer.

Twilight pushed her back, as she moved away. "Stay away from him!" She was in an aura of violet, and soon she disappeared.

Trixie looked at the empty space, that once was occupied by Twilight, and then looked at her opponent, and suddenly, felt the weight of what she had done. For his horn was now nothing but a vapor mockery of it's former self, and he sprouted wings of a pegasus, but much larger then she had seen in any other. even Rainbow Dash's impressive span was a filly's by comparison. She could feel the rushing energy inside the pony "what is going on?"


The Day Queen was making her way through the halls of her Castle home of Canterlot. In a few hours, her sister would wake, and she would prepare to yield her charge to that of Luna's own. Their ritual of Day and Night, was well practiced, and rarely interrupted, but she stumbled, causing her guards to halt in their march and turn inward to face their now kneeling Queen.

"Your Majesty?!" One called, a veteran that had served longer then any other of her current court. He knelled down, aged, but still strong form moving close to hers. He was most trusted, for a number of reasons, one of them, being he reminded her of one of the greatest heroes of the past. He too was an Earth Pony, though he did not posses the impossible magick that the other of legend did.

She looked at him, as he held to her, ready to lift her up with his never wavering strength. "I feel... a dark presence..."

He studied her, and after their years together, knew it was not foreign, but was not who he was first thinking. "Who... who is it? Not the younger Queen?" He was uneasy to suspect her, for with the last few years, he had spent some time with Queen Luna, and knew she was nothing like the evil creature harbored in her.

"No... but it is familiar to me" He helped her back, and they moved as one toward the Night Castle.

It was not long, till they was in the darker halls of the Night Castle. The Queen of the Twilight Realm, was not so dark as her tastes might make her seem.

Less time than it would normally, the two Queens were face to face. Both held deep concern, for the both knew what it was they felt. The fact was only further proven, when Twilight came rushing into the hall. She looked completely destroyed, almost as if she was the blame.

She did feel partly so, because if she had been a better friend to him, maybe she could have stopped him before it was too late.


Ponyville was in a panic, as many ponies and creatures were now running out the of the town. A tornado was whipping around, wrecking the nearest buildings, and in the middle, a Pegasus who looked asleep, yet was aloft, flying with no effort. His wings flapped, but so slowly, and effortlessly, that it was a mock to any of the fliers who knew what it took to be airborne.

Only the transformed Harmony and one other stood in the epicenter of the terror. Still being as defiant, and stubborn, Trixie called at the monstrosity. "You think you've won?! You cannot beat the Great Trixie!"

She shot out some spells, but it was no more then pebbles to a mountain at this point.

It seemed otherwise, by her stance and refusal to move, but she was not in her choice, as he body was so frozen with fear at the sight of this creature, she could do nothing but put on her show.

Soon a flash came, and Trixie turned her head enough to see Twilight, with not one, but both Queens of Equestria, and a small force of Guards. This seem to free her from the spot, and she moved out of the way as Celestia came closer with Luna near by. Twilight moved toward Trixie, as the Guards took up points around the tornado.

"I feared he would fall again..." Celestia said, with a deep pain.

"He is not lost!" Luna declared, looking from her student to Celestia "He can be saved..."

The elder looked at her for a moment. "But how many times?" She started, but stopped, not wanting to lecture her, in public, or at such a time. The pointed needed to be said. "He is that vortex that swallowed countless lives and a city, and very nearly two... This is the second time since then, he has become the Sleeper..."

"I will not give on him! He has made great progress!" She stood defiant, and despite her slight decrease of height to her sister, was not any less small.

"This is not his fault, he was provoked" Twilight said, coming over to them, dragging Trixie. "She caused this, by striking his weakest points. His love for those close to him"

They all looked at the blue unicorn, who crossed her arms, and looked away. Luna's gaze was most destructive. She wanted to grab her, and show her was the many years of Black Arts could be used at, but knew better than to fall prey to her emotions, something she tried to teach her student, she instead turned to him, now in the form they have dubbed "Sleeping Vortex"

She knew what to do, but each time, it's effects seem to weaken, and she feared that if this did keep happening, she could not stir her student back from the void.

With great focus, she began to shift her form, becoming less and less whole, and more like a specter. The other watched as she did so, only Celestia was not so surprised by it. As a ghostly form, she ascended and went into the tornado. She did not use her wings, or seemed effected by the roaring winds, and soon she was right before the sleeping pegasus. He was once the unicorn she treated like a son. In a way, he was. Adopted by her, when he was found lost, and had no memories or any one to care for him.

She reached into his mind, with a visual act of her ghostly hands going into the head of the sleeping one, her eyes now closed, and her own mind focused on the work she now took on.

The last time this happened, Twilight was too young to take the sight of all this, and was taken away by the guards. She now watched with heavy heart, at the sight of the Night Queen using an invasive spell. One that caused the other she worked on, to tremble of not the winds, but the surging in his mind. Twilight still felt a deep guilt that she could not hold him back from this, even as the true culprit stood by her, watching nearly as intensity as she was, she still felt no other was to blame.

After a moment, the sleeping, once unicorn, reached up, and grabbed the arms of the Queen, and ripped them from his form. She shot her eyes open, and shock as she was now being held, not by her student, but the evil in him. Despite her form now, he held on as if she never went intangible. She soon was feeling the effects of the winds, and when he let her go, she was flung out of the vortex.

Celestia and Twilight rushed over to where she would land, or rather crash, as she was still shocked by the fact her spell utterly failed. She laid in defeat, not daring to get up, as if the act was only more shame to her.

"Luna, what... what happened?" The older sister asked, kneeling by her.

"He is too deep, the evil has him trapped...." She sounded utterly tired, and weak. She, a master of the Dark arts that swallowed her once, and continue to plague her and the student, was no match for the one in him.

She shifted, and then started to stand quickly, before her sister had time to offer help. "The only thing left..." She started toward the vortex again, walking slowly, as a new aura started to surround her, one more sinister and powerful then she should be capable of.

Celestia knew it, and rushed over to her, grabbing her. "No! you would have us face two nightmares!"

Luna, still bathed in blackened light, looked at her. "I can control her for a short time, long enough to stop him"

With renewed urgency, the Day Queen tightened her grip. "What you plan is foalish! If it fails, then we would be at the mercy of a struggle of two monsters... without the Elements, I could not hope to stop either of you!"

As they debited, they did not see Twilight rush past. She had enough of blaming herself, and decided to take her own action. When either Queen noticed the flash of magick, she was gone.

"What was that?" Queen Celestia asked, looking toward the vortex, and then up. "Twilight?!" She called out, seeing her student now in the vortex, holding onto the figure inside.

She was assaulted by the winds, but she would not loose her grip. She clung to him, pressing herself tightly to his form. She spoke, but it seemed swallowed by the rushing air.

Trixie looked on from afar, despite her stance the whole time, and her attitude, she hid her guilt under neither. It crawled out slowly, and now as Twilight was put on the line, she trembled a bit. "Damn it..." She muttered, and she disappeared from the scene.

The Two Queens looked on, confused on what they could do, Luna stopped her change, and Celestia released her. They only watched as their students now struggled.


Harmony Spirit, stirred, and rolled over in his bed. He looked at the familiar sight of his massive collection of stuff dolls through hazy eyes, and after a moment, he shot up. Looking around, he saw the room he had in the Night Castle of Canterlot. "Did I just dream all that?" He asked himself, thinking back to what he could remember. He knew parts, but not the whole. He remembered Trixie, and how she was taunting him. Something he could care less about, but then she attacked Twilight, and even if she hardly spent time with him, he felt for her as he would any friend. With that meant, he would not stand for anypony hurting her. Then he remembered what sent him over, she started on his mentor, and dearest pony in his life, Luna.

He could recall how his blood was boiling, and felt the sensation of something taking over him slowly as she went on and on till he was so blinded by his rage... no, was not his rage. He was mad, but not as mad as he ended up being. The darkness inside him, fanned the flames, without speaking a word. All so it could reclaim him. As it had.

He could recall parts after, as he felt Luna's presence for a time, and then somepony else... Twilight. He could make out some words she had spoken to him.

"Spirit... I know you are there..." He lost some of it, but when she came through again he heard it so clear, and when he recalled those words he knew it was not her voice, but her heart to his. "I wish that I had not been so stuck in my books, when we grew up... I wish I had spent more time with you, I now know the joy of friendship, and I want us to be friends, like you always tried to be... Please break from that demon in you, and come back to us" He lost the words, but could hear something, a faint sound, but it soon came clear to him, and at that moment, he lost any memories. That would follow after that, it must have been when his will won out. As the time before, when Luna saved him when he was so much younger, he lost all consciousness.

He looked ahead, and thought about it all. "I thought I had this thing beat..." He spoke in his mind.

He did not notice, before he started to recall the past, that there was a guard in his room, and they had left shortly after he sat up. So when a knock came to the door, he was not expecting to see the Queens and Twilight walk in.

He looked over to them, and smiled. "Hiya..." He spoke weakly out loud, a bit tired still, from it all.

Luna was first, she had to be, for none had a bond as strong as theirs. They shared a past, and a curse, that was nearly a mirror of one another. Not even Star Shadows, who nearly lived her very life, but he did not have his demons any more. She moved up, and embraced him so tight, he was near passing out again, but he fought it, as he held back. "I'm sorry... my Queen..."

She slacked a bit, when he said that. He never addressed her so formally, he was the only other one, besides her sister, who called her simply by her name. Not with titles, or added words of respect, not that he lacked it. It bugged her a bit, but she knew why he did it. He felt a deeply regretful for what happened, he must have felt he lost her mutual feelings for him. "Do not... call me that..." She began, holding him close to her, as she whispered. "I will never stop caring about you, no matter what"

He could feel a tear on his cheek, but he was not sure if it was his own, or hers. Very well was both. "Of course... Luna" He started out unsure, but when he spoke her name freed of rituals, he smiled.

She let go, and stepped back, as Celestia and Twilight took up her sides. "I do not think Ponyville is as good for you, as it is for my student" The Queen tried to make the situation a bit lighter. "Glad to have you back to yourself Harmony Spirit"

He gave her a smile, and she nodded, and turned, her sister turning with her. With a last look back from the younger, they left him with Twilight, who looked a bit afraid.

"Do you remember anything?" She asked him, when she was sure to be alone. Not that she had anything to say that neither Queen could not hear.

"Only parts" He said. "I do remember everything before transforming into the Sleeper, and not much after"

She nodded, sitting on the bed, when he patted it as a hint for her too. They sat silent for a few moments, when he looked ahead, at the walls, adorned with various things, mostly toys, and figures of his varied interests. "You know..." He started, still looking away, but Twilight turned to look at him. "I grew up with you, since I had no memories before coming here. I've said I've known you my whole life, and it's true, cause I may not even have a life before. I could could be the demon inside the demon... or angel, that might be more fitting" He thought a bit more, before going on. "I can remember so much now, of growing up within the Castle, and spending time making friends with everypony I met. You were the only one who seem to avoid me"

She sighed, looking down. "I know... I wish I had been closer to you..."

"I might have a lot of ponies in my life, but I only have a few friends I consider close" He looked at her, but she did not see him. "You are one"

She turned, seeing his smiling face, that one that even when she grew up, could not help but smile back at, even when she wanted nothing but to study. Now, was no exception. As she smiled, she asked "How can you say I am though? I feel I hardly even know a reason, since I spent such little time with you. Even when we were together, I never paid you much attention"

"Well, you must have been paying attention, more than you think. You know that song that Luna sang to me when I was growing up, when she laid me down to bed"

Twilight paused, and wondered what he meant, and recalled in that moment she was clinging to the Sleeper, all she could think about was that song he use to sing when he was happier than normal, one she had been humming more and more since she came to Ponyville.

After a moment she felt an urge, and leaned over, and hugged to him. "So you did hear me?"

He nodded, as he hugged her back. "Some of it, but the right parts I think. You saved me"

She smiled, and sat back up. Then recalling something, she pulled out her Bay-B "Oh, the girls back in Ponyville sent their best wishes. They wanted to come, but we had already returned to Canterlot, by the time I filled them in"

"What? Aw, that's so sweet" He shifted, and jumped out of bed, and Twilight covered her eyes.

"Spirit, your naked"

He turned, and blew her a raspberry. "You and those silly shames. I must return so I can let them know I'm ok!"

"Please, put something on before you go..." Twilight asked, still covering her sight.

"Only cause my dear friend asks" He smiled, though she could not see, she did smile back.

"Ok" He threw on his sleeveless hoodie.

She looked, and then covered her eyes again. "Not nearly enough!" Since that was all he threw on.

"Too late!" His horn went pink, and he flashed in a teleportation spell.

"HARMONY!" She called after him.