• Published 31st Oct 2011
  • 5,225 Views, 92 Comments

The Magick of Friendship: Spark of Something New - Harmony Spirit

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Ch06: An Apple a Day

The Magick of Friendship chapter 6
An Apple A Day

The trees that thrived all over the town, and parts of Ponyville, were beginning to turn their colours of Autumn. The winds had picked up a bit, and the chill was already starting to set in. Soon the running of the leaves would take place, and the preparations for Winter would come soon after.

Some of the ponies, were still dressing as normal in the warmer months, but some of the other creatures, who lived and visited alike, were not so accustom to the cold, even though it was barely so.

Twilight was one such creature. Canterlot was host to the best of Equestria, and that included the Unicorns. Though few places in this land were still influenced by nature's touch, the Capitol was one that was very far from her reach. The seasons there were more or less, the same. So the feel of cold in the air, was something rather foreign to the young mare.

She traded her short sleeve hoodie, for a full sleeve, and much thicker one. She felt a bit silly at being one of the few who needed to already bundle up, but she was at least happy, she was not the only one. She watched the young dragons, far more covered, than she was. Most, were of the hottest regions of their land, easily told by their darker and more red colours. She also noted the coverings on their feet, something ponies had recently started to wear too. She did not feel all that cold in her hooves, but she figured, come the snow, she would need these "boots" she has heard of.

After a brief trek through the chilled streets, she made her way into that old favorite, Apple Cider's. She would enjoy the warmth of the wonderful delights, all the more today.

Twilight moved to her spot, and took off her hoodie, and hung it off the little pegs by the booth. She settled in, and pulled out one of her books. A new tome of historical events, she found when doing inventory at her Library. The book was once in the locked part of the storage, where several accounts had been placed under order of the Queen, many forgotten years ago. But such things were no longer done, for the reasoning, was to avoid the repeat of the actions within. Something that was destined to happen, with or without general knowledge that it had happened before.

Twilight was curious, for the section was reinstated a few years ago, and yet these still laid in storage. It did not matter, she was now taking charge, and freed the lessons from their dusty prison.

This book had caught her attention, for it told stories from around the time that her mentor's sister, had lost her way. She always wanted to know more about the event, but feared asking. Both Queens, Celestia and Luna, were pained by the memories. The index listed some interesting stories. "Fading Light by the Moon: A Hero’s stand" "Echoes of Thunder: The Last Guardian of Equestria" were two she was very interested in.

She noticed the printing was dated long after the book banning on such tales, so she felt a bit naughty at the idea of having this. It was taboo at the time, and lost to the ages till now. She was starting to feel like a silly filly, giggling to her self, when she hear hoof falls stop by her.

She looked up, expecting Applejack, but she then looked down, at the face of Apple Bloom, who clearly took offense at the act. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Expect'n my Sister, not little ol me" She said, matter-of-factually.

"Well... yeah, but I did not mean--" The other put her hoof up.

"She's a bit, indisposed... So gotta deal with me" She was clearly aggravated, not over the extra work, or anything other then her biggest button. She hated to be taken as a "little Filly" She felt herself taller and older than she was. In ways, she was more mature, but she also suffered from the childhood she was pushing away. So was easily distracted by things that she felt more important to her growth. She was a great pony, but too quick to grow up, and like any of the Apples, too proud to be belittled in any way. Twilight wondered if it was a family trait, or just something with the two mares, but they both did not listen to any other reason, when they had their minds set.

Twilight knew to avoid going on about the topic, so she decided to skip it, and go onto what the youngest one said. "Where did she go? Not often she ever takes a day off"

"Oh she is a about, but not much in the working mood"

That shocked her even more, that mare did nothing but work. "Is she ok? Can I help?"

Bloom leaned on the table. "Don't know, she ain't much for words. None of us could get anything outta her" She stood back up after a couple moments there. "Maybe look for that Dash. They may butt heads like two stubborn billies, but they are mighty tight"

Twilight looked to the door, she usually came around in about this time. So she wondered if she should wait, or go look for her.

"Ok, I think I will wait and see if she will come by" She decided after a little time.

"Can I get y'all anything, in the mean time?" Twilight just shook her head slowly, she was more worried about her friend, then her own needs. With that, Bloom shrugged and moved off.

She sat there for, what felt an eternity. She tried a few times to get into the book, but was too focused on AJ, then anything else. She hopped that Rainbow Dash knew what was wrong.

It was a bit of time before Rainbow Dash nearly burst into the place, looking every bit of a star she thought she was. She quickly spotted Twilight, and turned her way. "Hey Sparks!" She was not a subtle pony, and today was no exception.

She sat into the spot across from her friend, and settled in. "Ya hear the news?"

Twilight cocked her head, and for a moment, forgetting about Applejack. "News?"

"Yeah!" She toned down, and leaned closer to the other pony. "AJ's gotta a crush on some pony" She leaned back up, and had as smile that spoke volumes about how much she enjoyed the fact. Either it was for the fact her old friend finally found some pony, or simple the fact, Dash loved juicy stuff like this.

The other mare was a bit off guard, and looks every bit as surprised as she was. "Really? how do you know? Who is it?" She was getting caught up in the mood of gossip, never truly dealing in it before.

"Hehe, well, I ain't saying who, but AJ told me herself" She then became a bit smug. "I, of course, had my suspicions of who"

Twilight calmed herself, and returned to her concerned, wondering now, if they were related. "Could that be why she is in a mood?"

"'Mood'?" She slammed her fore hooves down, pushing up. "I told her... freak'n..." She moved out of the booth, and marched toward the counter. "Yo, Big Mac, AJ back there?"

He looked at her a moment, and nodded.

"Hey Jackie, what's with this 'mood' crap? You gonna hide back there now?" But nothing came back, so she stormed through the kitchen, and disappeared into the back. Macintosh did not stop her, he was use to their antics, also knew, if any pony could get Applejack out of a bad mood, it was Rainbow Dash.

After a while, and a few noises, Rainbow returned to the front. She moved toward the booth, with her hair a bit ruffled, and she was smoothing it back out. She slammed back to her spot, and huffed.

"What?" Twilight asked, coming off my anxious then she meant too.

"She's being a big filly. She is all embraced by it all" She stuck out her tongue with a raspberry sound following. "Not a big deal, and no pony knows who it is, so" She let some air out, audibly, in a weary way.

She looked at Twilight. "I'm not saying who, but common, you have to have an idea? She's flirts with them all the time"

"'Flirt'? I do not think I know of that..."

Rainbow looked at her funny. "You don't know... What the hell did you do in Canterlot? So what, you have some ritual, or something, for showing attraction? Dress formal, and go 'I say, I do find you rather fetching'?" She spoke in a mocking voice, like an upper class pony.

Twilight was use to her jabs at the lifestyle, Dash imposed onto her. It was not completely unfounded, since she did live with the Queen, but still, she was very exaggerated in her takes on life in Canterlot. "No, but remember, I did not socialize too much" She would had sent a jab back, about "Perhaps if your head was not in the clouds, maybe you would remember such things" or something, but she was not very cleaver with such things, and less so, comfortable in playful insults.

"Well, think about that friend of yours, Harmonica, or something" Twilight corrected her, "Harmony?" but she just waved it off. "Remember how he was acting? All clingy, and friendly, and all that junk? It's kinda like that"

She tried to think about it, but she did not really see, cause he was always like that, with any pony. she made the point to Dash, who shrugged.

"I don't know, look it up, and maybe you'll see who it is I'm talking about"

She thought about it, and how Harmony and Applejack were acting, that day. Seemed a lot more then his normal behavior. "Is it Harmony?"

"Not saying, gonna have to ask AJ" She grinned, in a way that was confusing. It gave no clues.


Twilight was at her dorm, sitting at the desk, with her books out, and looking over them. She read from the dictionary/Thesaurus she had since she was little. It was always a big help.

-Flirt V. Behave in a frivolously amorous way. N. A pony who flirts. Flirtation N. Flirtatious adj.
-Frivolous adj. Not Serious; purely for or interested in pleasure.
-Amorous adj. Showing sexual desire.

She tried to consider the meanings. "So, flirting is showing interest, but in a joking way?" She thought about it more. But Flirting would not mean she had a crush... right? Or is this a reverse psychology thing?"

"Flirting?!" Pinkie Pie jumped behind her, causing the other to startle, and jump from her seat, crashing to the ground, she shouted out "Pinkie?!" as her notes went flying.

The Pink mare grabbed the notes, and looked at them. "Learning how to flirt? It's easy"

She took on a different stance, looking at Twilight, who looked back at her funny, as the pink lids flashed. "Oh Twilight, you are looking nice today. Can I help you up sweetie pie?"

Twilight paused, looking at her ever more oddly. "Wait... help?"

"Yeah, you are on the floor" She giggled, returning to her normal self.

"So... that can be used to flirt?"

"Yeah, it's all in the delivery. Like if I wanted to do something for you, like helping you off the floor, I'd do it with a look of longing, or say it in such a way, maybe add some pet names. The eyes are key too, or eye. Not every pony has two, some have one, some have 8, well, that's more spiders. At least if they run with scissors, they have spares" She giggled more.

Pinkie did help Twilight up, and they sat on her bed. "And some times, if some pony gives you more attention, then any other, that too could be flirting. Like if you were in a group, and they focused on you, more then any pony else"

Something popped into her head, and she was starting to grasp the whole thing. "Or they are at work, and they always help you out first"

"Yeah, like if I was at the Candy Shop, and you were there, I'd maybe do things to keep you around longer. Offer specials, or sample some of our things for free. Maybe even make something special"

"But, is that not just being friendly?"

Pinkie pointed at her eyes. "In the eyes, and the body language. Those are key"

Twilight plopped back on the bed, back to being confused. "But how do you know it is serious? Not just playing, or just being the pony's personality? The definition makes it seem more like a game..."

"Kinda is," Pinkie thought. "Used to break the ice, when meeting some pony new, that you get feelings for. Like you see some pony, and don't know em, and just feel like you need to talk to them. Shows interest, but doesn't come out too strong, and if it goes no where, nothing lost but time"

"This is too confusing..."

Pinkie just shrugged. "Best to try it out, and see it done, then to read about it. Kinda 'know it by doing' thing"

A Moment passed, and the pink mare turned to her. "So, who's the lucky pony?"

Twilight propped herself on her elbows. "What?"

"Well, why are you so interested in learning this? If you want to know flirting, you must have some pony in mind. Or some pony you might think is sweet on you?"

"Sweet on me?" She got the meaning, but was avoiding question at hoof. Her ears were folded back, telling of her embarrassment. She knew it was hopeless, Pinkie was far more persistent, than she was stubborn. "No, it's not me... I think some pony has a crush on me..." She felt a bit egotistical after saying it. Who was she to have any pony interested in her.

She let out an "oof" when Pinkie dropped onto of her. "Oh oh, who?!" She squeezed her. "For the love of the Queens, tell meeee!"

"I... I could not, not yet... I do not know for sure"

Pinkie got up, and jumped out of the bed. "Let's go find out!" She pulled out a shirt, and wrapped it around her head, and posed like an odd ninja. "I'm good at this stuff, I can hide out, and watch for the signs" She jumped over her bed, and hid on the other side. "I'll be a shadow in shadows, hidden away like a... sneaky thing"

Twilight sat up, and adjusted herself, where the other had caused her cloths to be a bit bunched. This was more for her to think, then to actually fix her appearance. "No, I have to go it alone"



The night was nearing, as the might of the sun was fading to await it's deserved rest. It was pretty cold now, and very fewer souls were out at this time. Between when the ponies and creatures of the day, where home or getting there, and those beings of the night were yet to be here. Twilight felt a lot more at ease in the night, though she still avoided looking into shops that should not be.

She went right to Apple Cider's, and walked in. She was hoping her target was still here, she did not honestly know where Sweet Apple Arches was, she had yet to go, but Adams, or Candy should know.

She spotted the glossy mare, cleaning some tables, and she moved up to her. "Excuse me, Candy?"

The other turned. "Yes'em? How can I assist y'all?"

"Is Applejack still around?"

The other thumbed over her shoulder, pointing toward the kitchen. "Eeyup, she's out back take in some of the late deliveries"

Twilight gave her thanks, and moved toward the location. On her way, she felt a little uneasy. She blamed it on the fact she was behind the counter. A lie to herself, she was really afraid this was all some misunderstanding, a joke by Rainbow Dash, and she was trotting right into it. She almost stopped herself, when she was about half way to the back door.

She saw Adams Apple, moving some things around, but she did not see Applejack. She now wondered if Candy just pulled her leg, she was known too. She nearly turned away, when she heard something banging, outside the door.

She passed Adams, who nodded, the way he always did, his charming eyes, did not grip her today, she was entranced on something else. It was a mixed feeling, but she still had to follow through.

She popped her head out, and looked to find the mare. She was in the ally way, moving some crates around. Not even noticing the other walking into the ally. "Hello, Applejack" Twilight started.

The other stopped, and looked. "Oh, howdy Twi... What brings y'all out so late?" She was either in a better mood, or hiding it.

"I wanted to talk to you, about something"

Applejack stopped all together, and replied at length. "Yeah?" She suspected something.

Twilight became a lot more shy, almost to the point of looking more like the animal loving Pegasus, than herself. Her ears were back, and she could hardly breath. She did not know why, but she was terrified all the sudden.

"Y'all ok sugar cube?" The yellow mare moved a bit closer.

"I uh... was just th... thinking about the..." She took a big pause before the last word. "Rumor..."

The other sighed deep, and sat onto some over turned crates. "That Rainbow Dash, ain't nothin faster in this world, then her, except that mouth"

"She did not say, but..." She started with confidence, but lost it fast. "I was wondering..." She felt like time was crawling along, and she was the only thing at normal time. She watched Applejack, who still had her head a bit low. "Is it me?"

The other slowly looked up at her, she said nothing, but her eyes told much. Twilight swallowed hard, for she knew then, she was indeed. She was excited, but also confused, and a bit afraid of it all. No pony had ever taking a liking to her, not like this, not even Harmony. Least that she had even noticed, he just liked friendship.

"I told her, that I was feeling somethin..." She began, slowly. "But I wasn't sure, I wasn't at all smitten just yet... just a bit... interested" she looked away, her confidence, and pride, she wore like a fine suit, left her naked before the purple mare. "From day one, I liked y'all, was clear of that. I felt something with y'all, like I had found something I didn't even know I was missing. I didn't say nothing, cause I didn't want to rush into something, and get either one of us hurt" She looked back at Twilight, looking almost as afraid as she was before. "I didn't want to loose you all together"

Twilight took a moment to think, she was good at that, and could use it to help her where she was not too good. Social situations like this. "I admit, I too felt something, but I was not sure what it was. I have never had a friend... well, that I acknowledged, and was not sure if it was just the java talking..."

A bit of a pause and silence fell between them, both lost in thought, as they looked at each other. "I feel a pull toward you, like a star to a planet... every day, I try to make sure that I see you, and not just for the coffee... guess I never really thought much about it until now"

Applejack looked down, not in disappointment or shame, she found it suddenly hard to look her in the eyes. Twilight went on, as she looked down. "It might be too soon to conclude anything... I do not know if it is just me, being so new to all this friendship and relationship stuff, or if it is real"

The yellow mare looked up again, and stood up, some of her old confidence returning. She even smiled, like she usually does toward the other pony. "Well Miss Twilight, I think we should take all the time we need. Till then, just gonna have to accept y'all as my friend"

They embraced each other, and held tight. "Either way, I am so happy to have you AJ"

"Me too, Twi"


Pinkie Pie was circling the room, pacing a rut in the floor as her hooves repeated the shape, over and over. she was unable to sit still, this much was normal, but the reason being was not. She wanted to know what had happened, Twilight left her with nothing but a mystery. Rainbow Dash liked to spread rumors, but Pinkie loved to know them all. Being in the know, was good for some pony who wished to have the kind of work she wished too. Knowing everything about clients, and situations, made it so much easier to fit events to them.

Twilight came home, finding her room mate in her cycle. "Hello, Pinkie" She greeted, as she closed the door.

"So?! What happened, what what?!!" She was frantic at this point. She was very near to loosing what little of "it" she had.

"Nothing, just a misunderstanding" She lied, for now, the whole thing would remain between her and Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. She hoped the latter would keep her muzzle shut about it.

Pinkie dropped to the floor. "Aaaw! Who was it?"

"Sorry, cannot say"

"But-" Twilight shook her head. "Do I know them?"

She thought about it, and smiled. "Yes"

"Ok... that narrows it down... Hey wait! I know every pony in Ponyville!!"

Twilight laughed, and went to her bed. "Maybe you will find out," she thought to herself.