• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 3,976 Views, 169 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Three - Doug Graves

The third year since Doug's arrival in Equestria and the mares of Herd Apple are going strong, helping Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance with a problem of their own. But, is there any help for their own foals?

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13 Gearing Up

August 8th, 995

Rarity wakes up as the sun shines through the window, the train continuing along the tracks towards Dodge Junction. Doug is still asleep, as far as she can tell, laying behind her with his arm wrapped around her barrel. She snuggles next to him, glad for the warmth he provides in the cold cargo car. She sighs to herself; he hadn't lied to her when he said the only space available on the train for him was back here. He will also need to be the first to leave, as soon as the train comes to a stop, but he seems happy about that. Something about 'priority boarding'.

The cadence of the train on the tracks changes and Rarity feels Doug shift behind her. He yawns and she feels his hand move from her chest to her belly. She smiles, "Okay, just this once, but do try to remember that I'm just one mare, and you will need to keep your proclivities in check."

Doug continues rubbing her belly as he leans in, nipping her on the neck as she coos, twisting her head to playfully bite his ear.

The train arrives in Dodge Junction to little fanfare, the only ponies up and about at this hour assisting with unloading the train or staggering around salt drunk. Doug walks out, fully dressed in long, flowing robes. His boots clink like horseshoes as he steps down, the backpack and bedroll on his back barely squeezing through the opening. He turns around, grabbing the two large packs Rarity is levitating across the floor. He takes the straps, slinging them over his neck and grunting as he hoists the bags. He turns, making space for Rarity as the mare steps out into the early morning sun.

Rarity has on a light brown sundress, a large tan hat with a wide brim, and a pair of large sunglasses. Her protection from the sun exacerbates the differences between herself and the earth pony workers around her, many covered in just a simple vest and hard hat. She holds her head up, looking around as she and Doug make their way into town.

Doug says, "Alright, I'll go and find a wagon that we can rent, something that will stand up to how far we are going."

An old earth pony moseys up to them, "You two ain't looking to travel to the Badlands, are you?" Rarity and Doug glance at each other before Doug gives a slow nod. The earth pony slowly shakes his head, "Well, I ain't gonna stop you, but you should know the dangers. Wouldn't want a young'n like you to go missing, ya hear?" He points a hoof at the wall of the train station, posters with pictures of Diamond Dogs, a dragon, and bounties on pony bandits littering the area. The pony ambles away as Doug and Rarity move over, looking at the pictures and some surprisingly helpful information about the Badlands and the dangers they might face.

As they walk away Doug says, "I didn't see anything about those enhanced gems you were telling me about."

Rarity shrugs, "They probably don't have very many ponies that prospect out there, if I were to guess. I'll tell you more on the way, I need to go order some of those supplies." She looks over her dress, "And possibly fashion myself something a little more durable, if those signs are to believed. Still, even if it is a little drab, it will be better than the crime against fashion that letting this pretty number get dirty would be!"

Doug smiles as the two split up, heading towards what appears to be a wagon depot as Rarity heads towards a general store. He pulls out an apple, quickly finishing it off as he enters, looking at the tired stallion at the desk. The tan pony looks back at him impassively, Doug saying, "I was looking to rent a wagon for a week."

The pony gives him a hard stare, looking at the strange garb Doug is wearing. He eventually says, "You got a name? Or collateral?"

"Doug Apple. I have some bits."

The earth pony puts a gray hoof to his chin, looking at Doug again. He says, "What's the name of Applejack's foal?"

Doug replies, "Apple Bloom."

The stallion taps his chin a few times before saying, "Well, I knew her stallion was an odd one. Split Oaks here, good to meet you. So, you looking to travel around the area?"

Doug shakes his head slightly, "Traveling to the Badlands. Doing a bit of prospecting, as a matter of fact."

The pony stops looking through the wagons, looking back at Doug, "Huh. Well, if that's what you want. Might need to get the sand tires then. How big a wagon you thinking?"

Doug says, "It'll be me and Rarity pulling, or mostly me; I think a medium size, or smaller size that still has about fifteen square feet of cargo space."

The salespony moves into the back area, motioning Doug to follow. He leads him to a fairly worn wagon, though the covering on top looks to be in good condition. Oaks gathers a few straps, looking to Doug and wrinkling his brow. "Lets see, going to have to strap you into this some how, make it so pulling it ain't too hard."

Half an hour later Doug is finishing with the modifications to the wagon and makeshift harness when there comes a knock on the wall. Rarity makes her way to the back, looking around at the different wagons. She stammers slightly before saying, "Well, you must certainly get a lot of business, judging by the condition of your wagons."

Split Oaks looks over to Rarity, giving her a smile, "Well, you must be Missus Rarity, pleasure to meet you." He takes a hard look at the clothes she is wearing, "You plan on walking in that?"

Rarity gives a slow nod, "Yes; is something wrong with it?"

The earth pony shakes his head, "No, just need a different harness is all. Come over here, let me get you all set up."

As Oaks gets Rarity fitted Doug asks, "So, did you get all the supplies we need?"

Rarity nods, "Yes, I found out you were here and had them transported. Do be a dear and go around back, lead the porters in here."

Doug nods, disappearing out the front. A few minutes later several ponies walk in, carrying heavy boxes of food and water. He helps them load them up as one of them asks, "So, what do you need so many empty boxes for?"

Doug shrugs, "Bit of digging, taking samples out in the Badlands. Guard request."

Two of the mares exchange nervous looks as one of the stallion says, "Oh, well, keep safe then. It's a long walk, and watch out for the Diamond Dogs. They see you with something shiny and you can count on it disappearing."

Doug nods and the three ponies leave, the wagon just about ready. Rarity steps out, looking a little perturbed at how much physical labor will be ahead. Rarity pays before the two leave, grabbing some breakfast as the sun begins its slow climb.