• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 3,957 Views, 169 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Three - Doug Graves

The third year since Doug's arrival in Equestria and the mares of Herd Apple are going strong, helping Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance with a problem of their own. But, is there any help for their own foals?

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4 Celestial Meeting

March 3rd, 995

Applejack nervous taps her hoof against the floor, inspecting the room around her. Her dining room has been decorated courtesy of Rarity and Sweetie Belle, the year old foal already starting to follow in her dam's hoofsteps. Applejack smiles as she looks at a few of the ribbons sprinkled with glitter and glue; the foal has her dam's flair, but not quite her control.

She looks over at the refreshments on the table; a cake from Pinkie Pie, the dried trail and fruit mix that Doug likes, and the apple cider Rainbow can't get enough of. Though they are running low on cider, she'll need to get Rainbow to cut back a little, at least for a few weeks or so. However, with the Princess coming, the barrels will flow freely.

Satisfied with the food and drink, Applejack rearranges the chairs, making sure the Princesses will have plenty of room. Everypony in the herd wants to meet the Princesses again, even though the two discouraged the herd from making known that they are coming. Princess Celestia also wants the herd to keep quiet that she is getting assistance in this manner; if unsuccessful, she doesn't want ponies to lose faith in her abilities. Or, if successful, she might not want the origins of the procedure or its creator known. Mostly for Doug's sake; the human doesn't want recognition or to have to deal with the fame that will surely come if this is successful.

The front door opens, Rarity and Sweetie Belle coming inside. Rarity smiles at the decorations, saying, "Look, Sweetie, at how beautiful this room looks!"

Sweetie Belle moves over to one of the bright ribbons tied in a bow around a window, growing excited, "Mama! I helped make this!"

Rarity smiles at Applejack, taking her seat, "Yes, you did, Sweetie. Now, we need to take our seats and wait patiently for the Princess." Sweetie Belle moves to the seat next to Rarity, climbing up and sitting down.

Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Scootaloo arrive next. Rainbow Dash takes a glass of cider, sipping her drink while Fluttershy directs Scootaloo towards the trail mix and helps the foal with a glass of apple juice. Scootaloo looks tired from the exercises Rainbow Dash is putting her through, slumping down on her chair and nibbling on the dried apples.

Pinkie Pie, Doug, and Apple Bloom arrive last; Pinkie Pie has a stack of muffins and cupcakes, Doug is carrying a box of oats, Apple Bloom has tiny saddlebags full of apples from their latest harvest. Each gets placed on the table, the ponies beginning their evening meal.

Shortly after the moon rises a light can be seen briefly shining outside the house. A second one follows shortly after, the heavy sound of hooves coming from the porch. Doug gets up, opening the door for Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance. He bows his head, holding the door for them as each pony takes a knee. Princess Celestia smiles at each pony in the room, saying, "Rise, my little ponies. It is good to see you again."

Applejack gets up first, "Welcome, Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance, to our humble home. Please, make yourselves comfortable; we have some refreshments on the table, and Ah'd be happy to whip something up for ya if you'd like more."

The other ponies rise, again taking their seats at the table and leaving two spots with plates containing samples of their meal. The two alicorns make their way to the table; Princess Celestia nods, a smile on her face, as she takes a bite of the cake. Princess Cadance takes her place next to her aunt, trying some of the dried apple mix. She bites into one of the fresh apples, alternating between the two as Princess Celestia says, "Thank you, Applejack. Well, I suspect some of you are eager to get to tonight's activities, and some of you are wondering what is going on."

Apple Bloom, who had been looking at Applejack, says in a tentative voice, "Mama? Why are the Princesses in our house?"

Applejack stammers a little, "Well, um, Apple Bloom, you see, you know how you live with your sisters Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle?"

Apple Bloom nods, "Ah huh."

Applejack continues, "Well, you see, the Princesses, they live up in Canterlot, at the castle. And they are trying to have a foal, just like Ah had you, and Rarity had Sweetie Belle, and Rainbow Dash had Scootaloo."

Apple Bloom looks confused, "So, the Princesses are trying to start a family? With Daddy?"

Applejack shakes her head, "No, it's... um... Princess Celestia, she's tried really hard, for a really long time, to have a family. It's one of the most important things for her, along with keeping all her little ponies safe. And now she's trying to help Princess Cadance start a family of her own. Kind of like when you are working with the seeds; you know how hard it is for you to find the seeds and help them grow? And how much me being there helped you?"

Apple Bloom stares at her hooves while Princess Celestia moves over to the window, looking up at the moon. A hint of a tear can be seen in her eyes as she whispers, "I do wish to have my family again."

Apple bloom looks up at Applejack, nodding and saying, "It's really hard finding the seeds."

Applejack nuzzles Apple Bloom, "Well, it's been even harder for the Princesses, because they've been trying really hard, and they still haven't found their seeds yet."

Apple Bloom frowns, looking at her hooves again, "Aww. But, the Princesses are sisters? Kind of like how you and Rarity are sisters, and you help each other and look out for each other?"

Princess Celestia nods, glancing back from the window, "Well, Aunt and Niece would be more appropriate but yes, I love my sister very much."

Scootaloo, slightly confused, says, "So, the Princesses are kind of like sisters?"

Princess Celestia nods, "Yes, little Scootaloo, we are kind of like sisters."

Sweetie Belle says, "Then you must love your sister very much, to do all this for her!"

Princess Celestia smiles briefly at Sweetie Belle before she turns away. She looks again out the window, a tear fully formed in her eye as she gazes at the rocky depiction of Princess Luna, emblazoned in the night sky. Princess Cadance notices and after a brief pause responds, "Yes, she loves her sisters very much."

Apple Bloom looks up at Applejack, oblivious to Princess Celestia's tears, "Applejack? I love you very much. Can I call you my big sister?"

Applejack looks over at Princess Celestia, "Yes, Apple Bloom, I would like that very much. You can be my sister too!"

Sweetie Belle echoes, "Mama? May I call you my sister as well?"

Rarity smiles, "Yes, dearest, you may call me your sister as well."

The room goes silent as Princess Celestia continues staring at the moon, the rest of the ponies looking between Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo.

Rainbow Dash breaks the silence, "What?"

Scootaloo whispers to Rainbow Dash, trying to not acknowledge the ponies looking at them, "I think they want us to call each other sisters."

Rainbow slowly nods, scratching the back of her head, "Ohh. Hey, squirt, you can call me sister, you know, from time to time."

Scootaloo scratches her head just like Rainbow, "Alright... sis. I... might do that from time to time."

Smiles are traded around as Princess Celestia moves back to the table from the window, smiling at everypony. She says, "I think that would please me very much, little ones."

The foals beam up at Princess Celestia before Scootaloo breaks out in a large yawn. Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom follow suit quickly after, the foals looking up at their big sisters with tired eyes.

Applejack says, "Alright, you three, time for bed. Say good night to the Princesses!"

Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo look up to Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance, saying together, "Good night Princesses!"

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow Dash take their foals out of the room. Princess Celestia takes another bite of her cake, finishing it off with a smile. She turns to Doug, "So, Doug, anything special going on with you?"

Doug shrugs, "Aside from this? Hmm; well, Rarity and I are planning a trip to the Badlands in the future. She wanted to stockpile a large number of the gems that are exclusive to that area, and we wanted to give the Ghastly Gorge area a rest, let it replenish a little."

Princess Celestia nods, "Oh? That sounds fun, it's been a long time since I've done any prospecting in that area." She puts a hoof to her chin, "Are you interested in a side job?"

Doug nods, "Sure. I think Rarity would be as well."

The rest of the herd returns to the room as Princess Celestia says, "Very well, I'll get back to you with the details." She looks to Applejack and Pinkie Pie, "Are you two ready to begin?" Pinkie Pie settles down next to Fluttershy while Applejack moves over to Doug, nuzzling him. He wraps one arm around her neck, pulling her close into a long kiss while the other arm wraps around her hind legs, getting a firm grip. He grunts into Applejack's mouth as he stands, carrying her to the blankets and pillows they have set up.

Fluttershy nervously looks at the mares around her, "Um, I guess we'll be leaving you then?"

Rainbow says, "Nah, I wanna watch." She winks at Doug, who rolls his eyes back at her. She settles down next to Princess Cadance, looking up at the alicorn with a cheeky grin. "So, Princess of Love, huh? You, uh, unhappy you weren't able to join?"

Princess Cadance smiles, "No, Rainbow Dash, I think it was for the best. After all, a certain unicorn caught my eye a little while ago, and trying to decide between a future with him or a future with foals was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make. Hopefully, if this works, I'll be able to have both." Rainbow nods, focusing on Applejack and Doug.

Rarity whispers to Fluttershy, "Come, dear, it's just the Princesses. Listen to me, talking about the Princesses like they are family!" She pauses a moment, "So, have you rethought your decision to hold off this year? I don't think it's too late."

Fluttershy gulps, but sits back down and shakes her head, trying to distract herself with anything in the room but what her stallion is doing. Normally it doesn't bother her too much, but this seemed a little... perverse, to be so intimate in front of others outside the herd. Rarity moves next to Princess Celestia, asking, "So, how exactly are you going to observe this?"

Princess Celestia smiles, "You know how a thaumic resonator works?"

Rarity nods, "The basic principles, at least; it displays an image of the thaumic energies that course through each of us, allowing us to use our magic."

Princess Celestia nods, "This spell is the basis of that invention; observe closely, let me know if you need further instruction." Rarity concentrates on the Princesses, watching their actions as their eyes glow with magic. The two focus on Doug and Applejack, circles of magic telescoping away from their eyes as they observe.

After a bit of time, Rarity unable to decide if it is longer or shorter than normal, both Princesses' eyes shine brightly. She focuses on her magical sense as well, her eyes taking on a similar, if duller, shine. She can see Applejack's magical core shining, though an inky blackness seems to be invading in areas. Slowly, the void recedes, withdrawing, though the absence in her core seems to linger, grasping at the dark as two lovers, dreading the inevitable separation. Rarity's sight returns to normal, Applejack and Doug recovering while the Princesses continue watching with glowing eyes.

Minutes turn to an hour, the Princesses vigilantly watching Applejack. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy have fallen asleep, back to back with Rainbow laying with her head on Fluttershy's flank while Fluttershy is grasping one of Rainbow's outstreched wings as a pillow. Rarity is chatting with Doug about Princess Celestia's request while playing Go Fish with Applejack and Pinkie Pie. Suddenly Applejack's body starts glowing; she mutters, "What the?" as she looks around the room. She spots Princess Celestia's horn and eyes growing brighter and slowly relaxes. Princess Cadance's horn flares soon after, then both fade, the two alicorns smiling. Applejack tentatively asks, "Um, did y'all see what ya wanted to see?"

Princess Celestia says, "It is fascinating, watching a new life form before your eyes, especially with how different the two source materials are. It looks promising but I don't have a good enough understanding of the process yet. I'm afraid we must intrude on your hospitality a little longer."

Pinkie Pie hops to her hooves, "Alright, Dougie, let's do this thing!" as Rarity focuses on her magical sight, determined to watch the process from start to finish this time. Applejack nuzzles Doug as he gets up before she pats her belly, a contented look on her face.

Rarity watches as Pinkie's core, never the most put together, seems to break apart. The timing of it seems to have very little in common with the activity in front of her, as Rarity observes the interaction between Pinkie's aura and Doug's. The human's core seems to shift, sometimes transparent, where she can barely make out the lines defining it, and completely opaque, where she cannot make out Pinkie. She can also sense the two Princesses to her side, the nearly overwhelming auras restrained through sheer willpower.

Rarity again observes the two cores drifting apart, though when she briefly shuts her sight off the two look to have been finished for several minutes already. She turns the sight back on, concentrating now on Pinkie Pie as the mare gets up, moving to the two auras that are nearly on top of each other. Rarity gasps; she can also sense Applejack's new foal! Pinkie's swirling core moves slightly to the side, leaving a large space between her and Applejack. Rarity smiles; it must be Doug, laying between the two, probably rubbing their ears. Rarity settles back, content to watch Pinkie and wait for the moment the Princesses are so intent on understanding.