• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 3,976 Views, 169 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Three - Doug Graves

The third year since Doug's arrival in Equestria and the mares of Herd Apple are going strong, helping Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance with a problem of their own. But, is there any help for their own foals?

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24 Epilogue: Four Years Later

June 30th, 1000 Domina Solaria

The sun shines bright, high in the sky, as clouds start disappearing. Doug gives a puzzled look as he raises his eyes, the scattered cloud layer no longer providing small amounts of shade to the Apple Family gathering. He glances at the small mountain of empty plates in front of him; there is no way he ate all the food that the Apples had placed in front of him. They had piled the food so high he couldn't even see the other side of the table. And now, a large stack of empty plates and a few glasses, still blocking his view. He glances off to the side, a smiling flickering across his face; well, it looks like he, in fact, had help to finish that labor.

Laying on the ground around the table, bellies only slightly distended, are his eight foals. It looks like Apple Bloom also decided to help him with the feast, the filly no longer standing with Applejack and instead cuddling next to her sisters Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The trio are napping, along with the rest of the foals, and Doug smiles over at Applejack, patting his full stomach, "Well, better let them get their rest, right? Especially if they are going to stay up all night for the Summer Sun Celebration tomorrow."

As Doug gets up to leave a mare stops him, "Hey! You didn't finish your meal! Especially my part, I know it's your favorite!"

Doug sighs, "Alright, Apple Cider, just give me a moment." He grimaces, opening and shutting his mouth before sticking his tongue out and breathing heavily. He pinches his nose as Apple Cider laughs, lightly punching his arm with a hoof. He laughs, "Okay, fine, here we go." He smiles, bringing the glass of cider to his mouth. He swishes the liquid around in his mouth; it is much sweeter and less alcoholic than the cider Applejack normally makes, but maybe it's just the cider they leave around when the foals might get into it. "Wow, this is really good stuff. Nice job, all of you!" Doug nods to the collected ponies; they smile and nod back before breaking off to continue their preparations.

Doug finishes the cider off, Apple Cider grinning at him; he stands, moving over to the foals. He bends down, lifting Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle and laying them gently onto Applejack's back. He lifts Scootaloo as Rainbow Dash lands next to him, stumbling a little on her landing. She grimaces, "Hey, Doug, uh, we might have a little biiit of a problem," and scratches the back of her head.

Doug turns, and Rainbow beams a large smile up at him. He sighs, "What did you do?" as he holds Scootaloo's limp form out.

Rainbow positions the filly between her wings, "Well, I miiight have met up with the Summer Sun Celebration Organizer that Canterlot sent over. And she maaay have dared me to clear the skies, even though they aren't supposed to be clear yet. So, we got any spare clouds? Or ideas?"

Doug sighs as he picks up Hedge, placing Fluttershy's filly next to Scootaloo. Rainbow takes flight, hovering a foot off the ground and holding her forelegs out. Doug picks up Pomarbo, placing Applejack's youngest and the only colt in their herd into Rainbow's waiting hooves. Doug scoops up Applebaum, Lemon, and Meringue, carrying them in his arms. Applejack, Rainbow, and Doug make their way back to the farmhouse, Doug saying, "Well, you leave any clouds over the Everfree?" Rainbow shakes her head, "How about the aquifer? The lake?"

"Nope. I might have cleared all of them too."

"Wait, so you just burst over three dozen clouds? Scattered all around town?"

Rainbow nods, "Yup, in ten seconds flat!"

Doug purses his lips, nodding his head up and down, "Hmm. Impressive. So, with all the water still in the air, you might be able to reform a couple, old school. Or just leave it, and the water vapor will keep everything a little cooler than it would be otherwise. Still warm, but not overly so."

"Alright, cool, figured everything would be fine. Awesome." The three make their way into the farmhouse, Rainbow pulling back a little and whispering to Applejack, "Hey, you know what I noticed about the organizer?" Applejack smirks, returning a knowing smile and nodding. Rainbow continues, "Definitely four of five," as Doug opens the front door. "Might even be all five, since she was sent by the Princess!"

Applejack whispers back, "Now, what'll it take to get them together?"

Doug looks at the game still out in the living room. He carefully walks around the scattered pieces, neither mare taking a chance of stepping on them. He comes back from the foal's room empty handed, taking Hedge, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. Applejack gives him a quick nuzzle before heading back outside, much more food to prepare.

Rainbow hovers up, the high ceilings in the farmhouse allowing her to get past the game. Doug places the three fillies next to Pinkie Pie's two and Applejack's middle foal, smiling at the growing pile of ponies. Rainbow quietly laughs as she places Scootaloo and Hedge into the middle, the tiny wings of the pegasi fluttering once and dropping back to their sides.

The clop of hooves outside the farmhouse signal Pinkie Pie's return to the house, the mare dashing around looking for something. Rainbow moves over, saying quietly, "Hey, Pinkie, the foals are napping. What are you looking for?"

"Mane Paint. Where did you put it? I can't find it."

"Oh, that stuff?" Rainbow hums, "I think it's in my house. Want me to grab it?"

Pinkie Pie nods, "Good. Yes. Bring it to the library."

Rainbow looks at Pinkie Pie, "The library? Why the library?"

Pinkie Pie, exasperated at the delay and having to stay quiet, "Because that's where she's staying! Come on, move move move! We don't have much time!"

Rainbow sighs, "Yeah, alright, sure. Anything else?"

Pinkie Pie shakes her head, "No, I got the masks all ready, just need a bit more treats. Oh, you still have that hot sauce you got?"

"The fire stuff? Oh yeah, I can grab that too."

Pinkie Pie nods, "Alright, I'll get that all set. Where'd you see her last?"

Rainbow shrugs, "Rarity got her hooves on her, maybe fifteen minutes ago? The SSCO looked to be in a bit of a mess. Heh. Totally not my fault."

Pinkie Pie nods, pronking outside. Rainbow looks over at Doug, "You got the girls?"

Doug nods, "Yup, I'll bring the trio over after dinner. Sugarcube?"

Rainbow nods, "Yeah, it might be SC, it might be the library. Plan now on library for now, I'll let you know if it changes." Rainbow and Doug share a quick kiss before Rainbow flies to her house, gallons of Mane Paint to gather.

Pinkie Pie pronks through Ponyville, making sure the decorations along the way to the Boutique are all in order. She pokes her head inside, seeing Rarity paging through her dresses. A purple mare with a six star cutie mark sits in the corner, head stuck inside one of Rarity's mane stylers. A small purple dragon is sitting in the corner, alternating between staring at an upside down magazine and peeking above it, leering at Rarity. Pinkie Pie sneaks over to Rarity, whispering, "Hey, Rarity."

A surprised Rarity looks over at Pinkie; she whispers back, "Pinkie Pie? What is it?"

Pinkie Pie nervously looks over at the mare, the dragon, then back at Rarity, "I need you to stall her a liiittle longer."

Rarity sighs, "But I found the perfect combination for her! I just need to wait for her mane to finish, then she'll be on her way."

Pinkie shakes her head, "No, I need more time. I need to get all the ponies ready for tonight, and set up the party, and get the overnight games done. And all before she heads back to the library!"

The purple mare says, "Did somepony say library?"

Pinkie clasps her hooves over her mouth, "I've said too much already! Just keep her occupied, do whatever you have to do. Flirt with the dragon for all I care. Bye!"

Rarity puts a hoof to her mouth, considering her dresses, as a large smile begins creeping over her face. "Hmm, dear, what do you think about this combination?" Rarity pulls out a green dress and a spiky green hat, "I'm sure it will look fabulous!"

Comments ( 29 )

Another excellent installment, I eagerly await year four.

Excellent job. Keep up the good work.

oh alright I see where these epiloges are going very clever sir

Back in book two on the report, it states he's a lieutenant, it didn't state which branch or office he was currently in but one would've thought a report that is a direct missive to their Princess, is in fact a confidential document that is a bit above his security clearance. That in itself implies that if it wasn't within reach, it brings to question why he needed to enact that "The Sun Shines on All of Us Act" to get it. The document is clearly from Agent Sweetie Drops' report transcribed into a mission debrief, meaning it is to be on file for the Monster Hunting Agency or of Celestia's personal files. Barring the route of going through Celestia's files and leave an immediate paper trail from his inquiry, initiating that act means he specifically targeted info to use, such as beings of interest, and strong armed his way through the agency for that info. I'm only concerned because in this AU of herds, and the actual throwing of influential weight herds do with status, I cannot help but worry that the Shining of this AU is no different and a product of this world's society.

I see it as the reverse; he is the officer that is in charge of this 'investigation' into the strange being that showed up, he subcontracted to the Monster Hunters, and has the onerous task of going through the files that they sent back and declassifying them. The ponies (in all honesty, probably their neighboring ambassadors) instated the act to curb Celestia's power, by forcing her to declassify and release these papers. Freedom of Information Act, but without the need for someone to specifically request it.

So this is out of story lore to how foreign and domestic interests have forced transparency? And a file that would've gone to her anyway was procured in such a matter by outside parties from within and without, to learn about Doug.

This also implies that Celestia's secret rendezvouses have been predicted by some houses that have been deeply involved in The Game, to join either Princesses' herds. Doug may very well be a target, since the idea of some nobody herd out in the sticks can claim or sire for either Princess from under them, will not be tolerated.

Ugh, the image of Spike eyeing up Rarity in here like the show, is a bit messed up knowing she's married. If he's still looking at her later despite that? Eck.

Sorry I realize now that you received all of these but again it's pretty impressive that you are putting together all this back story for the alternate beginning of the first season.

We all know that Pinkie is capable to access hammerspace (usually through her mane).
Well, techcnically she's not the only one, but she does it the most consistently and can travel through it as well. And Doug did manage to access her hammerspace there somehow. Guess living with her long enough does that to you.
Another (canon) trait of all ponies is grabbing objects with their mane. Once again Pinkie mastered and utilizing this skill the most consistently and unlike the rest can do way more with it including digging tunnels almost if not as fast as Diamond Dogs with their paws.

When you say specific intervention, do you mean like activating a lower level golem and luring it to a new leyline before disabling it and letting the core recharge with the new leyline adding to the core? Or perhaps are Grand Mage/Alicorn/Avatar level magical creatures able to interact with the leylines of the badlands and cause an intersection of different essences to create a high level golem or ‘Level up’ a lesser one? By the way when I say Avatar I mean like Discord. I’ve always considered him to be a manifestation of Chaos rather than some Chaos Overlord.

More so the former. Pick it up, drop it off somewhere else, wait a year or two. Rinse and repeat. Most pony's time frames aren't long enough, and the payoff not high enough, to do this on a large scale, especially considering where they would have to live. I haven't considered whether or not any beings are able/willing to mess with the leylines, but I'm leaning towards no.

Eeeeenope just speculating here

'Flirt with the Dragon'? That was YOUR fault, Pinkie?! She did that for 9 seasons! :twilightangry2:

So many twists and turns and Discord isn't even thing yet!

Most excellent.

Actually winonia is a brown and white border collie

Mostly brown but white on her chest, face and paws(i think)

Yeah the S does stand for screw....but i learned the game as Egyptian Rat F**k....so when i heard it called ERS i just thought that that person knew as Egyptian Rat Sex lol.....it was like 10 yrs ago or something like that back when i was a flesh bag of hormones who was to smart for his own good.......now im just too smart for my own good lol

I was just rewatching season 2....and the Gummy Tank swap thing wouldnt really work w the trying to force thing to end up aligning to canon thing thats going on.....bc RD would hace to decide to get a pet earlier then she did and Pink would have to wait and it doesnt seem like thered be any way to sledgehammer that swap back into canon shape lol

I had forgotten when RD got her pet and didnt remember till i rewatched the episode yesterday in the progress of rewatching the series

Just because it lines up at the end doesn't mean we can't have shenanigans along the way! Unfortunately canon put a timer on when Gummy shows up (his first birthday is in the show) and RD getting tank is kind of a big deal.


If i remember correctly its near the end of the first season that Gummy turns 1.....which means if Gummy were to make an appearance in the AB Yrs it would be at the earliest in the 2nd half of the yr of AB YR 7......and yeah RD getting tank was such a cute episode and a big deal

I had a question....what were you going for w the Domina Solaria thing? Bc if its supposed to be Year of the Sun it should be Annum Solis or a variation of it.....assuming you were going for something similar to AD (Anno Domini). Just curious....bc on a whim I tried translating Domina Solaris from Latin to English and got back Mrs. Solaria.

Applejack whispers back, "Now, what'll it take to get them together?"

Omg! The little sche-mares:pinkiegasp:......sorry i couldnt help rhe pony pun lol

Definitely a play off Anno Domini, but feminized. 'High Ruler Celestia', 'Mistress Solaria' or somesuch.


I love these AB stories. Im about to start yr 4......i still think you should do for yrs 2-7 what you did for Yr 1/First Yr though :pinkiehappy:

Sorry....had to get that in lol

So, I am noticing an overall improvement in your writing as the 'years' progress. That being said, year three could still use some spit and polish. I've noticed the odd misspelled word, missed punctuation and a few instances of awkward wording. That said, still a very fun read!

That maybe true however combat experience is not a prerequisite for having a spine

It seems like the Apple Herd is trying to get Twilight to join. I wonder what spawned this goal. I suppose I’m going to have to keep reading.

there are still 3 years to read...

what luck that the chapters are not so long, because fuck, it has taken me almost all these 4 days to read all this

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