• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 3,958 Views, 169 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Three - Doug Graves

The third year since Doug's arrival in Equestria and the mares of Herd Apple are going strong, helping Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance with a problem of their own. But, is there any help for their own foals?

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5 Review Closed

March 6th, 995

Applejack watches as Apple Bloom sits outside the farmhouse, focusing on the seed in her hoof. The flower she is working on will grow in the planter just outside the window of her room. However, it is slow going, and has been slow going ever since she started practicing. Apple Bloom doesn't seem to mind, but hopefully the unicorns have better news than the stalling responses they had given before.

Apple Bloom gives an excited squeal as another seed opens up, the green sprout beginning to come out of its coat. Applejack smiles, "Alright, Bloom, try to keep this one going, let it know that it is safe and it can keep growing."

Apple Bloom gives Applejack a confused look before looking down at the sprout in her hoof. "Ah'm sorry, big Sis, but Ah lost it already. Ah can try with the next one!"

Applejack smiles down, "Alright then, try it with that one. Make sure to plant this one first." Apple Bloom glances down at the sprout in her hoof, giving an embarrassed look as she digs a small furrow in the planter and places the seed inside, quickly covering it over with dirt. Applejack reminds herself to go over with Apple Bloom how to get the seeds to integrate themselves with the ground and surrounding magic, but it will need to wait until she gets home. "AB, Ah gotta head out to Ponyville. Doug is inside if you need him, alright?"

Apple Bloom looks up, the next unsprouted seed in her hoof, "Okay." Applejack gives Apple Bloom a quick nuzzle, the foal returning to her task before Applejack walks towards Ponyville. Professor Flintheart finally has some news for them. Good or bad, she is glad the wait and stonewalling is finally over, and she makes her way to Sugarcube Corner to meet him for lunch and hear the results.

Sugarcube Corner is bustling as always during the lunch rush, and Applejack looks around as she tries to spot Professor Flintheart. A cyan hoof starts waving at her from across the store, Rainbow Dash hovering a few feet in the air to make sure Applejack sees her. The earth pony walks over; Rarity, Professor Flintheart, and Sunset Shimmer are already seated and enjoying their meals. Applejack sits down, grabbing the muffin that Rarity slides over and looks at Professor Flintheart, "Afternoon, you two, girls. So, where are the other two unicorns? Flabbe or something?"

Sunset Shimmer smiles while Professor Flintheart stares impassively at her. He takes a breath before answering, "Applejack. The other two were not needed for this meeting, though Miss Shimmer wished to come along. Unfortunately, the tests that we ran have been inconclusive at best. The only course available for you and your foals is going to be continued practice. Have you noticed any improvement?"

Applejack looks over at Rarity and Rainbow Dash, the lack of reaction surprising her more than the news, "Did he tell y'all already?"

Her herdmates nod, Rainbow Dash adding, "Well, I figured that they'd tell us that they found something as soon as they figured it out. When we didn't hear anything, well, I kinda knew that it wasn't going to be good news."

Applejack slowly nods, her normal smile turning to a frown. She says, "Well, Ah guess Ah figured the same thing. Oh well."

Pinkie Pie lowers herself from the ceiling, looking at Applejack. The pink pony puts a hoof to her chin, studying Applejack's face. After a few seconds she says, "Applejack, something's wrong. You're smiling, but the rest of your body is upside down." Applejack stares blankly at Pinkie Pie before a hint of a smile starts breaking through her frown. Pinkie Pie smiles, "There it is! I knew there was something I was missing! Now your whole body is upside down!"

Pinkie Pie grabs hold of Applejack, spinning the mare so that they are both upside down. Applejack gets a worried look, "Uh, Pinkie, Ah think that-" before both ponies crash to the ground.

Professor Flintheart whispers to Rainbow Dash, "Is this a common occurrence around here?"

Rainbow Dash shrugs, continuing to eat her potatoes and fries sandwich, "Yeah, pretty much." The unicorn's scowl returns, going back to picking at his meal.

Applejack recovers, slowly getting up from the floor as Pinkie Pie leaps from the tangle of limbs to her normal posture. Pinkie Pie pronks back to the counter while Applejack clears her head, looking over at Professor Flintheart, "Well, to answer your question, Ah've seen some improvement. Ah haven't kept time or nothing; Apple Bloom does seem to be getting faster, but it's real slow going."

Professor Flintheart briefly glances at Sunset Shimmer before replying, "Continued practice and discipline should allow Apple Bloom complete access to her magic, though her low overall capacity may inhibit her from ever reaching the same potential as her peers." Applejack stares at Professor Flintheart for a few seconds before he says, "Do I need to explain that using smaller words?"

Applejack glares, "No, Ah understood you just fine. Ah just don't like what you're saying. You saying that Ah can't hold her to the same standards as everypony else on account of her condition?"

Professor Flintheart stares back at her, "No, but you may be disappointed by the results if you do."

Applejack gets up, "Ah'll be the judge of that." She glances over at Sunset Shimmer, her barely restrained voice saying, "Thank you two for your time. Good day."

Sunset Shimmer smiles and waves as Applejack leaves the building. Professor Flintheart sighs, looking at Rarity and Rainbow Dash, "If there is nothing else?" The two mares shake their head, Rainbow Dash continuing to eat.

Rarity pushes away from the table, "Thank you for your time, even if there was not something better for you to share. Have a pleasant afternoon, you two!" Rarity takes a napkin, wiping her lips before getting to her hooves.

Professor Flintheart gets up as well, nodding at the two still seated and exiting with Rarity. He says, "So, you were saying earlier about my wardrobe; what do you have in black?"

The two unicorns exit the store as Sunset Shimmer stares at Rainbow Dash. The pegasus gives her a weird look as the unicorn's eyes start shimmering with color. Rainbow says, "Uh, what are you doing?"

The light disappears from Sunset's eyes, returning to normal. She smiles at her, "Oh, just checking something. Rainbow, if there was something else that could be done for Scootaloo, something that only you could give, would you do it?"

Rainbow gives Sunset a hard stare, saying, "Sunset Shimmer, I would do anything for her. There is nothing I wouldn't give."

Sunset Shimmer smiles, getting up from her chair. "In that case, Rainbow, we'll be in touch." She gets in closer, "It might not be a good idea to tell anypony else." She backs up, waving, "Have a nice day!"

Back at the farmhouse, Doug is preparing a salad and sandwich for himself as Applejack walks in the door. He smiles, a jovial, "So, how was the meeting?" before he notices Applejack's downcast expression.

"Doug, what's gonna happen with the foals?" Applejack slowly walks over, nuzzling him in the chest as he strokes her mane.

Doug scratches Applejack behind the ears, "Did the doctors find anything?"

Applejack shakes her head, "No, and Ah'm worried, Doug. Worried that they won't be progressing with their magic, that they won't be able to find friends," she takes a deep breath, sinking lower into Doug's chest, "And..."

"And what, Applejack?" Doug tilts her head, looking into her green eyes.

"Well, you know how important family is to an Apple, right?" Doug nods, "Well, Ah'm afraid that nopony will want to, you know, be with them. That they'll be afraid, not of you, but of what will happen with their future foals. Ah'm afraid nopony will be able to look past that and love them for them, that they'll be so afraid of the potential problems their foals will have."

Doug holds Applejack tightly to his chest, "I'm afraid I don't have a good answer for that, Applejack. I hope that they will be able to find ponies that are able to see past their differences, just like you all see past mine."

Applejack nods again, tightening her grip around Doug's torso as she sobs into his chest.