• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 3,976 Views, 169 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Three - Doug Graves

The third year since Doug's arrival in Equestria and the mares of Herd Apple are going strong, helping Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance with a problem of their own. But, is there any help for their own foals?

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19 The Stockkeeper

August 14th, 995

Applejack drags her cart, this time full of crates of apples, to the Ponyville Train Station. Normally Big Mac handles these cargo runs, but today she is meeting up with Rarity and Doug. Hopefully they will need the cart; Rarity had high expectations for their trip, part of the reason Applejack is okay with her stallion taking a week 'off'; she was able to pick up his normal duties around the farm easily enough. She is a little jealous of the attention Rarity would have received on the trip, knowing Doug, but she has been in that position before and knows how tiring it gets.

Walking along side Applejack, careful not to get too close to the mare's hooves, on account of the accident they had two days ago, is Winona. The collie, paw no longer sore, is happily keeping pace, the cadence of her paws against Applejack's hooves almost exactly two for one. On top of one of the crates lays Opal, the cat only mildly disturbed by the occasional bump in the road.

Applejack waves at All Aboard, the earth pony looking over his glasses at her. He glances to his log book, then to his pocket watch, then to the wagon behind her. "Aren't you a little early for this delivery?" he asks, shuffling through a few papers.

Applejack nods, "Sure, but Ah have to pick up a lot of boxes from the train today, and it saves a trip."

All Aboard glances behind him, "I guess we'll be able to store those for ya, small charge of course." He flips through his manifests, "Hmm, I don't see any orders for you or your herd. You sure it's today?"

Applejack unhitches the wagon, beginning to unload crates of apples into the room behind him. "Eeyup, Rarity and Doug are supposed to be coming in tonight with a load of gems. Ah hope; Ah just got word from them that they would be earlier than they thought, and my cousin in Dodge City told me a few days ago that the Diamond Dogs have been a lot more active the last couple days."

The train's whistle can be heard off in the distance; Applejack spares a look before she finishes unloading the crates. She tips All Aboard before pulling her wagon to the cargo section of the train, slowly climbing on top to get a better view. She waves as she spots Rarity, the unicorn sitting at the window and watching the town go by. She spots Applejack, smiling and waving, unheard words coming from her mouth.

Doug appears from behind Rarity, a backpack on his back. He blows Applejack a kiss and waves. Applejack rolls her eyes, tipping her hat to him before hopping off the wagon. The train pulls to a stop; the two doors slide open, Rarity hopping out of the cargo hold and moving over to embrace Applejack, saying, "Darling, so wonderful to see you again!"

Winona barks a greeting as Applejack says, "Rarity, it's great to see you, too. Winona here sure is happy, too, aren't you girl?" Winona barks again, dashing over to Rarity and leaping up. Rarity manages to catch Winona with her magic, cooing at the dog as she squirms, twisting in midair and swiping at Rarity with her paws. Rarity levitates over a towel, cleaning off Winona's paws before setting the brown and white collie back on the ground. The dog immediately pounces at Rarity, propping herself with her front paws on Rarity's leg and trying to get to Rarity's face. Rarity sighs, moving down to nuzzle the collie. She gets back up, finding a clean section and toweling the slobber off her face before moving over to the wagon, dropping off her saddlebags.

Rarity spots Opal sitting in the wagon, sighing and saying, "Why can't Winona be more like you, Opal? You're happy to sit there, all nice and clean, waiting for me to come to you." Opal stares back at Rarity, tail slowly swishing back and forth, before Winona runs into Rarity's hind leg. Rarity grimaces, looking back before jumping to the side.

"Heavy load coming through!" Applejack shouts, grinning at Rarity. The earth pony drops two heavy boxes onto the wagon, moving aside to allow Doug to place a box next to them. Applejack and Doug move back to the train as Opal hops to the top of the pile of boxes, making room for a second load. Winona continues standing next to Rarity, staring up at the unicorn as Rarity watches the two return to the train. On the third trip Applejack says, "Rarity, you and your pet are in the way, either help or move!"

Rarity moves to the front of the wagon, Winona following her, before she realizes her mistake. She shakes her head at Winona, "I've been pulling that dreadful wagon far too long, girl, apparently 'I' think that I should be up here pulling!"

Applejack quips, "Well, that would be mighty helpful Rarity, thank you." Rarity rolls her eyes, stepping away from the front of the wagon. Applejack continues, "Or, you can stand there and let us do all the work."

Rarity whines, "But I'm tired! We pulled that wagon all night long to make Dodge City in time for the morning train, and I missed my beauty sleep on the train! I mean, Doug is comfortable and all, but we only had the one blanket and the pad was thin and the floor was cold! And then it was too hot!"

Applejack shakes her head, her pregnant belly continuing after the rest of her body stops, "You're complaining to the wrong pony about the heat and cold, Rares." She loads the last of the boxes onto the wagon, "Wow, you found all these gems out there? That must have been a lot of digging."

Doug walks to the front of the wagon with Applejack, helping her strap in, "It's about forty percent of the gems, actually. We made a... business deal with three of the Diamond Dogs in the area. They ended up getting about sixty percent of the gems, by number, though a lot of these gems are considerably more valuable." Doug stares at Rarity, a forced smile on his mouth.

Rarity sighs, starting to walk along next to Applejack, "Fine, I suppose since I authorized it, I'll tell you. One of the, ahem, stipulations one of the Diamond Dogs demanded was that Doug have a roll in the hay with her."

Applejack's brow furrows, looking up at Doug, "Huh. Really? And you went along with it?" Doug nods; Applejack continues, "Huh. Ah assume you did the standard stud contract. How was she?" Doug shrugs his shoulders, looking up at the sky and holding his hand to his chin. After a few seconds Applejack says, "Ah'm waiting over here, spill."

Doug replies, "Well, I would say the enthusiasm of Rainbow with the experience and stamina of Fluttershy."

Applejack nods slowly, a slight frown on her face. She looks at Rarity, the mare forcing a smile back at her. Applejack shakes her head, "What, Ah guess it happened, so Ah'm supposed to be happy about it? Well, Ah ain't happy about it." She looks over at Doug, "And you don't seem too unhappy, why'd you go along with it?"

Doug sighs, "As Shav explained, the dogs who live in the area would have otherwise taken a large portion, if not all, of the gems that we found. If not more."

Applejack cocks an eyebrow, "More?" Doug nods his head at Rarity; realization spreads over Applejack's face. "But, why doesn't Princess Celestia or the royal guard do something about that?"

Doug shrugs, "Different culture? Not enough guards? Not enough ponies that are affected? Take your pick. Apparently the guards in Dodge City deal with any dog that sticks a nose out of line quite harshly, maybe they figure that is enough."

Applejack sighs, "Well, Ah'm still not happy about it."

Doug gently strokes her mane as they make their way to the Carousel Boutique, "Well, I wasn't either, not really." Applejack continues walking, not looking at him; Doug sighs, "I'm with you and Fluttershy tonight, right?"

Applejack turns, staring at Doug for several seconds before grunting out, "Eeyup, at her place."

"Alright, I'm going to head to Sugarcube, catch up with Rainbow and Pinkie Pie. We can talk more then. See you two later."

Doug walks off, his wave more apologetic than energetic, as Applejack stops the wagon outside of the Carousel Boutique. The two mares begin unloading boxes, Applejack eventually asking, "Do you think the right call was made, back in the Badlands?"

Rarity thinks for several seconds, "Well, I think we made the best of a bad situation. I could have asked Princess Celestia when we invited her to observe - to she if she could learn anything from Doug and a Diamond Dog, unlikely as it is - to help us escape. I think she would have done it, but what would that have taught us? To rely on somepony else when we are capable of confronting the problem ourselves? Is that the kind of message we are going to pass to our foals, that we must rely on Princess Celestia or the guards if trouble befalls us?"

"Now see here, Rarity, those aren't the only options."

"Sure. We could have left the area and instead of bringing fifteen boxes home, we bring three. Maybe four. Not enough to cover the week we spent going there, getting my coat dirty, roughhousing all over the Badlands, nearly dying to a blasted essence crystal, the train tickets, and renting the wagon. Or would you have preferred that I was the one who got the 'opportunity' to spend some quality time with our hosts?"

"Now, Rarity, that ain't fair at all. Surely there was another option, one that don't involve polluting the Apple name with some Diamond Dog!"

Rarity shrugs as the last of the boxes is brought inside, Winona doing her best to stay out from under hoof while still being as close to Rarity as possible. "Well, in the studding contract, I did specify there is no claim to the Apple name. I highly doubt anypony is going to ask her who the sire of her pups are, and if you feel so strongly you can ask her not to spread it around."

Applejack looks over at Rarity, confused, while Opalescence hops onto one of Rarity's empty tables, stretching out and watching the commotion. Winona starts barking, a frustrated look growing on Rarity's face. Applejack asks, "What do you mean, ask her? She coming here?"

Rarity glares at Winona, the collie whimpering and quieting down, "Please, Winona, I've just gotten back, I'm tired, I just want to be done with this and rest." Rarity looks over at Applejack. "Yes, well, not here exactly, but I think she is moving to the Ghastly Gorge or someplace out of the way, similar to her warren near the Badlands." Winona moves to the front door, Rarity shaking her head, "No, girl, not another walk, I'm exhausted."

Applejack looks over at Opalescence, "Come on, Opal, let's leave Rarity, she's obviously tired from all this." Opal stares at Applejack, the earth pony moving over to the cat. Opalescence hisses and Applejack sighs, looking over at Winona. Applejack glances at Rarity; the unicorn has her eyes closed, breathing deeply. "Rarity?"


"Do you think Fluttershy would notice if we traded pets?"


Applejack shrugs, "Well, Ah just think Opal is a bit more your speed, you know? She likes hanging out, staying inside. You prefer staying inside, working on your fabrics."

Rarity yawns, "Yes, and Winona does love playing outside. I think that would be for the best." She grins over at Winona, "I know I'll miss you, girl. Have a good time with Applejack!" Rarity glances back to her lead, "Hopefully Fluttershy understands. That does remind me, I need to make a dress for myself." Rarity moves over to Applejack, resting her head against her lead's, "Applejack, I am sorry I could not come up with a better solution. Please forgive me."

"Ah believe you, Rarity, maybe there wasn't a better solution there after all." Applejack sighs, "Ah forgive you, if you think you did something wrong. Otherwise, there ain't nothing to forgive."

Rarity smiles up at Applejack before yawning again, looking at the boxes scattered around her store. "Well, I think all of you can wait for tomorrow. Good night, Applejack." Opal walks deeper into the store, taking a perch on one of the boxes and curling up.

"Night, Rarity. Alright, Winona, you'll be staying with me now, at Sweet Apple Acres." The dog barks as Applejack continues, "Plenty of space for you to run around over there. Come on, little doggie!"