• Published 30th Jun 2018
  • 3,976 Views, 169 Comments

Alternate Beginnings: Year Three - Doug Graves

The third year since Doug's arrival in Equestria and the mares of Herd Apple are going strong, helping Princess Celestia and Princess Cadance with a problem of their own. But, is there any help for their own foals?

  • ...

16 Unnatural Energy

August 10th, 995

On the second day of their wanderings through the Badlands, Rarity smiles as she gets up from their after lunch nap, feeling very much refreshed. Doug is already up and about, making sure the wagon is holding up and everything is ready to go. He is currently rearranging a few of the boxes, putting gems inside in order to reuse the bags. Shav looks into the wagon, asking, "What are you doing? I thought we had system for splitting up gems?"

Doug says, "Well, honestly, that would take a long time, to pick out each gem individually. I was thinking of something else." He opens one of the strong boxes, grunting as he lifts one of the bags of gems and dumps the lot inside. He sets the bag aside, saying, "I got the idea from a game I played a few times. So, it's the same kind of system you agreed to before. But, instead, the person takes all the gems from the box. They make as many piles as they would like, then we take turns picking the pile of gems that we want."

Shav watches as Doug pours the next bag of gems into the pile, her eyes nearly glazing over as the small diamonds pour forth. She shakes her head, "That... Um, Shav not know about that. It sounds like a way for smart dog, like Doug, to take advantage."

Doug looks at her, "Well, the goal is to make the piles as even as possible. I don't see how I could take advantage of that."

Shav shakes her head again, "No, you not take advantage. But Kole, Brutus, they not quick like you, they take long time to make even piles, or they go fast and make uneven pile. Then you take advantage, pick bigger pile. And those two do not like to go slow."

Doug ponders, "Well, I don't want to do something you are uncomfortable with, especially after you already reached an agreement. What if you and me are the only ones to make piles? Alternate between us, and then do picks like before?"

Rarity hops back into the wagon, listening to the whole conversation while she eats her lunch. Shav glances to Rarity, then says with a smile, "What if Doug is the only one to make piles? And we get first pick?"

Doug looks to Rarity, "Um, I'm okay with that, with one stipulation. Rarity has a contract to provide the guards with special gems. We would get all of those, giving you gems of commensurate value." When Shav cocks her head to the side he adds, "Approximately equal value, either in other rare gems or in multiple smaller ones. I'm guessing you like diamonds."

Shav grins, "Well, you know they are a dog's best friend."

Doug holds a hand to his chest, "You mean it isn't me? I'm hurt."

Shav moves over, putting a paw over his hand, "Don't worry, well be very good friends by the end of this." She looks back, winking at Rarity, "But sorry, diamonds still win out." She hops out of the wagon, "Now let's get moving, lots more gems to find!"

Doug sighs, "You know why she wants this so badly?"

Rarity shrugs, "No more than we did yesterday. Besides, I can tell you love the attention, having another mare lust after you."

Doug frowns, glancing away, "You're right, it does make me feel good. I think I'm mostly worried about what Applejack, or the rest of the herd, would say. I certainly don't want to be seen as a cad, or dishonorable, you know?"

Rarity grins up at him, "Oh, but if you get permission then you'll be fine with it?"

Doug quietly laughs to himself, "Well, sure, I guess I would be. But, if my alternative is for the two dogs to take you, well, I like that one a lot, lot less."

Rarity sighs unhappily, "Well, if we're being honest, then I agree, I like that option a lot less as well." She looks outside the wagon, "There is a third option, I assume we pay off essentially every dog in that warren. And probably a few others. But that would leave us at a loss, not even covering the time we spent here." She breaths out and back in a few times as she considers, eventually saying, "I suppose Applejack will understand if I authorize you to stud with her. I will be present during the, ahem, action, but only as an observer. She gets no rights to the Apple name, no alimony or child support, and normally would pay you for the service. But maybe she sees working here with you as payment, so I wouldn't push the issue."

Doug shrugs, "Well, you know me, I hate pushing issues. Anyway, we need to head out. Try to look for something you can toss around, I didn't see anything to use yesterday. Just sand and dirt for miles."

Rarity glances down as Doug helps her into her tunic, followed by the rest of her outfit. She finds her boots and hat and hops out of the wagon as Doug dons his own garb. Doug straps himself in before Brutus helps push the wagon, the group quickly starting up again.

Rarity moves along, finding several caches before one of them pings stronger than the others. She calls the group to a halt, saying, "This one is different, I think there's a golem inside." Doug unhitches himself as the group gathers up, looking at the area Rarity pointed out. Doug picks up the quarterstaff while the Diamond Dogs grab clubs from the wagon. Rarity says, "I'm not pinging a lot of strength, but I think it is angry."

Brutus hefts his club, looking among the group. "We ready?" he says, before looking back at the area and smiling a toothy grin, "We ready."

Brutus walks up, holding his club in one hand. Doug and Kole walk behind him, wielding larger staffs, with Rarity and Shav bringing up the rear. Rarity just has her hooves while Shav is holding a polearm, topped by a heavy blade. Brutus continues approaching, growing more hesitant as nothing seems to be happening.

Without warning shards of blue crystal explode from the ground, scattering themselves in a loose circular pattern. From the middle emerges a small red crystal, barely standing a foot and a half tall. It silently shrieks at the group before charging, beginning to glow red as it approaches. Brutus readies his club, taking a heavy strike at the creature as it comes into range. His blow sends the golem soaring into the air; it explodes in midair, eight fireballs spreading out in a nova. Everypony ducks down as the fireballs sail over them, dissipating as they get further away.

The creature hits the ground hard, breaking into multiple smaller pieces. A large gem is left in the pile of scrap crystal, glowing a soft green. Brutus glances back to the group, saying, "That easy," as he cautiously makes his way towards the ruby. He pokes it with his club; at the lack of response he says, "Any more? Too easy."

Rarity's horn lights up and she shakes her head, "Just a large cache of gems." She moves over, glancing at the blue crystals that litter the ground. She picks one up, smiling, "Right... here," as she tosses the crystal through the air. The improvised javelin punches into the ground as Rarity says, "Three feet down, maybe forty gems." Rarity glances back as Brutus continues digging; Doug is standing there, looking shell-shocked. She quickly flares her horn, saying to Shav and Kole, "Oh, um, there are a couple other deposits." She levitates a few of the crystal pieces, flinging them out and watching where they land. "Within three feet of those pieces, about four feet down. Maybe ten gems each."

Shav and Kole nod, glancing over at Doug before heading out to the deposits. Rarity moves over to Doug, standing up on her hind legs to give his face a nuzzle. She says, "Doug? Darling, are you doing alright?"

Doug stares past her, looking at the spot where Brutus had hit the golem. He slowly shakes his head as he glances to Rarity, "What was that?"

Rarity continues nuzzling him, trying to cheer Doug up as she says, "It was a gem golem, dear. One essence, from what I could tell. I've dealt with maybe two of those before, they aren't terribly hard to disrupt."

Doug pushes a hand under Rarity's hat, starting to pet her mane, "And the fire?"

Rarity nods, "A low powered magical burst. If it hit, it would have felt like getting splatted by cooking oil. Painful, but by no means deadly. It looks far more powerful than it is." She levitates over a piece of the blue crystal, "And look! We have a couple pieces that I can throw, just like you thought I would find."

Shav, Kole, and Brutus slowly make their way closer, clutching their bags of gems. Shav tentatively says, "He going to be okay?"

Rarity nods, "Yes, dear, just a little shaken. Oh, do you have the gem there?"

Brutus nods, grabbing the ruby and holding it in front of Rarity. She levitates the gem up to her face, her eyes glowing as she inspects it closely. She nods, "Yes, this is exactly what we came here for! Hopefully we can find many more like it."

Brutus gives a gruff laugh, "Yes, many more! Brutus like find more."

Rarity smiles, turning back to Doug, "So, how do you think I should depict on these crystals how many gems and how deep they are?" She drops back down, taking a step towards the wagon before turning and making sure Doug is following her.

Doug turns, hesitantly walking along. He considers, saying, "Hmm. How many do you have? And can you change their color?"

Rarity levitates one of the javelins in front of her face, the remainder she levitates over to Doug. He takes them, inspecting the hard crystal. He tries to bend one of them but fails; he begins tapping it along the ground in front of him before striking the ground harder, trying to bend or break it. Rarity shakes her head, "No, I don't think I can change the color. I mean, I could try, but I'm afraid of mixing too many enchantments on what is already fairly unstable. I think this crystal served as a sort of cocoon for that golem, but who can be sure?"

Doug takes a second shard, trying to mark up the first one. He grimaces as he holds up his hand; the sharp crystal has given him a nasty cut from where he gripped it. He sighs, sucking the dripping blood as Rarity levitates the shard to herself, giving it a nasty glare. The five reach the wagon and Doug hops in, placing the blunter shards on the wagon and grabbing some disinfectant and bandages for his hand. After cleaning the wound he places his gloves on top of the bandages, gripping the sharp shard again and trying to etch on a different piece.

He smiles at his success, "Alright, how about this." The dogs gather up as he explains, "We mark this section as best we can; that shows the depth. We'll draw a number that shows how far down you have to dig." He looks at the pieces Rarity has next to her, "I think for now Rarity will have to call out how many gems there are. Maybe as we get more we can label better." He shrugs, "Or you can just call out depth and number of gems when you throw the javelin. Whatever is easier for you."

"Well, it'll probably be easier on everypony if I just call out the number and depth every time. We haven't found so many deposits that I need to carefully keep track." Rarity nuzzles Doug' injured hand as he packs away the medical supplies.

Doug smiles at her before grabbing one of the gem bags and Rarity's saddlebags. He ties the bag mostly shut before attaching it to the sides of the saddlebags. He places them on Rarity's bag and at her questioning look he says, "To store the shards you aren't using. Easier than levitating them everywhere, right?" Rarity gives him a quick kiss before walking off, in search of more gems. Doug straps himself in as well, straining to move the wagon in the sand and catch up to the four walking ahead of him.