• Published 22nd Jul 2018
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A Nightmare Once More - Lyle Daydream

Nightmare Moon, a force of dark evil that tried to blind the world to the light has gone, has since been sealed away and unable to return. However...she may not be the only power that resides inside the Princess of the Night.

  • ...

What is the night?

Is it fate? Was it already decided? I was powerless to stop all they needed to advance and what came of it, my sense of self? I’m supposed to be the power of the kingdom, even more so the Tia, a role only understood by myself, and yet...

“Princess Luna?”

My eyes finally opened to remember where I was, a place among the castle gardens surrounded by dozens of ponies royal and common alike. There was, unfortunately, a slight rain cast to which Tia ordered a very effective terrace to be built over the party area. My attention was turned to the voice’s origin to find Celestia’s beloved student staring at me with concern and curiosity. I was quick to greet, my inner thoughts well hidden beyond the terms of a simple smile.

“Ms. Sparkle, and how are you this evening?”

“Great, I just got done speaking for the community of magic. Have to admit though, it was really boring.”

“They always are Twilight, no one said that speaking for an hour on end is exciting. Unless we count you in your younger days.”

“I was...a bit of a nerd wasn’t I?”

“Nerd? How rude of me to even think of such a thing. I’d say over-ambitious is a proper term, not to mention a little stuck up.”

“Inde--hey, I’m not stuck up.”

I swear I could see the actual worry in her eyes for a moment. Was she actually genuinely worried about how others see her? “On the contrary my dear sister’s student. Before my sister moved you to Ponyville, I remember she said you were quite the introvert.”

“Making friends was the best thing that could have ever happened to me then, else I would have been stuck in that library forever like you and--oh...sorry.”

I waved it away with a hoof, my smile never fading despite the truth within. “It’s quite alright young one, it’s been quite a while since anyone even mentioned the event.”

“Whew, thought I was gonna have to bring Pinkie’s cupcake platter again.”

“No no, that’s fine as well. I would like to actually taste the food for a while more.”

“Are her cupcakes really that bad?”

“It’s not that they’re, as you say, bad, it’s just they’re...overwhelmingly sweet. Too sweet for even a child like Flurry Heart to comprehend.”

“I’ll have to try them once or twice when I have time of course.”

“And a lot of water, might I add.”

We both let out a slight chuckle, the seriousness of my earlier misfortune fading ever so simply into the air, at least I assumed. “By the way, are you ok?”

“Come again young one?”

“It’s like you were lost in your own mane a minute ago.”

Lost in the stars Celestia would say, when I grieved and wondered for my part in the world. But years of false content have taught me to hold onto the smile I possess, to hide what I don’t want to show. “I’m fine young one, just admiring the night sky. I’m also pleased to know you care for my safety so much.”

“I am a fellow princess, the princess of friendship at that, how could I not?”

“I imagine what kind of princess you would have become had I not become that nightmare.”

“I couldn’t say myself nor have I made any progress in inventing a spell to view alternate realities.”

“Alternate realities spell? Are you trying to upstage my sister?”

“No no no, not at all.”

“It was only a joke young one. It was nice to speak with you before you get lost in your fellow magic students.”

“It was a pleasure princess. Wait, you’re not gonna stay for the party?”

“But are I not the Princess of the night? I suppose I’ll just drop everything and let the nightmares happen.”

Twilight’s eyes were obviously annoyed. “You sure know how to make someone feel guilty Princess.”

I smiled and playfully stuck my tongue out to which Twilight smiled. “I shall take my leave now. I bid you farewell for now Twilight.”

“To you as well Princess Luna.”

My walk was calm, regal, and illustrious until the sight of all those ponies finally held no ownership over my personality. I felt my entire body shiver, and I began to breathe very heavily. “If she had found out what I had been thinking this entire time, I would’ve...no no Luna, calm down. She can’t come back, she won’t.”

Strolling back to my abode, my guards were quick to realize my heightened state of awareness. “Are you ok Princess?”

“Quite fine actually, and you?”


“Good huh? You must be terribly bored then. How about you take the night off?”


“Of course, equip your best clothes and enjoy the party outside.”

“W-why thank you, Princess.”

“You are most welcome, run along now.”

“Yes, Princess.”

I’ve never seen a pony so eager to get away from protecting his princess. Upon closing the door, that large breath I had been internally holding finally came rushing out. It was both a relief and a curse to be alone in my own private quarters as I lay upon the bed. I made the realization in my time alone, was I actually considering it? It was dangerous and reckless but that battle at the castle says it all. Tempest redeemed herself years ago, Twilight has grown much older in that time evidenced by her height, and time has since scattered the storm king to the wind. So why do I feel so weak, so vulnerable without something that would obviously doom my kingdom? I can remember the time I didn’t feel so forced into royalty, I was young and my mane hadn’t even come in yet. It’s funny, how naive I was compared to Tia. Mother would be disappointed if she even set eyes on me now. “No time to dwell on such things now. I must make my nightly rounds in the dream realm before returning to the party.”

It would’ve been bliss to be this at peace if I were internally there equally. It still ravaged my mind as I walked, and every inch only made the feeling linger longer. Am I a princess or a queen? A princess...or a queen? Am I worthy of mother’s position? Would it allow me to protect my subjects ever the more or...subjugate them? Why am I asking myself these questions in the first place when I am the princess of the night already, it’s just-- “Hmm?” My head cocked, something caught my attention in the realm of dreams.

I looked around with confusion. A whisper here? It was common for dreams to showcase this action but something was different about this, it was closer to me than it was to any of the dreams I was passing by. I must have turned my body 180 degrees almost 3 times just listening. No one but me could have infiltrated this realm, no one. My sigh led my eyes to finally close and soothe my nervous brain with the silence. Still, I felt it, a feeling of weakness, vulnerability, of her claiming to be stronger. “No. I must perform my duty.”

Determination lifted my wings, surveying the countless amount of dreams and nightmares alike. There was a small boy named Simple Record, a boy who was rather gifted with musical arts. The dream had plagued him for weeks without end, the thought of performing for his fellow peers and seeing the admiration turn into pity and disgust. I was quick to show him the error of such a thought as is my duty but... The song he played in the end, it was...one of such you wouldn’t usually hear from someone so young. He was quite aware of the sadness he and many others felt, and his song reflected this. It sent me into even more thought about the entire thing and at this point, I couldn't help but cry. He asked if I was ok. Of course, I responded with a smile and praised his ability to sing his words with emotional beauty. That was apparently the effect he wanted after all. I took my leave and proceeded back to the realm of the conscious. “Time to rejoin the party I suppose.”

The party was still lively thankfully, Twilight in that time had only been through a small portion of the fans she had generated in the speech. Yet I hadn't seen my sister though, most likely taking her time to arrive as to, prepare herself for the long night of royal speech and nobles. That’s when I heard it, that flash of magic behind me causing me to spring into the air with all the might my wings could muster. “T-Tia, I told you about that.”

My only sister sat directly behind where I was standing a moment ago, a smile on her face as she giggled. “My my, a princess of the day scaring the princess of the night herself? It seems impossible considering the circumstances, that is unless you’re simply not paying attention.”

“Humorous sister. Humorous.” I said finally letting my hooves touch the ground in haste. “And where have you been all night?”

“In my quarters simply preparing for the banquet.”

I hummed in disagreement. “You mean catching your breath, dear sister. I know those magic types can be quite the handful.”

“You know me too well Luna. As you would also know, those reporters will bombard you no matter what the event is.”

“All too well, unfortunately.” Not like I could forget, the first time I finally stepped out of the castle, reporters were lining up in the streets. “Um...Tia?”

“What is it, sister?”

“Do you remember...mother?”

“Of course, why do you ask?”

Could I tell her, convey what I had been feeling these last few weeks since the Storm King’s attack? Should I? Would it even change anything inside? “N-nevermind. Let us enjoy the party before we’re overwhelmed once again.”

I hadn’t handled that well, the suspicion was growing in her expression and I feared she might ask the question I wish not to answer, I think. “If you say so, Luna.”

(Sigh) that was close. The party made its way from area to area, from the gardens to the royal chamber and back. Each time more and more guests arrived and I, my sister, and Twilight were naturally the center of attention. I can see one particular figure in the distance however, perhaps she can ease my mind. “Tempest Shadow, how nice of you to make it.”

“Princess L-Luna.” With that, she bowed. “It’s an honor to be in your presence.”

“You act as though we didn’t forgive Ms. Shadow. You are the captain of my royal guard after all.”

“A-apologies Princess, it's just...all the damage that me and my men caused...I still feel like I've got a lot to answer for."

“And have you not done your fair share already? Do think yourself beneath us?

"N-no, not at all...well...maybe."

"Oh Fizzle, you'd only be beneath us if didn’t accept the redeeming process in the first place Tempest, not all villains do after all. You could even become a princess if you wish.”

The blush that appeared upon her cheeks, a welcome respite from the night's worries I have to admit. I had almost forgotten her disdain for her real name. A shame really, it honestly is an adorable name. “M-ma'am I...would prefer if you called me Tempest, please. No princess would have a silly name like that. Besides, I...am missing my horn and I have no wings like Twilight does. I'd be an absolute failure of a princess."

“Is that how you view it? Do you really believe my magic and wings are the sole reason I became royalty?”

“Well...I wonder what it would be like to have it back sometimes? You all perform such amazing feats of glory with your horns, even Twilight has taken to opening a school for such a thing.”

“It is nice to idolize someone isn’t it?”

“I’m sorry?”

“You say we performed feats of glory with it, but what about those we accomplished without it?” Nothing. “Twilight has done plenty in her time without the use of magic and so have others.” You need me. “I recall Starlight Glimmer talking to you about something similar once, mentioning she and a few others took the changeling empire without even a sliver of it.” You are nothing without me.

“Twilight’s student? Yes, I remember.”

“Then you know that one doesn’t specifically always need magic or even wings to fulfill their goals.” I am your strength.


“And I remember you showing extreme prowess in physical disputes, something no princess is quite as skilled in as you.”

“Well...you're not wrong there I guess.”

“No guessing Ms. Shadow, only hope. You will become a princess if you wish, and I will personally see to it.” We can teach her.

“Wow, I...I think I’ll consider it.”

“I’m glad then. Enjoy the rest of the party Tempest.”

“You as well Princess.”

Our conversation had ended and we were well on our way to tending to our own friends but that voice...what was it? It wasn’t mine, it didn’t belong didn’t to Tempest. I do not doubt that these whispers were within my thoughts, my own subconscious but what they were uttering was...unlike me. I stopped dead in my hooves, taking in a simple bench not too far away. I need to sit. The bench was far from comfortable, not as comfortable as my own quarters, but to get off my hooves was worth it. I let my mind drift, was I tired, did I deprive myself of sleep? No no, I’ve been sleeping since two hours ago, I couldn’t be. Are you going to ignore this. My eyes shot open, surveying the area. There wasn’t anyone in particular that seemed to be getting my attention nor who seemed to be conveniently uttering those exact words. “I’m going crazy, I know I am. I’m so lost in my own thoughts that my mind is making stuff up. What a theory that is. Is this real enough for you?

Suddenly my vision flashed a hint of purple, and in the second I could see something. For only that moment, something was there and now it’s not. I was beginning to breathe heavily, I couldn’t hold it in. Something is wrong with me but what? Surprise! I jumped back, I downright hurdled over the bench and onto the ground with a fit of heavy breathing defining the term hyperventilating. Rain poured onto me like I had some kind of magnetic attraction, all the while, Everyone was quick to turn their attention, including Twilight, my sister, and Tempest. Twilight was quick to flash to my position, inspecting me in concern. “Princess Luna, are you alright?”

“Dear me sister, you’re practically shaking.”

It took me a while to get to my hooves, unstable, but standing by some measure. I tried my best to smile, to put some act, but it was too much to do even that. “I-I’m fine. I picked up a bit of a nightmare from my rounds tonight, nothing serious.”

Was I convincing them, I still couldn’t smile nor fake my response effectively but... “Sister, may I recommend you return to your room and rest? I will check on you later.”

“R-right, I thought the same. I bid you all farewell.” Again, my mind wavered within my quarters. These things are mine...my room...my bed...my body...my mind...my night...These are my possessions...no, not the night, especially not the night. I do not own it, I do not claim it, it is of nature, not of my creation. I can’t forget that. That voice...was her wasn’t it? She can’t be forming, not again...as long as I remember what Mother said.

“This sucks...”

“And why is that my daughter?”

“I’m practically the same age as her and her mane’s already changed, mine’s still white and blinding not to mention she already gave her first speech last week.”

“I tried to push you to attend as well and what did you do? You sat in your room and played with your magic the entire time.”

“Well, I just got it, who wouldn’t?”

“You are quite the brat, my dearest daughter.”


“But you are my daughter nonetheless and I want you to succeed where I didn’t and more. To be a princess is more than just having magic you know.”

“Really?” she said sarcastically.

“Don’t sass me, Luna. Yes, magic is not the basis of a princess or even a queen or king, nor is it being an alicorn. At the end of the day, the goal of our royal family is to guide the people through peace, conflict, and tragedy. Your sister realizes this, do you?”

“It seems kinda boring though.”

The mother smiled. “Between you and me, it is. I can’t tell you how many meetings I’ve fallen asleep on.”

“See you wanna be out there and adventure too don’t you?”

“Of course, but those were my younger days Luna and my duty is now to my people. Adventure or not, I wouldn’t leave them behind for anything.”

“Oh...well I just wanna get good at my magic first.”

“A common goal I suppose. If it will better help you understand your role as future queen then allow me to spread some advice.”


"When you first activated your powers, you have moved the moon, only by an inch, but an interesting inch. Your powers are over the night if I’m not mistaken, a trait you get from your father.”

“Can I conjure spells of ultimate darkness and shroud my enemies in it?”

The mother began to worry about her daughter’s judgment. “Well...no, not yet. You could in the future but as time comes and goes, you’ll understand that’s a bad idea half the time, your father learned the hard way.”

“Oh yeah, that week you were really mad at him right?”

“That’s right,” she said gleefully. “And your father will never forget that. Ever. I want you to know that your magic is risky, it can overcome you at times or take you to new heights, it's all about how you think when using it.”


“Your emotions Luna, they are a huge part of what you are. If used in anger, your power will convey the feeling. Control your emotions and use it with a just heart, and I’m sure you’ll master it. Hehe, your mane may even change to accommodate such mastery.”

“R-really! No way no way, I gonna train all day and all night until I get it!”

“So much energy in that little body, it’s almost unreal. Also Luna.”


“I want you to also remember something. Your magic isn’t everything, there may come a time when you’re forced to use your brain instead of your horn.”

“Pfft, My magic’s gonna fix everything, just you watch Mom.”

“(sigh) This child is gonna get me in trouble one day, I can just see it.”

Luna had finally stopped bouncing around enough to tug on her mother’s dress. “Hey, mom?”

“Yes, hon?”

“Can we go play outside?”

“But it’s almost midnight.”

“I know but I’m wide awake for some reason.”

Her gentle smile lit a spark of happiness in Luna. “As you wish my dearest daughter.”