• Published 22nd Jul 2018
  • 1,407 Views, 26 Comments

A Nightmare Once More - Lyle Daydream

Nightmare Moon, a force of dark evil that tried to blind the world to the light has gone, has since been sealed away and unable to return. However...she may not be the only power that resides inside the Princess of the Night.

  • ...

Is it me?

I’m so...tired...I only got a moment's rest and even then, I’m unbearably dreary, I can’t understand why. I rolled out of bed in literal terms, hitting the floor with a thud. It hurt my wings, my mind rattled as if beads filled it...breathe Luna, breathe. One hoof at a time. One...not even one muscle in my body was listening as my hoof became jelly instantly. I could barely hold it up let alone stand but I am a princess, I cannot let this impede me. Left...then the right. The struggle became key in this fight, It was getting too hard to even attempt but...I just need to get all my hoofs on the ground. “Sister, are you all right?!”

My mind was quick to notice my sister’s entrance to my room, a look on her face any sibling would give their younger in this particular situation. “T-Tia?”

“What happened, are you alright?”

I wanted to show no weakness, I wanted to feel fine but I couldn’t. It felt like the backlash of a really bad migraine. I felt sick, my body still would not obey me, and yet. “I’m...”

“Don’t you dare say you’re fine, you’re on the floor sister and that warrants concern. Twilight also noted a puzzling encounter just before I arrived, one that had painted you as quite disconnected. Are you well sister?” She asked me firmly.

“There is no need to worry sister, I think I may have caught a fever last night.”

“Perhaps, it all does account for all the strange symptoms you were exhibiting, that and you’ve been asleep all day.”

“All day?” I turned to the window, nighttime again. Is it a coincidence or...no Luna, not even a thought toward...her. “I apologize for the inconvenience. I shall return to my duties as soon as possible.” But first I would need to effectively stand up.

“Luna, I am concerned, you’re acting quite strange.”

“How so?”

“You’ve outgrown such reckless behavior, knowing that you’re in no condition to move. That being said, we celestials do not get sick often. Is there more to it?”

She stared at me with more than just a concerned expression this time. This time, it was a questioning stare. “You’re doing it again Tia.”

“Doing what?”

“That overly concerned sister bit.”

“I just want to make sure you’re ok.”

“Then why not do that instead of assuming something underneath the surface?”

She looked away, she actually turned away from my obvious suggestion. Closing her eyes, she sighed a long and powerful sigh. “My...apologies, I got a little carried away. I never meant to--”

“Just help me up please?”


Using her taller stature to support me was enough, but instead, she magically supported my limbs to their eventual full stretch. Had I made her afraid to even touch me or am I thinking too much into it? “Thank you.”

“You’re still weak from the whole ordeal sister, you need rest.”

“I’ll be fine Tia. I can still perform my dut--”

I felt my hoof give way only after one step, like a pile of rocks crashing down a cliff if Tia hadn’t been there to halt my fall. “You stand corrected dear Luna. Stay in bed for now.”

“But...my presence is required in the realm of dreams, I can’t leave the children to their nightmares.”

“I am quite aware Luna, but your health comes before your duty. Please stay in bed if you can help it.”

My duty as a princess...I can’t just shun it. It shall haunt me for the rest of my days if I don’t at least try to resolve the issue. “You don’t understand sister, you’ve seen what can happen if I let the nightmares go unresolved.”

“I think the populace can survive one day without your protection Luna. Please, you will cause more unrest than calm in your state, especially to me.”

How am I supposed to accept this? You don’t. “As you wish sister, but only for this night.”

“That will hopefully be enough to cure your body of its ailment.”

I can’t sleep...I can’t move...I’m frozen like a block of ice...stuck in this infernal bed while the dreams are at the mercy of anything the nightmares can throw at them. I shouldn’t be worried, they’ve survived longer bouts without me. But still, I can’t fight the fact, that something is wrong. Is it just my imagination? Haha, yes yes, my imagination. As long as I think that, I should finally be able to sleep in pe--But what of the musician? The young one, Simple Record, he is fine. He’s having a nightmare again, I can feel it. He’s scared, alone, still feeling unease about the entire ordeal. Are you simply going to leave him to that fate? I can’t leave him to a fate like that, not when I can do something. I stood as best I could, easier this time around but my body was still unwilling to accept what I was destined to do since becoming the night’s eternal princess. I stumbled, quickly catching myself before hitting the ground. “I can do this...I can do this.”

At the flicker of my magic, the portal opened. I struggled to step through letting my breath out in a deep sigh as I finally entered 100%. “Alright, now to fulfill my du--that whispering again.” It was as clear as day, I’m not mistaken after all nor am I crazy. It was...in here with me whatever it was.

Tell me, what is it you seek?

“I seek only to better those who dream.”

That was before, but what of now?

“What else could there be?”

Power, do you not seek that as well, a means to protect those around you?

“I already have power, I am a princess once again after all.”

But that didn’t stop Tempest from defeating both you and your sister, did it?

“We were caught off guard.”

Or just too weak? Admit it, you couldn’t have defeated her at your current level, could you?

“I tried... I tried so hard but...”

You needed something more, you know exactly what it was.

“No, it will stay locked away, hidden forever within the depths of the dream realm. It shall never touch another living soul as long as it lives.”

Oh won’t it, there are plenty of capable hosts.

“I refuse to let it do so. I will stay here as long as needed.”

Oh but just look at you dear, you’re obviously not in any capable form to do so, rest awhile and rebuild your strength.

“I can’t rest...not while...” A yawn? No, not now, not while I still have a duty to the ponies of Equestria...but, I would adore the idea of sleep right now, against my better wishes. I need to move...I need to.

You can’t do anything in this state, please rest, I beg of you.

“Maybe...for just a moment.” My hooves grew weak, I found myself etching closer to starry ground, and soon my eyes closed allowing me to slowly drift off.

That’s right princess, sleep...sleep so that you may help others...and me...

“And me...how nice...to help.”

“...na...Luna!” A voice...it’s familiar. Suddenly I felt my entire body lunge back, the whisper had gone, but a new voice had replaced it. It was Tia’s. “Luna, wake up now!”

I jumped, suddenly feeling the energy return to my person. I was still weak, but the dreariness, the drowsiness, they dissipated into thin air. “What...happened?”

“You entered the dream realm despite me telling you to rest.”

“T-Tia, I can explain.”

“Can you?”

“My conscience told me that Simple Record was in trouble. I couldn’t leave him to be invaded by nightmares.”

“Dear sister, you do realize that you were in mortal danger correct? You told me specifically what would happen if you fell asleep within that realm.”

“I’m sorry, I just felt so tired...My conscience was telling me to sleep, to rest.”

“What is your conscience, Luna? You keep referring to it as if a separate entity.” Celestia’s eyes widened, then focused back onto mine. “Who were you talking to Luna?”

“It was my mind.”

“Your mind doesn’t suggest obvious mistakes, you’re smarter than that. Was it your conscience you were really talking to?”

“I...it was a voice.”

“A voice.”

“It didn’t sound like mine, but I’m sure it was. It sounded as if I were thinking the words.”

“Luna...are you in control right now?”

“Control of what?”

“Your mind?”

“Y-yes. I am completely aware of myself.”

She looked at me with questioning eyes once more before letting out a sigh. “Luna, I’m worried about you. You’re acting out, more than usual.”

“I just wanted to protect their dreams.”

"And you can, when you’re all better. This is childish you know, even for somepony like you.”

“I know.” I know all too well.

“Luna please tell me what’s wrong, what is it that’s eating at you so much.”

She sat down in front of my weak form, smiling that sisterly smile and looking at me with hope. I struggled to muster up the courage to tell her, to even lift my head to look her in the eyes. “It’s about...the Storm King invasion.”

“Ah yes, young Tempest, what of it?”

“What of it? We lost Tia!” I’m not with child, I’m not without regret for my own actions, so why did I just snap? “Tempest was able to defeat the princesses of the ponies with such utter ease it was embarrassing.”

“But is that not why you hired her to captain of your nightly guard?”

“Her skill is undeniable, but should it be more powerful than us, the ones who raise the sun and moon?”

“Luna, you’re tearing up.”

What is...tears? I can’t stop them, they just keep coming. The more I talk, the more I feel like it wasn’t worth it at all. I wiped what I could away and turned toward the night sky in the window. “We shouldn’t have been defeated so easily, not by just a mere pony, no matter how skilled.”

“You’re thinking about this all wrong Luna. We were outmatched, our enemy unknown.”

“Unknown or not, what makes us so weak? Why can’t we protect our own subjects in half the encounters we come across? No, it always comes down to her.”


“Yes her. I don’t hate her adoration for you or magic, nor her skill, but she isn’t us Tia, we protect the kingdom, not her.”

“Luna, what is wrong, this doesn’t make sense?”

I stopped, the tears of frustration now tears of dedication. “Have you ever wondered something...what if I or even you could control the power of our other selves.”

“Other selv--I refuse Luna. Those two are unstable, unpredictable, they would enslave hundreds and annihilate millions more.”

“But then we could protect our kingdom, just like I did before.”

“All those years ago Luna, you became something that nearly destroyed our society. If you want to become that which protects the ponies then this isn’t the way."

I closed my eyes and turned back to her. What was I saying, why am I saying this...these aren’t my words Tia, you have to believe me. “And why not, the power is ripe, supreme, and if I could control it, I could protect them so much more.”

I could see her form jump as my eyes reopened to her. “You’re reverting Luna, you have to calm down.”

“I am becoming better!”

“You’re becoming a monster!”

An arrow to the soul, my body, my mind, it all felt hot like it was on fire. I grunted, closing my eyes and backing up into the wall. A few seconds of reality eased my mind, and soon I felt my consciousness start to return to me. I slowly moved my eyes back up to my sister’s, her face was now at ease, as was my soul. “I just...don’t wanna be weak anymore.”

“You are not weak dear sister, just missing a part of yourself at the moment. Your mind is escaping you without proper rest and I believe your own room is adding to the stress. I think it would benefit you more to sleep in my bed until you can properly rest.”

“And what of you?”

“I’ll be there as well so that my presence can hopefully ease your mind.”

“Sister, you’ve always been the most generous between us. Reminds me of mother.”

“Mother would be proud to see how far you’ve come since the incident Luna. Let us return to my room for the time being alright?”

“Yes, let's.” Using her magic to place one of my hoofs over her body, she supported me out of the room, closing the door upon our exit. Still, I can’t help but stay confused. Where did that all come from? Is it trying to fight her way back into control of my body? There’s nothing else that fits besides it...but I mustn’t think of that. In due time, a few more hours of peaceful rest, I should be rid of the horrid nightmare.

Her room was just as bright and radiant as I remember, the door still led to that fire burning elegantly in the fireplace, and the cushion she so happily rested upon moved only an inch since I last saw it. It was a sight to ease the mind, a memory before my mind was invaded and forced to conceive a jealous lie to my own heart. “Tia?” I asked.

“Yes Luna?” she replied before laying me down softly on the cushion.

I felt the heat radiating throughout my body as she took a position next to me, comforting me with her warmth. “What do you remember...of when mother when around?”

“Hmm? It has been a century or two since I recalled the events, so not quite that much, at least not detail for detail. I do remember when she let us decorate our rooms, however.”

“Oh yes...wasn’t that the day you accidentally burned a percentage of your mane off.”

She giggled at such a thought. “Me, the princess of the sun, burning my mane off thanks to this very same fireplace. It was unheard of, quite embarrassing on top of that.”

“I’ll never forget it, you had to get your mane cut down to your neck to let it grow back properly.”

“I was technically a filly for two weeks.” I and my sister both found humor in the situation and despite my weak situation, I was laughing hysterically, as was she. I could feel myself drifting off, a yawn escaping me at the moment. “Tia...I miss her, I miss them both.”

“As do I sister, as do I.”

The young girl annoyingly played with her hair, as if something was missing from it. “Celestia dear, it is not that bad.”

She simply huffed at that comment. “This simply will not do Mother, my mane this short, I could pass for a tomcolt.”

Rolling her eyes at the obvious, she stepped forward to try and comfort her daughter. “I apologize for that but I did warn you.”

“How was I supposed to know that I am not immune to fire.”

“Just because you can control fire doesn’t mean it can’t hurt you, that is not why we put a fireplace in your room.”

Concerned eyes met her mother's. “It’ll grow back right?”

“In two weeks' time yes.”

“Two weeks without any hair, I’ll be the laughingstock of the entire schoolyard.”

“You’ll be fine dear, just look at Luna, she embraces her short mane.”

“She’s always had a short mane though.”

Suddenly the mother’s expression grew stern. “You’re being a brat, Celestia, you will be fine trust me.”

“But what about the other kids? Even if I am the princess, they’ll make fun of me.”

That stern face easily crept into a smile, her eyes closed in addition. “If any of those boys mess with you, just tell a teacher. If you can’t make it to a teacher...don’t be afraid to aim for the face and don’t let up until it stops shaking.”

“M-mom, you’re getting creepy again...”

“Oh sorry, a simple blast to that general area will do it just as well.”

“You’re actually telling me to do something so uncouth?”

“I didn’t become queen by letting ponies step all over me. You shouldn’t be either.”

“S-sure mother.”

“Now you get ready for bed, your father will be raising the moon soon and I still have to see to Luna’s room. And who knows, somebody might actually like your short hair.”

“I hope so,” Celestia said with a sigh before exiting her room.

The mother was quick to flash to Luna’s room, opening the door to an interesting sight. “Are you planning your room like I tol--what is that all over you?”

“Uh...I can explain.”

“Can you? Let’s hear it then.”

“Well...it’s...just...I was gonna...” The daughter laughed, sticking her tongue out in the process.

"You were supposed to be planning your decorations over an hour ago dear. Do you mean to tell me that you’ve been sitting here dressing up the entire time? Where did you even get that fur from?”

“Uh...well yes, and from the guards.”

The mother’s expression had easily become annoyed. “I told you about telling the guards to sneak you in things.”

“I know...” the young one said with a sad expression. " I just wanted to see how I would look.”

“Looks of oneself aren’t always everything Luna. You and Celestia could both stand to learn that. There were times when I was on the verge of fashion disaster and I still had to give a speech.”

“Hehe, that was a funny picture.”

“Being bald is not fun--calm down calm down. Anyway, do you at least have a general idea of how you wanna decorate this room?”

“Yes and no.”

“Theme at least?”

The young one thought about it for a moment. “Nighttime?”

“That’ll work just as well I suppose.”

“So, is Tia ok?”

“Hmm? Fine for the most part. Her confidence may be low for a few days so try to encourage her new mane style until it comes back.”

“I tried to stop her.”

“Really, because from her account, she noted almost too specifically that you were and I quote ‘rolling on the ground laughing’ after putting her out.”

“Oh...that. See I was lost in the moment and--”

“No excuses honey, no matter how funny it may be, you shouldn’t laugh at someone’s despair... in front of them. Always take it to another room, always.”

“You're a dork mother.”

“And you're both brats, I think that balances us out. Do you perhaps want to come with me to the store to pick out your own decorations?” With a couple of happy hops, the mother already knew the answer. “Come along.”

The two walked in conversation, Luna blurting whatever designs she had on her mind, and her mother stating realistically what was possible. However, upon reaching the carriage, Luna grew a bit fatigued. “Wow, I’m so tired all of a sudden.”

“It’s an effect of the roles you and your sister will hold one day. As one would expect, you grow ever the more tired during the day, as your duty lies within the entirety of the night. You’ll get better at fighting the drowsiness though.”

It was only a matter of time before the mother’s horn lit up with magic within the carriage, taking the sun in her hold and lowering it to allow the father’s night to slowly shadow the land. The process took until their arrival in the city, and soon ponies were making their way into their homes to rest. “Hey Mother, I always wondered something.”

“And what is that?”

“So if Father is normally fighting back sleep in the daytime when ponies are awake, and then he’s constantly awake during the night when nobody else is, does he make friends or even talk to anyone?”

“It was a hard concept to understand back in our early days but yes, he does.”

“Oh, and here I thought father was alone for the majority of his days.”

“You’re kidding, with how much that chatterbox talks, he can’t help but make friends.”

Luna giggled before the two entered the store.

The mother internally sighed however, she knew the truth to Luna didn't, about what the night really means for those who control it.

That was the first time I ever questioned it. Questioned what it was like to be a ruler of the night. To be in control.