• Published 22nd Jul 2018
  • 1,407 Views, 26 Comments

A Nightmare Once More - Lyle Daydream

Nightmare Moon, a force of dark evil that tried to blind the world to the light has gone, has since been sealed away and unable to return. However...she may not be the only power that resides inside the Princess of the Night.

  • ...

Rising Till Forever Fall

“So...” I uttered as I slid down the throne room door. “That’s what happened...I wanted to...no, needed to dispense justice upon the corrupt but in doing so I...” I could have sat there for hours on end, thinking about what I did. I knew I had done something so unforgivable, not even my excuse of a father would have been able to look me in the eye. That thought alone allowed a single tear to flow from my eye down my cheek. I, myself, now remembered detail for detail, every emotion and sensation I felt that year...that night. All that darkness festering and building in my mind, the thought of giving ponies like my father what they deserved, the fight, my horrible mistake. Still...does that justify my imprisonment in that reflection for so long? “No no no,” I said trying to shake the thought out of my head. “Don’t think like that, none of that matters Luna. Even if I am the one responsible for this...I can’t let that get to me. Instead, I should be celebrating the fact that I’m home, that’s all that matters.”

With a swipe of the tear from my cheek and my lips spread into a smile, I placed my hoof on the throne room doors and slowly pushed them open. As soon as my eyes met hers, anger filled her soul and within a second, the word, “You!” was screamed my way and I felt a weight push my body to the ground.

“P-Princess Celestia?!” her student called out as my eyes reopened to my sister standing directly above me.

“S-sister?” I uttered. “W-what is the meaning of this?”

“How? How can you stand here and smile like that, like nothing is wrong? It’s because of you that she isn’t here...” I turned my gaze away from hers with guilt and regret. “Don’t turn away from me sister, answer me...tell me why I shouldn’t send you back right this instant?”

Send me back...after all this time... “Because...” I paused trying to figure out the exact words I wanted to say, what would console her heart into accepting me once more after something so... unmistakably evil. “Because I’m afraid...” My sister’s eyes widened. “I’m afraid of going back sister, afraid of being in that world alone and regretful of my actions. I had hoped that perhaps we could put the past behind us and make amends but...I see now that I deserve to be there...I did kill our only mother after all.”

“So you admit, your actions were completely uncalled for and it cost us the only parents we ever had?” I nodded. “Then you know why we must send you back. I’m sorry but it is for the greater good.”

“S-send me back? No sister please, I do not wish to go back, not again. That place, that Void Beyond, it is a place without time, without real recognition, without a reason to exist, you cannot send me back, I can’t go back.” I cried out.

“Would you rather it be Tartarus, sister?”

“Why can’t you just accept that I did something wrong and let me make amends for it?”

“Because there is no redemption for what you did and what you planned to do Luna. None.” As her horn lit up with magic, I did what I could to stop her, the magic string once again wrapping her horn and forcing her body to stiffen. “Y-you think this will quell m-my anger, sister. You have committed an unspeakable act and I must be the one to punish y-you, for my mother’s sake.”

I was beyond words...she was moving with each word, actually fighting the magic that is meant to subdue even a ferocious dragon. And so...here I was once again, cowering in fear at the hoofs of my sister. So much for a celebration of my return. Instead, my party would be held in that world once more. Well, that is until a sudden flash of light caught my attention and no the scenery no longer matched my peril. Instead what greeted my eyes was a library, unlike the royal library I had grown so accustomed to. “W-what? Where am...wait, you? The student?“

“P-pardon my intrusion Princess but I just had so many questions to ask you and I wasn’t sure if I could stop Princess Celestia so I just decided to teleport us away but I’m sure she’ll find a way to find you again and I’m sorry I can do a lot more--”

“Ok ok, no need to talk my mane off, it’s perfectly fine,” I said slowly getting to my hoofs, wiping the dust off with my wing before approaching the nervous student. “Where exactly...have you taken us?”

“The library inside of the castle. I know it’s not very far and she’s bound to find us but it’s the best I could do on such short notice.”

“It’s fine, I’m just so...confused.”

“Princess Celestia seems to still harbor some feelings of resentment towards you.”

“Well yes, but I’m a tiny bit more concerned about you. I sense strange energy from you...unlike most alicorns...”

“W-well...if it’s anything, I wasn’t an alicorn all my life.”

“So how did you gain them then.”

“I figured out the true meaning of friendship--”

“And then a bunch of lights and flashes later, boom alicorn right?”

“Well if you wanted to s-sum it up, that is the gist of it.”

“So...gained your alicorn status through hard work instead of a birthright did ya? I see I see...well then.” I said making her slightly cower as I gave her a menacing stare. “You have done something I cannot overlook.”


“On behalf of the royal family...I must...” I continued to stare her down with my menacing silver slits making her cower as I got right in her face.” “I...will call you sister!”

“C-come again?”

“Sisters, me and you!”

“I don’t follow--”

“Titles Twilight, they suck. Princess this, Princess that, it’s all so...annoying...Instead, let’s ditch the fancy titles and just call each other by our names. My name’s Brillare Luna Luminosa. Or just Luna for short.”

“O-oh wow...I didn’t think I’d be introducing myself to you for a second time. I’m Twilight...S-Sparkle, Twilight Sparkle.”

“Since we’re honorary sisters now, I have to ask. How did you really get those wings?”

“Like I said mam, by learning the true magic of Friendship.”

“R-really?!” I shockingly exclaimed prodding and nudging them with my hoof. “And they’re real too...so you truly are a genuine Alicorn, even though you weren’t before. That’s...so...completely awesome. How did it feel to be transformed into one? Can you move the moon or the sun?” I gasped. “Or maybe even both?”

Immediately a look of surprise shot across her face as I questioned her. “M-me, raise the sun and the moon? No no no no no, I could never figure out how to acquire such control over such a distant object. I simply have not yet studied the makeup of your powers to do so. Besides, I am completely unworthy of such an important task.”

“Unworthy? I don’t believe that for a bucking second.”

“P-Princess please, language.”

“Censoring yourself is for the innocent Twilight, and nopony here is truly innocent. I tortured countless scores of my castle guards by making them think they saw shadow monsters all over the place for pony’s sake.”

“I suppose--Y-you did?”

“Yes, it quite the entertaining show to watch them scream only to realize it was just cute little me standing there.”

We both giggled before Twilight suddenly faced me with a curious yet serious expression. “Princ--”

“Luna please, we’re sisters.”

“O-oh right. Um Luna, Is everything she said true?”

My happy smile quickly faded. “I see...back to the topic I’m trying to avoid talking about.”

“I’m s-sorry Luna, It’s just...to me, this is very...odd. If you’d rather not I unde--”

“No no, my sister is right. I can’t just forget what I did so easily, even after all this time.”

“So...she was right then, this is the real you?”

“Yes. Everything you heard, everything she recalls is correct, not a detail exaggerated.”

“Then you actually killed...” she began in a tone of shock before being cut off by a nod from me, my focus drifting elsewhere with guilt.

“Are you...going to side with her now? Should I go back...to my prison?”

“....” Her silence noted the internal conflict within, my heart almost sinking back into that void before she spoke up. “Luna I...I’d like to think that Princess Celestia is right...she is my mentor after all. But...right now I’d like to use my own judgment.”

“I see...perhaps we could go somewhere more private then...I feel my sister will stumble upon us sooner than later.”

“Then let us go to my castle. Even Princess Celestia won’t think to check there first.”

Before Twilight could raise her horn to gather the energy she needed, I placed a single hoof on her shoulder ceasing her action. “Allow me.” Twilight’s eyes widened as I tore us from reality within the blink of an eye, an office of some sort greeting us within her castle. “This is your castle, isn’t it?” she curiously questioned.

“H-how d-did...how did you...but we were just...was that instantaneous teleportation?”

“Hehe, blew your mind didn’t I sis? Makes no sound, causes no flash of light, it’s almost as if you’re simply disappearing and reappearing wherever you want.”

“B-but how did you know about my castle when--”

“I looked into your memories, simple as that.”

“Just like Sunset can...” Twilight’s brain felt like it had grown three sizes that day, a smile beaming across her face nearly a second later as she rushed me like a monster hooked on sugar. “I can’t believe you know such cool magic Princess, please, you have to teach me.”

“Me and cool in the same sentence, that’s one you don’t hear every day. But apologies, I can’t teach you anything I have learned.”

That once excited look of curiosity soon turned to disappointment. “Y-you can’t?”

“Well I can buuuuuut...it’s not recommended. Weren’t you listening during that little history lesson?” Twilight paused, Her disappointment quickly switching to confusion...then realization...then more confusion. “I didn’t understand it completely, a spell that gives you power but makes you evil, it sounds...a bit far-fetched. I’ve heard of mind control spells, and body snatching spells, but nothing that innately changes a pony’s personality upon use.”

“Well then, I guess not even my sister knows all the details. Do you perhaps have tea, I’d rather not tell the details of my life on a dry throat.”

“S-sure, yes, um...I’ll be just a second.” She uttered in a hurry before exiting the room.

Seconds soon turned to minutes, me letting out a bored sigh as I slowly walked over to the desk and began examining the books piled upon it. “So many books...Almost as many as the royal library.” She said sifting through the titles. “Geez, Twilight is such an egghead, just look at these, the biology of ponies, the study of psychology, true facts about the atom...and I thought Celestia was supposed to be the smart one. Wait...” I said placing her attention upon a specific book, one that stood out among the rest. “Nightmare Moon: The true story?” I levitated the book in front of myself, opening the first page and reading along. “Long ago, Luna and Celestia were both the rulers of Equestria, a land inhabited by ponies. Every morning, Celestia would raise the sun, and every evening, Luna would raise the moon. Together, they kept the balance perfectly. However, as time went on, Luna grew jealous: the ponies would be awake to enjoy the day and love, admire, and appreciate Celestia's work, but would always ‘shun’ and sleep through Luna's far more beautiful night. One day, Luna turned on Celestia, saying she should be the only princess in Equestria, and raised the moon before the bitterness in her heart manifested and transformed her into Nightmare Moon, a black mare of pure darkness. Celestia did not want to fight Nightmare Moon and begged her to lower the moon, but Nightmare Moon said her only royal duty was to destroy Celestia, and shot at her elder sister with magic beams, eventually knocking her down. Seeing no other way, Celestia reluctantly used the Elements of Harmony to overpower Nightmare Moon and banish her to the moon, creating the phenomenon known as ‘the Mare in the Moon.’ A thousand years later, on the longest day of that year, Nightmare Moon escaped the moon and made her return.” This Nightmare Moon...was that me? Or rather the one that was me? So was it...inevitable?

“Sorry for the wait Princess, Spike had a hard time believing you were the ‘real’ Luna.” I nearly jumped out of my mane when I heard her voice behind me. I quickly placed the book back on the desk and turned to her, smiling and holding a tray with a teapot and two teacups on it. “Is something wrong?” she uttered, quickly switching from a smile to confusion.

“N-no not at all...I was just wondering about something...I-it’s nothing hehe.”

“If you say so.”

With a hint of her magic, Twilight poured us both a cup before taking hers and setting the tray on her desk as she sat down. I did the same taking a seat on the floor next to her. Upon taking a few sips, I set the cup down before letting out a breath of relief. “I haven’t had a good cup of tea in years...reminds me how much I hate it. No offense, I just really don’t like tea.”

“No need to apologize Princ--I mean Luna. So, about your power...”

“Straight to the point, no more beating around the bush huh? Very well,” I said levitating the cup of tea to my lips and taking a sip before letting out a sigh. Of all the things I could’ve asked to drink... “The reason I can’t teach you any of the spells I learned back then...is of my own judgment.”

“So they won’t turn me evil?”

“Not in the way you’re thinking. Instead, you, yourself, will become your own worst enemy.”

“I do not follow Luna...Is it a morality spell, does it change your point of view over time?”

“It does none of those by itself. Instead, everything that happened was a side effect of my own powers, something that my own mother told me over and over again to control or they would get the better of me. When we were young,” I said standing up and beginning to slowly walk back and forth. “Everyone adored the idea of us becoming princesses. We trained, we learned, it seemed like our destiny...well not mine, at least, that’s not what I wanted.”

Twilight immediately spit up her sip of tea in shock. I gave her an annoyed look, thankfully I was quick enough to bring up a magical shield before her unexpected spit take reached me. “Oops, sorry...But I’m just confused, y-you didn’t want to be a princess? But I thought it was unavoidable for somepony of royalty.”

“Unavoidable by normal standards, yes, but I was anything but normal at that age. Instead, I...was truly infatuated with magic. Teleportation, firing a magical beam of light, dream walking, all these things were on my list of ‘way past cool’ while politics were more my sister’s speed. Sure I still gave my opinion here and there but, if we’re being honest, I was a bit of a ditz when it came to that kind of stuff. I didn’t really know or ever really study enough to give a solid answer as to ‘whether this year’s harvest should focus on peaches or pears,’ wasn’t really my style.”

“So if you didn’t want to be a princess, then what did plan on doing, I mean what else could a pony of royalty do?”

“I..” I began with a slight nervousness in my voice. “I wanted to...mmm...it’s kinda...unusual for a princess but...I wanted to be a leader of a military force, one that would protect Equestria from any threat.” I said with a smile on my face. “I would teach them the best spells we had to offer, give them the best training we could. It was my dream.”

Twilight froze for a moment as those words entered her ears. “But...wait you...but Equestria doesn’t...we don’t have a military force, save for the royal guard.”

“And I understood that, that’s why I trained my magic day in and day out. I wanted to start an actual force the world could rely on to protect them. The Royal guards are one thing, but they protect us and the castle. Most of them almost never see any true action and if they do...I hate to be that mare, but they’re not very good at their jobs. That’s why I decided that if anyone was going to be the ruler of Equestria, it would be Celestia. She would be the heroic heroin, and the equestrian army, as well as myself, would be the sword and the shield she’s holding. I always loved devising tactics and plans anyway, I found it more suiting than deciding on the future of the world.”

“So if you were aspiring that goal, how did you--”

“Greed.” I quickly answered, a look of sadness spreading across my face as quickly as that smile had come. “I got cocky...I wanted more power...more things to teach those who signed up. The things I was taught were good but...they weren’t great. And so I began searching for something, anything, that could give my warriors a fighting edge. And then I found that book...”

“That’s right, you found some kind of spellbook before that night they discovered you with your condition correct?”

“Yep. A Spellbook with spells that made what we had been learning in school completely obsolete. The two spells that you’ve seen me use more often than others are from that book. One that works only on unicorns, using their own magic to control their nervous system and stop them in their tracks via a magical string that wraps around their horn. The other is the instant teleportation spell. When I saw those words, my own daydreams took over my mind and I immediately wanted to learn them, and so I did so in secret. I studied and practiced until that fateful day when I sent the guards away. However, I made a fatal mistake, ignoring common sense. I found that book in my father’s study, hidden behind countless locks. Common sense would tell you, or anypony really, that the book hidden behind a country’s worth of security is there for a reason. As you know, however, my dad was anything but a loving parent. I sought his secrets because he would not mentor me, as a father and a fellow being of the night is supposed to.”

“I see...so the book was something of your father’s past possibly.”

“I don’t know either, all I knew is that instant teleportation was a thing and I wanted to learn it. What I failed to realize even then was that each spell had the same innate effect on your psyche, a lust for power. Through this book, I became ignorant of my emotions, wanting only to learn spell after spell to enhance my future army. I forgot the only lesson I remember my mother teaching me.”

“There is more to being powerful than magic. Sometimes your brain and your bonds with ponies you love is as strong as any spell.”

I let out a giggle. “It’s almost as if you read my mind, sister.”

At some point, Twilight had pulled a chessboard from under her desk, offering me a game which I gladly accepted. As we played, we continued to speak, making moves in between each sentence. “Your move...I’ve learned a lot through my friendship lessons...that is one that stuck more than any other. It’s what makes us so formidable against any evil.”

“Well young me didn’t quite get the memo. I craved magical power...each new spell was better than the last and I couldn’t resist. Then that night happened.” I said making my move.

“I think I get it. It wasn’t a spell that turned you into that mare, it was your own powers.”

“As you know quite well from the other Luna, negative emotions are a huge source of my magic. Anger, sadness, fear, these things fuel my power. But also, greed, gluttony, jealousy, pity, these things also fuel that fire. In my haste to learn more spells, to gain more power, to go against myself, my powers gave me that huge warning shot that was...you know, the glowing white eyes and stuff.”

“So you could have avoided this?”

“I know I know, wouldn’t the fact that you couldn’t see in any light and were forced to stay in a dark depressing room be the wake-up call? Well yes and no, I was a truly stubborn filly at the time. I didn’t want to believe that it was my fault I ended up like this so I threw the idea away, shut it out, locked it in the deepest recess of my mind, and continued to study that book. However, in doing so,” I said placing a hoof over where my heart would be. “I gave my heart to the darkness. I endlessly spiraled ever downward, thinking that my predicament was the price of power, a price I was willing to accept.”

“I see now why it might be a bad idea to let those spells circulate. But still, you had a dream, one that could have bettered Equestria. You chose the right piece,” she said levitating her king and making her move. “You just made the wrong moves.”

“That is an apt description. But those moves...that price...it...it wasn’t...” I uttered beginning to choke on my words. “It wasn’t worth my mother’s life...it never will be. I understand completely why my sister’s fury overshadows any apology I could ever make.”

“But she didn’t know any of what you just told me though. If you were to inform her...I’m sure she’d understand.”

“My sister is understanding believe me but...after our mother...I think not. You saw how she reacted when those memories came flooding back to her.” I said making my move before sighing and lowering my sorrowful gaze to the floor. “Years of grief have left her cold toward me, wishing only to avoid our past rather than facing it. But you believe me right, believe that I only wanted to help others?”

She froze in thought as I turned my eyes back up to her, her levitated chess piece even doing the same. “If friendship has taught me anything...it’s that everyone needs a chance to redeem themselves.”

“T-thank you, sister...truly.”

“But,” she quickly continued. “I’m beginning to see that it takes time to earn trust.”

“What do you mean?”

She let out a sigh as she made her move. “I’m just...a little skeptical of it all now. My first lesson in friendship began when Nightmare Moon or the evil version of you returned from the moon. She wanted to cover the entire world in darkness and no pony could stand against that plan. No pony but those who truly personify what friendship is. It was the friendship of me and my friends that saved Equestria and turned the evil alternate version of yourself back into a good pony. That was the first time I felt friendship, the first time I ever felt like I did something that meant something to the world and not just a scientist behind a desk. But even after all these years of studying and mentoring me, she chose to keep such a huge secret from me, the student she personally took under her wing.”

“Secrets...they are not something that is not so easily avoided. In her defense, she most likely did not plan for me to escape my prison nor that secret to ever get out.”

“Still, she’s like a second mother to me, I felt we had more trust than that. Sure I would’ve been pretty angry if she had told me earlier but at least she didn’t wait until Princess Luna was suffering. I mean did any of those friendship lessons really mean anything to her or was she simply using that as a convenient excuse to hide your existence? That alone is enough to make me question her now.”

“You need not question her sister. Celestia is a good pony, I know that for sure, she was just...lost, still is, as am I.” I sighed getting to my hoofs. “Looking at the context...I believe she’s right. Perhaps it is better that I return to my solitude and let the other me come back. Do you believe that as well?”

“I...want to say no...but, what about the other Luna?”

“I don’t know...only one of us can be in control and I think it should be her. She’s been her sister longer than I have, why should I deprive her of a life I threw away.”

“L-Luna!” she exclaimed making me jump in fear. “S-sorry I, s-sorry it’s just...that’s not true.” she quickly blurted making me give her a curious expression. “You’re worth it, I think you’re worth it, I mean.”

“You’ve changed your mind so quickly, don’t you care for the Luna you grew up with?”

“Hearing your side of the story...it’s almost like...” she paused for a while, her hoof slowly gliding over her heart as her expression turned to one of grief. “It’s almost like...I can feel everything you felt...in my own heart. You wanted to become a symbol of power for the sake of everyone’s safety. But you were overambitious...you began to subconsciously seek more actual power than you needed. And in doing so, you forced your heart down a road of darkness and ended up on the end of a blade, so to speak. Because of that, you never got to live your life the way you wanted to. But...at the same time, The Luna I knew was just like Celestia, a second mother, a symbol of friendship, to everyone who now adores her when they used to think she was just a cold and mean nightmare. I feel it’s my place to say that I...love my Princess, disregarding any and all evil she may have committed."

“Even more reason to accept my place and let her return. I don’t deserve a life I destroyed with my own two hooves, because of my own mistakes.”

“That’s right.” I was taken aback by that response before she flashed me a now tearful smile. “Because you both deserve this life. That Luna was born of your mistakes but she’s made her own as well, she’s far from perfect compared to you. As a matter of fact, you could call this your Nightmare Moon story. You paid for your mistakes, you were sealed away but you came back, and now you seek redemption.”

“We...both deserve a life...”

First a sniffle, then a few tears, then full-blown crying. I could see through my tears, Twilight’s confusion, but I just couldn’t control myself. My hoofs became weak, I fell to my stomach with my gaze to the floor as I let a continuous stream of sobbing and wailing. “Oh dear Celestia, did I say something wrong? I’ll get the tissues, I’ll be--”

“N-no no Twilight...it’s ok...just...give me a moment...” I said calming myself and getting to my hoofs once more. “It’s just, I’ve never really...had someone that wasn’t sister or my mother be this...concerned for me.”

“Y-you never had a friend?”

“What no, I’ve had friends, I’m not a total hermit, it’s just...most of them were casual friends, not like you Twilight Sparkle. You barely know me aside from the story you heard and yet you’re willing to put your faith on the line for me, without blood relation pushing you to do so no less. It’s...a new experience. Hehe, you and my sister are just like my mother.”

“W-what? Me?”

“Yes, you sister. She always liked to see the good in people, even my sorry excuse of a father. She was the genuine definition of this friendship you know so well, strong, determined, generous, trusting, and friendly, she was like an angel in her own right. Unless you made her mad, then oh boy, watch your back else you’ll catch a laser in the flank.”

“Sounds a lot like my own mother.”

We both giggled at that. “So...you know my story now, and you accept me. But that still leaves the issue of your Luna and of my sister and her thoughts on the matter.”

“You need not go far for one of those.” My sister’s voice called out as she appeared out of thin air from behind a nearby bookshelf.

“S-sister?!” I said with shock in my voice as Twilight flashed in front of my person.

“P-princess Celestia wait, it’s not what you think.”

“I know full well what I think my student, now stand aside.”

“But you don’t understand, Luna is not the monster that you think she is.”

“The murder of our mother, I think I understand completely what she is. Now stand. Aside...so that I may hug my sister.”

“Huh?” I and Twilight responded in unison. “H-hug?”

“W-wait, what’s going on here?” Twilight replied as if she had read my mind.

“You should know that I know you better than you think Twilight. I was her only moments after you flashed her away.”

“I thought you said she wouldn’t think to check there first?”

“Twilight often forgets that I do keep tabs on her more than she thinks. If not in the Royal Canterlot Library, she’d be in her own.”

“Geez...” Twilight uttered in defeat. “I thought I was more inconspicuous than that. But then wait, that means that you--”

“Yes, I heard everything.”

“T-then that means...do you...believe me?” I questioned. “Do you understand me...or...should I just accept it and allow you to send me back?”

Celestia’s expression stayed as blank as a statue, staring into my very soul as she slowly approached. Twilight was quick to step aside as she neared me. “I...” I closed my eyes, waiting for her to utter an emotionless “no” and blast me back to the void. “I do.”

My eyes opened, my mouth lay agape with a gasp. “Y-you do...wait, you do but...mother, I’m the one that...”

“I haven’t forgotten,” she uttered, her horn sparking ever so slightly with magic. “Ever since all those years ago, when that Luna took over as my sister. My feelings toward you never went away. They boiled, they festered, and they became so significant that I shut the mere idea of you out and became convinced that that Luna was truly my sister.” My surprise became worry with those words. “I won’t forget what you did, Mother’s face as she breathed her last breath, all the anger I felt at that moment. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t still feel the urge to strike you down where stand.” That one made me take a step back in fear. Even if my magic is superior, she inherited my mother’s rage, that of which I refuse to go against. “I digress, however, even if my rage is as hot as the boiling sun, Mother’s final words still ring in my head, over and over.”

“Please...be kind to each other.”

“Yes, even after that moment, Mother still believed in our family, that we’d continue to be...a family. And so I wave away my anger in favor of honoring my Mother’s final wish, and...” she uttered turning her gaze away from me as a single tear streaked down her cheek. “I wish to get to know my sister again...the real one. I know mom was the only one to ever say this when we were kids, but we’re kids anymore. Luna...I will always love you.”

My heart was...beating so fast. It wasn’t fear...it wasn’t nervousness...I was happy. A feeling I hadn't truly felt in over 1,000 years. Alone. Cold. Regret. Darkness. The void taught me these feelings, every day of my life, reliving my shame over and over. Even still, I was just happy to finally see her after all these years. When she attacked me, I was all but certain she was still holding onto that grudge as was proven by her own words. I was ready to accept my fate, to let her send me back where I thought I belonged. And then...those three words, ones I never thought I’d hear her say again. Sister I... “Sister!” I happily screamed out as I rushed into her embrace.

“Welcome home...sister. I missed you.”

With tears now effectively streaming down my cheeks, I responded, “I missed you more than you know sister. For the longest time, I was...my heart was...there was just fear, and darkness, and grief. I didn’t know if I’d ever find a chance to come back, to make it up to you.”

“I’ve let you stay in the darkness too long sister, It’s time you start thinking about the positives now, as will I. I thought I could push past my feelings when I saw you for the first time and yet--”

“It’s ok sister, I understand,” I said wiping my tears. “When I was lost in the void, I thought I’d never get the chance to come back, but then I found something...a light inside myself, it grew and grew, showing me visions of what life could have been if I hadn’t turned out the way I did. I reached inside for the light and soon, I was here, in the real world once again. That light...was a lesson, a friendship lesson as Twilight puts it, that there is more to life, to a heart than just anger or sadness or even regret, it’s full of all kinds of feelings.”

“And now that you’re back, we’ll experience them together. Happiness, sadness, success, and failure, we’ll experience them all.”

I beamed a teary smile back her way. “Y-yes. Yes, absolutely, I’d love that.”

Celestia gave her student a nod as a flash of light engulfed my eyes and suddenly we were atop a balcony in our castle looking out upon the city. I couldn’t help but give a relaxed sigh as all three of us stared out upon the city...my new home.”

Journal of
Magna Luna

Day 1

Twilight told me that the other me had begun to keep her thoughts in this journal. She didn’t get farther than day 1 but I suppose I, unfortunately, had a hoof in that. I wish not to be mistaken, we are worried about my other self. Twilight has made a vow to figure out the logic behind a world hidden deeper than the dream realm but there is simply not enough information about that void beyond to go off of. All I know is that it was deeper into the psyche than even the dream realm was, and Celestia had accessed it completely by accident. Other than that, it will take time. Perhaps she’ll see the same light I did and find her own way back, hopefully.

Day 2

It didn’t take long for me to settle back into the roots of my status. Celestia gave me a tour of the city today, absolutely breathtaking, well, if not for the snobs that filled it’s streets. Seriously, even after all this time, we still have to deal with ponies who think they’re the best thing to ever set a hoof in the world. It's completely different from my memory of it. It used to be a small city but now there are all types of species roaming it’s streets, shops that sell things I’d never even thought were possible, and the architecture, must have cost a fortune to build it. I suppose that must be due to Twilight’s adventures of friendship.

Day 9

Twilight took it upon herself to introduce me to the friends she spoke of, even taking me on a whole week-long adventure to show me every part of Equestria. Gotta say, she and her friends did quite a good job of unifying these species under one hoof. The dragons barely talked to ponies when I was little, now they’re bartering with ponies like it’s their own backyard. I didn’t even know hippogriffs existed until today. Everything is so different but...so much better. I can’t wait to start doing things on my own.”

Day 15

Ugh...equestrian politics are sooooo boring but Celestia says that even if I don’t want to be an official princess, I still need to know the ins and outs of well, princessing. I still don’t understand why we’re not queens but I'm not one to complain if means not pulling the pin on that magical grenade. The good thing that came out of it was officially learning how to raise the moon. After our lessons, me and sister actually spent the day in Ponyville, where Twilight lived before she moved back to Canterlot. Everyone there was so sweet and nice, although, I could have done without all the formalities. Seems the princess herself showing up in Ponyville is quite a rare occurrence.

Day 30

Ok ok, calm down....oh geez, I can’t, I’m just so excited. Ok ok, deep breaths Luna, deep breaths. So I started drawing the plans for my special military force and something kind was off about it. It seemed too...ambitious, so I refined the idea of my army into something a bit smaller. I wish I realized as a kid that I didn’t necessarily want a whole army, that just seems like something a huge jerk of a dictator would do. Instead, I wanted it to be more like a special ops unit. Small and compact, with only about 10 or 20 members at the most. It just seems more effective to have a team that cooperates and knows each other and can work together than just throwing wave after wave of ponies at the problem. I call them, dun dun dunnnnnn...apologies, dramatic effect. I call them, Class Zero. Quick, effective, and on occasion, in and out like ninjas before anyone could even process the thought. Yea, it sounds a bit like Filly’s superhero dream, but It’s serious I promise, but that’s not what I’m excited about. What I’m excited about is that my sisters, Twilight and Celestia, were able to call a council and get every leader here in the same place tomorrow, just to hear my idea. Oh, I can’t wait!

Day 31

...Ok ok ok ok, I am literally jumping out of my seat right now. They rejected the idea. I know I know, how exactly is that good? Well, most of them rejected the idea except. For. One. Gilda. I was a bit shocked considering she was probably the least interested in all this princessy business, but she and even Spike argued my case to the rest. They changed their answers like magic and now, my idea’s approved. I’m gonna be able to train my very own task force, Class Zero will be the best force to ever grace the land of Equestria.

Day 60

So it’s been a while, sorry about that. I’ve been working nonstop on getting everything ready. Training regime, a location for the task force to temporarily live and train at, had to be a bit secluded and away from popular locations in order to keep the task force a secret from any evil that may be out there. Ms. Applejack and Rarity were able to help me design the blueprints for the building, but that’s gonna take even longer due to its sheer size. Still, this is progress, Class Zero will live.”

Day 130

It’s done, it’s finally done. I can’t believe it took this long but it’s finally done. The structure is literally the size of our castle, and all to accommodate 10 to 20 ponies, myself included. Of course, looking at the blueprints now, I can why it took so long. That Ms. Rarity sure likes to exaggerate her designs.

Day 131

I started sign-ups for the squad today. Celestia and Twilight joined me as well to ensure no “suspicious characters” took the chance to infiltrate the ranks. As far as I know we’ve only gotten about 10 signatures, including Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Spike, and a face that the old me knew but the new me didn’t recognize. Her name is Fizzlepop Berry Twist, what a mouthful but such an adorable name, but she prefers to go by Tempest Shadow. She was captain of my guard but saw more interest in actually doing something than just standing around at the castle. I...I saw her broken horn...it brought back memories of my father...how useless he must have felt when I snapped it in two. I didn’t want to want to mention it but, I did pity her a little. That is until she showed me just how wrong I was. Even without a horn, she was like was the definition of strength, finesse, pure, and pardon my language, badass. I knew the moment I saw her that she was going to be my second in command, and not just because I was insanely afraid of her heightened prowess in hoof-to-hoof combat.

Day 135

Welp, this is it Mr. Journal, 2 more days of prep and we’ll be on our way halfway across the land to a place cut off from half the population to train our dream team. It’s weird...I’ve been reflecting on everything lately. From when everything started to when I was lost in the void to right now. I can’t believe I went from dreaming of an army to being the big bad mare. It’s been a journey, a journey that I can’t help but feel...was meant to happen, no matter what supporters of the other Luna may think. Well, I need to sleep now, leaving in the morning.

Day 136 12:00 PM

It’s late...way too late. I can’t sleep for the life of me...I just... every time I close my eyes I see...no, I’m in a strange world. There’s nothing in this world. I’m standing on what seems to be....an expansive sea with a purple hue and a night sky that seems to go on forever. There’s nothing in this world at all. I call out for anypony like a lost filly, wondering if I’ll get an answer back. Nothing. But then something. A voice calls back. It seems lost too. I try to follow it and then, I’m met with a mirror...and staring back at me is a figure...that looks an awful lot like this Nightmare Moon character. It feels different than a dream, almost as if it’s reality and I can’t wake up. Perhaps it’s a nightmare, I am nervous beyond belief after all. We leave early tomorrow so I should really get some sleep.

Day 137 5:00 AM

...I've...I’ve been having these...weird thoughts lately... like is any of this...for real or not?

Comments ( 11 )

Is there going to be a sequel? At least a small one off? It seems like it with that last entry and it’s making me anxious! Anyways loved the final chapter! Can’t wait to know what happens to the Lunas!

I’m sure you noticed but there are a ton of things to resolve in the past and in the present, a sequel is totally planned woomy!

Sorry, I’m on a really hard Splatoon Kick right now....for like uh...since Splatoon 1 released? The Woomy is something that they say when they’re excited and stuff and I just kinda started instinctively adding it to my sentence structure for some reason.

I’m sorry to say that I’m drawing a blank about what I thought of the story. Been so long and so many other stories

Don’t be, I can see where it might have gotten confusing here and there. If you need clarification, feel free to ask.

Weird but good, still want a miracle to happen, but the ending is rather bittersweet, though I am ignoring the last to entries of the diary until if there is a sequel.

Oh cod thank you, I wasn’t sure based on your last comment whether it would throw you off or not. I’m eager to know exactly what made it weird. though so don’t hesitate to let good old Mariana know.

As for the sequel, it’s a work in progress for sure. I wrote this chapter with the intent to produce a sequel yes, just not as soon as some might wish. Kinda want to save it for a later day, after I've checked some other ideas off the list.

Oh wow this was an amazing story and I am truly looking forward to the sequel.

Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it. It's one of the only ones I considered successful.

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