• Published 22nd Jul 2018
  • 1,405 Views, 26 Comments

A Nightmare Once More - Lyle Daydream

Nightmare Moon, a force of dark evil that tried to blind the world to the light has gone, has since been sealed away and unable to return. However...she may not be the only power that resides inside the Princess of the Night.

  • ...

Or was I just a fake?

2 years after the discovery of Luna’s condition

For the better part of 2 years...I held my judgment. I wanted to be there for her, to see her get better but...I do not know, I just felt...different about her now. The night the tension began, I was wandering the hallways, waiting for dinner to begin. That’s when I came across Mother and Dr. Redheart having a conversation.

“How is she?” I heard Mother ask as she joined Dr. Redheart at the hallway window.

“She’s happy is the least I can say. I know this situation has not been ideal but Luna has been more or less comfortable with the prospect.”

“That’s good to hear...at least she’s getting some type of freedom out of this.”

“And what of Celestia?”

“I can’t say anything has really changed for her. She still attends school, goes out with her friends, but...”


“I fear this night and day separation may be putting distance between my daughters. I have not seen them greet each other in nearly a week.”

“Your worry is completely understandable mam,” she replied before removing her glasses and cleaning them. “Even though we still do not know the cause of such an ailment, it seems as though Luna and Celestia have adapted to their own routines nonetheless.” She returned the glasses to her face before letting out a sigh. “Unfortunately, their plans for the days past have not intersected, at least to my knowledge.”

“Luna was always a night owl before this incident anyway, I can only hope that on some level, they still speak to one another when they can.”

“As do I mam. Still, I just can’t shake that this could have somehow been avoided.”

“How so?”

“Well...perhaps I could have done something more. Weeks after the illness's discovery, I was elected as head of research on Alicorn's biological study. As a doctor, I was confused as to why I was suddenly a scientist but found pride in the status nonetheless. However...I made the mistake of thinking I could still be a full-time doctor and research your family at the same time. While work took up most of my day, the rest of it was spent taking care of little Luna and Celestia. I had almost no time to actually research your kind.”

“You cannot blame yourself for something that is obviously not your fault.”

“But mam...” she said removing her glasses and rubbing her temples. “It obviously was my fault. Had I actually done my job and researched you, we probably would have a cure.”

“So, you’re saying you regret taking care of my children?” the mother asked with an annoyed look on her face.

“N-no mam, never, it would be a crime to even think it. As much as I wanted to speak out against it, I knew I had no power over the king, being their secret nanny was the only thing I could do.”

“Then you most certainly have done nothing wrong Ms. Redheart.”


“If you hadn’t been there to hold my family together, my idiot of a husband most certainly would have broken it. Thank you Ms. Redheart, for being their second mom. It’s almost as if I should have married you instead.”

“M-mam?! That is highly--” she paused as a blush filled her cheeks. “Inappropriate...”

Mother let out a hardy laugh as she returned her attention toward what they had been watching outside the window. I could not quite see what from my angle. “Her magic has come so far since her first lesson.”

“Well, I suppose we can thank her personal teacher for that, even if he is a bit on the young side.”

“Ah yes, young Galaxyswirl is most certainly gifted. He’s led my daughters so far ahead, it won’t be long before they surpass even the most advanced techniques the schools could teach. Of course, while Celestia has already begun to raise the sun on her own, Luna is without a teacher.”

“The king...where did he go so suddenly?”

“I’m...unsure as to the answer. There were no clues regarding it, only an empty room and a neatly cleaned bed. Seeing as how he almost always forgets to make his bed, I had hoped that meant Luna had changed his soul for the better.”

“Unfortunate that it meant something else.”

“Unfortunate? Ha! Give me a break Ms. Redheart. He was a selfish husband and a terrible father who only cared about his role as a politician and a king. Good riddance I say, now I can raise the two of them the way they were meant to be raised.”

“M-mam, you truly think that? Even if he was a terrible stallion, I still feel he deserves some respect.”


“Ugh, you’re beginning to sound like Luna mam.”

“Hehehe, I guess she’s rubbing off on me huh? It looks like her training is almost done for the night, we had best begin dinner preparations.”

“Yes, mam.”

As the two of them disappeared from sight, I rounded the corner to find out just what they were looking at outside. I couldn’t stop the yawn that followed, I had been up most of this night simply waiting. When I reached the window, my eyes narrowed, I gritted my teeth, hoof angrily twitched with frustration. There she was, my darling little sister, alongside Galaxyswirl as they finished their magic lessons for the night. For what seemed like forever, I studied her movements, watching as Galaxy mentored her every step. “It’s...not her...she’s...not.” I wanted to be happy for her, to see her freedom, to see her happy, but something deep down would not let go of suspicions. Mother had hope, Redheart had science, and I had confusion and concern. Even if it seemed otherwise, I had doubts that she would heal properly. Would I ever be able to call my sister normal again? Would I one day be able to take her into the morning light once again? I just wanted to return to the ways things were when mom and dad were happy together. But unknown to even myself, I was afraid. Not afraid of a god, not afraid of the illness itself...I was afraid of the nightmare I thought my sister had become. My memory has not failed me, I know what I saw. That night, Mother asked Father to check on you, sister, to give him some sense of what was going on. When he emerged from your room, I expected to see...renewed fathership, a look of regret for his neglect. I want to believe that he was so displaced with guilt that he left us but Instead, he was terrified, stricken with more fear than the fear of death itself. Regular guilt doesn’t cause the level of fear, looking over your shoulder, jumping at even the slightest sound...he was deathly afraid...of you.


My mind came back to reality as I turned to see Luna, her luminescent white hair shining in the moonlight. “L-Luna? When did you--”

“I’ve been learning how to teleport, getting pretty good that you didn’t notice huh?”

“I-indeed, you’re certainly making much more progress than I am with it. I assume Galaxy has been more than a worthy teacher?”

“Are you kidding? I’ve been learning and mastering things left and right thanks to him, teleporting, flying, and lasers, coooool lasers...well, kind of,” she said directing my eyes to the dozens of streaks of dirt in the fields outside of the courtyard.

“Oh my, the groundskeepers are certainly not going to appreciate that. What else did you learn?”

Those eyes...they’re looking at me again

“Um...let’s see, I think it was just basics after that point, although I can project energy from my horn much more accurately now thanks to it. I could even blast those idiots that made fun of your hair, wink wink.”

“Luna, that will not be necessary,” I uttered with a chuckle. “My hair has fully grown back and I am a lot smarter than before, such a mistake will not happen again. Besides, I’d rather blast them myself.”

Staring...stop...stop looking at me...stop it...

“Ooooh, is my darling goody goody sister finally gonna start her rebellious streak? Don’t tell me you’re gonna go all goth on me when you’re already so pretty.” Luna teased.

“Stop it would you, that is certainly not my style. If I’m going to do it, I’ll do it with this mane and this mane alone, just so they know who’s the princess here.”

“Confidence, I love it. You and I have to have a quick magic spar sometime.”

“O-oh my, I-I don’t quite know about that.”

Imposter...those...are not her eyes...

“Oh come on, what’s the problem? We have yet to be scolded for breaking something?”

“Yes that is true, we can most likely thank our titles for that...however, I just feel as though I’m not sufficiently ready to go 1 on 1 with you. Your magic is near leagues above mine at this point, how would that be fair.”

“Hmm...I suppose that makes sense. Well then you get better as fast as you can and come back to me, I’ll be waiting.”

“Duly noted sister.”

Luna suddenly gasped as she lifted her nose into the air. “I smell pie...sweet delicious pie...”

Before I could even say a word, Luna disappeared in a flash of light as another giggle escaped me. “It’s like she’s still a little filly sometimes.”

I began to slowly walk down the hallway, opting for a quiet stroll to the dining room. As I walked, however, my mind once again drifted to the elephant in the room. I mean, she seems like her old self, still goofy, still way too focused on her magic studies, still sporting that same mane glowing like a night star. It looks like Luna, acts like Luna, but can it really be her? Everything is the same...except for those eyes...glowing...staring...draconic slits...they’re not her eyes...they’re just not... I soon reached the double doors of the dining room, pushing them open to the sight. A series of slightly smaller tables covered the dining room like a restaurant, a dream mother had wanted for quite a while. Not a restaurant of course, but the idea of giving more than just her family a place in the dining room. Most of these tables were for the staff and guards to sit in their respective circles of friends as she was sure had their own likes and dislikes with other staff.

Sitting at a table in the middle of the dining floor was Luna having a casual conversation with Dr. Redheart, her smile simply enticing the Doctor into listening to her go on about her night. How can they stand to look at those eyes... “Ah, Princess Celestia, over here.” Redheart called out.

I made my way over before taking a seat opposite of Luna. “And how are you today Ms. Redheart?”

“It could have been better young miss. There was a patient that truly believed he had been kidnapped by a cult and the hospital was just a front.”


“He had suffered a devastating hit from a cart going downhill at a blinding rate. He received massive brain trauma upon impact and is sedated as of now.”

“I just can’t imagine being in your position Doctor. Having to deal with ponies like that, especially if there’s...” I shivered at the thought. “Blood...ugh...”

“You completely exaggerate it, young miss, blood is not as bad as you think it is.”

“I’d rather not touch anything that comes out of the pony body thank you, just icky.”

Redheart giggled. “And what of your day?”

“Well...we had a history test today and I might have...failed...it.”

Both Luna and Redheart blinked in confusion as they stared at me. “Wait wait wait,” Luna began. “You actually failed something? You?

Stop looking at me...

“It’s a bit surprising I’m sure.”

“A bit? You’re supposed to be the queen of intelligence who aces each and every test like the back of her own hoof. Me and the guards even started calling Ms. Know it all becaus--oops, was not supposed to let that one slip out.”

“Oh haha, very funny sister. Yes, I failed one little test, not a big deal. My head just wasn’t in the right place today.”

“Oh dear,” Redheart chimed in, going over to check me for any sign of a fever. “You’re not feeling anything are you, irritation to sunlight, depression, sensitivity to sound--”

“Ms. Redheart, I’m fine to trust me, there’s no need to worry.”

“Whew, well at least I can calm my nerves now, don’t need both of you coming down with whatever this is. I must go check on your mother with dinner, I won’t be long.”

As Redheart exited into the kitchen, Luna began to speak to me. What she didn’t realize is that I had suddenly tuned out, that feeling of suspicion coming back stronger than ever. It made me stare, stare at those white luminescent slits that Luna now called her eyes, it spoke to me and what it said scares me to this day.



Not her eyes...

This isn’t my sister...

“What are you...” I uttered.

“H-huh?” Luna paused. “What are you talking about?”

“What. Are. you?”

“Celestia, you’re freaking me out. You didn’t lie to Ms. Redheart just so you wouldn’t have to get a shot did you?”

“Answer. The. Question.”

“I’m a pony just like you duh. You ok, you’re looking a little...suspicious.” She gasped. “What are you hiding, did you get a new coltfriend? I promise I won’t tell mom--”

“Silence whatever you are.”

“Is this some kind of roleplay or...what?”

“Did you think me stupid, ignorant, maybe blind? I know what you did and you can’t pull the veil over my eyes.”

“C-Celestia, you’re scaring me seriously.”

“What did you do to our father?”

“D-dad? Mom already told us, he hopped on a boat to heaven knows where.”

“But why? What did you do to him that made him so...scared?”

“I don’t follow.”

“Monster...imposter...” she said taking a step onto the table. “You have no right to inhabit my sister’s body.”

“What are you talking about, I’m Luna, you idiot.”

“Liar! If you were really my sister, you wouldn’t have those eyes!”

“Ooooook, you are seriously losing your cool now. I’m just gonna go get Redheart so she can take a look at you.”

Before Luna could even make a move out of her seat, I tackled my sister from her chair and to the ground. The two of us wrestled around for quite some time before I finally pinned Luna underneath me. “I’ll cleanse this evil from your soul, do not worry dear sister.”

“Get off me you dummy, there’s nothing wrong with me.”

Both Mother and Redheart rushed quickly out of the kitchen, gasping as witnessed me doing something to Luna with her magic. I turned to them with triumphant eyes only to see their horrified ones. “P-princess, what is the meaning of this?” Redheart uttered.

“Celestia, release your sister at once.” Mother sternly ordered.

“M-mother, you know as well as I do that this isn’t Luna. Something has inhabited her body, using it as a vessel, I’m sure of it.”

“I don’t know what kind of fairy tales you’ve been reading lately but that is nonsense and you are so grounded after this, get off her immediately.”

The two of us were locked in a stare for a moment, Mother sternly looking upon my now sorrow-filled eyes with disappointment and shame. “I’m sorry Mother, I’m saving her life and there’s nothing that will change my mind.”

“Get off!” Luna yelled as a burst of magic blew everypony and everything away. Tables and chairs alike crashed against the wall with crushing force as Mother, Redheart, and I landed with audible thuds. Within a second before I could even get to my hoofs, my body suddenly became immobile, unwilling to listen to my brain’s command. “What is your deal!” Luna screamed as tears flooded out of her eyes. “Here I am trying to enjoy what little happiness I do have and you have to go and ruin it! You’re always accusing me of something I didn’t do, what’s your issue?! Are you jealous?! Do you find some sick comfort in accusing me just because I’m better than you?”

“L-Luna.” Mother called out finally getting to her feet. “Please calm down, you know your sister cares deeply for you.”

“Oh really, then why does she feel the need to continuously push me under the cart? When I broke your favorite vase on accident, she blamed me like I purposely did it? When she got mad at those girls who were making fun of her hair, she turned to me for advice. When she hurt them, she told you that I gave her the idea when all I said was to put them in their place, not send them home for a day. Now here she is accusing me of being some imposter sister when she hasn’t been my sister for the last two years.”

“Luna, I’m sure your sister meant well.”

“When I was trapped in my room and couldn’t go anywhere during the day, she never visited, hung out with her friends after school instead. Did she mean well by that? When I was finally able to go outside during the night, She always completely avoided me, didn’t even give me a thought. The only reason we’ve talked as much as we have is that I coincidentally see her in the hallways. Does she mean well by that?

“Luna, that is a ridiculous statement--”

“There you go again taking her side ugh! If it weren’t for the way dad neglected me, you would have never even given me the time of day, it’s all about little Celestia and the raising of the sun, happy faces all around apparently.”

“Luna that's enough.” Mother said as she attempted to approach only to find her body immobile as well. “W-what...is this? I can’t move.”

“This is my power mother, the power that I, and I alone gained.” She said letting the strings of magic tied around the horns of myself and Mother become visible in the light. “Father was a jerk, so I used this power to make him go away.”

“Luna...you didn’t.”

“He neglected us, he neglected you, all he cared for was his status and sleeping out with other mares in their dreams. Don’t you understand, I saved this family.” The look on all our faces was horrified, concerned as Luna narrowed her eyes in anger. “So, even with that information, you still take Celestia’s side. You should be proud of me, I saved this family. No words from you sister, were you wrong about me all along?”


Luna once again narrowed her eyes as I chose to stay completely silent. “I knew it...you’re so...jealous of my power, why do you even care?


“Answer me! You care but you don’t, you want to help but you avoid me, make up your mind!”

“...Just...let me help you.”

“I don’t need your help. Just because you’ve chosen to embrace your future role as the queen doesn’t mean everyone needs your help. Tsk, you know what just...forget it...You can forget calling me sister ever again.”

A second later, our bodies were our own again, Luna simply vanishing from the room, no magic light, no sound, simply gone.

“Y-you’re serious...you...you did that? You caused that?”

Celestia nodded her head, a single tear falling down her cheek. “I was young...I was stupid...and...she was right, I had a lot of flaws that she didn’t hesitate to point out. I was jealous of her magical ability, I felt the need to concern myself with everyone’s problems just because I was the princess, and after that night my father left us, I was also deathly afraid of her. As her sister, I should have been more understanding, more of a role model than a judge.”

“P-princess...what were you thinking, you’re usually so calculated and calm, that’s how ran Equestria without her for so long.”

“Yes, what everyone sees now is the way I am. But Twilight, this was the event that made me the way I am today. I never wanted to commit the heinous crime I was about to ever again.”

3 years after the discovery of Luna’s condition

Things...hadn’t gotten better, Luna had begun to keep to herself more often. Throughout the day she would sleep, refusing the on-the-clock care she had been receiving since her condition started. Throughout the night, she would take various books on different topics and shut herself in her room. Neither my mother nor Dr. Redheart could get her to come out, not even Galaxyswirl was able to coax her out with magic lessons. This went on for a year until one day...it finally came to a finale, the day I sealed my real sister in the void beyond.

“How is she?” my mother asked as they stood outside my door.

I didn’t hear Redheart respond for a moment, I did not want to assume the worst so I waited until I heard a sigh from her. “Luna is...I just don’t want to...”

“Ms. Redheart, it’s ok...please just tell me.”

“She’s not doing as well as we’d hoped, her decision to isolate herself has rapidly enhanced her condition.”

I could hear the pain in my mother as words to respond choked in her throat. I knew that pain because it was the same pain I was experiencing. I wanted to make things better but...if Luna would not let me in, I could not help her... “How bad is it now?” My mother was finally able to choke out.


“How worse?”

“Mam I--”

“Just say it would you?”

Redheart sighed. “Whatever this illness is...has begun to spread...at first it was her eyes, now...now her entire body, every inch of fur has turned black as the dark side of the moon. Combined with those piercing white eyes and the glowing white mane It’s...I can’t help but be terrified mam, I barely recognize the child now...”

I shivered as I pictured my sister, a black mass of powerful alicorn anger, and it was all my fault. “I see,” my mother began. “It’s going to be ok Ms. Redheart, we’ll fix this. Celestia only needs to apologize for the path to recovery to be opened again.”

“I will hope with all my heart that you’re correct mam. Even if Luna is angry right now, I hope that she will be nevertheless amenable to the prospect.”

“As do I. I need a moment with Celestia, can you do me a favor and check on her?”

“Right away mam...please do be gentle with her.”

“I will defintely try my best.” Hoofsteps made their way away from my door as the handle turned and slowly slid open. “Celestia dear, I’m coming in.” I held my tongue as she quietly entered, the door closing as I felt her eyes finally lay upon me, quietly reading a book. “Are you...ok?”


“There’s no need to give me the silent treatment young lady.

“...I could be better...mom.”

“You could fix this by just apologizing.”

“Why...why should I?”

“Celestia, it has been nearly a year since you two stopped talking to each other. Don’t you think it’s time to accept your mistake and make this up to your sister?”

“Mom, you don’t understand, I wasn’t wrong. She’s not herself anymore, especially after that night in the dining room. I’ve been trying to tell you for the longest time to just let me cleanse the evil from her spirit, I even know the perfect spell for--”

“That is quite enough young lady.” She interrupted. “You are so obsessed with this crazy idea that you’ve forgotten just how much of a treasure having a family is. I will tell you this one more time, otherwise, I will start punishing you. Your sister is the real Luna, she is not an imposter nor has she been possessed by some strange entity. She is sick, under the distress of an illness and she needs all the support she can get.”

“B-but moth--”

“No buts young lady. You have been very rude to treat your sister this way and I will not stand for it. As your mother, I am ordering--” She paused, her eyes hinting at a sliver of regret. “As your mother...I am...asking you...to apologize to your sister and make amends. With your father and his hold over this family gone ...we are going to be happy, do you understand?”

Mother...I could feel it as a tear streaked down her cheek, I could see it in her eyes as she looked at me, I could believe as her hoof came to rest on my back. I had made things worse...much worse than she wanted them to be. For 2 years, she watched Luna slowly get better, slowly adapt to her new life, and I ruined it in one night. This was the guilt father should have felt, and yet here I am instead, taking his place. That thought alone led me to my sister’s room, Ms. Redheart coming out only a second after I arrived. “Oh, Princess, how nice to see you here.”

“Is she...ok?”

“She has begun to talk if only a little. I think we can safely say she’s beginning to open back up.”

Redheart seemed a bit shocked when a wide smile painted my face. “That’s great! Please tell me, do you think she’ll ever come out again, you know, to train with Galaxyswirl?”

“I...don’t think so young miss. I only just got her to talk to me and that took this entire year just to do that.”

“W-what if I apologized...that’s what I came here to do.”

“Perhaps it could work but even then, I do not expect her to open back up the exact minute you do so. It might take weeks or months to make it up to her. Are you prepared for that?”

“Y-yes Ms. Redheart, I’ll do anything, everything, I just want things to go back to the way they were before.”

“Oh my, you’ve not shown this amount of enthusiasm since the incident. Where is this coming from?”

I groaned through my smile, secretly hoping that she wouldn’t ask that. “Mom was very persuasive.”

“And it only took a year. Very well, go on, I’m sure deep down, she’ll be excited to see you.” Dr. Redheart took her leave as I stood in front of the door to my sister’s room. Moments later, I was still standing there. In this grand attempt to make amends, my body seemed frozen to the spot like it was encased in ice. I hadn’t seen my sister in over a year, but the way they described began to slowly eat away at my confidence. Black as the night with hair and eyes that shine like the moon. That description alone only sought to bring back all those doubts and suspicions and create new ones.



You failed...Luna is lost...

That thing is your new sister...

“No.” I blurted out trying to shake the thoughts out of my head. “No more doubts, she is my sister and I failed to understand that. I need to make amends so that she may finally be happy again.”

I wanted to stride through the door with that thought in hoof, tell her I’m sorry and be done with it. However, my attempt to move was slow and unusual. My hoof...was shaking. Even after all this time, even after I quelled what doubts I could, I was still afraid. After an entire year of brooding and depression, what exactly would I see when I opened that door? My imagination alone made me shiver in fear, my magic gripped the handle of the door, shaking as intently as I. I swear I could feel the door itself shaking from its hinges as I turned the handle and let it slowly slide open. Darkness. That’s all I saw when the door was finally wide open. An empty black void. Nevertheless, I had to make amends. I entered that darkness into her room, the door shutting behind me by itself. I jumped with an audible squeal and heard a laugh, unlike anything I had ever heard before. I turned in the darkness wondering where it was coming from until two white eyes made themselves known. The darkness around me quickly dissipated revealing the rest of Luna’s room and Luna relaxing upon her bed with a book in front of her. “Hehe, It has been quite some time since I’ve seen that amount of fear on your face dear sister.”


“Who else would it be?”

That question had many answers in my mind. They were right, black body, white hair, piercing white draconic eyes, it was as if she embodied my nightmares entirely. However, something much more noticeable caught my attention as I continued to speak. “Luna, it’s...so nice to see you.”

“Is that sarcasm I detect?”

“N-no no, I really mean it. Sister, it has been nearly a year since I made that mistake of accusing such a harsh thing.”

“I’m only teasing sister,” she uttered with a chuckle before getting to her hoofs and walking to the center of the room in front of me. “Look, I understand you’ve come to apologize.”

“Y-yes, I most certainly.” I blurted with nervous excitement. “I want to say I’m sorry and I wasn’t thinking straight and I just feel like the biggest failure of a big sister ever, If I have to plead and beg for your forgiveness, I shall not perish the--”

“Sister please, calm down, you’re putting way too much effort into this. Besides, I already forgive you.”

“Y-you do...you truly do.”

“Even I...had doubts about my condition, what it truly was...what it truly meant. Mother, Father, Ms. Redheart, and even I believe it is a unique illness, one that only Alicorns can contract and suffer through. Good thing, that means no normal pony will ever have to see their loved ones like this. However,” she said turning to peer into my eyes with hers. “I had my suspicions that perhaps something else was reaching out to me from beyond our knowledge, and I guess it was my fault.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“I didn’t remember much of what happened, but then during this year of solitude, it all came flooding back to me. In my search for bettering my magic potential, the night I was discovered I had sent a good majority of guards away for the evening, all so I could get in some extra practice on a specific set of secret magic techniques. In doing so, however, I unwillingly called forth whatever this illness is. I kept that truth from everypony as long as I could, but I guess it was now or never. You were not wrong to accuse me, I brought this upon myself.”

“S-sister, I hate to say it but that’s just...idiotic!”

“Oh?” she uttered.

“To think that you would be ignorant as to not mention that before. Do you have any idea how much grieving was done for you, how many nights mother cried herself to sleep thinking that you would never recover?” She let out a guilty yet pained groan, my scolding obviously doing it’s job. “And to think that the cure could have been in whatever spellbook you used that night all these years and you chose to keep it a secret.”

“I too must apologize then. Mother had been showing you so much attention before, all I wanted was a little attention myself. I like Ms. Redheart and Galaxyswirl but...I wanted my own parents to notice me.”

“I completely understand your plight, Luna, I’m sorry I yelled. But you must realize the consequences of this action. If you wanted attention, you need only voice that opinion in a constructive matter, Mother and myself would have indeed listened.”


“It is ok, I also forgive you. Please gather yourself while I relay this information to Mother. I’m sure she will be beyond furious with you and you may end up grounded for years once your cure is done but nonetheless, she wil--”

“N-no...I’m sorry.” she once again uttered.

Before I could even react, my body became immobile, that strange magic string now tied around my horn once again. “L-Luna, w-what....is the meaning of this?” I struggled to say.

“I do regret the way it made Mother feel, I do regret all the sorrow and confusion I caused you and Ms. Redheart as well, however,” she said as she slowly approached me, a soft and sincere smile on her face which made me uneasy. “I choose not to regret the potential it gave me.”

“So...you’re interested in power, is that it?”

“Mother taught me never to chase power, to not let not my emotions consume me. However, my emotions were all I had on simple days and nights just like this...Father was out bedding some random mare and leaving us to fend for ourselves. Mother was the only thing keeping me tethered to sanity when Father would constantly scold me for needing his help, would ignore my pleas for attention, and would treat our mother like dirt. She was our saving grace.”

“I...just don’t understand Luna. You got attention from Mother and yet, you’re angry about it?”

“Sister...I know what I said and in truth, I’m not angry about her showering you with attention. I’m angry that Father never gave us the same. Instead, he ran away from getting what he deserved!” she bellowed, a blast of energy following and making even her grand bed slide across the room. “He caused me so much grief and anxiety, told me that I was weak and that I didn’t need him in order to become strong, scolded me for asking for help when I was clearly struggling right in front of his very eyes, left me alone and sickly for a bunch of snobby rich jerks. And even when I did finally accomplish my goal, there was no “good job” or “nice work” just a scoff and a look of disappointment, all this when I was only but a filly who couldn’t even move the moon more than a few inches at a time.

“L-Luna...I didn’t know it was that bad...” I had my suspicions, yes, but I never knew the details of the situation at hand. In our early youth, I had never once taken the time to truly look at our father and see him for the monster he was. I had hints and thoughts put into my head by overhearing conversations between Ms. Redheart and Mother, but I only assumed that to be the usual issues most married couples faced. I was so focused on living a normal life and becoming the next queen alongside Luna that my eyes were clouded with blissful ignorance, and I believed Luna was exactly the same. I had no idea until now that Father had treated her this way. As I made that connection, Luna proceeded over to the curtains, a little light from the sunset still poking through. Her magic gripped the sides of the cloths and tore them open revealing the late-day sun to her as it began to slide underneath the horizon. “L-Luna, you’re eyes you ca--”

She didn’t move, she didn’t flinch, she didn’t hiss. She was staring directly into that sun with no consequences. “I thought the heavens hated me, put this curse upon me to solidify my failure as the princess of the night. But now, I can see that they gave me a gift. A gift that I’m going to use to show all these ponies who believe themselves above anyone what true terror is, especially our father.

My heart stopped as those words entered my ears. “T-terror? Luna, you wouldn’t, this is the making of a tyrant.”

“This is making of great queen sister! I will give those who are hurting this chance to fight back against their oppressors, rich or poor, young or old, it does not matter who it is, they shall have a stage to stand for themselves.”

“What you preach...is anarchy.”

“I preach salvation, a way out of the life I had to go through.”

“Luna, I wanted to be wrong about you, want to be wrong about you still. But now...you truly are a completely different pony.”

“I’m the same Luna you’ll always know sister, I simply became stronger for my people.” She opened the door to the balcony as Mother began to raise the moon on the horizon. With a swift hint of magic from her horn, the moon stopped in its tracks. Without so much as a flinch of effort, she had wrested the moon from my mother’s grasp and raised it high into the sky herself. As she stood upon the balcony, her eyes glanced back to me for a second, her smile growing even wider as she redirected her attention back to the city sitting beneath the castle. That’s when she began to sing, a familiar little tune that our mother sang to us when we had trouble getting to sleep. However, coming from her lips now, the song only succeeded in making me even more uneasy.

🎵”Come little children,
I'll take thee away.
Into a land of...

Come little children,
The time's come to play.
Here in my garden of...

Stop...stop singing

Follow sweet children,
I'll show thee the way.
Through all the pain and the...

Weep not poor children,
For life is this way.
Murdering beauty and...

Stop...Stop! Mother didn’t sing it like that...she didn’t mean for it to be used like this!

Hush now dear children,
It must be this way.
To weary of life and...

Rest now my children,
For soon we'll away.
Into the calm and...
The quiet.”🎵

“And all will know the wonder of my dark and jeweled sky, when all the world is wrapped In an eternal lullaby. So say goodnight to this, the final setting of the sun, tomorrow dawns in darkness; the nighttime has begun!” With those final words, that was it. Luna had gone far beyond the point of no return. Whatever she contracted from that spell, whether an illness or an entity that possessed her, was no longer a sickness or a guest along for the ride. Her thoughts and soul had now become one with the darkness residing inside her, she was in control and these decisions were now her own. She released me from her magic binding a second later before to my horror, hugging me. “Fear not dear sister, the only ones who should fear this eternal night are those like our father.”


“I am doing what I must sister, there is no ne--”

“No...I’m sorry...”

“What are yo--” Tears left my eyes in gallons as magic filled my horn. Anger and confusion filled hers and I let that magic loose upon her. She skidded across the floor before turning those draconic pupils back to me in fury. I jumped and attempted to continue the assault until my body froze again and I dropped to the floor motionless. Without hesitation, she released a shockwave of magic that sent me flying. I’m sure my mother wasn’t quite expecting what she saw next. She was sitting in the throne room at the time, talking with Dr. Redheart before the castle began to rhythmically rumble.

“What in Equestria is that, an earthquake?”

“Doubtful mam, we haven’t had a tremor in a century.” The two of them continued to assess the situation until it was obvious what it was. I crashed the throne room wall tumbling to the floor. “P-Princesses, what is--” Redheart paused as she turned to me, coughing and struggling to stand up. “Oh no...she’s hurt....”

“Celestia!” Mother called out as she rushed to my side. “What happened dear, speak to me!”


“Doctor, I need your assistance.”

“N-no time...” I uttered. “Stop...please stop Luna...please.” Both of them watched as hoofsteps approached the hole in the wall and stepped through, their eyes widening upon the sight.

“What has my daughter become...”

“Stand aside Mother,” Luna replied with a sinister tone.

“Luna calm down, you’re letting your emotions get the bett--”

“I don’t need to calm down! I’m in my right mind.”

“M-mom...” I choked out. “She’s not the mare she used t-to be...she wants to shower the w-world...in eternal night.”

“That would be catastrophic...” Mother whispered to herself. “Luna, calm down this instant and apologize to your sister.”

“Mother, you don’t understand, I’m doing the right thing. You always wanted a world of equality, peace, and generosity. Well this power, it can give it to us. When the world is bathed in eternal night, I shall make myself known to all those who call themselves better than others, including Father. I shall make who I can regret their snobbish actions, and encourage others to stand up to who I cannot. When the deed is done, I’ll lift the night, I promise.”

“Luna, just because there’s a good reason behind it doesn’t mean it's justified, there are better ways to do this.”

“Tsk, I guess what I said a year ago wasn’t entirely wrong huh? There you go again, taking her side like I’m the villain. Why can’t you ponies just see that I am powerful, that I mean to rule alongside my sister.”

“I never thought you weren’t Luna.”

“Liar!” she yelled as another shockwave sent her and Redheart flying to a wall, their bodies coming to a halt a second later as that magical string tied around their horns. “I’m just a joke...” she uttered with a sorrow-filled laugh. “All that time, you never cared about me, did you? Was getting Father off my back just some form of pity?”

“N-no...” I replied weakly. “You’re t-telling yourself lies Luna, you know that’s not how it is.”

“It doesn’t matter anymore. The night will reign until the lesson is learned, and if I have to go through you sister to do that, so be--”

“How could you Luna...” Mother interrupted.


“How could the both of you do this to each other, how could my family have gone so wrong...”

“Because of our Father, Mother. He is the reason, and when I erase him from existence, we’ll be free of that fear.”

“No no no, I can’t believe it...you were such a good child, I believed in you, I loved you...”

“But he didn’t...I will make sure the world knows that this would have never come to pass if Father had just been a Father. Celestia is going to need medical attention Dr. Redheart, can you please take her to the infirmary? Ms. Redheart?”

I didn’t want to believe what happened next. Through hazy eyes and even hazier hearing, there was a gasp from Redheart, something beginning to crackle like electricity, then 2 sets of hoofs began to rush toward Luna. She let out a gasp, one that truly seemed frightened and confused and then, in what had been a near-century since I heard it, Redheart screamed out, “Queen Elysia!”

Silence. Quiet. Nothing at all. When I finally awoke minutes later from passing out, I was devastated. Laying upon the bottom of the throne was Mother, bruised and struggling to even lift her head, Luna at her side, stricken with guilt, fear, and sorrow unlike any I had seen on her face. “M-mother? M-mother!” I screamed as a jolt of energy pushed me to a stand and forced me to limp my way to her weak body. “M-mother, what happened?! Wait forget that, we need to get you to a--”

“Celestia...it won’t be necessary...”

“Don’t be stubborn Mother, we need only get you to the hospital then Redheart can fix you right up.”

“Celestia...Luna...I would like to tell you something...” she uttered through pained breaths. “There was once a time when your father truly was happy, your births. When he first laid eyes upon you, Celestia, then you, Luna, I had never so much happiness on that stallion’s face before. He was so happy that he even decided to name you himself. Celestia for you...and Brillare Luna Luminosa for you. Hehehe, he was quite interested in the idea of the fancy names around the time Luna was born. You should know that your father didn’t have the greatest childhood either. His parents were strict and demanding, forcing him to get better on his own. When he saw you two, he was as happy as a puppy. I assumed that would be the breaking point, a way for him to break out of the chains that his parents had placed upon him. And all these years, I hoped he would see the opportunity that was given to him, especially you Luna. But I was wrong, this entire ordeal is my fault, for marrying a stallion I thought could change. The first taste of power and recognition and he used it to gain status and bed other mares. What an idiot I’ve been.” A pained cough escaped her, turning into pained wheezing and coughing. At this point, we knew exactly what that meant. “Please, my daughters...”

“No...no mother...please no don’t!” I cried out.

“Please...don’t let him be the end of our family....”

“M-mother, please stop, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to please!” Luna cried out.

“Hehehe... you two are brats I swear...Please...be kind to each other would you?”

Silence, so silent you could a pin drop. Redheart was speechless. We were speechless if not for our sobs and sniffles. She was gone. Whatever Luna had done, had killed our mom. I could hear her muttering under her breath. “I’m sorry...I’m s-sorry...I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry...please forgive me...please please please...”

For the first time in 3 years, my sister and I were feeling the same thing, sorrow, anguish, and regret. We knew what we had done and we regretted every single second. However, now that we're here, we can’t take it back, this story had to end somewhere. With tears in her eyes and anguish in her soul, she turned up to me. With tears and anger in my soul, I turned down to her. Our roles had officially switched. She was now the victim and I, the one wallowing in fury. I took a step, Luna quickly cowered in fear, tripping down the 2 or 3 steps up the throne and landing with a thud on the floor. “C-Celestia...p-please, I didn’t mean to, I didn’t mean to.”

With another step toward her, magic began to spark in my horn like a source of an explosion waiting to go off. “This is your fault...”

Luna suddenly disappeared from my sight, gone in the blink of an eye, but I was too angry at the time, I would not let her go. I spotted her by the throne room doors about to exit. I flapped my wings and took off like a rocket. Before she had time to react I slammed her into the doors back first, air escaping through her body as she felt the impact. In my rage, I had forgotten her power, as she flapped her wings, grabbed me, and did the same on the opposite wall. I kicked her off and so it began. Redheart could do nothing but watch in shock as our silhouettes danced on the walls of the throne room, each flash of light depicting a hit on me then her then me again, back and forth until it seemed were at our limits, and yet we still found the strength to stand back up and continue the fight. This battle shook the castle, the very town itself, and even was destined to shake the heavens until finally for the last time, we were at our limits. Our bodies crashed to the ground motionless, feathers still smoking from the rampaging energy we blasted into each other, the room now in disarray as rubble fell from the ceiling. Through hazy vision and aching bones, I once again placed my eyes upon her as she did the same. Through a tearful voice, I heard her speak. “P-please...no more s-sister...I’m sorry...I’m sorry...”

“You...y-you killed her...”

“I d-didn’t mean to...p-please...she rushed me, I-I was scared and I released too m-much power...”

“That doesn’t bring her back....and neither will this revolution of yours...” Despite the immense power she held in her body, I was able to get to my hoofs first and begin walking toward her. She tried to cower away until I pinned her under my body. “Luna...”

“Celestia...” she whispered in a sorrow-filled tone. Magic filled my horn and pressed against her forehead. We both looked at each other one last time before a flash of light filled the room and everything went black.

When I awoke, I was in my bed, covers tucked over me as if I had simply been asleep. It was as if everything had been some kind of strange dream. I made my way to the mirror. No bruises, no scars, no anything. “Did I truly dream all that?” It didn’t make sense at first so I went on about my day. I raised the sun first, brushed my hair, brushed my teeth, the usual, then proceeded to my front door. When it opened... and then I saw her...it was... “Sister!” She happily squealed.

“L-Luna?!” I said with surprise.

“Oops, sorry sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I know it’s early and you just raised the sun, but I was just so excited about that promise you made to me yesterday.”


“Uh...s-sister? You’re staring at me...”

I twitched in confusion, my hoof came to touch her face as if I was still in this strange dream. I stretched it and mushed around like I was some kind of grandma who hadn't seen her granddaughter in years. “Y-you’re...real?”

“Uh, yes I am...and that’s my face you're mushing there...Are you ok?”

I had no words to say, no thoughts to give. It was her but it wasn’t her. Gone was the luminescent white mane replaced by a short light blue one. Gone was the dark blue fur and the black designs that crisscrossed over parts of her body, replaced by a blueish purple color. And by far the most surprising of all, gone were those draconic white slits and back were her beautiful teal eyes. When I say that at this moment, I had truly never known such...confusion yet blissful euphoria, I could not mean it any less. There she was, my sister, looking at me with that innocent expression. No thoughts of eternal night, no illness to confine her to the castle for years to come, this had to be a dream...but it wasn’t.

Author's Note:

In this particular and even in the last one, I quoted 2 specific fan animations videos uploaded to youtube by the duo cartoonist team.

The song that luna sings in preparation for her plan is called, Children of the Night, which unfortunately has been removed from youtube and no one quite knows why.

This line here said after the song,
“And all will know the wonder of my dark and jeweled sky, when all the world is wrapped In an eternal lullaby. So say goodnight to this, the final setting of the sun, tomorrow dawns in darkness; the nighttime has begun!”
was quoted from another musical animation know as, The Moon Rises, made by ponyphonic but published on duo cartoonist which you can find on their channel here:The Moon Rises

You can also hear a different version on ponyphonic’s channel themselves featuring Kristen Calvin, has more a real-life tone to it if you ask me: The Moon Rises Extended