• Published 22nd Jul 2018
  • 1,407 Views, 26 Comments

A Nightmare Once More - Lyle Daydream

Nightmare Moon, a force of dark evil that tried to blind the world to the light has gone, has since been sealed away and unable to return. However...she may not be the only power that resides inside the Princess of the Night.

  • ...

It never belonged to me?

The mother ever so quietly snuck into the room of her sleeping daughter, a smile permanently etched on her face, for today was of special notability. "Luna Honey, it's time to awaken."

She lay sprawled out in her bed, quiet as the night sky outside, silently shifting and mumbling in her sleep. "No...don't take my...cake...mmmm..."

The mother could only giggle, whatever she was dreaming was probably silly. "Luna dear," she uttered as she slowly shook the alicorn. "Get up please."

With a quick and swift motion, a beam of magic escaped Luna's horn. "That's my cake!" The beam proceeded to ricochet off the mother's quickly built shield, flying thankfully outside the window. "Oh...sorry Mother."

"Did you just try and blast me?" she said with an angered expression.

"N-never...well, perhaps the person I thought was making off with my cake. Weird dream, I can't even begin to explain it."

With a chuckle, that permanent smile returned to her face. "Well, it would seem I was right to choose this night then."

"What do you mean mother?"

"Walk with me my dear daughter, I shall explain on the way to the throne room."

Luna yawned and slowly exited her bed, throwing on her crown and following her mother out of the room. "So, will this be another training session for my magic, or perhaps I'll finally get to move the moon around as Father does?"


The daughter began to silently cheer before she made quick notice of the words, which turned her expression to confusion. "Wait which one Mother?"

"Well let's just say, it is a part of your magic, but it is also equally important to the night."

"I don't follow."

The mother smiled and stopped by a window, directing her attention and seemingly Luna's up to the night sky, and the full moon that illuminated it. "You and your sister have grown quite big in the last century, even quicker than I thought. What was once my two bratty daughters--"

"Hey!" Luna said in retaliation.

The mother giggled at her insult and continued. "What once was two bratty girls, has now become two princesses worthy of the title. Your speech has improved from the kids you once were, and your attitude, manners, and etiquette as well. Although I can't judge, I have been learning a bit more here and there myself. Either way, you're growing up to be fine mares of society."

"But mother, I thought you were against the idea of playing nice with the nobles."

"I was until somebody, your idiot of a father, decided it would be a good idea to create that blasted system of rules. It used to be about family, but now more than ever, we have to be the face of the kingdom."

"But those rules are there to protect us aren't they?"

"To some degree, but others just seem to impose more power than I'd like to have. Anyone used to be able to walk to our front door and ask for a friendly day out, not even the guards we had at that time paid them any mind. Now we have to be escorted everywhere and it's just...so annoying."

"Wow Mother, now you seem like a brat."

"Perhaps, but that's what happens when your father doesn't question me on any decisions for the kingdom. Anywho, you as the princess of the night are coming of age, and your powers of the night are beginning to grow. They will be stronger in due time but for now, It's time I show you what your role is as ruler of the night. Of course, we'll need to impose on your father, who should be the one teaching you in the first place."

"Why isn't he?"

"He said he was busy, whatever that means."

"Sounds like he's being lazy. Is it really that complex?"

"Complex? No, not at all. Time-consuming on the other hand, maybe."

The two of them made their way toward the throne room, the giant doors opening upon their arrival and the father sitting ever so silently on his throne chair. His eyes gave an air of frustration, his body and his unkempt beard showed his age, and his stance represented just how dedicated he was to the cause of being the king. Despite the facade he tried to put up, he looked extremely tired, his hooves seemed like they ached for a bed and more. "Shouldn't Luna be in bed?" He uttered in a foreboding tone.

The mother annoyingly huffed at that comment. "Do I have to remind you what part of the genes she--never mind that. Tonight is a special night husband, the night that Luna must begin her study of the realm of sleep."

"The dream realm, as it's more commonly known, is off-limits to her for now. I cannot have her throwing tea parties and playing with dolls inside."

"Ah ha ha," the mother uttered with that smile still painted on her face. "There is no reason to ruin the moment dear husband, Luna's power is finally beginning to come in. If she doesn't learn how to control her powers now, she may have more than enough trouble later on. Besides, you are the one who should be teaching her in the first place."

The father seemed to only snarl at that comment. "My method of teaching is that she learns when she is ready, on her own. Right now she is simply a little girl who doesn't even understand the basic concept of her role."

The mother was trying her best to hold onto that smile she had been producing since she woke Luna, but at this point, it was becoming evident the father was intent on changing her mood. "If only you would see her and hear her speak, you would see she is of rightful age, as is Celestia. The future queen of the sun has already accepted her duty to the people, and with such prowess in her training, I expect Luna to be even better with her duty to the night. At least allow her to see the realm of--"

"Firstly, It is known as the dream realm, please refrain from your idiotic nicknames, Queen of the Sun. Second, I have no time nor patience to deal with a moody baby, just look at her, the uncertainty in her eyes is overwhelming."

Luna could only look on in shock as those words stung both her and Mother like a batch of bees. To address his own wife in such a formal tone when they're married, and to put his own daughter down like a high school bully. Was this really the stallion she married all those years ago? Either way, the mother had had enough, her smile fading to a frown and her eyes narrowing toward her stubborn husband. "Ok, here I was trying to keep it as nice and neat as possible, but you wanna fight, I can see that. Are you seriously that ignorant? Depressed even? Perhaps hit your head as a filly and are truly damaged?"

"You would do well not to insult me, Queen."

"First of all, why is it so hard to say my name? Or even just wife or special somepony or any of the cute nicknames we came up with in our past? Does our marriage mean anything to you?"

"We are not babies anymore, those names are inappropriate in this, a place in which we are looked up to as society's highest."

"Don't give me the second-rate blueblood bullcrap husband. This is unlike a family, to address your wife in such a manner, to put down your daughter on the day she is fated to learn the craft that you have become so skilled at. Are you not happy for her?"

"By her age, I was able to open portals completely on my own. If she wishes to learn her fate, she will figure it out for herself."

"They are not like you, you dolt. They learn through teaching, through example, which you would know if you'd stop pointing your nose in the air like a stuck-up noble for two seconds."

"I need not spend every day in their presence to know what they need."

"You don't spend any time at a--You know what, forget it. Since you, king of the night, are not making even a tiny attempt to teach your daughter what her role is, I need you to open a portal to the realm of sleep so that I may."

"That is an inexcusable use of my powers, she'll learn on her own."

"You stubborn no good stallion, she'll get into more trouble than good that way, as you did. We're trying to lead them down the right path to their future without them stumbling like a newborn filly remember?"

"That was my weakness and as nobles, my daughters will see to it that those same cracks do not form, it would be disgrace otherwise."

"Just open the portal you jerk!"

The awkward silence between the two defined the phrase "Silence is deafening" as well as ice-defined cold. The mother stared at the father with absolute hatred in her eyes, a look she didn't even shoot her worst enemies. And the father only stared on with a look of annoyance, something you would never think a husband to shoot his own wife. "Fine, I will accompany the two of you for 5 minutes, not a minute more." the father said, his horn sparking with energy as the portal appeared and he stepped down from his throne.

"Come along Luna..." The daughter hesitantly began following her mother toward the portal, her face twisted with sadness toward their constant hatred toward each other and even a hint of fear. As the portal closed behind them, the father stepped into the background, his eyes closed in what seemed like anticipation for the end of this "lesson."

"You're five minutes begins now." He uttered.

"Be silent you stingy old buffoon." the mother stated quickly motioning Luna to her side as she began to walk. "Now Luna, this is the realm of sleep, where all the dreams and nightmares alike for every pony in Equestria, even some non-ponies, reside."

"It is officially classified as the dream realm, not the realm of sleep." the father chimed in.

"I said be quiet you dolt, you didn't want to teach her in the first place!" The father didn't even react to that comment, only closed his eyes and continued mentally counting the seconds. "As I was saying, the realm of sleep, or dream realm as that buffoon calls it, is the realm in which all dreams are compiled, and it is your sole duty to watch it over it."

Luna mentally jumped back. "W-wait, watch over all of it, you mean every single dream here? But aren't there countless ponies in Equestria now, like hundreds, thousands, millions even?"

"Yes it is dear, and while it may seem like a daunting task--"

"Shouldn't be that hard, she is my daughter."

"Oh, now you want to take responsibility for her!"

"I shouldn't have to, she's old enough to figure out--"

"She's not like you..." She uttered with venom in her tone.

"She needs to learn on her own time..." The father replied with the same level of poison.

The two looked at each other for quite a while, before the mother sighed. "Fine, we're done here."

"Very well, then Luna shall return to bed and you and I shall talk," he said opening the portal back.

"Luna is not going to be tired anytime soon fool, and I refuse to talk to you anymore tonight."

"Are you disobeying me?"

"You're not above me you condescending son of a--Just leave us alone," she said picking up Luna with her magic and placing her upon her back as she walked through the portal. "And expect to sleep in the throne room again!"

The mother stared out the window as Luna looked at her in concern. Their walk down the hallway back to her room had been a silent one, the air so tense, you could cut it with a knife. And now, no words were even thought to be uttered, at least one would think." M-mother..."

"...I'm sorry."

"Um...I'm s-sure father is just--"

Magic hushed her mouth. "No Luna...I am sorry for what you saw today. It was not our best day believe it or not. It's best you forg--"


The daughter blurted releasing her mother's magic with her own. "L-Luna?"

"I refuse to ignore this any longer Mother. For a century we've had to sit back and listen to you and Father fight relentlessly, over and over, again and again. I know I'm not the only one who's taken notice either, the guards speak of it on their time off, the nobles speak of the constant times in which you two show up in two different carriages, even the children of the Canterlot know there is something wrong here. And most of all, my sister is the most troubled of all. She barely returns to the castle now, if only to sleep, and even then I barely see her."

"Celestia is...just accustomed to being outside, she is the ruler of the day after--

"Stop making excuses!" Luna said, the energy flashing around her for a second, making her mother jump back at least a foot.

"L-Luna...y-your eyes ar--"

"Just leave me alone!" Luna blurted out, her body disappearing into her room with immense speed, the door slamming soon after.

The mother could only lower her eyes to the floor, her thoughts pointing toward the future, a future in which her own daughters disgusted her and their father...she refused to let it happen...but could she truly turn the tide of that fate?

Again and again, time after time, I attempted to stare out the window in thought. It used to be my only escape, a way to compile my thoughts and have the sky itself answer them, no matter if it was filled with the stars of my night or the blue of the day. But today was different, very different. Each of my attempts ended with continuous failure, as I would expectantly have a blinding white light shoved into my, now, almost draconic pupils. Each time I was violently pushed back from the window sill, my body fell helplessly to the ground as I hissed in pain and closed the curtain with whatever magic I could muster. I'm confused...and scared of what this means. This isn't just some random sensitivity to the light, like a bad headache or having your pupils dilated. This was true hatred for the light, I despised the way it felt with every fiber of my being now, how it made my eyes close instantly with regret, how it seemed to sting my very skin with a burning sensation. But why, why now? The reason seems obvious, yet so very far from the truth. Is Nightmare Moon trying to return? No, I sealed her entire existence deep within my heart long ago, the probability of her return to my form is impossible without some type of help. But then what could it be?

We need to talk...

We need to think...

A thought isn't required here...only an action.

You're the voice I heard...back in the dream realm. But then who are you?

I am but a voice of the past, here to apologize.

A voice of the past, Nightmare Moon I presume?

I know not of a Nightmare Moon...

But did you not try to lure me to sleep in the dream realm, to take over my body, to throw my kingdom into turmoil once more?


I take it your silence means yes?

I was not trying to take over your body.

Then what is your true intention? Are you the reason my eyes are like this?


"Answer me!"

"Sister dear?" I heard Tia's voice call from outside. My body instantly froze up at the thought of Tia's judgment, looking at me as if I was some kind of animal, gone crazy, gone insane, talking to myself as if it were truly someone else.."We are entering sister, please take care to shield your eyes."

I immediately took my wing and did so, the sound of the door the only thing I could make out as the light flooded in. In stepped two sets of hoofsteps, which I can assume to be Twilight's, and soon the sound of the door closing made me lower my wing in relief. "Princess Luna, are you ok?" The young student asked.

I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes to the young princess, her reaction would no doubt be even more dramatic than my sisters. "I-I am fine..."

"There is no need to hide the truth Princess Luna, Celestia has informed me that there is something that ails you."

"She is only concerned, dear Twilight, my eyes are fine. I...I wish not to worry you and my sister, It is only temporary."

I could feel the quiet of confusion fill the air for a few moments, the two exchanging whispers in the deafening silence. "I haven't mentioned your eyes yet."

It was then that I realized my mistake. "Oh, well then never mind, it's nothing."

"Princess Luna..." she uttered in a concerned tone. "Please show me your eyes."

"My apologies dear student, I believe they're still sensitive, even the tiniest bit of light will cause me discomfort."

"I can just easily cast a spell to drain the light from this room Princess, it won't be a problem."

"I have to disagree Twilight, I need only keep them closed for the remainder of the day and I shall be fine."

"I hate to say it Princess Luna, but you are rather defensive of your eyes. Is there reasoning to that action?"

"Defensive? Whatever do you mean?"

"I saw them, sister." Tia cut in. "Your eyes, they are not normal."

"My eyes are fine sister, you need not worry."

I could hear Tia's hoofsteps approach me slowly as she sighed. "As a princess of this kingdom, the state of your eyes concerns me, but as a sister, the fact that you hide them concerns me more. Please allow Twilight to see them so that she may understand what is happening, that of which I do not."

"I am fine Tia, I promise you."

"Trying to protect us isn't working sister, open your eyes."

"I-I'm sorry, but I must refuse."

"Cease this game Luna, open your eyes."

"Tia I...I can't." Do not open them.

"This may be worse than we fear Luna, you must let Twilight assess the situation."

"I-I refuse." Do not open them, no matter what she says.

"Luna please."



I have no idea where it came from, perhaps it was the obvious tension building between us, the accusations, the underlying assumptions I know they had that I was returning to that of evil. Either way, I couldn't control the sudden anger that built inside me so fast I could barely act to contain it. With a swift motion, I stomped my hoof and tightened my stance. "Leave me alone!" I roared, whipping up a wind that shouldn't have been possible indoors. It sent their hair into a frenzy, only adding to the unnatural force that seemed to push the two of them back all the way to the back of the room, and the slight rumble that shook the floor and the various things off their shelves. As I stared at them, a single tear falling down my left cheek, I realized I had inadvertently opened my eyes, showing them in full detail. I wish I hadn't. What I saw was fear, confusion, horror, all the things that I hadn't instilled in a pony ever since the nightmare that was Nightmare Moon. "I...I didn't mean to...I--"

The two must have stared for what seemed like forever before Twilight finally spoke up. "I hate to say it Luna but, I believe Celestia's earlier assumptions may have been correct."

"C-correct? What do you mean?"

"She informed me sometime earlier, that perhaps you were reverting to the form without your knowledge."

"Without my...n-no, not possible, I refuse that answer."

"Luna it's--" Tia began before I so rudely cut her off.

"Nightmare Moon is not returning!" I am not a nightmare! I tipped over slightly...catching myself on my front hooves only barely. Where did my strength go? Where did everyone go? I can't see...Twilight and sister, their voices are...d-distant? "Where am I?"

"Sist..." I heard Tia call out to me. "Twilight, get nurse Redhe..."

I could feel...my vision fading in and out...my hearing cutting in and out...was I dying...maybe just passing out...what is this?

"My Queen!" A guard desperately called out to the mother, who had just returned from another "interesting" meeting with the nobles.

"Please calm your voice, I am extremely irritated and tired of talking to those snobby royals and that idiot of a king." She uttered yawning and rubbing her eyes in the dreary state.

I am sorry mam but please come quick, your daughter was found passed out in the garden out back."

"Wait What?" instantly she perked up, her dreariness a thing of the past. "W-which one?" When did this happen?!"

"Princess Luna mam, a guard on patrol found her unconscious not even half an hour ago.."

"Why was I not informed of this sooner?!"

"Princess Luna apparently told some of the guards that they could go home early. We are not sure what she was doing in the garden, but it seems she did not want to be seen."

Enough waiting then, quickly, show me to her."

"Right away."

The mother entered like a storm, pushing past the multiple nurses and immediately toward the unconscious girl on the bed. "Luna? Luna, please wake up?"

"Mam, please calm yourself." A young nurse uttered beginning to hold the princess back with magic. "She will be fine, I checked her vitals myself."

The mother looked over, her sense of dread and worry fading as the nurse came into view. "Dr. Redheart, thank the gods you're back from that honeymoon, will she be okay?"

"As I said Princess, she will be ok. I made sure to check her vitals as quickly as possible and her unconscious state is not lethal in any manner. Although...there is a curious development."

The mother quickly took hold of the doctor's shoulder and pulled her close. "What is it? Is she sick? I thought you said it wasn't life-threatening!"

"Calm yourself, Princess, it isn't, at least that I know of. I have to admit I haven't seen anything like it before but...it doesn't seem to be causing her any illness as of right now."

"What do you mean?"

Dr. Redheart and the princess stood on either side of the bed, the mother growing ever the more curious about what could've happened. "Would someone please dim the lights?"

"Right away Dr. Redheart." A nurse uttered before closing all the blinds in the room.

"Why...are we--" The mother began before the nurse shushed her.

With a slow tedious motion, Mother Redheart slowly lifted Luna's eyelids with her magic, revealing to the mother the affliction which she was expecting. "In my 30 years of medical expertise, I have never seen this type of affliction."

The mother could only sit back in confusion, her mind asking more questions that could be factually answered. "W-what...is that...why are they...glowing?"