• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 1,832 Views, 59 Comments

What Makes It Stop - Bass Drop

What makes the heart stop from longing? How do you fill an emptiness that was once full?

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(Scorchers journal)

Well, I bought this journal because... well who else is going to listen. Today wasn't any better. I've had the same dream since I left all those years ago. How long has it been, six years? Yeah that’s about right. Six, ha seems more like sixteen.

Damn it Scorcher, get it together! You had to leave... for her. Still feel guilty for how we parted ways. I promised her I would never let anypony hurt her, now I don't even know whether or not she’s okay. Do you know how it feels not being able to protect someone you have deep feelings for? Of course you don't, you're just a journal.

I remember how we met. I was four, an orphan, and that day we went to the play ground that was a few blocks down from the orphanage. She was there when we arrived. She had a dull grayish-bluish coat and her mane was white with a pale blue streak down the middle. Now what got me is that she was much smaller than the other fillies that were my age.

Anyways she was playing in the sand box and was building (of course) a pretty decent sand castle. That was until some larger filly stomped on it. As soon as I saw the smaller filly start to cry I ran over there as fast as my small legs could carry me. I placed myself between the two and started to yell something I can't remember at the larger filly.

I did not feel guilty at all when I made that bully cry. I was surprised at myself though. Me being one of the larger colts, I may have been a little more threatening than intended. The reason for that was when I turned around, the smaller filly flinched and hid herself behind her mane. I told her that I was going to hurt her, that I did that because it wasn’t right for the other filly to be such a bully. She finally allowed herself to look me, and still I remember how my heart broke to see this filly cry.

I also remember those beautiful green eyes that instantly caught my attention. Mares tell me I was born a gentlecolt because I'm always polite around mares. Well being a pegasus that was actually born from parents that were farmers, I guess it’s in my blood. Anyways, I told the filly my name and I asked her for her name. When I asked she just looked up at me and told me her name. Echo Fleetfoot, but she told me just to call her Echo.

Now that we knew each other, I asked her politely if she wanted me to help her rebuild her sand castle. I remember that shy grin that appeared and she told me that she would like that a lot. I don't remember the conversations we had that day, but we spent all day in that sand box just building sand castles and getting to know each other.

When I had to leave we were both sad, but I told her that we could see each other in two days, because every two we came here all day. She brightens up at that which made me smile. Then she gave me a huge hug and then I left her to go back to the orphanage.

That night I was looking outside my window thinking about the day I just had when I saw her and her parents walk into the building right next to the orphanage. I thought that was awesome because now we wouldn’t have to wait two days.

Then I saw a light go on and then off through a window on the top floor which was level to my window. Then I saw her looking out her window. Her we could see each other from our rooms which I thought was awesome. I opened my window and grabbed a flashlight. I turned it on and pointed it right at her. She was confused at first, but then she saw me and I saw her start giggling and waving at me. I waved right back at her.

Ever since then we were best friends. Playing in the alley back behind our buildings. Oh we had so much fun playing when we were younger and I learned she wasn’t as shy as I thought. She told me that she got picked on because of her size. I told her that this was something else we had In common. That I got picked on being called a giant or a monster.

I wish I could say more, but it's too painful to think of any more right now. I'll right more when I'm ready. I promise.

(Echo’s diary)
Dear diary,

Today was awesome! I won the derby today and you should've seen the look on spitfires face. Oh, she was steamed (no pun intended). Yeah Capt. does not like to lose, but at least she was a good sport.

*sigh*. I wander if Scorcher watched it on TV or something. I wish he was here, not like that though! I just really miss my best friend. I wander if that crazy idiot remembers me. Oh, what am I saying of course he does. How could he forget?

I mean we've been friends since we were like five. I wander how big he is now. He was always bigger than the other colts and me always shorter than the other fillies. I could always rely on him to be there if I got picked on for being smaller. He was so protective over me. I realized how protective when he saved me from... well you know.

Everypony used to pick on us saying that we should be a couple. Ha, could you imagine us dating.*sigh* It would never happen no matter how hard I wish. He's been gone for six years, I haven’t heard from him in six years. I haven’t seen those awesome amber eyes in six years or his beautiful bright red coat... damnit there I go again. I learned a while back that not all foolish dreams come true.

I mean yeah, my dreams of being a wonderbolt came true, but what's the point of just that one coming true if you had planned they'd all come true? Maybe I'm being greedy though. Becoming a wonderbolt was a huge accomplishment, but when you don't have that one friend whom of which you think of them of as family isn’t there and you can't tell them about your life every day, it's somewhat lonely.

My question is, why haven't heard from him? I mean, it's not like him. Why did he just up and leave? I have so many questions yet none can be answered. One thing is clear, I miss my best friend. I wish he were here so I could just tell him about my day and know about his.

Just guess that a foolish crush is as far I'll get with him. Oh stop it Echo, you're his best friend still. Aren't you?
