• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 1,829 Views, 59 Comments

What Makes It Stop - Bass Drop

What makes the heart stop from longing? How do you fill an emptiness that was once full?

  • ...


Sometimes in our lives, things come to light and we're just not going to let ourselfs except it. Not untill proof is shown. However, sometimes that proof comes in the most horrid of ways.

-Pen Head

Her world was a dark one now. No color, no shapes, no sight, only thoughts. Thoughts of how he was right about him, how she should've known better, and how she'd do anything to awake. She wondered if he was right beside her now. Everypony except him had ever been honest with her now that she had time to think about it. He had never told her a lie and she didn't think that he would've started then. He was always there, he was always gentle with her as not to hurt her, he always cared, and she knew in the part of her heart that was left standing that he'd litteraly die for her. Then she realized how stupid she had been. How could she not see it? Better yet, how could she take it for granted? She realized that he truely just... loved her.

How could truth be so hard to find even when it's right in front of your face your whole life? Random memories were now racing through her head of being with him. One thing that he said to her years ago stood out.

"Echo, don't you know how much I care about you?" She couldn't say yes, but she couldn't say no. She knew how far he'd go to be beside her. On the other hand, she never thought that he'd love her in this way that she thought no stallion ever could let alone would.

All she hoped for now was to wake up...


No words can describe the pain and guilt that Scorcher felt right now. He just stared through tear stained eyes at Echos abused body laying in the hosppital bed infront of him. She had bruises and deep cuts all over her body. Breeze had almost fufilled his promise last night. After the fight she went to him and told him aboout Scorcher... then this happend.

If Scorcher hadn't confronted her this wouldn't have happend. Fresh tears fell from his eyes as the truth came to realiztion. How could he be there for her if every time something horrible happens? Why couldn't ponies just leave her be? Now here she was in a sleep that she may never awake from.

He looked to the door as it opened and wonderbolt Soarin walked in and closed it behind him."How is she?" he asked sitting in a chair across the room.

"Doc says she's stable, but it's up to her to wake up." answerd Scorcher.

"Is it true what they say?"

"Well that depends, what do they say about me?"

"That you killed a colt when you were younger."

Scorcher sighed,"That, unfortunatly is true. he tried to hurt Echo here. I... I did what had to be done to stop him."

"When you say hurt her, you mean-"

"He attempted to rape her." This made Soarin flinch a little. He had a very good idea of how protective he was over Echo. He also knew he was not about to leave her. Scorcher looked up at him," Do you know what this feels like?" he asked

"What?" asked Soarin.

"Do you know how it feels to never be near somepony without something hurting them, to have to constantly worry about who or what might hurt them? I mean why does it have to go from good to gone? She doesn't do a fucking thing, not one thing to anypony and things similar to this happen. This time maybe different though, this time... she might just not wake up."

"Scorcher you can't think like that. You've got to think positive."

Scorcher chuckled,"If you haven't noticed, not many positive things come my way."

"So thats it? You're just going to give up on her?"

"I'll give up on her the day she dies, but I will never give up on trying to be here for her."

"You love her, don't you Scorcher?"

"Always have, and damnit I always will." Soarin had read about true love in his secret romance novel collection, but he had never truely seen it with anypony else except with himself and Spitfire. He knew now what it looked like from a different perspective and has seen it in a completely different scenario.

"Hey, I'm going to head out." Soarin said making his way towards the door."Scorcher, she's strong, she'll make it through this."

"At this point, thats all that I hope for."

Soarin opend the door and left leaving just Scorcher and Echo in silence. It was a painful silence, untill Scorcher decide to say something."You've had some hard times." he chuckled."Your whole life you've practily have had to experience more than anypony ever should. I can't help you this time though Echo," he sputterd out as tears flowed out his already tear stained eyes." This time it's up to you, you've got to wake up for my sake... because I have no idea of what I might do without you. In a way I know partially how you've felt during you're life. I was never wanted by any mom or dad, nopony ever gave a second thought about me when they came to adopt. The way ponies treated you, they made you feel horrible, like you were never even wanted by anypony." He grabbed her hoof and held it in both of his."I promise you if you wake up, I'll make sure you feel wanted. This stallion right here, sitting next to you right now wants you so fucking bad. I just want to be able to talk, laugh, and do the things we always wanted to do. I don't give a damn if I have a chance with you or not, I want you to get through this. Echo I love you to much to let you go this way, so don't do this to me. I can't stand to see you hurting let alone see a tear roll down your cheek. Echo, if you don't wake up, all I just said was words, and like the wind they will fade into nothing."

To his supprise a nurse walked in looking very confused."Whats wrong?" Scorcher asked concerned.

"We were watching her brain activity and the lines started to act a certain way." she replied.

"By a certain way you mean?"

"They showed happiness somehow." she looked at him."Maybe that rumor is true, maybe even while in a coma, ponies can still here whats going on around you." She turned around and left them alone again.

"Echo.. I'm going to be gone for a bit, but as soon as I'm done with what I'm going to do I'll be right back." As much as it hurt him to do so, he got up and left Echo.


"Breeze!" the warden yelled."You got a visitor."

"Yes sir." Breeze said slightly crazed. The warden unlocked the cell and lead Breeze down the narrow hallway to a private visitors room. The warden opend the door and let Breeze enter and closed it behind him. Infront of him was the sight he feared, Scorcher sitting behind the glass window staring at him. His look itself told Breeze that if he could get in there with him, he'd kill him. He sat down anyways and pressed the button that allowed you to speak.

"Well Breeze you've finally done it." Scorcher said with mock amusement."You've done what you set out to do. My question is though, how could you do this? How were you capable of even thinking of doing this to your own damn daughter?" Breeze just leaned back and chuckled.

"It's funny, I once thought the same thing, but then I realised I don't care. I never wanted her in the first place, so why should I care? She never did anything for me, but cause me to get married at a young age."

"Breeze that was your fault, you were stupid to get a mare pregant at seven-teen, but that made her your responsibility."

"I'll agree that getting that mare pregnant at that age was stupid, but I told her I didn't want her. She is not my responsibility nor my problem."

"Not anymore she's not." Scorcher got up to leave when Breeze yelled out."Colt, why do you care about my filly? What happend that made you care so much about her? I know you do."

Scorcher just stared at the door. He thought of the one answer that was the truth from the begining."I don't know."

"You mean to tell me that you just waltzed in and tried to care for her? Ha! Oh thats rich! No, no, you just want to BE with her. Don't you lover colt?" Breeze exclaimed evily. Scorcher turned around and went right up to the glass and looked a smug faced Breeze in the eye." Listen to me and listen good." Scorcher hissed." I've not just done all of what I've done just to have a chance at getting at her pussy. I've done all of what I've done because she is my best friend. She's kept me afloat when I've been at my worst and I try to do the same for her. You know I was going to push for the death sentence for what you've done, but I think thats to good for you. I don't want to watch you die, I want to see you rot." Scorcher spit at the glass then stormed out of the room. Breeze just sat there laughing untill they came and took him away.


Prankstar stood outside the door where Echo was resting. He had been there ever since he had found out what had happend. He hadn't thought that what Scorcher had said was true, but of course now he knew better. He saw Scorcher and his expression and Prankstar blocked the door. Scorcher looked at his friend with confusion and fustration."Where did you go Scorcher?" Prankstar asked.

"Prankstar that is none of your business. Now if you would kindly move." Scorcher said as calmly as he could.

"Scorcher I'm not budging untill you calm down and tell me why you're so damn mad." Nostials flaring and shaking his head, Scorcher sat down and just looked at the floor."Scorcher please, please tell me you didn't do something stupid." Prankstar said.

Scorcher sighed."I'm not sure if it was stupid or not Prankstar. I... I went and confronted Breeze." Scorcher looked into his friends eyes."Was I... was I stupid to do that."

Prankstar thought for a second,"No and yes. I know that this is har, but you can't fix whats been done by going and confronting Breeze, let alone by yourself bro. However, there is the other side that you did need to confront him sooner or later. I just thought It'd be later rather than sooner."

Scorcher sighed again."I just couldn't stand not doing anything Prankstar. She's been through too much pain and I know that I shouldn't be fighting all these battles, but I can't help it. I can't stand not too see her happy. Damnit if it's not obvious enough to you already I love her, and... and I literally don't think I can live without her."

"Scorcher... *sigh* I'm just going to say this once and thats it, you're obssed. Bro this isn't healthy. I'm not one too judge, but you really need to think of whats rational if something should happen to Echo." Prankstar turned and left Scorcher enraged. Under his breath, Scorcher said."I know, but like I said I can't help it."

(Echos dream/memory)

A young pegasus filly lays sunning herself near two giant oaks on a hill. She was having some rare peace this day which she enjoyed every minute of it."*sigh* nothing could ruin this day." She said dreamily to herself. then she heard some wings beating and coming her way. She lifted herself in time to see a down looking Scorcher land. He looked up and saw her looking at him with confusion."Oh, sorry Echo. I thought I'd be the only one here. I'll leave you too whatever you were doing."

As he spread his wings to leave he heard a beautiful femine voice behind him say,"Wait Scorcher." He turned to face Echo who just smiled back at him. She patted the a space next to her."Come lay with me." Scorcher couldn't refuse. He trotted over and laid next to the filly."Now tell me whats wrong big colt." she said still beaming at him.

Scorher sighed and started to explain what had happend."Today , a couple came to adopt, specificly a colt. They looked at me and they looked like they were strongly thinking about adopting me, but the chose Star Dancer instead. Thats the fifteenth time I was close too being adopted Echo.*sigh* Maybe nopony wants me as a son." Scorcher laid his head down and let a couple tears fall from his face.

He had told Echo everytime that he didn't get adopted. However he was never this upset. She thought for a couple of seconds and did what she thought would cheer him up. Scorcher felt a wing go over his back and something trying to get under his muzzle. He looked up to see Echos wing over his body and she placed her head under where his was resting. She looked up at him."It's okay I wont bite."she giggled. Scorcher carefuly laid his head next to hers.

"Scorcher, don't give up. There's got to be somepony out there who would adopt you."she said comfortingly.

"I know Echo, but when?"

"Soon. When you do get adopted though, promise me you wont move too far away."she said sincerly.

Scorcher laughed."I promise Echo."

"Good. Now, didn't I win a bet last week that included you-"

"Yes, I'll take you too the movies Echo." Scorcher mock sighed.



Scorcher sat there, watching Echo breath. Up, down, up, down, he watched her stomach move. It had now been four days, and Scorcher was still by her side. He slept when he was tired, ate when he was hungry, and went home to shower. If he wasn't doing any of those he was right beside Echo. Nopony was even going to try and seperate the two. These two needed their space. Scorcher barely even noticed when ponies came in to visit.

"Echo, I'm not giving up. even if you're still asleep months from now, I'm not giving up on you." He let shamless tears fall for a second before he wiped his eyes. Then he heard a grunt, he quickly looked at Echo... Who was looking back through craked eye lids.