• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 1,833 Views, 59 Comments

What Makes It Stop - Bass Drop

What makes the heart stop from longing? How do you fill an emptiness that was once full?

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To Songs and Good Times

Scorcher came back to reality suddenly when he felt a hoof softly shake his shoulder. He turned his head to see his co-worker Vinyl staring at him with a smug look. He removed he headphones and shook his head,” Yeah, what is it Pon?” he asked trying to get lustful thoughts of Echo out of his head. Vinyl just shook her head,” You can have dream sex with her later. Right now we need to finish that song.”
Ever since Scorcher had started working with the Wonder Bolts, he had become a small time celebrity. He’d play the music for their shows, after parties, and had even been asked to spice up this years Grand Galloping Gala with some new tunes. He was quickly becoming famous through the radio, but all in all he only cared about making a unique sound.
“ Well I can’t finish it if Pinkie isn’t here, she’s the singer for this segment.” Scorcher protested. Vinyl just made a face that to him said,” Really,” and she pointed a hoof in the direction of the booth. Standing in there bouncing with energy was Pinkie Pie. Scorcher made a mental note to introduce Prankstar to her.
Scorcher put headphones on and turned on the mic.” Alright Pinkie you know the drill, I play my beats, you sing what is on the sheet. You ready?” Pinkie placed her headphones on and replied with enthusiasm,” Okie dokie lokie!”
Scorcher pushed a button and a soft techno beat started. He’d press buttons and twist knobs here and there to change the sound. Soon Pinkie started to sing to the beat.
Where you come from
Where you come from
I don’t really know
Something tells me
Something tells me
I should go
I say no
But we both know
That it’s to late already
And I’m already under your control
And my body is yours for tonight!
Suddenly the music stops, two seconds pass and then a blast of bass filled techno music fills the headphones. Scorcher looks over to Vinyl whom of which is going at it at her station. Scorcher knew it was dangerous to disturb her now. She was zoned into nothing but the music. Then she stopped, Scorcher resumed playing his beat and Pinkie started to sing again.
Take the lace curtains down
let the sun flood in.
wash over the void
that you lay in with me
I say no
But we both know
That it’s to late already
And I’m already under your control
And my body is yours for tonight!
The music stops and another blast of Vinyl starts. After she finished Scorcher cut the music and spoke into the mic,” Good job Pinkie, and thanks again for doing this.” Scorcher praised. Pinkie giggled,” No problem hot head! I LOOOOOOOOOVVVVEEE SSSSSIIINNNGGG!” She exclaimed.
“Same here, if I ever need your help or you want to do another song just give me a shout ok.” Pinkie nodded her head really fast then literally bounced out of the booth.” That mare has way to much energy.” Vinyl laughed. Scorcher looked back at her,” Not really, you can never have to much energy when it comes to making music. Personally I wish I had her energy.” Scorcher replied. “ Anyways, I was going to go grab a few drinks with Prankstar at the Disc after work, you wanna tag along?”
Vinyl thought it over for a few seconds,” Sure, wait.. Is he trying to get laid again?” She gave Scorcher a quizzical look.” I don’t know probably. Ever since Echo and I got our own place it seems he just really wants to go after any mare with a nice flank.”
Sad, but true. However in his quest for pussy, Prankstar usually succeeded. He may be a klutz, but he was good with words. Except for when he met Vinyl, one try with her left him with a black eye.” Either way it’ll be fun.” Scorcher said shutting his station down.
They exited the building where a patiently waiting Prankstar sat on a bench, beside him sat a brown bag.” There you two are! Come on lets get going.” He said now up and ready to go. Scorcher laughed,” Calm down dude, the mares will still be there when we get there. Plus I don’t want you to get stiffy before we get there.”
Vinyl had to do everything to keep from laughing and Prankstar blushed with an empty expression.” Hey not funny! That happened ONE time.” He snapped back. Scorcher chuckled,” And we don’t want that to happen again, do we?” Prankstar just sighed in defeat.
“So, eh-he, what’s in the bag?” Vinyl asked still trying not to laugh.” A magenta aura glowed in the bag and a bottle with clear liquid floated out of it.” This my friends, is Orphan Tears. I heard that not even that mare Berry Punch could handle this hooch.” Scorcher eyed the bottle, it had a little colt who had a tear running down into a shot glass.
“Come on dude, you no I don’t drink hard now.” Scorcher scoffed.” Not since me and Rainbow Dash had that scare with that moonshine that Berry made.” This time it was Prankstar’s turn to laugh,” Yeah, but you two didn’t actually sleep together. You just SLEPT together.” Prankstar shut up when he suddenly felt a soft brush under his chin.
“And I find it funny that the one mare you want will never SLEEP with you.” Vinyl teased swaying her hips and making Prankstar blush. Scorcher spoke up before he could respond to the statement,” As much as I’d love to watch you to love birds I think we should get going so we can be there on time to meet up with Echo and the others,” With that they made their way to the club.
The Disc was extremely alive tonight. Techno music blasted through the whole place and ponies were dancing like tonight was their last. Echo, Soarin, Surprise, and Rapid Fire sat comfortably in their V.I.P booth, busily chatting away.” So Soarin,” Surprise got the stallions attention.” How’s Spitfire and the foal?”
“Spitfire and I Both are exhausted. Sun Burn is fine, but he’s been getting us up late at night and wont go to sleep until Spitfire sings him to sleep.” He replied taking a sip of his cider. Surprise turned her attention to Echo. “What about you Echo?” She asked. Echo looked at her quizzically,” What about me?”
“Well, with all the Fun you and Scorcher have, I’d expect you to be with foal already.” She said with a smile. Echo immediately turned red and couldn’t manage to say anything but,” What?!” Surprise laughed hysterically,” You know what I mean. We all heard you scream his name in when you two were in your office yesterday.” Echo looked at the others who both wore huge grins and were nodding in agreement.
“Well I told you to try to be quite yesterday little mare.” A deep voice said and Echo felt a kiss on her red cheek. She looked up to see Scorchers amber eyes staring right back into hers. She gave him a her best pout face which made Scorcher chuckle.” Come on, you know you liked what got.” Echo sighed with defeat and just rolled her eyes. Scorcher slid in beside her.
Echo looked around,” I thought you said Prankstar and maybe Vinyl was coming.” She said. Scorcher looked at her with a look of amusement and pointed a hoof over at the bar. Echo followed his hoof and sure enough found the grey unicorn stallion and white mare in question sitting at the bar chatting with each other.
“Prankstar come on you really!” Vinyl exclaimed.” If you actually think you can beat me in a drinking contest than you ARE crazier than I thought.” Prankstar stared at her with a confident smile.” Then why don’t you put your money where mouth is?” He teased. Vinyl snorted,” Fine.”
Prankstar brought out the bottle of the bag and Vinyl asked for two shot glasses. The bartender set the glasses in front of them and Prankstar opened the bottle which made a loud hiss. He filled both glasses and then they both picked up them up.” To songs and good times.” Prankstar toasted. They clinked their glass and took the shot.
Never had either of them have not been able to handle liquor until this particular clear liquid entered their mouths. They both went wide eyed and dry heaved once they were able to swallow.” Dear Luna, da fuck is this shit?” Vinyl coughed. Prankstaar looked at the bottle and then Vinyl, slowly a grim smile came across his face.” I recognize that look, what’re you thinking?”
“ You see those two mares over there?” Prankstar nodded in a direction and Vinyl followed his gaze to two mares. One a purple unicorn and the other a white.” Yeah what about em?” she asked. Prankstar asked for two more shot glasses and poured some of the liquor in them. He motioned for a nearby waiter to come over to him.” Send these two shots over to those two mares.”
They watched as the waiter went over and placed the shots in front of the two mares. Picked up and threw their heads back to take the shot, and as soon as they took it the purple mare spit it right out and the white one swallowed with a disgusting expression. Both Prankstar and Vinyl couldn’t speak they were laughing way too hard.
Vinyl composed herself again and punched Prankstar in the shoulder.” You’re such a dick dude.” she laughed. Prankstar just shrugged,” You laughed too smart one.” They both shared another chuckle. Suddenly the song “Sweet Shop” blared through the clubs speakers.
“ Dude I love this song,” Vinyl turned to Prankstar.” Wanna dance?” she asked with a smile, bobbing her head to the beat. Prankstar gave her a stern look,” Promise not to give me a black eye?” he asked. Vinyl laughed,” You keep your hooves off my flank and I’ll keep mine off your face.” With that she got up and lead him to the dance floor.
It was about one in the morning before everypony left the club together. Soarin obviously left early to get home to Spitfire, as for the other’s they headed home with Scorcher and Echo. Echo along with everypony else, save Scorcher, was hammerd.” H-Hey Scorcher.” Prankstar slurred.” Why d-d-do we have to go home with you? I’m not too far fro-URP-from hur.”
“Because you and the others are wasted and I don’t want to have too bail you out of jail for trying to flirt with some guard.” Scorcher chuckled re-thinking about that nights events. Prankstar came right up and hugged Scorcher.” You good friend dude, y-you’re a good friend. I love you dude.” Scorcher sigheed, this was going to take a while.
The next day everyone save for two ponies were present at breakfast.” Ohhhhh, never again.” Echo wailed holding her head. Scorcher laughed,” And that’s why I don’t drink much.” Echo stuck her tongue out him and Scorcher laughed again.” You’re too cute. I can’t take you seriously when you do that.” Echo just stared him down and cursed him under her breath.
Rapidfire sipped his coffee and grunted,” You two are all over each other you know that.” Scorcher just chuckled,” Aw come on Rapid. You’ll find a mare someday. Hopefully she’ll turn up soon so I don’t have to deal with you and your gloomy attitude.” Rapidfire chuckled,” Fuck you.”
“Speaking of fuck you,” Vinyl spoke up taking a sip of her orange juice.” What happened to Prankstar?” Everyone shrugged except Scorcher.” And Surprise isn’t present either.” Rapidfire claimed. Scorcher just shook his head. All at the same time everyone looked at him,” What?”
“ They went to the guest room last night, and you guy’s are lucky you were hammered. Those two kept me up for awhile longer.” Vinyl burst out into laughter.
Prankstar awoke to the sound of laughter and a pounding headache.” This is the worst part.” he grunted. He looked over at the clock, it read half-past ten.” It’s a good thing I don’t work today, my boss would kill me.” He yawned and stretched out, but stopped when he felt something soft and warm.
He rolled over to find a softly snoring Surprise.” OH SHIT!” he mentally screamed.” I FUCKED A CELBRITY!”