• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 1,829 Views, 59 Comments

What Makes It Stop - Bass Drop

What makes the heart stop from longing? How do you fill an emptiness that was once full?

  • ...

What's Done In The Dark

His vision was blurred as he sit in his chair with the bottle of white wine next to him. The bottle was two-thirds empty and it still had no effect."YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!!!" the memory flashed through his mind and fresh tears rolled down his face. If only she had belived him, but how could she? He had betrayed her to protect her and now she doesn't even belive a word he says. His heart ached for her to know the truth, but another part of him couldn't help but think,"She's better off without you Scorcher. At least now... now you can't hurt her."

This would've never happend if she hadn't met that fucking Storm Hooves those years ago. It was all of his fault, because of what he tried to do."Is this what you wanted?!?" Scorcher yelled at the air."You just couldn't leave us alone could you? COULD YOU?!?!" Scorcher threw the bottle at the wall and it hit it with a loud crash. Bit, by bit he watched the pieces fall in slow motion."Fucker, I was also saving that for a special occasion! You"ve done this to us! You did it, not me, not Breeze, you did this to me and Echo."

About five minutes later Scorcher heard the door open, but he didn't even to bother to look as his roomate Prankstar walked in. Prankstar walked into the living room and immediately saw the glass shards on the floor. Then he looked at his Scorcher and made the conection in his head."Dude, what the fuck happend?" Prankstar asked.

"You remeber that mare I told you *hic* about?" Scorcher asked half drunk.

"You ran into her someplace didn't you?"

"Yep, and she was pissed! Remember what I told you? You know, why I had to leave and what?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Well I told her the truth and she didn't belive me of course. Now I'm nothing tto her. She even yelled at me and told me I was dead to her."

"Well, dude I wouldn't belive you if you told me that my dad threatend to kill me."

"Well, you;re different. You're parents love you dude, her dad is just-"

"A dick?"


"Well dude you can't do this to youself. This is his fault, not yours."

"You see! I knew that you'd think that, because you don't know."

"Don't know what?"

"That this is not his fully his fault."

"Then who's fault is to blame for the rest?"

"If I tell you, you can't tell anypony else."

"I promise not to tell anypony."


Cloudsdale at night can be a beautiful place. Especialy on this type of night when the moon is full and all the stars are out. We see two pegasi exiting a fancy looking restraunt. One is our friend Echo, the other is a young, average sized stalllion. This stallions name is storm Hooves, Echos new and first colt friend. They seem to be enjoying each others company, talking and laughing as they walk down the sidewalk. Storms dark blue (almost gray) coat makes him almost invisible in the dark untill they pass under a street light every now and again.

"That's how I got my cuitie mark." He said as he finished his story.

"I can't belive that you flew into that gong though. I mean come on, you're a better flyer in school." Echo laughed.

"Yeah, well that was before I started taking lesson." he retorted.

"Well form what you told me, you really needed them."

"Yeah, no kidding. Hey you wanna see something cool?" he asked suddenly full of energy.

"Uh, sure why not." Echo replied nervously.

"Well then," Storm spread his wings,"Follow me!"


Scorcher was sitting under the taller oak tree on top of the hill. He had his guitar,a video camera, his personal journal, and a pencil with him. He was writting another one of his secret love songs that he wrote about Echo when he was alone. He was writting the last few lines of a song that he had been working on for a long while. This song was purely about how he felt towards Echo. Yes she had rejected him asking her out, but that didn't stop him from having a crush on her.

"Well lets see how this sounds." he thought to himself. He picked up his guitar and tuned it, plucked the strings individualy to make sure they were tuned, pressed record on his camera, and started his song..

Well you done done me and you bet I felt it
I tried to be chill but you're so hot that I melted
I fell right through the cracks, now I'm trying to get back
Before the cool done run out
I'll be giving it my bestest
And nothing's going to stop me
but divine interventionI reckon it's again my turn to win some or learn some
But I won't hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot wait, I'm yours
Well open up your mind and see like me
Open up your plans and damn you're free
Look into your heart and you'll find love love love love
Listen to the music of the moment people,
dance and singWe're just one big family
And it's our forsaken right to be loved loved loved loved loved
So I won't hesitate no more, no more
It cannot wait,
I'm sure There's no need to complicate, our time is short
This is our fate, I'm yours
D-d-do do you, but do you, d-d-do
But do you want to come on
Scooch on over closer dear
And I will nibble your ear
I've been spending way too long checking my tongue in the mirror
And bending over backwards just to try to see it clearer
But my breath fogged up the glass
And so I drew a new face and I laughed
I guess what I be saying is there ain't no better reason
To rid yourself of vanities and just go with the seasonsIt's what we aim to do, our name is our virtue
But I won't hesitate no more, no moreIt cannot wait, I'm yours
Come on and open up your mind and see like me(I won't hesitate)
Open up your plans and damn you're free(No more, no more)Look into your heart and you'll find that the sky is yours
So please don't, there's no need
There's no need to complicate
'Cause our time is short
This is, this is, this is our fateI'm yours
Oh, I'm yours,Oh, I'm yours,Oh, whoa, baby you believe I'm yours
You best believe, best believe I'm yours

He finished his song with a peacful sigh."If only I could sing that to her." he chuckled to himself. He closed his journal which caused a picture to slide out. He picked it up and flipped it over to blow of the little dirt it had on it. It showed him and Echo as foals. They were in the alley smilling with their eye's shut tight. They had stolen her moms old camera and decided to play with it and take pictures of everything with it. When her mom found out, they were in so much trouble. Scorcher chuckled at the memory. He reached over and opend his journal. He then flipped to the page where he had just written his new song and ever so carefully placed it on the page. He stared at it for a second then gently closed the journal.

He layed back when suddenly, he heard a scream from above him. He immediately got up and looked up."That was Echo!" he thought to himself. He could'nt see her because of the clouds above him. Then he heard her scream again,"GET OFF ME!" Scorcher gave no second thought as he took off in a flash.

(Back to Echo)

He had her pinned with himself on top of her. He had jumped her and had her in a very bad position. She knew he was going to rape her."GET OFF ME!" she screamed, fearful tears rollling down her face. She tried to struggle, but it was useless. Her small body couldn't strugle out of Storms grasp. Then he whisperd seductivly in her ear,"Oh, but why? We're going to have so much fun Echo." It made her sick now for him to say her name, but she could do nothing about it. She could nothing but lay there on her belly and wait for it to be over.

"I've had my eye on your ass for a while slut. Now that I have it, I'll make sure you wont walk tomorow. A fresh stream of tears rolled down her face as she felt him his member about to penetrate her innocence. Then suddenly it wasn't there and she didn;t feel his grasp on her anymore. She fell to the ground out of exaustion of the adrinaline that had been coursing through her and put herself in a feedle position..

She had thought that it was over that he had just finished raping her, but that was untill she heard something hitting something. She slowly looked up and saw Scorcher. He was repeatedly hitting Storm in the face. She looked down, she didn't care what Scorcher did to him, but she didn't want to watch.


He hit him again and again, not once ever thinking to stop. He hit him in the face, then the throat, and then repeated the pattern again.
He stopped just momentarily to look the sick excuse of a stallion in the eye."You tried to rape her." Scorcher hissed."YOU TRIED TO RAPE HER! I'LL KILL YOU FUCKER!"

Scorcher did as he said he was going to, he beat Storm for five minutes more untill he stopped. He stood up and looked at what he had done. Storm was now a lifeless corpse. His face unreconizeble. Scorcher spat on him and turned his undivided attention to Echo who was laying on the ground, looking away in the other direction, and shaking.

Immediately Scorcher was next to her. He layed down with her and cacooned her in his large wings. She hugged him and sobbed into his chest. He spoke softly to her,"It's alright now Echo. That bastard can't hurt you." He let a single tear fall down his face."Echo, I'm so sorry that this happend to you. Nopony, especialy you, should have to go through this."

"Thanks to you though, nothing worse happend." she said between sobs.

They layed there, untill the police arrived. Somepony else had heard Echo's screams and went for help. When they got there though, they saw a dead stallion and another stallion tightly holding a young mare of which had been beaten. They arrested Scorcher for assualt, rape, and murder. However later that week the rape charge was dropped, because of medical evidence.



"So you were arrested for something you didn't do?" Prankstar asked.

"Yes and no." Schorcher replied a bit more sober now."I would never touch Echo, but I did kill Storm with the intention to do so."

"So then what happend?"

"A month later I was on trial..."


"Scorcher Beats." the judge announced and Schorcher stood up in an orange prison uniform." You are charged with the sexual assualt of a Ms.Echo Fleetfoot and the murder of a Storm Hooves. How do you plead to these charges?" Scorcher looked at her with a straight face and answerd,"I plead guilty to murder, as for the sexual assualt I plead not guilty."

"Then let the trial commence." the judge announced

Storm parents lawyer stood up and annouced,"The state would like to call Mr.Cool Breeze to the stand." Scorcher saw Echos dad stand up (sober for once), walke over to the stand, and sit down."Mr.Breeze, how do you know the defendant?" the mare asked sternly.

"He's my daughters best friend." Breeze repllied.

"How long have they been friends?"

"Ever since they were about four or five."

"And, how well do you know him?"

"I don't know him that well personally."

"Well from what you do know, how does he treat your daughter?" Scorcher was not expecting what he said next.

"That young stallion that sits there treats my daughter as if she were his sister. They've always gotten along and I know for a fact that he'd never lay a hoof on Echo." Scorcher was shocked in disbelief. The stallion that hated his guts was actually defending him. However the lawyer wasn't done yet.

"When you say you know for a fact, do you actually know of a situation inwhich the defendent has ever defended your daughter from harm?"

"No ma'am."

"So you don't know for a fact that he would protect her from anything at all?"

"No ma'am."

She turned to the judged and said,"The state rest your Honor."

Then Scorchers lawyer stood up."The defense would like to call Ms.Echo Fleet Foot to the stand." Scorcher saw her stand up, walk over, and sit down at the stand. She was scared, she was shaking violently."Ms.Echo," Scorchers lawyer started," I want you to tell us the truth of what happend that night."

Echo started her horrid story."Well me and Storm had just had our second date and he asked me if I wanted to see something cool. I told him that I'd like to see what he had to show me. We flew off and landed on a large cloud outside the city. I didn't see anything really interesting. When I asked him what was I supposed to be looking at, he jumped me. He beat me across the face (she pointed with a hoof to her face) and flipped me on my stomach. I struggled, but he had me pinned. I yelled at him to get off of me, but he whisperd in my ear and told me that we were going to have some fun.(Echo was intears now) I tried to struggle but he still had me pinned. I could feel him about to... enter me when suddenly he wasn't on me anymore. I fell to the ground and looked over to see Scorcher beating Storm across the face. He screamed, you tried to rape her, I'll kill you. The next thing I knew he was laying beside me and I was wrapped in his wings. Your Honor, Scorcher has never touched me, the only reason he did what he did was to ensure my safety."

"Thank you Ms.Echo. That will be all. The defense rest your Honor." Scorchers lawyer came over and wrote something on a sheet of paper. The other lawyer stood up and approached the jury."Ladies and Gentlecolts, what you see here is a young mare plainly defending her friend which is a threat to society. What she says is out of fear and has no proof but her own words to back up what she has said about the defendent defending her in anyway at all. In this way I hope that you find this monster of a stallion guilty, and give the parents of the life he took some closer." She sat down.

Scorchers lawyer had one more piece of evidence though. He stood up with scorchers video camera and said,"Ladies and Gentlecolts. I have evidence to support what Echo has told us. The evidence is within this camera owned by Scorcher and with your permission your Honor I'd liked to share it with the jury.

"Proceed." the judge said.

Scorchers lawyer put the tape into a video player and pushed play. On the screen it showed Scorcher playing his song that he had written for Echo. Then after he was done it showed him with the picture of him and Echo and he chuckled. Then right on cue Echo's scream could be heard."GET OFF ME!" The camera had actually captured the scream. Then Scorcher flew out of scene. For a few minutes it was silent. Then you could hear Schorchers voice."YOU TRIED TO RAPE HER! I'LL KILL YOU!" Then the lawyer turned it off and went to stand in front of the jury.

"You see, ladies and gentlecolts of the jury, my client was defending Ms.Echo. This was nothing, but a simple horse slaughter. I hope with the evidence that I've showwn you today will help you make the right decision. That would be to drop all the charges for Scorcher and to set him free.


"So then what happend?" Prankstar asked, extremly interested in the story that was being revealed to him.

"Well, they decided that I wasn't guilty of anything. Even though I pleaded guilty to murder, they droped it on account of protective motives and I was set free." Scorcher finished tiredly. It was now one-thirty two in the morning, so he had a reason to be tired. Prankstar and Scorhcer sat there for what seemed like eternity. Then Prankstar spoke up,"Well my friend, sounds like you've been through some deep shit." Scorcher cuckled. He knew all that he was doing was trying to lighten the situation.

"Brother, you have no idea." Scorcher half chuckled."Anyways dude, I'n tired, I'll speak to you tomorow." Scorcher got up and made his way to the bed room. Half way there he heard,"Aw fuck! Your fucking glass cut my damn hoof to pieces!" Prankstar screaned in pain. Scorcher paused at his door and said sarcasticly,"Have a good night Prankstar."

Later Scorcher was in bed, but he was still awake. He couldn't get Echo out of his mother fucking mind for the life of him. He didn't want her out of his mind, but he wanted the fact that they were never going to be anything again out so bad. So there Scorchers lays, not able to sleep, and praying to celestia that by some miracle, she'd forgive him somehow.