• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 1,833 Views, 59 Comments

What Makes It Stop - Bass Drop

What makes the heart stop from longing? How do you fill an emptiness that was once full?

  • ...

Horrible Tragidies and Lovely Affection

The love that we can't have last the longest, hurts the most, and feels the strongest.

-Pen Head

Through tired eye's Echo saw a certain pegasus stallion with a small, teary smile. She noticed that he was the only one in the room with her, but she allowed herself to smile tiredly back at him."Hey." she whisperd. Scorcher let out a small chuckle to help him hold back tears."Hey." he whisperd back."h-how are you feeling?"

"I'm really sleepy." she whisperd again. Suddenly he fell into her holding her tight, but at the same time gentley and he sobbed into her shoulder."Damn you Echo, don't scare me like this." She smiled and hugged him back with what ever strength she had."I missed you, I missed you so much." Scorcher sobbed.

"I missed you too Scorcher. For six years I've missed having you around, and I am so sorry that I flipped out on-"

"Echo, you don't have to be sorry." he said letting her go sitting in his chair again, holding one of her hoofs."You have every single right to be angry at me, but remember one thing, we promised to always be friends and to be there for each other."

"Thank you Sorcher."

"For what?"

"Being here for me when I woke up."

"I've been here since you have." Echo still couldn't belive how much she had taken his care for granted. Just then, the doctor trotted into the room."Welcome back to the world Miss Fleetfoot. Mister If you'd please step out, I've just got to run a couple of test, and I don't think she wants you to see some of her more... intimate areas."

Echo and Scorcher both blushed at the thought, but Scorcher just nodded and looked back at Echo."I'll be right here when you come back Scorcher." Echo said half lidded and her blush still visable. Scorcher got up and walked out with the doctor closing the door behind him.

Scorcher sighed and smiled with relief knowing that Echo was finally back... for good.


Soarin twirled his cocktail, focus with intensity."Something bothering you Soar?" Spitfire asked as she layed down on the couch beside him, giving him a kiss on the cheek."Well... yeah, there is." he replied.

"Mind sharing what it is?" Spitfire pushed.

"It's this Scorcher pony."

"What about him?"

"Well, who is he? He just shows up and the next thing we know Echo is in a coma. Things just don't happen like that."

"Soar, we both know by the way he acts around her that they have a history."

"Yes, but what does that history involve? I mean-"

"Let me finish. What I'm saying as he looks at her with a look of care and concern, not how you look at me every time my flank is turned."


"Don't act like you don't know. We both know you look at me like you look at pie."

"Naughty mare."

"Anyways. I don't think he's something to worry about."

"I still don't trust him around her. We don't know who he is and if he had something to do with Echos condition."

"Soarin, maybe you should just talk to him. Get to know him better and maybe he'll reveal something about what happend."

"Alright. However if something happens to Echo again... I'm going to the Sons." Spitfire rage suddenly sky rocketed."NO! You're not going back to those ponies. Last time you saw Steel he almost killed us. Soarin you're better than that and I'm disgusted you would suggest this. We got out of that business years ago." Tears were running down her face.

"Spitfire, what else can I do? I'm not just going to stand by and watch her get hurt." Soarin retorted.

"Neither will I, but I will not do something that drastic. Please Soarin, don't make me have to face them again. Rmember Nova?" Soarin rememberd the bastard all to well. He could never forget the night he found Spitfire in that cheap motel."Alright Spitfire." He held her, stroking her mane to calm her down."I'm so sorry for even bringing them up, I'm just so scared for Echo I just wasn't thinking." The memory of Nova still remained in his head.


Soarin walked alone down the streets of Manehattens gehto on a stormy night. Blade in his jacket pocket. He was going to meet Spitfire at her apartment to go eat out for their fourth aniversy as a couple."As soon as I can afford it I'm going to buy her a ring." he thought to himself, bringing a smile to his face.

He enterd the apartment building, trotted up the old steps and enterd the door to her floor. He turned a corner down the hallway and saw a sight that made his heart drop, Nova Rock was exiting Spitfires apartment with an evil look on his face. He walked in the opposite direction of Soarin and exited through another stairwell. Soarin stormed over to Spitfires door and opend the door ready to confront her. However he was greeted by something else.

The apartment was a mess, as if a storm hit it. He walked over to her bedroom door and opened it finding a horrible sight."Spitfire!" Soarin gasped in a terrified voice. She was cowering on the bed in a fetal position, she was badly beaten, mouth taped shut, blood and semen coming from her marehood.

Soarin was right beside her in an instant, speaking to her in a soothing voice."Spitfire, it's ok. It's just me darling." Tears ran down her damaged face as she fell into him. Soarin lifted her head and pealed the tape of her mouth."Soarin, it was Nova." she cried."He just came in here, beat me and gagged me. Then he-" Soarin stopped her right there.

"Shh-sh-sh. It's ok now Spitfire." Tears rolling down his own face.

"No it's not Soar. I was saving myself for you, and now I'm ruined." she cried even harder.

"Hey you're still Spitfire, and as long as you have that trait I'm yours. Now come on, we need to get you to the hospital." However he noticed something on her back."Spitfire do you mind turning around." She complied and turned around. Soarin's rage continued to grow as he saw what was on her back. A note was stapled to her back.

Dear Soarin,

I told you nopony leaves the Sons without a price. You should be proud, she's got one of the Best pussies I've ever had. So tight. I hope you two have a good life.



Scorcher went back into the room as soon as the doctor told him that he could. He went back to sitting were he had previously had been sitting."Any bad news?" he asked.

"There's good and bad news, the good news is that I just got to stay here for about two days to rest then I can go home." she explained.

"Well then whats the bad news?" Scorcher pushed.

"The bad news is that we're in an hospital on the ground and my wings are broken, and I have a cloud home." She finished.

"Well if you want to you can stay in my guest room, I'm sure Prankstar wouldn't mind. All ya got to do is ask."

"Ha,I might just take you up on that offer."

"I'll make sure the house is clean when you get there."

"Are you still such a mess Scorcher? I got onto you about how many times about that?" she said giving him a mock scowl.

"Jeeze, you sound like a ligit mom right there." Scorcher laughed. However he had to bring up something that needed to be brought up. He held her hoof and asked,"Now Echo, I need to ask you, how are you going to deal with this situation between you and your dad? I want to help in any way possible."

All happieness left her face and her face was left with only one other emotion, fear."Scorcher, I don't know what to do about that. Another thing, that monster is not my father." Fear turned to anger as and Scorcher saw a different Echo."I don't give a damn if I sound like a over emotional foal right now, but I want him to burn."Tears ran down her face." I want him to feel every bit of what he's made me felt."

"Listen Echo, I'll never let him or any ponyelse ever touch you again." Scorcher vowed."Do you understand me?" Echo brightend up and smiled a little.

The door flung open and a teary eyed Spitfire walked over to Echo and gave her a tight hug."We came as soon as we heard." She released her death grip on Echo to let hre breath."How are you feeling?"

"I'm just really tired." Echo replied with a tired smile.

Soarin laughed."I know that's a lie. You've been asleep for a long time speedy."

"Nice to see you too Soarin."

Spitfire coughed in Soarins direction."Oh Scorcher do you mind going for a walk with me? Spitfire here has been meaning to talk with Echo about something and my guess is that she wants to do it in private." Soarin explained. Scorcher looked at Echo."Go, we'll have time to talk later." Scorcher nodded, got up and walked out with Soarin the door closing behind them.

"So this Scorcher fellow." Spitfire started.

Echo had an idea of where this was going."Yeah, what about him?"

"Just who is he?"

"Are you sure you want to hear the whole story? It's a pretty long one."

"I have time." Spitfire got comfortable in the chair previously occupied by the stallion in question. Thus Echo began the story of her and Scorchers history.

After about an hour and a half Echo finished telling her story. Sptifire was amazed about this stallions loyalty to her."And you're telling me that after all of that time, that nothing ever happend between you two?" Spitfire asked.

"Sadly no. Well, he actually asked me out once. However I stupidly turned him down. I'd do anything for a second chance." Echo said with a saddend expression.

"I'm sorry girl, but if I didn't have Soarin I would be riding him like a cowpony. Please excuse me, but that stallion is fine." She said with a lustful smile as nasty thoughts danced around her head. This made Echo giggle.

"I can't belive you sometimes." Echo continued to giggle.

"Oh come on, you can't tell me that you haven't dreamed about him like that atleast once." Spitfire teased making Echo blush hard.

"Well... *sigh* yeah a few times. Sometime a mare gets lonely you know." Echo blushed harder.

"Woah, I didn't take you as the type of mare that would rub herself like that." Spitfire was amazed that Echo could get even more red than she was.

"Rub herself like how?" A smooth deep voice asked. Both mares startled looked wide eye'd at Scorcher who was leaning in the door way. An evil smile across his face. Echos mind raced, he had just heard eveything that was just said about him. Soarin was beside him smiling at Spitfire who was not quite matching Echo, but still beet red.

Spitfire cleared her voice."I think I should get going." she got up and walked to the door way."Good to see you're ok Echo, but me and Soarin actually have something to finish up at home." She walked past Soarin swaying her hips actractivaly. Soarin stared in a trance like state and growled flirtaciously."Yes ma'am." He said following after her.

Scorcher closed the door behind him and just laughed. Echo's blush still painted on her face."You heard what I said didn't you?" she asked.

"I heard what Spitfire say she'd ride me like a train, and then something about you rubbing yourself at the thought of, oh what is that stallions name? Scorcher wasn't it." Echo still was able to blush harder.

"You weren't meant to hear that. Are you upset?" she asked, afraid of the answer.

"Do I look upset? I just found out that the mare of my dreams returns my feelings. However not the way I would expect her too." He said with a smile still plastered on his face.

"You...I...me...I mean, you still have feelings toward me?" she asked dumbstruct. Scorcher stood beside her bed and she took time to look at him. A extremly tall stallion, strong body, plain red coat, dark orange mane, and amazing amber eyes she could stare at for days.

"Echo remember, I told you that I'd always care for you." Echo's heart leaped.

"Then ask me." She said with half lidded eyes. It was Scorchers turn to blush."Ahem, Echo Fleetfoot, will you be m-my marefriend?" Scorcher asked knowing the answer, yet he longed to her that one word.

"Yes, I'd love to Scorcher." Both pegasi had shy smiles on their faces along with a slight blush from both.

"Scorcher one more thing, lean over here. I want to tell you something." Scorcher leaned over and Echo whisperd seductively in his ear,"This has been a long time coming." Confused, Scorcher lifted his head to only be trapt by Echo's hooves. He looked at her with suprise. She looked back at him with a nervous smile. Both of their faces inched towards eachother not knowing what to expect. They could feel each others heat from the others face, then it finally happend... their lips sealed.

It was a simple kiss, yet full of passion and desire. Scorchers wings imediately went stiff, shooting out both sides. Echo let herself melt and she moaned into his mouth. She had secretly wanted this since they were foals, and now she had him. Scorcher was on cloud nine. He had the one thing he could ever ask for, and that was the mare he was kissing right now. They finally broke the kiss, Echo playfuly biting his lower lip.

"That told me everything I need to know." Scorcher said in a daze from the kiss.

Soarin and Spitfire enterd their home and immediately made their way to the bedroom. Spitfire gently laid herself on the bed and Soarin climbed on top off her. He absolutley loved his wife and she returned that love with every being of her will.

"Wait Soarin." He looked at her confused, but then she had a puzzled look on her face as well."Let me get up, I need to go." He climbed off her, she got up and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

About a minute later the door opend, but Spitfire didn't come out. The he heard her call him,"Soarin can you come here please." Soarin got up and walked into the bathroom to see Spitfire at the sink with a huge smile across her face. She looked at him and he saw it, a little stick with a little green dot on it.

"Soarin...I-I'm pre-pregnant."