• Published 9th Aug 2012
  • 1,829 Views, 59 Comments

What Makes It Stop - Bass Drop

What makes the heart stop from longing? How do you fill an emptiness that was once full?

  • ...

Breaking a Promise to keep that Promise

The wonderbolts hq, the place where almost every single pegasus dreamed to work at. For one small, bluiesh-green mare, drream had come true. She rememberd that everytime she walked through the doors of the entrance. She had her uniform on which only revealed her muzzel, eyes, mane. and tail. She walked with pride everytime, except today. Today she was distracted by thoughts of a certain male pegasus. She couldn't figure where and why he left so many years ago. She just couldn't put her hoof on it.

She entered the practice stadium where every pony else was sitting in the bleachers. She decided to sit next to Steel Wings instead of Rapid today. Then Spitfire appeared infront of them at the walk way of the bleachers."Listen up everypony!" she exclaimed."Today as you know we are going to renew our intro songs." Everpny except Echo, started to cheer."Calm down!" Spitfire orderd and immediately everypony was silent."Yes the old songs are way to old for thier own good. That is why everpony we have a Stallion who has generously given his time to create our new songs.

"He still going to be in no way be better than Scorch." Echo whisperd to herself. Then time slowed down for what came next."Please welcome our guest musician from canterlot, Scorcher." Everypony was stomping there hooves for the stallion to make his appearence. Everypony except Echo that is. A million things had ran through her head since Spitfire had said the name "Scorcher".

Then he appeared through the tunnel right next to where she was sitting. Still paralyzed with emotion she couldn't say anything. He was a bit taller, same build, his wings were also a bit larger, and his beautiful amber eyes still had that same glow to her. Then, as soon as he stood next to Spitfire... he saw her.


His world stood still, he saw those emerald eyes that he could absolutely not mistake for any other."Echo?" he mouthed to her. As soon as he had done that, she bolted out of the stadium, tears streaming down her suit.

Scorcher just stood there. He wasn't sure what to do. Then slowly, a voice came to him." Hey. Mister Scorcher?" Soarin asked him. Scorcher shook his head to try to come back down to reality."Huh?" Scorcher asked dumbfound.

"Do you know her somehow?" Soarin asked.

"She's my best friend." Scorcher said, and before anypony could make another sound he was out the door.He had just found his best friend, and he was not going to let her go again. He bursted out of the entrance, franticly searching the skies for her. Nothing.

Then his old instincs came back to life."She's at the old hill. She's just got to be!" he thought to himself. He spread his wings and leaped off the cloud. His desent was a quick one. He landed near at the bottom of the hill. He could hear crying at the top of the hill and he knew who the source of the crying. He bolted up the hill, but slowed down near the top. He saw her without her suit, against one of the old oaks. She had her muzzle buried into her foreharms."Echo?" he asked trying to get her attention. Ears flatt he slowly approached her untill he was upon her."Echo?" he asked again.

He expected what happend next. She stood up and slapped him extremly hard acroos the face."How dare you!" she screamed."How fucking dare you show up like this after six years. No vists, no letters, not even a note that let me know where you were! Did you think that you could just walk up and everything would be just damn peachy? Did you Scorcher!?!"

"I didn't even know you were there Echo." Scorcher replied in a calm voice.

"Oh! Well that makes me feel a whole lot better Scorcher."


"Aw shut up! Don't Echo me. Don't even say my damn name!" Scorcher looked down, trying not to show how hurt he was. Then he looked right back up and stared her right in her tear stained eyes."I'll leave you alone Ec-... if thats what you want me to do. Atleast I got to see you again." he turned around to leave."I just wish it was under better circumstances."

"You are NOT leaving untill you tell me why you left." Echo orderd. Scorcher turned around to face her.

"Are you sure you want to know that? I don't want to do anythong else to hurt you." Scorccher said with genuion hurt on his face.

"Think Scorcher! You hurt me the most by breaking that promise you made to always be there! To always protect me."

"You see thats just it!" Scorcher started to explain."It was because of those promises that I left."

"Well get to it, explain." she growled.


Six years ago, we see a young stallion in the alley behind the cities orphanage. He's plucking at an old guitar. This is pretty much the only thing to keep him occupied until tomorow when his best friend got back from her class trip to Manehattan."I hope the trip was good." he thought to himself."I just couldn't afford it." She had offered to pay for him to go, but he didn't whant to use the little welfare money her ugly excuse of a father got every week.

It had been almost two years since he had asked her to go out, two years to date that he had kept that promises that would never be broken. He was seventeen, and he had one more year before the orphanage would tell him to leave. He had been saving up to move into the apartment building that was about a block from the orphanage, and when Echo returned, he would ask her to move in with him ( as friends ) to get away from her dad.

That thought triggerd something, because Echo's dad, Cool Breeze, stumbled into view. Scorcher said nothing, only stared at him with a stern expression. Then, Breeze looked right into Scorchers eye's with his own bloodshot ones."Hey!" he slurred loudly."Hey you! Hey, rapist!"

"Breeze, we both know that I didn't touch her. You even testified against that bastard yourself." Scorhcer retorted

"Did I?"

"Yes you did. Listen do you have something to say or are you going to stand there untill you fall down?"

"Ha, colt, you need to learn how to treat a grown stallion."

"All I see is an old drunk colt."

"Listen colt," Breeze said sternly sitting on his haunches."You still have that murder charge, and everyone knows it. The reason I'm bringing this up, is because I don't like you."

"Feeling's mutual." Scorcher chuckled.

"Shut u[!" Breeze shouted."It is my turn to talk! Anyways, I want you gone.

"Well good luck there Breeze, because I'm not going anywhere."

"Yes you are."

"Care to explain?"

"As a matter of fact yes. You see, ponies aren't exactly outgoing towards you since that trial. They're suspicious that it was actually you that tried to rape her." Those words stung Scorchers ears, he would never have raped anypony, let alone her." That's the reason your leaving." Breeze continued.

"I'm going to leave, because of that?" Scorcher asked with mock suprise."Breeze I know they're still suspicous about me, but i don't care. It wasn't me, so why should I care?'

"Beacause, you little prick," Breeze pulled out a wing blade out of his saddle bag. This wasn't just any ordinary blade though, it was Scorchers. His father was a blacksmith before he settled on a farm with Scorchers mother, and before he died he had made this for scorcher. It even had Scorchers name engraved on it.

"Where... how, did you get that?" asked a stuned Scorcher.

"That doesn't matter," Breeze said cooly."What does matter, is that if you continue to hang around... we'll see what this thing can do to a pony." Breeze had an evil grin on his face.

"You threatening me mister?" Schorcher growled

"Aw no, not you! Echo."

"You wont fucking touch her! I'll kill you!" Scorcher yelled out of pure fury.

"No you wont. If you kill me now, you just yelled it, so somepony must have heard it. Thats a wittness, also I have your blade right here colt. The officials wont think twice, they'll lock you up and put you down."

Scorcher realised that this was true. He was at the mercy of a drunk, so he asked,"What do you want me to do?" Scorher said in a low voice.

"Leave cloudsdale." Stated Breeze."I ever find you near her again, and they'll find you guilty for her murder."

Before he left to go upstairs to pack, Scorcher got two more words out."Fuck you."

"Watch it colt."

Scorcher left silently that night at exactly one-thirty two in the morning.


Echos eyes were wide from disbelief. She knew her dad was a horrid one, but to actually threaten to... kill her."I don't belive you." she stated still wide eyed.

Scorcher had expected her too say this. How can one pony belive their parent would threaten their life."Echo I you have too belive me." Scorcher reasoned.

"And why should I? What possible proof do you have?"

Scorcher thought to himself then sighedl with his ears flat and still."I have no proof. Just the words I told you."

"Exactly. Scorhcer... YOU'RE DEAD TO ME!!!" With that she speed off and in less than ten seconds was a speck in the distance. Scorcher knew at this point he wouldn't catch her no matter how hard he tried. He sat there on his haunches head down. He left the hill and headed to his apartment, where a bottle of wine was waiting for him. Tonight he was going to cry, hard and get drunk.


Echo got to the top of the stairs and headed down the once glorious hallway.She found apartment sixteen and knocked on the wood door. An older pale green open it."Hey daddy." Echo greeted her daddy.