• Published 10th May 2019
  • 1,238 Views, 8 Comments

Rise of the Element Gang, Book 1: The Adventure Begins - Power of Six

Ponyville is about to get four brand new heroes. What will happen when these new heroes meet the Mane 6?

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Chapter 10: Hush Now, Quiet Now

Chapter 10: Hush Now, Quiet Now

“These books just never get old.” I remarked to myself as I turned the pages of Sapphire Stone, lying on my couch in my living room.

Winter was at last here. I could see outside the snow that covered the ground, ponies walking by, dressed in scarves, woolen hats, and snow boots. Little fillies and colts were enjoying the snow, throwing snowballs or building snow ponies. Everypony was now on a holiday for winter, taking time off working until spring returned. Including me.

It had been a good few days since the Running of the Leaves, when I’d last ventured somewhere that wasn’t the library and thoroughly enjoyed myself as Twilight had given me time off for winter and I was choosing today to spend it at home, curled up with a book It was fine, at first…but then I remembered what the Princess had told me.

I had taken a sort of personal vow to not involve my friends in my personal problems and let them be happy. But the Princess was the reason I was even having these thoughts in the first place, the reason why I was here and was friends with a unicorn who he hoped would truly understand me. For that, I was truly thankful.

Though I also remembered why I using my day off for: to spend some time away from the guys. I love Shield and the guys, but sometimes they really drive me nuts. It’s nice to get away from them for a while. Though what the Princess said is what got me to think about going out to make sure I didn’t worry them.

Maybe I would go and visit somepony. I could read his books anytime, I had the time now. Plus, I considered this as another hinted opportunity from the Princess to ensure my friendship with them was okay. She hadn’t steered me wrong so far. I slipped on my scarf and left the house.

The cold winter chill hit me as I stepped outside. It wasn’t too bad as I was protected by my warm fur coat. I, however, resolved that I should probably get some more proper winter-wear unless I wanted to catch a cold. I even put on some gloves for my claws. Though I was lucky I got some. You have no idea how hard it is to find a shop that sells gloves for ponies with claws.

The trees were now completely bare, their leaves having been cleared up off the ground, which was now blanketed by snow. Plants were no longer in bloom with flowers, pegasus ponies were leading birds South to spend the winter as well as preparing clouds to snow, and little critters were getting ready to enter hibernation. With more snow forecasted for tonight, winter was definitely here.

“Now who should I visit?” I asked myself, my hooves and claws crunching in the snow.

Twilight and Spike were ruled out, of course. I spent more time with them than anypony else. Applejack and Dog would want to be spending time with her family, so they were discounted. I figured my cousin Rarity was probably busy, Rainbow and Shield were most likely resting in some clouds somewhere, and I didn’t even know where to start looking for Pinkie Pie. Then I remembered about Fluttershy. I could actually have my tail out as she already knew about me and the guys secret and Leon was there to keep an eye out in case anypony else was coming. So I decided I would visit them.

I was just wondering how to find Fluttershy’s house, counting out Cloudsdale as Leon couldn’t walk on clouds if he was living with her, when a snowball hit me in the back of the head. Surprised, but not angry, I spun to look at the guilty culprit.

“Woops! Sorry, mister!” Three fillies halted their game and trotted up to me.

Like the girls, it was an equally balanced little trio. The Pegasus had fur of dull orange, her mane being purple, the unicorn was white with lilac, and the earth pony, the one looking guiltiest, had cream colored fur and a red mane with a pink bow tied at the back.

“Sorry, mister.” she said again “I wasn’t meant to hit ya.”

“It's okay.” I assured them, shaking snow away. “Just an accident, I don’t blame you.” Her voice had a familiar twang to it. I noted and it made me think… “Hey, are you by chance, Applejack’s little sister?”

“Sure am, mister.” she said proudly. “How’d ya guess?”

“I suppose, you could say I'm psychic.” I joked. "No, she mentioned you, so did my bud Dog, and just, you know, family resemblance.”

“You know my sister? And Dog?” She looked me over, then her smile widened. “You must be Dusk! They told me about you too!”

“They did?” I was rather touched that they did.

“Dusk? Who the heck is that?” asked the Pegasus pony.

“I know who he is.” the unicorn piped up as she looked me with a bright smile before she jumped at me with a hug. “And I’m so glad to see you!”

“‘Glad to see me?’ What are you…” I said before she then broke the hug and I got a closer look at her. After a little moment, I then soon realized who it was. “Sweetie Belle?”

“Yes, it’s me.” she said to me and I smiled before I then grabbed her into a hug even nuzzling her cheek.

“I barely recognized you.” I said as I put her down. “Look how big you’ve gotten.”

“Wait, Sweetie Belle, ya know him?” the earth pony asked.

“Of course.” Sweetie Belle answered before introducing me to the girls. “Girls, I like you to meet my cousin Dusk Noir, the most polite and gracious colt Rarity's ever met.”

“Most polite and gracious? Well, I wouldn’t put it that far.” I said, humbly dismissing that claim in embarrassment.

“What does ‘gracious’ mean?” the earth pony inquired.

“I dunno, that’s what she said.” she answered, looking back up at Dusk. “Rarity said she had you over for tea. She says you’ve spending time with her and the others along with the friends you made in Canterlot.”

“Yeah, well…I never miss a chance to hang out with my friends.” He cleared his throat, recollecting myself from that embarrassment earlier. "So who are these two you ladies then?”

“Oh, yeah, you don’t know them.” my younger unicorn cousin said as she introduced me. “Dusk, these are my friends.”

“Name’s Scootaloo.” The Pegasus stepped forward.

“And I’m AppleBloom. And together, we’re…”

“THE CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS!” they announced loudly in unison.

“We’ll leave no stone unturned!”

“No mountain unclimbed!”

“No meal uncooked!”

“No song unlearned!”


“Cutie Mark…Crusaders?” That was when I noticed their flanks were completely unmarked. “So…you’ve all come together…to discover your special talents?”

“Exactly.” Scootaloo confirmed. “We’ll do whatever it takes, however long it takes, to discover our talents and earn our cutie marks.”

“What’s yours, Mr. Dusk?” AppleBloom looked to my rolled-out scroll cutie mark. “That’s kinda like the Mayor’s. Do ya work for her?”

“No, I work in the library.” I looked to my flank. “Mine is knowledge and learning of whatever most fascinates me or intrigues me. Whatever it is, I learn all I can about it until there's nothing left to learn. Got me good grades at school.”

“Aw, we already tried that one.” Sweetie Belle said disappointedly.

“Eh, that sounds boring anyway.” remarked Scootaloo. “Come on, let’s get back to seeing if we have talents in snowball fighting!”

“Well, good luck with that, girls. Oh, wait!” I stopped them before they ran off. “Can you tell me where Fluttershy lives?”

“Sure we can! CUTIE MARK CURSADERS: LOCATION FINDERS!” They all started pointing and explaining.

“Just head down this road…”

“…go down Apple Avenue…”

“…past Sugarcube Corner…”

“…along by Hay Street…”

“…turn left an' go straight on from there…”

“…you can't miss it!” Sweetie Belle finished. As soon as they finished, they all checked their flanks. They waited, but there was no result. “Awww!”

“Thank you, Crusaders. Sorry about your marks, I’m sure you’ll get them soon enough.” I encouraged, walking in the direction they indicated. I could still hear them as they trotted off.

“Well, that didn’t work.” Scootaloo noted.

“Maybe we gotta wait till he finds it, then we’ll get ‘em!” AppleBloom suggested.

“What would cutie marks for location finders even look like?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“I dunno…but I know what one for snowball fightin’ might look like.” I heard the impact of more snow and laughter as I left round the corner and out of sight, smiling a bit as I did. Glad to see Sweetie Belle is doing okay and having fun with friends.

I followed the girls’ directions, hoping that they were right. They seemed like a good little group of friends, I thought to myself as I walked by Sugarcube Corner, if a little enthusiastic. Not like me when I was a foal.

I recalled when I was in school, when I was just as quiet and lonely then, before I met Shield and the others. I had been friendless. I was, however, the seventh in my class to earn his own mark after I’d got a high grade on that surprise test. Ponies had payed attention to me for a little after that, but they’d left me alone soon enough. I was glad that I met Shield and the guys as they helped me see that not everypony was like that.

I soon reached Hay Street, turned left as the girls had instructed, and carried straight on, down a country lane of cottages. They said that I wouldn’t miss it, meaning that it stood out somewhere from the others. Then I saw it and knew what they meant.

It looked as if it had been built underneath a growing bush, almost like it was part of the landscape around it. Nature just emerged from every cranny, though it probably looked better in spring. The small stream was frozen over, and the trees were bare like the others. There seemed to be at least a dozen homes for animals: bird houses, rabbit holes, hanging from trees or acting as part of the house.

She really did like her animals, just like Leon.

I crossed the bridge, approaching the red door. I suddenly didn't feel as sure as I had before. What if she and Leon were busy and didn’t want anypony bothering them? Would this be rude, just to drop in on them?

I raised my claw to knock. Then I lowered it again. Then bought it up. Lowered it again, this time giving a resigned sigh. They probably would be busy too, I thought, turning to leave.

“Hello? Is somepony there?” I turned back to see Leon, emerging from the side of Fluttershy’s house. His eyes widened in surprise, though he smiled when he saw who it was. “Oh, hey, Dusk. What are you doing here?”

“Hey, Leon.” I approached tentatively. “I was just…coming to visit you and Fluttershy is all.”

“Really?” He was, again, surprised at the idea.

“I hope that uh…I’m not interrupting you two.”

“Oh, no, not at all.” He kindly dismissed. “Except…well… I’m supposed to be helping Fluttershy with something right now.”

“Oh…okay.” I would be lying if I’d said I wasn’t disappointed. “I can leave if you guys want.”

“Dusk, wait.” He met me as I walked back. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound rude. You can come in if you like. Or you could help us with what we’re doing if you like.”

“Of course, I’d like to help.” I said happily. I jumped Fluttershy’s fence as Leon led me around the back of her house. “What are you guys doing anyway?”

“We’re putting all of Fluttershy’s little critters into hibernation for winter.” He explained. “We were just putting them into their homes if you’d like to help.”

“Of course.” I said to him as we reached a large area filled with various burrows and holes where Fluttershy was.

“Hey, Fluttershy.” Leon said, getting her attention. “Look who I found at the front door.”

“Oh, hello, Dusk.” Fluttershy said to me. “What brings you here?”

“Well, I came to see if you aren’t too busy,” I said to her, “until Leon explained what was going on, so I’m here to help.”

“You really want to help?” she asked me, surprised.

“Certainly.” I said to her. “Just tell me what to do.”

“Well, for now, could you and Leon just…coax them into their homes, please?” I nodded and set to work with Leon.

The task Fluttershy had given me was simple enough as the animals didn’t need much coaxing to go into their homes. Most were so sleepy that they headed off whenever I gently nudged them into their holes, giving big yawns and stretches and curling up to save their strength. It was rather satisfying to see them curl up to sleep.

Fluttershy and Leon, of course, had fewer issues than me. Fluttershy had such a gentle, delicate way of treating the animals. Leon also had the same way, even making sure all of them got to their burrow. With them, it was like watching a mother and father with their children, almost as if they communicated with them on another level. From there, I then remembered what Leon told me about his cutie mark. He said that his mark meant that he could understand animals and had the ability to help them when they were in need, to be able to show kindness to them. While looking at Fluttershy, I saw that her cutie mark was a group of butterflies with pink wings. Seeing how similar their cutie marks were, their talents might also be similar as well. Though we got most of them, we had one more animal, the only Fluttershy seemed to have trouble with: a particularly adamant white rabbit, who looked to be point-blank refusing to go into his hole.

“Come on, Angel, go on down.” she gently told him. The rabbit, Angel, crossed his arms and shook his head. “Please, Angel, do it for mummy?” Refusal was met with.

“What’s going on?” I asked Leon as we came over and saw this.

“Oh, that’s just Angel, her pet bunny.” Leon answered as he explained. “He’s usually okay with what Fluttershy tells him, but he’s also stubborn. I’m not sure what to do with him.”

“Have you tried giving him tough love?”

“Dusk, I don’t think…”

“Come on, Leon. You’ve done it before. Besides, Fluttershy needs your help.”

Leon gave it some thought as he looked at how much trouble Fluttershy was having with her rabbit before he sighed and looked more serious, striding up over to them.

“Come on, Angel, all of your other little friends are…” Fluttershy said before Leon interrupted to her by stamping his hoof down in front of Angel.

“Angel! Bed! Now!” Leon said to him and I smiled as he showing some more authority with that little lagomorph.

The rabbit looked quite astonished at this show of authority, but he still refused.

“Angel…don't make me resort to desperate measures.” Leon said as he allowed his horn to start glowing.

That did it. The rabbit jumped in fright, glared resentfully at Leon, grabbed the little nightcap that Fluttershy was holding for him, and stomped into the rabbit hole with the others.

“Well done, Leon.” I said to him as he smiled proudly. “Knew you still had it in ya.”

We turned to Fluttershy, who looked grateful at him.

“Thanks, Leon, but…did you have to be so…forceful?”

“S-s-sorry, Flutters. It just seemed like…that, uh…he needed…a firm hoof.” Leon said as his face turned red, no doubt he was feeling ashamed from it now.

“Perhaps you’re right.” she agreed. “Thank you again, I’m not really very good with…taking charge like that.”

“Neither was he went he first brought his animals to Canterlot.” I said to as it was true.

“Yeah, it’s true.” Leon admitted. “I was basically the same way you were with Angel. I just…couldn’t put my hoof down. But…Dusk managed to help me become more assertive with them. I’m glad I was to do so now.”

“Well, I’m glad too.” Fluttershy said as she lifted herself up with her wings, heading towards her house. “Now, we need to make sure they’re all tucked up nice and cozy.”

Me and Leon waited for her in the glade as she entered her house to get something. After a few minutes, she came back out again with a wooden box clutched in her mouth. I recognized it as an old music box, well carved and cared for.

“I need to sing them a lullaby,” she explained once more, “just to make sure all the critters get to sleep okay.”

“Fire away then.” I encouraged, standing back and letting her do her stuff. She opened the box, which began playing a slow, tinkling tune. Fluttershy, in a soft, calming voice, began to sing:

Hush now, quiet now,
It's time to lay your sleepy head.
Hush now, quiet now,
It’s time to go to bed.

As me and Leon listened, I couldn’t help but think she really did have a wonderful singing voice. Even my eyes began to feel a little heavy as she sung on like I would doze off right there in the snow. I looked to Leon as he laid there and watched as Fluttershy sing. I could hear yawns coming from the holes, indicating her lullaby was having the intended effect. A few minutes in, she beckoned us over to her.

“That’s lovely, Fluttershy. Great work.” I whispered.

“Yeah, you got some good pipes.” Leon whispered.

“Thank you. That’s nice of you to say so.” She said to us before she spoke to me “Would you like to try?”

“R-really? You…want me to have a go?”

“Only if you want to, of course.” She stood back a little as I considered.

It had been a while since I actually sang. Haven’t really sang any song since me and the guys left Canterlot. I did, however, knew one lullaby, the one that my mother used to sing to me when I was a foal. I might as well try.

I cleared my throat, recalled the lyrics, and sang as gently as I could:

There, little bird,
In the orange sky,
Over the silver peaks,
So high.
Oh, where do you wander?
Where do you roam?
And when…will you,
Come home?
Oh, when…will you,
Come home?

I faltered as I waited to start again. I glanced back unsurely at Fluttershy and Leon, who gave me support in the form of more gentle smiles. Returning it and feeling my eyes becoming moist, I struck up again:

Oh, little bird,
Where will…you fly?
Above the world,
As time passes by?
Can’t I come with you?
Can’t you just stay?
Or doesn't it work that way?
Oh, doesn't it work that way?
Oh, little bird,
You’re far away.
Perhaps somewhere's night,
Or else…it’s day,
So I shall stay here,
And I shall not mourn,
And hope for the day,
You’ll return.
And hope for the day…you’ll return.

My song ended just as the music from the box ended. The glade was now filled with the gentle snoozing from the hibernating animals, all of them now resting until they would be reawakened in spring.

Until then, my furry friends. I thought as I quietly crept away with Fluttershy and Leon.

“Oh, Dusk.” Fluttershy said as she gave me a gentle smile. “That was a wonderful lullaby.”

“Yeah, that was amazing and…” Leon said before they both looked at me with concern. “What’s wrong?”

“Wha…?” I then noticed now that I had been crying. My eyes were wet, some tear streaks down my face. “Oh.” I wiped away the tears and sniffed. “Sorry. It’s just…been a long time since I’ve heard that.”

“Where did you hear it?” she asked, her and Leon leading me into her house and gazing sympathetically at me.

“My mother. She used to sing to it to me when I was a foal.” He sniffed again, wiping away more tears. “I guess I was just sad to be remembering a…simpler time.”

“Well…I’m sorry that I made you sing it, I didn’t know it would make you sad. It was still lovely, though…” She looked so ashamed of herself that it made me feel even worse.

“Flutters, it’s not your fault.” Leon said as he comforted her. “You just didn’t know.”


“No, no. He’s right.” I told her. “I wanted to sing it, Fluttershy. It’s fine. Thank you for letting me sing it and for liking it. It…meant a great deal.”

“Okay…you’re welcome.” She gave me another gentle smile as she set the music box in her living room. “You sung it well too.”

“You were a better singer than me.” I modestly said as she offered me a seat.

“Yeah, Flutters, you were great.” Leon said.

“You were good too, Dusk.” she replied, blushing a little. "But… Leon, Dusk…thank you anyway. I’ll go and make us some tea, I’d say we’ve earned it.”

“You don’t have to. I can just…leave you two to it.” I said to her.

“Oh, it’s no trouble at all.” She said to me. “It’s the least I can do after you both helped me. I won’t be long.”

“Alright. Two sugars, thank you, with a little milk.” I said to her.

“I’ll just have two sugars, thank you.” Leon said to her.

She nodded and left the room.

After she trotted off into the kitchen, Leon cleared his throat, getting my attention.

“Are you gonna have your tail like that the whole time you’re here?” Leon asked me.

“Oh! Right.” I said as I realized that my tail was still camouflaged, which I then removed as I was with ponies who already knew about it. “Man, she's kind and sweet. Kinda like a mother. Now I see why you like her.”

“Yeah, she’s amazing.” Leon said to me. “I wanted to see her again so much and now I’m living with her. I’m really a lucky guy.”

“Yeah, I see what you mean.” I said as I had a look around. “This place is so pleasant and warm, like it is outside.”

I wasn’t even wrong. It had a very natural decor with carvings of leaves and plants on the walls and ceiling, complete with even more homes for animals. There were little staircases leading up to small homes, mouse holes in the walls, birdhouses, it seemed endless.

“Yeah, it’s quite peaceful out here.” Leon said to me. “Really allows you to unwind, you know?”

“Yeah.” I said to him.

He was actually right. It was all quiet now though, when I was sure it would normally be abuzz with activity. Fluttershy arrived back with some tea, which she offered shyly to me and Leon. The second time somepony had me stay for some tea, I thought.

“Thank you.” I said, sipping the sweet, warm liquid as she sat opposite me and next to Leon. “It really is incredible, how you have such a way with animals, you know.”

“That’s…nice of you to say so.” she replied, blushing a little again. “Though I do have Leon helping me. And you seem to do rather well too. I mean, first you helped us with those little duckies and now today.”

“Not as good as you guys though. I mean, you even helped Leon when he was having trouble with those circus animals and I had some times when I needed help from Leon when it came to his animals.” he pointed out. “How do you do it, Fluttershy?”

“I can’t really explain it.” she said timidly. “I just have…a way of communicating with them on another level. It’s just my special talent.”

“I had to have guess that much. Yours and Leon’s cutie marks kinda look alike.” I conceded. “Nopony can explain why they're talented at something, they just are.”

“Mmhmm, like you.” She gave another bright smile. “I can’t really explain why I’m so good with animals, neither can Leon, and you can’t explain why you're clever. You just are.”

“I wouldn’t say clever. I’m competent, at least, I think.”

“Twilight thinks you’re really clever and a great learner, she told me so herself." She sipped her tea again. “I think it’s nice when somepony says something good about you, especially if it’s one of your good friends.”

I felt my cheeks grow hotter. Twilight actually thought I was clever, a great learner? I didn’t think I would be as clever as her. She did have the Princess as her teacher, of course, but it was nice that she thought so.

“Cheeks are looking a little red there.” Leon said as he gave me a smug. “Like the thought that Twilight compliments you?”

“Shut up.” I said to him, smiling as he laughed a little. “You’re right, Fluttershy.” I cleared my throat nervously, changing the subject. “You keep uh…quite a lot of animals, don’t you?”

“Oh, yes.” she replied with excitement, but even that was still rather quiet. “I love having animals around me.”

“I suppose it’s good that you have Leon around now. Must get a little lonely seeing as how most of them are sleeping.”

“It did get lonely at winter for me, yes.” she admitted sadly. “But it’s not so bad. I have Leon and all of my wonderful friends now. They always manage to find time for me.”

“Yeah, like you do for us.” Leon said to me, taking a sip of his tea.

“Yeah, I guess.” I said to him.

“What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked kindly. “Dusk, is there something wrong? Did I make your tea wrong? I'm so sorry, if I did…”

“No, no, it’s fine. It’s just that…” I yawned suddenly and felt rather drowsy. “I just feel tired. I suppose that your lullaby and this tea have helped that along.” I stood up slowly. “I think I’ll go home and get some sleep.”

That wasn’t the whole truth. I also didn’t want to get onto the subject of talking about the others. I’d already spent too much time coming to see Leon and Fluttershy without the possibility of moving onto the others.

“Oh, alright.” She sounded disappointed.

“I’ll show you out.” Leon said as he got up and then went over to hold the door for me, smiling as I walked out. “Thank you for your help, Dusk. It was nice of you to come and see me and Flutters.”

“It was nice seeing you guys too. Thanks for the tea.” I said to him.

“No problem.” Leon said. I was about to walk off before he stopped me and said “And Dusk… Remember, the girls are your friends too, just as much as me and the guys.”

After he closed the door, I rather sadly set off back towards my home.

Right now, I was just too depressed to see everypony else. Seeing how much I’ve spent with Leon and Fluttershy, I felt like I didn’t give the others a fair share. So I decided to go hope to make sure I didn’t upset them and try and see if I could get myself to visit another one tomorrow.

Despite this, that little voice down inside was saying otherwise. And it sounded just like Leon:

“The girls are your friends too.”

Author's Note:

I know what you're probably thinking: that was both sweet and a little sad. Though Dusk has managed to spend more time with Leon and Fluttershy, he now haves doubts that he has treated the rest of his friends fairly. What will he do next? Find out next time!

Okay, just so you guys aren't out of the loop with Dusk, the reason why he was so depressed after singing that song was because his mother sang it to him in the times when his brother was still around, another reminder of what had happened to him all those years ago.:fluttercry: Well, that's all i got for this chapter. Hope you all liked it! Don't forget to rate and comment on the story to tell me what you think!:pinkiehappy: