• Published 10th May 2019
  • 1,238 Views, 8 Comments

Rise of the Element Gang, Book 1: The Adventure Begins - Power of Six

Ponyville is about to get four brand new heroes. What will happen when these new heroes meet the Mane 6?

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Chapter 3: Welcome to Ponyville

Chapter 3: Welcome to Ponyville

As we rode the train and Dog told me all about his time in Ponyville, I could barely contain my anticipation and excitement as the train pulled in at Ponyville station, even when the guys told me to try and calm down. We were the first to rise from our seats. I thanked the conductor for his efforts and rejoined the others as we set hoof in this new town.

Immediately, me and the guys could tell how this place was a lot different from Canterlot. All of the ponies there came from a higher class, smartly dressed and snooty, with their heads held up so high, they were almost joining the Pegasus ponies in Clouds Ville. They were so uptight, false even and caring little beyond their own lives. That was how I viewed them. Not here.

“Ah! Bein’ back here reminds me how much I’ve missed Ponyville.” Dog sighed in relief as we walked through the town, looking around as we did.

“It’s definitely different from Canterlot.” Shield said. “Not that many snobs around here.”

“Yeah, I forgot how much easier life is around here.” Leon said. “Beats the city hustle and all the eyes staring at you.”

“I get ya, guys.” I said, still amazed by this place. “The Princess was right. Everypony here certainly seems a lot more friendly and cheery.”

“Ya think that’s good, wait til we get to Sweet Apple Acres.” Dog said. “I promise y’all you’ll get to have the best apple-tastic sweets ya’ll ever eat.”

“Okay, you talked about apples all the way here on the train.” Leon said to Dog as we stopped and he stood in front of the ice elemental. “I swear, if you say one more thing about apples, I’m going to…” With that, he then looked to his left with a look of shock. “To…”

With that confusing moment, me, Shield, and Dog decided to look where he was looking and saw a Pegasus mare with a pale yellow coat of fur, a long, flowing, bright pink mane and tail, and big, expressive, blue eyes walking around. We looked to Leon and, after seeing that he was watching her walk away with that look still on his face, groaned as we realized he was mesmerized by a mare again.

“Come on!” Shield said as he face-hoofed himself in frustration.

“Again?” Dog said, feeling the same way.

“Leon, we do not have the time for you to flirt with some random mare.” I said to Leon, not wanting to deal with his “mare hunt” antics again.

“Guys, this is different.” Leon said to us.

“How?” I asked him, not believing it was any different than any other time he would be ogling some mare.

“Because that’s not just some mare.” Leon said as he continued to watch the mare. “That’s Fluttershy.”

“Flutter-what?” Shield asked him, just as confused as me and Dog.

“Fluttershy.” Leon said to Shield before looking back to that mare. “The sweetest, most beautiful mare I’ve ever met. The one pony I let get away. Like as you say, Dusk, the Juliet to my Romeo.”

With the way he said it, I knew he was speaking the truth. So did the guys. Seeing Leon like this shocked us all. Never did we once hear him say something like that about any mare.

“How do you know her?” I asked him.

“We met when I was working in the circus.” Leon answered, making me realize that he met her back as a colt. “She was at one of the shows and she managed to help me with the animals after the show. You should’ve seen her. She was amazing with the animals. She even got the orthros to calm down. And that was the only animal I had problems with. And the way she hides herself behind her mane, it’s like looking at a kitten.”

Okay, I guess I forgot to tell you this, but Leon actually use to work for a circus before he came to Canterlot. He was the one who handled the animal acts. He made sure they were healthy, they enjoyed life in the circus, even made sure they were okay after a show. With that, he lived up to his family’s reputation in showing kindness.

“Sounds like somepony found their childhood crush.” I said to him with a smug smile.

“I never thought I’d see her again.” Leon said. “Okay, this has got be fate.”

“Leon, where are you going?” I said to him as he began walking off in the same direction as Fluttershy. “We’re supposed to go to my new house first, remember?”

“Sorry, but this might be my only chance to see her again. I can’t miss it.” Leon said as he walked away. “Go on without me. I’m gonna try and see if I can run into her. Good luck, Dusk.”

With that, Leon walked away from us and was out of sight. With a sigh in defeat, me, Shield, and Dog then continued on to the library.

As we walked along, I caught snippets of conversations, discussing what wonderful weather the Pegasi had given them (Hard to argue with that), laughing at the antics of young fillies and colts or how they should always be looking up whenever somepony called Pinkie Pie started twitching. I decided not to read too deep into that.

“Huh. Never heard this much talking since the time we accidently walked into that fancy garden party.” Shield said, no doubt hearing all the conversations.

“Well, after what happened at the Summer Sun Celebration, I’m not surprised.” I said to him. “You know I read in A Gentlecolt's Guide to Equestria that the town was founded by Earth ponies in the early days and held many long and proud traditions, including Winter Wrap-Up and The Running of the Leaves.”

“Running of the Leaves?” Shield asked me, wondering what it was.

“It’s this annual race this town holds every fall.” I answered him.

“More than that.” Dog said to us. “It’s one of the most important jobs of the season. Since those leaves can’t get off the tree themselves, ponies have to do it for them. By runnin’ around the forest, all that shakin’ we make will make those leaves fall and get those trees ready for winter.”

“That’s right.” I said, surprised he actually knew that. “Wow, Dog! You must have spent a long time here in Ponyville.”

“Well, my family lived with the Apple family for a few years.” Dog said. “Of course, we left before I became a stallion, so there might be some stuff I missed out on.”

“So I bet you’re gonna be happy when we’re at Sweet Apple Acres.” I said to him.

“Eh-yup!” Dog said to me with a smile. “I can’t wait to see how everypony is doin’.”

“You know, guys, it’s getting close to autumn, so that race is bound to be starting soon.” I said to them. “If all goes well at the library, we could actually go to it.”

“Go to it?” Dog said with a chuckle. “If we’re gonna be here for that, I’m gonna sign up. I always wanted to be in The Running of the Leaves.”

“Then we both better hope we’re staying here.” Shield said to Dog. “ʹCause I want in on that action. Could finally prove who’s the Iron Pony by leaving you in the dust.”

“Not if I leave ya in the dust first.” Dog said as the two gave each other a glare before laughing, making me roll my eyes with a smile.

Yeah, Shield and Dog have quite a rivalry to see who’s the most daring pony ever, doing all kinds of Iron Pony challenges. There was never a time when those two wouldn’t be trying to prove who was the best. Though I got to say, I too was hoping that we could stay around long enough for autumn to begin. The Running of the Leaves would be interesting to watch.

“Hey, Dog,” I asked my cowpony friend, “you said you lived around the Apple family, right? Is it true that they are the only ponies in Equestria who can make this Zap-Apple Jam I read about?”

“Eh-yup!” Dog said to me. “And that apple jam is the best of all Equestria. I once helped them apple-buck for those apples. Though, word of warnin’, never buck one of those trees before they’re ready. Learned that the hard way.”

“Apple-what?” I asked him.

“Apple-buckin'.” Dog answered me. “It’s what the Apple family calls it when they go apple-pickin'. The way they do it is by buckin’ the tree to make the apples fall. ´Fore me and my family moved away from here, that’s what I use to do.”

“That’s why you have such strong kicks.” I said to him as both me and Shield realized how he got all that leg strength.

“Ya darn tootin’.” Dog said to me. “Apple-buckin’ really makes a good workout.”

“Maybe I should try it.” Shield said to Dog. “I do need to work on my legs and I only brought upper body weights.”

“Well, we can’t jump into anything yet. I still have to make sure I get the job at the library.” I said to them. “You know, the guide book also showed a few noteworthy locations like Sweet Apple Acres. There’s also the Carousel Boutique, a fine provider of clothing and fashion for mares and stallions, and the Everfree Forest, a place full of strange and unnatural things. Seems a little fascinating.”

“Well, I wouldn’t consider going there.” Dog said with shiver. “That place just ain’t natural. Clouds movin’ on their own, animals doin’ whatever they want without a single care, and plants growing wild.”

“I said it was interesting.” I said to him. “I know it’s best to stay away from there. I’d heard about the dangers the forest haves, like manticores, cockatrices, even heard rumors of a Hydra lurking in Frogbottom Swamp. Definitely staying clear of that.”

After I said that, my stomach suddenly rumbled. I blushed a bit with a sheepish smile as the guys laughed at me.

“Looks like somepony’s hankerin’ for somethin’ to eat.” Dog said before his and Shield’s stomachs rumbled too and they blushed in embarrassment.

“Looks like I’m not the only one.” I said to them. “Well, we haven’t eaten since we left Canterlot. Let’s try to see if we find anything for lunch.”

With that, the three of us began looking around the marketplace to see if there was anypony selling food. It wasn’t long until…

“Hey, guys!” Shield said as we came over to him. “Why don’t we try that applecart over there?”

Me and Dog looked over and saw he spotted a nearby applecart, tended to by an orange Earth pony mare.

“Shield, that ain’t just an applecart.” Dog said to him. “That cart is from Sweet Apple Acres!”

“Are you sure, Dog?” I asked my cowpony friend.

“Sure as rain.” Dog said to me. “I recognize that cart anywhere.”

“Looks like we’ll get to have some of those Apple family sweets you were talking about.” I said to him before speaking to both him and Shield. “What are we waiting for? Let’s get over there and try some!”

“I got this, fellas.” Dog said to us as we got to the cart and he spoke to the mare in charge of it. “Pardon me, miss, I was wonderin’…”

Dog just froze with his mouth opened in shock as the three of us got a better look at the seller as she looked at him with an honest, friendly smile. Her fur coat was a sunset orange with her blonde mane and tail tied up at the ends. She had freckles on her cheeks and green eyes. She wore a brown, slightly battered Stetson hat that just added to the whole farm girl look. It suited her well, to say the least.

“Uh!” Dog grunted in shock, making the mare give him a confused look as she saw the shocked look.

“Uh…howdy.” She said to us, unsurely and her voice having a Southern twang to it like Dog’s. “What can I do ya for?”

“Uh…Uh…AJ?” Dog said to her, now making me and Shield confused.

The mare gave a look of shock before squinting at him, no doubt she was trying to take a better look at him.

Her look of shock returned as she said “Dog?”

It was only a few moments before the two of them smiled at each other, yelled out in excitement, and then grabbed each other into a hug. The sight of this confused me and Shield.

“Dusk, what is happening?” Shield asked me as those two continued their hug.

“I don’t know, Shield. I don’t know.” I said to him as Dog and that mare broke their hug and spoke to each other. “Though, by the looks of things, I can only guess that those two actually know each other.”

“Dog, when did ya get here?” the mare asked our cowpony friend.

“Just got off the train.” Dog said to her. “It’s been so long, how ya been?”

“I’ve been mighty fine, Dog.” The mare said to him. “Just handlin’ today’s sells. How ya been doin’?”

“Fine as rain.” Dog said to her. “Never thought I see ya handlin’ a sell like this.”

“Well, a lot’s changed since ya left.” The mare said with a proud smile.

“I can see that.” Dog said.

“Yep, they know each other.” I told Shield.

“Dog, you know her?” Shield asked as he walked up to them.

“Of course. We grew up together when we were foals.” Dog said to him before speaking to me. “Dusk, get over here.”

With this, I went over as he began speaking again, standing next to that mare.

“Fellas, I like ya to meet my friend, the most hard-workin’ pony of the Apple family, Applejack.” Dog said to us, doing introductions. “AJ, these two are Shield Steedor and Dusk Noir, friends of mine from Canterlot.”

“So this is the Applejack you’ve been talking about.” I said to Dog before I spoke to his childhood friend, offering my claw out for a claw/hoofshake. “Well, I have to say it’s nice to finally meet y—oh!”

“Well, it’s nice to be met.” Applejack said to me as she shook my claw enthusiastically. “Canterlot, huh? Well, let me be the first to say ‘welcome ta Ponyville, friendliest town ya’ll ever see.’ Anytime ya wanna have a chinwag, come on down ta Sweet Apple Acres. We’re always happy to make new friends. And any friend of Dog’s is a friend of mine.”

“T-that’s g-great!” I said as my arm was still shaking a bit after she broke the shake.

When I finally realized, I got a little embarrassed when she, Dog, and Shield laughed at me a bit and stopped my shaking arm, giving a sheepish smile.

“Actually, I’m not exactly from Canterlot.” Shield said to her. “I moved there from Diggington.”

“Diggington?” Applejack said in surprise. “Well, that’s mighty far. Even farther than Canterlot.”

“Not when you’re the fastest stallion in Equestria.” Shield said, being all modest again. “Takes me about a few minutes to get there on hoof.”

“That’s mighty impressive.” Applejack said to him. “Ya know, I happen to know a certain Pegasus that might be just as fast in the air.”

“Ha! I’ll believe it when I see it.” Shield cockily said, not believing that somepony is as fast as him.

“Anyway,” Applejack said before speaking to all three of us, “so ya’ll came down here from Canterlot?”

“Actually there’s four of us.” I said to her. “That particular member is out chasing some mare that walked past us in town earlier.”

“Oh.” Applejack said to us, “Well, still, hot dang! That’s some pretty fancy livin’! What brings ya’ll to our lil’ patch of heaven?”

“Dusk is here for a job he was offered.” Shield said to her.

“And we’re here for support.” Dog said to her, speaking for both himself and Shield.

“Well now, ain’t that nice?” Applejack said to Shield and Dog, no doubt touched by the friendship me and the guys have. “Ya’ll must be mighty good friends then.”

“We are.” I said to her, talking about Shield and Dog. “I wouldn’t be who I am if it wasn’t for them.”

We all shared a good moment before mine and the guys’ stomachs rumbled, causing Applejack to chuckle a bit and the three of us to blush in embarrassment.

“Well, sounds like ya fellas are hankerin’ for some good to eat.” She said to us as Dog gave her a sheepish smile and Shield just looked away in embarrassment.

“Well, we haven’t eaten since we got off the train.” I said to her.

“Well now, let’s get ya fellas filled up.” Applejack said to me. “What can ah getcha?”

“We’ll take three apples, please.” I answered, politely.

“Comin’ right up.” She said as she then flipped an apple onto her muzzle and gave it to Dog, who held it in his magic.

One at a time, she did the same to two more apples, flicking each in mine and Shield’s direction.

“Heads up, Shield!” I said, catching the apple with a spell.

“What? Oh!” Shield said as the apple then got into his mouth.

Me, Dog, and Applejack laughed as he glared at us, the apple still in his mouth.

“So how much do I owe for the apples?” I said after the three of us stopped laughing and Shield took a bite out of the apple, held it in his hoof, as started eating it.

I reached into my bag and pulled out some money, but she held out her hoof and stopped me.

“No need to pay me.” She said to me. “On the house.”

“Are you sure?” I asked her. “Don’t you need this to support your family’s business?”

“It’s okay.” She said to me. “Seein’ how good friends ya’ll are with Dog, I won’t charge ya.”

“Well, that’s nice of you.” I said to her with a grateful smile. “Thank you.”

“Not a problem.” Applejack said. “Well, I might as well get back to work and let ya’ll get on your way.”

“Wait,” Dog said to her, “since that I’m here and you have all these treats to sell, mind if I help ya?”

What he told her shocked both me and Shield. This was the one pony who was practically the definition of faithful.

“Really, Dog?” Applejack asked him. “Doesn’t your friend need your help there?”

“Oh, Dusk?” Dog said to her. “Oh, he’ll be just fine. He’s got Shield. Besides this would be the perfect time to catch up on lost time.”

“I guess that makes sense.” Applejack said.

After hearing all that, I was now angry with Dog for trying to ditch me and Shield when he said he was going to support me all the way. With this, I walked up behind him and grabbed in by the tail.

“Dog, a word?” I said as he and Applejack looked at me, seeing my angry glare.

“Pardon me, AJ.” Dog said as I then pulled him by the tail and dragged him over to a group with me and Shield.

“What are you doing?” I said to Dog, speaking at a volume so Applejack wouldn’t hear. “What happened to supporting me?”

“What?” Dog said to me, just as quietly. “I’m tryin’ to help an old friend.”

“Yeah, and you’re ditching us.” Shield said to him, speaking at the same volume and being just as angry with Dog as I was. “We’re supposed to have Dusk’s back, remember?”

“Fellas, come on.” Dog said to us. “I haven’t seen her in moons since I moved away. She was always there for me and I’m makin’ sure I’m there for her.”

With the way he said, I soon realized that this wasn’t just because she was a friend.

“She’s more than a friend to you, isn’t she?” I asked him as he looked at me.

“Eh-yup.” Dog said to me, his head hanged in depression and the answer shocking Shield.

That confirmed it. It was just like with Leon. Dog wasn’t just doing this because she was his friend. He was doing this…because he had a crush on her.

“I don’t believe this.” I said to him. “I expected this from Leon, but you, Dog?”

“Come on, Dusk.” Dog said to me with a begging look. “I’ve wanted to see her again for so long. This might be my only chance to show her how much she means to me. Can ya let me be with her for a while? Please?”

I gave it some thought before I asked “How long have you had it?”

“For moons.” Dog answered me.

After hearing that, I gave it some thought. I knew that he was going against the promise he and Shield made to me, but a part of me said that I shouldn’t stand in the way of him being with the mare he loves.

With that, I sighed in defeat and said “Go ahead, Dog.”

He looked at me with a look of surprise and said “Are ya sure?”

“Yeah. If she really means that much to you, I won’t stand in the way of you spending time with her.” I said to him. “Because, like Shield taught us, a good friend has to put their friends’ needs before their own desires.”

With this, Dog smiled at me, hugged me, and said “Thanks, Dusk.”

Though I was surprised by this, I smiled and returned it. After we broke it, Dog went over to Applejack. I was able to hear thanks to my super-hearing.

“What were ya’ll fellas talkin’ about over there?” Applejack asked Dog, curious about what we were talking about as she couldn’t hear it.

“Oh, that?” Dog said to her. “Oh, just makin’ sure Dusk was alright with this. It’s fine, it’s fine.”

“Ya sure about that?” She asked him.

“Eh-yup.” Dog said to her before speaking to me. “Thanks for lettin’ me help AJ, Dusk.”

“No problem.” I said to him. “Just make sure you come over to see my new house.”

“Ya got it!” Dog said to me.

“Okay, we’d better get along to my new lodgings.” I said to the two cowponies as me and Shield left the marketplace, heading off where my new home was located and munching my apple. “Hope we see you two around, Applejack and Dog.”

“Hope to see ya around, Dusk and Shield.” Dog said to us, waving to us.

“I hope so too. Have yourselves a nice day now, ya hear?” Applejack said to us, doing the same.

“Don’t worry, we will.” Shield said to her as we kept on walking.

As we walked along, I noticed that me and Shield were attracting a little bit of attention from the local populace. A few ponies, as they passed by us in the street, gave us friendly smiles, or even waved when they saw us.

“Wow, we haven’t been in this town for at least a day and we’re already the talk of the town.” Shield said, liking the attention.

“Well, it is a relatively small settlement, so new ponies in town would be sure to turn some heads, at least for a while.” I said to him. “Though I got to say I’m a little embarrassed by it.

“Well, I hope it doesn’t stop too soon.” Shield said. “Got to show these ponies why the Wonderbolts should have me in the group.”

“Shield, the Wonderbolts are made up of pegasi,” I said, “which means they do tricks involving flight. Unless you grow wings right now, don’t you suppose it might be little difficult keeping up with them?”

“Hey, I’ll make it work.” Shield said, not losing hope on his dream. “I mean, we had our doubts on Gold Star and he became the Mystic King without magic.”

“Well, for starters, Gold haves anti-magic, which is a special brand of magic that cancels out other magic.” I said to him. “That’s what makes him the strongest mage out there. The Wonderbolts are pegasi and you’re an Earth pony, totally different situation. He haves a power that allows him to keep up with everypony in Equestria. Sure, you have that power to walk on cloud like a Pegasus, but that alone doesn’t mean you’re not gonna get any problems. You still can’t fly.”

“So what if I can’t fly?” Shield said to me. “I’ve got the best aerodynamics anypony has ever seen. Gold didn’t give up on his dream and I’m not gonna give up either. Whether it takes moons, I’ll prove myself as a Wonderbolt.”

“Well…then all I can say is good luck.” I said as we reached the fringes of the main part of the town. “Okay, now if we look to the right, my house should be right in front of us.”

“Whoa!” Shield said as we turned right from the path and saw my new home. “Nice digs.”

“It does look nice.” I said as we approached the door to my new home.

It was modestly sized and kept up the pleasant aesthetic of the other buildings. Dangling from the side was the key, on which a small note had been attached. It simply said “Welcome!”

“Wow, these ponies sure are friendly.” Shield said to me as he saw the note on the key as I grabbed it. “They even left the key for ya.”

Again, I found myself smiling as I slipped the key in the lock, turned it, and opened the door.

“Whoa!” Shield said as we entered the house. “This place looks as good on the inside as it is on the outside!”

“Can’t argue with that.” I said, just as amazed as him.

It was just as pleasant on the inside as the outside. We looked around to see it had all the essentials: a living room, with a fireplace, a kitchen-joint dining room, and a small study, complete with desk and bookcase. Upstairs housed a small bedroom and a bathroom just opposite.

“It’s not too shabby.” I said as I set my bag down and opened it.

I set the photo of my family at the dresser by my bed and my oddly shaped stones on display at the window of my study, as well as my quill on the desk and the books I owned on the shelf.

“Well, I’m moved in.” I said to Shield as he set his bag down. “You can leave your bag here if you want, Shield.”

“I still can’t believe you brought your weird rock collection with you.” Shield said to me, talking about the stones at the window.

“Well, it’s not like I have an explanation for why I collect them.” I said to him. “I just feel some sort of…I don’t know, familiarity with them.”

“Well, whatever it is, it’s just plain weird if you ask me.” Shield said.

“Well, I’m got till tomorrow before I have to meet her, so I’m gonna take the time to catch up on some reading.” I said as I pulled down Creatures of Equestria from its place on the shelf, walked to the living room, and set it open at the place I had marked it at.

“Same old Dusk.” Shield said as I started to read. “Never miss a chance to read.”

“Well, it’s because of reading I got my cutie mark.” I said to him. “Also it wouldn’t hurt if you would reading something besides Daring Doo once in a while.”

“Don’t even push it, Noir.” Shield said to me. “What are you reading anyway?”

“A segment on dragons.” I said to him. “This is one of the only few books in Equestria that contains an even partial study on them.”

“How come?” he asked.

“Due to their fierce nature, nopony had managed to successfully study dragons without being scared off.” I said to him as I came across the part documented about their young, wherein even baby dragons were remarkable. “Get this: from an early age, dragons could speak fluently, walk without problems, and be capable of learning. Any foal would have to be at least three years old before they could even trot without tripping.”

“That’s cool.” He said to me. “Why are you reading about dragons anyway?”

“I don’t know.” I said to him. “I guess it might have to do with that little dragon Twilight haves with her. What was his name again? Oh, right, Spike.”

“How did she get that little guy anyway?”

“I’m wondering that too along with how long she had him and what he’s like. We’ll find out tomorrow.”

A feeling of nervousness and excitement gripped me again.

“I’m actually going to see her.” I said as I smile in excitement. “I’m not only gonna talk to her, I’ll also be working with her.”

“Being with her while working in a library.” Shield said to me. “Must be perfect for you.”

“Yeah.” I said to him. “Even if she had new friends now, I could still be hers. Just think about all the things we could talk about! She'd be able to show me what she'd learned from the Princess, I would share what I learned with her. Not to mention we can both share what we learned about friendship. It’s gonna be great!”

“Totally!” Shield said to me with a smile.

But the doubt returned and I said “But what if she doesn't even want talk to me? What if she would just have me work in silence and just getting on with it right after I say ‘hello?’ She would be my boss, after all. Maybe I shouldn’t do this. I could probably get a job back at Canterlot.”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Shield said to me, trying to calm me down. “Dusk, chill. Everything’s gonna be fine. We’ll head to the library, you can talk to her about the job, and we’ll see how it goes from there.”

“Yeah, but…”

“What are you afraid of? You’re Dusk Noir! You faced off with villainous elementals, had to deal living with a ragtag squad of misfit mages, you lead a team of your own into every battle you’ve come across, and helped save all of Equestria from some reincarnated, magic lunatic! If that doesn’t count for you being a great stallion for this job, I don’t know what does.”

“You’re right. I’ve been through the worst Equestria has ever thrown at me and never gave up then. So I’m not gonna give up now!”

“That’s the spirit!”

“Thanks for bringing my hopes back up, Shield.”

“No problem, bud.”

When I saw the sun was just touching the edge of the horizon, I saw that we spent the whole afternoon in this new town just talking in my new house.

“Man, time does really fly when you talk with friends.” I said to Shield.

“Told ya.” Shield said.

“How about we explore the town?” I said to him. “Beats sitting around here, right?”

“Yeah, let’s go!” Shield said.

With that, I placed the book back on its shelf, we went back out of the door, I locked it, and we set off back towards the center of town, still receiving the odd smile or wave from passing ponies. Some, I even returned. Shield definitely returned them.

As we walked along, we saw a rather unusual sight. In came in the form of an Earth pony with bright pink fur and a mane and tail that made me think of cotton candy. She was bouncing along like she had springs attached to her hooves and had a bright, cheery smile upon her face.

“You seeing this too, right?” Shield asked me as we watched the cheerful mare bounce along.

“Yeah, I see her bouncing.” I said to him.

Everypony seemed to brighten up themselves a little as she pranced along, as she bid an enthusiastic “hi” or “how ya doin’” to anypony close enough. Then, as she was close to us, her tail started to twitch and she stopped.

“Uh-oh!” She still said this in her high pitched, bright voice but with a hint of worry. Everypony backed away from her.

“What’s going on?” Shield asked me. “Why’s everypony backing off?”

“I think I have a guess.” I said, thinking about what ponies had said about a mare like this before I spoke to the mare in front of us. “Excuse me, are you Pinkie Pie?”

“Yep, that's me!” She said, cheerfully before she raised an eyebrow at me. “Hey, how did you know? I’ve never seen you. Are you psychic? That’s it! You’re psychic! Ooh, ooh tell me what I’m thinking right now!”

“What?” Shield asked, just as confused as I was.

“Um…” I wasn’t quite sure how to respond to that. Sure I was telepathic, but there was no way I could tell somepony like her that. “No, I’m not psychic. I just had a hunch.”

“Nope, wrong! Not even close!” She said to me.

“What in the name of Celestia…” I said before she interrupted me.

“Come on, try again!” She said to me.

“Look, I’m…” I stopped as I heard something from above. “Would you happen to be thinking that me and my friend here should move two steps to the left?”

“Oooh, so close! I was thinking two steps to the right!”

“Right, okay. Hold on. Shield?” With that, me and Shield stepped to the right, just as a piano hit the spot we’d been standing in seconds before.

“What the…? A piano?” Shield said in shock as I looked up from where it fell. “What in Equestria did that come from?”

“Uh, Shield?” I said as I pointed to where I was looking.

Shield looked to where I was pointing and we both saw a flying removals van, manned by a few Pegasus ponies. The larger one, no doubt the guy in charge, scolded a grey one with a blonde mane.

“Huh, a removals van.” Shield said. “Didn’t see that coming.”

“Sorry about that!” the larger Pegasus said, calling down to me and Shield.

“It’s okay, just as long as nopony got hurt!” I shouted back. Me and Shield looked back to Pinkie, who was peeking around the debris. “You alright?”

“Yep, yep, yep! That was a close one!” She said to me as she turned about face. “Well, gotta get going! See you later, Mr. Psychic Pony!”

“Thank you, Miss Pie. I’m…”

“Don’t tell me your name! Or your friend’s name! I wanna see if I’m psychic too, maybe I’ll figure it out! I love guessing games!" She resumed her prancing. "Gotta dash! See ya later!"

“Alright, watch out for anymore... falling pianos." I couldn't quite believe I’d said that.

“Okie-dokie-lokie!" And she was off, bouncing along like nopony's business.

Me and Shield still didn’t know how quite to react to something so…random. So, we did the only thing that seemed sensible at the time: we laughed, smiles plastered on our faces as we walked back into the marketplace.

“‘Mr. Psychic Pony.’ Now there’s a first.” Shield said as he laughed again. “If only she knew.”

I kept that smile on me after he said that. It was true. I was actually psychic. Well, it was more like telepathy. It was a power one of my Fire Dragon ancestors discovered a long time ago. So it was a funny thought that she thought I was psychic when it was actually true.

“Hey, look!” I said as my smile only grew wider when we saw the only two cowponies in this town.

“Looks like their closing up shop.” Shield said as we watched as it did look like Applejack and Dog were closing up the stall.

The baskets and shelves were empty and they were both busily folding up the applecart, flipping the boards shut and moving on to the canopy, collapsing it inside the rest.

“That looks nice.” I said to myself.

“What does?” Shield asked me.

“What Applejack’s got.” I answered him. “A simple and stable life: farming apples, selling them in various forms, and then heading home after a day’s work. It at least makes Applejack important and gets her involved with ponies. Unlike I had to before you and the others. I’m rather jealous of her. Seeing this makes me almost wish I live like that too.”

“Live like what?” Shield said with an amused smug on his face. “Some unicorn hillbilly in the middle of nowhere?”

“Hey, there are benefits to it.” I said to him. “I mean, look at Dog. He spent a few years with that life and now he can kick boulders into gravel. Speaking of Dog, you should stop talking about unicorn hillbillies so you don’t insult him.”

“Oh, yeah. Right.” Shield said to me, now deciding not to make anymore “hillbilly” cracks. “But seriously, do you really see yourself doing what she does?”

I decided to think about how it would be if I did live that life. I saw myself sitting under a tree, perhaps chewing on a piece of hay, just watching the world go by, before getting up to do some apple bucking.

I laughed a little before I said “Yeah, you’re right. Can’t quite see myself doing anything like that.”

“Dog, I told ya. Ya don’t have to take the cart for me.” Applejack said to Dog as he attached the cart’s harness to himself. “I can take it back by myself just fine.”

“I know ya can.” Dog said to her. “But we still have a ton of catchin’ up to do. Plus, I haven’t been to Sweet Apple Acres in a long time. I want to see how everypony’s doin’.”

“Hey, Dog!” I said as he and Applejack looked and saw us.

“Shield! Dusk! Hey!” Dog said to us as he and Applejack waved at us.

“Back again for more, huh?” She said to me and Shield as she smiled at us and we trotted over to her and Dog. “Sorry, all sold out I’m afraid.”

“It’s fine. We weren’t hungry.” I said to her.

“I’m just messin’ with ya.” Her smile became a little more sympathetic. “Where ya fellas headed?”

“Oh, us?” I simply said to her. “We’re just exploring the town, getting a better look of it.”

“Well, how ‘bout ya two walk with me and AJ?” Dog said to us. “We just gotta haul this on back to the farm and ya can see Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Sure. Why not?” I said as me and Shield walked to the cowponies’ side, matching their stride as Dog towed the cart along. “So you two managed to sell all of the apples, huh?”

“Sure did. Dog was mighty fine help.” Applejack said to me, making Dog smile with pride. “Made a nice lil' bit-a money from it too. Ya won’t find better apples than ones from Sweet Apple Acres.” She turned to look at me as the four of us walked. "Did ya two enjoy your apples?”

“Yes, we did.” I said to her. “You’re right. I don't think I’ve tasted a better apple in all my life.”

“Yeah, that was one good apple.” Shield said to her before speaking to Dog. “You weren’t kidding, Dog. That was delicious!”

“Told ya.” Dog said to him.

“Well, that’s nice of ya to say so.” she said, sincerely. “How has ya first day in Ponyville been then?”

“Can’t really say.” I said to her.

“Yeah, we’ve already unpacked and did nothing but sit around all day.” Shield said with a bored look on his face. “We just got out of the house.”

“No problem with that, just so long as ya enjoyed yourselves.” She chuckled a little. “‘Sides, ya can’t really call this ‘your first day’ here. Ya did come pretty late in the day. I’m sure y’all get more done tomorrow.”

“Yeah, you’re right.” This might be worth bringing up. “It wasn’t entirely uneventful. We did run into this rather…” I paused, searching for the right word. “…unique pony.”

“What do ya mean?” Dog asked me.

“He’s talking about that crazy mare we bumped into earlier.” Shield said to him. “And crazy as it sounds, she actually helped us dodge a piano that nearly fell on us.”

“This ‘unique’ pony…” Applejack said to me and Shield. “Her name ain’t ‘Pinkie Pie’ by any chance?”

“Uh, yeah.” I said to her as me and the guys looked at her with wonder. “You know her?”

“Fellas,” she said, sniggering a little, “chances are if ya find a pony in this town who doesn’t know Pinkie Pie, they’re either new or had their heads stuck in a hole in the ground.”

Me and the guys laughed at that before I said “I know what you mean. Is she always like, you know, hyper all the time?”

“Hyper ain’t the half of it, but that’s our Pinkie Pie.” She gave us a reassuring look. “Don’t worry, you’ll get used to her.”

“Hey, we had to put up with lunatics who would trash the place.” Shield said as we kept walking. “Compared to them, this is nothing.”

We had followed the country path, white fences lined on either side of the road and, beyond them, were miles and miles of apple trees, all of them baring the glint of freshly grown apples, just waiting to be picked. It really was quite beautiful, especially in the glow of the setting sun. Though I couldn’t scratch the feeling that I’ve seen all this before.

“Ain’t it somethin’?” Applejack said as she and the guys were looking fondly in the same direction I was. “This sure brings back memories, huh, Dog?”

“Ya got that right, AJ.” Dog said to her. “Bein’ back here after so long reminds me how much I miss it all.”

“I hear ya.” Applejack said to him. “There ain't nowhere else I rather be than here.”

“I find it hard to argue with that.” I said, agreeing with them. “It really is a beautiful sight. All of those trees. You must be very proud of the work you do, Applejack.”

“I am. All my family is. It can be tough, demandin’ and exhaustin’ at times, but it’s always worth it.” Applejack said as Dog nodded in agreement. After that, she looked up the path. “Ah, here we are!”

Me and the guys looked up as we passed under a wooden arch, vines growing all over it. Up ahead was a large barn that looked like it was also the farm house. There was also a chicken coup, a well, cornfields. A good farm by anypony's standards.

“Well, better get this inside.” Dog said, referring to the cart before he yawned and then spoke to Applejack. “Hey, AJ, mind if I sleep here? It is gettin’ late.”

“No problem.” Applejack said to him with a smile. “We’d be mighty glad to have ya here. No matter how long ya been gone, this is still your home as much as ours.”

“Thanks, AJ.” Dog said to her before speaking to me and Shield. “Looks like I’ll have to stop by the house tomorrow.”

“It’s fine.” I said to him. “You get some sleep and we’ll be on our way.”

“Yeah, we’re gonna call it night.” Shield said as we were about to leave until…

“Hold on a sec.” Applejack said to us. “Have y’all had any dinner?”

I realized that me and Shield hadn’t. We hadn’t gone and done any shopping yet, so we’d have nothing in.

“No. No, we didn’t.” I said as Shield shook his head to say the same thing.

“Well, why don’t y’all help yerselves to some apples from the orchard, on the house?” Applejack said to us. “We got plenty to spare.”

“Oh, no, Applejack.” I said to her. “We couldn’t ask that of you. You’ve given us some free apples already. I can pay for them…”

“Trust me, it’s fine.” she assured us, giving me and Shield that honest smile again. “Anythin’ to help new friends.”

“Thank you, Applejack.” I said, smiling for her kindness. “That’s very kind of you.”

“Anytime. Enjoy ‘em, it’s what they're grown for.” Applejack said. “G’night, sleep well.”

With one last smile, she and Dog turned and walked to the barn, him towing the cart behind him and her humming a country tune.

On our way back, I used my magic to pull down about ten apples from their branches, five for me and five for Shield. We munched on them gratefully as they filled our empty stomach. But there was more than chunks of fruit that made me feel good. There, after only being in town for a day, I made a new friend to add to the group that was with me. An inkling of hope began to grow inside me, from this experience. As Princess Luna brought out the moon and stars, bringing her vigil of darkness across Equestria, it soon grew as big as the orb that shone above me. It was still there as me and Shield got back to the house.

“What the…?” I said as I found a note on my desk.

“What’s that?” Shield asked, coming over as I picked up the note and read who it was from.

“It’s a note from Leon.” I said to him as I then began reading.

Dear Dusk,

I came by with Fluttershy to check out your new house. Nice place you got, by the way. I left you this note to tell you I’ll be staying at Fluttershy’s cottage for the night. I’ll be sure to meet up with you guys later tomorrow to see how you guys spent your day. Hope it was as great as mine.

See you two in the morning,


We were both shocked by this. It had only been a few hours and he actually got a mare to let him to stay at her house? That’s never happened before since after the first three days me, him, Shield, and Dog became the Element Squad.

“Wait a minute!” Shield said to me. “After going on a hunt, he’s actually staying at a mare’s house? How is that even possible?”

“I don’t know, Shield.” I said to him. “I don’t know.” I then put the note back on the desk. “Though we can’t waste time wondering about it. It’s a big day tomorrow.”

“Yeah, but it must be a busy night for Leon right now.” Shield said as he got a blanket he packed from his bag. “With the name ‘Fluttershy’, I thought he would blow it.”

“That’s what I thought too.” I said as I headed to the stairs and he headed to the couch. “Though I hope his conscience makes sure he doesn’t harm that mare in any way.”

“What conscience?” shield said to me as he then got on the couch and covered himself with the blanket, ready to go to sleep. “That dude has a one-set mind when it comes to mares. This will be no different.”

“I hope it’s not.” I said as I got halfway up the stairs. “Well, good night, Shield.”

“Night.” Shield said as he then got to sleep and I continued on to my room.

As I heard Shield snore downstairs, I climbed into bed, drifting into a peaceful sleep. I had to get some sleep for my interview at the library was tomorrow. With that thought, the hope from before replaced the dread I had for what would happen to that mare Leon was with. The hope that I could become what I am with the guys. That I could offer what I wanted to show. That Twilight Sparkle would be…my friend.

Author's Note:

Well, it looks like Dusk had quite a day. Though he ended up with less of the help he thought he was gonna get, he managed to make a new friend in the process. Now all that is left for him is the interview with the one pony he wanted to become friends with for a long time. How will it go? Find out next time!