• Published 10th May 2019
  • 1,238 Views, 8 Comments

Rise of the Element Gang, Book 1: The Adventure Begins - Power of Six

Ponyville is about to get four brand new heroes. What will happen when these new heroes meet the Mane 6?

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Chapter 2: Discovered

Chapter 2: Discovered

It’s been a few days since the old mare's tale of the Mare in the Moon turned out to be true and Nightmare Moon returned on the day of the Summer Sun Celebration to bring eternal night all over Equestria. We were actually lucky that the prophecy about the six ponies using the Elements of Harmony to defeat her came true as well. Though these destined ponies did more than that. Not only did they save Equestria from eternal night, but were able to transform the tyrannical villain back to who she was before: the long lost sister of Princess Celestia, Luna. Needless to say that I was happy to see a family reunite after such a long time. Luna returned to Canterlot with her sister for recuperation and rest. We were there to see it first hoof with Dragonis, who surprised me and the guys by running up to Luna and the two of them hugged each other. Turned out that Dragonis wasn’t just an ally of Princess Celestia, but also a friend to Luna as well. So it wasn’t just a reunion between sisters, but also one between old friends. And if you think that’s shocking, it gets crazier after that.

Some other events occurred as well. Me and the guys heard rumors that a dragon had taken a nap in the cave on a mountain, near the settlement of Ponyville and something about a swarm of parasprites over in Fillydelphia. Not only that, but crime rates in Equestria had dropped to being minimum. Ever since the Elements of Harmony came back, all kinds of crazy things have been popping out here in Equestria and Canterlot’s been more peaceful. Though this was actually depressing for Shield as there wasn’t much criminals he could fight anymore. It’s like they’ve all went scarce. Though this stuff was just plain gossip which I was not really the kind of stallion to get into. My super hearing is both a gift and a curse.

But the ponies who found the Elements were more than mere gossip. Everypony in Canterlot talked about them and how they had saved all of Equestria from endless night as well as saving Princess Luna.

Speaking of which, the young princess finally emerged from her seclusion, made a public apology to all of Equestria, and announced that she would once again be resuming her responsibilities as the Bringer of the Night. So, a celebration was called for.

That was where I was now, at the party that was being thrown in honor of the return of Princess Luna with the guys. All of the school had been given the evening to attend and the guys thought that this might help me feel better since Twilight wasn’t around. I was kinda disappointed that I didn’t have the chance to talk to her. Though I didn’t have anything else to do and it would be a good way to see Gold, the busy friend I’ve been talking about.

When we got there, we were amazed by how grand the party was. Though I guess we shouldn’t have expected any less from a celebration set up by Princess Celestia. We were brought out of our thoughts when…

“Dusk!” said a voice I hadn’t heard in a long time.

Me and the guys looked to see a green-eyed, pearl white Earth pony stallion with a snow white mane and tail, waving at us with his right claw with that same old five-leaf clover mark on it. This was our old friend, Gold Star. To give you all a little explanation on this, Gold Star is a friend of ours from our past. He’s also the adopted son of Princess Celestia herself. I know. Crazy that we’re friends with a prince, right? We watched as the stallion in question came over to us with a smile and wearing that same black head band with the gold bull symbol on the front and gold star stitched on the back of it, a long red robe that covered his entire body, the part of his robe which covered his torso decorated with white fur, and a navy blue jacket underneath.

“Gold Star!” I said as he finally got to us and we hugged.

“You made it!” Gold said to me as we broke the hug.

“Wouldn’t miss this for the world, Prince Gold Star.” I said to him before I pointed out what his attire meant. “Or should I say Mystic King Gold Star.”

Okay, I bet you’re wondering what the Mystic King is, right? Well, the Mystic King is the head of all the Necro-Knights. Out of all of them, he’s said to be the strongest mage in the Necro-Knights. Like them, the Mystic King haves the responsibility of protecting Equestria. He actually does makes his mother proud by doing it.

“Yeah, I finally got it!” Gold said to me. “Pretty sweet, huh?”

“Yeah, now you look more like a royal.” Leon said as Gold turned to see him, Shield, and Dog.

“Shield! Dog! Leon!” Gold Star said as he spoke to the guys.

“What up, G-Star?” Shield said as he and Gold did a hoof-to-claw bump.

“Howdy, Gold.” Dog said as tipped his hat to Gold.

“I can’t believe you’re all here!” Gold said to us.

“Well, we wouldn’t have gotten here if Dusk wasn’t a student or that we were friends with the Mystic King.” Leon said as all shared a chuckle. “But I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I actually did miss ya, Gold.”

“Yeah, I missed you guys too.” Gold said to us. “It’s been so long since we’ve been together like this.”

“Yeah, well, we do have our responsibilities.” I said to him. “How you’ve been?”

“I’m great.” Gold said to us. “Besides becoming the Mystic King, I’ve also started dating Moon Dancer.”

“Seriously? Whoa!” Shield said to him as we were all surprised by this.

“Congrats, Gold!” Dog said to him.

“Wait a minute, I thought you were gonna marry her once you became the Mystic King.” Leon said, making a good point there as Gold did say that.

“Well, I decided to listen to Dusk and start out slow, you know?” Gold said, me smiling for him being mature and taking my advice. “We’re still trying to get use to each other to make sure we’re ready for that. I’ll ask her to marry me once she’s ready.”

“Good job, Gold. I’m proud of you.” I said to my old friend. “So how long have you two been going out?”

“2 years now.” Gold said to me, impressing me. “Like you said, I’m gonna wait till we’ve been dating for 4.”

“Nice.” I said to him. “Though isn’t this sort of a long distance relationship? I hear that those don’t end well.”

“Oh, it’s fine.” Gold said, assuringly. “We’re both busy with our work, but we do see each other whenever we have some time for it.”

“That’s good to hear.” I said to him.

“Wait, where is Moon Dancer?” Leon asked him. “Isn’t she supposed to be with you right now?”

“Actually she’s not really in a good mood right now.” Gold said to us. “Had a bad day during the day before this year’s Summer Sun Celebration and is still trying to get over it.”

“What happened?” I asked him as me and the guys were concerned about Moon Dancer.

“I can’t really talk about it right now.” Gold said before he changed the subject. “Anyway, have you guys heard from Silver Blade?”

That was a touchy subject there. Silver Blade was that other friend I talked about earlier. He left a few years ago to go find out his role in Equestria and nopony has seen or heard from him since. I still wonder where he is to this day and how’s he doing. Him leaving everypony like that was hard for all of us. So talking about Silver was a really touchy subject.

With that, I just sighed in depression and said “No. Haven’t even gotten a letter from him.”

“Some friend he is.” Shield said as this ticked him off. “Leaving us and not even talking to us for the past few years.”

“Shield, I know you’re upset for what Silver did.” I said to him, trying to lighten his mood. “But all of us were affected by it.”

“Yeah, he even made the Priest cry for a week when he left.” Leon said, not actually kidding about that.

“But we all know that he left to figure out what his purpose in Equestria is.” I said to Shield. “He’ll come back when he’s done and knows what his role is. Come on, let’s not let this ruin our night. It’s a celebration after all.”

After a moment, Shield sighed in defeat, smiled, and said “Okay. Let’s party.”

With that, me, the guys, and Gold Star then went off to enjoy the party. Me and the guys drifted in and out of the crowds of ponies, all of them laughing and smiling, enjoying the festivities. We had talked about how great it was. Turned out the guys were right. A party was just what I needed help to raise my spirits and put me a good mood. That had gone quickly out the window.

Speaking of windows…

“Everypony, if I could have your attention.” All eyes turned to the voice.

Her fur coat as white as the snow, every step she took as graceful and easy as a waltz, crown glinting and mane shining, Princess Celestia took her place above the crowd, looking over everypony.

“I am grateful and overjoyed that so many have come to witness this momentous occasion. I thank you all.” The ponies all cheered at this. Even I couldn't help but smile a little. “Now, I am pleased to present once more, my sister and fellow ruler of Equestria, Princess Luna!”

As gracefully as her sibling, the Princess of the Moon glided over to her sister and sat beside her. Her mane glittered with starlight, her fur was a nighttime blue and she had her dark crown upon her head. She was smaller than Celestia and, perhaps a little more frightening, but that didn't make her any less important.

“Ponies of Canterlot, of Equestria,” she boomed in a voice that seemed much larger than her body, “we thank you all for your kind appreciation and support! It has been of great help to us in these difficult times!”

I couldn’t help but smile a little again as everypony else looked a little intimidated.

“Ow!” Shield said as he and the others recovered from hearing Luna’s voice, speaking at a volume where Luna couldn’t hear him. “What in Equestria was that?”

“Yeah, why'd she yell for?” Dog asked in the same volume.

“And why are you smiling?” Leon asked me, speaking just as quietly.

“I’m smiling because I know she’s just following tradition.” I said to him and the guys. “She addressing to us in the Royal Voice.”

“Royal Voice?” Leon asked me.

“Yes, the Royal Voice.” I said to him as I explained to him and the guys. “Before she was banished to the moon, it was tradition for royalty to speak in the royal we and at a large volume in their voice when speaking towards their subjects. Celestia abandoned that years ago, so it would make sense why everypony isn’t really use to it. Plus it has been a thousand years since she’s been in Equestria, so it’s stands to reason she’s not use to the new customs. Just try and endure it until she gets it.”

“But our true gratitude extends to the ponies that freed us from our reign of evil!” She said as we gave our attention to her. “While we regret that they cannot be here today, we would dedicate this tribute to them, for all they have done for us and this fair land over which we rule! We give you the wielders of the Elements of Harmony!”

As she said this, a curtain fell on the wall, exposing a new, stained-glass window, which beamed light upon the clouds from the shining stars and moon. Upon it was Princess Luna, in the form of Night-mare Moon, being consumed by beams of purple light, originating from six ponies that were facing her.

“We thank you, once more.” she resumed, as everypony applauded again, including me and the guys. “Now, let us return to the festivities. For tonight, we celebrate!”

With one last round of applause, everypony resumed their previous conversations, whilst Luna and Celestia began to mingle with the crowd, greeting their loyal subjects and receiving their congratulations.

“Well, I better go.” Gold said as he got ready to join his mother and aunt. “Gotta protect my mom and me and Aunt Luna have a lot of catching up to do. See ya, guys!”

“See ya, Gold!” I said as me and the guys waved goodbye to him as he walked off to the princesses.

“Oh! Now I see why Princess Celestia doesn’t use that Royal Voice anymore.” Leon groaned as he rubbed his ear. “I think my ears are still ringing.”

“Well, as long as you can still walk, let’s get over to the new window and see who the Elements' new wielders are.” I said as we then walked over towards the new window.

Whilst most were gathered around the princesses, me and the guys moved to get a closer look at the window. I had an interest in history and was eager to see this for myself, to say to everypony that I had been there on the unveiling of this historic monument. This was also a perfect time to figure out who the new wielders of the Elements of Harmony were.

I, like everypony else, knew the story. Of how Princess Celestia had banished her younger sister in the moon with the Elements because she wished to have night eternal, so her subjects appreciated her work. The six Elements, Kindness, Honesty, Generosity, Loyalty, Laughter, and the once unknown Element, Magic were the most powerful magical items in all of Equestria and it took true goodness and a pure heart to use them. Now, as the prophecy of my ancestor had said, they had been found again.

Me and the guys gazed up at it, along with a group of other ponies. There was Nightmare Moon, armored and terrifying, shrouded in darkness, just like the stories I’d heard when I was a foal. The other six seemed to be two members from each of the different sects of pony society, all using the Elements of Harmony. There was an orange and a pink pony, Earth types, a pair of Pegasi, one blue and one yellow, and two unicorns, one white and the other…I blinked. My eyes had to be playing tricks on me. I squinted for a better view, to get a better focus on that pony. It couldn't be her, could it?

“Oh, my gosh! Is that Twilight Sparkle?” A colt murmured in front of me.

“Hey, yeah it is.” His friend sounded approving. “Guess she did find some friends after all.”

“Yeah, who would have thought? You know I always wondered if…”

“Would you mind?” Shield said, getting those guys stop talking as they looked at him. “Some ponies would like to look at this window without…” Thanks to my super hearing I was able to hear what was being said as Shield finally realized I wasn’t there. “Guys, where’s Dusk?”

I wasn’t there because I was running out of there. With what I saw on that window, I turned tail, my head bowed, and pushed my way out of the crowd, not really caring who got in my way and fighting back the tears in my eyes.

“Dusk, get back here!” Shield yelled out as he and the guys no doubt saw me running away from them, but I didn’t turn back and just kept running.

How could I turn back after hearing that? That had been the last bombshell. I just wanted to be alone, away from everypony else.

I galloped away from the crowds, from the party, until I could no longer hear anything, not once did I stop even when Dog asked me where I was going. I looked up briefly to see that I was in the Canterlot Gardens. No one except the animals and the Gardner came here, the former were probably hiding and the latter most likely was asleep.

Satisfied I was alone, I was about to cry until I heard a voice say “Dusk?”

I looked behind me and saw Shield and the guys standing there with concerned looks.

“Oh, hey, guys.” I said to them as I turned away, sniffing, wiping away my tears.

“Are you okay, bud?” Shield asked as he and the others came over to me.

“Yeah, ya stormed off faster than a jackrabbit.” Dog said.

“And what are you doing out here in the garden?” Leon asked.

“I just want to be alone.” I told them as I sniffled.

“Dusk, what’s wrong?” Dog said and I shrugged his question away. “Come on, don’t leave us in the dark. We’re your friends. We just want to make sure you’re okay. Now tell us what’s wrong.”

“You already know what.” I said with a depressed look. “You saw it when we looked at the new window showing the wielders of the Elements of Harmony.”

“What was wrong with that?” Leon asked.

“One of those wielders was Twilight.” I answered.

“Well, so what if she is?” Shield said surprised by this. “She became a hero. Good for her.”

“Yeah, well, it’s not good for me.” I said, feeling worse than before.

“Dusk, aren’t ya a bit happy about this?” Dog said, confused on what I said. “She’s now a hero like ya. Sure ya can’t tell her, but ya two would be good friends, two peas in a pod.”

“Didn’t you hear a word I said?” I said. “She’s got friends now. The one pony I thought I could be friends with the most is now the one I can’t make my own friend. Anypony can change with friendship. We probably won’t be able to have anything in common.” Quietly sobbing, I began to curse myself. “Dang it. I’m such a coward…and a fool for even thinking I and Twilight could be friends. Now I don’t even have a chance. She’s away from Canterlot, with friends of her own. She’ll probably never even glance at me, if she ever saw me that is.”

I then let the tears begin to flow as I began to cry.

“Hey, hey, hey!” Shield said as he came over. “Dusk, don’t beat yourself up like that.”

“Yeah.” Leon said as he came over. “So what if she’s got friends? Who cares?”

“I do, Leon.” I said to him. “She was the one who got me to accept friendship in the first place.”

“Yeah, and look where it’s got ya.” Dog said. “You’re now the leader of the Element Squad, the pony that gets everypony’s attention in school, and ya have three great friends right here with ya.”

“As much as anything, you’ve changed as well, Dusk.” Shield said. “You’re not the same colt we met all those years ago.”

“Yeah, the first time we met, you barely spoke to us and just pushed us away.” Leon said. “You were one of the shyest guys I ever met. Now, you have a spine and can stand proud.”

“See?” Shield said. “You might not be able to make Twilight your friend, but you didn’t fail at friendship. Us being here to see if you were okay is proof of it. I say you’re a stallion worthy of any kind of friendship. Right, guys?”

Dog and Leon then said their agreements and I then realized they were right. Even if I didn’t befriend the one pony who helped me find friendship, it doesn’t mean that I’m a failure at it. These guys wouldn’t be here to make me feel better if I was.

“You’re right.” I said, wiping away the tears and looking at them with a smile. “Thanks, guys. You three are the best.”

“That’s what we’re here for.” Dog said.

“So, what would you do?” Shield asked.

“What do you mean?” I asked him.

“What would you do if you did become friends with her?” Shield asked.

“Well…” I said as I decided to play out what was in my mind before me. Literally. I was alone with friends after all. I tapped into the magic I naturally held as a unicorn and reached out into the night with it.

Shaping it gradually, I formed a small imitation outline of myself, in a dark blue. It twinkled and glowed from the magic. Then I made one of Twilight, in the same way, in her purple color.

From a young age, I had been able to do this: to use magic to shape what was in my mind into a colored form that moved as I instructed from my thoughts, like they were alive. I had never learned it from a book, it just came naturally to me, like breathing or eating. No other unicorn could do anything like I did. It was a special talent of mine. That was why I kept it hidden.

I didn't want to know what others would think of me, of what I could do. I didn't want that kind of treatment. What if they didn't like it and scorned me for it, said it was stupid? So, I focused on study and knowledge. I passed my tests, earned my Cutie Mark of my scroll, and kept my magical color puppetry hidden from everypony only sharing that secret with those I truly trust.

I sometimes used it, but only if I was alone and if I was perhaps a little bored or emotional. Tonight, it was neither of the latter. Well, it was emotional, but this was the good kind and I was gonna show my fellow stallions what I would do if I managed to make Twilight my friend.

I played out my little scene with my colored avatar nervously approaching the Twilight-puppet before shyly slinking away again. The Twilight puppet didn't even turn around or notice mine. Then I made puppets of Shield, Dog, and Leon who then motioned my puppet to go over to the Twilight puppet. Each time he did this, he would get a little closer each time before leaving. Then, when he was at his closest, my puppet manages to get the Twilight puppet’s attention and she turns to look at him. It isn’t long until they start hanging out after he introduces her to Shield, Dog, and Leon. When they started sharing the moments I had with the guys, I soon sang out what I want to show Twilight.

Right there, from the start,

I’d put the offer out.

Don’t want to chase her down,

I know she’d see what I’m all about;

She’d would see,

If she ran with me;

Then I could cut her free,

Out of the drudgery,

And walls she’d keep in;

Show her the life,

That could’ve been.

She’d see what she was missing,

Could finally feel whole.

Trade that typical routine,

For something colorful.

And if it’s crazy,

We’d live a little crazy.

It can clear it up,

When it feels a lit hazy.

Like anypony,

You can put it sensible;

Always having a normal day,

A life of conventional;

Or you can risk it all and see!

I didn’t know I could get away,

From the same old part,

I had to play.

But then she helped me see the way.

Now I got what I need,

It’s clear to see;

So now life’s more fun for me,

No more worries, you see;

I can be who I want to be,

ʹCause thanks to her, I took the ride,

That took me to the other side.

ʹCause you can do like you do,

Or you can do like me;

Stay in the cage,

Or finally take the key.

For once unleashed,

Suddenly you’re free,

Free to fly;

For the open sky,

That’ll take you to the other side.

Then Shield took a verse

Okay, okay,

We get the point.

We know how much it means to you,

There’s no need to appoint.

Leon then took a verse.

Yeah, we know already know.

She gave you hope.

And without her,

In friendship, you’d be such a dope.

“Hey!” I said, offended by that statement.

“Well, he’s kinda right.” Dog said as he took a verse.

We all wouldn’t be here without her,

With this amazin’ trip.

No, we wouldn’t,

If ya didn’t search for friendship.

And we wouldn’t be this Element Gang squad.

Even though ya first said ya enjoyed the life,

Ya now call bein’ trapped in,

Ya decided to take us in,

Not lookin’ back on what it would’ve been.

Then Shield took another verse.

Now I respect you,

And this talent that you have.

It’s really something,

To all of us, on our behave.

Then Leon took another verse.

You lived among the swells,

And I had to pick up peanut shells.

Now I’m living with you,

With all those crazy spells

I then took on my verse.

Then I have to ask you,

Did you think that I was okay,

With that uptown I got to play?

No, for I didn’t have anypony else,

Didn’t have friends to help me through the day.

Everywhere I went, everypony I would see,

They look at me,

And say I’m strange,

But then you guys came along,

And my life had a whole new change.

When you guys helped me get what I need,

And to take the ride,

I got to see the other side.

So I went off and do like you do,

As much as you do like me,

I wanted to break out of my cage,

So I took the key.

Now I’m doing fine because,

I got to see the other side.

Now this is how I like to spend my days,

Excitement and joy and parties and crazy ways.

Then Leon took another verse.

Before that, you lived unknown,

And with a frown.

Once we got mixed up with you,

You became the talk of the town.

Then Shield took another verse.

Not stained, rejected,

Or another clown.

Yes, I can definitely see,

Nothing can get you down.

Then Dog took another verse.

But ya would finally live a little,

Finally laugh a little,

With your own team,

In every battle.

I then took over again.

And that’s what I wanted her to see,

That it was more than it would seem.

If she gave me a chance,

I would show her the freedom to dream.

Friendship is the greatest thing,

Not something you can call insane.

It wakes you up and cures your aching pain.

Most ponies in Canterlot are elitists,

Always saying things like “Tsk, tsk.”

To them, I say,

What is life without a risk?

“That’s what I’m talking about!” Shield said as I set up walls around us and we start breaking them.

We all then start singing together.

So when your life begins,

Take your walls and make them start breaking.

Friendship’s a chance you can’t miss,

Now that’s a deal that seems worth taking.

To have it or not,

The choice is up to you.

It doesn’t have a price,

Nothing is lost.

Doesn’t matter how much you get,

Having people who care about you,

Will be all you need to get you set.

I then sang my verse.

If you want a piece of all the action,

All you need to do is make some friends.

The amount you get,

There is no end.

Whether it’s two,

Then Leon.

Or three,

Or more than.

Then Dog.

Like five.

Then Shield.

Or even ten.

We all then sang together once again.

So you can get away,

To a whole new part you’ll play,

Having joy,

Fill your days.

Friendship’s got what you need,

So come along and take the ride,

To the other side.

So if you do like I do,

So if you do like me;

Forget the cage,

ʹCause we know how to make the key;

All right!

Now we’re free to fly,

We’ll go to the other side.

I then took on my verse.

So if you do like I do,

(To the other side)

So if you do like me,

(We’ll go to the other side)

With amazing friends,

You’ll finally see.

We all then sang together.

ʹCause once you make friends,

Any kind of friends,

You can take a ride,

And you’ll be going to the other siiiiiiiiiiiiiide!

I then finished us off with…

You’ll be going to the other siiiiiiiiiiide.

Finally, stopped my magic and looked at my friends with smiles as great as theirs. Looks like that was what I needed to cheer me up. I was grateful they were there for me. I probably would be bawling my eyes out like a 3-year-old who lost his favorite toy if they weren’t.

“Thanks, guys.” I said to them. “You really are the best.”

“That’s what we’re here for, bud.” Shield said as he and the others got me into a group hug, one I gladly returned.

“I can’t believe you just used your talent out here.” Leon said after we broke the hug. “You never do that unless it was by accident.”

“Well, it’s just you guys here, right?” I said to them.

That was what I thought until…

“My, that was beautiful.” We jumped at the voice and whipped around. Standing there, as clear as the day she bought, was Princess Celestia. “I’ve never seen such wonderful magic like that before.”

Wait, what? Was she talking about what I had just done? Had she seen me doing it? I then suddenly remembered who I was with and sunk in a low bow. The others did too. But Leon did it too fast and his head smacked the floor.

“Y-y-y-your Highness, um…good evening." I stuttered, remembering my manners as Leon tried to recompose himself from his throbbing head.

“And good evening to you too, young colt, along with your friends.” She said, with a voice that had been dipped in honey. "You all may rise." We did so, but I kept my head bowed. "I saw you as you ran past me in the Hall before.”

“You…you did?" Why would the Princess of the Day bother with me?

“I was curious why you were in such a hurry to leave." she continued gently. "Why aren't you enjoying the celebrations with your friends? Why are you all alone out here?”

“Excuse me, Princess.” Leon said to her, after regaining his composition. “We only came out here was because this guy wasn’t celebrating like the rest of us. The reason he wasn’t celebrating with us was because he wasn’t able to see his girlfriend.”

“I told you a thousand times, Leon.” I said to him as I raised my head at him, annoyed by that statement. “She’s not my girlfriend.”

“We all know, Dusk.” Shield said. “She’s just a mare you wanted to be friends with.”

“Dusk ran off because he thinks he can’t get her at all.” Dog said. “We still think he haves a chance.”

“Thanks for the support, guys, but I have to face the facts.” I said before sadly replying to the Princess “If…if I may, Your Highness, I really don’t think I can be friends with her. I was lucky to have these guys as friends. Nopony would want to be friends with me. I’m nothing special…”

“I don’t believe that at all.” She said adamantly, but still in a voice as loving as a mother's caress. "Why, just now, I saw that wonderful display of magic that you did. Where did you learn how to do that?”

“I’ve…well…I’ve always been able to do that, Your Highness. Ever since I was young.”

“Yeah, and Dusk has even been getting better since we came along.” Shield said.

“Yeah.” Leon said. “Those little puppets were the basic things he could do. His magic is even greater than that. Even I have to say it is great. Right, guys?”

Both Dog and Shield agreed with him.

“Really? Well, I’d say that's special, wouldn't you agree?” She glided over to me, like a swan over water. “I’m surprised that it isn’t your Cutie Mark, such a special talent like that.”

“Well…that’s because I’ve…never shown it to anyone before. These three are the only ones around this castle who know about it.” I sighed pathetically. Then, it all tumbled out. “What if nopony else like it? What if they think it was weird? What if they just start making fun of it? It’s not like just anypony would care if they saw it anyway…”

My eyes widened in shock. I’d just said that, in a bitter, disrespectful tone, to Princess Celestia. “I mean uh…what I mean is…”

“Well, I’ve seen it and I think it’s marvelous. It's a shame you keep it hidden.” I looked up. She was still smiling. “You know, one of those…forms bore a remarkable resemblance of my student, Twilight Sparkle. Do you know her?”

“Um…” I felt my cheeks flush at the mention of her. “Uh…sort of. I mean, I’ve never really spoken to her. I’ve seen her. A lot.”

“More like always bumping into her at the library every day.” Leon said, annoying me a bit.

“Would you have liked it if she had been your friend?" She appeared genuinely concerned.

Was it that obvious? I thought to myself. I was just surprised that the most important alicorn in Equestria, apart from Luna, was interested in what I had to say.

“Yes, I would have.” I said. “But she’s gone now. Away from Canterlot. She has other friends now. She wouldn’t want to be friends with somepony like me anymore…”

“Don’t be so sure.” Was it my imagination or had Celestia’s smile grown brighter? “I think that you would be very surprised.” What did she mean by that? Her eyes seemed to twinkle, with an almost filly-like cunning. What she was thinking? I wondered. I looked to the guys to see them wondering too.

Then, it was gone and she began to set off. “I had better return to the festivities or my sister will wonder why I have gone. Are you coming?”

“No, thank you, your Highness. I think we’ll just go back to home. No doubt we’re all a bit tired and… Well, you know…” I knew it was too good to be true. She’d gotten bored with me. I couldn’t say I hadn’t expected but…it had been nice.

“If you’re sure." she said gently. "Sleep well…" She paused. "What is your name?”

“Dusk Noir, Your Highness.”

“Well, it was lovely speaking to you and your friends, Dusk.” she said genuinely. “Sweet dreams.” With that, she cantered away, leaving sunlight in her wake.

I blinked after she left. Had all that really happened? Had Princess Celestia just come over to see me, console me, and tell me that the thing I’d kept hidden my whole life was…wonderful?

Despite myself, I felt a small smile form on my face. Even if this was just a dream, it was a nice one to be sure. I’d just feel sad when it was all over and I woke up.

Leaving the castle behind, me and the guys walked on back to the school. Most of the students were still at the celebration, so it was strangely quiet and empty when we returned to the house. We all then went to our separate rooms, saying good night to each other. I climbed the stairs, entered my room, and laid on my bed.

I fell asleep almost instantly, smiling the whole time.

The next few days passed without much incident. The different groups of mares and colts all gathered and discussed all the things that they did, how wonderful the celebrations had been, all of those sorts of things.

I continued to walk with my group, my ears always prone to the snippets I heard, but never contributing. It didn’t much matter to me. The guys say I shouldn’t get hung up on the.

One day, when the sun was at its highest in the sky, I was reading in my room when I heard some music playing. The beat was enough to make me stop reading and get me to find out where it was coming from. I went searching around and found Leon getting ready to dance to the music.

“Whoa!” Leon said as his body was beginning to slowly move to the beat. “Whoa, baby!”

Seeing how he was taking so long, I decided to show him how to get into the beat.

“Hey!” Leon said as I shoved him a bit to have some space.

“Dude, you’re moving to slow.” I said as I got ready to dance. “Watch a master at work.”

“Oh, no.” Leon said as he then pushed me away. “I got this song out for me and only me, so back off.”

“Come on, Leon.” I said as I tried it again. “Music is for everyone. Don’t be such a…”

I was then pushed away by his jet stream.

“No way.” Leon said. “This is my spotlight. I’m not letting you take it.”

I then decided to use my magic and then pushed him out of the way, sending him skidding across the floor.

“Oooh, that was a cheap shot.” Leon said. “That’s how you want to play it. Then how about a dance battle?”

“Bring it.” I said as we both began to dance, trying to dance better than the other.

“Hey, can you do this?” Leon said as he danced.

“Ha! What about doing this?” I said as I danced.

The way I danced was pretty unique. It was another reason I had gotten popular. As ponies who saw me dancing before, my arms and legs move like they’re wiggling noodles in a cool way. One guy from school tried and ended up tripping himself. This is the reason why ponies call me “The Wobbler.”

“Seriously? That train wreck? What’s wrong with you? Are those legs and arms broken?”

“It’s better than yours.” I said.

“Oh, yeah? We’ll see about that!”

With this, our dance off began. We’re were dancing all over the place. It was so good that Dog and Shield got out to watch us.

“Oh, watch out for this one! Watch out for this! It could go off!” Leon said as he then slid over to stairs, grab a hold of the railing, and did the old tail propeller. “Uh-huh.”

“Ha! You kidding me? With that?” I said as Leon was finished and went dancing in front of me. “My family invented that move!”

“Well, if you want to see me really shake things up,” Leon said as he then opened the door and headed outside, “then let’s take it out the front door! Take it outside!”

With that, I danced my way out the door and we continued the dance battle on the front porch.

“Oh, yeah.” Leon said as he did different kinds of dances. “I’m on the porch. I’m holding the torch. And I’m ready to scorch.”

This battle only last for 5 minutes until the music was turned off by Shield.

“Hey!” Leon said as we all looked to Shield sitting at the window. “What did you do that for, Shield? I was getting my groove on!”

“Uh, guys?” Shield said, pointing forward. “Got a visitor.”

Me and Leon looked to see a white Pegasus pony, dressed in the royal colors of Canterlot. A courier. I was a little bit shocked by this. What was he doing here? What did he want?

“Dusk Noir?” he asked.

“That would be me.” I said to him. “Can I help you?”

“I have here a letter for your attention.” He handed me the rolled-up scroll. “From Princess Celestia. Good day.” He trotted off with me and Leon going back inside and me shutting the door.

“Was that guy serious?” Leon asked me. “Is that really a letter from the Princess?”

“No doubt about it.” I said as I looked over the scroll. “It’s got the royal seal. Nopony can duplicate it.”

“I can’t believe ya got a letter from Celestia herself.” Dog said, just as surprised as the rest of us.

“Me either.” Leon said, a little miffed about only me getting a letter. “I met her the same time you did. Why didn’t I get a letter?”

“I didn’t think the Princess would remembered me, let alone take the time to write to me.” I said.

“Well, then why are you still gawking at it?” Shield said. “Read what it says.”

I unrolled the scroll, opened it, and read it aloud:

Dear Dusk Noir,

I hope this letter finds you well. Yes, I still remember you from that night at the celebration.

I'm writing to tell you that you are about to take your studies, and your life, beyond Canterlot. I have managed to get you a home in Ponyville, where you are going to work in the local library.

You are going to serve as a second assistant librarian under my faithful student Twilight Sparkle. I have seen how close you are to the friends you have here, so I will allow them to accompany you in Ponyville. Enclosed are tickets for the train to the town from the Canterlot station.

You will start your work tomorrow, giving you the rest of the day to make yourself comfortable. Don't worry, the ponies there are very welcoming and kind. You'll be fine.

Good luck and remember, don't keep that special talent of yours hidden forever. Find somepony there to share it with.

Princess Celestia.

I re-read the letter several times, taking it all in.

“I must be dreaming.” I said to the guys. “Quick, somepony slap me!”

“Nope. You’re not dreaming.” Leon said after he slapped me and as we all looked to see his displeased face. “Which means she really does want us to go to Ponyville.”

“You know that place?” I asked him.

“Visited it during my circus job.” Leon answered. “It’s a small, sleepy town. There’s no way I’m going over there.”

“Oh, come on, Leon.” Dog said. “Dusk needs us. Ya said ya owe it to him for this life. Besides, I know Ponyville and I’m sure ya can find a good mare there.”

“You know that place too?” I asked Dog.

“Dusk, my old friend Applejack is there.” Dog answered.

“The cowgirl pony you met on that farm?” I asked.

“Yep, her whole family lives there.” Dog said. “We haven’t seen each other in a darn long time since I came to Canterlot. I’m plum plushed to see her again, so I’m comin’.”

“You can count me in too.” Shield said.

“Well, if there are going to be cute mares around, then I might as well come too.” Leon said. “Besides, somepony needs to keep you in check.”

“Really?” I said, surprised by what they said. “I’m not even asking and you’re going to Ponyville to help me?”

“Of course we are.” Dog said. “We’re your friends.”

“Yeah, we stick together on this one.” Shield said.

“Even if you’re annoying, we’ll still help you.” Leon said. “That’s what good friends are for.”

I then gave them a smile and said “Thanks, guys.”

I then put on my confident look and said “Well then, let’s get packing! Time to go to Ponyville!”

The guys cheered and we all quickly gathered up what few things we owned, like Shield and his weights and Wonderbolt posters, Dog and some of his country belongings, Leon with both his animal care kit and “personal essentials”, and me with a few books, my favorite quill, my family photo, and a few oddly shaped rocks I’d found on one of my walks, which I placed into my saddlebag.

Then I flung it over my shoulder, folded up the letter from the Princess, and got out to see the guys already packed. I then took out the tickets that came with the letter and gave the guys theirs. We all then dashed out of the doors and towards the Canterlot train station.

I could hardly contain myself. As the train arrived, we each presented our tickets and boarded. We were going to Ponyville. We each had been given this chance by Princess Celestia herself. Leon’s clear to see, Shield wanting to help me, and Dog being able to see his old childhood friend.

And I was going to see Twilight Sparkle. Despite myself, I smiled widely.

Author's Note:

There we have it, Dusk finally has his chance to talk to Twilight Sparkle, but will this go as Dusk planned? More surprises and excitement await next time!

If you want to know the right tone for the song the Element Squad just sang, listen to this link as you read it.
And the music for Dusk and Leon's dance battle was the instrumental of "Hey, Mama" by Black Eyed Peas.