• Published 10th May 2019
  • 1,240 Views, 8 Comments

Rise of the Element Gang, Book 1: The Adventure Begins - Power of Six

Ponyville is about to get four brand new heroes. What will happen when these new heroes meet the Mane 6?

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Chapter 14: Shining Light In Darkness, Part 2

Chapter 14: Shining Light In Darkness, Part 2

Previously on Rise of the Element Gang, me and the guys ventured off into the Everfree Forest after the girls didn’t come back to the library. In the search, I discovered a new power in my color magic which I used to track down the girls and we rescued them. We had already save Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie. With saving them, me and the guys were met with a little surprise: it turned out that two of the girls were the last two elementals we were trying to find, Pinkie Pie was the Lightning elemental ShockBlade and Rarity, my own cousin, was the Air elemental Torna. With all of this, we then went off to find that last pony we needed to find, the one I longed to become friends with, Twilight Sparkle. With how all the girls got trapped, I really hoped that what we’re dealing with isn’t what I think it is and that we’re not too late to save her.

“Twilight’s…down there?” Applejack asked.

“That’s where the spell’s leading us.” I confirmed.

“Oh, my. It’s so dark…and scary.” Fluttershy trembled.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy, just remember my song!” Pinkie hummed happily.

“Pinkie’s right. Scary, shmary, let’s get in there and find her.” Rainbow declared confidently.

“Absolutely. Our friend is down there and we’re not going to let some silly shadows in the dark stop us from reaching her.” Rarity declared.

“Yeah. Plus you got six elementals to back you up.” Leon said to Fluttershy, reassuringly. “There’s nothing to worry about.”

We were standing at the mouth of a cave, staring down at the puppet, which was lighting the way up ahead. Compared to most cave tunnels, this one was rather small, only about ten feet from floor to ceiling. There were two forks in the passage ahead, a possible indicator that this cave was going to be more like a maze than anything else. The puppet would guide us to Twilight.

I had a sense of foreboding, staring down into the depths. I still had my strong suspicions about what we might find, and was scared to venture further. But…Twilight was counting on me, the team, and the girls were with us. I would be fine…wouldn’t I?

“Dusk? Dusk, you okay?” Applejack was looking concerned.

“I’m fine, thanks… Sort of.” I could hear the shaking in my own voice.

“Dusk…you’ve already done so much. You can stay out here, and we can go searching for Twilight.” Fluttershy seemed to understand my fear. But she was brave enough to go down there, what was stopping me?

“Thanks for the offer, but I’m going with you. I’ve not been the best of friends as you’ve all pointed out. I want to try and make it up to you here, especially to Twilight.”

“Dusk, all we want is an explanation from you.” Rainbow reminded me. “We don’t completely hate your guts or anything like that, but you don’t have to put yourself in danger.”

“No, I couldn’t…live with myself if I just left you and did nothing to save her…or at least try. Cowards die many times before their deaths, while the valiant never taste of death but once.” I quoted smartly, feeling a little braver.

“Shakesmare? Quite well-read, aren’t you?” Rarity noted.

“Only with mostly…useless stuff.” I said. “Besides, I’m the only one who can do this spell.”

“Dusk is right.” Dog said, supporting me. “He’s the only pony able to do the spell right. Besides, he’s a Fire Dragon. He can take care of himself.”

“Yeah, he’s pretty much the toughest guy I’ve ever met.” Shield said before speaking to me. “So, are we going to head down or what?”

“Right. Enough hanging around, let’s go.” I said to him, answering his question.

With that, I led the way into the depths of the unknown, the light of my magic guiding the way. We moved more slowly than we did outside, with good reason. From what I could tell, this cave was very old. Any stress to the walls could cause it to collapse and trap us. So, we kept up a gentle, almost jogging pace, the puppet always waiting for us first. Along the way, I also fashioned arrows into the dirt, leading us back to the cave entrance.

None of us spoke at all, meaning the only sounds were our echoing hoofsteps. It was like we all knew that something else was down here, not just our friend and were listening for it, trying to find any sign of something lurking in the dark. There was no question that something had lead us here with malevolent intentions in mind. We weren’t taking any chances.

As such, I felt even more out of place. Not only were the girls good friends with each other and users of the Elements, besides two of them being my team by destiny, but they had a lot more experience than me. They’d faced off against more threats together than I had in my whole life. More than the guys too. Though that wasn’t gonna stop me from leading my team in completing our mission. Though, from that shaking from earlier, I couldn’t get rid of that feeling I was having. Felt like a chill ran over me. Seemed like something…a Fire Dragon would be afraid of.

“Ya really do want to prove yerself, don’t ya?” Applejack had joined me walking.

“Of course. You’ve all done your best to make me and the guys welcome and the guys managed to appreciate it, while I’ve just pushed you away. I want to, at least, repay you for that.”

“Well, I’m say you’ve done that. Not many ponies woulda had the guts to come in here or even get close. I must say, Dusk, I don’t quite understand ya. You’re a real mystery.”

“Well, maybe…I can change that.” I murmured, giving a small smile. “I hope.”

“I’m sure ya’ll try your best. I’ll let ya concentrate.” She drew away a little, leaving me grateful for the talk.

While we walked, I noticed the cave was getting higher, slightly, but it was increasing in size. The different turns and twists were starting to lessen too, though I still left markers to find our way back out. We must be getting close…

It was when the tunnel had only one way to go, a turning to the right up ahead, that my puppet of Twilight faded away. It was dark, except for the mild glow that was emitting from the cavern ahead. This had to be it. I looked around at them all. They were all determined, even Fluttershy to an extent. They weren’t turning back…and neither would I.

We reached the entrance, looked inside and saw-

“Twilight!” we all exclaimed at the sight of her.

She was at the end of a long cavern, which was shrouded in darkness, except for the faint glow she was generating. Her eyes were closed, her head lolled, but she was still breathing.

“I’ll get her outta there!” Rainbow was about to head off inside.

“Wait! Something’s not right. Look closely.” I pointed with my claw.

Something was coiled around Twilight’s head. Some kind of dark tendrils, gripping onto her skull, emanating their own red glow. Like she was connected to something else…

“What is it? What’s happening to her?” Rarity asked fearfully.

“I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Pinkie declared. Even she looked scared.

I was about to respond when another voice spoke. This voice had no warmth, compassion or pity. It was a low, hissing sound that sent shivers up my spine…and confirmed my fears.

“What issss thisssss…?” Something stirred behind Twilight, dark coils shifting. It leaned its head forward, making my stomach contract.

The closest thing I could compare this to was a snake. But even then, snakes had more endearing qualities than this monster. A long pointed face on a massive head, large bone-white fangs than glinted in the dark, small fierce red eyes, scales so black that they absorbed all light…just as those ancient books in the Canterlot library had described them…but the actual image was even more terrifying.

“Uh, guys?” Leon said as we all looked and saw him looking forward in fear.

I looked to where he was looking and finally noticed what had him spooked. The area around the creature was littered with the bones of dead animals. Mice, owls, snakes, cockatrices, manticores, I could even see part of a dragon, teenaged from the size. All who had the misfortune of falling for its tricks.

“Fellas…are those…bones?” Dog said just as shocked as us.

“Guess we found the culprit, huh?” Shield asked me.

“Yeah, no doubt about it.” I said, answering him as I examined the amount of skeletons. “By the looks of it, it appears to have been tricking other creatures into traps, just like the girls.”

“You mean they aren’t the only ones?” Leon asked me. “How long has it been doing that?”

“By the looks, I say it’s been down here for years.” I answered him.

We then looked forward as the creature hissed in displeasure at the sight of the girls as it further wrapped its coils around Twilight.

“What are you all doing here?” It said, no doubt speaking to the girls. “How did you esssscape the traps I sssssset for you?” I could’ve sworn I saw it gave a smile when it looked more carefully at us. “Oh! The sssssix elementalsssss, together once again. Well, that explainsssss it. Come to ressssscue your friendsssss, have you? Of coursssssse, you would do anything essssspecially if two of your own were the onesssss trapped.” It shook its head. “I sssssssuppose it doesssss not matter now. Sssssavesssss me the trouble in tracking you four down and, now, I don’t have to go to the trouble of finding you all to…devour you.”

“Elementals?” Leon asked, surprised it recognized us.

“Is that thing talking about us?” Shield asked me.

“By Celestia…what is this creature?” Rarity was gazing in a kind of frightened awe.

“I dunno, but I like the whole ‘sssssss’ thing it has. Makessss talking so much more fun!” Pinkie imitated oddly.

“Oh, believe me,” I whispered, “this thing barely comprehends the meaning. Well, unless you consider that it finds its own evil deeds ‘fun’.”

“Dusk, what is it? What’s it doin’ to Twilight?” Applejack asked.

Normally, I wasn’t the best at speaking, or standing up for myself. I was always pausing, stuttering, due to my lack of self-confidence. But, when it came to something I truly despised, I found myself always saying the right words to express just what I thought about it. Besides, I wasn’t Dusk Noir right now. I was El Dragon. So I needed to explain the situation now if we were gonna be able to beat it.

“It’s feeding off her essence, everything that makes her Twilight Sparkle. Her memories, hopes, dreams, powers, until there’s nothing left.” I said this all very bitterly, then addressed the creature. “I suppose you have to. Extinction must be very demanding on energy reserves.”

“Who are you, colt?” It raised itself a little higher. “You know of my kind? You’re quite ssssssmart for a Fire Dragon pup.”

“My name is Dusk Noir. And I see you know what I am.” I told it, feeling a little braver and angrier with every passing minute. “I know that you’re not meant to even exist, Paraserpent!”

“Long has it been ssssssince my brethren’s name hassssss been spoken.” it hissed. “Sssssoon, it will be ssssssaid in fear once more!”

“Paraserpent?” Rainbow approached me. “What excatly is this thing?”

“Centuries ago, when Equestria was under the rule of the entity Discord.” I began to explain. “He had the Paraserpents as his minions. They thrived on the suffering and misery he created with his chaos. They were creatures of deception, he used them to instill further fear among the ponies, to keep them from standing up to him. When Celestia and Luna led the Order Uprising, the Paraserpents weren’t prepared for the power they unleashed. They were all wiped out by the Princesses, so Discord would be vulnerable. Or so it seemed.”

“I sssssurvived.” the vile monster told us. “Ssssso long have I waited for the chance to strike back against those princesses. I have waited here, regaining my strength by luring creatures down here, waiting for the right moment…it came after I ate him…” It gestured to the dead dragon. “I learned that the Elements of Harmony had moved on…into different poniessssss.”

“Dusk, ya said this thing absorbs power, right?” Dog asked me and I nodded in confirmation. “So…what? It used the power from that dragon ta find out about Twilight’s letters to Celestia?”

“I think so. It intercepted them, learning about his new enemies. Then,” I then spoke to the Paraserpent, “let me guess…you made a fake one and sent it, telling Twilight to bring all of her friends here, then seperated them. After that, you would drain them all, making the Elements useless against you and also taking their power.”

“Correct.” it answered smugly. “Without your precious friendship, nopony would be able to ssssstand against me. Not even the elementalsssss, essssspecially when two would be no more. I will thrive, return my kind to glory. Then, we shall free our masssssster, chaossssss will reign once more!”

“Ha, ha!” Pinkie was pointing at it triumphantly. “You’ve told us your whole plan now, so now we can get help and stop you. Silly villains, why do they always do that?”

“You will not becausssse…you will not leave thissssss place alive.” Its red glow grew brighter. “Now you are all here…I can devour you all!”

“Oh, yeah? Well, bring it on!” Rainbow sped off into the air, charging across the room at full force. I saw it grin, its red glow get brighter.

“Rainbow, no!” But it was too late.

The Pegasus barely reached it when a red bolt of energy hit her. As soon as it did, she began to fly around in circles at rapid speed, constant loop-the-loops. I could hear her wailing, unable to stop herself, as the Paraserpent laughed cruelly.

“What in the…what’s it done?” Applejack asked urgently.

“It’s draining Twilight’s essence, her magic included. That means it can use all her power against us.” No sooner had I said this, the monster’s magic glowed again. “Take cover!”

We all dived behind nearby clusters of stone, as we were bombarded by bolts of magic. Nopony else was hit, but it did have them effectively pinned.

“Whaddya we do now?” Applejack yelled over the noise.

“If it’s using Twilight’s power, all we have to do is get close enough to knock her out of its grip, then it can’t use her anymore.” Rarity shrieked as a spell whizzed over her head. “It’s just getting to it…”

“Well, we can’t play hide-and-seek with it, it knows where we are.” Pinkie pointed out.

“Its grip is slippery though.” I informed. “We should be easily able to tug Twilight out, but again that means getting close. We’ve lost the advantage of surprise, but there is a lot of room to maneuver in here, so…”

“We’ll have to rush it, it can’t take us all down at once. If we spread ourselves out, it’ll have to go for us one at a time.” Applejack strategized. “Ah can make a run first, Ah’m fastest here.”

“B-b-b-but what if it h-hits us?” Fluttershy asked fearfully.

“It won’t be anything fatal, it’ll want to keep us alive so it can feed.” I pointed out. “But it will be something to stop us moving, so avoid those blasts as best you can.”

“Agreed, we all run on three. One…two…three!” Applejack led the charge, as we leaped out of cover and spread around the room, dodging magic.

The Paraserpent did seem at a loss as to who to aim at first, its shots unfocused and random. Applejack and Dog took this chance and galloped as fast as they could. They ducked, dodged, and dived like they were in a rodeo. But now, it was focusing on just them. They almost made it…


They were hit, falling to the ground, dragging their back legs, like they suddenly had weights attached to them. They tried to pull themselves on the ground, but they just didn’t have the strength to do it. I felt some despair, as they collapsed, exhausted. Two down…

Rarity was the next to run the gauntlet. Unlike Applejack and Dog, who ran a straight route, she weaved around, feinted and dodged, keeping it guessing. She faked moves in one direction, then changed course so the attack missed. It looked more like she was dancing, as she still carried herself with grace and style. In the end though, her opponent learned from its mistakes and tried one of its own.

As she did another one of her feint moves and the attack missed, the next bolt intercepted her at where she was moving to. As soon as it hit her, Rarity’s styled mane and tail came alive, wrapping themselves around her legs and forcing her to the floor.

“Betrayed by own mane, the irony of it all!” she despaired dramatically, trying to break lose.

Pinkie was the next to be targeted, but the Paraserpent was having a great deal of trouble hitting her. She, like Rarity, was moving around the cave to confuse it, not picking a straight path. But while Rarity’s movements were possible to predict, Pinkie’s was downright random. A move to the left would suddenly be ended by a leap into the sky or she would start moving backwards, bouncing on her hooves or just flying in dizzying formations.

As such, the Paraserpent was making frustrated hisses as she jumped around like crickets on a pogo-stick. She actually managed to reach Twilight and attempted to wrest her from the Paraserpent’s grip. But it must have been tighter than I thought, as she was having trouble pulling her out…which left her vulnerable to an attack.

She was blasted back as a bolt finally hit her. At its contact, she was lifted off her hooves and, in this case, paws and floated into the sky like a balloon. She tried scampering on thin air, but couldn’t move forward, as she hit the ceiling, helpless.

Now, it was only me, Leon, and Fluttershy. Viewing the timid Pegasus as the weakest, the Paraserpent focused its attacks on her now, which really minimized her chances of success. Every time she tried to move forward, she leaped back as a blast just missed her. She was being back up further and further away until she hid behind a rock again. But Leon would defend her as she did. Even though he was just as scared as her, it didn’t stop Leon from defending his friends.

“Oh, no…Oh, my!”

"That’sssss right, cower and hide!"

Its cruel laughter ringing in my ears, I tried desperately to think of a new plan. We couldn’t move forward one at a time, our enemy would just focus its attacks when we tried. It might have worked if we all rushed at once, but there were too few now. Its eyes would be on me soon, I would be-

Wait…that’s it! The eyes! They were small, tiny, probably due to centuries of darkness. That meant its eyesight would be terrible. Perhaps this might work, at least for a bit. It would depend if I could coordinate this many of them. I remembered five random ponies I’d seen, weaving them from my magic. Come on, this had to work.

“What? What isssss thisss? Where did you all come from?” I looked around, to see myself joined by puppets of normal pony size. It had fooled the Paraserpent! “No matter. More food for me!”

I galloped as fast as my legs and arms would allow, making straight for Twilight, ordering mentally for my puppets to do the same. It was difficult, I’d never had to coordinate this many before and under so much pressure…but I had to…I could do this.

I ducked under shot, but no more were sent my way. The forms all weaved and dodged under the attacks, two had already been destroyed by blasts. Just a little closer, almost made it…a third was gone, the Paraserpent turning its head back to me. Had it seen through my trick? No, don’t think about that, Dusk, almost there… I was going to make it.

Two blasts missed me, I leaped with all my might, hands reaching forward…and I pushed Twilight out of its coils, landing with a hard smack on the floor. Pinkie must have loosened them up. I heard it screech in frustration and rage.

Twilight was still knocked out, barely stirring but still alive. A purple essence was flowing back into her, her essence. Paraserpents couldn’t be disturbed while feeding, or else they wouldn’t get the full meal. She would be okay. Thank Celestia…I’d done it!

I then began to carrying her away, as far from the Paraserpent as possible. The others joined my effort, their spells having worn off now Twilight had been freed of the Paraserpent’s influence.

“You did it, Dusk, you did it!” Rarity exclaimed, her mane and tail now a mess.

“Yes. I can’t believe I…”

“Dusk, look out!” Leon yelled.

I had barely turned around when something grabbed my leg and began dragging back in the opposite direction, making me drop Twilight back on the ground. I tried to pull myself away, but I could already feel it draining my strength. No… I had to…to get away. My vision was blurring…strength fading…come on! Had to…had to…

But I couldn’t… I wasn’t strong enough…

“Yes, Dusk, yes.” a voice in my head spoke. The Paraserpent…tapping into my mind. “Give yourself to me, let your strength become mine.”

No… I couldn’t give in… Could I? Maybe I could…maybe it wouldn’t hurt…maybe it would be better…

“Of course, it will be. Your life has meant nothing. You know this, I know this. Stop fighting, become my food.”

Yes…stop fighting…what have you accomplished in your life, Dusk? What have you done? But…Twilight…her friends…

“Why would they care? They don’t care about you, they never have. Celestia played you for a fool, making you think they did. They’re not your friends, they won’t even miss you. Do not worry, for when I take your energy, I shall destroy her in your name. She will pay for what she has done to both of us.”

Yes…yes, make her pay. She’d hurt me, they all had…let him take your strength, give in to him…I opened my eyes, expecting to see them running and leaving me…alone…to die…

But they weren’t. I couldn’t hear them, but I could see them. Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were with Twilight, watching in horror, along with Leon. Rainbow Dash, Shield, Dog, and Applejack were trying to get at the Paraserpent, but it was pushing them away with its coils…they were trying to save me…they were worried about me…if they didn’t care, why were they trying to save me?

Because they’re your friends. Another voice said in my head. My own. You may not see yourself as special, but they do. They want to save you because they genuinely care. That's something no princess can tell them to do. What does that tell you?

“What? No, what is this? Do not listen…!”

You know they care, Dusk Noir. They have done all along. Don’t push them away again, give them a chance. You might find you’ll actually like the friendship they want to offer. You Pinkie promised. Do it for them…for Twilight.

“Yes…” It took so much effort to force myself back to reality. “For…Twilight…all of…them…”

“What? No! You will be my food!” It wrapped tighter around me, trying to regain control. But I was stronger, stronger than I ever believed. With a great bout of effort, I turned my head to look right into its eyes, tapping into my power.

“Not…with me…you’re…NOT!” I yelled this last bit as I moved my claw and grabbed its coil. I then felt as the palm of my claw began to get hotter and hotter until it was so hot it felt like a burning fire, but not to me, but to the Paraserpent.

I watched as it screeched in pain. I even watched as its coil began to turn coal black and crumble apart. I even saw it run away from me while I ripped a piece, which crumbled to dust, right off it, my ears assaulted with the horrible sounds of the monster, screeching in pain. I was still able to stand and I looked to see the Paraserpent trying to make its escape. But I wasn’t gonna let get away, not after what he did to me and my friends.

I then grabbed Twilight, put her on my back, and went off to chase the Paraserpent on the way out. I even heard the others following me as I did. I even managed to hear them talk as we ran.

“He took quite a beatin’.” Applejack remarked. “Is he gonna be alright?”

“He’ll be fine.” Dog said with his own knowledge of my heritage. “Remember, he’s a Fire Dragon and they’re the toughest elementals I know.”

“I hope you’re right.” Rainbow said.

A resounding crack was heard and chunks of the ceiling began to fall. The Paraserpent, who’s writhing, was making it collide with the walls, was causing the whole cave to begin collapsing around them. Now we had another reason to move quickly.

“Come on, everypony, let’s move! Hurry, before we’re buried!” I led the group, as we began to sprint out of the cavern, debris falling all around us.

I was hindered more than the others, due to the unconscious mare on my back, but I kept going. This was my way of saying thank you to her, for putting up with me and trying to be my friend…for still wanting to be my friend.

The cave was collapsing with increased frequency. We had a few near misses, a chunk almost crushing us or impeding our progress, but we all sprinted, jumped, flew and ducked under the stone that threatened us. Straight ahead, right, right again, then left…we might make it.

“Mmm…wha…where…am I…?” Twilight was beginning to stir on my back. If she could move under her own steam, we could be out a lot more quickly.

“Twilight, we’re in the Everfree Forest.” I called out. “Don’t worry, we’re going to be…”

A crack above me cut me off. I whipped my head up to see a large piece of stone falling towards me. There wasn’t time to move…but I could save her. I bucked her off my back, sending her forward. I tried to run…


A sharp pain travelled up my leg, the one the stone landed on. I felt the bones shatter. Such mind-numbing pain…I couldn’t move, it hurt so much…I could see the others rushing over, helping Twilight…what were they doing?

“You shall not capture me or leave here alive!” That screeching was getting quieter. The Paraserpent…it was getting away…

“Dusk!” Twilight had regained her senses. She levitated the stone from my leg and tried to move me. “Come on, we have to move!”

“Just go.” I grimaced. “If that thing gets away, Equestria is doomed. Go, run! I’m not important…not compared to you.”

“You’re important to us, Dusk…to me.” Seeing Twilight look like that made my heart wrench. I felt my claws and hooves leave the floor, as I was lifted up into the air.

“We’ve got him!” Rainbow yelled. “Keep going!”

Suspended between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, I was carried through the cave. The sounds of rage were getting louder, but we were almost out…we were so close…it hurt…the pain…

I could see the entrance, the mouth of the cave. It was getting closer…unlike the Paraserpent, screaming its displeasure at being denied its meal. They weren’t going to give up on me…none of them were. Had to…stay…awake...

I felt cool air, saw the night sky. We’d made it out! I heard as the entrance collapsed, turned to see the avalanche of boulders and stones blocking the way. We were safe though somepony didn’t have much time to feel relief like the others.

“Wait, El Dragon?” Twilight said as Rainbow and Fluttershy gently got me to the ground. “But I thought…”

Judging by her shocked expression, I had to guess that she wasn’t able to see me clearly. Couldn’t blame her. It was night, so it got darker in the cave and the shadows concealed my elemental form.

“Twilight, I already know what you’re thinkin’ and I’m gonna tell ya right now that the dragon right there is Dusk.” Applejack said, trying to catch her up on everything.

“Dusk?” She said as she looked at me with eyes widen with shock and I gave her an embarrassed smile.

“Hey, Miss Sparkle.” I said to her, confirming the whole suspicion.

“But…how?” She asked.

“It’s a long story.” Shield said to her before speaking to me. “You okay there, bud?”

“Yeah…I’m fine.” I said as I could still feel the pain in my leg. “Leg’s a little broken, but…I’ll live.”

We then heard screeching and looked and saw the Paraserpent standing in front of us as it glared at us, no doubt completely dumbstruck by our escape from the cave. Guess he wanted to see our demise.

My team and the girls were ready to give it a beating, but I rose my claw to the side and said “No. This battle’s mine.”

“No, Dusk! You’re hurt!” Twilight was by his side in an instant. Soon, the others were too. “Your leg might be broken, we need to get you to a hospital!”

“Yeah. Let us take care of this snake.” Shield said.

“No. I started the fight. Now I’ll finish it.” I said, trying to fight against the pain in my leg and using it.

“Trying to face me alone with a broken leg?” it said with a grin across its face. “You have got to be the dumbessssst Fire Dragon I ever met.”

“We’ll just see about that.” I said as both of us got ready for battle, with me only squinting a little from the pain. The Paraserpent reviled, hissing in hatred. We then charged at each other, causing the most brutal fight I have ever done. It seemed stronger than I expect and I found out why as it told me after it tossed me away.

“Inssssssolent colt!” it hissed as it got ready for another attack. “When I fed on you, I received your own strength. So I have the advantage over you!”

He kept attacking me over and over, making every other part of me hurt as bad as my leg.

Though I heard Twilight try to help me, Shield stopped her and told her that this was my fight and mine alone.

I was almost finished and the Paraserpent was ready to deliver the final blow.

I couldn’t move and everypony couldn’t do anything to stop it.

It seemed like it was all over, until I heard everypony’s plead for me to get up and defeat the Paraserpent.

I even heard Shield, Rainbow, Pinkie, Leon, Fluttershy, Rarity, Dog, Applejack, and Twilight plead out my name one at a time in that order. Then something inside me sparked and I felt my strength returning.

The Paraserpent swung its tail to strike me, but I managed to grab it and my hand began to heat up again. I then got back on my feet and began tossing around the Paraserpent, where I guess Shield and Rainbow would say “giving it a free helicopter ride.”

Then the part of its tail in my claw broke off, sending it flying its head against a tree.

“Looks like this battle’s over and you’ve lost.” I said as I walked towards it.

“NO! I have waited too long! I will not be denied thisssss!” It raised its head, exposed long fangs. He was now fully ticked off.

Then I pointed my horn at it and, unexpectedly, I felt some of my special and my elemental power coming together at the tip of my horn, forming a large orb of color and fire.

“Surrender, Paraserpent.” I commanded. “Give yourself up and you shall be shown mercy.”

“I will never sssssssurrender to you!” It screeched. “Who do you think you are?!”

“Someponies call me a nopony, some call me a hero. You… Just call me…El Dragon!” I said and then I fired the orb right at it. It tried to fight back with what I have to guess is some leftover essence from both me and Twilight and blasted it right at the orb. Though it seemed like it over powered it, but then the orb overcome its blast and hit it, causing a huge explosion and sending it flying. I then watch it land only a yard away, hiss at me and then slithered away.

Then everpony came over to congratulate me for my victory. The next thing I knew, Rainbow actually said “Looks like I was right…you are awesome.”

“I was just…doing the right thing…the only right thing I’ve done…since I got here, I guess.” I could still feel the pain, like fire in my leg.

“You’re going to be okay, Dusk, we’ll get you out of here.” Twilight whispered. “I promise.”

“Really?” I looked up at her, giving a weak smile. “Do you…Pinkie promise?”

“Dusk, you know I do.”

I smile for a while before I felt a stitch and began falling to the ground, where I became too weak to even stay in my elemental form.

My vision blurring, I could make out the girls and the guys rushing towards me. I even saw Celestia and Dragonis coming to me. I wondered what they were doing here…the last thing I heard was Twilight calling my name.


Author's Note:

They have done it! After managing to defeat the decieiving Paraserpent, Dusk and his friends have managed to rescue the Mane 6. But what will happen now? Find out next time!

That was a great two parter, huh? I also added that classic "Previously on" part to give some real flare. Though the story's not over yet! There's still a few more surprises coming up, so stay tuned! Hope you all liked the two part! Don;t forget to comment and rate the story to tell me what you think!:pinkiehappy: