• Published 10th May 2019
  • 1,238 Views, 8 Comments

Rise of the Element Gang, Book 1: The Adventure Begins - Power of Six

Ponyville is about to get four brand new heroes. What will happen when these new heroes meet the Mane 6?

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Chapter 7: Apologies and Tea

Chapter 7: Apologies and Tea

Me and the guys arrived at the library, just as the sun was starting to fully rise on the horizon. The streets were becoming a lot busier with all the ponies ready to begin a new day to work hard and be happy. I was lucky to conceal my tail as a pony tail just in time as we entered town.

Me, Shield, and Dog shouted as the ponies we sprinted past jumped out of our way, the three of us shouting out for them to get out of the way in our own ways.

“Excuse me!”

“Out of the way!”

“Comin’ through!”

After moving out of the way, some ponies exclaimed about being careful, some cheered like they knew what we were doing, what I was going to do. And I smiled at all of them that I passed by.

Normally, I would be doing my best to blend in with the crowd, the guys would do the same. You know, to keep our cover and not drag attention to ourselves. Today though, I didn’t care that I stood out from everypony else, that everypony could see me. I was a stallion on a mission.

Shield’s view

Seeing how focused Dusk was at getting to the library, I decided to pull a little trick. With this, I sped off and managed to get to the door before Dusk and Dog. When I reached the library doors, I could hear voices inside. I put my ear to the door to listen. It was Spike and Twilight. They were talking about Dusk.

“Do you think he’ll be coming back?” Spike was asking.

“I don't know, Spike.” she replied with dismay. “He was really upset from yesterday. We looked everywhere for him, but when we found him, he said he wanted to be alone when they found him.”

“I know. Poor guy. I hope he’s okay.” Spike sighed. “You know, I still wonder why he ran off after what happened with Rainbow Dash. I mean, he didn’t seem to have a problem when he dropped all those books on rarity. Though that was kinda my fault.”

“There’s no time to wonder about why he ran away, Spike. We still need to try and find him. If we leave now, he might be at his house, Applejack and Dog can tell us where it is.”

“Twilight…what if he’s…left?”

“What? No, why would he leave? That's ridiculous!” There was silence. “You don’t think he really would…do you?”

“I don’t know,” her assistant said unsurely, “but Shield said he was pretty upset. He could have gone back to Canterlot. I’m just guessing, but…”

“I really hope you're wrong.” she said sincerely. "It would be such a shame if he did. We barely even had the chance to get to know him. We could have been great friends.”

I smiled from what I was hearing. Just like I told Dusk, if he had left, the girls would have missed him, would have regretted not getting to know him better. Sometimes, I wonder how Dusk can’t seem to get it that this is what it was like to have ponies that care about you. To have…friends.

Before I could listen anymore, I heard some shouting from behind and looked to see Dusk and Dog still racing toward the library. Seeing how determined Dusk was and how I was already at the door, I then decided to pull a little prank on my little blue bud. Just when he was close enough to the door, I opened the door and let Dusk do the rest of the work. Dusk and Dog tried to stop from heading straight through the door, but only Dog managed it while Dusk was still working on the breaks. Didn’t think he was moving that fast but he did ʹcause I ended up seeing him trip right at the door and flung himself into the library, screaming as he flew through the door and grunt as he crashed on the floor.

Dusk’s view

Well, that wasn’t how I thought I was gonna get in here. Flying straight through the door and with my back on floor. After recovering from landing on the floor, I looked at Shield as he laughed which made me glare at him.

“Got ya, dude!” Shield said as he continued laughing.

“A door prank? Really?” I said to Shield as I got back up and dusted myself off, angry with him for doing that. “Real mature, Shield. Real mature.”

“Oh, come on! I’m just messing with ya.” He said to me as Dog got in here.

“Dusk!” I heard Spike and Twilight say as I turned around and saw them as they hurried to me, relief breaking out across their faces.

“Hey, guys.” I said, still feeling ashamed about what he had put them through.

“We were so worried about you.” Twilight said to me, her voice ebbing with concern. “Are you okay? Where did you go?”

“I just went home,” I told her, “and I’m fine. Well, I’m fine now. I was given some…” I looked to Shield and Dog as they straightened proudly, “valuable advice."

“Wait a sec, I thought you told Dog and Applejack you wanted to be alone.” Spike pointed out.

“Well…it’s because I was trying to go back to Canterlot.” I said and I felt so ashamed to say that, that I almost left everypony. “I thought you all pretty much hated me. But I saw that you guys were trying to find me and I just turned you away.”

“Dusk, it’s okay…” Twilight began, but I wasn’t finished.

“No, it isn’t okay. I made you, your friends, and the guys worry, all because I lost my nerve from what happened with Rainbow. I’ve only been here such a short time, I…I didn’t think I’d matter all that much to you. You tried to make friends with me and I just pushed you away. All I can say is…that I’m sorry. I truly am. But, if you don’t want to be friends with me anymore, I’ll understand.”

With all that said, I hung his head and waited for what she would have to say. Part of me told him to not even begin to hope for forgiveness, that there was no way she would. But another part of me, part that I started listening to when me and the guys teamed up, said that there was still hope. Today, I found myself listening that side of me once again.

“Dusk,” Twilight said in a gentle voice that caused me to raise my head, “of course I still want to be friends with you. It was just an accident, what happened yesterday. Rainbow Dash wasn’t even mad at you for it. You didn’t have to get so upset about it, but I can understand you wanted to make a good first impression. You certainly managed that.”

“Yeah.” agreed Spike. “If you ask me, I think you're going to make a great second assistant, and a good friend. Though, it might not work out if you're just gonna run off every time you do something stupid.”

“Spike!” Twilight berated.

“What? I'm just saying.”

“Well, that’s kinda how Dusk is.” Dog said to them, smiling.

“Yeah, Dusk is the pony who tries not to do something stupid.” Shield said, sharing the same smile. “And every time he does, he freaks out about it and tries everything he can to make up for it.” I blushed and scratched the back of my head in embarrassment when he said “I mean, seriously, he once actually bowed and said ‘I’m sorry’ to a mare he accidently spilled a bunch of donuts on back at Canterlot.”

“Yeah, Spike and these guys aren’t wrong.” I said to Twilight, chuckling a little. “It’s fine, Twilight, they’re right. I’ll try and keep my hooves rooted to the floor in future.” Then I gave a look of shame as I said “I’m sorry again, Twilight.”

“That’s alright, Dusk, I forgive you. I’m just glad that you're alright.” She gave me another smile that made me feel warm inside. Or maybe that was my elation that part of me had been right. “You know, we didn’t get time to sort through those old books yesterday. Would you like to help Spike with that?”

“Actually, if you wouldn’t mind, Twilight, there’s still some ponies I need to make amends with…if I could.”

“Of course.” she said immediately. “Go ahead, take your time. We’ll be waiting for when you get back.”

“Thank you, I’ll see you later. Thanks for giving me another chance.”

“It’s no problem. And, Dusk?” I turned back as I reached the door. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

“Alright. Thanks.” With one last smile, I exited back out into the street with Shield and Dog following behind.

As we made our way to the marketplace, where I hoped to find her at her stall, I still couldn’t quite believe what had just happened. Contrary to all of my fears, Twilight had forgiven me, given me a second chance. Not only that, but she still wanted to be my friend. I’d never felt so happy about anything in all of my life. The chances that the girls would forgive me now increased as did the smile on my face.

We arrived at the marketplace, still receiving friendly greetings and smiles from everypony that passed us by, which I gladly returned with the guys.

“There she is!” Dog said as he spotted her straight away, standing by her cart of apples, apple pie, and apple-treats. Just seeing her made the smile on my face seem brighter.

“Applejack!” I called, me and the guys striding over to her.

“Well, do my eyes deceive me? Howdy, Dusk!” She gave him that smile as he walked over, which then changed to an expression of concern. “Ya gave us quite a scare yesterday. We looked all over for ya, sugarcube.”

“I know.” I said to her, affirming it. “I went back to my house. Guess Dog showed you where I live, huh?”

“Yep.” she told me. “Why didn’t ya let me and Dog in? We were worried about ya.”

“I…well, my head was…a complete mess, to be honest. I was stressed from what happened with Rainbow and I just wanted to be left alone. But I realize now that what I really needed was somepony to talk to. I’m sorry for what I said to you and Dog, Applejack, even after you told me I could talk to you if I needed it and…I’m sorry for making you worry. I guess, I’m just stupid.”

“Aw, Dusk.” She had a sympathetic smile on. “Ya ain't stupid. I understand how ya musta felt. Ya just need yourself a lil' more confidence and to remember that everypony makes mistakes. You’re no different.”

“You mean that?” I couldn’t believe what she just said.

“Course I do.” She placed a hoof on my shoulder. “I know, from what ya said, that ya might not have had any friends 'fore us or Dog and the other fellas. But ya do now and ya don’t have to face your problems alone or be afraid to tell yer friends anythin’. You’re forgiven, just…don’t forget who your friends are, okay?”

“Oh, I won’t. I’ll never forget again.” Feeling relieved that she had forgiven me, I gave her my brightest smile. “Thank you, Applejack. I’m glad that you think of me as your friend.”

“And Ah’m glad we are. Here, have an apple, on the house again.” She tossed one from the applecart, which I managed to catch and eat with my mouth, though he did choke on it a little. “Whoa now! Don’t bite off more’n you can chew.”

“AJ, I’ve tellin’ this fella that since the day we met.” Dog said to me as he gave me the Heimlich.

“Ack! Story of my life—ahem!” I said, once I was done choking. “Thanks, Applejack, I’ll see you later.”

“Hope so.” she called out.

“Hey, Dusk, mind if I stay here and help AJ out with the sales?” Dog asked me.

“Not at all. Guess I’ll see you later too!” I said to him.

“See ya later, Dusk!” Dog said to me as I ran off in search of my next apology recipient with Shield following behind.

I still coughed a little from the apple he had eaten. It had been coming straight for my mouth, and I’d felt the urge to try something…different. Maybe it was just a spur of the moment type of thing, combined with the increased elation that I felt from having succeeded twice now with my new…friends.

I still couldn’t quite believe that I could now think of the girls as such and not feel uncomfortable doing so. They weren’t just being nice to me. They genuinely wanted to be my friends. Well, two of them anyway. It was time to see if I could make it three.

Me and Shield scanned the skies for any sign of her, perhaps soaring by like a bird or just resting on top of a cloud.

“Look! There’s Dash!” Shield as he found her doing the former of what I thought, indicated by the sudden rush of wind as she zoomed by us. I was about to call out to her, but it was she who spotted me.

“Dusk!” She swooped at me, but couldn’t quite slow herself down. She crashed and skidded to a halt in front of him, leaving a trench of dirt behind her.

“Hello, Rainbow. Here.” I said to her as I helped her up to her hooves, making sure she wasn’t hurt.

“Thanks. Don’t worry, I’ve had worse crashes.” she assured me with that confident air of hers. “Good to see you, my fellow master of cool color.”

“I wouldn't say that. You’re way better than me.” he said modestly, flushing again.

“Hm, probably. Good that you know your place.” She laughed and clapped me on the back. “Just messing with ya, Dusky. As far as I’m concerned, you’re just as cool as me and I don’t often say that.”

“I bet.” I chuckled, smiling appreciatively. “Thanks, Rainbow.”

“No problem. Now, where're you and Shield off to?”

“We were looking for you actually.” Shield said to her.

“Oh, really? Well, you found me.” she declared before speaking to me. “Did you want to do some more practice?”

“Well, on the subject of that,” I began, “I came to say that…I’m sorry for making you crash yesterday. I just…lost control of that last loop, couldn't tone down the brightness. You weren’t too badly hurt, were you?”

“That?” She scoffed dismissively. “That was nothing. Just a few bruises and a small headache. Hey, hey,” she said as my face fell, “it’s fine, really. It could’ve been a lot worse, but it wasn’t. Besides, I don’t blame you for what happened. You did seem nervous about it, so I guess I should’ve picked up sooner.”

“So…we’re cool?” I asked.

“Sure we are.” she said. “That was a pretty awesome practice, besides the crashing of course. I should get you to help me more often, maybe we can work it into my routine somehow!”

“I don't know about that…” I said unsurely. “But thanks for, you know, not holding it against me. I’ve got to be going, so see you around?”

“Just look to the sky," she told him. “And Dusk? Don’t worry, I’ve not told anypony about…you know, that. I just told my friends yesterday that it was my own fault I crashed. Your secret’s still safe.”

“Rainbow…” I couldn’t believe that she'd kept her word, that she could be trusted with one of my biggest secret. “Thank you, so much. It really means a lot.”

“Alright, alright, don't get mushy on me.” she warned jokingly. “I might just rescind the ‘cool’ thing if you do. But…it’s no problem.” She then looked at Shield and said “Hey, Shield, want to get back to practicing our moves before you, you know, ran out?”

“Heck yeah!” Shield said and the two looked at each other with looks that could only belong to daredevils ready to a stunt.

“Sorry, Dusk. Got to make sure we’re ready to show to the Wonderbolts.” Shield said to me.

“Don’t worry about it.” I said to him as he Rainbow got Shield on a cloud. “Just be careful!”

“Don’t be such a worry wart!” Shield said to me before he clung onto the cloud, ready to get going. “Catch ya later!”

With that, Rainbow took off once more, cutting through clouds like a knife through butter, her rainbow trailing behind her. Shield did the same by using his tail like a propeller and flying off on the cloud like Rainbow. Great, now I had two Shields. Though this was still good.

Another one down. I happily thought, trotting to find his remaining pony to apologies to.

Now my happiness was doubly increased. Not only did Rainbow Dash think of me as a friend, but she thought that I was…cool. In all my life, the only pony who ever said I was cool was Shield. Hearing her say that, it was even better that she knew how big my secret was and not told anypony about it. I had a newfound respect for her, knowing that she could be trusted with it.

I thought back to my “special talent” as I walked along to the Carousel Boutique. If she thought it was cool, would it be too much to hope other girls would like it too? Would I be able to show it to them as well, to no longer keep it hidden?

No, Dusk. He dismissed. Aim high, but don't go for a miracle. Make amends first. Perhaps, in time.

Crossing over a bridge, he arrived at the fashion establishment. Set in a small area of grass, and looking just like a fairground carousel, it wasn't exactly difficult to miss. Rarity certainly knew how to give a good aesthetic appeal.

Even though he had been successful with the others, I felt most nervous about this one. Sure, she was my cousin, but she was also the only mare that really scared me. If she was mad with me, Celestia knows what she might do. Though I still needed make amends, no matter how terrifying it may be.

Taking a deep breath, I stepped inside, a small bell jingling above the door that announced my arrival. I looked around at the various suits and gowns displayed on dress forms, when the proprietor appeared from the counter. She really had done good with herself for the past few years.

Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, how may I help you tod…” She stopped when she realized who it was, her customer smile forming into a real one. “Why, Dusk! This is a surprise. So nice of you to drop by.”

“Hello, Rare.” I greeted with an incline of his head. She didn't seem angry. “I’m not disturbing anything, am I?”

“Of course not, not at all. Today has actually been a slow day, so I'm glad to see a friendly face.” she said with a flutter of her eyelashes. “Now, to what do I owe this pleasure?”

At least this one didn’t make me blush. “Um…I’ve come to make amends.”

“Make amends? Why, whatever for?”

“For yesterday.” he elaborated. “Rainbow told me she told you of what happened and, seeing how she’s your friend and all, I want to say I’m sorry for what I done.”

She stared at him for a few seconds, evidently quite astonished at what he had just said. Then, she gave a small laugh and a reassuring smile.

“Dusk, I must say I am…pleased and surprised at this. You really are quite chivalrous, but an apology is unnecessary.”

“It is?” Why was that?

“Well, for you anyway.” she clarified. “If anypony should be apologizing, it’s me.”

“Rare, I already forgave you for your outburst.” I said to her.

“It’s not just that.” She said to me. “I have a tendency to…overreact about this kind of thing.” I rolled my eyes at that because I already knew that. “Why, before all of that, I promised to Twilight that I would use only kind words with you. Needless to say, I broke that promise and I am very sorry. And I threatened my own family, no less. We haven’t seen each other in moons and I almost hurt you when I really should’ve been more kind to you. Can you ever forgive me?”

Somehow, I was even more surprised at this. I knew that she had said that she would be nice to me, but I didn’t expect her to take responsibility for her own mistake at breaking that promise. Like the others, she didn’t blame me and she still wanted to be his friend. I didn’t know if she did this because she was my cousin, but, whatever reason, this was great!

I…I accept your apology, Rarity.” he said happily. “As long we can still be friends, its water under the bridge, as they say.”

“Splendid!" She returned his smile. “I’m glad that we can put that behind us. I’m happy that you see me as your friend, Dusk.”

“Me too.” He turned to go. “Right, I’d best get out of your mane, so if you'll excuse me, cuz.”

“Oh, don’t be silly. Like I said, you’re not interrupting anything and you went out of your way to come and see me, which is very sweet of you. Why don’t you stay for some tea? We can have a nice chat, catch up what has been going on.”

You…you don't mind?” I asked, pleased that I was making a little more progress.

Of course not.” she said delicately. “Now, why don’t you head off into the kitchen and I’ll make us a pot of tea. I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

I did so, walking through the door she indicated. It was a pleasant kitchen with everything neat and tidy, meticulously placed so Rarity might know where it all was. He spotted the table by the window, but didn’t take a seat. I stood and waited for my kind host.

She came through not long after, levitating a fine antique teapot, with matching cups and saucers. She placed them on the table, along with pots of sugar and cream. She looked at me quizzically, as I stood by the table.

“Aren’t you going to take a seat, Dusk?”

Remembering that book that I had read on etiquette and wanting to continue to make a good impression on her, I smartly said: “A gentlecolt does not sit with a mare, until she is seated first. Allow me.” I pulled out her cushion for her.

“Oh, my! Still as gracious as ever I see.” She gave a grateful smile and sat herself down smartly. “And you insist that you’re not a gentlecolt.”

“I have my moments.” I replied as I sat opposite her.

“Well, I’d say that this is one of them. Much like when I first visit I gave you at Canterlot.” She smiled as she poured him a cup of tea, allowing me to add cream and sugar of my preference. “So, Dusk, tell me, how are you adjusting to life in Ponyville?”

“Quite well, recently. I mean, now I’ve turned myself around after…yesterday.” I took a sip from my tea before continuing. “But yes, it is getting better and will do, I hope. It helps that everypony here is really welcoming and kind.”

“Marvelous!” she remarked. “I’m very pleased to hear that. Yes, this is a nice place to live, but it must be quite a leap after living in Canterlot.”

“It has been, yes.” he admitted. “But, I think I prefer it here. It’s just so much more…happy and friendly. Not that there’s anything wrong with my home, but…I feel more at home here than there, if that makes sense.”

“I suppose it does.” Rarity nodded. “But still, I envy you and Twilight for living in Canterlot. I said the same to her, when she first came here. I’ve always dreamed of living there, you know.”

“Yes, you’ve told me before and I can understand why.” I let her drink a little tea before continuing. “And like before, Rarity, you would fit right in Canterlot.”

“You really think so?” she asked hopefully.

“Of course you would. If I may, you have the poise, the grace, the sophistication to carry yourself off. If I didn’t know you, I would’ve said that you must have moved from Canterlot too at some point.”

“Oh, Dusk, stop. You're making my cheeks go red.” She gave a little titter. “Why, with such a pleasant attitude, it’s no wonder you know the rest of my wonderful friends here and managed to make some as well.”

“I’m just glad I was fortunate to meet as friendly a group as you girls here in Ponyville. I was also glad that I met Shield and the others. I’m very…grateful to you all.”

“I appreciate it, so do Shield and the others, and the girls will too, I’m sure. What do you think of them all? Do you like having us as friends?”

“Oh, yes.” he quickly said. “You, of course, have been kind with me, having me stay for tea. Like I said, you have the sophistication and class that reminds me of home. Though…I don’t think I can ever forget to cross you after what happened with Leon.”

“I suppose I might have left that sort of impression in my last visit.” She said to me. “But I’m sure you’ll be more careful. Applejack said that she took you for a decent pony the moment she saw you. Dog even supported it by telling us what a wonderful friend you’ve been to him.”

“I’m…I’m very glad to hear that. Yes, I like Applejack too. She was quick to make friends and I’m happy that she was. Reminds the time I met Dog. Even her hoofshake gave me déjà vu.” Rarity giggled a bit at the thought of it. “I like Rainbow Dash too. She’s good friend and amazing flyer.”

“Hard to argue with that. Though, I must say, if she carries on like, she's more than likely to hurt herself at some stage. Much like that Steedor friend of yours.”

“Speaking of which, he and Rainbow are working together now.”

“Really? That’s quite surprising.”

“Yeah, she’s even letting him stay with her.”

“Oh!” She then gave me a sly smile where I saw what she was thinking what Shield and Rainbow living together meant. “My, my, I wonder what made her to allow somepony to share her abode. Maybe she’s now seeking a little companionship? Knowing the two of them, I think they would look lovely together.”

“Okay, I see the guys already rubbed off on ya.” I said with a sullen face. “And I highly doubt she plans anything like that. If she’s anything like Shield, then she isn’t seeking any relationship of that nature.”

“Well, we’ll have to wait and see how well it goes, now don’t we?” She then returned to her original demeanor as she continued talking. “Pinkie Pie mentioned that she knows you too.”

“Hm, yes.” He smiled fondly at the thought of her. “I’m in a debt of gratitude to her, even if she is a bit…eccentric.” Rarity giggled a little at that. “I guess I’ll have to get used to it. Same with Fluttershy. I owe her a bit as well.”

“Oh you’ve met Fluttershy?” She smiled again. “I’m sure you got on well. You remind me a lot of her, you know. In a good way, I mean.”

“We did and I know what you mean. She and I seem quite alike, as far as personality anyway. Speaking of Fluttershy, Leon is living with her.”

She then gave a look of shock after I said that. “That stallion is staying with her?!”

Okay, I guess you’re wondering why Rarity is so shocked about this. Well, the truth is that her last visit was when she first met Leon, who, like with every other mare in Canterlot that caught his eye, flirted with her like the predator he was. She was worried about what Leon would do to Fluttershy by living with her.

“Look, I know when you first met him, he came out as a shameless flirt, but he’s not like that with her. He’s even helping her with her animals.”

“Really?” she arced a brow as she sipped her tea.

“Really. He was all tired out from it when I saw him this morning. And, with how Fluttershy was when I met her, I’m pretty sure he didn’t do anything what you think he would do to her.” I said to her and she managed to calm down. “Anyway, getting back on topic, I like her too.”

“And Twilight? What are your thoughts on her?” she asked.

Strangely, my thoughts now became centered on just her. Her shining lilac coat, her learned intellect, and dedication to study, not to mention her talent in magic. My months of hoping, of wishing to be her friend, now fulfilled after so long. These and so many other things. Just the thought of them made my smile grow wider and my cheeks grow warmer.

“Well…I’m just glad to finally know her.” I simply said.

“I think I know what you mean.” She gave me a sort of knowing look as she took another sip of her tea. “I think I know exactly what you mean.”

“What…what do you mean by that?” Had I said something? Did she know something?

“I’m not sure. It might be too early to say yet but…there's a chance, I suppose.” Rarity gave me a lingering stare, her eyes shining. Then she waved it away. “Oh, never mind, it's nothing.”

“Alright, if you say so.” We resumed their conversation, but I still couldn’t help but wonder one thing: what had she meant about me and Twilight? Why, for some reason, did I agree on whatever it was being too early, like I knew what she meant?

Why did I suddenly hope that, whatever it was she meant, might change in the future? I’d figure it out later…maybe. For now, I allowed myself this triumph, having successfully made amends with them all. Being able to call them…my friends.

I didn’t really know what tasted better: the tea I was drinking or how happy I felt at the thought of it.

Author's Note:

Dusk has finally done it. He's made amends with the girls. All that is not left for him and the Element Squad to thank them for saving Equestria from Nightmare Moon. Though Dusk has brought up a good question: what exactly did Rarity mean by she knew what he meant? There's more to come next time!

Okay, guys. I see that many of you like this story and are really giving great comments on it. Which is why I have an announcement. After I am done with the story, I will be posting a Q&A so you all can be able to ask all the questions you have about the story so far and get your answers. That's all I have to say for now! Don't forget to rate and comment the story!