• Published 10th May 2019
  • 1,238 Views, 8 Comments

Rise of the Element Gang, Book 1: The Adventure Begins - Power of Six

Ponyville is about to get four brand new heroes. What will happen when these new heroes meet the Mane 6?

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Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings

Chapter 1: Humble Beginnings

"Hey, look, it’s Dusk." a unicorn mare said to her friend.

"Oh, you’re right." she replied before she spoke to me. "Morning, Dusk."

“Good morning.” I said to her as me and the guys walked past them in the halls of school, her and her friend no doubt noticing the smile on my face.

“Wow, he seems to be in a good mood today.” The unicorn mare who spoke to me said to her friend.

"Yeah.” She said. “I still can’t believe that’s the same stallion when we were little. He was always lonely and he never talked to anypony. Compared to him, Twilight Sparkle was more sociable.”

"Yeah. He sure has changed since he got his entourage with him." she replied as they passed on, resuming their previous conversation.

Thanks to my super hearing, I was able to hear what those mares were saying and I smiled that they were right. Back then, I was Mr. Solitary, quiet, reserved and always on his own, as far as everypony was concerned. I had most ponies describe me as “dark” and “mysterious.” One time, somepony compared me to Nightmare Moon, due to my fur color. To my own eyes, I was completely unremarkable and not worth bothering with. Besides being El Dragon, I was just your average, run-of-the-mill unicorn. After Shield and the others came along, I became the talk of the whole school. Everypony looked at me as though I was a caterpillar who went through metamorphous into a butterfly. As of now, they only call me “mysterious” because I do tend to surprise ponies when they least expect it. No matter how many times I tell myself, I’m still amazed how much better my life has been since I began my friendship with the guys. They all really helped me change for the better and bring some light into my life.

“Oh! I can’t believe I’m gonna be spending hours in a room full of nothing but books.” Leon groaned in annoyance as we continued to the school library.

“Would you relax, Leon?” I said to him. “We’re just gonna spend some time in one of my old regular haunts in this school.”

“It’s your only haunt in this school.” Leon said to me. “Before you met us, it was just your only haunt.”

He was right though. Back then, this was the only place where I usually hang out besides my own room. How sad was that. But I thought of myself as just a bother to everypony and thought that just meant I was out of everypony’s way and I wouldn't bother anypony. I really thought nopony would be wanting to waste their time on me. Though, thanks to the guys, I ended up getting more haunts like the cloud stadium we would go with Shield to watch the Wonderbolts derby. The reason for that is that Shield is a huge fan of the Wonderbolts, just only the elite air stunt group in Equestria. Ever since he was a little colt, he had dreamed of joining them. It’s crazy, right? Even though he had the ability to walk on clouds like a Pegasus, which we still have no idea how he’s able to do that, he was still an Earth pony and the Wonderbolts are made of pegasi.

But that doesn’t stop him. He practically practices every day to perfect some air stunt tricks he wants to show the Wonderbolts when he auditions for a spot. And I’m getting off topic. Anyway, that ain’t the only spot in Canterlot I enjoy besides the library. There’s also the art gallery, Restaurant Row, Joe's donut shop, and Cinnamon Chai's Tea and Cake Shop and its outdoor café. Yeah, the places that Dog and Leon wanted to show me were not places we could just walk into. Yeah, not even Dragonis was willing to help us out with that. But, in all honesty, thanks to the guys, I was able to explore more of Canterlot and get some special moments in friendship. One of our regular haunts is the donut shop. Have no idea why, but it had such a great atmosphere that we just kept on coming back. Though, pushing those thoughts aside, I reminded myself that me and the guys had some work to do and I still had my own personal mission.

As we stopped at the front door to the library, I looked at a nearby window, checking to make sure I looked presentable. My tail definitely looked like that because I made it that way. Oh, almost forgot to tell you that part. For when I’m not El Dragon and out in public, I have my tail concealed to look like a regular pony tail the same color as my mane. A stallion with a dragon tail drags too much attention. I know you think a guy like me having claws does do that too, but it really doesn’t. It was actually not that odd at all. I mean, some of the ponies out there have claws and so does that busy friend of mine that I mentioned earlier. Plus, there are actually a few stallions with claws, even here in Canterlot. Though that’s beside the point. Basically, the only thing I have to comb down is my own mane.

“Guys, does my mane look alright?” I asked the guys as I turned to them.

“Hold on.” Leon said as he then went up and roughly rubbed my mane, making it all scruffy. “There. Perfect.”

“Ha-ha, very funny.” I sarcastically said as I brushed my mane back to its original state before I then began speaking out all the things that I need to fix. “Come one, guys. This is important. Does my hair look okay? Do I need to change the style of my tail? Do I have anything in my teeth? Does my fur need to be brushed down? Or maybe…”

“Dusk, would ya settle down?” Dog said to me. “You’re as nervous as a long tail cat in a room full of rockin’ chairs.”

“Yeah. Chill out, dude.” Shield said to me. “You’re just going to talk to her. It’s not like you’re asking her out.”

“I know, but Twilight isn’t like anypony else.” I said to them. “She prides herself on perfection. I need to make sure I look presentable enough for her.”

“Oh, come on!” Leon said to me in frustration. “You finally say you’re gonna talk to her after so many years and you’re doubting yourself right now?”

“Leon’s right.” Dog said to me. “You’ve been wantin’ to talk to her for a long time. Ya got nothin’ to worry about, Dusk. It’s all gonna be alright.”

“Yeah.” Shield said to me. “I mean you’ve already went against the Dark Gang, saved Equestria from the Midnight Sun, and beat every criminal in the city. What’s there to stop you now?”

I then gave it some thought and saw they were right. I had gone through thick and thin, Tartarus and back, and never once gave up. If I can be able to do all that, then I can be able to do the one thing I sent out to do for years.

“You guys are right.” I said with a smile. “I’ve gotten this far and I’m not gonna stop now.”

“That’s the spirit!” Shield said to me. “And we’ll be right behind ya like always.”

“Yeah, somepony needs to be around when she rejects you.” Leon said with a smug, which earned him a punch in the foreleg from me. “Ow.”

Approaching the doors to the library, I pushed them open and the four of us stepped in to the haven of books and silence. I liked the quiet, sometimes. It helped me to think clearly and focus my mind. Right now, I really needed to focus my mind and be calm. Okay, I bet you’re wondering what exactly is going on and who Twilight is, huh? Well, she’s a mare I have been wanting to talk to for years. She’s the reason we were here. Her name is Twilight Sparkle, the best student in this school and personal protégée of the Princess herself. Skilled in magic, incredibly studious, and a hard worker. So hard, that she never really had any time for friends and socializing. She always had her nose buried in a book, her dragon assistant always close by. He seemed to be her only friend. I only knew this because of what I had heard from conversations around the school about her.

Ponies tried to be friendly with her or ask her to parties, but she always turned them down. Always reading, always working. She’s like me from before I met the guys. She frequented the library, usually had her nose buried in a book, and didn't talk to or make friends with any other ponies like I did. After seeing how much we had in common, I actually began to hope that we could actually be friends. She was the exception I had from back when I didn’t even considered friendship. Back then, I just never really thought about speaking to anypony, especially when it was obvious they wouldn't be interested in what I said anyway and she helped me open myself to others. It’s because of her I even allowed myself to make some friends and experience the friendship I didn’t know I could have. I practically owe her for helping me become the stallion I am. That was why I was going to talk to her. Today. Right here, right now.

She helped me with friendship and it’s time I returned the favor. My plan is to wait out in the library until she arrived, then go right over and talk to her. I had the guys on lookout for her when she got there. They made sure they kept themselves hidden so they didn’t arouse suspicion. I got myself my favorite fantasy book down from one of the shelves, as well as a book on magical study. Talking to Twilight was what I always thought to myself when I entered the library. And then, I always lost my nerve to do it and left, vowing the next day I would. This time, I wasn’t gonna flake out. Today was going to be different. Today, I had the guys’ support. Today, I was going to talk to her. And maybe, just maybe, she would be my friend. I knew my chances were slim, but it was worth a shot. Taking the books I collected, I walked over to my regular table by the window, sat on a chair, set my books out in front of me and opened one of them up.

I then got my communicator out so I could check on the guys to make sure they were ready. All four of us had one. The communicators was another gift from Dragonis. They might look like pocket watches, but really they were special communication devices enlaced with a special mixture of magic and technology that allowed us to contact each other whenever we got seperated.

“Everypony in position?” I said, use the communicator and speaking quietly so nopony else didn’t overhear my conversation with the guys.

“All set over here.” Shield said over the communicator, speaking just as quiet and standing behind a bookshelf across from the window.

“Me and Leon are ready.” Dog said at the same volume as he and Leon hid behind a bookshelf across from the door. “Right, Leon?” Leon didn’t say anything. “Leon?” No response yet again and Dog decided to look behind him. “Leon?”

“Dog, come over here and check it out!” Leon quietly said as Dog saw him peeking from the corner of a bookshelf behind the bookshelf they were behind. “I found a hot bookworm over here!”

“Leon!” I said, trying to keep my voice down. “You’re supposed to be on lookout for Twilight, not ogling at the mares in here!”

“Hey, you get a girlfriend, why can’t I?” Leon said over the communicator.

“Leon, I had told you and the others a bunch of times, she is not my girlfriend!” I said to him, both angry that he wasn't trying to help me out and embarrassed that he still assumed that Twilight was my girlfriend. “And what happened to all the support you said you would give me for this?”

“That was before you said we would be staying in the house of books.” Leon said to me. “At least let me get something from all this.”

With that, I was very close to snapping. I knew that guy was a hound when it comes to pretty mares, but he couldn’t have picked the worst moment to be that pony. I literally had my communicator in a death grip and would’ve broke it if I didn’t decided for Dog to handle this.

“Dog, would you mind…” I said to my country friend.

“I’m on it.” Dog said as he then took down a book and checked its weight before he then threw it at Leon.

“Ow!” Leon yelled as he got hit in the head by the book before he turned around and glared at Dog, rubbing his head.

Dog then shoved his communicator’s screen at Leon's as I glared into it. With that, he sighed in defeat as he saw this was a battle he couldn’t win.

“Fine, I’ll watch out for her.” Leon said as he then rejoined Dog on look out.

“Thank you, Leon.” I said to them over the communicator. “And thanks for getting him back on track, Dog.”

“No problem.” Dog said as he and Leon kept an eye out for Twilight.

With all this, I then decided to read my book and while waiting for her. As my eyes traveled over the words, I began to picture her clearly in my mind. A unicorn mare with a lilac, shining coat of fur and horn that matched it. Her mane and tail were a deeper shade of purple, with streaks of purple and pink along it. Her eyes, also a deep purple, always seemed to shine with an enthusiasm and dedication for learning, twinkling like her star-shaped cutie mark.

“Uh, Dusk?” Shield said over the comm as I saw he had a smug on him. “You’re making an image of Twilight again.”

My eyes widen and I shot up my head when I looked and realized I was accidentally doing it again. A purple shimmer had appeared in the air before me, my horn aglow with magic. It formed a rough shape of her head, shining and twinkling. Hurriedly, I canceled the magic and looked around, hoping against hope nopony had seen.

I blushed and chuckled nervously in embarrassment before saying “Did you guys see that?”

“Clear as day.” Dog smugly said as he chuckled.

“Yeah, you did it once again.” Leon said, teasingly. “You sure she’s not your girlfriend?”

“Okay, that’s enough. Tell me when you see her.” I said as I then turned off my communicator, not wanting to be ridiculed about that theory of theirs about me being attracted to Twilight that way.

Sure, we had more things in common than with anypony else, but I had told the guys a bunch of times that I only see her as a friend and nothing pass it. Though maybe having stuff in common was why I felt drawn to her. Maybe it was because we seemed so much alike. Maybe I was aiming too high, since she was the Princess's personal student. What would she care about anything I, an unnoticeable nopony, had to say? Still, there was always hope. I mean, I already made friends with an adventurous jock, a faithful and strong cowpony, and an animal lover who haves moments in being a good friend. Having a friend who was like me would be easy. And so we kept at the library and waited for Twilight to show up. We waited. And waited. And waited. And waited. But she never came. We waited for hours, the guys’ patience for her getting thinner as my pile of read books kept growing steadily higher.

At one point, Leon groaned out and said “How long does it take for one mare to get to a library?”

“Just be patient, Leon.” I said to him over the comm. “She’s probably doing some studying at her private library again. She’ll be here.”

Though after saying that, I was beginning to doubt myself on that. She always came to this library every day. Why wouldn't she be here today? Why wasn't she coming?

We had waiting for so long for her that Princess Celestia had already begun to lower the sun in the sky to make room for the moon and stars. From there I had a large enough pile of books to make a fort for myself and I was stuck sulking in disappointment.

“Man, it’s getting late.” Shield said as I laid my head on the table.

“Yeah, Celestia’s already raisin’ moon.” Dog said as I then got my head up. “There hasn’t been a time when Twilight hasn’t been in this library.”

“Yeah.” Leon said. “What is that mare even doing?”

“Guys,” I said as I got up from my seat and began placing the books back on their shelves, using the comm to talk to them and giving up on waiting for her. “Let’s just go home.”

“Dusk, are ya sure?” Dog asked me as he and the others then came out of hiding and went over to me as I was putting the last of the books back on the shelves. “Ya don’t want to wait for her a little longer?”

“Yeah, what about your plan?” Shield asked me. “Aren’t you still gonna talk to her?”

“Maybe some other time, guys.” I said to them as they looked at me worryingly. “Let’s just go home. She’s not coming.”

The guys followed me as I dejectedly trudged out of the doors and back to the house.

“Sorry things didn’t work out as planned, bud.” Shield said to me as we walked through the grounds, my heart still heavy with disappointment.

“Yeah, but you can always try again.” Leon said, trying to cheer me up.

I didn’t really say anything and just continued to look at the ground. Years of waiting and preparing just for this one day and she never showed up. The time I was finally gonna talk to her and she wasn’t there. I never felt so depressed in my life. The one moment I had to have the one pony I thought I could have as my friend gone. At that moment, all I wanted to do was go home and get some rest. None seemed to change my mood until…

“Uh, guys?” Dog asked as we all looked to him. “Is it just me or does the moon look a little…different?”

With that, we were all confused as he pointed to the sky. We all looked to the moon and were shocked to see that the moon had changed. I expected to see it, shining in the night sky as always, the shape of the Mare in the Moon against it. We all did. Except that it wasn’t. The Mare in the Moon had vanished. Completely gone. Like she wasn’t even there. We weren’t the only ones to notice this phenomenon. Other ponies, either in the grounds or looking out of windows, all began gazing up at the sky. They all wondered what was going on: why had the Mare in the Moon vanished?

“Uh, Dusk?” Leon asked me. “Wasn’t there a mare-shaped shadow on the moon?”

“Yeah, there’s supposed to be.” I said to him, unsure what to say about this.

“Then why isn’t it there?” Shield said to me.

“That’s just it, I’m not sure.” I said to him. “Can’t be that we’re facing the wrong side. I’ve examined the moon and it never follows the rotation pattern, it’s always a full moon.”

“If that’s it, then why ain’t that shadow up there?” Dog asked.

I gave it some thought. Then I thought about the legend and the prophecy from one of my ancestors’ journals, the one of the Fire Dragon (Fire Dragons is what we in the Element Gang the fire elementals of the team) from over a century ago. The shadow of the mare free from the moon and with what day it was, there was no doubt that this was what was happening. That was enough to actually scare me. If all of it was true, then Equestria was doomed.

“The Mare in the Moon.” I said with fear. “It finally happened. She’s free.”

“Mare in the…what?” Shield asked me as he and the guys looked at me with confusion.

“What happened?” Leon asked.

“Who’s free?” Dog asked.

“We need to get back to the house.” I said as I got ready to run back to the house. “Now!”

With that, the four of us then ran as fast as we could back to the house and got inside, where I began to panic as this was really happening.

“I can’t believe it.” I said as I paced around the room in fear. “Why didn’t I see the signs sooner? I’m such an idiot!”

“Dusk, calm down.” Leon said, getting me out of my panic and to look at him and the guys. “Now what is exactly is going on?”

“You guys ever heard of ‘The Mare in the Moon’?” I asked them.

“The Mare in the Moon?” Leon said to me. “But that’s just an old ponies’ tale.”

“Oh, it’s real alright.” I said to them, correcting Leon. “The Mare in the Moon is as real as the sun and moon.”

“But what does that have to do with what’s happenin’ now?” Dog asked me.

“Wait here.” I said as I then went off to get the journal from my room to explain all this.

It took me a little while, but I finally I found, went back to the living room, opened it to the right page, and placed it on the table.

“A Fire Dragon journal?” Shield said as he and the others gathered around the table with me.

“Yes.” I said to him before speaking to all three of them. “This journal is from my ancestor from over a thousand years ago.”

“Okay, this is just getting us nowhere.” Leon said to me. “What does this have to do with the Mare in the Moon?”

“The page I opened to is the story of how the Mare in the Moon came to be.” I said as I began explaining what it said. “Over a thousand years ago here in Equestria, there were two regal sisters who ruled together and created harmony for all who lived in this land. To do this, the sisters would use their unicorn magic to bring forth the day and night. The eldest sister used her powers to raise the sun at dawn and the younger brought out the moon to begin the night. The two sisters maintained balance for their kingdom and their subjects, ponies of all kinds. But as time went on, the younger sister became resentful. Ponies relished and played in the day her elder sister brought forth, but shunned and slept through her beautiful night. One fateful day, the younger unicorn refused to lower the moon to make way for the dawn. The elder sister tried to reason with her to lower the moon and make way for the dawn, but the bitterness in the young one's heart had transformed her into a wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon. She vowed that she would shroud the land in eternal night. Reluctantly, the elder sister harnessed the most powerful magic known to ponydom: the Elements of Harmony. Using the magic of the Elements of Harmony, she defeated her younger sister and banished her in the moon. From there on, the elder sister would be responsible for both the sun and moon, bringing both day and night.” I looked at the guys as I finished the story. “Ever since then, harmony has been maintained in Equestria. The shadow we all saw on the moon was the corrupted younger sister imprisoned within it.”

“But that was ages ago.” Dog said to me. “Why is that such a deal now?”

“I did say she was banished there,” I said as I then turned the page, “but I didn’t say it was permeant.”

“What do you mean it wasn’t permeant?” Leon asked.

“After her imprisonment, my ancestor had a vision about her, of her banishment ending and her return to Equestria.” I said. “He left the clues in this prophecy.”

With this, I then began to read the prophecy.

Darkness of the moon,

Ruler of the night.

Mare of the Moon arise,

Bringing chaos and fright.

Thousandth day of the sun,

Her long endeavor.

Aid by the stars,

Come a lasting night forever.

After finishing that, the guys all looked at me with worry.

“Night…forever?” Leon said with fear.

“So the Mare in the Moon bein’ gone means…” Dog said to me.

“Yes.” I said as I put on a more stoic look. “After a thousand year banishment, Nightmare Moon has returned. Now that she’s free, she’ll stop at nothing until Equestria is shrouded in an eternal night.”

“But what does today have to do with it?” Shield said. “‘Thousandth day of the sun’?”

“Shield, the day of the sun means the longest day in the year.” I said to him. “Meaning Nightmare Moon would be free on the longest day in a thousand years. Which day do you think that is?”

It took a while, but Shield finally realized it and said “The Summer Sun Celebration.”

“Nightmare Moon was about to return and none of us even realized it.” I said to him and the guys.

“What do we do?” Leon asked me.

“Unfortunately we can’t do anything.” I said to them. “Nightmare Moon is a powerful magic user who’s cruelty knows no bounds. If we had our air and lightning elementals, then we would stand a chance.”

“You mean we have to sit here while that lunatic takes over Equestria?” Shield asked me.

“Of course not.” I said to him. “We’ll stand and fight. There’s no doubt in my mind that she’ll strike Canterlot first. If she isn’t stopped before she starts her conquest, then we have to do our best to protect the city.”

“Wait, ‘stopped’?” Dog said to me. “Thought ya said there ain’t a way to beat her.”

“Not entirely.” I said as I explained to my team. “As the story told us, she can only be defeated by the power of the Elements of Harmony.”

“The Elements of Harmony?” Shield asked, all four of aware of what they were. “Then why don’t we just get those gems and blast her back to the moon?”

“Because none of us know where they are.” I said to him and the guys. “Even if we did, we couldn’t be able to use them. The Elements of Harmony haven’t been used in over a thousand years. As such, they’ve lost their power.”

“Well, isn’t there a way to get the power back?” Dog asked me.

“Only one way.” I said as I began to explain. “Another prophecy states that, with Nightmare Moon’s return, the power of the Elements would be used once again. Only when six spirits unite as one will the light of harmony make all evil be undone.”

“Six?” Shield said as he noticed the number of ponies in our group. “But there’s only four of us.”

“That’s because it’s not us who will use the power of the Elements.” I said, explaining what the prophecy meant. “It has to be six brave ponies who will venture off to find the Elements and use their power to defeat Nightmare Moon. Though, whoever they are, they have to be quick before Nightmare Moon finds the Elements. With them powerless, she can easily destroy them.”

“So what do we do till then?” Shield asked me.

“Right now, we need to place the city on lockdown and prepare for attack.” I said to the guys. “If Nightmare Moon succeeds in destroying the Elements, she’ll strike Canterlot first as part of her takeover. Which means we have to be ready for when she does.”

“He’s right.” Dog said. “If all else fails, we’ll be the only ones left to protect Equestria. If this means I can protect my home, then I’m joinin’.”

“Same here.” Shield said. “I got friends here in Equestria. It’s my job to make sure none of them get hurt. I can’t let any of them down.”

“This is insane.” Leon said. “First, the Dark Gang, then the Eye of the Midnight Sun, and now this. We sure know how to bring in bad guys. Though I wouldn’t like to be stuck in something like this, I can’t stand by and watch my home be destroyed. I’m in too.”

“Well then…” I said with all of us ready to protect Canterlot. “Element Squad, let’s go!”

With this, the four of us transformed into our elemental forms. Each transformation was different and all depended on the elemental it’s caused by.

Shield was an Earth elemental, so for his transformation, rocks cover up his body. After he’s fully covered an orange flash blasts them right off, revealing him as Apolloid.

Leon is a Water elemental, so for his transformation, a huge spout of water covers his body. After that, it crashes down and a blue flash goes through, ridding the water and revealing him as Posidacus.

Dog is an Ice elemental, so for his transformation, ice covers his body. After that, the ice would crack and blast off his body with a violet flash, revealing him as Icedra.

For me, ʹcause I am Fire Dragon, flames form beneath my claws and hoofs and spread all across me until I become El Dragon.

With all of us battle ready, we then used the entrance in the house to head out into the streets and then to the castle to tell the Royal Guards to place the city on lockdown. They did listen to us after we explained the situation with Nightmare Moon and they told us that Princess Celestia was kidnapped by her. For extra security, they even called some Necro-Knights, a group of powerful mages who are responsible in protecting Equestria, to help us defend the city. We told everypony to head for the shelters set up by the Royal Guard. We would’ve had my busy friend there, but he was out to protect the Princess at the Summer Sun Celebration. It’s part of his job. With all preparations done, me, the guys, along with the Royal Guard and Necro-Knights stood guard at the walls, waiting for the attack to come. Though, after a few hours, a light shined above us and we all had to cover our eyes for we had been under the shadows of the night for so long.

But when we could finally be able to see with it, we were all shocked to see that it was the sun. The moon had set and the day had finally begun. Seeing it in the sky meant only one thing: the six ponies we have been waiting for defeated Nightmare Moon. We were all relieved by that and I told the Guard to prepare for the Princess’ return. With this, me and the guys decided to head home to get some needed rest. After getting home and transforming back into our normal selves, me and the guys headed off to our rooms, saying goodnight to each other. I then climbed into bed and nestled under my blankets. I was so relieved that Equestria was safe once again. If I ever got to meet the Elements of Harmony, I would have to thank them for saving Equestria. Though I was happy that everything turned out all right, I couldn’t help but wonder where Twilight had gone.

She wasn’t there when we got ponies to the shelters, which meant she was out of the city. But if that was the case, then where exactly did she go? I shrugged off and decided to deal with after getting some shut eye. Little did I know that, as I slept, events were already in motion. Events that would ultimately change life for me and the guys. Forever. And it all started that day with the unicorn that I let my thoughts stray to. The one who's head, roughly shaped by a shining lilac light coming from my horn, formed above me once again.

Author's Note:

Well, how did you guys like this chapter? Pretty cool how the Element Squad took charge there, huh?

I know you guys wanted to see some more elemental action and you will soon.

Now the Elements of Harmony have returned and Nightmare Moon had been defeated. But how will it affect Dusk when he discovers who were the ponies to find the Elements? Find out next time!

Don’t forget to comment to tell me what you think of it.