• Published 6th Jul 2019
  • 1,578 Views, 59 Comments

The Hunter From Another World - Marezinger Z

When a trio of escaped criminals find their way into Equestria, Sunset calls on an old friend to help face this new threat.

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Chapter 12

When Hunter awoke he found that his arms were still tightly around Sunset, almost as if he was afraid she would disappear at some point during the night. She hadn’t though, she laid against his chest in peaceful slumber.

“I could really get used to this.” Hunter muttered to himself with a smile.

Sunset stirred as he pulled his arms away. She took a deep breath through her nose and rolled her eyes upwards to see him. “Morning already?” She asked sleepily.

“I know, right.” He chuckled. “Sleep better this time around?”

“Much better.” She rubbed his chest. “I didn’t snore, did I?”

“Just a little.” He noted. “It was a cute though, nothing warranting a CPAP.” She lifted herself off of him and sat on the side of the bed, raising her forelegs up to stretch. “So, ready to do a little mining?”

“You know, most guys would buy a lady a diamond.” She smirked over her shoulder. “Not make them dig one up for themselves.”

“Too bad I’m not most guys.” Hunter smiled as he stood from the bed.

“That’s the truest thing you’ve said yet.” She rounded the bed and kissed him, giving him a concerned look as they parted. “You’re still not fully recovered. If things get crazy you need to be careful.”

“I know, Sunny.” He nodded. “I’ll stay passive.”

“Thank you.” She kissed the tip of his beak. “Let’s go find the others.”

They came across Twilight and Fluttershy as they walked the halls and were told that the rest of their friends were gathering in the foyer. Luna was waiting for them when they arrived, Hunter’s armor in a neat pile at her hooves.

“Nice, my suit is back from the dry cleaners.” He noted with a grin. “Didn’t go too heavy on the starch, did you?”

“Sister saw to it that the royal blacksmith fully restored these ancient pieces.” Luna set her hoof to the helm. “He has ensured that your armor has been reinforced and its accumulated imperfections corrected.”

“And they say craftsmanship is dead.” Hunter knelt down and began to suit up.

“I have asked sister to remain here.” Luna continued. “She still needs to recover.”

“I know the feeling.” Rainbow Dash’s voice came in as Pinkie wheeled her into the room. “This sucks, having to literally sit this one out.”

“If I get the chance, I’ll buck em’ once for you.” Applejack promised.

“Pinkie, will you stay with Rainbow Dash?” Twilight asked.

“Sure.” Pinkie nodded. “Be careful out there.”

“We will, darling.” Rarity promised as Twilight wrapped her magic around her and raised her into the air.
Luna did the same for Applejack and Sunset once more returned to Hunter’s waiting arms. They moved out, heading southeast as Maud had instructed. The landscape grew ever more rural as they left the typically settled areas and flew over the smoothly rolling hills. Keeping their eyes peeled, Applejack was quick to spy a collection of roofs nestled amongst the trees.

“Down there, y’all.” She pointed.

“Go in slow.” Hunter reminded. “We don’t know who all is home right now.”

They touched down on the fringe of the settlement, proceeding on hoof. Luna stopped short as she beheld the drying remains of several of their missing guards, hanging morbidly from iron spikes.

“No…” She stepped back in horror.

“Damn it.” Hunter cursed, balling his talon. He glanced back, seeing the impact the sight was having on his friends. “We need to sweep this town to make sure it’s clear.” He instructed, calling their attention away from the lifeless stallions. “I’m guessing the mine is part of those hills.” He pointed into the distance. “We also need to run a check there. Luna, take Twilight and Fluttershy for aerial reconnaissance of the site.”

“Yes.” Luna composed herself. “Come, girls.” She took back to the air with the remaining flyers and headed for the mine.

“We’ll move through the area one house at a time.” Hunter turned his attention to the remaining mares. “I’ll take point and Sunset will watch the door while we’re inside.”

“Okay.” Applejack nodded.

Sunset matched pace with him as they headed for the first dwelling. “I can always tell it’s serious when you use our actual names.” She whispered.

“I know they’re upset.” He began. “But we need to focus until we’re sure this area is safe. When you’re in the field, no matter what you see, keeping your mind focused on the job is one of the most important things.

They began moving through the homes, finding them devoid of life. Hunter could tell by the food that was left about and the abundance of personal belongings, that whomever was here had either fled or was moved by force. One dwelling after another their search came up empty until the seventh home where Rarity detected the faintest of whimpers coming from a bedroom.

“Hello?” She softly called. A deeply frightened squeal came from the closet and Rarity used her magic to peel back the door; inside was a young filly who sat shocked at the sight of her. “Oh… are you okay, dear?” Rarity asked. “It’s alright, my friends and I are here to help. We won’t hurt you.” Her gentle eyes and kind smile coaxed the filly to burst from her hiding spot and into her hooves; she wept uncontrollably which caused the others to come running. Rarity held her hoof out to keep them back, not wanting to swarm the traumatized girl.

Hunter sighed and took Applejack’s shoulder. “Stay here with Rarity. There aren’t many more houses to check so Sunset and I can handle the rest.”

“Right.” Applejack went to Rarity’s side and sat with them.

“Once she’s calm, move her outside.” Hunter added as he and Sunset left them. The pair finished their inspection, finding no other remaining residents and returned to the settlement's center.

“What now?” Sunset asked.

“I’m going to move these bodies.” Hunter looked up at the fallen guards. “That girl doesn’t need to see this… neither do the others, honestly.”

“I’ll help you.”

“Are you sure?” Hunter looked back at her.

“Yes.” Sunset nodded. “To be honest, I half expected we’d find this.”

“Same here.” Hunter admitted. “I didn’t want Celestia to think the worst though.”

“She’s not going to take this well.” Sunset used her magic to lower one of the guards.

“Got to say, you’re taking this better than I would have expected.” Hunter noted as he gently freed another from his grisly fate.

“It’s terrible beyond reason.” Sunset acknowledged. “But this type of thing happens in the human world all the time. I’m more… accepting of this level of reality I guess.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of.” Hunter shook his head longingly. “This type of violence doesn’t just stop here. Yeah, these stallions lost their lives; but the ponies that witnessed this first hand… like that little girl, it’s going to stay with them for the rest of their lives. Whether they know it or not, they’re different now and that tiny difference will be imparted into future generations which will change the world as a whole.” He looked back over the homes. “I was hoping to keep this from happening.”

“There was no way you could have, Hunter.” Sunset said in consolation. “This was going to happen as soon as they set foot in this world.”

Hunter quietly accepted her words. “I’m going to get some blankets for them. Be right back.” He flew into one of the houses to begin retrieving sheets. He soon returned with an arm full and they covered up the guards. Not long after, Rarity and Applejack emerged with the lone filly. “How is she?” He asked.

“Calmer.” Rarity rubbed the girl’s head. “Her name is Willow.”

“Willow.” Hunter gave her a smile, kneeling before her. “That’s a beautiful name, way better than mine.”

“Th...thank you.” Willow ran her foreleg across her running nose.

“I know you’ve been through a lot.” Hunter held his eyes on hers. “We’re going to help, I promise. But I need you to tell me what you can about what happened, can you do that for us?”

Willow nodded lightly. “It was the pig monster.”

“Ridgeback.” Hunter stated. “What did he do?”

“He came and took daddy away.” She answered. “Mommy and I stayed in the house with my friends and their mommies.” Her face saddened. “He wouldn’t let us leave the house.”

“Did he hurt you?” Hunter asked. “Or the others?”

“No.” She shook her head. “He hurt the stallions in the shiny clothes when they tried to help us.”

“Everyone is gone.” Hunter continued. “Where did they go?”

“I don’t know.” Willow began to grow upset again. “The bad doggies took mommy and my friends. Mommy had me hide and told me not to come out… I heard screaming… and…”

“It’s okay, sweetie.” Hunter moved closer and hugged her as she started to cry. “I’m going to get your mommy and daddy back, I promise.”

“We need to get her somewhere safe.” Applejack noted. “Poor thing probably hasn’t eaten in a while and she needs a good looking at by a doctor.”

“Right.” Hunter held Willow’s shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “You’re safe now, Willow. We won’t let anything else happen to you.”

“Okay.” She nodded.

Hunter stood and looked towards the hills. “The area is clear, so you’ll be okay here.” He began. “I’m going to check on the others and see what they found.”

“Alright.” Sunset nodded. “We’ll stay here till you get back.”

Hunter took off in search of the second team. He swiftly scouted the area and saw them on the ground near a large, cavern entrance and piles of equipment. Luna held three of the Diamond Dogs in her magic as Twilight attempted to interrogate them.

“Hunter.” Fluttershy went to him as he landed.

“What’s going on?” He asked.

“We discovered these three in the mine.” Luna informed.

“They aren’t being very talkative.” Twilight stepped back from them as one laughed.

“Weak little ponies can’t scare us.” The Dog scoffed. “We won’t tell you anything. Once our pack finds out we’re missing, they come and make you regret messing with us.”

“If you answer our questions, I promise that no harm will come to you.” Luna bargained.

“Yeah.” Fluttershy got closer to them. “Ridgeback is an awful creature and he needs to be stopped.”

The Dog’s mouth jutted forward in an attempt to bite her, causing her to skitter behind Twilight. “Ridgeback strong. Ridgeback show Diamond Dogs how to be stronger and how to be better.”

“Let him go.” Hunter came in.

“What?” Luna looked to him in confusion.

“Let him go.” He repeated, taking off his helm.

“Hunter.” Twilight saw the look in his eyes, the same look he bore before he killed Stinger. “What are you going to do?”

“Demonstrate proper interrogation technique.” He looked to Luna again.

Luna hesitated, but ultimately reworked her magic to free the defiant creature. The Dog stood as Hunter approached him, only offering him a mocking smile. “What little birdy do? You think…” He was taken to the ground in an instant; Hunter’s talon wrapped around his throat, his back paws pinning his legs and his other talon pointed at his eye.

“Hunter!” Twilight went to stop him but Luna held her wing out to halt her.

“Listen to me very carefully.” Hunter growled. “Ridgeback isn’t coming for you. Your pack isn’t coming for you. At this moment in time, I am your entire existence; and if you want that existence to continue I suggest you drop the macho act and tell us where Ridgeback went and what happened to the ponies of this town.”

“I… I...” The Dog stammered, his bravery quickly fading under Hunter’s intensity.

Now!” Hunter commanded, rearing his arm back to strike. “I’ve got two other sacks of shit I can talk to if you’re too proud!”

“Okay!” He whimpered. “Ridgeback and giant bird take ponies to Badlands. Pack help them rebuild and continue mining.” Tears began to well in his eyes. “Please… no hurt me!”

Under the gasps of his friends, Hunter thrust his talon down as the Dog screamed; piercing the rocky ground beside his head. His eyes opened once he realized he wasn’t harmed and he looked up into Hunter’s icy glare. “If I find out that any of those ponies have died because of you and your pack… I promise you’ll see me again and it'll be the last thing you see.” Hunter stood and left him in a cowering heap.

Twilight sighed in relief, not entirely certain that Hunter was going to stop. “We should take them back with us.”

“Yeah.” Hunter put his helm back on. “Can’t have them warning Ridgeback.”

“I shall escort them back to Canterlot.” Luna encased them in magic.

“Okay.” Twilight nodded. “I can carry Rarity and Applejack back on my own.”

“I shall see you at the castle then.” Luna hoisted their captives into the air and started back for the royal city.

“Sorry.” Hunter apologized as he adjusted his armor. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

“That’s okay.” Fluttershy assured. “It worked.”

“Did you find anything in the village?” Twilight asked.

“We’ve got a little girl.” He relayed. “She pretty much verified the other half of the Diamond Dog’s story. Ridgeback is holding the ponies captive; making the men mine for him and keeping the women and children as hostages.”

“At least we know they’re alive.” Fluttershy tried to find the bright spot in all this.

“For now, at least.” Hunter said gravely. “What can you tell me about the Badlands?”

“It’s a deserted and desolate part of Equestria.” Twilight informed. “Nothing but dry soil and rocks that culminate in a deep canyon.”

“He knew we’d find this place eventually.” Hunter surmised. “He couldn’t kill us so now he’s holed himself up somewhere he can control; and with these Diamond Dogs helping him, he and Skyfall have a small army.”

“What do we do then?” Fluttershy asked.

“Well, as long as he needs miners the ponies will be kept alive.” Hunter began imagining scenarios. “But now we’re outnumbered and we’re going to have to fight on his terms.” His mind played out different situations, none of them favorable. “I’ll need to take a look at any maps of the Badlands you have; we’ll need more Intel before we can tackle this. First thing though, we need to get that girl back to Canterlot where it’s safe.”

The three of them returned to the small village and rejoined the others. After sharing information, Fluttershy took Willow onto her back and they made their way home to the castle. Luna had already given her sister the grim news about the guards they discovered and as Sunset predicted she was struck hard. Hunter went to see her, being directed to her chambers by Luna. He quietly entered and knocked on the doorframe to the massive boudoir.

“Hunter.” She ran her hoof under her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Princess.” He slowly nodded as he approached her. “If it means anything coming from another soldier; if we have to die in the line of duty… dying on our feet, fighting for a cause we believe in, is the way we’d all prefer to go. Those stallions gave their all to try and save the ponies of that town; they’re the real deal.”

“Thank you, Hunter.” Celestia offered him a light smile. “I will ensure that they are retrieved and laid to rest with honor.” A burdened sigh escaped her. “I should not have sent them out so hastily. I did not yet fully understand the threat we face.”

“The worst thing you can do is blame yourself.” Hunter sat beside her. “You didn’t do this to them, Ridgeback did; and I’m going to make sure he pays for it.”

Celestia looked to him with conflicted eyes. “In all my years, out of all the villains I faced to protect Equestria, I have never encountered such a… lack of compassion for life.” She thought back over the hundreds of years. “Even the most diabolical creature understood the value of life; they may have sought power, control or enslavement but they never butchered with such heartlessness.” Her eyes belied a deep guilt. “I understand why you killed Stinger; and it pains me to no end that in this moment… I wish the same for the other two. What does that say of me?”

Hunter chose his next words carefully. “It says that you care.” He finally answered. “You care enough to find the strength to do what needs to be done to ensure that such tragedy never happens again. At least that’s how I feel about it.”

“I am not as used to these deeds as you.” She recalled their heated discussion before.

“I’m never used to it, Princess.” Hunter shook his head. “Every time I take a life, the weight of what I’ve done stays with me forever. That’s the difference between men like me and men like Ridgeback; he doesn’t feel that weight, killing is just another part of his day.”

“What leads a creature to live such an existence?” She asked.

“I’ll be honest with you, it’s a lot less complicated than you think.” He looked back to her. “Where I come from, there are good people who do good things and there are bad people who do bad things; on top of that, a good person is not beyond doing something bad and a bad person is not beyond doing something good. It all just boils down to a simple choice, decided by how they feel at the time they make that choice. There is no grand good or evil that drives or dictates the world... just a bunch of individuals making a choice." He shrugged. "All you can do is push for a world where more good is done than bad, that’s what Sunset and her human friends are doing. They not only do good, but they work to make others around them be better than they are; doing that is what improves the world as a whole." He stuck his thumb in his chest. "Me? I do bad things to bad creatures, human and monster alike, so that the good can live in peace. That's the choice I've made." He sighed as he concluded.

“Sunset said that we would not come out of this the same as when we went in.” Celestia further recalled her former student’s words. “She was most certainly correct.” She stood. “I mustn’t’ wallow in doubt though, not while those monsters still roam free.” She took a collective breath. “Thank you, Hunter. To be equally honest, I think you are the only one I could have had this talk with and you have given me some perspective.”

“I normally don’t like these serious talks.” Hunter stood as well. “But if it helps, then I don’t mind. I think Twilight is waiting her turn though.”

“I’ll see her now.” Celestia nodded.

Hunter left the Princess and went in search of Sunset, finding her back in their room. “Sunny.”

“Hey.” Sunset smiled. “How’s Celestia?”

“Her cage is rattled, but it’s got strong bars.” He sat beside her. “How’s Willow?”

“She’s with Rarity and Fluttershy.” She answered. “They’re keeping her mind off of things.”

Hunter nodded. “Best you can do for the moment.”

“What about you?” Sunset got behind him, setting her hooves to his shoulders.

“I’m fine.” He grinned, receiving a sound thump to the back of his head.

“I’m your girlfriend now.” She reminded. “You don’t get to play everything off anymore.”

He let out a thoughtful breath. “My ribs are killing me, I feel bad for Celestia, I’m worried I won’t be able to keep that promise to Willow and I don’t know if we can beat these odds without bolstering our numbers.”

“I don’t want you keeping all this to yourself anymore.” She laid against his back. “We’re sharing the ups and the downs now.”

“Right.” He reached up and took her hoof. “I promise you’ll only have to remind me about seven more times.” He flinched as he saw the shadow of her hoof over his head but instead he felt a kiss.

“I’ll remind you as many times as I have to.” She laughed.