• Published 6th Jul 2019
  • 1,579 Views, 59 Comments

The Hunter From Another World - Marezinger Z

When a trio of escaped criminals find their way into Equestria, Sunset calls on an old friend to help face this new threat.

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Chapter 15

Hunter’s talons were combing Sunset’s mane when she awoke, her entire body richly relaxed after the prior night.

“You know.” Hunter quietly pondered as he noticed her wake. “My life hasn’t exactly been all cash and prizes; but knowing that it led me to this moment right here, I wouldn’t change one damn thing.”

“I know exactly how you feel.” Sunset smiled contently.

“Ready to go lay the law down on some scumbags?” He asked with a cocky smirk.

“Absolutely.” She nodded.

Within the hour, everyone was assembled and ready to head out for the Badlands. Hunter took a moment to lay out the plan one more time using the map, showing each team their stations. With a final rousing speech from Celestia, they moved out to face their enemies one final time. Even Hunter remained fairly quiet during the trip, knowing that there was little more to say and allowing the others to mentally prepare as they needed. Nearing the area of operation, they lowered their altitude to stay out of sight; dropping off Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash at the chosen extraction point. Maud and her team were next to be deposited off at their entrance point, a cave that led into the tunnel which would take them underneath Ridgeback’s mining operation. The four Princesses held formation on top of the plateau overlooking the encampment and Hunter, Sunset, Rarity, Shining Armor and the Wonderbolts proceeded to move in for the attack. Maneuvering down the side of the cliff, they stealthily took out several of the Diamond Dogs that were standing guard, ensuring that they wouldn’t be noticed until they were at the front door. From there, they waited the remaining allotted time for Maud to get into position before Hunter flew down into the midst of the Diamond Dogs.

“Hey mutts!” He called as he landed.

The confused Dogs immediately closed in on Hunter. “That bird-horse that Ridgeback warn us about!” One of them shouted.

“I see someone failed English.” Hunter grinned.

“Boss!” Another of the Dogs yelled. “He here!”

The large shadow of Skyfall swooped down from the opposite cliff side and landed beside Ridgeback who emerged from one of the three large, wooden shacks. The ominous pair made their way over and halted before the circle of henchmen.

“I’m getting real fucking sick of you.” Ridgeback snorted.

“Feelings’ mutual, Boss Hog.” Hunter eyed him fearlessly.

“I’m going to kill you for what you did to my wing.” Skyfall glared at him.

“Hey, this asshole threw the tree.” Hunter gestured to Ridgeback.

“Quiet!” Ridgeback slashed his hand through the air. “A cart of gems to whichever one of you kills this little shit!”

With eager smiles the Diamond Dogs began to move in, their attention was garnered upward as a series of shadows came down from above; the Wonderbolts dove down and each plowed into one of the attackers, sending them flying.

“Of course.” Skyfall looked past Hunter to see Shining Armor, Rarity and Sunset charging in as well. He reared his head back and let out a piercing screech, all the Diamond Dogs came running and engaged Hunter’s allies.

Hunter glanced back and watched the melee for a moment before turning back to his opponents. “Guess that just leaves us.”

“Fine with me.” Ridgeback lunged forward and brought his massive fist down onto Hunter. As he evaded, Skyfall sent his quills up at him only to see them deflect off of the armor.

Hunter purely dodged the attacks that were sent at him, slowly leading the duo away from the tents that housed the ponies. From the top of the plateau, the Princesses saw the situation and teleported down into the camp to handle their part of the job. Twilight and Cadence galloped to the tents and used their magic to lift the flaps.

“Princess Twilight?” One of the stallions recognized the now world famous Princess of Friendship.

“Yes, my friends and I are here to free you.” Twilight quickly informed. “Come with me and stay close.”

Cadence went to the next tent, finding a group of frightened colts and fillies. “Don’t worry little ones.” She gave them a calm smile. “We’re going to save you, come with me and stay very close, okay?” She received a series of timid nods as the young ones followed her out. The sisters in law went from tent to tent until all had been emptied of their prisoners.

Luna flew into the mouth of the mine, her horn lighting the way as she delved deep into the winding tunnel. Following the sound of picks and labored grunts, she discovered the unwilling miners toiling under the whips of the Diamond Dogs. “Fiendish cowards!” Her voice echoed throughout the tunnel. “Release these ponies!”

“It Princess pony.” The lead Dog pointed at the intruder. “Ridgeback say he pay big for one of them.” He reared his whip back and sent the tip at Luna.

Luna caught the whip in her magic and tied it around his hands. “You’ll find me no easy prey.” Luna sent him to the ground with a blast of her magic. The other dogs ran in only to be blocked by a magical barrier, Luna pushed it forward with great force and slammed them into the jagged wall of the tunnel. Using her magic to shatter the chains around the ponies' legs, she began leading them to freedom.

Celestia set her sights on the unknown wooden buildings, she landed before the first and ripped the door off with her magic. She was not ready for what was inside and her heart all but shattered at what she found. The mares had been chained to the floor and walls, their bodies covered in bruises and their cheeks matted with days’ worth of shed tears. “No…” She faltered as her mind came to terms with what her eyes beheld.

“Princess?” One of them weakly smiled at the sight of her.

“Is that really Princess Celestia?” Another raised her head at the commotion.

“Yes, I am here.” Celestia composed herself as she began rending their chains. “You have my word that you are safe now.” The battered mares limped to her side, hope returning to their eyes. “My allies are seeing to your friends and families as we speak. Come with me and we will get you to safety.” Celeistia found much the same in the remaining two shacks, freeing the mares held there in kind and doubling back to find her fellow Alicorns.

Beneath the battlefield, Maud and her team began working to let loose the waters around them. The expert in all things rock started marking key points for the powerful Applejack to shatter with her bucking.

“These spots will open up passages into the mining tunnels.” Maud blandly explained.

“On it.” Applejack went to the first spot and turned her back to it, she kicked the tunnel wall and a small hole opened up.

“Give it another.” Pinkie cheered her on.

“Right.” Applejack dug her fore hooves into the ground and delivered another solid kick that opened up the wall.

“Hey!” A gruff voice came from the other side. “Who poke holes in wall?” The head of a Diamond Dog came through the opening.

“I got him.” Starlight wrapped him in magic and brought him through to their side, clamping a magical muzzle over his mouth to keep him quiet.

“Hurry, we don’t have much time.” Maud pointed to the other spots. While Applejack continued her demolition, she turned her attention to the opposite wall; laying her ear to it as she walked down the path.

“What’cha listing for?” Pinkie asked as she walked alongside her sister.

“Water.” Maud answered.

“Okay, Maud.” Applejack hurried over to her. “That side is ready.”

“Good.” Maud stood back and pointed to a spot on the tunnel wall. “Now, break here.” She looked down the way to Starlight. “We’re going to need to go as soon as she breaks through. Unless you want to drown.”

“Not really.” Starlight released her captive and looked him in the eye. “Listen fleabag, unless you and your friends want to take a permanent bath, get your sorry butts out of here now.”

Applejack got into position and struck the wall, it shattered like dried wood and a massive surge of water began pouring in. “Starlight!” Applejack called as the water reached their knees within seconds.

“Get close.” Starlight ran into their midst and using a succession of short teleports began moving them towards the exit.

Back on the surface, Shining Armor and his team continued their brawl with the Diamond Dogs. Shining Armor used his barrier magic to form shield after shield to fend incoming attacks while Sunset and Rarity stood at his back, using their magic to zap the waves of incoming adversaries. The Wonderbolts used the air to their advantage, snatching the Dogs from the ground and using them as projectiles to attack the rest of the pack.

“Take that!” Rarity shouted as she unleashed her pent up resentment for the hounds. “And that! And some of this!”

“You’re enjoying this way too much.” Shining Armor glanced back at her.

“It’s therapy, darling!” She assured as she sent another flying back.

“Maud and the others should have made their move by now.” Sunset leapt over his back and blasted another. “We need to get ready to move.”

“As soon as we see the water, we’ll fall back.” Shining Armor grunted as he punched one of the offending creatures square in the jaw. As the minutes passed, they heard screams coming from the entrance to the mine. Diamond Dogs began running out into the open, yelling about water in the tunnels. Behind them, the mine entrance began to gush water like a broken faucet. More water began to come from other, smaller holes in the canyon wall and the bone dry soil was unable to absorb the sheer amount of liquid. As the water began to collect, the Diamond Dogs went into a panic and ceased their fighting to flee. “Okay, now we can go.” Shining Armor whistled and the Wonderbolts descended.

“Ready to fly?” Spitfire asked.

“You bet.” He nodded.

“Alright, let’s move out!” Spitfire ordered as her fellow flyers proceeded to air lift the ground force out of the area.

The Princesses gathered with the dozens of shaken ponies, further stressed by the sudden flooding. Celestia looked over them all and called their attention. “Ponies, please listen.” She began. “We are going to teleport you out of the area in one group. You need to stay calm and gather around us, as close as you can.” The ponies closed in around the four of them in a tight huddle. “Are we ready?”

“Yes sister.” Luna nodded. “My magic will be one with yours.”

“We need to focus on the same point.” Cadence reminded.

“Yeah, right where Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are waiting.” Twilight added.

“Then let us begin.” Celestia’s horn lit up, the others following suit. They focused their magic, their energies resonating along the same lines as they pictured their destination. In a massive flash, the group vanished from the area and appeared before a startled Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

Cadence opened her eyes, observing their surroundings. “We’ve done it.” She sighed in relief.

“Indeed.” Luna smiled. “Well done.”

Without word, Celestia took off and headed back towards the camp. Twilight ran a few steps, calling out to her but receiving no answer. Back in the two on one duel, Hunter found a moment of pause as Ridgeback observed his fleeing army.

“What the hell is going on?” He growled as he lifted his feet, finding himself standing in several inches of water.

“There’s water pouring from the mine.” Skyfall answered from the air.

“What!?” Ridgeback quickly looked to Hunter. “What did you do!?”

I didn’t do anything.” Hunter said innocently. “I’ve been here the whole time, I swear.”

“Damn you!” Ridgeback charged but was knocked to the ground by a massive wave of magic. Hunter quickly looked up to see Celestia barreling down at them, firing a second blast that pressed Ridgeback’s body into muddy soil.

“You despicable beast!” She screamed, startling even Hunter. “How dare you abuse and violate the ponies of this world!”

“You miserable bit….” Ridgeback started to rise but was sent further into the rising water by another magical surge.

“Silence!” Celestia commanded. “I have met many monsters… but you… you are something even worse! You are something that should not be!”

“Shit.” Hunter muttered as he saw the pure rage in her eyes.

“I’ll get her.” Skyfall flew above her and sent quills her way, she deflected them with a barrier and glared up at him.

“Celestia!” Hunter flew into the air and to her side.

Ridgeback began to laugh as he rose to his feet, finding himself already knee deep in water. “You think I haven’t heard that same shit already?” He looked up at the pair. “The world is a cruel place, you either take or get taken… simple as that.”

Your world may be cruel!” She challenged. “But mine is not!” She fired again.

Ridgeback raised his arms and absorbed the shock of the blast. “It is.” He smiled. “You’re just too naïve to see it.” He jammed his hands into the muddy earth and upheaved a wave of soil and water at them. Through the distraction, Skyfall charged at them with talons barred. Hunter flew in to intercept, going to face to force him to back off.

“I’ll deal with Skyfall, take Ridgeback!” Hunter called. Once more, he engaged the massive bird; flying about him in random patterns as he evaded the deadly quills. “You’re getting sloppy, Big Bird!” Hunter verbally jabbed.

“Keep talking!” Skyfall growled angrily. “You can’t keep dodging forever!”

“I know!” Hunter glanced down, seeing that the water had risen dozens of feet. “I don’t plan to!” He flew in and used his gauntlets to protect himself from the projectiles. Once close enough, he slashed at Skyfall’s chest and opened several wounds. Switching to his talons and teeth, Skyfall began to claw and bite at Hunter with abandon. As Hunter weaved in avoidance, he was suddenly grasped by Skyfall’s long tail.

“Got you!” Skyfall sneered.

“Got you!” Hunter smiled as he latched onto the tail and pulled him downward with all his strength. Skyfall was caught off guard by the sudden move and beat his wings to fight the unwanted decent. “Come on, damn it!” Hunter’s muscles burned as he pulled for all he was worth.

“Move in!” Spitfire’s voice sounded as she directed the Wonderbolts to fan out and surround Skyfall. “Wonderbolts! Bring him down!” The team began to close in, only to be sent scattering by a barrage of quills. They buzzed around him in well trained formation, two of them taking quills in the legs and being forced to retreat.

Hunter saw that they needed a sound blow to bring him down, he released Skyfall’s tail and removed his left gauntlet; letting it fall into the water below. When Skyfall felt himself become free, he looked down at Hunter and sent another wave of quills at him. Hunter raised his exposed talon and allowed one of them to pierce clean through. “Spitfire! I need an opening!”

“On it!” She called back. “Wonderbolts! Spiral formation!” The pegasi began to circle Skyfall in an upward spiral; not being able to focus on any one target to attack, he started spinning in time with them as he labored to track their movement. Hunter ripped the quill from his talon and began flying in his own spiral, staying at Skyfall’s back. He turned in the air and moved in the opposite direction; as Skyfall twisted towards him, he hurled the quill into his right eye. The great bird howled in distress as half his sight was taken from him, he began flying away in reflexive retreat but Hunter had no intent of allowing it a third time.

“Push him into the water!” Hunter ordered.

The Wonderbolts ascended above the flailing creature and dove down, all of them bracing their hooves against him and forcing him down into the forming lake below. With a grand splash, Skyfall’s feathers became soaked and he lost the ability to fly. Hunter dove down into the water, taking on his Sea Pony form. He began to pummel Skyfall’s body as he paddled and kicked in desperation. Hunter exploded from the water’s surface and reverted to his Hippogriff form, slashing Skyfall across the face before diving back down. Repeating the maneuver again and again, Skyfall began to weaken and his resistance slowed. Hunter swam down towards the remnants of the camp and collected a long length of rope, returning to the surface and tossing it across Skyfall’s body. Swimming beneath him, Hunter took both ends and dragged Skyfall beneath the surface. Unable to fly and with blood flowing freely from his many wounds, the once fearsome creature went unconscious and his lungs flooded. Hunter flew from the reddening water and up to Spitfire’s side; understanding what he did, she merely gave him a sound nod as they went to assist the Princesses.

To escape the water, Ridgeback had climbed up to higher ground as he fended off the combined might of the four Princesses as the others had joined Celestia in her assault. Raining magic down onto him, Ridgeback worked his way higher and higher up the side in search of weapons to use against them. He began hurling rocks up at the Alicorns, forcing them to focus on defense instead of attack. Hunter and Spitfire flew towards the scene and hovered above his head.

“It’s over, Ridgeback!” Hunter called down. “Skyfall is done and the Diamond Dogs have run away. It’s just you!”

“I’m all I need!” Ridgeback scornfully shouted.

“I used to think that way!” Hunter gestured to his friends. “But I was wrong, and so are you! Stand down!”

Ridgeback hefted another large boulder. “This only ends when one of us is in the ground! You either take or be taken!” He repeated.

“Your call!” Hunter flew downward as Ridgeback hurled the rock at him. Luna and Celestia took out the stone with their magic, allowing Hunter to continue his rapid decent. Ridgeback hurriedly took up another and pitched it at Hunter; Twilight used her magic to teleport Hunter past the projectile as Cadence used her own to shatter it. Ridgeback staggered as Hunter attacked him with full force, plunging the steel nails of his remaining gauntlet into Ridgeback’s chest. The top heavy creature lost his balance and toppled from the edge on which he stood. With a heavy cry he rolled down the opposite side of the canyon wall, his body rag dolling and shredding as it bounced off of the sharp rocks. When he finally hit bottom he lay half conscious, bones broken and unable to move.

Celestia followed Hunter down and landed before him, staring down at the monster with emotional eyes. “You wrought this on yourself.”

Ridgeback managed to lift his head, blurred vision focusing in on the Princess. “Fuck you.” He gurgled a laugh, blood running from his mouth. “Just finish the job… like a professional.”

“No.” Celestia shook her head. “No matter what I feel, there are lines that I will never cross.” She stared at him with cold eyes. “But I cannot speak for my friend.” She turned from him and began to fly back up the canyon wall.

“Princess Celestia!” Twilight flew down and stopped before her mentor. She looked down at Hunter and the fallen Ridgeback, quickly looking back to Celestia. “Princess?”

“Come Twilight.” She said solemnly. “Our job here is done, let us see to the ponies in need.” She ushered Twilight back towards the others, leaving Hunter with Ridgeback.

Hunter stood over his enemy and looked down at him with remorseless eyes. “For what you and those twisted fucks have done to this world… you deserve worse than death.”

“Cut the bullshit theatrics, kid” Ridgeback scoffed. “Just do your fucking job.” He laughed. “All this…” He let out a pained choke as Hunter’s talon found his throat.

“Mission accomplished.” Hunter stared into Ridgeback’s eyes as the life faded from them. He staggered back and shook the blood from his talon. Knowing he couldn’t rest just yet, he quickly flew around the side of the area to locate his friends. He found them along with the rescued ponies assembled around Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash.

“Hunter!” Sunset ran to him on sight and he hugged her tightly.

“Hey, Sunny.” He smiled at her mere touch.

“Is it over?” She asked.

Hunter looked past her to Celestia. “Yeah, it’s over.” He nodded. Celestia nodded in return and they began escorting the ponies back to Canterlot.