• Published 6th Jul 2019
  • 1,579 Views, 59 Comments

The Hunter From Another World - Marezinger Z

When a trio of escaped criminals find their way into Equestria, Sunset calls on an old friend to help face this new threat.

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Chapter 6

Flying as fast as their wings could carry them, the team ascended higher and higher up towards the Hyperborean Mountains.

“Hunter?” Sunset called from within her magical bubble. “What's our plan?”

“Going to be honest, Sunny.” Hunter glided down to her. “I’m not entirely sure." He looked up at Gilda. "Hey, Gil? Where did our bird go to roost?”

“Most of Griffonstone is run down.” Gilda admitted. “He made a spot for himself on top of the old castle.”

“Is there any way to approach without being seen?” He continued.

“No, it’s a mountain plateau.” Gilda noted. “Pretty much open from all sides.”

“Guess that means no element of surprise.” Rainbow Dash chimed in.

Hunter flew up to the royal sisters. “Is your magic strong enough to defend against his quills?”

“I am certain it is.” Luna nodded.

“Do you have an idea?” Celestia queried.

“I think so.” He said half surely.

“We trust your call, Hunter.” Twilight affirmed. “What do you want us to do?”

“Okay, Twi's bubble gave me the idea.” Hunter began. “We’re going to form a shield chain that starts with Sunny and ends with me." He glanced down at Sunset. "Since you'll be on the ground, you'll be safest but the only one unprotected.”

“That’s fine.” Sunset assured. "I use the buildings as cover."

“Alright then; Sunny will form a bubble around Twi, Twi will form one around Luna, Luna around Celestia and Celestia around me.”

“I see.” Celestia smiled, rather impressed. “We will each be protected while in the air and you can close in without fear.”

“I’ll signal you as to when to drop and reengage my shield.” Hunter punched the air. “I won’t be able to strike inside the bubble, so I’ll have you lower it when I attack and put it back up when I retreat.”

“That will not be a problem.” Celestia said surely.

“What about us?” Gilda asked.

“Go with R.D. and see to the Griffons.” Hunter coasted over to her side. “Let them know we’re on the job and keep them calm.”

“Gotcha.” Rainbow Dash nodded.

Rainbow and Gilda split off as they neared the mountain. Hunter, Sunset and the Princesses soared up the sheer face and into the city. Landing on the streets, they walked through the deathly silent conglomerate of dead wood, broken down homes and tattered stone pathways.

“I had no idea Griffons lived in the projects.” Hunter whispered.

“What happened to Griffonstone is a long story.” Twilight explained. “It’s looked like this for generations according to Pinkie.”

“Look.” Sunset pointed up the castle, the flying monstrosity circled the top and landed on an open spot.

“He is bigger than I imagined.” Celestia admitted.

“One of these days a Princess is going to say that about me.” Hunter snickered as he looked up at his next opponent. “Well, guess I’d better go introduce myself. Wait for the signal to move in.”

“What is the signal?” Sunset asked.

“When he tries to kill me.” Hunter smiled back at her before taking to the air. He boldly flew up towards the castle and whistled as loud as he could.

The creature stirred and turned to face him. “Who are you?”

“Hunter.” He pointed his claw at him. “And you must be Skyfall.”

Skyfall’s eyes widened. “I see, another human.”

“I’ve already dealt with Stinger.” Hunter informed. “You’re next on my shit list; especially after what you’ve done to the Griffons.”

“I gave them a chance to leave.” Skyfall said with little remorse. “They fought… and lost, it’s as simple as that. I’m a businessman first and foremost; not like that mad dog, Stinger or that indulgent pig, Ridgeback. Killing those Griffons was nothing personal.”

“Well, then let me assure you it won’t be personal when I rip your goddamn wings off and drag you back to the lethal injection table.” Hunter narrowed his eyes.

“I don’t know who or what you were in our world.” Skyfall spread his four wings. “But right now, you’re just a little sparrow mouthing off to a condor.” Skyfall threw his wings forward, sending a barrage of quills at Hunter who remained perfectly still. As they neared him, a cocoon of yellow magic encircled his body and the projectiles splintered. “What!?”

“This sparrow is packing a lot more than just his mouth.” Hunter smiled as the Princesses rose from the streets. Hunter charged in while Skyfall was distracted by the unexpected sight. “Down!” He called. The bubbled lowered and Hunter sank his talons into Skyfall’s body.

“Damn you!” Skyfall opened his beak and brought it down on Hunter.

“Up!” Hunter called, the bubble going around him again.

Skyfall’s beak rebounded against the magical barrier; as a countermeasure he spun and sent his long tail into the sphere, sending Hunter flying like a beach ball. Again he loosed his quills but the chain of shields deflected them with ease. Hunter and Skyfall engaged in a heated aerial battle; Hunter calling for his barrier to be raised and lowered in rapid succession as he tried to land some kind of meaningful hit. Biology was not in his favor though as Skyfall’s natural maneuverability and offense far surpassed his own. Sensing a stalemate, Skyfall turned his attention to the Princesses. He bombarded them with quills and dive-bomb passes, keeping Hunter at bay with his lengthy tail.

“Ugh!” Luna grunted. “Hunter, we cannot sustain these barriers much longer!”

“Okay, new idea!” Hunter said as he sailed between them. “Shield him!”

“What!?” Twilight asked.

“I understand his plan, Twilight.” Celestia went to her side. “The three of us can hold him for a few moments."

“Understood, sister.” Luna joined them.

They lowered their shields and encased Skyfall in a massive field of magic. He thrashed against the walls, the three Princesses struggling to hold him inside. Hunter flew up and braced himself against the bubble, using all his strength to begin pushing it towards the castle. They picked up speed and as they were upon the ruin, Hunter called for them to release their magic. Momentum sent Skyfall crashing into the castle, nearly bringing it down entirely as the ancient stone and wood gave way. They pursued the fallen creature, but the rubble burst and forced them to retreat to safety as Skyfall returned to the air. Bloody and injured, Skyfall scowled at them with an intense rage.

“I’m not so egotistical as to press my luck.” Skyfall sent another wave of quills at them, as they raised a barrier to defend he quickly dove over the side of the mountain and disappeared into the clouds.

Wiped from the fight, Hunter rapidly descended and fell backwards onto the street. Sunset galloped over and cradled him in her hooves. “Hunter!?” She raised his head.

“I’m… okay.” He promised.

“Hunter.” Celestia landed beside them, followed soon by Luna and Twilight. “Is he alright?”

“A little mouth to mouth wouldn’t hurt.” He said with a tired laugh.

“He’s fine.” Sunset smiled up at her.

“That was intense.” Twilight sighed. “But at least we’ve reclaimed the city.”

“Indeed, I shall inform the Griffons that they may return to their homes.” Luna teleported away to see to the matter.

“He’s going to be a hard one to catch.” Hunter sat up under his own power. “Simply getting in close is a battle all its own, I just couldn’t land anything.”

“If I may.” Celestia cut in. “Perhaps it would be of benefit to take Hunter to Mount Aris.”

“What's that?" Hunter asked., "Sounds like a resort.”

“Mount Aris is the home of the Hippogriffs.” Twilight informed. “Princess Celestia is right, maybe they have something that can help you fight these things.”

“Worth as shot.” Hunter stood. “With Skyfall gone, we’re back to zero leads.”

“We should stay and help the Griffons get settled back in.” Sunset suggested. “Make sure that monster is really gone so they feel safe.”

“A wise choice.” Celestia commended. “I will have Luna return to Canterlot to see to things there while I remain with you for the time being.”

“I wish the world didn’t always have to be in peril for us to spend some time together.” Twilight laughed, happy to have the chance to be alongside her mentor.

“As do I, Twilight.” Celestia fully shared her sentiment.

Luna soon returned with Rainbow Dash, Gilda and the citizens of Griffonstone. Celestia and Twilight spoke to them, assuring the Griffons that the danger was over and they could return to their lives. Hunter aided in the burial of those that were lost and honored their bravery in defending their home. Sunset, Rainbow Dash and Gilda watched the small ceremony from afar until Hunter rejoined their company.

“That was a lovely speech.” Sunset complimented his eulogy.

“Yeah.” Gilda looked out at the mourning families. “Thank you.”

Hunter laid his talon to the Gilda's shoulder. “Skyfall will be brought to justice. Not just for his crimes in my world, but for the ones in yours too.”

“Count on it.” Rainbow Dash put her hoof around her shaken friend. Hunter and Sunset left the pair to share a few moments together as they headed back into the city.

“How are you holding up?” Sunset asked.

“Still standing.” He gave her a confident smile.

“Hunter, don’t push yourself over the limit because you feel you have to.” She sternly reminded. “You’ve already been in three huge battles in just a couple of days, not to mention the venom poisoning.”

Hunter lowered his head and slowly nodded. “Okay, Sunny. I’ll take a day to rest up before we head out to Mount Aris.”

“Good.” She smiled in relief.

With Griffonstone returned to some semblance of normalcy, the group headed back down the mountain. Celestia parted ways with them as they passed Canterlot and the others returned home to find Spike and the rest of the girls waiting near the castle.

“Thank goodness.” Fluttershy sighed. “We were starting to get worried.”

“Sorry.” Twilight apologized as she landed, releasing Sunset from her magical carriage. “We stayed to make sure the city was safe.”

“So, you won then?” Applejack asked.

“Not exactly.” Sunset shook her head. “Griffonstone is okay, but Skyfall got away.”

“Oh dear, he must truly be a terror to escape even with the Princesses with you.” Rarity noted.

“He’s some kind of prehistoric creature.” Twilight informed. “Even Celestia and Luna haven’t seen one like it before.”

“At least you all made it back safe and sound.” Pinkie added.

“So what do we do now?” Spike asked as he landed on Twilight’s back.

“I’m going to be taking Hunter and Sunset to Mount Aris the day after tomorrow.” She relayed. “Hunter is going to do some training with the Hippogriffs.”

“Boot camp all over again.” Hunter said with a mild laugh. “I’ve been getting by in this body so far; but just getting by isn’t going to cut it from here on out.”

“What can we do to help in the meantime?” Fluttershy asked.

“Just keep your eyes and ears open.” Hunter said plainly. “Nothing much else to do unfortunately.”

“School is back in session tomorrow.” Twilight looked over her fellow staff. “After that, I’m going to be suspending classes until this is over. Let’s just focus on the day to day and try to relax while we have the chance.”

“Alright, dear.” Rarity nodded. “We’ll see you in the morning then.”

As they set out for home; Spike put himself to work preparing dinner for the returning trio. Twilight, Sunset and Hunter went to the study and collapsed into the chairs, thoroughly exhausted.

“Hearing you mention school, I should go back and make an appearance there myself.” Sunset said as she stared up at the ceiling. “Otherwise I’m going to wind up on milk cartons.”

“That’s a good idea.” Twilight concurred. “Just keep your book with you, I’ll send a message if anything happens.”

“Will do.” Sunset saluted. “You coming with, Hunter? I know everyone would love to see you again.”

“Sure.” Hunter perked at the thought. “I could use a little time on two legs.”

They talked for a while until Spike rang the dinner bell. After a good meal, Sunset and Hunter headed back up to the mirror room to return to the human world.

“See you soon.” Twilight waved.

“You bet.” Sunset hugged her.

“Hey Sunny, we get our clothes back on the other side, right?” Hunter asked.

“Yes.” She stepped up beside him.

“Damn.” He snapped his fingers with a disappointed grin.

“Go!” Sunset pushed him back through with an eye roll. “Bye, Twilight.” She glanced back at her before jumping through herself. Appearing on the opposite end, she found Hunter checking his pockets.

“That is just weird.” He muttered, finding his wallet and personal effects where they were before.

“Come on, hopefully my car hasn’t been towed.” Sunset thumbed towards the parking lot. They found her car where she had parked it and a note was secured under the windshield wiper; it was from Fluttershy, letting Sunset know that she had handled covering her absence.

Hunter jumped in the passenger seat as Sunset slid behind the wheel. “You can just drop me off at a motel.”

“You can stay with me.” Sunset fired up the engine. “I don’t mind.”

“Oh.” He nodded with a light smile. “Okay, thanks.”

When the short trip came to an end, Sunset led him inside and started hitting the lights. “Make yourself at home.” She headed down the hall to her room. “Be back in a few.”

Hunter wandered into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. Returning to the living room, he hit the couch and turned on the news. He soon heard footsteps and looked over the back of the couch to see a pajama clad Sunset carrying a pillow and blanket. “Cute PJ’s.” He chuckled, receiving a pillow to the face.

“Here.” She laughed as she sat beside him, offering him the blanket as well.

“Thanks, Sunny.” He set them to his opposite side. “This is a nice place, seems a bit out of the price range for a high school student though.”

“Yeah.” Sunset sighed. “When I was first sent to this world I had to learn on the fly. A lot of what I did back then wasn’t…. legal, per say; but I was able to get enough money to afford this place. It was a repossession, so I got it for cheap; it also needed a lot of work but time was something I had more than enough of.” She looked around her home. “But between my job, Rainboom performances and my game streaming, I make enough to live off of the honest way.”

“You’ve led an interesting life.” Hunter noted with a laugh.

“Says you.” She kicked his knee. “Secret government agent.”

“Fair enough.” Hunter conceded, his eyes held on hers and he patted her leg. “You should get some sleep, you’ve got school tomorrow young lady.”

Sunset snickered and nodded. “Yeah, and days’ worth of lecture to catch up on.” She groaned and got to her feet. “Night, Hunter.”

“Goodnight, Sunny.” He watched her head down the hall before settling into the cushions, losing himself in the droning of the news anchor.