• Published 6th Jul 2019
  • 1,579 Views, 59 Comments

The Hunter From Another World - Marezinger Z

When a trio of escaped criminals find their way into Equestria, Sunset calls on an old friend to help face this new threat.

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Chapter 5

Hunter flew over Canterlot, his mind torn between his mission and his friends. His troubled flight was interrupted as his eyes caught sight of a red flash high above his head.

“Hunter!” Sunset yelled as she appeared in the sky and began plummeting towards him.

Hunter quickly halted and caught her in his arms, the force sending them downward several feet. “Uh oh.” He looked up into the clouds above. “Looks like heaven sprung a leak.”

“Sorry, it’s been a long time since I’ve teleported.” She caught her breath as her heartbeat slowed.

“What are you doing, Sunny?” He frowned. “You shouldn’t be here.”

“Yes, she should.” Celestia’s voice sounded from behind them; he spun in the air and saw the three Princesses approaching. “As should I.”

“WE’RE HERE TOO!” Pinkie’s voice echoed up from the streets below. Hunter peered down and waved back at them.

“Hunter, our philosophies are separated by an ocean, but our hearts by only the width of a feather." Celestia began. "While your methods and outlook bring me pause, I cannot and will not ignore the good that drives them. I do not fully understand the circumstances of your life, but I have seen enough to know that you are a unique creature, one that I am sure defies even the logic of your own kind.”

“My boss said the same thing once... only a lot meaner.” Hunter smirked.

“You are not like those we seek, and I apologize for insinuating so.” Celestia humbly tipped her head.

Hunter lowered his head to her in return. “Thank you, Princess.”

“Moving forward, I will be at your side as well.” Celestia assured. “But, I do ask that if at all possible we avoid bloodshed. If no other option exists, then I will let you do what you must.”

Hunter hovered closer and held his talon out. “Deal. I’ll do everything I can to end this without violence.”

“Thank you.” Celestia laid her hoof in his talon.

“Well, that’s a relief.” Hunter’s face gave way to his typical smile. “I really didn't have any concrete plan to tackle this alone. Not to mention I just hate having beautiful women mad at me.”

Celestia laughed and shook her head. “This world most certainly isn’t ready for you, Hunter; but I am glad you are here now.”

Hunter bobbed over to Twilight. “We good?” He asked.

“Yes.” Twilight answered with a light smile. “I didn’t mean to…”

“Hey, it’s alright.” Hunter nodded understandingly. “I didn’t not deserve it” He grinned.

“So what now?” Sunset asked.

“This day has already been long and trying for all of us.” Luna began. “We still have no solid leads on the remaining two, I suggest you take the time to return home and rest while you can.”

“That’s a good idea.” Twilight agreed. “Let’s head back to Ponyville.”

“Okay.” Hunter checked with Sunset. “You taking the balloon or shall I carry you, Madame?”

“The balloon, it’s less grabby.” She smiled.

“Balloon it is.” Hunter descended back down to the others.

“Twilight.” Celestia circled in front of her. “I will notify you should we hear anything.”

“Right, I’ll do the same.” Twilight promised. She flew down to join her friends while the Princesses returned to the castle.

Everyone was physically, mentally and emotionally drained by the time they made it back to Ponyville. Pinkie saw the lingering somberness in her friends and immediately set herself to remedying the matter.

“Hey, everypony.” Pinkie jogged in front of them. “And Hippogriff.” She added. “I know today has been… a lot. But we can’t forget that we’re all still okay and we’re all still together. I say that’s cause for a celebration!” She pulled confetti from her mane and rained it down onto their heads.

“Pinkie, darling.” Rarity sighed. “We appreciate the thought but we’re also exhausted, you don’t have to…”

“Yes I do!” Pinkie ran up to her. “This isn’t just about being tired… can’t you feel it?” She asked. “Everybody is so heavy right now and that isn’t good.”

“It’s okay, Candy Land.” Hunter went to her side. “I’m a realist if nothing else. I know that you all aren’t going to see me the same way from here on out. It’s only natural and its part of the job for me; so don’t feel like you have to try and force the pendulum back.”

“I’m not trying to force it back, I’m trying to keep it in motion.” Pinkie adamantly defended. “Pretending things are okay doesn’t make them okay. That mean Vulpion was just the beginning and we’re going to be dealing with even more sad stuff; which means we have to find and hold onto the happy where we find it.” Her eyes ran across her circle of friends.

“That is a surprising amount of insight for someone who I’m almost certain is 60% frosting.” Hunter smiled.

“Hey, I know about a lot more than just parties.” She grinned back.

“Pinkie is right.” Twilight admitted. “We’re going to be dealing with things we’ve never dealt with before, all the more reason we need to keep our spirits high and our friendships strong.”

Hunter sat in the midst of them and looked around. “One of the most important things for a soldier in the field is trust; and I’ve already made a misstep in that area. I’ve been given the mission of protecting your home and keeping you safe; so if you’re willing to keep your trust in me then I’ll do whatever it takes to complete that mission.”

“You know that I will.” Sunset said without hesitation.

“So will I.” Twilight agreed.

“I sure am.” Applejack nodded. “You’re a hero in my book, Hunter.”

“Same here.” Pinkie patted his back.

“Likewise.” Rarity said with a delicate tip of her head.

“You’re good with me.” Rainbow Dash added.

“I forgive you too.” Fluttershy’s demure smile returned.

“Thanks.” Hunter nodded. “I’ll be straight with you all from now on, about the good and the bad.”

“Good.” Pinkie braced her forelegs on his shoulders “Now how about that party?”

Pinkie did what she did best and eroded the veil of melancholy with her endless cheer. A few rounds of dancing, custom ice cream shakes, sandwiches and a piñata found them all in much better spirits. Eventually their numbers dwindled, Pinkie being the last to call it a night as Twilight saw her off.

“Night, Pinkie.” Twilight waved as she magically closed the door.

“I think I’m going to get to bed too.” Sunset said with a yawn.

“Well, Starlight is still in the Crystal Empire visiting Sunburst, so you can sleep in her room. I’m sure she won’t mind.”

“Thanks, Twilight.” Sunset headed upstairs. “See you in the morning.”

“Goodnight.” Twilight waved before making a last round of the castle for the evening.

Sunset poked around the upper halls, looking for Hunter who had disappeared a while ago. She peered out onto the second story terrace and found him lying on his back, gazing up at the night sky.

“There you are.” Sunset walked over and sat beside him.

“Oh, hey Swine Strands.” He grinned up at her.

Sunset laughed dryly. “You’re starting to have to stretch for those.”

“Am I?” He chortled. “How about Hog Hat? Meat Mop? Tallow Tail?”

Sunset punched him in the shoulder with a restrained smile. “Shut it.”

“Ow, okay.” Hunter raised his talons as he sat up.

Sunset giggled and lowered her hoof. “I missed those stupid names… I missed you.” She admitted. "Having to see you take off like that, almost being forced to choose between Equestria and you... really made that sink in."

"You would have turned your back on Celestia to chase after me?"

"I didn't want to, but I wasn't going to let you run off alone and get yourself killed." She shrugged. "So... yeah, I would have."

Hunter looked into her eyes and smiled in reflection. “I knew that if you ever called me it was going to be something bad… and this is pretty damn bad. Still, I have to admit, I was happy when I saw that phone ringing. I didn’t think I’d ever see you again.” He reached over and squeezed her leg. “I didn’t want to leave, you know.”

“I know.” She allowed herself to lean into him. “I didn’t want you to leave either; but we both knew you had to.” Her eyes went downcast. “I think we both knew that… this… just wasn’t going to work.”

“Yeah.” Hunter regretfully agreed. “I can’t really tell you I’d always be there when I have to run around the world every other month.” A hapless laugh escaped him as he laid his head against hers. “Life just isn’t fair, is it?”

“Rarely.” They pressed into each other even more, her lips and his beak inching ever closer. His talon came up her back, combing through her mane and down her neck. “Damn it, Hunter.” She whispered as her hoof ran up his chest. “What did we just say?”

“Something about not going to work tomorrow?” He asked wryly as they lost themselves in a deep kiss. Hunter fell backwards and pulled her on top of him, his sharp claws lightly running up and down her body as their heads rocked to and fro.

“This is stupid.” She muttered between kisses.

“I agree.” He did the same.

“Then why don’t you stop?” She asked.

“I’ll stop when you do.” He noted, dragging his beak down her neck and kissing her shoulder.

Sunset planted her hooves on his chest and pushed herself up, shutting her eyes and biting her lip to keep from kissing him again. They both partook in heavy, controlling breaths as they fought the enflamed desire they felt for each other. “Hunter, we know what happens if we do this.”

“Yeah.” He laid his head back on the cool, crystalline floor. “It feels amazing… and then hurts like hell when we have to say goodbye again. Assuming we make it that far.”

Sunset rolled off of him and laid at his side, the two of them staring up into space. “I want to, Hunter.” She sighed. “You have no idea how badly I want to.”

“Oh, I've got a pretty good idea.” Hunter’s head rolled towards her, he reached out and took her hoof. “I’d walk away from it all if I could.”

“I know.” Sunset looked back at him. “But you do so much good and protect so many people. Even if you could, I wouldn’t ask you to.”

Hunter rolled over and stood, groaning in frustration. “Good for us for being smart." He said, his voice saturated in sarcasm. "It totally doesn’t suck.” He broke into laughter.

Sunset laughed right along with him as she got to her hooves. “Nope, not one bit.” She went to him with a hug. “I’d ask you not to be weird about this, but you’re weird about everything so...”

Hunter put his arms around her. “Hey, I can keep my mind on my work. I’m a professional.”

“A professional pain in the butt.” Sunset kissed his cheek and gazed into his eyes. "If we do make it back in one piece, we can talk about this then."

"Sounds like a plan." Hunter agreed. “We should… probably go back in now.” He dragged himself from her.

“Yeah.” She nodded.

“I should also sleep on an entirely different floor tonight, huh?” He asked with a smile.

“Good idea.” Sunset concurred with a light laugh as they headed back inside.

The next morning, the castle was roused by Rainbow Dash who flew through the halls with Gilda at her heels, calling for Twilight. Twilight, Spike, Sunset and Hunter rushed out of their rooms to see what was going on.

Twilight and Spike hurried down the hall until bumping into them. “Rainbow Dash, what’s…Gilda?” She paused at the sight of the griffon.

“Twilight, Gilda says that a monster invaded Griffonstone and has taken over.” Rainbow Dash rapidly explained.

“What’s going on?” Sunset asked as she and Hunter joined them.

“One of those… things is in Griffonstone.” Rainbow Dash reiterated.

Twilight summoned a scroll and quill, passing them to Spike. “Spike, let the Princesses know.”

“On it.” Spike flew into the library to relay the message.

“Gilda, this is Hunter and Sunset.” Twilight quickly introduced. “That creature sounds like one of the three we’re tracking down and they’re here to help.”

“What happened?” Hunter asked.

“It showed up about two days ago.” Gilda began. “At first it didn’t attack, but it threw its weight around and started interrogating us.”

“About what?” Sunset inquired.

“He wanted us to tell him about the world. It was like he’d never lived here a day in his life.” Gilda shook her head in confusion. “Once we told him what he wanted to know, he ordered us to leave. We tried to fight back but it’s too strong and… a bunch of griffons have already been killed.”

“Oh no.” Twilight gasped.

“The griffons are gathered near the base of the mountain, we’re all homeless now and running low on food. I didn’t know what else to do so I came looking for Dash.”

“It sounds like he’s trying to set up a base of operations.” Hunter surmised. “If he entrenches himself in the mountains it’ll be damn near impossible to get at him.” He growled under his breath. “Can you tell me about him? What is he?”

“I don’t know for sure.” Gilda answered. “I’ve never seen any creature like it. It looks like a Roc but it has two sets of wings, a longer body with a tail more like a dragon’s and huge horns. What’s worse is that the tips of his wings are lined with quills that he can throw; they’re sharp and can even pierce solid stone.”

“Sound familiar?” Hunter turned to Twilight.

“No, I’ve never heard of anything like that.” She confessed.

“Twilight!?” Spike came barreling back down the hall. “Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are on their way.”

“Thanks, Spike.” Twilight accepted him onto her back. “We’ll get moving as soon as they arrive. When they do, let the others know what is happening. We’ll have to fly to Griffonstone so it looks like this is going to be up to us.”

“What about me?” Sunset asked.

“I can use my magic to carry you.” Twilight assured.

“So, you guys can beat this thing, right?” Gilda asked, a fear in her voice not even Rainbow Dash had heard before. “I mean, that’s what you do.”

“We will, Gilda.” Rainbow Dash vowed. “We promise.”

As they scrambled to prepare, a bright flash of light filled the foyer and the Princesses appeared. “Twilight!” Celestia called. “We are here!”

Hearing her call, everyone assembled around them. “What is it we face?” Luna asked.

“Big bird, four wings, dragon tail, quill darts… ring a bell?” Hunter asked in returned.

“The Draconopteryx?” Celestia looked to her sister.

“So it would seem.” Luna nodded.

“What is that?” Twilight queried.

“An ancient species, thought to be the ancestral link between reptilian species' like the Dragon and avian species' like the Griffon.” Celestia explained.

“Oh, we have creatures like those in my world.” Hunter began casually. “Except they went extinct millions of years ago.”

“Even we have not seen one before.” Luna noted. “Where is it now?”

“Griffonstone.” Sunset informed.

“Then let us make haste.” Celestia threw open the castle doors with her magic as they all took to the air and set course for the Griffon capitol.

Author's Note:

Draconopteryx is a play on the Archaeopteryx. Archaeopteryx, meaning "old wing", is a genus of bird-like dinosaurs that is transitional between non-avian feathered dinosaurs and modern birds.