• Published 6th Jul 2019
  • 1,579 Views, 59 Comments

The Hunter From Another World - Marezinger Z

When a trio of escaped criminals find their way into Equestria, Sunset calls on an old friend to help face this new threat.

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Chapter 16

The return trip came with the overwhelming relief that the battles were finally over. Shining Armor and Cadence carried the pair of injured Wonderbolts along their trek and Fluttershy tended to Hunter’s pierced talon. The families of freed ponies reunited and Twilight was more than happy to inform the parents of little Willow that their daughter was safe and waiting for them at the castle. The grateful Equestrians also showered the Princesses with their gratitude; but despite the smile on her face, Hunter could see in Celestia’s eyes that their final encounter weighed on her heavily. For the time being, he left it alone; opting to bask in the knowledge that Equestria was safe and everyone was still alive to see it.

Once back at the castle, Celestia and Luna immediately saw that all of the ponies were given medical examination and treatment. Cadence and Twilight organized a quick, public statement that the danger was over and more information would be given after things had settled. Rarity and Applejack took Willow to an emotional reunion with her parents and Hunter took the time to get his talon properly treated and re-bandaged. As he left the ward, he found Sunset waiting for him; he raised his bandaged talon and wiggled it with a small smile.

“All good now.” He assured. “Still, could use a kiss to make it better.”

“I can handle that.” Sunset pecked his beak with several kisses.

“How’s everything coming along?” He asked.

“Still busy.” She answered. “Everyone is helping out getting those ponies settled for the night. Cadence and Shining Armor are going to take them back to their village tomorrow morning.”

“Good.” He nodded. “They’re still caught up in the euphoria of being freed and reunited, but the aftermath of that hell they went through is going to hit pretty hard.” He shrugged. “I don’t know ponies though, so I can’t say what will or won’t happen in the wake of something like this.”

“None of us can.” Sunset concurred.

“Where’s Celestia?”

“Luna had her take a break for a while.” She informed. “I think she went back to her room.”

“I’ve got to talk to her.” He laid his talon to her shoulder. “I’ll find you later, okay?”

“Yeah.” She kissed him again. “I’ll keep helping Starlight and the others get the rooms ready for the night.”

Hunter headed through the castle, getting directions from the guards to find the Princess. He knocked on her door, receiving a call for entry after a few silent moments. He found her laying on her balcony, looking out at the late day sun which was almost ready to be set on the trying day.

“Hey, Princess.” He slowly walked over. “Mind if I join you?”

“Not at all.” She lightly smiled.

Hunter sighed as he sat beside her. “Just wanted to see how you were holding up. Good? Bad? Better after a few drinks?”

Celestia laughed. “I am… different.” She set her gaze upon him “I am ashamed to admit that I was wholly unprepared to face this threat when it began. Twilight was wise to seek Sunset’s help, and Sunset was just as wise to seek yours. Had we faced those creatures without your council and aid… there would surely be more that would have died.” Her eyes softened. “I am sorry that even at the end, I still had to leave such a deed in your talons. As angry as I was… I simply could not bring myself to strike that terrible beast down.”

“Isn’t that what friendship is about?” He asked. “One being willing to fill in the holes of the other and vice versa?” He put his talon over her hoof. “I made the call in the end. Their blood is on my hands not yours, and I’m okay with that; I can be that for you and the others.”

“A ruler is asked to act in the name of her followers.” She stated. “Not being able to silence a threat so grave would be seen as weakness by many.”

“No, that’s not weakness.” Hunter shook his head. When it comes to stuff like this, strength flows both ways. True, it takes strength to be able to take a life; but it takes just as much strength to not take one, especially when the urge is so strong.” He smiled. “I really do admire you and this world you’ve got going on here. This may just be my own philosophy, but I think that as much as the world needs people like me it also needs people like you; those who advocate for peace above all else and can stay true to their morals in any situation. When people like you and I join forces, we always tend to meet up in the middle where the best possible answer lies; we may not both fully agree with it, but we can both agree that it’s for the best.”

Celestia absorbed his words with an impressed hum. “You are a wise creature, Hunter.”

Hunter laughed shortly. “Only about half the time.” He assured. “But, and I told Sunset something similar, those ponies who went through this are different now too; they’re going to need help as time passes to cope with the experience and guiding them the right way will make sure that their pain doesn’t turn into hate.”

“Agreed.” Celestia nodded. “I will ensure that their lives are rebuilt and that they know my ears and heart will always be open to them.” She looked out over her city. “As awful as this may sound, there is some part of me that respects that this has happened. I have been shown a new kind of malevolence and I promise that should something like this ever happen again, I will be ready to face the challenge.” She looked back to him with confidence.

“And if you ever need me again, you know where to find me.”

“Thank you, Hunter.” She tipped her head graciously.

Everyone slept better that night knowing that the worst was behind them. Come the dawn, Sunset and Hunter said their goodbyes to Cadence and Shining Armor as they set out to see the rescued ponies home. Those that remained were treated to breakfast, prepared by the Princess herself as she enjoyed seeing her dining hall so filled with friends. After breakfast, the Wonderbolts headed back to Cloudsdale while the others made a return trip to Ponyville. The crowd dwindled further as Starlight and Maud said their goodbyes as well, with Starlight walking the Pie sister home. Finally, it was time for Sunset and Hunter to return to their world as well. As they slowed their procession to the portal room in the foyer, Twilight gave Sunset and long hug.

“Thank you, Sunset.” Twilight smiled as she squeezed her.

“I’m glad we could help.” Sunset held her tightly.

“After all we’ve heard about you, it was a pleasure to finally meet you.” Rarity added.

“It’s just a shame you have to go so soon after things have gotten calmer.” Twilight noted as she sat back.

“I know, but I need to let my friends know we’re okay.” Sunset sighed in thought of her piled up homework. “That, and if I’m gone any longer I’m going to wind up in summer school.”

“That’s understandable.” Rainbow Dash hovered over them, her cast swinging like a pendulum. “Not much of a reward for helping to save the world, unless you’re Twi.”

Ha ha.” Twilight stared up at her sourly.

Hunter stepped over to Luna as the girls said their goodbyes. “Sure you don’t mind taking that armor and necklace back to Mt. Aris?”

“It is no trouble.” Luna assured.

“Thanks.” Hunter nodded. “Give Windshear and High Tide my thanks, and tell them I’m sorry about the missing gauntlet.”

“I shall.” She promised.

“Hunter?” Twilight called over to him.

“Princess.” He walked over to the girls.

“Thank you for all your help.” She held out her hoof. “It’s good to know we’ve got more friends in the human world.”

“It was an honor to fight alongside you all.” He took her hoof firmly.

“I hope you can come back sometime.” She smiled. “When there’s less imminent danger.”

“Next time I get a vacation, I’ll make sure to stop by.” He chuckled as he headed over to Applejack. “Now, I know you’re all going to miss me; especially you.” He began, putting his arm around her as she sighed heavily. “But hopefully the memory of me will stay with you until we meet again.”

“Oh I’m sure it will.” Applejack grinned. “Whether I want it to or not.” She looked over to Sunset. “When y’all get back, tell my other self that she has my sympathies.”

“She’ll be happy to hear.” Sunset giggled.

After a last round of goodbyes to everyone, Celestia and Twilight walked them up to the portal room. “Thank you again.” Celestia said as they neared the mirror. “Equestria owes you much. I know you must leave, but if there is ever anything I can do for either of you, just let me know.”

Hunter stopped at that and turned, a thoughtful smile on his face. “Well, now that you mention it; there is one thing only you could help me with.” The mares looked at each other in bewilderment and what he meant by that.

The final bell rang at Canterlot High and Principal Celestia began to finalize the school day behind her desk. She was taken from her work by a knock on the doorframe and smiled at the sight of the familiar face.

“Hunter.” She immediately stood.

“Hey there, Principal-o-mine.” He met her halfway and gave her a hug. “Since I’m not a student here anymore, I can do this and it isn’t considered creepy.”

Celestia laughed as she embraced him. “Tongue as sharp as ever, I see.”

“I only use it for good now.” He dramatically proclaimed.

“I’m glad to hear.” She folded her arms and leaned against her desk. “What brings you back to Canterlot?”

“Well… let’s call it an extended visit.” He smiled. “But I couldn’t very well call it one without stopping by here.”

“Have things been going well since you moved on?” She asked.

“Definitely.” He nodded slowly. “Everything I learned here the first time has stuck with me and things have been better than they have been in a long time.”

“That’s wonderful.”

“I even managed to find a woman who can stand being around me long enough to be my girlfriend.” He proudly informed. “She’s actually here with me.” He looked back to the door. “Come on in, don’t be shy.” Principal Celestia’s smile faded as her exact double stepped into the room. “This is Tia.” He introduced.

“A pleasure.” Celestia extended her hand to her human counterpart.

“Oh… yes.” Principal Celestia shook herself free of her shock and returned the gesture. “Likewise.”

As Celestia took a step back, Hunter put his arm around her waist and looked up at her with a sly smile. “She and I met after I got settled at my new school.” He fabricated an explanation. “We hit it off pretty quick.” He looked back to Principal Celestia, trying not to laugh at the look on her face. “I don’t what it was, there's just… something about her.”

“I… I see.” Principal Celestia forced a smile. “I’m… very happy for you.”

“She’s definitely helped turn my life around.” Hunter patted her hip. “Ain’t that right?”

“As you have mine, sweetie.” Celestia tilted Hunter’s head up and kissed his cheek.

“I know you’re busy so I’ll get out of your hair.” Hunter said, fighting a snicker. “I’ll be in town for a while though, so hopefully I’ll see you around.”

“Alright.” Principal Celestia nodded, her eyes trying not to stare at her twin. “It was good seeing you again."

“Take care.” Hunter waved as he turned for the door.

“Bye.” Celestia gave her doppelganger a small wave as she followed Hunter out of the office.

Sunset waited by the statue, finally seeing Hunter and Celesita emerge laughing from the school building. She shook her head as they neared, a regretfully amused smile on her face. “You have problems.” She noted.

“Yep.” Hunter took her hand and pulled her into him. “And now they’re all yours.”

“Don’t remind me.” She chuckled, kissing him shortly.

“I should be returning.” Celestia stepped up to Sunset. “I still have a meeting to make.”

“I guess this is goodbye again.” Sunset said wistfully.

“In spite of everything, it was truly wonderful having you back again.” Celestia smiled down at her. “I do hope you will visit more often. I may have taught you much; but after this experience, I am eager to learn more about this world and I can think of no better teacher than you, Sunset.”

Sunset’s eyes perked at the idea. “I’d like that.”

“Then until next time.” Celestia hugged her. “Take care, both of you.”

“I’ll keep her out of trouble.” Hunter grinned, giving her a thumb up.

As Celestia went back through the portal, Sunset turned to Hunter with a thoughtful sigh. “While you were busy traumatizing my principal, I got in touch with the girls to let them know we’re back. They’re on their way now.”

“Awesome.” Hunter slid his arms around her. “Do you want to give them the good news or should we just start making out when they pull up?” He asked wryly.

“Save it for later.” She gave him a concerned smiled. “There is going to be a later, right? Or do you have to leave already?”

“I’ve been thinking about that.” Hunter ran his thumb across her cheek. “I’m going to pull some strings and make Canterlot my new base of operations. They don’t like for us to stay in one spot, but I can make a case for it and I’ve earned enough clout to throw my weight around a little.”

“Really?” Sunset’s smile broadened.

“Yeah.” He nodded. “I can have Lilly at HQ set me up with a driver’s license for the state and create a credit history for me. With that, I can find a place to stay and pick up a car; I’ll have to use an assumed name for the records though.” He paused to think. “How about… Ian Tense.”

Sunset laughed. “Absolutely not.”

“Okay, I’ll think of something.” He chuckled but his face grew serious. “Speaking of which, there is something you should know.”

“What?” She asked.

“Hunter... isn’t my real name, it’s my codename.” He answered.

“Oh.” Sunset was taken aback by the confession.

"Yeah.” He nodded. “If we’re going to be together, then I was thinking maybe you’d want to know my birth name.”

“Uh… yeah.” She laid her hands to his chest. “Of course I would. What is it?”

He smiled with light embarrassment. “It’s... Wilbur.”

“Wilbur?” She repeated with a slightly sour tone.

“I know, it’s lame as hell.” He admitted.

“No… it’s not.” She shook her head. “It’s actually…”

“I’m just fucking with you.” He finally broke down in laughter.

What!?” Sunset's eyes narrowed. “Damn it, Hunter!” She pounded her fist on his chest.

“Oh my god….” He took her wrist. “Your face… I seriously thought you were going to break up with me when you heard that.”

“I still might.” She warned, ultimately falling into laughter with him.

They turned at the sound of a pair of vehicles, noticing Fluttershy’s car and Applejack’s truck pull up with their friends. Sunset put her arm around Hunter and set her head to his shoulder, waving to them as they got out. She laughed to herself as she saw Pinkie point at them with a bright smile, her friends' faces registering realization of her new relationship status. As they hurried over, Sunset let go of her worries about what might or could happen down the line; at the moment she had her friends as well as Hunter, and that was enough.

Author's Note:

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed the ride. It won't be immediate, but Sunset and Hunter will return. :raritywink:

Comments ( 11 )

Glad this is finally complete. Took me a while to bother to read the first story, but now that I've read both, I'm glad I took the time to do so. Looking forward to seeing Hunter again

So question, will Sunset go by the Equestrian gestation period of 11 months, the human one of 9, or split the difference and go 10?

Thanks. You've stuck with me the longest on this one and I appreciate it. :twilightsmile:

I was actually dealing with that idea concerning another story I wrote about Starlight, Trixie and Thorax. The question being, does magic alter your genetic structure. I'm on the side that when Sunset passes through into the human world, she fully changes into a human on a biological level; so a pregnancy with her would be a typical human one. I touched on that with Hunter, noting that in his hippogriff form, he had trouble adapting the muscle memory skills he learned as a human because his body was biologically different.

If you decide to make a slice of life one-shots based off of hunter and sunset’s relationship, I wouldn’t mind seeing a point in which sunset uses her empathy to help those ponies and how both Celestia and Hunter feel about that. Great story

Reading this again, I can't help but think, where was Discord during all of this?

I considered using Discord and even had scenes with him planned out, but I decided to cut him because I wanted to utilize other characters who don't get as much attention; like Spitfire, Starlight and Maud. Plus, Discord is a difficult character to use in ensemble stories because of his ridiculous power; I feel like when he's around the natural thought for a reader is 'why doesn't Discord just end this in 2 minutes'. In the show, he has demonstrated that he keeps himself out of conflicts like this because he doesn't want the world to come to rely on him, only stepping in when Fluttershy is shown to be in mortal danger which is why I kept her out of the heavier fights; to avoid the 'why isn't Discord coming to save her argument'. Moving forward, maybe I can find a place for him in a more 'slice of life' story with Hunter and Sunset.

Great and amazing read.
Thank you!

Thanks. :pinkiehappy: I'm glad you enjoyed it.

This has been ranked here

Do you got a source for the pony pic used in the cover image? Would like to add it to my collection. :twilightsheepish:

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