• Published 6th Jul 2019
  • 1,579 Views, 59 Comments

The Hunter From Another World - Marezinger Z

When a trio of escaped criminals find their way into Equestria, Sunset calls on an old friend to help face this new threat.

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Chapter 9

Hunter, Sunset and Twilight traveled back to Ponyville and promptly reassembled the team. Not sacrificing any time, they immediately embarked for Canterlot; using the travel time to catch each other up on what had transpired while they were away. Since no one had heard from the Princesses, they had hoped that things were still quiet but upon arrival in the royal city they found much the opposite. A large group of rural ponies were gathered in the castle with the guards working to keep them calm. The looks on their faces were all Hunter needed to see to know what had happened and they hurried to the throne room to meet with the sisters. The throne room was equally active as Luna reviewed a map of the area with several of the guard while Celestia relayed instructions to members of the court.

“Princess.” Twilight offered Celestia a wave to let her know they had arrived.

Celestia noticed them and quickly ended her business. “Thank goodness you have returned.” She hurried over to them.

“What happened?” Hunter asked.

“I trust you saw the ponies outside?” She asked in return.

“Yeah, we did.” Sunset nodded. “Who are they?”

“They are refugees from a trio of settlements to the southwest.” Celestia informed. “They reported an attack from Skyfall.”

“Is everypony alright?” Fluttershy queried.

“Fortunately yes, there were no casualties reported… at least… not as far as the locals are concerned.” Celestia’s eyes lowered painfully.

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, scared of the answer.

“Two of the squads of royal guard finally returned; one reported an encounter with another creature and only half their numbers survived.” She said shallowly. “We have reason to believe that the remaining squads suffered a similar fate.”

“MIA doesn’t mean dead, Princess.” Hunter shook his head. “If they’re out there, we’ll find them.”

“So what’s the situation now?” Rainbow Dash looked around at all the activity.

“Luna is speaking with the returned guards, they are noting the settlements that were attacked as well as the areas that have already been searched.” Celestia explained. “We are trying to narrow down the number of locations of where these monsters might be hiding.”

“The other one has to be Ridgeback.” Hunter surmised. “I’ll need to talk to the guards that fought him.”

“Of course.” Celestia nodded. “But first, we must make sure that…”

The already hectic scene was interrupted by the doors being flung open. The guards worked to halt the procession of stately ponies that entered the royal hall and held them away from the Princesses.

“Princess Celestia!” The well-dressed stallion at the head of the group called. “We insist that we speak with you!”

“Please.” Celestia approached them. “I can imagine your upset in all this but…”

“This is more than upset.” He insisted. “The city is plagued with word that dangerous creatures are running loose in Equestria. The ponies of Canterlot have already heard of the attack on Griffonstone and now these farmers are here saying much the same. Is nothing being done to stop this?”

“I assure you, we are working diligently to track these beasts down.” Celestia noted.

“Given the range of this news that hardly seems to be the case.” He snorted. “I can promise you that I and many others in Canterlot do not feel safe which is why we are here now, we wish you to see to the city's security."

Sunset watched the entitled stallion carry on in disgust. Her concentration was broken by the sound of mild whining; she looked over to see Hunter gazing at her with pleading eyes and bouncing up and down like a kid who had to go to the bathroom. She smiled and reached up to 'unzip' his beak.

“Sic ‘em, boy.” She patted his cheek.

Hunter sighed in relief, wagging his tongue to loosen it up. “Hey, chucklefuck!” He shouted, silencing the room. He noticed the stallion glance at him as he approached. “Yeah, talking to you Mr. Ed.”

“I beg your pardon, but this doesn’t concern you.” He turned his nose up.

“The hell it doesn’t!” Hunter pushed the guard aside and got in his face, pointing back to Celestia. “The Princess is woefully aware of what is going on and is doing everything in her power to keep everyone safe, even asshats like you. Innocent creatures have already died and even more are in danger as we speak; she’s the one that has to bear that weight, not you." He patted his chest. "And my friends and I are the ones actually out there fighting these goddamn things. All you and your froofy friends have to do is sit in your expensive houses, behind these safe city walls, and shut the fuck up… and you can’t even do that right!” Hunter poked his talon into the stallion’s chest. “I don’t know who the fuck you think you are, but I promise you that you’re not." Hunter took a few steps back, his eyes locked on the stallion's. "Guys like you make me sick; so fuck you and everyone who looks like you!” He pointed back to the door. “Now get your sorry assess out of here or I’m the one you’re going to have to be afraid of!” The stallion and his entourage wearily backed away, offering a quiet apology to the Princess before hurrying out of the room. Hunter turned back and politely cleared his throat. “Attention everyone, please pretend you didn’t just hear all that crazy shit I just said.”

“Hee hee… chucklefuck is a funny name.” Pinkie Pie noted as she wrote it down.

“Pinkie!” Twilight ripped the paper from her hooves and teleported it away.”

“Aww.” She sulked.

Celestia went to Hunter with a lopsided smile. “Well, I’m not entirely certain what all of that meant… but I do have a fair idea. Thank you.”

“Anytime.” Hunter returned to Sunset’s side and zipped his beak back up.

“Good boy.” Sunset patted his head.

It took some time, but order was eventually established. Celestia and Twilight saw to it that the refugees were set up in temporary lodging and Luna utilized all the information they were given to create a map they could work with. Rarity led the girls into the city to help calm the rampant rumors spreading about what was happening and Hunter interviewed the battle-scarred guards to learn what he could about Ridgeback. Reconvening, the team was finally able to speak in the now empty throne room.

“Thank you for all your help.” Celestia sat in her throne with a heavy sigh. “It’s been like this since last night.”

“Of course, Princess.” Twilight nodded.

“We have a deal more to work with at this point.” Luna gestured to the map she had displayed on the easel. “We can make more informed decisions from this point onward.”

“Hunter.” Celestia turned her attention to him. “How do you feel we should proceed?”

“Well, first things first.” He folded his talons. “We need to run a sweep of those settlements and make sure they're clear; that way those ponies can return home. I’d like to take a look around too and see just what went down.” He stepped over to Luna. “How about it, Lulu? You and I can fly down and be back in no time.”

“Very well.” Luna nodded. “And please refrain from calling me that.”

“Noted.” Hunter gave her a thumb up.

“What if you run into them again?” Sunset asked worriedly.

“I’ve got a feeling we won’t.” Hunter shook his head. “To be honest, something is bothering me about these attacks. I can’t say anything for sure until I see for myself though.”

“We will return as quickly as we can.” Luna bid her sister farewell as they started out.

“What shall we do in the meantime?” Rarity asked.

“Not much, at least until they get back.” Rainbow Dash flew over to the map. “You’ve got a lot of ground covered, but there is just as much that hasn’t been searched yet.”

“Yes, and given what has happened to my guard I am hesitant to send more out.” Celestia joined her. “This Ridgeback seems the most fearful of the three.”

“You said that the guard got into a scrap with him, right?” Applejack asked. “What did they see?”

“Given the description, he seems to be a Razorback Boarilla.” Celestia informed. “Their brute strength is nearly unmatched.”

“I’ve actually heard of that one.” Fluttershy thought back to a safari she had gone on. “They’re normally native to tropical areas but have been known to survive in a variety of climates. I heard that they can uproot trees with one arm and break stone with their fists.”

“Why couldn’t he have turned into a puppy or something?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“Guess that would be too easy.” Sunset shrugged, heading for the door. “We should tell those ponies that we’re working on getting them home.”

“Good idea, darling.” Rarity followed. “I’ll help.”

“I’ll do some research on these Boarilla things.” Twilight motioned for Fluttershy to join her. “Hopefully we can find something useful.”

“Okay.” Fluttershy flew after her towards the library.

Celestia rose from her seat with a deep breath. “This situation has disrupted much. Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, would you assist me in catching up on things?”

“Absolutely, Princess.” Applejack nodded as they followed after her.

“Yeah, we’ll get you caught up in no time.” Rainbow Dash assured as she rushed from the room.

“Doesn’t she want to know what you need us to do first?” Pinkie Pie smiled up at Celestia.

“One can never doubt her enthusiasm.” Celestia opened the door for them as they sought to catch up to her.

Hunter and Luna arrived in the first of the vacated settlements. They landed between the homes to find many demolished; with wood, straw and stone scattered across the area. Calls from the loosed livestock could be heard but there was no sign of the perpetrator.

“This is just wanton destruction.” Luna noted in contempt.

“I know… that’s what is bothering me.” Hunter began walking the area to look for bodies.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked as she followed.

“These guys are killers, but they’re not sloppy; Skyfall in particular.” Hunter began. “He’s an assassin, nothing about this reflects his M.O. Even when he attacked Griffonstone he was looking for information and only killed because he was engaged in a fight.”

“You are saying that it was another creature that did this?”

“No, Skyfall is kind of hard to mistake at this point.” Hunter poked his head into a home, finding nothing as he predicted. “I think this was staged.” He looked westward to where the next settlement awaited. “Let’s check the other locations.”

The second and third settlements were nearly identical to the first, a swathe of destruction with no clear intent. Luna made a sweep of the sky before returning to Hunter’s side.

“There is no further sign of his presence.” She reported. “It seems you are correct in your assumptions. This may seem a dead end, but at least we can confirm that no life was lost.”

“True.” Hunter nodded, staring off into the distance.

“If these attacks were deliberate, what is the message?” Luna sat next to him.

“I don’t think this was his idea.” Hunter finally answered. “I have a feeling after he fought us in the mountains he went running to find Ridgeback.” He sighed in regret. "I ran my mouth off a little too much and told him about Stinger, that probably spooked him."

“If they have indeed joined forces, then that does not bode well.” Luna recalled how difficult it was to face just one of them in combat. “Still, what makes you think this?”

“Ridgeback’s whole criminal career was based on evading the cops, border patrol and FBI. He’s basically a master at shaking a tail and I’ve had friends in the DEA tell me about tactics like this. Groups would raid a set of locations in a seemingly unrelated area. Law officers would investigate and try to look for pieces to a puzzle that doesn’t exist. All the while, the primary target would be moving in the complete opposite direction.”

“These attacks lead west.” Luna turned in the opposite direction. “So we should head east then.”

“That’s what I’m thinking.” Hunter stood. “Let’s get back and give them the all clear.” The duo took to the air and began their flight back to the castle.

Once they had reported back, Celestia began the process of seeing the rural ponies back to their homes. She sent some of the remaining guard with them for protection as well as construction teams to help rebuild their homes. Hunter relayed his plan to investigate eastward, having found some areas on Luna’s map that sparked his interest; with the hour having grown late, they were invited to remain in the castle and set out in the morning when they were refreshed. The hectic and stressful day left the atmosphere heavy; so as the others settled down for the night, Hunter looked for a way to help alleviate the somberness. Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were sharing a room that overlooked the southern terrace; having just gotten into bed they sat back up at the sound of a country guitar.

“Do you… hear that?” Rarity asked.

“Yeah.” Pinkie Pie nodded. “Sounds like a hoedown.”

“Sure does.” Applejack hopped out of bed and went to the window. “What in tarnation!?” She pulled the window open, looking down on Hunter and a four piece band playing. “Hunter!? What the hay do you think ya’ll are doing!?”

“It's a spur shaking serenade, my little tumbleweed!” He smiled up at her.

“A what!?” Applejack ran her hoof over her face.

“Awww, how sweet.” Pinkie Pie laughed as she squeezed in to take a look.

“Says you.” Applejack sighed.

“Where in Equestria did he find a band at this hour?” Rarity asked as she joined them.

The window two doors down opened and Twilight stuck her head out. “What is going on out here!?” She grumbled.

“It’s a serenade!” Pinkie shouted across. “Isn’t that romantic!”

“How lovely.” Fluttershy appeared above Twilight.

“Sweet Celestia, will you keep it down!” Rainbow Dash’s head appeared above Fluttershy’s. “Applejack, tell your boyfriend to knock it off!”

“He ain’t my boyfriend!” Applejack called back.

“Ow.” Hunter frowned as he strummed his guitar. “I’m right here you know!”

“The whole city knows, darling!” Rarity assured.

The highest window opened and Celestia observed the scene. “Hunter!” She called down. “What are you doing!?”

“Being charming!” He called back. “Does milady have any requests!?”

“Yes, go to bed!” She shook her head, not being able to hold back her smile.

Hunter ceased his playing and the band followed suit. “You heard the lady, sorry.” He watched as the band took up their instruments and disappeared into the night. With a shrug, Hunter laid the guitar over his shoulder and headed back inside.

“Finally!” Rainbow Dash groaned as she, Fluttershy and Twilight closed their window.

“Big goofball.” Applejack muttered as she shut the window.

“He’s just trying to be entertaining, dear.” Rarity noted. “Sunset did say that was his way, and after today you can’t blame him for trying to lighten the mood.”

“Yeah, his heart is in the right place.” Pinkie Pie added as she bounced back into her bed.

“I know, it’s his brain I wonder about sometimes.” Applejack laughed as she slid back under the covers.

Sunset perked as her door opened and Hunter returned. She chuckled at the look on his face and sat up on the bed. “So, did that go like you planned?”

“Oddly enough she wasn’t a fan.” He smiled. “Then mom yelled at me.”

“Okay, I’ve got to ask now.” Sunset rested her chin on her hoof. “What is your weird fixation with Applejack? I mean, I know we’re not committed to anything but do I need to be worried?”

Hunter laughed and got into his own bed. “You want to know the truth?”

“Yeah, I do.”

He sighed and sat against the wall. “When I was first taken from the orphanage and put into the training program I was far from the suave agent you see before you.” His smile faded. “It was rough, I knew I wasn’t supposed to be there; that that’s not what a kid’s life is supposed to be like. I fought them every step of the way and fell into a dark place... I was tap dancing on losing it but that’s when Heartland came along.”

“Heartland?” Sunset repeated.

“She was in the program for a year before I showed up.” He smiled again as he thought of her. “I don’t know why, but she decided to be there for me. She stuck with me and kept me grounded, told me things would be okay and that being there meant I was strong and special; she kept me moving forward until I was excelling all on my own… probably saved my life.” He looked over at Sunset. “Applejack is just like her, right down to the accent; that’s why I play with her so much… being around her reminds me of one of the only good parts of my childhood.”

“I never would have guessed.” Sunset reflected on the story. “You know, Applejack would probably like to know that, both of them.”

“Naw.” Hunter shook his head with a short laugh. “If she knew the truth then she’d just find my attention endearing, that’s no fun.”

“Heaven forbid.” Sunset laughed. "So, where is Heartland now?"

Hunter let out a hard breath. "Well, like I said, what I do is dangerous work."

"Oh." Sunset gasped. "I'm... sorry."

"I wish I could say more than that's just the nature of the game." He said emptily. "She was a great person... deserved better in life."

Sunset got off the bed and went to his side, laying her hoof on his talon. “Thank you for telling me that, it means a lot that you'd share all that with me.”

“You’re the first person I’ve ever actively talked about my past with.” He smiled up at her. “Feels kind of nice.”

“Yeah, it does.”

"You know, I don't think I'll ruin the moment this time." Hunter squeezed her hoof.

"Appreciated." Sunset bent down and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight, Hunter."

"Night, Sunny." Hunter rolled over as she extinguished the lamps and returned to her bed.