• Published 11th Apr 2020
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 11 - twilightsparkle3562

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Episode 17: "Twilight's New Secretary"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Realizing that she needs a secretary to help handle her work, Twilight and Spike consider Moondancer for the job.


Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle

Cathy Wesluck as Spike

Kazumi Evans as Moondancer

Ashliegh Ball as Lemon Hearts

Rebecca Hussian as Minuette

Tabitha St. Germain as Twinkleshine/"Muffins"/First Folio

Andrea Libman as Morning Roast

Britt Irvin as Luster Dawn

Veena Sood as Fire Blaster

Bill Newton as Moon Dusk

Scott McNeil as Greedy Fat Cat

"My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" Season 11, Episode 17

"Twilight's New Secretary"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

One morning, Moondancer arrived at Donut Joe's shop in Canterlot for breakfast with three of her pony friends. It was a time that Moondancer greatly looked forward to. Ever since coming out of her shell, Moondancer had found the gatherings to be beneficial in maintaining her friendships with ponies she might have previously ignored. As she stepped into the donut shop, Moondancer saw her friends and sat down.

"Ah, Moondancer, glad you could join us," Lemon Hearts greeted and then asked her fellow unicorn. "Did you read the Canterlot Chronicle?"

"I can't say that I have," Moondancer replied in a confused voice. "Is this related to the battle of Mount Aris that took place recently?"

"Well, yes," Minutette remarked in a tone surprisingly void of her usual chipper nature. "But there's something else that's making headway."

Passing the latest copy over to Moondancer, Minuette and the others watched as their friend studied the article.

"I don't get it," Moondancer wondered aloud. "Why does Twilight need a secretary? Doesn't she have Spike as her assistant?"

"Well, yeah," Twinkleshine pointed out. "But I guess the workload has been getting to be too much for even him. He's now the number one assistant for the first ruler to see us at war in over a thousand years. I can't imagine all the paperwork that the war must be bringing."

To Moondancer, the statement came as a surprise. She worried that Twilight might be beginning to crack under the pressure. "I see," She nodded while adjusting her glasses. "Well, if it's a secretary job, I'm sure she can find a pony who's studious enough to maintain all her important documents. I imagine she's already gotten a thousand requests for job interviews if word of this is in a public paper."

But instead, all three unicorn mares looked at their friend intently.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?" Moondancer awkwardly inquired.

"Moondancer, isn't it obvious?" Minuette asked as she took a bite out of a donut. "You could be considered a front runner for the job. I mean, you know Twilight more than any of us. You two were so close that Twilight moving away caused you to become a shut in."

Twinkleshine not so secretly glared at Minuette as she added. "Besides, haven't you considered getting a more permanent job? A job that you could see yourself doing for years and years?"

Moondancer took a bite out of her donut and contemplated what was being said "I…I have considered that possibility," She stammered. "But isn't the job market for my areas of interest low? I mean, there are plenty of other good jobs available, such as a librarian. I would be really good as a librarian, I think." Taking a book out of her saddlebag, Moondancer placed it on the table. But the rest of her friends weren't convinced by her words.

"Yeah, we would be able to support you as a librarian, Moondancer," Minuette chimed in. "But we think you should at least give something else a try. Get out of the books and think about getting the bits. Maybe even see the world."

"Girls," Moondancer gulped as she took another bite of her donut. "Being in a library…is all I really know how to do. I can help ponies find whatever books they want, it's nice and quiet and I can be free to do research in my free time. Besides, I'm friends with First Folio. Landing a job with her shouldn't be a problem."

At that moment, a light green colored earth pony stallion came walking in. He was wearing a green tie and black sport coat. He approached the table, sneering at Moondancer. "I would take your friends' advice, Moondancer," He declared. "After all, do you know why I'm here?"

Moondancer cowered at the pony's dirty appearance, a foul smell coming off of him. "Your latest rent is overdue," He said in a gruff voice. "I'm tired of hearing your 'excuses'."

"Look, I'll get you the money, Greedy Fatcat," Moondancer replied as she tried not to snarl. "It's just that…I haven't really had a chance to…"

Before Moondancer could finish her sentence, the earth pony stallion stood up and glared into her face. "I've begun to run out of patience with you, young filly," He said, bending down and looking intently at her. "If I don't get my money by the end of this week, I'm putting you out on the streets. Is that clear?! Twilight Sparkle was always good at paying her rent on time when she lived in that old tower, and that was long before she became a princess. No reason why a grown pony like you can't do the same. Do you understand?"

Nodding nervously and without saying a word, Moondancer turned her attention back to her friends. However, none of them were in the mood for talking.

"Now, if you'll excuse me," Greedy Fatcat spoke with Moondancer's back turned to him. "I'm off to get my breakfast."

With her landlord gone, Moondancer felt that time was now of the essence for her!

Back at the Castle of Friendship, another day of learning about friendship came to an end and Luster Dawn left to spend some alone time with her mentor. By now, Luster had come to be fully settled with living in her new hometown. Although she couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated by the presence of the guards that now stood in front of Twilight's castle. She knew Equestria was in a state of war, but she didn't like how that seemed to make her mentor and idol so hard to approach.

"Um, hi," Luster said nervously to the guards, but the guards didn't reply. "Nice day, isn't it?"

The guards said nothing.

"I guess you aren't in the mood for talking," Luster remarked under her breath as she knocked on the door. "You are protecting the Supreme Princess of Equestria, after all. I suppose you have to find something to do."

A few moments later, Spike answered the door. "Oh hey, Luster!" He greeted while gesturing for the pink coated unicorn to come inside. "Glad you're here. Twilight's been expecting you."

"What does she have planned for me this time?" Luster asked as the young dragon led her to her mentor's study.

"I think you might find it interesting," Spike answered. "Did you read the Canterlot Chronicle?"

"I don't really read the news. What's in the Chronicle?" Luster asked with concern. "Is everything alright?"

"Well, it's something that a pony like you may not be interested in." Spike said with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

"I'm open to whatever Princess Twilight wants me to learn," Luster replied, suspecting nothing. "So go ahead, tell me."

But Spike felt like he wasn't the one to answer Luster's question. "Perhaps you ought to see for yourself."

Opening the door, Luster was led into Twilight's study where she saw her mentor stressed and her mane frazzled while looking down at her desk.

"Um, Princess Twilight?" Luster asked, causing Twilight to stammer slightly as her concentration broke. "What's going on here?"

"Oh... uh... h-hi, Luster!" Twilight stammered while looking over at her personal protégé. "Sorry for looking so, uh…"

"Frazzled?" Luster remarked as Twilight hastily straightened out her mane in front of the young unicorn. "Don't worry, I've had those kinds of days sometimes. What's on your desk?"

With her hoof caught in the cookie jar, Twilight showed Luster what she was looking at. A pile of applications!

"Applications?!" Luster Dawn realized. "Applications for what?"

"A secretary, Luster Dawn," Spike answered. "Can you believe that with all that's going on we don't even…"

But a clearing of Twilight's throat caused Spike to stop answering for his big sister. "Right, I'll let you answer that." He meekly chuckled as he flew out of the study, leaving Luster and Twilight alone.

Once the door was closed, Twilight finished what her royal advisor had started to explain. "Ever since I became supreme ruler of Equestria, I've managed to get everything done except for one thing…"

"Hire a secretary?" Luster guessed.

"Bingo!" Twilight nodded while taking the applications away in her aura. "The fact is that I can't manage both running Equestria and answering all the mail that lands on my desk. Do you know how many times the mailmare comes here and to my royal quarters in Canterlot?"

Almost as if on cue, a gray coated pegasus mare pony flew into the room.

"Um, Muffins," Twilight cleared her throat, directing her to look at Luster Dawn. "Forgive me, but…I happen to be teaching my protégé here if you don't mind."

"Teaching what?" "Muffins" asked. "Don't worry about me, I'll just leave these here for you to sort out. I've still got lots of other ponies to tend to on my route." She left an entire mailbag full of letters on the floor of Twilight's study before leaving, but not before banging into the wall of the study due to her wall eyed condition.

Once "Muffins" was gone, Luster turned over to look at the large mail bag that had been dropped off.

"I mean, there's nothing with Muffins frequently dropping off mail, of course," Twilight blushed. "It's her job, after all. But it's getting to be a little too much for one fragile minded pony like me. And poor Spike just can't keep up anymore."

"I'll say!" Luster remarked while peeking inside the bag. "Where does all this mail come from?!"

"From all over Equestria," Twilight explained. "There's even a special area of many post offices that are reserved for mail addressed to me. At least, that's what Muffins tells me."

Suspecting that this what she'd been called in for, Luster declared. "If there's anything I can do to help, Princess Twilight…"

"Actually, there is, Luster," Twilight declared as Luster pulled herself out of the mail bag and turned back to her mentor. "Tell me, are you at all familiar with a pony named Moondancer?"

"The pony who looks exactly like you but with different colors, and wears a black wool turtleneck sweater? Yeah, I know who she is," Luster nodded. "We actually crossed paths a few times at the Canterlot Library. Why do you ask?"

"I'm just thinking," Twilight proposed. "She may be the only pony who can truly be my secretary. But taking her out of her element isn't going to be easy as pie."

This made Luster slightly confused.

"But, I thought you already took Moondancer out of her element with that party," Luster explained. "The "I'm Sorry I Completely Ignored You" Party you once taught me about? The one you, Spike and Princess Pinkie Pie threw for her?"

"That was different, Luster," Twilight corrected. "Moondancer has always had a secondary element aside from her frequent studying, the library. Taking her away from the library is like…how shall I put this? Like taking Celestia away from her sweets."

"Professor Celestia sure loves her sweets." Luster giggled briefly, only to quickly correct herself. "Sorry, go on."

"The fact is, Luster," Twilight continued while draping a wing over her student. "I think it would do both her and I some good if she becomes my secretary. She's studious and organized like myself and I can't think of nopony else better to be my secretary, if she wants the job. That's where you come in."

Luster then asked. "What do I do, Princess Twilight?"

"Do you have any plans to return to Canterlot over this coming weekend?" Twilight questioned her student.

"Well, my grandfather's birthday is this weekend in Canterlot," Luster confirmed. "Plus, I've been meaning to see Moondancer again since I moved here. I trust you want me to convince Moondancer to be your secretary?"

With a stamp of her hoof, Twilight made her answer clearly. "Correct!" She declared. "I can't think of anypony more qualified."

But Luster suspected something else was ahoof as she questioned. "Then why don't you offer the position to her yourself, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I think it's better if Moondancer hears it from you instead of me," Twilight explained. "I'm not sure if she's entirely forgiven me just yet for all the years of unintentional neglect."

Meanwhile, Moondancer and her friends were recoiling from the encounter with the former introvert's landlord. Sitting at the table now felt more uncomfortable than relaxing given the events that had just transpired.

"Is he always like that, Moondancer?" Lemon Hearts asked with a worried look on her face.

"Unfortunately, yes," Moondancer somberly replied. "Lately, I haven't been keeping up with the rent. All I've been doing is spending all my time at the library and using some of my inheritance to pay said rent."

"Hold on, hold on, hold on!" Minuette exclaimed while waving her forelegs back and forth. "You got an inheritance? When?"

"About five years ago, from my grandparents after they passed," Moondancer explained. "I thought it would keep me financially secured. But I guess that's not the case, even though I'm careful to control my spending."

The three unicorn mares looked at each other closely and then they felt that something needed to be done.

"Moondancer, this is why you need to look for a job," Twinkleshine declared while taking the book from Moondancer. "Something that doesn't involve you being in a book all day. Something that'll keep a roof over your head. Please, we're asking you as your friends."

With the odds against her, Moondancer had very little choice in the matter. "I mean, if you really want me to consider looking for a job," She sighed. "I might…take a chance at it. But can I talk to First Folio first and get her input? We are close friends after all. At least she can give me some advice."

Knowing that her friends were unconvinced, Moondancer bade her friends goodbye and headed over to Canterlot Library, her sanctuary from the troubles of everyday life in Equestria and her home away from home. Sitting at her usual sitting spot in the library, Moondancer didn't look at a book, but the newspaper that had Twilight's ad in the paper.

"Moondancer?" First Folio called as she trotted over towards Moondancer. "I didn't expect to see you here so soon. Don't you usually come later?"

"Sort of, First Folio," Moondancer sighed while putting the paper down. "Had an encounter with my landlord this morning at Donut Joe's."

First Folio's eyes widened in disbelief! "Greedy Fatcat?!" She remarked in a hushed voice. "That pickpocketing pony's at it again?! How much does he want for rent this time?!"

"I'm not sure, he didn't mention a price," Moondancer replied and sighed. "Look, I rarely make requests, but do you have any books on how to get your landlord off your back? I could sure use some."

Feeling sorry for Moondancer, First Folio sat down next to her friend. "Sadly, those kinds of books don't exist, Moondancer," She remarked while taking a look at the paper. "It says here that…"

"0Twilight is seeking a secretary?" Moondancer finished. "Yeah yeah, I know. The thing is, Twilight's supreme princess now. What do you think she'll expect to see in someone like me? She'll want the best of the best, and I doubt I fit that criteria."

However, First Folio had a sense that Moondancer was hiding something from her. "Well, Moondancer," She remarked while adjusting her own glasses. "I think there may still be a way for you to stand up to your landlord. Come with me down to my office and I'll explain."

Following her friend down to the libraries' basement, Moondancer wasn't sure of what was to happen. But as she followed First Folio, she noticed her dirty landlord looking right at her with a scowl on his face, which made her feel very uncomfortable.

"Sit down, Moondancer," First Folio gestured to her friend when they reached Folio's office. Moondancer obeyed, placing the newspaper on the desk. "There is only one way for you to stand up to your landlord, get him off your back. You need to find a trade…a job." Folio insisted.

"I know that," Moondancer protested. "But I already have an ideal job picked out. I want it to be in a library like this, myself among books. My friends all want me to seek a job as Twilight's secretary, but…but…"

"But what?" First Folio questioned. "Are you afraid to change for the better again? I know how much of a shut in you used to be, and it pains me to see you still shutting yourself off like this."

"All I've ever been able to do was to be in a library, be a librarian among other bookworms like me," Moondancer explained. "I know I wouldn't make a lot of money, but it would make my life worthwhile. Isn't that what's most important?"

Sitting back in her desk, First Folio contemplated what Moondancer said as she played around with a stack of recent bits she had collected. "The fact of the matter is, Moondancer," She finally declared. "Being a librarian is rewarding. But financially, it's not enough. I mean…I make three hundred bits a week, and sometimes just a week's pay isn't enough to cover my own rent."

"What is the rent on your home?" Moondancer asked.

"Five hundred and fifty bits a month," First Folio answered. "The rest of that comes from parts of what I make from overdue returns. It may seem like it's stupid but it's true. But you don't have to endure what I feel on a daily basis. You can make so many bits as Twilight's secretary. And I know you'd be good at it."

"Are you saying…" Moondacer asked while briefly turning away from First Folio. "That I need to give up being in the library forever? I like it here!"

Sighing, First Folio could identify her friend's pain. "You don't need to give up being in the library forever, Moondancer," She declared while placing her forelegs on Moondancer's. "But you can't spend all your time here. You have friends to spend time with outside of these walls. As your close friend, I think it would do you some good."

Suddenly, First Folio got another suspicion regarding Moondancer. "Unless," She pondered. "Maybe you still haven't fully forgiven Twilight for what happened?"

"When she didn't show up for my party?" Moondancer asked, jumping back out of her seat slightly in disgust. "Part of me still hasn't forgiven her for that, First Folio! How could I work for a pony that would do such a thing to me, even if it was unintentional?! That was the first time I opened myself up to others, and the pony I felt inspired by didn't even bother to show up! That's not something I can just forget, even if I want to."

"Bear in mind, Moondancer," First Folio countered back in a calm voice. "That this pony is also your supreme princess, and your friend."

"Do you think that matters, First Folio?" Moondancer asked in a loud voice. "When she failed to return that book Dusty Pages loaned to her, did you expect her to be supreme princess? Because I certainly didn't! It showed me that Twilight still didn't truly care, because if she did there's no way she'd have let a book from her favorite librarian get so overdue! Even I didn't know she still had it, or I'd have returned the book myself."

Flabbergasted, First Folio let her guard down. "Perhaps you need to really consider putting the past behind you, Moondancer," She suggested, trotting over to Moondancer as she looked away. "If Twilight is to fully atone for what happened, then why shouldn't you do the same? She apologized for both incidents, and has been through so much since then. You have too."

"Look, Folio," Moondancer weakly replied. "I…I need to go!" With tears in her eyes, Moondancer left the office.

A few days later, Luster Dawn and her family were aboard the Friendship Express bound for Canterlot. It was meant to be for the celebration of her grandfather's birthday, but for Twilight's faithful student there was an entirely different agenda to follow. "Hey Mom," She asked her mother. "While we're here, do you think I could visit Moondancer at some point? There's something the princess asked me to do that involves her."

"Moondancer?" Fire Blaster remarked. "We haven't seen her since we moved from Canterlot. Of course you can, honey!"

"Good," Luster smiled. "Because Princess Twilight asked me to get her to take up that position of secretary. I'd hate to let the supreme princess down."

"Personally, I think Moondancer would be great at a job like that," Moon Dusk declared as he turned to his wife and daughter. "She's got the organizational skills that Princess Twilight is looking for."

"But keep in mind, she won't be pulled from the library so easily," Fire Blaster cautioned. "We all know how much of an attraction Moondancer has to the Canterlot Public Library."

"Like I once did," Luster Dawn sighed to her parents. "Before we moved to Ponyville, of course," Looking out the window of the train, Luster Dawn looked up to the sky and saw a pair of clouds in the shapes of two ponies reading a book together. But, it wasn't just anypony reading the book, it was herself and Moondancer. "In a way, I can understand how she might be feeling," She said to her parents. "Having all these possible changes thrusted upon you. Remember how I was like that when we first moved to Ponyville?"

"That's true, Luster," Fire Blaster smiled. "And look at yourself now…starting to embrace being around other ponies and creatures just like you."

The train pulled into the station a little later. Luster Dawn and her parents got onto the platform and then proceeded towards their old neighborhood not far from Canterlot Stadium.

"How we've missed this place," Moon Dusk remarked, looking at all of the homes that he instantly recognized. "It'll be good to see everypony again."

"Don't forget my father, dear," Fire Blaster reminded her husband. "This is his birthday, you know."

"Of course." Moon Dusk nervously blushed and chuckled.

As they walked into their old neighborhood, Luster Dawn turned her attention over to Moondancer's house. Immediately, a thought came inside of her that she felt like she needed to check on Moondancer.

"Luster Dawn?" Fire Blaster called upon seeing her daughter stare at Moondancer's house. "Are you coming? Your grandfather will be waiting."

"Um... s-sure," Luster stammered, looking back to her parents. "But, could you maybe wait for me for a second or two? I want to see if Moondancer is home."

Confused, her parents followed Luster Dawn to Moondancer's front door as she knocked on it. Standing in front of the door, Luster waited for whoever was on the inside to respond.

A few moments later, the door opened to reveal a unicorn mare with a mane in a tight bun. "Yes?" The pony asked, much to Luster's confusion. "Who are you?"

"Morning Roast, don't you remember me? Luster Dawn." Luster asked the unicorn mare.

It took a moment for the pony to recognize Luster. "Luster Dawn?" Morning Roast declared while chuckling slightly and nudging Luster playfully in the side. "Almost didn't recognize you there. What can I do for you?"

"Is Moondancer here?" Luster asked.

Morning Roast turned away from Luster for a moment. "I don't think she'll want to see anypony at the moment. She's a little…"

"Who is it, Morning?" Moondancer's voice called out, catching her sister's attention.

"It's Luster Dawn, Moondancer!" Morning Roast called back and the sounds of hoofbeats came towards the group, revealing Moondancer with her face stained with tears.

Luster was shocked by the face her old friend was displaying! "Moondancer, what happened?!" Luster asked as Moondancer wiped away a tear. "What's going on?!"

But Moondancer said nothing and instead gestured Luster Dawn to follow her inside as Morning Roast shut the door.

"I never really expected us to be meeting each other again under these circumstances," Luster remarked. "Why are you upset?"

Rather than answering Luster's question, Moondancer gestured for her friend to sit down on the sofa while Morning Roast stood outside the living room.

"It's…it's been a while, Luster Dawn," Moondancer cried, taking her glasses off and wiping away another tear. "He's getting onto me."

Luster became confused. "Who?"

"Greedy Fatcat, my landlord," Moondancer explained. "He's looking to get me out of my house, the one that Princess Twilight used to live in before she moved to Ponyville. Everypony here is asking for me to get a job, but…but…"

"You really don't want to?" Luster guessed.

"I want to get a job, but in a library!" Moondancer cried while looking right at Luster Dawn. "That's where my talents are and nowhere else! Yet ponies are telling me that I need to be Twilight's new secretary! But how can I even consider taking up that position, Luster? Especially after she hurt my feelings!"

"Moondancer," Luster Dawn said to the young unicorn. "When my family and I moved to Ponyville after the Legion of Doom's attack, I didn't want to change my life either. I wanted to stay at the School of Magic because it was the only world I'd ever known. But I have the option to come back here at any time and see my friends while also focusing on my new responsibilities."

Moondancer said nothing

"If there is one I've learned," Luster continued while briefly looking up at the ceiling "It's that sometimes change is for the better, even if we have to change our routines because of it."

Moondancer's eyes widened at the revelation of what Luster was saying!

"I can see you're afraid that you won't be able to do what you love forever…and at the same time, you want to make a change, but afraid you will lose a home…this home," Luster explained. "But a home is more than just a pile of bricks. Home is where the heart is. And I'm sure Princess Twilight can help you adjust if you take up her job offering. Whatever happened between you two is in the past, and in this time of war I think all of Equestria can agree that old wounds like this should be resolved. The choice is yours, though."

Deactivating her spell, Luster waited for Moondancer to make her decision while her sister and Luster's parents waited in the other room.

The next morning, Twilight was alerted to the sounds of knocking on her door at the Castle of Friendship. Opening the door, she saw Moondancer on the other side.

"Moondancer," Twilight asked in a slightly confused tone. "What are you doing here?"

"Twilight," Moondancer nervously replied. "I…I've come to answer your call for a secretary, if you want me, that is."

A small smile came to Twilight's face, grateful that Moondancer was going to work for her and her fellow princesses. "I couldn't think of anypony more qualified," Twilight remarked, escorting Moondancer inside. "We're just about to have breakfast in the dining room if you want to join us."

Being led to the dining room, Moondancer was amazed to discover her friends and her sister sitting at the dining table along with Luster Dawn.

"Everypony," Twilight announced. "I'd like you to meet my new secretary, Moondancer!"

As everypony cheered, Twilight looked over to Luster Dawn and winked at her. For Luster had done her first task as Twilight's pupil and had passed that task with flying colors.

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