• Published 11th Apr 2020
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 11 - twilightsparkle3562

Welcome to Season 11 of My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic

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Episode 2: "Coming of the Beast Wars, Part 2"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Crash landing on the moon, the Predacon leader Megatron is taken in by Grogar and the Legion of Doom. Meanwhile, injured and devoid of their transmetal bodies, Optimus Primal and the Maximals are questioned by Equestria's leadership.

Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle
Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer
Nicole Oliver as Dr. Fauna
Andrew Francis as Shining Armor/Guard Pony #1
Ian Hanlin as Guard Pony #2
Peter New as Guard Pony #3
Garry Chalk as Optimus Primal
Scott McNeil as Rattrap/Silverbolt
Richard Newman as Rhinox
Ian James Corlett as Cheetor
Venus Terzo as Blackarachnia
David Kaye as Megatron
Colin Murdock as Quickstrike/Mudflap
Alec Williows as Tarantulas
Don Brown as Scorponok/Skids
Doug Parker as Terrorsaur
Jim Byrnes as Inferno
Doc Harris as Grogar
Alvin Sanders as Predacon Commander
Kathleen Barr as Queen Chrysalis
Mark Acheson as Lord Tirek
Judd Nelson as Rodimus Primal
Marlene Aragon as Elita One
Matt Hill as Ironhide
Brian Dobson as Ratchet
Frank Welker as Soundwave
Corey Burton as Shockwave

"My Little Pony, Friendship is Magic," Season 11, Episode 2
"Coming of the Beast Wars: Part 2"
Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)
Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

Previously on "My Little Pony"

Rattrap: We don't have to see Mega Butt's ugly mug again 'til we get back to Cybertron.

King Sombra: Whatever that object is…it will be Grogar's!

Lord Tirek: It's a dragon!

Grogar: I detect a spirit inside this great beast…even though they may not even be a beast to begin with.

Megatron: Megatron, Terrorize!

Fluttershy: Why are there animals inside?!

Twilight Sparkle: Who are these animals and why are they here?

Lavan: He seems to be a source of evil on our levels.

Rodimus Primal: I want to find out what happened to my brother and the rest of our comrades, understand?!

Starlight Glimmer: It's coming from the gorilla.

Twilight and Starlight watched with amazement as the gorilla opened his eyes and rose up. Looking down at his hands, the gorilla sighed deeply and spoke a simple sentence: "Well, that's just prime."

Getting off the table, the gorilla approached Twilight and Starlight, his eyes locked on them.

"What's just prime?" Starlight nervously gulped. But the gorilla said nothing. "And for that matter, who are you? You're not from this world, are you?"

"And what are you?" The gorilla asked. "Are you Maximal, or Predacon?"

"Neither, I don't even know what those are! I'm Princess Twilight Sparkle, Supreme Ruler of Equestria," Twilight nervously but firmly answered. "And this is Starlight Glimmer, a former pupil of mine. Now, who are you?"

"Hmm," The gorilla remarked, proceeding to turn around and look back at the other animals on the tables. "I guess I'm not the only one to lose my transmetal body. Interesting. Wherever this 'Equestria' is, it clearly isn't bound by the same rules of Earth or Cybertron."

"What are you talking about?" Twilight blinked. "And what's a 'transmetal body', some kind of armor?"

The gorilla didn't answer and instead proceeded to turn all of his attention to the other animals.

"Um, excuse me," Starlight loudly spoked up. "Twilight here just asked you a question, gorilla! Where we come from, a princess is entitled to answers when she asks questions."

Almost as if he became slightly offended, the gorilla turned around and looked sharply at Starlight.

"My name…" He said slowly. "Is Optimus Primal and these," He gestured to the other creatures. "Are my fellow Maximals. My comrades, my friends and my family."

At that moment, the rat slowly opened his eyes and rolled over on his back. Optimus walked over and looked down at him.

"Eeeh…looks like we ain't back on Cybertron yet," The rat guessed. "Fearless Leader…youse alive?"

"Barely," Optimus Primal declared. "As far as I am concerned, we're in a land that calls itself Equestria."

"Too bad it's not Cyber…ow!" The rat started to say, but felt a sharp pain in his body. Suddenly, he looked down at the pink paws of his feet and realized something. "Hey, where's…what happened to my transmetal body?! I ain't gorgeous no more!"

"Just be thankful you are alive, Rattrap," Optimus replied. "This is Princess Twilight Sparkle, ruler of Equestria. And beside her is Starlight Glimmer, a former pupil of hers."

The Maximal rat carefully studied the two ponies as they approached him.

"Oh really? Well not that it's any concern of yours, but the name's Rattrap," The smart talking rat declared, trying to smile at Twilight and Starlight politely, but painfully. "Maximals' demolition expertise…if youse get my point." Then he groaned and winced anew.

"Easy. It's going to take some time for our bodies to do internal repairs, Rattrap," Optimus cautioned. "So if I were you, I would continue lying down on that table."

"You the boss, boss monkey." Rattrap declared and lay back down.

A few moments later, the cheetah opened his eyes and looked up at what was going on. "Hey, Big Bot," He groggily commented. "I guess... we're alive, somehow."

"This is Cheetor, my maximal scout," Optimus introduced as the spider and the rhino began to open their eyes as well. "Over there are Blackarachnia, combat specialist and Rhinox, subcommander in waiting."

"Oh great," Blackarachnia sighed, rolling her eight eyes upon realizing that her transmetal body was gone too. "I'm back to being a plain, ordinary, eight legged bug now, aren't I?"

"Better that than the scrap heap, sister," Rattrap remarked. "Downside is... we ain't back home yet!"

But Optimus was not going to put up with his subordinate's wisecracks. "Shut up, Rattrap!" He ordered and Rattrap complied.

"How the heck did you find us?" Cheetor asked Twilight, looking over at her.

"You were all in a crash," Twilight explained. "Several citizens of Ponyville along with myself managed to rescue you all from your wrecked ship. But where were you all headed towards?"

"Cybertron, our home," Rhinox replied, slowly getting off the table he was laying on. "Or at least we were until that explosion happened."

"Speaking of which," Cheetor groaned, who was still too slow to get up. "Whatever happened to Megatron? Obviously, he's not here with us."

"Hopefully he's somewhere floating in space after all he did, if he's lucky," Rattrap remarked. "Personally, I hope he's dead now."

But Optimus had his suspicions. For he knew Megatron well and part of him could only imagine that the leader of the Predacons was still alive…somewhere.

Just then, the wolf/eagle hybrid opened his eyes and weakly groaned. "Where…where are we? Are we back on Cybertron?" He quietly asked, trying to shake off the pains of the crash.

"No, Silverbolt," Blackarachnia remarked while getting off of the table. "We're…whatever this place is."

"Equestria," Twilight corrected. "You're in Equestria."

"Equestria?" Silverbolt blinked. "I've never heard of such a place."

"You'll have to excuse him," Blackarachnia appeared to apologize. "This is Silverbolt, the love of my life. He can be a little bit delirious after trauma inflicting accidents." She ignored the growl from Cheetor.

Just then, Dr. Fauna walked in and was surprised by what she was seeing.

"Um, why are they all walking around?" She wondered, her voice filled with confusion. "Don't tell me they healed that fast already!"

"Apparently, they did," Starlight told the veterinarian, before turning back to Twilight. "Look, I'd love to stay, but I think I'll leave you guys alone for the time being. It doesn't look like I'll be of much help right now."

Stepping out of the room, Starlight left and Twilight was now alone with the Maximals, who continued to feel slight bouts of pain.

"What is the meaning of this?" Dr. Fauna asked. "You're all awake and moving, yet you still seem to be in pain. Never in all my life have I seen creatures as strange as you."

"Our internal system must have been severely damaged in the crash," Rhinox answered. "It's going to take some time until repairs are complete. I'm afraid you won't be of much help to us unless you're well versed in Cybetronian technology."

"Well, can we still maximize, fearless leader?" Rattrap asked, looking at Optimus.

Optimus nodded and took a deep breath. "Optimus Primal, Maximize!" He cried out, but he felt an incredibly sharp pain that caused him to fall on one knee! Rushing over to his side, Twilight helped the Maximal leader to his feet. "I…guess we can't transform after all."

"What do you mean?" Twilight inquired. "You mean, you can change forms?"

"Back when we had transmetal bodies," Rattrap sighed, standing on his hind legs. "We could change into various modes. But I guess it was either these old fur coats or we go offline…permanently, like an unfortunate comrade of ours. Gave his life to protect others. Won't lie, it was a truly selfless thing, and I miss having him around."

Trying to process all the information she could muster in her fragile mind, Twilight declared. "There is a lot we're going to have to learn about each other, Optimus. Right now, I think it might be best if I show you and the others around my castle. Is that okay with you?"

Nodding, Optimus and the rest of his Maximals followed Twilight out of the basement and up into the castle's main level. Soon they would all be getting acquainted with their new surroundings.

Back on the moon, Grogar was still trying to understand Megatron better. "These Maximals you speak of," He asked, trying to take in what Megatron was saying. "They were bringing you back to this Cybertron as a prisoner of some war?"

"Yes, Grogar. The Beast Wars as we took to calling them," Megatron answered. "On Cybertron, the justice system is straight and to the point. If they convict you, they destroy you. But thanks to that explosion, I get to live another day!"

The mention of an explosion caused Grogar to remember the blast that had killed his ally Grimlord (and the minions serving under him) aboard the Dark Fortress.

"What explosion are you speaking of, Megatron?" Grogar asked, walking over to the Predacon leader. "Because there was an explosion not too long ago that destroyed my previous ally, thanks to those accursed Pillars of Equestria."

"Pillars?" Megatron wondered. "They must be like the Tridepicus council on Cybertron. Judges who decide the fate of the losers on behalf of the victors."

Grogar gestured him back towards his crystal ball. Activating it, he showed Megatron various pictures of the six Pillars of Old Equestria.

"They are indeed judges, and threats to my power, Megatron," He explained. "Along with the six princesses who now govern the land that is truly mine. If I am to take it back, I must defeat and destroy them all! Unless," He chuckled to himself as an idea came to his mind. "I can offer you a position within my ranks, mighty Megatron."

"What can I do to help?" Megatron asked, feeling slightly confused. "All my loyal servants have been destroyed or have abandoned me. It's just me, I'm but an army of one."

"I have ways of rectifying that," Grogar said as he walked over to his cauldron and using the powers of his bell, reached into Megatron's mind with a devious grin on his face.

"What are you doing?!"Megatron cried as he felt Grogar's magic go into his mind! "What is this sorcery?!"

Having obtained what he needed, Grogar placed the collected magic into the cauldron. Chanting an incantation, Megatron watched as Grogar tapped into the powers of his bell, causing the inside of the cauldron to blow slightly.

"I have the power to resurrect the deceased," Grogar said as magical vespers emerged from the cauldron. "Including those who have died before you, Megatron. Behold, the return of your loyal servants!"

Watching in astonishment, Megatron saw a cobra sticking out that hissed profusely, followed by a pair of yellowish-orange scorpion claws, and the body of a scorpion with red eyes.

"Yee haw! I'm back, baby! Back!" The scorpion/cobra hybrid cried out. "I'm…"

Suddenly, the hybrid saw Megatron smiling down at him, and shivered slightly as he climbed out of the cauldron.

"Well, if it isn't the no good varmint who fired me, literally!" He bitterly remarked. "Quickstrike, Terrorize!"

Transforming into a two legged robot mode, Quickstrike attempted to charge Megatron, only for Grogar to pull him back with his magic and throw him against the doors of the throne room!

"Amazing," Chrysalis thought to herself from the other side of the throne room doors. "He's recruiting more of Megatron's forces! Oh, this is going to be good! Just you wait, Starlight! You and that pesky Princess Twilight will finally get what you've long deserved for interfering with my plans!"

Being thrown back against the doors to the throne room, Quickstrike was forced up to his feet by the donkey soldiers as Grogar looked at him with scorn and contempt. "You shall know your place in the presence of me, Emperor Grogar!" He demanded with a roar!

"I don't care, you old goat!" Quickstrike growled and groaned. "Megatron over here killed me and his most loyal servant, and what happened afterwards? Those dirty humans used me as props and toys! It's a humiliation I'll never forget!"

"Perhaps you also forget, Quickstrike," Megatron advised, grabbing Quickstrike with his dragon head. "You are still charged with conspiring to murder me with Tarantulas!"

At that moment, another creature emerged from the cauldron, revealing itself to be a tarantula with a purple body and black legs with green bottoms.

"Speaking of the treacherous spider," Megatron growled in annoyance. "Not looking so tough without his transmetals, I see?"

"Tarantulas, terrorize!" The tarantula cried out, transforming into a humanoid form and looking over at Megatron with devious intent in his eyes. "I may not have my transmetal body, or the assistance of the aliens, but I can still…"

Not wanting to hear anymore of his whining, Megatron fired a ball of flame from his dragon head, striking Tarantulas' back as he yelled in pain! "You'll have to excuse my former lieutenant, Grogar," Megatron declared with a rare look of remorse on his face. "He was and always will be a treacherous spider. Though in the end his plan did temporarily rid me of Optimus Primal, yesss…."

Just then, another creature emerged from the cauldron in the form of a blue scorpion with red eyes. Right away, there was a sense of mutual respect between Megatron and this scorpion. "Megaton!" The scorpion cried out. "Is it really you?!"

Megatron nodded in reply with a smile, confirming the scorpion's excitement.

"Scorponok, terrorize!" Leaping out of the cauldron, Scorponok transformed into his two legged robot mode and dashed over to Megaton, bowing down at his feet. "Oh great Megatron," Scorponok cried. "How I have longed and missed your leadership so! How can I be of service to you?"

"You can start by joining your fellow resurrected Predacons," Megatron suggested, much to Scorponok's glee, before he turned back to Grogar. "Scorponok is one of my most loyal servants…and a major suck up to me."

Just then, amidst the sounds of screeching, out of the cauldron emerged a red pterodactyl! He soared high into the air.

"Terrorsaur, terrorize!" He screeched and began to activate his shoulder guns, aiming them at Megatron only to be stopped by Grogar. He was sent flying across the throne room and landed on the deck.

Snarling, Megatron stormed over and picked up Terrorsaur by his head. "Even with a second chance at life you still haven't learned your lesson, Terrorsaur," Megatron remarked bitterly before showing Terrorsaur off to Grogar. "Watch him, Grogar, he is a treacherous one. Second only to the ghost of Starscream, who I learned was more underhanded than Terrorsaur could ever hope to be."

Suddenly, yet another creature emerged from the cauldron. A large red fire ant came out roaring loudly, and Megatron smiled with eagerness upon knowing who he was seeing.

"Royalty! At long last I have returned to you!" The fire ant declared. "Inferno, Terrorize!"

Transforming into his robot form, Inferno loudly roared as both Megatron and Grogar were astounded to see the power that this Predacon had.

"Hey, hothead!" Quickstrike called before Inferno could bend down and swear his loyalty to his superior. "How can you still swear yourself to him after he barbecued us with that Decepticon warship?"

"The royalty is the royalty," Inferno declared. "No matter what happens!"

With most of his forces returned, Megatron realized that there was one more Predacon missing from his ranks.

"Uh, yes," Megatron spoke up, clearing his throat. "Um, Inferno and Quickstrike, the last time I saw you, I sent you two and Waspinator to seek out a new base for us. Whatever happened to him?"

"Waspinator is a traitor!" Inferno retorted. "He quit our ranks, saying that he was done being destroyed all the time!"

"Treacherous bug!" Megatron snarled. "I'll find him and force him to serve me again if it's the last thing I do. If there's one thing I don't tolerate lightly, it's those who betray the Predacon cause for any reason!"

Stepping up to his throne, Grogar gathered all of the reformed Predacons together. "That will have to wait, Megatron," The old goat declared. "For there is something of great importance that I need you to adhere to first."

Having heard everything from the other side, Chrysalis dashed away, intending to meet the other members of the Legion of Doom to explain what had happened.

"Take those slackers to Scarface," Tirek commanded to several donkey soldiers after their daily training was over. "What weak and pathetic donkeys! My father's soldiers were better than they are. And they call themselves soldiers."

At that moment, Tirek saw Chrysalis as he walked towards his quarters.

"What are you looking at?" He quipped. "You'll notice I had to take over when you were nowhere to be seen. You'd better have a good reason."

"Tirek, you and the others are not going to believe what I just overheard," Chrysalis said with a gleeful smile on her face. "It's about Megatron."

Thinking that Chrysalis had feelings for the Predacon leader, Tirek walked past her.

"As if I care about that overgrown pile of junk. Metallic or not, he's still a dragon. And we have no need for that in our alliance."

"I'm serious, Tirek," Chrysalis protested, her face frowning while flying right in front of him. "Grogar brought back some of Megatron's servants to help us in our cause. We're going to need the help if we're to finish what we started before."

"I feel that the only reason he came here was to challenge me for your love," Tirek huffed, pushing Chrysalis aside again. "Remember that only I and I alone love you, Chrysalis. And Megatron would be wise to remember that too, for his sake."

"Do you think I would love someone like Megatron?" Chrysalis quietly retorted. "I just barely met him, we all did. And you know I love you, Tirek. Don't forget that."

Tirek became conflicted with Chrysalis' pledge and decided that he needed more time to think about what was really going on. Part of him wanted to believe Chrysalis, but another part of him was concerned about having to compete with Megatron as a possible suitor.

Meanwhile, the ship carrying Rodimus Primal and several of the Maximals from Cybertron travelled through the cosmos of space, searching for any sign of the Autobot Shuttle they all were on.

"Ratchet," Rodimus asked the Maximal piloting the ship. "Any trace of my brother and the rest of his troops?"

"Nothing, Rodimus," The portly Maximal sighed. "We've checked the entire galaxy, but there's no trace of them."

"Optimus, where are you?" Elita One asked while looking out a window of the shuttle. "I miss you, my love. But I'll find you no matter what it takes."

Rodimus could feel the distress in Elita One's voice. She was longing for her husband and he was longing for his brother. "Never give up, Elita," He said to her. "That goes for all of you too."

"Um, what do youse mean we'll never give up?" A green maximal sitting at a computer screen asked.

"Searching for Optimus and the rest of our comrades, Skids." Rodimus muttered, planting his face into a hand.

"Hey, Skids was just being silly, Roddy," A reddish brown maximal sitting at another computer remarked. "We're going to find them! Don't forget, Rattrap is one of our brothers-in-arms, if you get what I mean."

Just then, a bluish white Maximal came racing up into the cockpit, panting profusely!

"Ironhide, what is it?!" Rodimus frantically asked.

"We…we have a ship on our tail," Ironhide panted, causing Rodimus to jump into action! Dashing over towards the computer Skids was sitting at, he saw what appeared to be a Predacon ship coming towards them. "The Predacons must have sent a ship after us!" Ironhide informed the group.

"They must be looking for Megatron!" Rodimus cried in realization, and then started barking out orders! "All power to weapons! I want those Predacons off our tail right now!"

"Yes sir, Rodimus!" Ratchet obeyed, turning the shuttle's guns on the Predacon ship! "Firing now!" With the press of a button, the Maximal ship opened fire!

Aboard the Predacon ship, the commander in charge ordered a counterattack. "Those Maximals must be stopped!" The commander said in a deep voice! "Blow them out of the galaxy! I want their hides!"

The pilot of the Predacon ship, a greenish robot with one eye, did as he was told and returned fire on the Maximals.
"We're approaching Earth's atmosphere!" Skids cried just as the Maximal ship was hit by a blast from the Predacons! "Oh, dang it!"

"We're hit!" Elita One shouted as the force of the hit knocked her onto the ground!

"Engine one is out!" Ratchet shouted! "Engine two is out!"

"Hang on!" Ironhide replied as he looked up at one of the computers. "We've hit the Predacon ship!"

"They must be no better off than we are!" Rodimus realized as they felt their ship falling faster and faster. "Everyone, hang on!"

Aboard the Predacon ship, the same issues were being experienced. "Predacons, brace for impact!" The commander shouted, and they all did as they were told.

Down and down the two ships went and where they would land, no one knew.

Back on the moon, Grogar was giving Megatron and the resurrected Predacons the backstory of Equestria and the rulers in charge. "Hmm, it appears from what I see," Megatron guessed as Grogar deactivated his crystal ball. "That these…ponies took your kingdom from you. But what, pray tell, does any of that have to do with us?"

"Simple, I am putting together an army the likes of which Equestria has never seen before," Grogar explained. "And it seems like you will all be the perfect minions."

"Minions?" Quickstrike snarled. "Uh, we only serve Megs here. Right, boss?"

But Megatron gave the fuzor a hard stare and a low growl, for he was more than willing to get help in return for serving Grogar.

"You'll have to excuse the boob here," The crafty Predacon leader apologized. "I'm sure that my fellow Predacons and I will be more than interested in serving you, Emperor Grogar. You've given me my army back, and they in turn owe you their new leases on life. So if you ask to serve you as compensation for that deed, we shall oblige."

"Good, because I'm going to need you to start laying the seeds for my arrival," Grogar explained, leading them away from his crystal ball. "Follow me to the war room."

"War room?" Scorponok wondered to Tarantulas. "What's he talking about?"

Following Grogar, the Predacons were led into a large room similar to Twilight's friendship map in her own castle.

"This is Equestria," Grogar explained to the Predacons. "A land once made up of farms and pastures, until I declared myself emperor. But that land was taken from me!"

"Is it all…four legged creatures?" Quickstrike wondered as Grogar snorted at him. "I mean… uh, sure…g-go on."

"The land of Equestria is not only made up of ponies, but a variety of creatures," Grogar continued. "Each of these creatures have now vowed to aid the ponies in the defense of their land. And the ponies have, in turn, pledged their services to help protect and further the development of the kingdoms these other creatures come from. Which is why I need someone like you, Megatron, to weaken the defenses of Equestria and thus give me and my minions the advantage. I had hoped my alliance with Grimlord would provide that, but sadly it was not meant to be thanks to those accursed Pillars!"

The more Grogar explained, the more eager Megatron became in getting started on his important mission.

"And with Optimus and the rest of the Maximals out of the way," He declared as a smile crept across his face. "I can assure you that there will be no interference. These ponies seem considerably less durable."

"Who is this 'Optimus'?" Grogar blinked.

"Optimus Primal, my dear Grogar," Megatron simply replied. "Our sworn enemy and leader of the accursed Maximals. As far as we are concerned, they're probably floating around as space debris after that explosion."

"Good, then there shall be no interference on their end," Grogar gleefully declared, before he cleared his throat. "Now, you and your Predacons are to go to Equestria and begin the first wave of my conquest. I don't care how you do it, but I expect you to get it done. If you fail me, I shall send you all back to the darkness from which you were summoned. Is that clear?!"

"Yes, my emperor." Inferno replied and promptly bowed to Grogar, much to Megatron's annoyance.

Activating the powers of his bell, the goat transported the evil group of transforming robots to Equestria. "Do not fail me, Predacons. You may well be my last hope."

Grogar thought to himself as he returned to the business at hand in his castle.

Meanwhile, Rodimus Primal was just coming to following the crash. Opening his eyes, Rodimus suddenly felt himself feeling far more different than he normally was. He found himself no longer standing on two legs, but on four and he felt a strange feeling around his head.

"What…what has happened to me?!" He gasped, hoping for an explanation. "Why do I feel so different? Has my body taken on a new beast mode?"

Rodimus then looked around and saw that the ship his rescue party had been travelling in was completely destroyed!

What's more was that his comrades were no longer within his range. "Ratchet?!" He called, pushing away a piece of debris. "Elita One?! Ironhide?! Where are you all?! Say something!"

Stepping out of the wreckage, Rodimus found himself standing in a forest clearing and then proceeded to walk over towards a lake, looking down at his reflection.

"By the matrix!" He gasped, seeing that he now indeed had a new beast mode. "I'm a…lion! But, how did I become one?" Suddenly, he went over and saw a large moose lying against the base of a tree.

Opening its eyes, the moose raised its head and looked back at Rodimus. "B…boss?" The moose asked. "What in the allspark…happened to you?"

"Skids?" Rodimus asked back. "What's happened to you? You're a moose."

"Ugh, what do you think I am…a stinkn' squirrel?!" Skids groaned. "Where's Mudflap?"

"Get yo butt up!" A voice weakly cried out, and in stepped a whitetail deer. "Get yo butt up, Skids."

"Mudflap, help your brother up, now! I'm going to look for the rest of our crew, stay here!" Rodimus ordered, as he went off in search of his missing comrades. "Ironhide! Ratchet! Elita! Please, say something!"

Just then, Rodimus heard a loud trumpeting groan from a nearby swamp. He ran over to see an elephant trying to get itself out of the muck. "Ugh, Rodimus," The elephant groaned. "You look…different."

"So do you and the rest of us, Ironhide," Rodimus replied as the elephant Maximal slowly trudged out of the swamp. "The twins are with me…so we just need to find Ratchet and Elita…if they're still online."

Meanwhile, not far from the Crystal Empire, the destroyed Predacon ship burned in the wreckage. And as luck would have it, a group of royal guard ponies led by Shining Armor approached the scene at that very moment. "Reports say it just fell out of the sky, all of a sudden," One guard said to Shining Armor. "What do you think it could be, Captain?"

"I'm not sure, but we must be prepared. There might be survivors, and they may not be friendly," Shining Armor replied, holding a sword in his aura.

Suddenly, the group heard low growling from inside the wreckage. "Shh, listen!" Shining instructed.

Listening carefully, the group kept their focus on the growling and as one of the ponies cautiously pushed the wreckage back, they were startled by the sudden appearance of a black panther, snarling evilly at them!

"What is that?!" The guard pony shouted, holding the sword at the panther, who merely growled and snarled as it advanced on the group!

Acting quickly, Shining Armor fired a blast of magic at the panther, which it quickly deflected.

Just then, all heard another growling from the wreckage and at that moment, a green alligator roared loudly!

"Who are they?!" Another guard pony shrieked. "We should run!"

"Soundwave terrorize!" The panther roared, transforming into a two-legged robot form.

"Shockwave terrorize!" The alligator roared, also transforming into a two-legged robot form, much to the horror of Shining Armor and his troops!

Realizing they were up against a force they couldn't hope to defeat, Shining Armor immediately ordered a tactical retreat as Shockwave and Soundwave fired their weapons at the retreating Prince of the Crystal Empire and his forces. The ponies barely managed to avoid the blaster fire raining down around them.

Just then, the two Predacons saw a blaze of light streaking across the sky! And as quickly as they saw it, the light landed in front of them and engulfed the horizon in flashing light!

Once the light cleared, Shockwave and Soundwave looked up to see Megatron and his group of Predacons standing in front of them.

"Megatron!" Soundwave whispered as Megatron laughed evilly.

The Predacons had arrived in Equestria.

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