• Published 11th Apr 2020
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 11 - twilightsparkle3562

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Episode 27: "Attack on the Distant Lands, Part 1"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Grogar and his Legion of Doom make final preparations for their attack on King Vorak's kingdom while Tirek struggles to deal with his troubled childhood.


Mark Acheson as Lord Tirek

Sunni Westbrook as Cozy Glow

Kathleen Barr as Queen Chrysalis

Alvin Sanders as King Sombra

Doc Harris as Grogar

David Kaye as Megatron

Scott McNeil as Waspinator/Gargoyle Guards

Jim Byrnes as Inferno

Don Brown as Scorponak

Alec Willows as Tarantulas

Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle

Ashliegh Ball as Applejack/Rainbow Dash

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity/Luna

Cathy Wesluck as Spike

Nicole Oliver as Celestia

John De Lancie as Lockdown/Discord

Emily Blunt as Tempest "Fizzlepop Berrytwist" Shadow

Patrick Stewart as King Vorak

Robby Benson as Scorpan

Robert Morse as Sendak

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 11, Episode 27

"Attack on the Distant Lands, Part 1"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 11, Episode 27

"Attack on the Distant Lands, Part 1"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

The young Tirek laid shackled against a wall in the dungeons of his father's kingdom. He had been caught visiting his mentor, Sendak, and was now about to face the consequences of his actions. All his young life he'd wanted to learn the powers of taking magic from living creatures, but his father had disapproved of it.

"Tirek," Vorak bellowed as he stood next to the gargoyle who would administer the punishment. "For the last time, did you or did you not ally with Sendak to overthrow me?"

The young centaur refused to answer. He had his reasons for visiting Sendak.

"Administer the punishment!" Vorak ordered and the gargoyle took the whip in his claw.

The young centaur winced in sharp pain as the whip stung his back.

Opening his eyes up, Tirek let out a loud yell as he woke up with a start and gasping profusely. Unfortunately, his daughter figure had heard him yell.

"Ugh, Tirek," Cozy Glow groaned as she got herself up. "That's the second time! What's going on?"

"He…he…" Tirek gasped. "He was punishing me again."

"Your dad?" Cozy asked. "For the last time, Tirek, your father is far away from you! He's probably dead by now."

"No, he isn't," Tirek protested. "He's alive and is probably looking to kill me now that he knows I'm freed from that stone prison."

"Maybe this impending battle is getting to you," Cozy Glow sughed, going towards her father figure and sitting down next to him on the edge of the bed. "Don't worry, we'll win the battle for Grogar, and then take our campaign to the next loathsome kingdom. Besides, you've got Chrysalis and I by your side for support, don't you?"

Tirek could only produce a small smile at Cozy Glow's words. But part of him wanted nothing more than to be the one to topple his father and take over his kingdom. And it seemed like he would never get the chance. His desire for revenge would never be fulfilled.

The next morning, Tirek and Cozy Glow joined the rest of the legion in the courtyard of Grogar's kingdom. The battle against the Bad Lands was nearing and all were hungry to fight. However, the lack of sleep Tirek had was draining on him and it showed on the outside. Inside, however, he was hungry for revenge.

"All presented and accounted for, my emperor." Inferno said to Grogar as the ram took the stage with Sombra and Scarface at his side.

"Thank you, sub-commander," Grogar acknowledged as Terrorsaur beat down on the drums to begin the rally. "Now, my loyal warriors, the time has come for us to make the first move in our fight to take Equestria for ourselves!"

The legion let out a loud roar of approval upon hearing Grogar speak those words. "What better way than to begin our fight than by conquering the weakest out of all the kingdoms in Equestria: The kingdom ruled by King Vorak!"

As Grogar spoke, Megatron stood among the ranks feeling as if he deserved a piece of the kingdom that they were about to conquer. He wanted to get away from Grogar, he wanted to free himself and go back to being his own bot.

"You shall have no problem in dealing with King Vorak," Grogar continued as Megatron turned away from Grogar on the platform. "His army is weak, he himself is weak! This battle shall be a test for you all on what is to come. Now prepare yourselves and be ready! We leave on my signal." The legion roared loudly again as all except for Tirek and Megatron were eager to get the impending battle started.

Once the rally was over, Megatron retreated to a secluded part of the palace to be alone in his thoughts. But he wouldn't be alone for very long as Tirek approached him. "Do you want some company?" He asked the deposed Predacon leader, who looked back to him in reply.

"If you wish," Megatron sighed while gesturing for his guest to come forward. "You must be Lord Tirek, yes?"

"Yes," Tirek nodded, joining Megatron at his side. "And you I suppose are Megatron? I've been hearing a lot about you, Leader of the Predacons. Or I should say Ex-Leader."

"I was once leader, yes," Megatron seethed, looking down at his dragon head. "Then that old fool Grogar stole my position from me! Now he thinks I'm just going to bow down to him?! Well he's sadly mistaken if he believes that! I'm going to get away from him and take my loyal Predacons with me!"

"Why can't you just…run away and go back to wherever it is you came from?" Tirek pondered.

"There's no way to get back to Cybertron! If I did it would be either as a sparkless husk or a prisoner of the accursed Maximal oppressors," Megatron growled. "So what the Predacons and I have to do is make the best of our bad situation!"

It was then that Tirek got himself an idea. He could not only help get rid of his father and brother but also help Megatron get away from Grogar. To him, the plan seemed all too perfect. "What if I helped you get away from Grogar's clutches?" He offered. "Gave you a chance to strike out on your own?"

"And what would be in it for me if I agreed, centaur?" Megatron asked, intrigued at the idea.

"Why, you could issue commands from a large castle of your very own," Tirek answered. "You'd have a chance to prove to Grogar that you don't need to follow a leader like him. And all I ask in return is help me rid the world of my father. He's held the throne for far too long when it should've rightfully been mine long ago!"

Megatron snickered at the idea, grateful that someone was planning to help him restore to his full potential. "I like your way of thinking, centaur." He sneered, tapping Tirek on the shoulder.

Little did either know that right outside the balcony, Lockdown had been watching and listening to the entire conversation. "I've got to warn Twilight and the others!" He thought, running into a corner and producing a telegraph machine. "Hopefully Waspinator can get my message in time!"

Meanwhile in Equestria, Twilight and her friends were sitting in the throne room of the Castle of Friendship and reviewing reports of suspicious activity in the area surrounding King Vorak's kingdom.

"Suspicious activity?" Rainbow Dash blinked in question. "What do you mean suspicious activity?"

"The kind that we can't ignore, girls," Twilight declared. "The reports say that there have been strange activity occurring over the past few days, all just outside the borders of the kingdom of centaurs. And three Predacon robots have been captured."

"Were they bug or dinosaur?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Being that they transform that seems hardly relevant," Rarity commented. "Especially when they have the forms of such garish creatures! Ugh!"

"Hey, not all bugs are garish!" Pinkie Pie interrupted, giving Rarity a hard stare while stretching her head out. "Some are really cool! Like a wasp, or a butterfly or even a caterpillar!"

Not wanting to hear more about bugs and dinosaurs, Applejack turned her attention to Twilight. "So how do you want to approach this, Twilight?" She asked her fellow princess. "Do you want to have us cover the borders like the Pillars did against Tirek?"

"Yes, but I won't be asking the Pillars directly. We will probably need them in reserve for when Vorak's kingdom inevitably is attacked," Twilight declared. "There's no doubt in my mind that Grogar's planning to strike."

"Not to mention that there could be unintended casualties if those Predacons show up, even with the Maximals to back us up," Spike added, turning on his royal advisor mode. "I suggest starting an evacuation of the Bad Lands now, before Grogar strikes."

"But if we were to do that where would everyone go?" Fluttershy questioned.

"Obviously a place where it's safe, and there's lots of locations that could take 'em in," Applejack suggested. "They could go to the Crystal Empire or even come here to Ponyville. We have plenty of room at a few places, mine included, and we could always use the support."

"Okay, so we'll give Vorak the order to evacuate his subjects," Rainbow replied and then said to Twilight. "If you like, I can have Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts aid in the evacuation process."

At that moment, before any could agree on the idea, the six princesses began to hear a commotion from outside the throne room.

Rising from her throne, Twilight walked to the door and saw Tempest Shadow and several guards struggling to hold down what looked like a robotic insect in the form of a wasp.

"Princess Twilight!" Tempest Shadow declared while out of breath. "We found this Predacon spy right outside the castle!"

All the ponies gasped in shock!

Twilight looked down at Waspinator once the shock had worn off. "Bring him inside! We'll see if we can't extract some useful information out of him." She ordered and Tempest and the guards did as they were told. Throwing Waspinator to the ground, they backed away while Twilight and the others looked at him.

"Waspinator never seen a…place like this," Waspinator quietly spoke up. "Waspinator love it here."

"That's very nice," Rarity remarked. "Coming from a Predacon spy and a bug!"

"Waspinator not a bug!" Waspinator protested. "Waspinator former Predacon."

"He must be lying, your highnesses!" Tempest protested. "Why else would he come here but to spy on you and the other princesses?!"

"I disagree with you, Captain Tempest," Fluttersht firmly protested, rising from her throne and walking to Waspinator's side. "Just look at him! Does he look like someone who would want to hurt anycreature?! He looks scared out of his wits just being here."

"He's definitely a deserter," Applejack commented, also joining Fluttershy at Waspinator's side. "But tell me somethin', Waspinator: If you were with the Predacons, then why ain't ya spyin' on us? Why else would you come here?"

Realizing that he didn't want to be harmed, Waspinator stepped from the ponies and cleared his throat. "Waspinator quit Predacons because Waspinator was blown to scrap all the time!" He explained. "Humans take Waspinator in, make Waspinator their ruler. Then monkey king and Megatron invade village, capture Waspinator and humans. Then, mismatched creature free Waspinator and send Waspinator to Equestria, wherever that is."

"This is Equestria," Twilight told the Predacon deserter. "And the mismatched creature who sent you here is named Discord."

"Oh, Waspinator thought his name was Lockdown." Waspinator scratched his head in confusion.

"That was a disguise. I sent Discord to keep tabs on Grogar so we could be ready for him" Twilight declared, walking over to Waspinator. "In any case, you're here now so allow me to introduce myself: I'm Twilight Sparkle, supreme ruler of Equestria, and these are my friends and co-rulers: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity."

"And I'm Spike, Twilight royal advisor and little brother." Spike declared while joining Twilight at her side.

But the introductions were short lived as Applejack suddenly got another suspicion. "Wait an apple pickin' minute, Waspinator! That Monkey King you speak of. By any chance was he…" She forced back a gulp. "The Storm King?"

Hearing the Storm King's name caused Tempest to look away in disgust. "Impossible!" She all but choked out. "How could he possibly be alive?! I thought he was smashed to pieces by his own orb!"

"Grogar must have brought him back to life somehow." Twilight sighed.

Waspinator, meanwhile, questioned. "Ponies know Monkey King?"

"Oh I know him alright!" Tempest interjected, her mind filled with rage. "He's a filthy liar and backstabber! And if I ever see him again…" The stub where her horn should be began to spark rather ominously.

"Tempest, please, control yourself!" Twilight ordered to her captain of the royal guard. "We're all shocked and discouraged by this news, but now isn't the time to get consumed with a personal vendetta. We need to have a strategy to help Vorak defend his kingdom," And she instructed. "Spike, send a message to Optimus Primal and the Maximals and tell them to be ready for an imminent attack by Grogar. Make sure they know to watch out for the Predacons too."

Doing as he was told, Spike began to draft a scroll to the Maximals.

"The rest of you," Twilight instructed to her friends. "Prepare to advance to the Bad Lands! Grogar must be stopped!"

"You got it, Twilight!" Pinkie Pie cried, randomly putting on a suit of armor with her cutie mark on it. "We'll give that old goat a welcome back party he'll never forget!"

However, the rage Tempest was building up inside of her continued to grow. Leaving the throne room, she could only breath in and out in an effort to keep her composure, and prevent anger from spiraling out of control. Seeing this, Twilight headed outside to console her. "Tempest?" She asked. "Look, I'm sorry you had to witness that, but…"

"I want to go fight in the Bad Lands," Tempest seethed to Twilight, her broken horn charging with unstable magic. "If the Storm King comes, I will be ready for him! And this time I'll make sure to finish the job!"

"Tempest, we're all shocked that our enemies have been brought back to life," Twilight comforted the unicorn. "But we have to keep our composure in these situations. We can't let our enemies get to us."

"Don't tell me what to do!" Tempest snapped, sharply turning around to Twilight. "After all that time I wasted sucking up to the Storm King, forgive me if I decide to enjoy making him hurt like I hurt!" And then Tempest stormed away, leaving Twilight shocked at her captain's outburst.

Back on the moon, Tirek was hard at work preparing the invasion of his former home. The deal he'd made with Megatron was more than enough to satisfy him in the fight ahead. As he worked out, he heard a knock on the door to his room. "Come in!" He called, placing the dumbbells down as Chrysalis came into her lover's room.

"I trust you're preparing yourself for the fight ahead too?" The former queen asked.

"More than preparing myself, Chrysalis," Tirek sighed, drying his face off with a towel. "I'm preparing to get rid of my father once and for all! This world isn't big enough for the two of us!"

Using her detection, Chrysalis began to detect a sense of vengeance in Tirek's soul unlike anything that she'd ever felt before. "You must really hate him, don't you?" She remarked, sitting next to Tirek on the edge of his bed.

"All I ever wanted was to take his place, Chrysalis!" Tirek sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "My father always wanted us to live up to a high standard, his standard! So I went to Sendak and he took me under his wing because he despised my father just as much as I did. He taught me power the likes of which my father could only dream of!"

Chrysalis then asked. "And what about your brother?"

"Scorpan?" Tirek scoffed. "He was always a weak-minded fool too loyal for his own good. Always following someone like a lapdog or a shadow. And when he betrayed me and befriended Starswirl the Bearded, well…you know what happened next."

"You must be out to get him too." Chrysalis realized.

The centaur growled. "Of course! I want him dead more than anyone else! He and my father both conspired against me, and for that I will never forgive them!"

Chrysalis then pulled Tirek close to her and looked into his eyes, delighted to hear how determined he was to achieve his goals. "Then I shall help you achieve that goal, Tirek." She seductively replied and the two of them broke into a passionate kiss as Cozy Glow entered.

"Hey guys, Grogar wants us…" Cozy started to say, then backed off when she saw them kissing. "Uh, okay, I'll come back later."

At the kingdom he had tried to govern to the best of his ability, King Vorak overlooked the courtyard outside of his castle, thinking about what was going to likely happen in a short period of time.

"Father," Scorpan called as he approached King Vorak. "The spies we captured, don't you think that maybe we should set them free? Our forces have tried and failed to get them to talk."

"Scorpan," Vorak replied with his back still turned to the gargoyle. "You know full well that I don't take prisoners unless the situation calls for it. If they don't want to talk that's fine, they'll meet the same fate as the traitorous Sendak did."

"But they're different creatures from us!" Scorpan protested. "I mean, one's a scorpion and the other's is a tarantula. And the tarantula's been taunting us for days, saying that we will never prevail against Grogar and his forces."

Getting himself an idea, Vorak left the balcony and proceeded back into the throne room. "We'll see about that." Making his way down to the dungeons, Vorak saw the two Predacons Scorponok and Tarantulas chained up in one of the cells.

"Sir," The gargoyle guard saluted to King Vorak. "They taunt us and give us nothing."

"Well, well, well," Tarantulas cackled. "You must be King Vorak! How delighted to finally meet you."

But Vorak said nothing, instead grabbing Tarantulas by the throat. "Listen to me, spy!" Vorak snapped in an ice cold voice. "I am not a patient creature by any stretch of the imagination. So if you want to live, you will tell me what you know."

"We…" Scorponok groaned, trying to save his own life. "We…"

Before he could spill the beans, Tarantulas kicked him in the chest. "Quiet fool!" Tarantulas hissed through Vorak's chokehold on his throat. "We're with Grogar of course. There! Happy?"

However, Vorak wasn't satisfied with their one answer and rubbed Tarantulas against the walls of the cell. "No!" He growled.

"Father, maybe we should…" Scorpan suggested, only for Vorak to silence him with his hand.

"You are going to tell me everything you know about what Grogar is threatening to do if you want to save your life, as well as the life of your comrade!" Vorak threatened!

"Do as he says…" Scorponok croaked out, only for Tarantulas to quiet him again with a kick to the chest.

"Why do you ask me?" Tarantulas taunted. "Why not ask him yourself? He'll be here in due time."

Growing more and more impatient, Vorak turned to a more pressing question. "Where's Tirek?!"

"Who? I don't know him." Tarantulas replied.

"My son, you sniveling insect!" Vorak snarled, pushing Tarantulas up higher and higher. "He somehow escaped from his prison and is in cahoots with Grogar! So tell me where he is!"

"You said it yourself, he's with Grogar," Tarantulas laughed in a sarcastic tone of voice. "And he sends his regards to you and Scorpan."

In disgust, Vorak dropped Tarantulas down onto the ground. "Why do I even bother talking to you, spider?" Vorak sighed. "It's clear to me that you and your friend will be my first act of retaliation against Grogar for his invasion that will fail!" Then he turned to the centaur and scorpion guards present. "Execute them at the earliest possible moment." He ordered as Scorponok felt his mouth drop in shock. Once the order was given, the two guards left them behind.

"Tarantulas, are you crazy?!" Scorponok protested. "Now we're going to be slagged!"

"Oh yea of little faith," Tarantulas mocked in a sarcastic tone. "Do you even realize that Grogar wanted us to be captured by King Vorak? All part of the plan, remember? We're the bait for Vorak."

Sighing heavily, Scorponok could only regret what he'd agreed to take part in.

Back on the moon, Grogar, dressed in black armor, stepped out into the courtyard with his pet bear behind him. Legions of Predacons and donkey soldiers were gathered with their weapons drawn. Stepping in front of the army, the goat smiled at the intention he was about to carry out. "Now is the time!" He declared in a loud and booming voice, his bewitching bell glowing. "The time for us to make our move! We shall begin our conquest of Equestria, and by the end all shall fall before us!" Crying out in a loud voice, Grogar riled up the army who cried out back to him.

In the background, Tirek and Megatron each gave a snicker to one another.

"And remember," Grogar roared. "Destroy anycreature who gets in your way! Any centaur, any gargoyle or even King Vorak himself!"

Another loud cheer came from the army. "Long live Grogar! Long live Grogar!"

"Come, let us go!" Grogar shouted, tapping into the powers of his bewitching bell. "To the death of Vorak!"

"To the death of Vorak!" The army called and as Scarface roared loudly, the entire army was transported off the moon and down towards the earth!

Suddenly, at that moment, the grounds beneath Vorak's kingdom began to shake like an earthquake! "He's coming," Vorak said to himself as he left the dungeons, falling back down the stairs and landing on his front. "Grogar is coming! To arms, soldiers! To arms! Defend the kingdom to your last breath!" Acting fast, the soldiers of gargoyles and centaurs immediately raced around the castle, trying to gather whatever weapons they could find with which to arm themselves!

"Come, Scorpan!" Vorak shouted as they raced up to the throne room while historic artifacts and suits of armor collapsed in the shaking. "Grogar will be here soon! We must be ready for his arrival!"

Meanwhile, in a labor camp not far from the castle, an old centaur looked up at the sky and chuckled sinisterly. "He is returning!" He shouted to the guards as they ran around in a panic. "My student has come home at last to take what is his!"

"Take cover!" One of the guards shouted to the prisoners. "Take cover now!"

But the guards were unable to move the old centaur, who just stood there, looking up to see a golden streak of light surge across the sky. Landing in the distance, the light produced a strong ripple that sent a wave across the land, causing some of the guards and citizens to become temporarily blinded!

The wave of light as well as the rumbling earthquake could be seen and felt as far away as Ponyville as Twilight ran up to her telescope in her study with Spike right behind.

"Twilight, what is it?!" Spike cried as Twilight looked into the telescope!

"He's here," Twilight said in a quiet voice, stepping back from her telescope. "Grogar is here. Have the Maximals been notified?"

"They're already awaiting your orders," Spike replied. "So what are they?"

Twilight began to bark out orders! "Have some of the Maximals station themselves at the borders to Vorak's kingdom. We must prevent Grogar from reaching it if at all possible!"

Doing as he was told, Spike was teleported away by Twilight while she raced downstairs where her friends were waiting. "Grogar isn't waiting," Twilight urgently told them. "He's already in Equestria and proceeding towards Vorak's kingdom as we speak!"

"How can that be?!" Rarity cried! "How can he move so swiftly after all this time?!"

"Grogar plays by his own rules," Twilight replied. "So we have to do our best to adapt to them. Come with me, now! We must prepare ourselves for battle!"

Following Twilight down to the basement of her castle, the five other princesses came up to several suits of armor that had recently been made. Each suit of armor represented a princess and their respective cutie marks. "I've been meaning to give you these at an appropriate time," Twilight apologized. "But now is as good a time as any. Suit up and follow me. There's no time to waste!"

Doing as they were told, Twilight and her friends suited up in their armor. A few moments later, they emerged from the castle wearing their respective armors while Tempest had gathered a small army of guardsponies right outside.

Just then, Celestia and Luna came racing towards the group while wearing their own respective armor and weapons. "Twilight!" Celestia called. "We're going with you! After what happened the last two times I can't let you and your friends put yourselves in danger without Luna and I! I don't want to lose you!"

"No, Celestia," Twilight ordered. "You need to stay here with the students. They will need you more than me. If worse comes to worse you'll serve as backup along with Luna."

"Twilight, please, you're going to need us to fight Grogar," Luna pleaded. "Besides, three alicorns are much better than one in this situation."

Realizing that she had no time to pick a fight with her mother and big sister figures, Twilight reluctantly agreed to let Celestia and Luna come with them.

"Everything is in place, your highnesses!" Tempest said, her determination of finishing off the Storm King clearly imprinted in her face. "When do we move out?"

Without saying a word, Twilight activated her magic and transported herself and everypony else to the badlands just as Grogar and his army emerged from the beam of light, determined to begin the first battle of Equestria.

"Let the battle begin!" Grogar declared in a loud voice.

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