• Published 11th Apr 2020
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 11 - twilightsparkle3562

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Episode 25: "The Nutty Professor"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Starlight is pushed to her limits when she has to deal with a new professor whose bad habits are setting a bad example to the School of Friendship.


Kelly Sheridan as Starlight Glimmer

Ian Hanlin as Sunburst

Kathleen Barr as Trixie

Peter New as Doctor Whooves

Nicole Oliver as Tree Hugger/Celestia

Tabitha St. Germain as Luna

Kelly Metzger as Spitfire

Kazumi Evans as Octavia Melody

Gavin Longelo as Gallus

Donald Sutherland as Tree Digger

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 11, Episode 25

"The Nutty Professor"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

Since becoming headmare of the school that Twilight and her friends had created, Starlight Glimmer knew that she held a deep responsibility for the well being of all students who came to learn, and the teachers who teach the lessons. One day, she would be visited by a pony that would challenge her beliefs in the weirdest possible way.

"Come in," Starlight called while sitting at her desk in her office, doing paperwork as the door opened to reveal Trixie on the other side. "Um, Trixie, where's the pony I was supposed to interview again?" As she spoke, Starlight looked around to see where the possible new recruit was. "You know, the one who's interested in teaching Equestrian Science?"

"Uh, he'll be along in a bit," Trixie remarked. "He said something about using the bathroom."

"Well when you gotta go you gotta go, right?" Starlight replied.

The two friends shared a brief laugh as a green coated earth pony with her mane in braids and covered by a yellow kerchief with spots came into the office.

"Um, are you the applicant?" Starlight asked, looking at the pony briefly before turning her attention to the application in her desk. "Tree, uh…"

"No, sweetheart. Tree Digger is my papa." The mare replied.

"Your papa?" Trixie asked, equally confused.

"My name's Tree Hugger, friend of Fluttershy and daughter of Tree Digger. And I'm also a member of the Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures." Tree Hugger introduced herself. The long drawls Tree Hugger was using in her words made both Starlight and Trixie uncomfortable.

"Um, Tree Hugger," Starlight said nervously looking down at the application. "It says here that your dad taught where again…?"

"-Friendship University," Tree Hugger replied. "He taught general literature there."

"So he did." Starlight muttered just as Sunburst came into the office followed by a dark green colored pony wearing a button shirt and brown jacket. He had a frizzled mane with a cutie mark featuring a tree being dug up with a shovel.

"Sorry," Sunburst chuckled nervously. "He was taking too long in the uh, restroom."

"Don't worry about it, son," Tree Digger remarked to Sunburst. "I just needed more time to wash up. Only get one chance to make a good first impression"

With their applicant now in their presence, Starlight shooed Trixie, Sunburst and Tree Hugger out of the office.

"Go get em, Dad!" Tree Hugger called as she was pushed out of the office, leaving Starlight alone with Tree Digger.

However, even before the interview was to begin, Starlight could sense that there was something off about this pony. Little did she know of the embarrassment this pony would bring to the School of Friendship.

Taking a deep breath, Starlight looked her interviewee right in the face. "Okay, Mr. uh, Tree Digger was it?" Starlight began the interview. "It says here that you taught at Friendship University as a teacher of general literature. Tell me, what is it about general literature that fascinates you?"

"You see, Ms. Glimmer," Tree Digger smiled, "I happen to be writing a novel and teaching is my way of paying the rent."

Starlight immediately questioned "What's the novel you're writing about if I may ask?"

"It's about a pony who's lost his way in life, turning to the dark side. And creative geniuses like me have to find a source of inspiration." Tree Digger declared He then turned his attention over to Phyllis Two on Starlight's desk. Taking his hoof, he gently rubbed it against the plant.

"Um, what are you doing?" Starlight asked, perplexed by the action.

"The character in my story is a lover of plants," Tree Digger answered as he released his grip on the plant. "They help him get through whatever problems he has in life."

"And what is it about what you're doing that can help the students here at the school?" Starlight questioned.

"I can teach them to embrace the arts, maybe turn them into writers and such," Tree Digger explained. "My apologies, but I don't believe I'd be a good science teacher.

Despite the encouragement he was given her, Starlight could sense that there was something off about this pony. As he spoke, Starlight couldn't help but notice a small box in Tree Digger's coat pocket. Nevertheless, the school needed teachers and Tree Digger, at least for the moment, fit the bill.

"Well, we can always use the arts to bring creatures together, Tree Digger. And we already had a promising science teacher applicant in a certain doctor pony a while back," Starlight declared. "So congratulations and welcome aboard!"

"Did you get it?" Tree Hugger asked, poking her head into the room as her dad responded with a wink. "All right, Daddy! I knew you'd get the job, I just knew it!"

As she watched the father and daughter leave, Starlight was left alone and wondering if she had made the right choice.

"He seems like a nice pony, Starlight," Trixie remarked as she walked back into Starlight's office alongside Sunburst. "Despite some questionable behavior."

"So, what happens now?" Sunburst questioned.

"He does his thing and teaches the students," Starlight replied, shutting the doors behind them. "Although, I think he might have a problem."

Both Sunburst and Trixie gave each other worried glances at Starlight's statement. "What kind of a problem?"

"Well for one thing, he just began touching Phyllis Two during the interview," Starlight explained. "Rubbing it like a cat or dog. And for another thing he had a small box."

"A small box?" Sunburst questioned. "What was it for? What was in it?"

"I suspect he might have something in there that's against school policy," Starlight confessed to them. "But I can't jump to any conclusions. Let's just see how he does with the students. I mean, maybe I could be overreacting or something."

The next morning, Starlight gathered the students in the lobby to introduce Tree Digger to them. "Now students," Starlight addressed. "Our school has continued to grow and evolve during the course of its short existence. And with it comes the need to add more teachers to meet the growing demand. To this end, we have brought in another teacher willing to share his special knowledge with all of you."

"Boy, I wonder who that could be." Gallus muttered in a sarcastic tone to his cousin, Icarus.

Starlight then instructed. "Everycreature, please welcome our new teacher of general literature: Professor Tree Digger!"

As Tree Digger stepped forward next to Starlight, he looked out among the students with a warm smile on his face. "Well thank you, Headmare Starlight, for that warm introduction," He smiled, clearing his throat as he began pacing in front of the students. "Now, like your headmare just told you, I'm, going to be your new Equestrian Literature instructor for the general literature section. A position I am well versed in due to having taught it at Friendship University."

Sensing that some of the students were going to react, Tree Digger decided to set the record straight. "Yes, that same school once run by Flim and Flam," He continued in a loud voice. "However, since they were found to not be good headmasters, I ended up leaving and came here. In addition, I am also a novelist working on my first major story. If you are interested I can share some of my works with you. Regardless though, I look forward to teaching you all here at the School of Friendship."

However, as he spoke, Starlight couldn't help but notice that Tree Digger's eyes were somewhat bloodshot. Still, she kept her thoughts to herself to avoid any panic amongst the students.

"Thank you, Professor Tree Digger," Starlight smiled. "Have a good day, everycreature. And be sure to make our newest teacher feel welcome whenever you see him."

With those words, the students departed to begin their day.

But the presence of bloodshot red eyes caused a great deal of concern for Starlight. As she went about her day, the thought of seeing bloodshot red eyes made the young headmare feel very uncomfortable. "Maybe I'm seeing things or something," She thought to herself as she approached Tree Digger's classroom. "Maybe his eyes were bloodshot because he slept bad, he could've been nervous about his first day or something. Let's just see how he does with the students before passing any judgement."

Stepping into one of the classrooms, Starlight slipped in near the back as Tree Digger proceeded to teach his class at the front. "Paradise Lost," He declared while looking down at a large, red book on his desk. "It's a very long poem that was written a long time ago, and I'm sure the lot of you have difficulty understanding exactly what the famous poets of Equestria were trying to say."

As he spoke, Starlight noticed the suddenly tired look that appeared on Treen Digger's face and the more she looked the more concerned she became.

"Maybe he was trying to describe the meaning between good and evil, the latter now of whom is among the teachers here at this school, right?"

Immediately, Tree Digger looked at the back of the classroom and saw Starlight sitting there. Trying to ignore her presence, he continued to prattle on. "Okay, the most intriguing character," He continued while turning to the blackboard. "As we all know from our reading is…Grogar!" He wrote Grogar's name in large letters on the blackboard. "Now what was the poet trying to tell us by using Grogar? I believe," He declared, picking up an apple with his right foreleg and taking a bite of it. "That being bad was more fun than being good. Don't you think so?"

The students said nothing, and Starlight was observing the whole situation.

"Okay," Tree Digger sighed, placing the apple down on the desk. "Don't write this down, but I probably find the poet as boring as you did. Heck, the poet's wife probably found him boring. He's probably a little bit long winded. He doesn't translate very well and his jokes are terrible. We must understand the classics, obviously. But not every classic is easy to understand at first glance."

Just then, the bell rang and the students quickly departed, although Tree Digger had one last thing to say. "But that does not relieve you of your responsibility for this material," He cried as the students left. "You still have to do the homework I assigned to you all! Listen, I'm not joking, this is my job!"

Starlight waited until the students were gone as Tree Digger acknowledged her presence. "Oh uh, Headmare Starlight," He chuckled. "What a nice…surprise."

"How are you finding teaching so far?" Starlight asked as she got up and walked towards Tree Digger.

"Oh, fine, fine. The students seem to be engaged," Tree Digger answered. "Although there are some who need a little more help to get through."

But Starlight wasn't concerned about the students. She looked closely at the coat pocket where Tree Digger was keeping something from her. "Actually Tree Digger, the students aren't the only reason I'm here. This morning, when I introduced you to the students, you had bloodshot eyes. Did you sleep okay last night?"

Tree Digger seemed to look confused. "Well, yes," He answered. "It's just that it's very nerve wracking, being my first day and all and…"

"What's that in your pocket?" Starlight questioned, using her magic to take out the small white box. "It looks small."

"Um, excuse me, Headmare Starlight! It's not your concern!" Tree Digger protested. "It's nothing…"

But Starlight opened the box anyway. Several small white sticks fell out of the box and her face turned to a look of disappointment at her new hire.

Tree Digger looked embarrassed as the small white sticks lay at Starlight's hooves.

"Tree Digger, why are you carrying cigarettes on school property?" Starlight questioned the stallion.

"Look, uh, Headmare Starlight," He explained while hastily picking up the cigarettes. "I'm, uh, a very nervous pony. Anxious, yes. These uh, help me cope."

"Tree Digger, you need to understand that I will not allow teachers having such things here," Starlight protested. "There are children who come here for crying out loud! Did the Flim Flam brothers allow you to carry cigarettes at Friendship U?"

"Well, uh, yeah! They did," Tree Digger hastily replied. "I have a way of coping with all that's going on with my novel that I'm working on along with teaching. I just needed something to help me unwind."

Sighing, Starlight felt like she needed to lay down the law with her new employee. "Then you need to find another way of teaching that doesn't result in you needing to use those," She warned. "I have a zero-tolerance policy that all my teachers take seriously with students and with each other. If I catch you with those things again there will be consequences. Is that clear?!"

Sighing, Tree Digger nodded.

"Good." Starlight quietly answered and left Tree Digger alone.

Later that day, Starlight gathered all the teachers in the teachers lounge to address what she had discovered with her new hire.

"What did you mean that he had cigarettes?" Doctor Whooves asked (he was the school's leading science teacher). "Surely he had a reason for it?"

"Another example of bad habits," Spitfire sighed (she was the school's gym teacher whenever she could find time to teach), taking off her sunglasses and rubbing her eyes with her forehooves. "I mean, what example are we setting for the students if we hire teachers like him? He reminds me of Fleetfoot and her habit that was consuming her. Now she's in rehab, trying to kick it."

"The fact of the matter is that Tree Digger has a horrible habit," Starlight declared. "And it's one that I won't allow!."

"Perhaps it was just the first day jitters," Sunburst proposed. "It happens to everyone and everyone has different ways of coping. I'm sure that after a few days, he'll get used to teaching and leave the cigarettes at home."

Starlight, unconvinced by her friend's words, raised an eyebrow at him.

"Maybe." Sunburst meekly added.

"The point is that we have to protect our students from any potential incidents," Starlight sighed while turning her attention back to the teachers. "I don't like to fire anyone, but I will not tolerate such behavior."

"What has that to do with us?" Octavia questioned (she'd taken a break from her concert performances to teach music at the school).

"I want all of you to help me keep an eye on Tree Digger," Starlight answered and then instructed. "And If you catch him doing anything like what I just saw with the students, report him to me for immediate termination, do you understand?" With Starlight making her case clear, all the teachers left except for Sunburst, Trixie and the ex-royal sisters.

"Look, Starlight, I get that he might have an anxiety problem and the way he's trying to solve it isn't healthy," Sunburst commented. "But, you can't just flat out get rid of him because of that!"

"I agree with Sunburst," Celestia declared while looking over at her sister. "Both Luna and I know from ruling that we can't make hard decisions unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Tree Digger might need some support," added Luna, walking over to Starlight. "Maybe he just needs a little guidance. In any case, I've been down the same path as him."

Sighing, Starlight turned away and looked out a window overlooking the school's athletic field. "Luna, I…I get that you relate to Tree Digger, given that you both potentially harmed yourselves because of your pasts, but that doesn't give you a free pass to do whatever you like."

"I created a tantabus to harm myself in my dreams, denying me a peaceful night's sleep," Luna sighed, draping a wing over Starlight. "Perhaps Tree Digger has his own tantabus that he needs to fight."

This gave Starlight an idea "Luna," She looked up at the alicorn. "I need to ask a favor of you…"

Leaning an ear towards Starlight, Luna listened to the request.

Later that night, Luna flew into Ponyville's town square and approached what appeared to be a small green house not far from Sugarcube Corner.

"This must be Tree Digger's house. Hope I'm not too late to help." Luna thought to herself, looking down at a small piece of paper Walking up to the door, Luna knocked on it and a few moments later, Tree Hugger opened the door. The young green earth pony was surprised to see Luna standing in the doorway. "Um, is Tree Digger home?" Luna asked.

"Uh, h-he i-is," Tree Hugger stammered. "B-but what d-do y-you want with h-him?"

"Tree Hugger, who is it?" Tree Digger called from another room.

"It's uh, the pony formerly known as Princess Luna, now just Luna. Tree Hugger called back, causing Luna to develop a look of shock and embarrassment. Just a few moments later, Tree Digger came out and gestured for Luna to come inside.

"Um, e-excuse my sudden a-arrival, Tree Digger," Luna stammered. "I-I'm paying you a v-visit because…"

Guessing what Luna was at his house for, Tree Digger gestured to her to follow him into a medium sized room where a large desk was sitting in the middle of the room. Right away, Luna then turned to a small table next to a dresser and a strange black substance was scattered all over it.

"This is your workroom?" Luna asked.

"It is," Tree Digger answered, shutting the door behind Luna. "And that is my novel."

The culture kicking up inside of her, Luna walked up to the desk and saw all of the papers stacked up on top of one another. "It's very nice." She smiled.

"Teaching is just a way to pay the bills until I finish my novel." Tree Digger explained.

"And how long have you been working on it?" Luna questioned.

"Four and a half years," Tree Digger answered as he hung his head in shame. "It's horse apples."

Turning his attention over to the table, Tree Digger took a cigarette and placed it on the substance. "Now," He declared while turning his attention back to Luna. "What brings you here, ex-princess?"

"I'm here," Luna began, looking slightly uncomfortable at what was happening. "Because Headmare Starlight feels that you need some support to…"

"Oh, really?" Tree Digger raspily coughed. "Does she want me teaching the students or not?! Because I can just get packed up and walk on out, sunshine!"

Immediately, Luna began to realize all too well why Starlight was concerned about Tree Digger. "I can teach anything beyond your wildest imagination!" He continued, his eyes quickly beginning to turn bloodshot again. "All you have to do is…take this!"

He placed the cigarette near Luna and she quickly backed away. "I'd much rather not." She politely protested as some of the scents began to trickle into her nose.

"It's a harmless substance," Tree Digger insisted. "Go on, take it! You know you want to!"

"No thank you," Luna politely protested again. "It's clear to me that you have developed a very bad habit and we all care about you…"

"No you don't!" Tree Digger retorted to Luna. "No one cares about me! The only ones who care about me, you can meet…in here!"

Before Luna could say another word, she suddenly began to feel drowsy. The substance's effect was taking its toll on her. With her mind clearly fogged up, Luna suddenly collapsed onto the floor with Tree Digger following suit.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" A loud voice yelled, causing both Luna and Tree Digger to wake up with a start! Looking up, they saw an angry Starlight Glimmer and Celestia looking down at them.

Tree Digger was about to face the consequences of his actions!

Looking down in disgust, Celestia forced Luna to her hooves with her magic while Starlight Glimmer merely looked in anger at her new hire.

"Starlight, I…I can explain!" Tree Digger protested nervously, but Starlight was having none of it as she stormed over to the table. "I…I…"

"I should have known that you were doing something like this," Starlight snapped, turning around to Tree Digger with a sharp jerk. "Whatever this is called?! How could you do this to yourself?!"

"You should be absolutely ashamed!" Celestia shouted in her Royal Canterlot Voice! "Forcing that stuff onto my sister when she tried to help you!"

Opening her eyes, Luna let out a small groan before falling unconscious again.

"Tree Digger, I knew from the moment I interviewed you that you were hiding a secret from me and now I've uncovered it," Starlight frowned. "WHAT IS THIS CALLED?!"

"Uh, uh, happy place?" Tree Digger pathetically answered as Starlight placed the substance back on the table.

"Well, I'm not happy about this!" Starlight shouted, stomping a hoof down in anger. "There is no excuse that you can possibly say right now that will cover up your actions! As of this moment, you are terminated from the School of Friendship! Let's go, Celestia!"

The unicorn and two alicorns left in anger and disguise as Tree Digger sighed heavily, his secrets having now been exposed.

Back at the Castle of Friendship a short time ;ater, Luna opened her eyes and found herself surrounded by Starlight and Celestia. "Where…where am I?" She asked.

"You're back home," Celestia answered. "Luna…"

"I tried to resist, sister," Luna protested. "Honestly, I did!"

"Of course you did," Celestia sighed, clutching her little sister's hoof. "I know you wouldn't even try to do something like this."

"But you have to realize that Tree Digger isn't like what he is meant to be," Luna cried out in protest. "Before I fainted, I could look into his thoughts." Trying to activate her magic, Luna tried to make Starlight and Celestia see what was in Tree Digger's mind. However, the effects of the substance made it impossible and Luna lowered herself back onto the pillow.

"He…he's been fired from Friendship University for the very same thing!" Luna gasped. "Tree Hugger…tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen."

Sighing, Starlight sat down at the edge of the bed and realized that her now former teacher had a dark secret that he'd tried to hide.

"Did you get anything else?" Starlight asked.

"No, that was it. Starlight," Luna weakly answered. "He…Tree Digger needs help."

"Doesn't everypony need help around here?" Starlight sighed in disappointment. "Luna, did…did you detect anything about Tree Digger that would suggest the war might be having an effect on him?"

Silently, Luna revealed that she couldn't figure out anything.

"So, what do we do now?" Celestia asked.

Sighing heavily, Starlight got up and looked up at the ceiling. She now had to make a difficult decision. "We have no choice but to let him sort out his own life," She declared, looking back to the retired princesses. "I can't let him go back now, not after what I discovered today. If he could do this to you, Luna, then he might try it with our students and that is something I cannot allow to happen!"

Accepting her defeat, Starlight left Celestia and Luna alone as she proceeded down the stairs and into the castle's throne room, sitting down in Twilight's throne. "Sometimes a leader has to make the hard decisions," She sighed to herself, lowering herself onto the friendship map. "Tree Digger, you were a pony that was just too far gone, and I can't save everycreature. This war is going to affect everycreature, I just know it."

With a loud sigh, Starlight could only wonder how much of a toll this war was going to take on herself and everycreature she knew.

Meanwhile, Tree Digger sat on a beach overlooking the lake as the sun came up, completely consumed by grief over the loss of his job. His mind was clearly gone and all the company he had was himself. "Sorry Tree Hugger," He sobbed. "I failed you as a father, just as I failed all of Equestria!"

And with that, Tree Digger allowed his grief to take over. He was a lost soul now and all of the goals he had: To teach at the School of Friendship, to write his novel, were now all gone and he only had himself to blame for it.

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