• Published 11th Apr 2020
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 11 - twilightsparkle3562

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Episode 20: "The Return of Dinobot"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: The Maximals find a stasis pod at the Treehouse of Friendship and bring Dinobot back to life, but the resurrected maximal questions whether or not he should have been resurrected.


Tara Strong as Princess Twilight Sparkle

Ashleigh Ball as Applejack/Rainbow Dash

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity/Luna

Scott McNeil as Rattrap/Dinobot/Silverbolt

Garry Chalk as Optimus Primal

David Kaye as Megatron

Richard Newman as Rhinox

Ian James Corlett as Cheetor

Blu Mankuma as Tigatron

Pauline Newstone as Air Razor

Judd Nelson as Rodimus Primal

John de Lancie as Lockdown/Discord

Doc Harris as Grogar

Britt Irvin as Luster Dawn

Kazumi Evans as Moondancer

Shanon Chan-Kent as Smolder

Devyn Dalton as Ocellus

Gavin Longelo as Gallus

Lauren Jackson as Silverstream

Katrina Salisbury as Yona

Brad Swalie as Cherry Tomato

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 11, Episode 20

"The Return of Dinobot"

By Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited By SuperPinkBrony12

During the Beast Wars, the Maximals had suffered numerous losses in their fight against the Predacons. And there was one among their ranks that they missed greatly. But he would soon make his return.

It all started one day at the Treehouse of Friendship, where the six chosen students had been kind enough to invite Luster Dawn and her friends over.

"So this is the Treehouse of Harmony?" Luster remarked as she and Cherry Tomato walked inside followed by Quiet Play. "It's a lot bigger than any other treehouse I know of."

"Well, you can thank the Tree of Harmony for giving it to us," Gallus pointed out. "It's like our home away from home, right guys?"

"Yeah, we have all the finest comforts of home here," Silverstream added, flying over to the front door and gesturing towards the stairs of the treehouse. "Including STAIRS!"

"When is she ever going to get over that?" Gallus muttered under his breath as Yona and Smolder led them up to the treehouse's next level.

"This is where we do our homework," Smolder said as she led Luster and Cherry into a large room. "Great for concentration. You can ask Silverstream, she did a project here once."

Suddenly, Luster Dawn became startled when she saw a purple bird-like creature sitting on a perch over one of the desks. "A cockatrice?!" She gasped while slightly jumping back!

"Oh, that's just Edith," Silverstream explained, walking over and petting the bird on the chin just below the beak. "She's my pet cockatrice. Gallus has one too. They're actually really easy to tame."

A few moments later, a green colored cockatrice flew in and landed on another perch. "Befriended this one not too long ago," Gallus declared. "This is Archie, he's like Edith's long lost cousin in a sense."

The cockatrice crowed, much to the anxiety of Luster Dawn. "Don't be nervous, Luster," Gallus chuckled. "He's been house trained. They both have. They don't turn creatures into stone."

"If you…say so," Luster replied while nervously gulping. "It's just that…the stories I heard about cockatrices, they are usually not very friendly."

Leaving the homework room, all then proceeded towards the balcony overlooking the land where the Castle of the Two Sisters had once stood.

"Oh, you decided to join us." Ocellus greeted, stopping herself from doing her homework.

"Well, aside from the cockatrices," Luster replied. "It's very nice here. Plus this has got a great view."

"Yeah, this is where we go whenever we feel down," Smolder added. "Yona and Sandbar are an example of that."

"Yona sad once, Yona came here," The yak remarked. "Yona try to be something Yona isn't. Then Sandbar come and cheer Yona up," She dreamily sighed. "Too bad Sandbar not here today. Yona always feel better when Sandbar around."

But suddenly, the introductions were interrupted when Ocellus noticed a strange light coming from down below in the caves. "Hey guys," She called, gesturing them to look over the side. "What's that light?"

"What light?" Silverstream asked. "Could it be the spirit of the Tree of the Harmony?"

"Don't know, but we'd better find out," Gallus declared. "Come on, follow me!" So all raced out of the treehouse and down into the caves below. Upon arrival, they were all surprised by what they saw: A strange pod bearing some kind of metallic creature inside!

"Well, I guess the spirit wasn't calling for us," Smolder remarked. "Just what this… thing?"

Meanwhile, Twilight and her friends were on a tour of the Maximals' new base that had been set up in the middle of the Everfree Forest. The base consisted of remnants of the Maximals' wrecked transport shuttle and Rodimus Primal's wrecked ship.

"Optimus, I must say that this is a really nice looking base here," Rainbow Dash remarked while flying around and taking in all of the atmosphere she could take in. "Those Predacons won't know what hit them!"

"Our weapons and firepower don't just make up the base, Rainbow Dash," Optimus explained. "This is where we will live until the conflict with Grogar is over and we can return to Cybertron."

"If we ever get back," Cheetor sighed. "Still, I can't help but wonder where the source of that blast came from."

"What blast?" Applejack asked.

"The blast that came from space and knocked us out of orbit," Cheetor explained. "It had to have come from somewhere."

"I've been trying to figure it out myself, but my memory banks are still partially damaged from our fall on this strange planet," Rhinox replied. "Still, we'll have to make the best with what we've got."

"Look at this way," Pinkie declared, pressing a button and producing a card game. "You bots have a lot of room for games and such. Check it out: Two Aces! Hit me, I'm feelin' hot!'"

But suddenly, the game was turned off much to Pinkie's dismay. Turning around, she saw Rattrap standing behind her. "Sorry, Pinko," He said in a bitter voice. "But only I play the games around here. Capiche?"

"Rattrap, don't be rude," Optimus ordered, causing Rattrap to sigh and turn the game back on. Then, Optimus turned to Twilight. "I was about to say, some of our technologies should be helpful tools in winning this war, Princess Twilight."

"We'll learn everything that we can about your technologies, as strange as they may seem," Twilight reassured the Maximal leader. "You have our word on that."

Just then, a small beeping noise came from one of the monitors and Rhinox went over to answer it.

"Come in, base! Come in!" A voice belonging to Silverbolt called.

"What is it, Silverbolt?" Rhinox asked, speaking into a microphone.

"It's a stasis pod!" The combination wolf/eagle Maximal called as he descended towards the treehouse. "It's in some kind of cave at the bottom of an abandoned castle. It just popped up."

"The Castle of the Two Sisters!" Fluttershy realized. "Do you think the students…?"

Twilight firmly declared. "-We're going to find out!"

"We'd better get over there before the Preds do!" Cheetor declared while getting his gun ready.

"Affirmative," Optimus acknowledged. "Rhinox, Tigatron, you stay here in case Silverbolt tries to call back, and tell Rodimus to have him and the twins meet us at this cave. As for the rest of you, move out!"

The rest of the Maximals left the base, but Rattrap begrudgingly followed, to the surprise of both Rhinox and Tigatron.

"What's the matter with Rattrap?" Tigatron asked.

"He's been thinking about Dinobot a lot." Rhinox sighed.

Tigatron inquired. "Whatever happened to him anyway?"

"He sacrificed himself to save the future human race," Rhinox somberly answered. "Rattrap took his death hard."

"But what if he comes back to life?" Tigatron proposed. "You know, like what happened to Air Razor and me?"

Rhinox didn't say anything even though he too had had the thought of bringing Dinobot back to life. The question was, how would Dinobot react if he was resurrected?

Down in the caves, Luster and the other students carefully approached the pod, wedged into a space.

"What is that thing?" Smolder asked.

"It looks like some sort of hi tech coffin," Cherry Tomato concluded. "But why would a coffin just randomly show up?"

"I don't think this is just any coffin," Luster remarked. "It doesn't look like anything the Canterlot or Ponyville Funeral Homes would own." Placing her hoof on the top of the pod, Luster could feel vibration. Then suddenly, she began to feel a surge of power and the pod sent her flying back, much to the shock of her friends!

"Luster!" Cherry Tomato cried as he and the others ran over to her. "You okay?!"

"Yeah," Luster grunted as she was helped up. "But something's... alive in there."

"What do you mean 'Alive'?" Smolder pondered. "Somecreature's actually in that coffin?"

"It's not just anycreature, Smolder," Luster shook her head. "There's a spirit in that coffin. I felt it."

"We…we should probably warn somepony about that coffin," Ocellus gulped, looking towards the pod nervously. "Perhaps we should tell Princess Twilight and the others about it."

But there was no need as they all heard the sounds of running coming towards the cave and to their surprise Twilight and the others (including the Maximals) showed up.

"Princess Twilight," Luster Dawn called while walking over to her mentor. "That coffin…"

"It's not a coffin, Luster," Twilight replied as Optimus and the rest of the Maximals approached the pod and removed it from its wedged spot. "It's a stasis pod."

"A what pod?" Gallus asked as he and the others walked over while watching the pod being taken. "You mean it's not a coffin?"

"If it was a coffin, it would not be made of that material," Rarity added as Applejack went to help the Maximals move the Pod. "I certain don't believe anyone would want to be buried in a rusted old tin can like that."

Grunting, Applejack and the Maximals managed to pull the pod out of the cave while Air Razor inspected the state of the pod, remembering that her own pod had been badly damaged to the point where it had almost cost her her spark. "It doesn't look too damaged, Optimus," she concluded. "The Maximal inside appears to be unharmed."

"Let's hope so," Optimus sighed. "All right, let's get the pod back to base before the Predacons sense it. Hurry!"

But as the Maximals worked on getting the pod back to their base, Rattrap stood and watched it being moved. All he could think about was his former comrade, Dinobot and the possibility of bringing him back from the dead.

Little did any of them realize that at that moment, the spirit of a transformer was making its way down through the atmosphere, heading towards Equestria!

Back at the Maximals' base, the pod was brought in and loaded onto a table in the control room. Right away, Rhinox was hard at work inspecting the pod for any damage. "Hmm, doesn't look to be too serious," He concluded before turning over to Twilight. "How long has this been in that cave?"

"Beats me, Rhinox," Twilight replied while shrugging her shoulders. "Remember that we're still trying to understand all this strange mumbo jumbo. Who knows how or when it got trapped in the cave?"

"What do you think could be inside that thing anyway?" Pinkie Pie added, trying to peek inside the pod only to discover the gray life matter inside of it. "Um, why is this Jell-O dude in here? He doesn't even have eyes or the rest of a face."

"That Jell-O, Pink-O," Rattrap bitterly remarked while stepping into the control room. "Is what protects our sparks. Without it, we're basically wide open to any damage. One blast could shut us down for good."

Having gotten her answer, Pinkie stepped back from the pod. However, Twilight couldn't help but wonder how Rattrap was reacting to this strange object in his presence.

"Now it's a matter of finding a life form," Rodimus declared while walking to his brother's side. "There are plenty of life forms here in Equestria, so we shouldn't have any problem finding a suitable one."

"Supposedly, Rodimus," Optimus replied. "But we can't be too careful because Megatron might be having some Predacons searching for this pod right now. Have the defenses on auto until further notice. I want this pod protected at all times."

Rodimus nodded in salute. "Yes, brother. Right away."

The defenses were soon activated and the Maximal base was now protected from any potential Predacon attack.

"Well, we'd better get going, Optimus," Rainbow Dash declared. "Hope all goes well with finding…whoever is in there."

"Thanks, Rainbow Dash," Optimus acknowledged as Twilight and her friends left the base.

But Twilight gave one more look at Rattrap, his body language still in a cross armed format. "Come by the Castle of Friendship later," She whispered. "Don't ask questions."

A little while later, Twilight was back at her castle when she suddenly heard a knock on the door to her study. "Come in," She called, her attention focused on her work as Moondancer stepped in. "What is it, Moondancer?"

"Um, Twilight, there's a large, metallic rat sitting out here," Moondancer nervously replied. "What do you want me to…?"

"Send him in here, I ordered him to stop by." Twilight instructed and in stepped Rattrap in his beast mode. Feeling somewhat bothered, Moondancer stepped out of Twilight's study and shut the door.

"Okay Princess," Rattrap remarked. "You asked me here, so…shoot. Whaddya what from me?"

Putting her work down, Twilight sat back in her chair as Rattrap transformed to robot mode. "Before I forget, Optimus gave me permission to come here," Rattrap added. "Now, what's the deal? You called me for a reason."

"Rattrap," Twilight began. "You seem to be…troubled by something. What exactly is bothering you?"

With nowhere left to hide, Rattrap sighed, looking up at the ceiling. "There's something you outta understand, Princess Purple," Rattrap sighed. "You see, all these Maximals coming back from the dead, it got me thinking about…about…about old Chopperface."

Twilight became slightly confused with what Rattrap was saying. "Who is Old…Chopperface?" She wondered while raising an eyebrow.

Rattrap sighed again. "Dinobot."

"Who?" Twilight blinked in confusion.

"Dinobot, former Pred. Defected to us because he knew we'd win the Beast Wars. Oh boy, he and I…we had our memories." Rattrap explained, his voice filled with regret.

"And you want to bring him back?" Twilight guessed, much to Rattrap's surprise. "…Whatever happened to him anyway?"

This was a touchy subject for Rattrap as he could well remember during the Beast Wars his friend and comrade's heroic sacrifice. "Died…defending the protohumans," Rattrap sadly answered. "It was just him against all the Preds. Megatron had it in his head that he could change the future so, chopper face, he stopped him and gave his life doing it."

Twilight couldn't help but feel sorry for Rattrap. She'd had many near death experiences before, but had fortunately survived them all.

"And it got me thinking," Rattrap went on. "Do you think that maybe…there's a chance you can help me bring him back to life?"

Sighing again, Twilight rose from her desk and walked around to Rattrap. "Rattrap, sometimes bringing those we love back from the dead," She explained. "Isn't as easy as we think. Maybe if we can find out a way to bring you two closer…"

"If only for a few moments, Purple Pony eater," Rattrap remarked while pondering the possibilities. "With all these guys of ours coming back I can only hope for the best, you know what I mean?"

Right away, Twilight began to think of a way to try and help the pained Maximal. She then began to think of a pony who could help out Rattrap.

"Moondancer," she called out to her secretary from behind her office door. "Could you see if Luna is back from the school?"

"Yes, Twilight," Moondancer replied. "Just give me a few minutes."

A few minutes later, the sounds of knocking on the door were heard and into Twilight's office stepped the former princess of the night.

"Who is this, Twilight?" Luna asked.

"Luna, you remember Rattrap," Twilight explained. "Rattrap, you remember Luna, former Princess of Equestria."

"Nice to meet ya." Rattrap greeted.

"Um," Luna gulped, not believing that she was talking to a rat (albeit a robotic one). "We did see each other briefly in the Crystal Empire. You must be one of those Maximals, correct?"

"Indeed I am, Moonface," Rattrap remarked. "Princess Twilight here says that you can communicate with the dead?"

Luna couldn't help but feel somewhat confused by this remark. "Um, I beg your pardon," Luna stammered. "I can only go into the dreams of ponies and other creatures, not communicate with the deceased. Tell me, do you have the dreams of your lost loved one?"

Chuckling nervously, Rattrap felt somewhat awkward that Luna referred to Dinobot in such a way. "He's not really a 'loved one', he was just a close comrade," He chuckled again as Luna pulled up a chair with her magic. "And what do you mean by dreams?"

"I mean do you dream of your lost friend at all?" Luna explained. "Maybe you dream of having adventures or holding conversations that you could only have in your dreams?"

Rattrap once again began to feel somewhat awkward about Luna's questions. "In fact, if you want me to air out my feelings," He answered while looking to the former princess. "Chopper Face and I did meet in my dreams the other night and, well…he…he warned me about something."

"He warned you?!" Twilight asked as she suddenly became alarmed. "What do you mean he warned you?! What did he warn you about?!"

"He warned me that he was coming back," Rattrap answered. "Because a strange creature told him to come back to life."

Right away, both Twilight and Luna began to suspect what Rattrap was explaining to them. "Was it Discord?" Twilight asked, much to Rattrap's confusion.

"Who's this Discord fella? He someone I should know?" Rattrap demanded.

"Yes," Twilight replied while rising from her chair. "I've asked Discord to spy on Grogar for us. So if anything, he's doing what Grogar wants: Bringing deceased creatures back from the dead."

Rattrap snorted. "How did you know that, Princess Bookhorse?"

Ignoring Rattrap's remark, Twilight reached into her stack of reports from Discord and pulled out a particular memo, sliding it over to Rattrap. "Are you referring to this?" She inquired as Rattrap read the memo. Right away, he began to absorb the feeling of reading this particular memo.

"So…so, it's true," Rattrap realized. "He's coming back to life! I can't believe it! It's happening!"

A second later, Rattrap heard a communication on his radio. "Rattrap here," He called while speaking into the radio. "What is it, boss monkey?"

"Rattrap, report back here immediately," Optimus ordered. "Dinobot's spirit has been detected!" Rattrap's mouth dropped open as he could not believe what he had heard! His friend was trying to come back from the dead!

Racing back to the Maximal base, Rattrap felt his metallic heart race knowing that he would be seeing his friend again! With Twilight and Luna trying to keep up, he raced into the base and lo and behold, he looked up and saw Rhinox and Optimus looking up at one of the monitors.

"What in Equestria?!" Luna gasped as she entered the Maximal base. "What is this place?"

"The Maximals' new base, Luna." Twilight explained as she looked at a flash blue light on the screen in front of Rhinox and Optimus.

"Attention, Maximals!" A growly voice answered. "Attention, Maximals!"

"We're still here, Dinobot!" Optimus called. "Speak."

"I come with a request," Dinobot's voice announced. "The one known as Discord…has ordered me to return to life! Megatron is on the move!"

"Chopper face!" Rattrap called while racing over to the monitor. "It's me, Rattrap! How are you, buddy?!"

"Don't call me buddy, vermin!" Dinobot's voice snarled. "I have far more important matters to attend to. Megatron has teamed up with a creature…"

"More like forced into service," Twilight answered. "He's been stripped from his leadership, Dinobot. Discord has kept me informed of everything."

For a moment, the voice fell silent before it asked. "Who are you?"

"I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, Dinobot," Twilight explained. "Supreme Ruler of Equestria. Discord recruited you to help us fight Grogar."

"Is Grogar the new leader of the Predacons as the spirit foretold me?" Dinobot's voice asked again.

"He is, Dinobot!" Optimus answered. "He's declared war on Equestria, and our new allies need all the help they can get."

"What does that have to do with me?" Dinobot's voice asked. "I thought I did my honor in saving the protohumans!"

"Well you're a Maximal, you big, stinkin' iguana!" Rattrap retorted while slamming his fist on the control panel. "We need to all come together to fight this old goat! You, me and everyone else in this room! Because if we don't win this war, who knows what will happen to the other races on this planet? We can't do this without you. I can't do this without you!"

For a few moments, Dinobot's voice fell silent and finally Rattrap realized he needed to talk some sense into him. "Look, I know you weren't born a Maximal," He pleaded. "But you got a lot of bots who love the heck out of you, myself included!"

"Oh go scurry through a maze, mouse!" Dinobot's voice hissed.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Rattrap angrily snapped. "I'm in this just as much as you, Dino Dip! And if anything were to happen to you, it would also happen to me if I ended up bein' in your robot shoes! I don't wanna be without you anymore."

Dinobot's voice just coldly replied. "This is all a waste of time!"

"No it's not, Dinobot!" Optimus pleaded. "Rattrap may be a smart aleck, but he's right about one thing. We need your help to fight Grogar and Megatron! If we win this war and end up surviving it, I promise that you will be given a second chance on Cybertron, just as you would've had you lived to see the war's conclusion on Earth."

A low growl was heard on the monitor and a few moments later, another flash of light blasted through the stasis pod, sharply opening up the pod. A brown velociraptor emerged from it, roaring loudly as it jumped out.

Rattrap was astonished at what he saw before his eyes. "All right, Chopper Face!" He loudly cheered! "You finally got some sense talked into you!"

"Don't think I'm doing this solely for you, vermin," Dinobot snarled and then called out. "Dinobot, Maximize!" Screeching, Dinobot transformed from beast to robot mode, standing up with his sword and spinning blade weapon firmly in hand. "I am acting on behalf of the creature known as Discord," He further declared. "Naturally, if I had a choice my spark would be resting in peace."

"What Discord did was provide you with a second chance at life, Dinobot," Twilight explained, catching Dinobot's attention. "And if you survive this war, you'll have cemented your redemption and will be free to live out your life in peace."

Lightly growling, Dinobot made his way over to Twilight and Luna. "You must be Princess Twilight?" Dinobot questioned and Twilight nodded that she was. "Hmm, Discord has told me so much about you. I trust that we will work well together, princess."

Dinobot then turned back to Rattrap, looking down at him briefly before turning back to Optimus and Rhinox. "Are you certain that you will welcome me back into your ranks?" He asked, much to the surprise of Optimus and Rhinox.

"That's not even a question, Dinobot," Optimus firmly declared. "You are a Maximal and we will ensure that you remain treated as one. There's still much to catch up on, but for now…welcome back old friend." Extending his hand out, Optimus gestured for Dinobot to shake hands, which Dinobot did as Rattrap looked on with Twilight and Luna.

Meanwhile, at his castle up on the moon, Grogar stood in front of his cauldron in his workroom.

"Why do you summon me here, Grogar?" Megatron asked as he stepped down into the workroom. "Is it not enough you've reduced me to your obedient servant while you command the Predacons?"

"Megatron, I've called you here for reasons other than your continued humiliation. I've called you here because I just captured a strange spirit," Grogar replied, powering up the cauldron. "A spirit that is seemingly carved from another spirit." Charging his horns, Grogar fired his magic at the cauldron and then proceeded to chant an incantation.

A few moments later, a skeletal claw emerged from the cauldron followed by a shrieking roar. Then a skeletal velociraptor jumped out of the cauldron, causing Megatron's eyes to widen in shock! "Impossible!" He gasped, his voice filled with anger and disgust. "You actually brought this traitor back from the dead?"

"Why of course," Grogar remarked with a smile. "You created him from half of a spark, yes? The creature known as Transmetal 2 Dinobot?"

Megatron could well remember how his own creation had betrayed him at the climax of the Beast Wars. He wasn't thrilled to have him back.

"But of course, he won't serve you directly," Grogar further explained, trying to toy with Megatron's sensitivity. "Because after all, I am the new leader of the Predacons, am I not?"

Feeling the sting of his demoted leadership getting to him, Megatron snarled in disgust as Grogar walked over to the resurrected Dinobot clone. "Now then," Grogar asked with a sinister smile on his face. "Who is your lord and master?"

"You are," Dinobot 2 snarled while looking intently at Grogar. "Dinobot, terrorize!" And with a loud shrieking roar, Dinobot 2 transformed into his robot mode, smiling at Grogar and further embarrassing Megatron.

"I don't need to be a part of this, Grogar!" Megatron snapped. "He's yours, I'm done with it! I've been done since he betrayed me! Good night!" Transforming into his dragon mode, Megatron left the workroom as Grogar remained alone with his latest and deadliest recruit at his side.

"You, Dinobot 2, shall be the latest ally in my fight to retake Equestria once and for all." Grogar declared, stroking the transmetal 2 clone gently and absorbing the strong possibility of how valuable he would be in the war to retake what was truly his.

But little did Grogar know that up at the top of the stairs to the workroom, Lockdown was listening into all what was going on. "Megatron, what is it?" He asked as Megatron stormed up the stairs in a flying rage.

"As if you care, Lockdown!" Megatron seethed before flying away.

With no one else around, Lockdown reverted back into Discord as he went into a hiding spot. "Looks like this war is about to go double trouble," Discord remarked. "Thank Celestia I managed to get the real Dinobot to Twilight and the others."

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