• Published 11th Apr 2020
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 11 - twilightsparkle3562

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Episode 26: "Saving Waspinator"

Author's Note:

Episode Summary: Megatron and several of his Predacons are sent by Grogar to hunt for the deserted Predacon, Waspinator, and force him to join the Legion of Doom.


Scott McNeil as Waspinator

David Kaye as Megatron

Jim Byrnes as Inferno

Colin Murdoch as Quickstrike

Liev Schreiber as the Storm King

Doc Harris as Grogar

Alvin Sanders as King Sombra

Mark Acheson as Lord Tirek

Kathleen Barr as Queen Chrysalis

Sunni Westbrook as Cozy Glow

Jim Cummings as Lavan

John De Lancie as Discord/Lockdown

Tara Strong as Evil Twilight

"My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" Season 11, Episode 26

"Saving Waspinator"

Written by Jeff Snyder (TwilightSparkle3562)

Edited by SuperPinkBrony12

One night, Megatron felt a summons. A summons that brought him to the crystal ball in Grogar's throne room. Approaching the doors in his dragon mode, Megatron pushed them quietly aside and slowly entered the throne room. "The summons has led me here," He thought to himself, turning his attention to the crystal ball next to the throne room. "But what could it be? For what reason would it happen now?"

Then looking down at the ball, Megatron suddenly began to see a picture of a deserter among his ranks sitting amongst a prehistoric human population. "Hmm, Waspinator," He quietly growled. "That traitorous bug! Deserting his own kind. If I ever find him, I'll rip out his spark! Oh, yes!"

Little did Megatron know that he wouldn't be alone for very long. "What are you doing in here?!" Grogar snapped. Growling quietly, Megatron transformed to his robot mode. "No one goes near my crystal ball but me!"

"I felt a summons, Emperor," Megatron reluctantly explained. "It's led me to that traitorous Waspinator!"

"Who?" Grogar asked in a commanding voice. "Who is this Waspinator you speak of?"

Going over to his crystal ball, Grogar looked and saw Waspinator celebrating with the humans. "Waspinator happy at last!" He said before the branches covered Grogar's view.

Having seen what he saw, Grogar turned back to Megatron. "He must be one of yours, a Predacon," Grogar remarked. "With our invasion of King Vorak's kingdom inching closer and closer, I could always use another of your Predacon soldiers in my ranks."

"Waspinator is mine and mine alone to deal with, Emperor!" Megatron protested, as he tightly clenched his fists. "I have a way of dealing with deserters that not even you can understand."

Using his magic, Grogar picked up Megatron and threw against the right wall of the throne room! Groaning in pain, Megatron looked up at the towering Grogar standing over him. "Don't forget that you work for me now, Megatron," Grogar snarled, pulling Megatron up to his face. "If there is anyone who will deal with deserters, it's me!"

Throwing Megatron back onto the floor, Grogar began to come up with a plan to get Waspinator his own way. As Grogar left the throne room to return to his private quarters, he went past Lockdown, looking over at him. "Have my servants come to the throne room at dawn." He ordered the Predacon bounty hunter.

"What for, master?" Lockdown asked.

"We have a deserter to hunt down, a Predacon deserter," Grogar answered, walking past Lockdown and returning to his quarters.

"A deserter?" Lockdown thought to himself. "Who could it be?" But he and the rest of Grogar's Legion of Doom would find out in due time.

The next morning, all of the legion arrived in Grogar's throne room to hear of his latest plan.

"Something about a traitor," Cozy Glow pondered to Tirek. "Who do you think it could be?"

"I'm not sure, Cozy Glow," Tirek shrugged his paws. "If anything it's probably one of Grogar's soldiers or something like that."

The young pegasus turned alicorn could sense that Tirek had his mind focused on what was to come ahead. "You're thinking about your dad, aren't you?" She asked and Tirek silently nodded that he was. "Don't worry, you'll get your chance to get revenge on him eventually." Tirek could only growl with those words, but remembered that his chance was coming sooner rather than later.

Once all had gathered in the throne room, Grogar stood before his minions to reveal his plan. "It has come to my attention that a Predacon is on the run," He declared, much to the confusion of the legion. "It is a Predacon not from here. A Predacon who deserted his original master long ago."

"A deserter?" Chrysalis cried with a sinister smile forming onto her face. "I shall crush this deserter and drain every ounce of love he has!" But Chrysalis' joy was short lived when she began to receive awkward stares. Clearing her throat, she developed a look of embarrassment on her face. "Um, who is he anyway?"

"His name is Waspinator!" Grogar announced, producing a picture of the Predacon deserter with his bell. "This is what he looks like!"

"He looks like a wasp," The Storm King muttered. "I can tell from the butt."

"Of course he is a wasp you idiot!" Grogar bellowed to the satyr. "Predacons were created from the swiftness of the insects and from the brute strength of the dinosaurs. However, this deserter is not in Equestria."

The legion muttered amongst itself in confusion.

"No," Grogar explained, catching their attention again. "This traitor is in a different time period, a period where creatures on two legs roam free."

"Um, excuse me," Lavan protested and cleared his throat, much to Grogar's irritation. "Forgive me for interrupting, but a lot of us are on two legs."

"Silence you fool!" Grogar bellowed to the lava demon, before turning his attention back to the Legion. "These two legged creatures harbor weapons of their own creation, but their measly weapons won't stand a chance against us. In fact, we could always use new recruits for our conquests of Equestria's kingdom."

Grogar then turned his attention back to the Storm King, approaching him with a keen interest. "Um, why are you looking at me like that?" The Storm King asked with a confused look on his face. "Do I have something on my face?"

"No, you pea brain," Grogar chuckled. "Those protohumans look just like you, satyr. With your powers, you can easily transform them into your loyal servants, yes?" Upon receiving a nod from the Storm King he continued. "In fact, I've been looking at your conquest of Canterlot in my crystal ball, Storm King and have been carefully studying your warriors."

"Hate to say it, but most of my forces are dead or reformed," The Storm King lamented. "And as for my recruiting, it's so hard to find good help when you're a king. Everyone seems to expect you to be a miracle worker or something. It's always 'crisis' this and 'end of the world' that."

Returning to his throne, Grogar sat down and pondered the possibility of the Storm King being involved in the conflict to come. However, he had to reveal the hard truth to the Storm King. "You are not a real king. You're just a conqueror trying to be a king. You've no desire to actually lead anyone."

"Oooh, that's gotta hurt!" Cozy Glow whispered while recoiling slightly.

"But what if I could give you a kingdom to rule?" Grogar offered. "A pretend kingdom if you will, with these creatures serving in your court."

An excitement proceeded to form on the satyr's face, signifying that he would soon end up getting what he wanted…at least in his mind.

"Naturally, you would want a real kingdom," Grogar added. "But in order to do that, you'll have to help me conquer the badlands."

Excited, the Storm King had heard enough and bent down, kissing and slobbering at Grogar's hooves.

"Ew, gross! Does he have to be so much of a kiss up?!" Cozy Glow groaned, trying hard not to throw up.

"Very well then!" Grogar declared, kicking the satyr back from his hooves. "The Storm King shall be leading the charge in retrieving this deserter."

Megatron wasn't pleased to hear this and stormed over to the throne in disgust. "What?! How dare you?!" He shouted! "I should be leading the charge in retrieving Waspinator, not that goofball!"

Using his magic again, Grogar lifted Megatron up and threw him against the ceiling of the throne room! With Megatron plastered on the ceiling, Grogar used the powers of his bell to tighten the grip on the ex-Predacon leader. "The Storm King has proven his worth to me, unlike yourself, Megatron," Grogar explained. "So he shall lead the charge in retrieving the deserter. Understood?!"

Releasing his grip on Megatron, Grogar then turned to the rest of his legion. "Go now and bring me back Waspinator and those other creatures!" He ordered and sent the legion on their way to Prehistoric Earth.

Once they were gone, Grogar then turned his attention to Sombra. "If that Storm King thinks that he's going to get a kingdom," Grogar whispered. "He's sadly mistaken."

"Forgive me, my emperor," Sombra asked, clearing his throat. "But why are you making him lead and not Megatron? Wouldn't it make more sense to have the one with personal experience lead?"

"When expecting booby traps, my second-in-command," Grogar coldly replied. "Always send a boob in first. The Storm King won't last long in our ranks, but I figured it best to let him enjoy his moment…while it lasts."

Finding this amusing, Sombra could only smile at his superior's plan as Grogar was putting into motion: The Storm King's eventual downfall.

Transported by Grogar's magic, the Legion of Doom found themselves in an open jungle, one all too familiar to Megatron and several of his Predacons.

"What is this place?" Cozy Glow asked while looking around at all the trees.

"It's obvious this is a jungle," Tirek remarked, bending down and picking up some dirt off the ground, running it through his fingers. "But this dirt isn't Equestrian."

"Tirek, I have a feeling we're not on the moon anymore." Cozy gulped.

"Of course you aren't, little one," Megatron replied while turning to face her. "You're on Prehistoric Earth, where I once fought the Maximals in the Beast Wars. Now, where's that traitorous Waspinator?!"

Suddenly, all heard a rustling in the bushes and assumed battle stances.

"Dude, will you shut up?" The Storm King cried, glaring at Megatron while charging his staff.

"Don't call me 'dude'!'" Megatron growled!

"Whatever," The Storm King sighed while rolling his eyes. "Just do as I tell you, alright? Now, if you know what this place is would you care to lead us?"

Growling, Megatron led the Legion of Doom towards the Protohumans' village. It was nightfall, and the only light the legion had was the moon. But eventually, they saw a light with smoke coming from a location in the distance. "Those humans must be celebrating Waspinator," Megatron remarked. "It makes me wonder what could have been had we eradicated them without Dinobot's interference."

"Eradicated them?" Chrysalis asked with her eyes cocked in confusion. "What did they ever do to you? It must've been something truly awful."

"It's a long story, sugar," Quickstrike declared while looking over at the former changeling queen. "I reckon you probably never even heard of how we…"

"-Shut up, Quickstrike!" Megatron snapped, looking back at his fellow Predacon. "None of us have time to listen…"

"-Okay, okay, okay!" The Storm King interrupted, getting the two Predacons under his control. "We can just sit here and bicker, or we can do what we have to do, alright? Now listen up, here's how we do it," Sticking his staff into the ground, the Storm King began to draw up a battle plan of how they were going to attack the village. "Fire boy," He instructed, pointing to Lavan. "I need you to start creating some…mini-fires, get those primates riled up."

Happy to hear that he was going to be in his element, Lavan began to power up his fire powers. "And have ant-boy here help you out," The Storm King added, pointing to Inferno, cocking his weapon. "Now, dragon dude here will assist cheese legs and big horn here in rounding up the 'humans' for me."

Both Megatron and Chrysalis were taken aback by what the Storm King was saying to them.

"Excuse me?!" Chrysalis snapped.

"Well, you do have cheese legs with all those holes! I doubt it's a fashion statement," The Storm King remarked, then turned his staff to Cozy Glow. "And while you're at it, have big wings over here help you." Despite being insulted, Cozy Glow said nothing.

But then suddenly, Tirek began to pick up a scent of the humans. "What is it, Tirek?" Lavan asked as Tirek sniffed about. "Do you smell something?"

"I sense…something that I have never tasted before." The centaur declared, much to the Storm King's confusion.

"Uh, tasted?" The Storm King questioned.

"He absorbs magic from living creatures, dummy!" Cozy replied. "Do you live in a cave?!"

"Whatever," The Storm King muttered before turning his attention to Quickstrike and Dinobot II. "Now, while all this is going on, cobra tail and bones here will take the traitor into custody. Any questions?"

Having nothing else to say, the legion took up their positions around the village while the Storm King climbed up a tall tree to oversee the operation.

But Megatron wasn't willing to go along with the plan. He had his eyes set on capturing Waspinator, seeing the Predacon deserter sitting on a throne, fast asleep. Reverting to his dragon mode, Megatron flew into the air and took aim at the village!

"What the..?!" The Storm King cried, quickly using his staff to control Megatron, stopping him from flying any further. "Hey, you're gonna ruin everything, dragon boy! You'll spoil all the fun!"

"Is he always like this?" Lavan asked Inferno.

"The ex-royalty always did have a temper," The fire ant Predacon answered while cocking his weapon. "But let's impress the true royalty with our mission!"

Aiming carefully, both Lavan and Inferno fired their flames at one of the many huts in the village. The flames caused the inhabitants inside to run out of the hut screaming!

Hearing the screams, Waspinator woke up with a start. "What…what..what wakes Waspinator?" The rogue Predacon cried.

From up in his tree, the Storm King directed Chrysalis and Tirek to move forward with Quickstrike and Dinobot II right behind. Storming into the village, Chrysalis and Tirek went about firing their magic at the fleeing protohumans, who tried to go for the weapons but didn't have any time to act!

Seeing Quickstrike and Dinobot II, Waspinator reached for his gun and opened fire on them. "WASPINATOR HATES TWO HEAD AND LIZARD BOT!" He cried, firing his weapon repeatedly.

Meanwhile, from his holding position, Megatron attempted to struggle against the Storm King's magical grasp on him.

"Get him, you fools!" Megatron shouted as Chrysalis and Tirek along with Cozy Glow began rounding up several of the protohumans!

Suddenly, the Storm King began to lose his grip on Megatron. "Hey, hey! Let go!" He cried as the flames caused by Inferno and Lavan began to engulf the village.

Letting out a loud roar, Megatron threw off the grip and proceeded to fly straight down towards Waspinator! Before the traitor could react, he found himself pinned to the ground as Megatron transformed into his robot mode, pointing his dragon head right at Waspinator's head. "Deserter!" Megatron roared as Waspinator developed a look of fear in his eyes. "Traitor! I'll teach you to betray me and the Predacon cause, yes!"

Before Waspinator could react, Megatron fired a cold blast of ice from his dragon mouth onto him, freezing the rogue Predacon in a cocoon of ice!

Having witnessed this from the trees, the Storm King jumped down and fired several blasts from his staff at several attacking humans, knocking them back. "Hey, what's the big idea, lizard lips?!" He snapped while storming over to Megatron. "Stick to the script, will you?! You almost ruined everything!"

All Megatron could do was growl in disgust and without even a sense of resistance, merely walked away from the Storm King, who growled in anger.

Soon, the battle was over and the protohumans were captured by the legion as the Storm King went about selecting the ones he wanted to become Storm Creatures.

"You shall do nicely," He declared, pointing to a group of protohumans with his staff, activating the powers and transforming the frightened captives into white and gray colored storm creatures. The Storm King then proceeded towards several more protohumans, but these humans were badly injured from the fighting. "And you…well, let's just say you'll be bear food. Oh, I love it when I'm nasty!"

With their work done, the Storm King tapped his staff down several times, sending a signal to the moon for them to be brought back with their captives. "All right, gang," He called. "It's time to get this show on the road, eh?"

At that moment, every member of the legion was individually engulfed in gold magic and they and their captives were transported back to the moon.

However, Megatron had his own plans in mind as he turned towards teaching Waspinator a lesson.

Back on the moon, Grogar awaited the arrival of the returning members of his legion as they entered the throne room, with the Storm King leading the parade of chained protohumans behind him escorted by Chrysalis, Tirek, Cozy Glow and Lavan.

"Well, I see you've outdone yourself," Grogar remarked to the Storm King. "How many have been captured?"

"About fifty or so," The Storm King. "Didn't put up much of a fight, though. Oh wait! That's right, we surprised them! Right gang?"

The resulting remark caused some of the legion to laugh.

"How many of them will fight?" Grogar asked.

"Um, let's see," The Storm King replied, turning his attention to several captured humans. "This little human went to market, this little human stayed home, this little human had corned beef and this little human went 'wee, wee, wee' all the way home."

From a short distance, Cozy Glow was beginning to wonder if the Storm King was in the right place mentally. "Is he okay?" She whispered to Chrysalis and Tirek. "He looks like he escaped from a mental ward or something/"

"He's only trying to gain favor with Grogar," Chrysalis whispered back before shuddering. "Although I will admit that none of my warriors ever acted this way."

Stepping down off of his throne, Grogar proceeded to walk past the shackled humans, thinking of which ones to turn into Predacons and which ones he felt weren't. He then looked towards several humans, unable to stand up and collapse to the floor. "Hmm, these are useless to me," He declared. "Release them from their bonds." Stamping his hoof three times, Grogar watched as Soundwave and Shockwave removed the wounded protohumans from the line. At the same time, a low growling was heard as Scarface stepped into the throne room.

Meanwhile, Megatron had moved Waspinator into the dungeons and was now using his fire breath to melt the ice prison the rogue Predacon was encased in. Once the ice was gone, Waspinator fell down to his hands and knees, gasping in shock and fear. "Megatron?!" He cried in horror, looking up at the ex-Predacon leader.

"Yes, traitor," Megatron quietly snarled. "It's me, and you have a lot of questions to answer!"

"Waspinator not sure what…" Waspinator began.

Extending his dragon head through the bars, Megatron brought Waspinator towards him with only the bars preventing him from being pulled forward. "You know exactly full well what I'm talking about, Waspinator!" Megatron shouted! "Why did you betray me?! Betray the Predacon Alliance?!"

"Waspinator sick of being evil, sick of being Predacon!" Waspinator protested as Megatron carefully looked at the missing Predacon symbol on Waspinator's head. "And Waspinator sick of being BLOWN TO SCRAP ALL THE TIME!"

Firing a blast from his dragon head, Megatron sent Waspinator back against the wall of the cell. "That doesn't excuse betraying me and the Predacon cause, worthless bug!" Megatron snapped in a loud voice as Waspinator looked up to him in defiance, determined to not let the pressures of his former master get the best of him. "You know something, Waspinator? I thought you had full potential within my ranks, a chance to be promoted to sub-commander."

"Megatron never promised Waspinator that! Waspinator was merely scrap bot to you!" Waspinator hissed.

"But at least now you have a lot to think about for your actions," Megatron replied. "I give you a chance to rejoin my ranks, a chance to help me overthrow Grogar and reclaim my position as your leader."

"What about the humans?" Waspinator asked.

"Don't worry about them now," Megatron coldly retorted. "They're of no longer any concern to you. I'll give you some time down here to think things over." And the loud sounds of screaming of the humans were heard while he left.

Once Megatron was gone, Waspinator was left alone in his cell to think about what would be to come.

Suddenly, he began to hear the sound of metal footsteps, and Waspinator turned around to see Lockdown standing in front of his cell. "Are you the one called Waspinator?" The bounty hunter asked. "The Predacon deserter?"

"Uh huh." Waspinator nodded.

As Waspinator watched, Lockdown proceeded to step through the bars of the cell much to his shock and then proceeded to transform into Discord. "Who…are…you?"

"Name's Discord, Lord of Chaos, how you doing?" Discord asked, extending his lion paw out to Waspinator.

"Uh, Waspinator is…fine." Waspinator replied, unsure of what else.

Soon, several more sounds of screaming were heard from the protohumans. "Wish I could say the same for your friends," Discord sighed, snapping his fingers and producing a pair of bean bag chairs for him and Waspinator to sit down on. "But I can help you escape their fate."

Waspinator questioned. "What does strange lord of chaos know?"

Discord answered. "I know that you can be in a better place, my buggy friend. And I can help you with that."

"How? How lord of chaos help Waspinator?" Waspinator questioned further.

"I'm going to send you to a place where friendship and magic reign supreme," Discord explained. "A place that the demonic ram upstairs is planning to attack and conquer for himself."

"What is place?" Waspinator pondered.

"Oh, it's a little land called…Equestria. You'll love it there, trust me," Discord declared. "Now hang on a second!" Before Waspinator could ask another question, Discord snapped his lion paw and in a flash, Waspinator disappeared from view.

With Waspinator gone, Discord turned back into Lockdown and left the dungeons, grateful that Waspinator was out of harm's way.

Back in the throne room, the Legion of Doom stood at attention as the weakened humans had been disposed of. "Now then," Grogar declared as the humans' blood spread all over the floor. "As for the rest of your prisoners, take them to the dungeons and hold them there until I'm ready for them."

"Okay, come on now!" The Storm King laughed, gesturing for the protohumans to move out of the throne room. "Let's go to your new home! It's not the best, but trust me, you'll love it!"

Once the protohumans were gone, Grogar then turned his attention to Sombra. "We can always use more foot soldiers." He declared, stepping back up to the throne and sitting down in it.

"Indeed," Sombra chuckled. "But now, my emperor, there's a matter we need to discuss."

"I think I know what that matter is, Sombra," Grogar replied. "Our warriors are itching to fight against King Vorak. Well, they won't have to wait any longer. It's almost time for us to make our move and when we do, the first kingdom of Equestria shall fall to me!" And Grogar slammed his hoof down hard on the armrest of his throne, signaling that the first major invasion of Equestria was about to begin.

However, little did Grogar and Sombra know that evil Twilight was listening in on the conversation from outside the throne room. "So you want to take all the glory for yourself, huh, Grogar?" She snickered, turning away from the throne room. "Well don't get too comfortable. My friends and I, we're planning to take you down and we'll soon get what we want…everything we want."

Very soon, Grogar and his Legion of Doom would make their move on King Vorak's kingdom in their conquest of Equestria, while the evil clones of Equestria's six princesses were about to plan and make moves of their own.

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