• Published 6th Nov 2020
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Obsidian: Shards Of Sombra - Randimaxis

Obsidian and company return for another adventure, as she seeks out the remaining shards of Sombra. But sinister things are brewing, and Obsidian must locate her erstwhile siblings before it's too late to stop them.

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Eighteen: Mare Stuff

Obsidian patted her chin; biology exams..?

"That would mean... Markannus, yes?" she eventually remembered. Well, it was a small Equestria after all, it seemed. "A lot has happened lately... I really feel like you'd showed up to borrow those books at least a month ago."

He gave a smile. "So, you DO remember me... excellent! Good to see you again, Miss - you as well, Cupcake."

"Markannus! Wow, I didn't-"

"Recognize me?" He chuckled again, a rich, deep baritone that sounded nothing like his regular voice. "Well, I'd say that's a relief in my particular fashion. I wouldn't want to be losing my touch, now would I?"

He sat back in his chair. "Now, do remember to refer to me as Mister Blue, because that's how I'm known here. Blue Note, the slightly-famous jazz musician and all-around rich stallion. It's a cover I came up with years ago, so that I could visit the Empire without any sort of trouble."

He sighed. "So many here still have a few... hang-ups... about non-ponies. But they have some of the BEST ice cream, so I couldn't resist."

Cup's eyes widened at that, and so did his smile.

"So, what brings the two of you to the Empire? Visiting home, miss?"

"More like saving the world," Obsidian admitted. How old was Markannus, to be able to make and maintain such a cover?
Of course, the nationwide issue with the changelings was probably more complicated with ponies than with the rest of races; for a long time, they were under the rule of their queen - who just so happened to be hostile towards Equestria. They probably would have some trouble with getting into Friendship School.

"It was a quick issue; find the bad pony, defeat the bad pony, celebrate defeating the bad pony. We are currently in the midst of the third stage, as you can plainly see."

"I do see," he said. "Would this, perhaps, have anything to do with the, ah... 'disturbance' at the Delvar Libratorium late last night? It was on the news; the radio claimed it was an 'attempted theft', and that 'thousands of bits worth of historic literature' was damaged 'beyond repair'."

He grinned. "And here you are, the very next day. I have to say, the timing is uncanny."

She sighed. "The literature I've damaged beyond repair wasn't worth that much... besides, at this point I was barely standing on my legs," Obsidian mused. "I hope it'll be open to tourists soon, as I'd like to visit it properly one day. What would you recommend here for breakfast?"

Blue rasied an eyebrow. "Oh? You're really just going to stop right there, after a comment like that? Well, I daresay you certainly leave one hanging, as it were. But okay, if you don't want me to pry, then I shall not pry. After all," he smiled, "it might get you asking me what I've been doing here."

He glanced at the menu, but didn't pick it up. "They make an excellent Hay-bacon-and-rye sandwich here, and they serve it with double lettuce by request. Oh, and make sure to mention the Morning Special; it means they bring a carafe of fresh-squeezed orange juice and a small plate of hashbrowns to go with your order."

Cup picked up the menu and looked it over. "Oh, wow... look at the prices of this stuff!" He glanced at Blue over the top of the menu. "How can you afford any of this?"

"Oh no, if Miss Obsidian gets to have her secrets, then so do I, my friend." His smile was infectious, and Cup quickly smiled back. "Though, I have to wonder... now that you've accomplished your goals here, are you planning to stay for the day? I do have an invitation to one of the more popular nightclubs here, and I wouldn't mind the company... if you're available."

In fact, Obsidian was a bit curious about that, but she simply assumed that he was doing the same thing as they were - celebrating - passing an exam, in his case. And damn, money. Maybe she should start asking princess Twilight for some allowance for each beaten villain.

"I'm afraid we have to return to Ponyville, via a train at noon. Our visit to the Empire was... rather unplanned, and there are still things we need to do home," she explained.

Nightclub? It sounded interesting. Now, if she wasn't so damned busy all the time...

"A shame," he said with a sigh, "but understandable, I suppose. Oh, and have no worries about the bill; I'd be happy to cover the both of you - a gracious 'thank you' to an equally gracious librarian, I'd say."

Cup's eyes, however, lit up like gas lamps. "So... I can have whatever I want?"

Blue nodded. "Please, by all means."

Cup's smile doubled. Obsidian knew that smile...

Obsidian quickly grabbed Cup's hoof, alarmed by his toothy grin. "Not too much sugar," she warned him.
Covering for them? But she was merely a librarian, and the help she offered personally to Markannus was practically meaningless to her, as it was just her duty.

However, she did save Equestria. Twice. She kind of deserved a little bit of pampering from time to time. "I'll take that sandwich you recommended, then... and what exactly are hashbrowns?"

"Oh, I can tell you that!" Cup's grin was broad and bright. "They're diced potatoes, fried in oil and browned juuuuuust right! They're delicious - especially with maple syrup!"

"Yes," Blue responded, "that's about ri-... maple syrup? Seriously, Cupcake?"

Cup licked his lips as a reply, and Blue just laughed merrily. "Well, I suppose I'll have to see this to believe it! Okay, then - breakfast it is."

He signaled Port, and the host sent a waiter over to their table. Blue ordered a light salad, with a glass of 'premium apple juice'. Cup ordered three plates of hay bacon, six waffles, ten pancakes, five helpings of broccoli, two servings of fried green tomatoes, four cheese blintzes, and a pitcher of orange juice.

Blue looked impressed. "If you can eat all of that, it'd be worth the price to see it happen." Apparently, the changeling wasn't familiar with Cup's appetite.

The waiter turned to Obsidian. "And you, madam?"

That was Cupcake all right; for all her fondness of him, he liked sweet things far more than she did. Like, the amount of sugar Obsidian would have for a single day, he could devour in a span of minutes.

"Hmmmm... hay-bacon-and-rye sandwich and... the morning special. Please." Did she ever drink orange juice at all? Ponyville was ruled by apples, and in the Empire she never had access to such delicacies. It was always nice to try new things, right?

The waiter bowed, nodded, and headed back toward the kitchen.

"Oh, I can hardly wait!" Cup was almost bouncing with anticipation at the oncoming feast. "I'm gonna enjoy this!"

Blue just chuckled. "This, I have to see."

"It's apparently a family thing. At least his mother can rival his appetite," Obsidian said with a somewhat resigned voice, "I have no idea how it's even possible, and will probably never know." At least not without a medical autopsy. "I do hope the table will hold up."

When the meals were served, Obsidian and Blue got theirs brought out by a single waiter, who served them as they would anyone here; regally, with quite a bit of class.

When it was time for Cupcake's meal... it was brought out by a flock of waiters and waitresses, all loaded down with the delectable goodies that had been prepared for this feast. As they sat them down in front of him, Cup's eyes seemed to get bigger and bigger with each plate; if his eyes had mouths, they would have been drooling.

When the entire meal was placed before him, Cup reached over and dantily took up his napkin and placed it on his lap. He then reached over and took a single sip from one of the glasses of OJ. He smiled, winked at Siddy...

... and the feeding frenzy began.

To his credit, he dropped not a single morsel, nor did he make even the smallest of messes - everything went into his mouth, and nothing returned from said journey. Blue simply watched in amazement as Cup polished off plate after plate after plate, and the rest of the waitstaff stayed put, most of them just as awed as the changeling was. Nothing was safe from Cup's hunger; at some point, even the single vase set in the center of the table for display was relieved of its' flower, though not a soul could say when it happened.

Eventually, every scrap of Cup's meal ended up sitting in his belly, and he sat back in the chair and gave a contented sigh, carefully folding his pristine napkin and patting his mouth lightly with it before placing it upon the table like a true gentlecolt.

"Ohhhhhhhh..." he said as he stretched and patted his not-even-bulging belly, "now THAT was a grand meal! Everything was exquisite, and I haven't had the chance to really fill myself up in a long, long time... mostly because Momma couldn't afford it."

The waitstaff all were staring at him. So was the host. So were the rest of the patrons.

Obsidian wasn't staring; she was simply nibbling on her own food, taking her time not to rush, displaying her sense of etiquette as well as being amused by the reactions to her fiancee's appetite.

"It does make me wonder, Cup... how is it possible that normal meals don't starve you?" she asked with curiosity. If he could handle that much food, then an average breakfast would be barely noticable to what must be a powerful hunger...

He smiled broadly. "That's why I cook and bake so much! Plus... snacks!"

One of the waitstaff nudged another one, and then handed over what looked like two bits to them.

"And this will keep me sated for... well, at least a few hours!"

At the back, a ritzy-looking mare almost fainted.

"Blue, thank you for the chance to try all this wonderful food! It's amazing, the quality of each dish! I only wish I could come here more often!"

From the back, there was a light gasp, and the waitstaff parted around him as a stallion in a chef's hat and apron came through. He had a big, long mustache, and his eyes were the size of saucers... and full of tears. He made his way over to Cupcake, and simply stared at him for a moment before he spoke.

"You... you ate-a da meal? All of it?"

Cup smiled and nodded.

The stallion began to weep openly, fell to one knee, and took Cup's hoof in both of his own. "My-a mother... she tell-a me, to eat is to live, but to serve-a is to do the world a favori... and-a you... you honor-a me wit-a you appetite! I have-a NEVER known such-a happiness as to feed-a da stallion wit-a stomach such as-a YOU! Thank-a you... thank-a you... for gracing-a ma table!" He sobbed happily into Cup's hoof, while the unicorn himself looked at Siddy and Blue, then gave an awkward, 'is this a good thing' smile of concern.

Obsidian reached her hoof and graciously patted her coltfriend. "Congratulations - you are a hero, now." If only she could find a journalist, they could try to divert public attention from the mess made in the Libratorium with Cup's enormous appetite. The average populace probably loved this kind of trifling news, so they wouldn't care that much about a mad alicorn ruining an ancient repository of learning... or perhaps she was being a touch too cynical about that.

Cup smiled again, this time kindly, and stood up, giving the tearfully happy chef a bow. "And it was my pleasure to eat such a wonderful cornucopia of food! Thank you for gracing my palette with such fine culinary delights!"

The chef sobbed loudly, and hugged Cup tightly. Cup hugged him back of course, then laughed as he swung the chef around in a circle before putting him down.

"This is quite interesting," said a mare's voice.
"And such a display of eating prowess," said another one.

Standing behind Siddy and Blue were two mares, both dressed alike. One was green with a white mane and tail, while the other was a bright red with freckles, sporting a dark green mane and tail. Both were impeccably dressed, and they had matching smiles on their muzzles.

"You've certainly made quite an impression on our guests," said the green one.
"Not to mention Chef Gnocchi," said the red one.

The chef and the waitstaff all stepped back, looking at the pair with awe and respect. The chef removed his hat, then looked at the two mares. "Miss-a Mint! Miss-a Berry! You-a come to see-"

"Yes, Gnocchi, we have,"
"And we are duly impressed, young stallion."

Cupcake looked confused, but Blue stood up and gave a bow. "My friends, this is Mint Candy, and Straw Berry - the owners of this establishment. Madams, may I introduce Cupcake Sprinkles, Pinkie Pie's prodigy. And his lovely companion is none other than Obsidian, of recent Ponyville fame."

They both bowed to them all. "Mister Sprinkles, we are pleased you enjoyed your meal here,"
"And would like to extend to you an invitation to return whenever you wish."

They both then spoke together, "Free of charge."

Obsidian, daughter of Sombra, had saved the world twice already. She literally had to stop her own father from returning and enslaving everypony... and she had to go through Tartarus to do it, both physically and mentally. She spent almost the entire day yesterday running around like a wild animal to find out what happened to Thunderclap and Midnight, and eventually had to fight against her mad brother that wanted to destroy almost the entire compliment of sentient life on the planet because it was bothering him - and she had to do that while cursed.

Meanwhile Cup just had to eat a lot of food to get attention and an invitation, free of charge... which, to be fair, was kind of strange, because he could absolutely ruin this place with his hunger. Obsidian was envious, and didn't like it - not at all. She wasn't used to that feeling, especially not towards her coltfriend. She bowed shortly in response to the two mares, but that made up the entire visible reaction from her.

"But, umm..." Cup spoke up, "... why? I mean, with my appetite, I could close this place down in a week!"

The mares smiled. "Oh, we're aware that you could... but you don't live here,"
"Which means you cannot visit us every day."
"But that display you just put on, just now?"
"THAT will be the talk of the town for quite some time,"
"And, of course, it will be mentioned you did this in OUR establishment,"
"Which will serve well as free advertisement."

Blue's smile grew as he saw what the two savvy mares were up to. He gave Obsidian a smirk, then turned to Cupcake. "And I'm sure he'll be happy to repeat this feat if you should need him to, eh Cup?"

Cup nodded. "Sure!"

"Very well, then,"
"It is settled."
"Your bill is taken care of,"
"And we hope you come to see us again soon..."

Both: "Just not too soon."

"And you," Mint turned to Obsidian.
"Yes, you," Berry followed suit.
"You are a hero in your own right, yes?"
"To have a hero sitting at this table is also good for business."
"Please, stop in any time you like,"
"As long as we can tell others you frequent our humble establishment,"
"We extend to you the same honor."

Both then bowed before her. "After all, Ponyville isn't just a town on the map,"
"It was also once our home."

Having a hero here probably was good for business - though having Sombra's daughter here... maybe not so much. They didn't seem to know that little fact, though. Also, with such an elite roster of guests, did they have to advertise at all?

"We will surely return, sooner or later," she admitted. Clap probably visited places like this a few times - particularly with the amount of cash she seemed used to spending - but Gypsy might enjoy this place a good bit.

Both bowed to the group as a whole, then clapped their hooves together in synch. Like a flash, all the waitstaff went back to work, and after another bow and hug, Chef Gnocchi returned to the kitchens. The three of them finished up, then made their way for the door.

When they were finally outside, Blue turned to them both. "I do believe you're going to gain some reputation from this - both of you. It'll be good to have that knowledge running around, doing nice things on your behalf. However, now I'm afraid we must part ways... unless you've possibly changed your mind about tonight?"

Obsidian shook her head. "I'm afraid not, sadly. I really do have quite a lot of things on my proverbial plate. I'd daresay that I'm getting a bit lazy in quiet little Ponyville, at least compared to the old days. I need to be more diligent, as at the moment my tasks are piling up far too quickly."

Blue nodded. "Well, then - I suppose I shall see you two at school, then. Farewell, my friends, and hey - keep it jazzy, you two."

With that, he sauntered off towards town. It was interesting that Markannus was so different in his other persona... but then, he was a changeling, after all.

Cup turned to her and put a small kiss on her snout. "Okay, what's next, then? I think I-BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRP!!!!!"

Shocked, he covered his mouth and smiled sheepishly. "...'scuse me," he said softly. Across the street, a stallion guffawed out loud until the mare walking with him elbowed him to stop.

Obsidian sighed slightly. "Darling, I think we don't have any room left for ice cream."

"Are you kidding?" Cup chuckled. "I just made room with that one!"

She shook her head slowly. "You never cease to amaze me, Cup... though sometimes, it is a bit scary."

He giggled. "Well, that's a good thing, right? I wouldn't want to be a boring coltfriend, would I?" Cup then gave Obsidian a concerned look. "You got enough to eat, right? I'd feel just awful if you didn't get a good amount of breakfast, even after all I ate. I wouldn't want you to think I was greedy or anything..?"

"Yes, yes - I normally don't have to eat so much to be full," she waved her hoof. In fact Cup's feast would probably outright kill her. "So, where are we going to have the ice-cream? Also, do you think we would be able to meet with Flurry Heart before leaving the Empire?"

Cup smiled. "Sure! And as far as the ice cream, I'm sure we could find some... follow me!"

He began to skip his way forward, with that weird yet endearing 'sproing' sound with each leap. Just like his mother...

The ice cream stand wasn't far, and after Cup sniffed it out, they both got a cup of delicious ice cream. Cupcake chose tapioca-mint-bubblegum, and was done with it in less than two minutes (he took his time).

Raspberry. Raspberry was good, especially with those small seeds; sweet, but with a subtle sour note. Obsidian obviously didn't eat hers as fast as he did, especially as she was still rather full from breakfast. In theory, he should be full too, but... Well, he was Cupcake.

"So... Flurry, and then the train. I can hardly wait to get back home, to be fair," Obsidian admitted.

The walk to the palace was... interesting.

So many of the Crystal Empire's structures had changed or been replaced since her days, but it wasn't such a bad thing. Her Father had never allowed for much decoration, calling it 'frivolous', but the city now looked more alive than she'd ever seen it before. There were mostly Crystal ponies on the streets, but there was a fair mix of other races as well. And they all looked so happy, too.

And the colors! They were pretty and bright, and even the air smelled sweeter somehow, more natural. Even with all the change, Obsidian could still, in her mind's eye, see the mine factories, the grimy hovels the slaves slept in (when they were allowed to sleep), the paved roads that had once been nothing but dirt, tracked with the hoofprints of a million passing slaves, walking their chained processions...

But it wasn't his city anymore.

It would be nice to see the entire city properly, in an organized fashion, with her friends - and Obsidian hoped that it would be possible soon.

But first things first.

Research about her siblings, teleportation, work, school, research about curses... there were plenty of things she had to do. Perhaps pay a visit to this kind old pair that had helped her out after the thief tried to take off with Clap's pastries. Oh, and then there was... well, let's just leave it at 'she really had a lot to do'.

Reaching the Crystal Palace, the guards out front nodded to them both and opened the doors for them. Inside, the Empire was busily going about its' royal business. There were servants going to and fro, dignitaries who were chatting each other up, guards at their posts and on patrol, a clump of children who were being led along by their teacher who was explaining the history of the place, and even a few others...

"Cupcake Sprinkles!" a sweet voice cried out, and much of the activity inside paused for a moment, then began their routines again.

Coming towards them, flanked by guards and three ponies dressed in servant finery, was an exquisitely beautiful alicorn. She was tall, and had a soft pink coat. Her mane had that weird wavy-thing that Luna and Twilight both evidenced, and she was smiling broadly as she walked towards them.

Cup smiled. "Auntie Cadey! Hiya!"

The lovely alicorn put Obsidian's beauty to shame. She and Cup embraced when she came close enough, and she gave a laugh that sounded like it could end wars. "I heard you'd come into town - I'm so glad you stopped by!"

"Oh, I wouldn't miss you for the world, Auntie Cadey! OH!" He turned and gestured to Obsidian with a flourish. "This is-"

"Obsidian. Yes, I know quite well of her, actually." The Crystal Princess bowed low before her. "I'd been wanting to meet you for a while now, but with my duties here, it's so hard to get away from it all. I'm glad to see my hunch was right, and that you're more than worth the chance I asked my husband to give you."

She smiled sweetly. "And I already know she's your marefriend, Cuppers - I can feel the love you two have for each other."

Good news - they'd found an alicorn princess! Bad news - it wasn't Flurry Heart.

Okay, maybe it wasn't that really bad, but Obsidian wasn't prepared to meet with the mare who was ruling her father's fiefdom and stood against him during his glorious (attempted) return. Or, rather, not so glorious... especially when one remembers that a certain child dragon took part in it. In fact, it would probably be pretty humiliating for him to learn about that little fact.

However, it seemed that it was impossible to not like Princess Cadance at first sight, at least a bit. She looked like total goodness incarnate - and sounded like it, as well. However, her ability to feel other's emotions was a bit disconcerting...

Obsidian bowed respectfully. "I think everypony deserves a chance, princess... and I'm glad I didn't waste the chance I was given," she replied, thinking about her three siblings trapped in crystals in the catacombs. Would this princess sentence them to an eternal imprisonment, as Flurry said?

"We'd wanted to meet with Princess Flurry before leaving the City. After yesterday's events, I'm anxious to see her," she added... though nopony really asked. Oh, well, perhaps Cadance would point them towards Flurry's direction.

When she smiled, it was radient and lovely. "Flurry's been talking about you, you know; she says you're 'ultra-cool', and that you acted every bit the heroine during your 'escapade' in Delvar. She's been a bit dour lately, so to see her so excited... well, that's a small miracle unto itself. Thank you for being so kind to her - she may not look it, but she needs some good friends to talk to." She chuckled lightly. "And about."

"And how's little Ray?" Cup asked.

"Oh, she's doing just fine, just fine. She's already made her way to the top of the class, and she has more friends than you could shake a stick at! She'll be sorry she missed you, but I can tell her you said hi, of course."

Cup smiled broadly. "Great! Maybe we'll get to stop by again soon, and she and I can catch up then. And, as always, you look fabulous, Auntie!"

She blushed prettily. "Thank you, Cup. Now, to answer your question," she turned to Obsidian again, "Flurry's in the banquet hall, reading those books of hers. She said you might be by, but she wasn't sure. At any rate, you'll find her there."

A servant spoke up. "Erm, Princess Cadence? The dignitaries are waiting for you." He looked at Obsidian. "My apologies, madam."

"Yes, Time Keeper, I know. You're right." She turned back to the pair. "If you two would please excuse me, I have dignitaries from Mount Arris to meet with - please, feel welcome in my home, and I hope to see you two again..." She began to walk off, entourage in tow.

"Perhaps at your wedding?" she coyly added over her magnificent flank.

Well, it certainly was a bit surprising to hear that Flurry held her in such high esteem - at least for a moment, she seemed to be rather dissapointed yesterday and even insulted her a few times when she was panicking over her siblings. Not that Obsidian cared about it too much at the moment - after all, the princess was rather vulgar... and if she was going to plan to beat the snot out of everypony that insulted her, then Rainbow Dash would be on the top of her list. After all, she was completely innocent of any of the things she was accussed of by her, and managed to save her child. It would be good to force her to at least apologize.

Obsidian opened mouth to bid the kind princess farewell, but her last sentence left her thunderstruck for a moment. Actually... no - she hoped that it would happen before their wedding. After all, they weren't even planning it yet.

Cup, to his credit, blushed deeply and led Siddy towards the banquet hall. "D-don't mind Auntie Cadey; she's all about LOVE, and she always talks about it when she can. She was teasing... I think." Cup's shy smile at her said that, even if no plans were in the making, he might not mind so much if they were.

She knew so little, and was so inexperienced about social norms - she didn't even know how she was supposed to feel about the teasing... not a clue. Maybe she could ask other ponies about it? Clap, Mica, Miss Pie, maybe even Princess Twilight... Gypsy wasn't a pony, so she really couldn't ask him about pony traditions (though with his knowledge of history, there was a small chance). Stalwart probably didn't know too much. Midnight? He was a prince, so he should be knowledgable, right?

At length, they came to the grand banquet hall; even though the decorations were bright and beautiful, the architecture Obsidian remembered was still there under all the fluff, just as it had been over a milennium ago. Seated at the table was Flurry Heart, her muzzle deep into the book she was reading. And what was the title of said book she was so engulfed in?

Crinos: The Dark Magic of Desire, no less.

When she glanced up from her reading, her eyes lit up like dual suns... but she just grinned, put the book into the pocket of her hoodie, and sat back all cool and collected. "Hey, Sids. Cupster. 'Sup?"

Obsidian, currently focused on the small problem she was thinking over, saw the title of Flurry's book; she couldn't help but giggle a bit. "Good morning, Princess Flurry. A good book, I take it?"

Flurry gave a flip of her hoof. "Eh, they're okay, I guess."

With the way her muzzle had been practically embedded in that book, Obsidian was fairly certain it was a bit more than okay. Well... soon enough, Obsidian would probably get Stalwart's opinion anyway. She still couldn't believe that the petite mare took the joke so seriously!

"Hiya, Flur!" Cup said as he stepped up. "I hear you made friends with Siddy; ain't she great!?"

Flurry grinned at the Grey Princess. "Yeah - pretty cool, actually. So what brings you two here?" The extra look she gave Obsidian was more of a question about unspoken things than Cup seemed to pick up.

"We didn't want to leave without stopping in and seeing you... and, if you don't mind, I'd also like to talk to you about yesterday's proceedings, but," she peeked over at Cup, "to be fair, I'd prefer to talk about it privately. Um... I'm sorry, Cup," she at least had enough decency to be embarassed about her request.

"You and I will also have a chat about this, as well; first, I have a need to clarify a few things with Flurry. Is it okay with you to have a talk between she and I, Cuppy?"

Cup put on a confused look. "Uhh... do you two have some sort of secret or something?"

Flur just chuckled. "Well, there were a few... um, 'interesting words' she had some questions about, and I told her I'd set her straight on those. Plus, stuff happened at Delvar that we're BOTH still trying to figure out."

She gave Cup a pat on the shoulder. "Like Sids said, she'll tell you later - honest."

Cup looked a bit disappointed, but he simply shrugged it off and was all smiles again. "Okie dokie lokie - I can go see if Uncle Shiny's around, I guess. It's okay... just make sure to let me in on it when YOU TWO figure it out, okay?"

Flurry saluted. "Sho'nuff. Off with you now; mare stuff."

Cup grinned and gave Obsidian a quick peck on the cheek. "Don't take TOO long, okay?" And with that, he left the banquet hall. Flurry followed him, closed the door, then put her ear to it as she lifted a hoof.

After a moment, she sighed, then turned back to face her. "Okay, he's not listening at the door; we're good."

Okay, perhaps it was a liiiiiiiitle bit of lie; Obsidian herself didn't lie - she simply didn't say everything they were going to discuss. That was the difference.

"Now that you've mentioned 'interesting words', I noted you really were using the word 'fuck' in many variants. And what's a 'threeway'?" Obsidian wondered - but quickly scolded herself - Cup probably didn't want her to take too long. "And I've already gone ahead with the first stage of my research."

Flur gave a slight chuckle. "The word 'fuck' is fun to use, and it helps to yell it when you're mad. Of course, I can't say it in front of my parents; they'd FREAK the FUCK out. But a threeway? That's where three individuals fuck each other at the same time."

She shrugged. "I've never had one, but I heard they can be kinda fun... and rough, too. I dunno... but I might try it sometime in the future. Maybe. Possibly. If I feel like it... I think."

Her smile got wide when Obsidian mentioned research. "Oooooh, about the crystals? Your two brothers and the sister? What'd you discover? C'mon, don't keep me waiting!"

Well, as much as she seemed to use the word, her explanation didn't seem to be too helpful - especially as Obsidian didn't know what the word 'fuck' itself meant. Three individuals fuck each other - didn't it mean something like 'cheating' or 'joking'? After all, Flurry herself asked if she was 'fucking with her', after she started to explain aloud that world conquest needed preparations.

Sombra's daughter rubbed her chin, trying not to look too oblivious. "Diamond should be safe to release, but I want to check this a bit more first. My sister was an expert in mind control, and was behaving in a way that made our father proud - and mind you, he wasn't easy to please. And the crystal in acid contains the brother that spent most of his life tortured and cursed - even the acid is here to pain him in his shard form as well."

Obsidian couldn't help but wince. Taking him from the corrosive waterfall wouldn't be easy... and yet it would be easier than handling him afterwards.

Flur listened intently, then nodded to show she was following. "So, one's safe, two aren't. Wow, that's fucked up. Sorry it wasn't more like 'all three of them are sweet and kind', or some shit like that. But hey, at least there's the one, right? Maybe we could see about getting some sort of acid-proof case or something for Jade? I could look into that, for sure!"

She then grew a curious look. "Does that mean you're thinking about letting Diamond out? I mean... how? How are you supposed to get him out?"

"Princess Twilight told me that she simply had to touch my crystal with her magic to release me; I'll look more deeply into that after I return home. There's no rush - Diamond should be fine where he is for now. At least I know that I wasn't conscious when I was turned. Frankly, I'm more concerned about Jade; he will need quite a lot of help. I'm planning to look into curses to perhaps locate how to release him from it - and even after his release, he will need doctors and therapists to take care of him... it's not something we could handle alone. Then, there is also Amber... who, as far as I'm concerned, should be released only with extreme caution."

Flur nodded. "Okay, gotcha - I haven't touched them in all the years I went down there, and I'll continue to do just that. No worries." She pondered for a moment. "My Mom could probably find the right kind of help for Jade, but we'll have to wait until we figure out more before we step any further down that road; I don't wanna give up those catacombs, so we may have to move them first. Still... it's a start."

The alicorn looked at Obsidian questioningly. "So... what now?"

"We wait and research... even though I really don't want to leave my brother in this state. If we would release Diamond, we'd need an explanation for why there's another son of King Sombra wandering around. In fact, that would be the hardest task when it comes to him, I'd think. However, considering that the other two siblings involved are dangerous, we could just release him and then inform your mother about the situation. I can only hope she will understand that locking them away would be pure cruelty in this situation..."

Flurry Heart shook her head. "FUCK no, we shouldn't tell her! Not until we figure out how to HELP them - 'cause I'm sure Dad would have those tunnels filled in within a Manehattan minute! Mom... miiiiiiight give it a chance, but that's iffy at best. Besides, Dad would argue it being 'for the good of Equestria', and STILL might do it - even without Mom's blessing."

She pondered for a moment, then looked at Siddy. "Well, uhm... we could just tell folks he... uhhhh... was something we found in the Delvar Libratorium? I mean, there was a LOT of stuff smashed in there," she blushed a bit at that, "so we could say he was one of the things that we came across while we were there, and we stashed him until we could figure out what to do? I mean, that's what I can come up with, at least."

Obsidian rubbed her chin. "I'm not sure I would believe that story... bah, I'm sure we'll figure it out soon, anyway. I don't want to leave them in this state - especially Diamond and Jade - but even Amber doesn't deserve this." Her mood had soured a bit when she thought again about how it was rather close to being her fate - locked forever in stasis.

"There was also one other thing I wanted to ask you about: communication - do you have any idea how we could handle it? Mailboxes and letters are rather slow. I never had this issue before, as all of my friends live in Ponyville... but if we want to scheme without so many problems, we need to figure something out."

Flurry smiled at that. "Oh, that's no fuckin' problem at all! As long as you have some sort of focus, I could cast a spell that we can use to talk to each other with - some sort of item or some shit like that. Doesn't have to be fancy; just has to exist. Though, having something small could help, as the bigger shit is harder to connect with. Something metal, 'cause that works better than stone or something else."

Her horn began to glow, and her eyes followed suit. "I can do it now, if you've got something we could use? OH! And we'll need TWO of them, so we can both talk to each other; one-sided convos are fucking stupid."

Obsidian shook her head. "I appeared in the Empire completely unprepared... though, I'm fairly sure we can either get something from your own things, buy something that would be sufficient... or ask Cupcake, too."

"Wait." Flurry Heart's magical aura glowed from her hoodie pocket, and out floated two metal bracelets; they looked sort of cheap, but colorful enough.

"Here - I only wear these when I go out to the nightclubs, so I won't miss one. These'll be okay." The glow from her horn brightened, and she whispered, "speak, and I shall hear; listen, and I shall vocalize". With that, the rings of metal both gained their own glow for a moment, then dulled and faded away. But for some reason, they no longer looked cheap; they were more commonplace, but had a sheen to them that belied their magic.

"Here," Flur floated her the one with the black gemstones on it, "this one's yours, and this is mine." The other, a pink stone embedded in it, floated onto her own hoof. "Okay, put it on and let's test it."

That hoodie seemed to be very practical. In fact, Obsidian started to think about getting one for herself. She could keep at least a few commodities in one, and it wouldn't stick out as much as saddlebags. She put the bracelet on. "Okay, so... I have to focus on you to activate this thing?"

Flurry Heart smiled, but said not a single word.

Kinda, but the best part is you have to THINK your words at me - that way, you and me can still talk without anyone being the wiser. It's fucking great, isn't it?

She wiggled her eyebrows.

Oh. Ohhhh. Practical... well, at least as long as Cupcake's not around; otherwise, I could accidentially think something completely different... and, er, personal.

Flur gave a naughty giggle, then leveled a kind look at her. Sids, this is SO cool... I haven't done this in years, and it's still just as cool as it was the day I learned the spell. And honestly? I kinda like the fact you and me have a secret together; make me feel like you're my honorary sister and stuff.

"I mean," she said aloud, "if you're okay with that kind of shit?"

Would it make Flurry an honorary daughter of King Sombra in return?

"Bring it on. You aren't related to my father, so you could easily become my favourite sibling... if only honorary." Though it's mainly because Ruby is already dead,, she mused, not knowing if Flurry would hear that or not.

She smiled and embraced Obsidian with a quick, tight hug. "Coolness," she said simply. "But if you wanna get better at it, don't mumble." I didn't quite catch that last bit.

This... might take some getting used to.

"Good; I'd wondered if you would hear that or not. I'm sure we'll get used to it soon enough... besides, we won't be wearing these things all the time, anyway," she shrugged slightly. Listening to Flurry's thoughts from a night club would be amusing, but only for so long, after all.

Taking off the bracelet and putting it on the table, Flurry smiled and gave a slight chuckle. "Probably a good thing if we can check up on each other, once in a while - there's not really a way to let each other KNOW to put them on, but I might be able to set up a messaging system of some sort; gimme time to figure that shit out, and we'll be golden."

That did seem to be a good idea; with that improvement, it should make communication far easier - at worst, they would have to wear it for a long time, waiting for the other side to respond.

She leaned on the table and smirked at Obsidian. "So, what's your plan now? Headed back to P-Ville already?"

"Yes. Check on my friends, continue research on my siblings, that kind of thing," she shrugged slightly. "And get back on track after all that craziness yesterday. I'll probably be back soon - I'd already promised Gypsy, my diamond dog friend, that we'll visit the Libratorium. It may take a while, but I'm going to carry out that promise - even if it meant breaking in," she joked. Probably.

Flurry smiled. "Hey, if you bring your doggie buddy, bring him by here - we don't get many in the Empire, and meeting him would be cool. And breaking in?" She chuckled. "Miiiiiight wanna wait 'til security calms the fuck down a bit. Like, say, a month or so? Best bet, anyhoo."

She sat back down, but looked at Obsidian with concern. "You be safe, okay? I got a feeling that this is just the beginning... of what, I dunno. But better safe than 'oh shit', right?"

"Oh, don't worry over that much - I'm sure that sooner or later I'll stop finding murderous siblings of mine. After all, even my father couldn't handle so many psychopatic children running around, right?" she chuckled. "Besides, he couldn't split his soul too many times; as long as he didn't make a pack of natural-born foals, Equestria should be fine."

Wait, he couldn't have natural-born foals... could he? Somepony would notice a pregnant mare hanging around him, right?

Flur shrugged. "You never know. Ah, well - it's all just one of those things, right? We can handle this, no sweat."

Flurry Heart, Princess-In-Training for the Crystal Empire, gave Obsidian a wicked grin. "And hey, maybe you and me could hit some of the nightclubs, next you're here. They're something to see, I promise ya."

"To be honest, I don't even know what nightclubs are. I can only assume that they are a place where alcoholic beverages are served?" she admitted, asking curiously.

She laughed. "Oh HELL yeah, there is! And more... but still, that'll be later. For now? You be careful, Sids - and hey, it was fucking awesome to meet you... even if it was in the most fucked up way!"

"There could certainly have been more, uh... fucked up ways, trust me. See you later, Flurry. And you be careful too; watch out for any mad unicorns trying to seize their father's throne and so on," she reached to her for a parting hoof-bump. "Sooooo... now I have to find either Cup or your father. Any ideas where my coltfriend could be - where I should start looking for him?"

She returned the hoof bump. "If I know Cupster, he's either talking to Dad... or hanging out near the kitchen. Try the kitchen first." She waved as Siddy left the room. "Be good, or be good at it!"

So, she had to find the kitchen now; it shouldn't be that hard, right? The kitchens back in her time were... uh... somewhere around the rooms for the slaves, right? Yeah, maybe it would be a bit harder than she thought. Luckily she could simply ask for one of the ponies around to show her the way - it's not like she had to find everything completely on her own.

Author's Note:

Quite the hit in the Crystal Empire, meeting the Princess of Love, discussing some of the interesting things that had been discovered... eeyup, Obsidian has certainly been coming along, hasn't she? It's okay - there's going to be an answer to how she'll get hold of her siblings' crystals - and I hope you folks are gonna enjoy it.

And no worries - this isn't the last we get to see of Flurry Heart; she'll pop up again, I promise. };)

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