• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 732 Views, 182 Comments

Obsidian: Shards Of Sombra - Randimaxis

Obsidian and company return for another adventure, as she seeks out the remaining shards of Sombra. But sinister things are brewing, and Obsidian must locate her erstwhile siblings before it's too late to stop them.

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Forty One: Driving Goals / Another Dream(!)

Once inside, the cab shot off the corner, with an angry honk from behind them as it did. Strangely enough, even though the driving he was doing seemed difficult, Markannus didn't seem to have any issues with it - in fact, he looked as though he was more interested in talking than driving.

"So, Obsidian and crew in The Big Applecore! What are the odds, right? S'okay - word came through the radio that Ponyville's latest hero is in town, and theres a number of Paparazzi already gearing up to hunt you down, I'll bet. Even had a few ask me if I'd heard where you were - of course, I told them exactly where I'd seen you..." He chuckled. "At the Statue of Friendship."

Wart now blinked a bit. "Lady Siddy, is... i-is this someone you know?"

"Stalwart Stance: Equestria's little - and I mean little - known treasure... you ever manage to get your hooves on the next book in the Crinos series, or are you just gonna hog the old ones?"

Her muzzle lit up. "Markannus! How did you find us?"

"Blind luck," he replied, "as I just happened to see you three on the corner; that's why I turned and stopped so abruptly. Common practice in Manehattan."

The odds were, Obsidian had to admit, pretty low. Markannus was apparently quite good at following them, though... and at the moment, she really didn't know what evil motives he might have to feed them in the Crystal Empire, or give them a ride here.

Unless - again - he was working for one of her brothers or sisters.

"Paparazzi hunting us, you say? Well, I hope that this time they won't be trying to trample anypony."

"Papis are quick," Markannus said as he casually whipped the taxi around a huge cargo truck, "trampling isn't their style - you'd be more likely to find them hiding in your closet that preparing to storm your taxicab!"

There was a laminated printout in a plastic case on the rear of the backseat; there was a picture of the current facade Markannus was wearing, and the name 'Stag R. Lee' was printed underneath, along with other things that meant little to the grey princess.

"So, did you manage to deal with that thing you were working on, back in the Crystal City?" he asked, zooming around a rather angry-looking stallion who was leaning out of his car window, yelling at an ancient-looking mare in the car ahead of him. The elderly mare leaned out as well, and gave the stallion a VERY rude gesture.

"Oh, yes yes, everything worked out perfectly. We certainly nailed it... that's the correct idiom, right?... and, except for the fact that we accidentially got Flim & Flam arrested, it was a spotless operation," Obsidian admitted cheerfully.

Markannus actually glanced back at them. "Wait - you mean the whole reason the CE Authorities finally managed to capture the infamous Flim Flam Brothers was because of you???" He laughed for a moment, then looked back at Siddy in his rear view mirror.

"And yes, that's the correct idiom. Glad to hear you finally had something go your way, without much of a hitch. And don't worry about the brothers; they were bailed out the next day, though the papers wouldn't confirm who did the bailing." Chances were, it was probably Celestia herself; she had been the one to ask for their assistance, and she didn't seem the type to just let someone(s) rot in jail after getting their help. "Well, so where am I taking the lot of you? And don't worry - anyone asks, and I'll just send 'em to the statue again."

Was it her fault? They didn't exactly have much of a plan, and there was little she could have done - except for attacking guards. It would have made quite a fine story for the newspapers - 'Sombra strikes back again... sorta!' And, considering that they even GOT captured in the first place, it was hardly 'without a hitch'.

"We need to take a peek at Quartz's clothing factory; it's not too far, I believe." And there were still so many things to see in the museums...

The deer lifted an eyebrow. "Smoky Quartz? The fashion designer? Looking to storm Ponk Avenue, are you? Well, the styles are grand, sure... but even my Queen says they're a bit of an eyesore. Still, that's fashion for you - it dosn't have to make sense!"

Markannus' driving skills were quite adept; though it seemed as if the taxicab were careening through the streets at a breakneck pace, the gathered group inside barely seemed to feel the inertia at all. Turning a corner, he brought the cab to a calm, careful halt next to a building that looked like it was wedged between two other larger, more imposing buildings. It was short, squat, and had only three floors - a lot for Ponyville, but a mere dwarf among the giants of Manehattan.

"This is the production place - not very big, yeah, but that's one of the things that makes some fashions so exclusive, I guess. You heard about the gala tonight, right? Supposed to be a big affair, and he'll be there himself." He then gave a grin. "Anyone who's there'll be the talk of the town, I promise you."

As much as Obsidian knew about fashion, it was the complete and utter truth - fashion was highly illogical, especially in a society that hardly wore any clothes in the first place. However, Eloquence seemed to like the concept... Clap too. So perhaps it had some kind of strange merit she just couldn't see...

Of course, Obsidian had to admit that she did feel good in nice clothes - but still, only for very rare and special opportunities.

"Well... we are going to this gala, so I suppose we should prepare to be talked about," the Grey Princess said with a resigned sigh. Talk of the town, eh? Hopefully he only meant Ponyville; being the talk of a huge city like Manehattan would probably result in quite a headache.

Deer-kannus raised his eyebrows. "You're invited? Oh... then I suppose I'll see the lot of you there! I'm... invited as well, I guess you could say. Should prove interesting. I'll stick around for a minute, in case you folk need another trip."

"Okay then," Obsidian said as she climbed out, "let's take a look at this place."

The factory building wasn't very assuming; it only had the one door, and the windows it had were far-spaced and barred, Obsidian noticed, as well as covered. Cup looked to her with a question on his muzzle. "So... what're we looking for?"

Frankly speaking, she wasn't sure; were they here for something to lead them closer to peace in Manehattan and whole of Equestria? Possibly... she just didn't know what something like that might look like. "Do you think we might see something from the other side of building?" she said as she looked over the exterior. "Because I don't think we could learn too much from a frontal assault."

Wart looked the place over, then pondered for a moment. Cup sighed. "Well... if we can get into the building next door, then maybe we could make our way onto the roof, where I could maybe squeeze inside a vent and let us in through the roof access... if there's a roof access... o-or maybe we could try hitting the sewage system, where we might-"

Wart stepped forward and knocked, loud and staccato, on the door.

Cup balked. "WART!? What are you DOING?"

Wart smirked. "Trying the most obvious answer, Cupcake."

"I said something about a frontal assault," Obsidian muttered as she turned to Cup, "didn't I say something about a frontal assault?" And what if there was someone there? Should she just say they wanted to use their toilet or something? Perhaps apply to work there?

After a moment, there was a clicking from behind the door... then a small mare's head poked out, looking at them. She was bigger than Stalwart, but she was thin and compact - she looked almost as if she were starving, but you couldn't see her ribs; she looked healthy, just gaunt. The look was topped off with a black mane that faded to a lighter color towards the tips, and she had a soft purple coat and horn.

Her eyes, a crisp blue, lingered on Obsidian for a moment before she spoke in a soft, almost breathy voice. "... h-hello. How may I help you?"

Obsidian... kind of panicked. She never thought she was very good at lying - in fact, she actively disliked to do so. Half-truths were okay, but she was simply terrible with coming up with any sort of believable lies. "Er... good afternoon. This... is... the famous Quartz factory, isn't it?" Stalwart received a small glare from Obsidian - she could at least have let them know she was going to knock!

The mare's eyes looked... hollow. Dead. Empty. But she was reactive and aware, so it wasn't as though she were being controlled; it looked more like she was just endlessly weary of life and living it. "Yes. It is. But he isn't here; he's preparing for tonight's gala."

"Oh, that's too bad, er... I was really hoping that I could finally meet my brother- it has been a while, after all. I'd also hoped he could show us around this place, as we've heard a lot about it," the Grey Princess tried her hoof at sounding sociable to cover up the awkwardness.

The mare simply blinked. "Should I tell him you came by, then?" It was asked more like she fully expected it, instead of it being a possibility.

... why did she look familiar?

Obsidian patted her cheek in consideration. "Ah... are WE related, possibly?"

The mare stared back at her, and her features began quivering as if she were about to cry. "... no. We aren't."

With that, the mare simply closed the door, with more clicks behind it signifying the locks being turned back into place.

"Well... that helped," Cup sighed.

Wart, however, looked at Obsidian. "Lady Siddy... did you recognize her?" she asked.

"She looked oddly familiar... didn't you notice the resemblance? In fact... black mane, white tips; where have I seen that before?" Obsidian tapped her hoof in annoyance; it was going to eat her up until she figured it out.

Wart looked back at the building. "Well... whomever she was, she was quite rude."

Cupcake shrugged. "Well, she looked tired... maybe she's been working overtime? Who knows? I didn't know her, so she's not from P-Ville..."

Wart's eyes slowly widened. "Lady Siddy... do you still hold a copy of your brother's artwork?"

"I keep it with me at all times," she confirmed as she reached into her saddlebags. For a moment, she thought that Quartz may have had a daughter...

When she pulled out the print and unrolled it, the mare's face was staring right back at her... though she looked better in the drawing than she did just now.

Cup, looking over her shoulder, jumped like he'd been bitten by a bug. "Holy Hannah Barbera! THAT'S her! So... so we just met another one of your siblings?"

Wart, however, looked concerned. "And which one would this be, Lady Siddy?"

There was only one mare's name that was still on the 'to meet in the close future' list. Which by process of elimination meant that Aquamarine was probably the one burning the forest and...

Obsidian practically jumped at the doors and knocked rapidly. "Sapphire? Sapphire, is that you?"

There was no response from the other side of the door.

Both Cupcake and Stalwart now looked a bit more concerned. "Okay - now I'm getting upset; how could she tell you that you two weren't related? What kind of gall does she have!?" Uh-oh - angry Cup coming; Siddy could see it making it's way forward in his personality.

Wart, however, had a different thought. "By the look of the poor thing, she must be half-dead from work! Lady Siddy, you don't think that Quartz has done this to her?"

"I'm not sure, Wart... but it can't be good. Diamond told me a lot about her, and I frankly didn't expect to come across her in a factory, of all places." Obsidian restlessly knocked on the doors once again. "Sister? Please? I'm sorry I didn't recognize you! Sapphire!"

Cupcake began to scanned over the outside of the small building, trying to gauge what would be necesary to scale it. Wart looked at him for a moment, then turned to Obsidian. "Are we going to allow him to scale the building?"

"If a Pie can't do it, nopony can." If only she still had her full reserves of Dark Magic, along with some training in-between... though forcing their way inside would attract a considerable amount of attention. "Cup, do you think it's possible?"

"Oh, there's noplace that can keep ME out, if I want in..." Cup growled softly, almost as if he were offended by the terse interaction between his love and her erstwhile sister. Reaching behind him, he began to pull out climbing equipment: rope, grappling hook, pitons, a climbing pick, spiked boots... and heaping them into a little pile, next to him.

Wart, however, stepped over towards him and put a hoof on his foreleg. "Cupcake."

"Yeah, what?" he grumped, still focused on the rooftop.

"Should we not come back later to do this, Cup?"

"But we're here now - why shouldn't we try?" Cupcake gave her a stern look.

Wart simply pointed a hoof back at the five ponies who had stopped to watch what Cup was doing; one was even a little filly, who seemed to think it was a magic show, and she clapped with glee.

"Because we would probably be in trouble if we were witnessed doing such," Wart deadpanned.

Cup looked at the gathered ponies... then broke into a wide smile as he gathered his stuff back up, putting it away wherever he kept his cannon. "S-sorry about that, folks! Juuuuuuust looking for some spare change!"

Obsidian hoped Cup could at least get behind the building to scale it, or in some other secluded place. Who knew what Quartz was doing to Sapphire? Or what Amber was doing to them both? "We can always return later... and perhaps then, we might have another chance to speak with Sapphire." She hoped it was her dear sister - but she didn't look too snarky or angry, though; more like she was thoroughly beaten by life.

Cupcake gave the building one last glare. "Soon... sooooooon..."

They made their way back to the cab, and Deer-kannus headed from the small factory... however, Obsidian could've sworn she saw the blinds on one of the second floor windows peek open just a tad as they departed.

"Wow..." Markannus said, "moments ago, you three were kinda sunny and cheerful - now you look like you're preparing for war. I'd... ask what gives - unless it's not for my ears, of course."

"Quartz's worker didn't seem too happy... or healthy." It wasn't exactly a lie - a half-truth, at best. Sapphire, after all, did look a bit strange... Obsidian had been told she was powerful and vain - how could THAT have been the same mare?

"Markannus, my friend? Is there any other place you could think of which we might want to visit? Or perhaps we should head back and catch a quick nap before the gala?"

"Well, it IS going to be busy, I won't lie," the deer pondered for a moment, "but I know a place that sells sandwiches pretty cheap, and you won't even have to leave the cab to get one. Hungry?"

Wart looked at her friends. "I could eat a sandwich, yes... and you, Lady Siddy?"

Cupcake just sat there, stewing a bit. "I'm not hungry."

Wart gasped and blinked, then looked at Obsidian. "Lady Siddy, you should attend to your colt immediately - Cupcake does NOT sound like himself!"

Obsidian nuzzled him. "Cuppy, it will be alright. It always works out in the end, yes? But to prepare ourselves for the upcoming party, we need to be well-fed and well-rested to minimize our distractions."

He glanced over at her with his grump... but he couldn't stay mad with such a sweet nuzzle, so his smile broke loose and he nuzzled back. "You know what? You're right - let's hit the gala first-"

"And if there's something amiss," Wart added, "we can return and assess this properly, and tackle it as we deem necessary."

"Right!" Cup grinned.

Sometimes Cup was kind of easy to trigger - positively or negatively. Not that it was a bad thing, of course.

"Right. So... sandwiches, then a return to our room, where we can rest until we have to dress for the gala. Did I forget anything?"

"Yeah - have fun," Markannus offered with a grin. "You'd be doing yourself a disservice if you just see this as all business. Take it from someone who has fourteen different jobs; enjoy Life when you can."

Cup gasped, "Fourteen!?"

The changeling chuckled. "Well, not all at ONCE, Cupcake - and those are just the employed personas."

"H-how?" And to think that Obsidian had been complaining about a lack of free time...

The changeling in deer form chuckled and relaxed, sitting back in his seat as he drove. "Well, I have at least four personae for each city I visit, and those 'masks' have temp jobs, mostly - stuff that won't miss me if I don't make it. Groundskeeper, tollbooth operator, musician, housemaid, model, door-to-door salesgriffon... and cabbie, of course... just about anything with a non-standard schedule, I've either done it, or I'm doing it now."

"But why do you work so much... aren't you still in school?" Cup asked, but Wart grinned as she caught on.

"It's for your hive, isn't it?" she said, and Deer-kannus' muzzle lit up.

"Ding ding ding! Good on you, Stalwart! She's right; my queen, the glorious Queen Vaxillaria, charged a number of her best operatives to help supply the hive with monetary means - after all, Equestria has so much to offer, we have to make sure our necessities are covered... hence, I'm one of two thousand changelings who have pretty much dedicated themselves to working for the hive."

Wart smiled broadly. "I was not aware you were so diligent to your hive's needs; color me impressed, Markannus!"

He grinned. "Coming from you, Stalwart? A compliment of the highest caliber."

"Queen Vaxillaria?" Obsidian blinked, then blushed a bit. "My apologies, but I'm not aware of whom that is."

Obsidian had to admit, she was slightly embarrassed; while she'd been aware that there was a hive nearby, she never actually paid much attention to it. For the most part, her knowledge of changelings ended when Chrysalis got herself 'friendshipped' into a statue. She was also sure that there was something about a King... Thorax, or something like that, right?

"Our hive's not exactly, er... public, so to speak. I mean, Princess Twilight knows we're there, of course - but we tend to remain more underground, like our hive used to back in the days of..."

Now, a look crossed the deer's features that Obsidian had a difficult time equating to Markannus: anger.

"... her. In fact, part of the reason we stay where we are is because of her actions, making paranoia the first and foremost reaction to our kind. Personally, I'm GLAD they stripped her of her title; I wish they'd hide her horrid muzzle from the world too... but I'll take what I can get." Apparently, Chrysalis was a sore subject with Markannus; good to note for future reference, so she wouldn't hit a nerve by accident.

"I believe I understand you; I feel the same about Sombra." Of course, Sombra didn't ruin Obsidian's entire species' reputation... but she could imagine they held their former rulers in a rather dim light.

The deer-buggo gave a huff of a sigh, then shrugged it away. "Well... it's one of the main reasons we operate as we do. Plus, we've also signed an accord with Equestria, and are cleared to act as spies for the nation, should things ever come to war for any reason. So, they keep quiet about us, and we use that quiet to help them. Win-win is the best win, I say."

They went on; the sandwich stand was smaller than he'd alluded to, but he hadn't been wrong about the sandwiches. They were tasty and affordable, and the mare running the cart smiled sweetly at the deer as they purchased her wares.

Markannus dropped them off at the Rockhoof (which impressed him a bit). "Take care, and see you tonight... or maybe you won't?" he teased as he winked at them and drove off in a cloud of exhaust.

They'd seen some sights, done some recon, gathered the necessary outfits and were back inside their room with enough time to get in a quick nap - though Stalwart elected to stay awake and guard.

The bed was soft and inviting, and Cupcake snuggled in tightly with his Siddy, kissing her neck and cheek lightly. "Sleep tight," he murmured to her even as he seemed to melt against her, softly snoring moments later.

So changelings could act as spies for Equestria, eh? That could possibly explain why they kept running into Markannus so often - maybe somepony didn't trust Obsidian?

It was fine, though - she wouldn't exactly trust herself either, were the roles reversed. She even had a few troubles trusting herself anyway, so it wasn't as if she could really blame them.

She could trust Cup, though. Smiling happily and leaning into his kisses (while sneaking in a few of her own), she nestled down against her love and slowly drifted into the realm of dreams once more...


She was in a grand hallway, built of marbled grey stone and black oak; it was dark, but not scary - in fact, it looked far brighter in this hallway than it should have, but that was possibly due to the light sconces every eight yards.

She was in another vision/dream/memory, and was walking at a brisk pace towards the familiar doors of the Crystal Empire throne room. Upon reaching them, she pulled the doors open with her magic. Behind them was Sombra himself... though he looked a bit older than last time, and he wasn't done up in cheap climbing gear - he was wearing a crown.

"Knock knock?" her host said, indentifying her as the same mare from before: Radiant Hope.

Sombra looked up at her and grinned with surprise. "Hope! Glad you're here - I need your opinion on something, if you've got a minute?"

Obsidian felt Hope grin. "My goodness - is the most honourable King Sombra actually asking for - gasp! - HELP???"

He gave her a flat look. "Ha ha. Very funny. Now, come here and help me figure this out..."

Nodding, she closed the doors behind her and made her way to his side. "Whats the problem today?"

He sighed. "Plumbing, that's what - the system that King Crest left behind is a nightmare; how am I going to get this sorted out? Crystal ponies are getting sick and even dying over how shoddy this thing is! I can't believe he just... just let this happen to them!"

Hope placed a hoof on his shoulder. "Well, he's not in charge anymore - YOU are. And he didn't have a Soul-Friend like me to help guide him."

Sombra chuckled. "True... if he had, he might still be on the throne today. But, meh, he doesn't matter anymore; but the subjects..."

"Your subjects, Sombra."

"... yeah... yeah they are, aren't they?" He shook his head. "Yeah, but... how am I gonna FIX this for them, Hope? How can I make this supposedly simple dream come true?"

Well, look what the cat dragged in... and they were talking about the marvellous royal problem of 'plumbing'. It seemed that he'd already conquered whatever legitimate ruler was already in place, and was sitting on the throne as a usurper... and, of course, at the words most honourable, Obsidian wanted to puke. Sadly, she was not in control of this body; her illness would have to wait.

Hope's eyes wandered over the plans for a moment, yet she was no architect; they looked solid, at least. "Well... speaking of 'dreams coming true'... y'know, you still owe me that 'Creation' spell, and I've been working on it - I may have something to go with, as soon as next week."

Sombra's eyes were locked onto the plans. She waited a moment for him to reply, then cleared her throat. "Ahem."

"Hunh?" He turned to look at her, as if surprised she was still there. "Oh - sorry, Hope - this just has me grinding my teeth over how much work needs to be done. You were saying something?"

She gave a sigh, then smiled at him. "Your heart's so big, you don't even hear me."

He blinked at her, then sighed himself and stepped back from the plans, giving her his full attention. "Okay, look - see? I'm not even going to peek at it." Which is when he did exactly that, turning in an exaggerated pose to look at the plans... which made Hope give a merry little giggle.

"Very cute, Sombra. But I was talking about the Creation Spell."

He now seemed to get a bt more interested. "You finally got it?"

"I haven't run a test spell yet, but the theory's solid and Sigil and Woad have both said they can follow it... granted, they can't understand it, but they're not the Royal Court's High Magus, either."

Sombra smirked. "Hope, as long as you live, I doubt anyone will ever hold that position, save for thee. Now, as for the Creation Spell..."

At this point, Siddy wasn't sure whom she should hate more: Sombra or Hope. The only truly acceptable option was hating both of them. Whatever they were doing, for whatever selfish and greedy reasons, they were both worthy of nothing more than rotting in Tartarus forever.

"Yes yes," she spoke up, "like I was saying as I was being ignored earlier, I should have something ready to go as soon as next week!"

Sombra smiled. "Studying those altars really paid off, didn't it?"

Hope's smile... faltered... for a moment, but she continued on regardless. "Yeah... so, next week, we might could bundle up and head out to Greygrove, so we can actually give the spell a try... that is, IF you're still interested?"

He had obviously missed her momentary falter, and continued on. "I most certainly would be! Soul-Friend, lifetime companion and dearest, sweetest ally... to actually venture forth into the realm of parenthood - especially magical parenthood - sounds as if we'll have our own little dynasty!"

Hope nodded. "Eeyup - you and me and baby make three."

"Or more, maybe..?" Sombra walked up to her and leaned his head next to hers, with she meeting him halfway as the supported each other, cheek to cheek. "I mean, if it could work for one... maybe it would work for multiples?"

Hope gave a rueful chuckle. "Well, if it does, I'm glad to announce that there won't be any use for my body in this spell; it should generate a crystal that would be able to support a spell, and should create a lifeform that is equivalent to a child - it will be up to US to raise her right."

Such upstanding parents and rulers they became, right? Obsidian tried not to mentally gag as she watched these two power-hungry and selfish fools, full of high words and lowly desires...

"Her?" Sombra grinned, "Foregone conclusion, is it?"

"Oh, most certainly," she gave a puckish smile, "fillies are better than colts, don't you know? It's a proven fact..."

Sombra chuckled, then stepped back from her to look at her earnestly. "Hope... everything we've done since we came into power... it's actually working and making a difference. The Empire is no longer weak or lacking, and the people are in better shape than they've been in years, decades even. And now, we can soon add an heir to the lineup - not just for royalty, but for family."

"Now, you give me too much credit - the Kayfadd Spell was cast through the altar on YOU; that makes you the one in charge, Your Majesty."

He fixed her with a look. "Don't call me that; it feels weird hearing you say it to me - as far as I'm concerned, you might as well be considered Queen."

She felt her give a light fidget with a hoof. "You know I don't need that - as long as I have my Soul-Friend, I'm happy with whatever Life decides to let me have." There was a slight sadness to that line, but Sombra missed it, yet again - he was a bit clueless when it came to others, it seemed... that, or extremely preoccupied. "So... next week, you, me, Greygrove, a little spell..." she smiled lasciviously, but Sombra just chuckled.

"Stop making it sound so dirty! It's not like we're-..." And again, that moment of awkward silence between them; it was obvious they held deeper feelings for each other, but it seemed they valued their friendship more than anything else.

Complete... and... utter... fools. Obsidian couldn't even properly express how much she hated them both right now.

"Y-yes, so... next week, you said?" Sombra broke the silence first.

"Yes - that would be about all the time I'd need to be able to figure out the exact phrasing and how much focus to put on it. Might take yet another week, but I swear to you, I am this close to solving it!" Hope placed her hooves so very close together, they may as well have been touching.

"I never doubted you for a second," he grinned, "you've always been better at magic than I have - that's why I made you the Court Magician. Well, that, and I wouldn't want you too far from me..."

She reached up and touseled his mane, much in the same way Clap touseled Mica's. "Yes, yes, I know... without me, you'd lose your mind, wouldn't you?"

Okay really - as far as Obsidian could tell, nothing horrible would have happened if the bastard would simply bed her, instead of using magic beyond their control or comprehension to create some foal-shaped meat puppets! And for what? To avoid using her own body as the incubator? It was frankly appalling, how one mare's vanity ended up ruining an entire kingdom...

Sombra looked at her solemnly. "I don't want to think of that; you're the greatest, grandest friend I've ever had - the only friend - and I don't want to be without your help, your guidance... I'd have never even had a chance to be here, making the Kingdom great, fixing all of Crest's problems, improving the quality of Life here to rival even that other nation-"

"Equestria," she smiled, "is our neighbor; probably a good idea to keep their name in mind - especially since they have alicorns."

Sombra nodded. "Yes, I hear you... speaking of which, what do you think of the younger one? Luna, I think her name is?"

Hope smirked. "Oh-HO... perhaps, are we seeing a possible princess to woo? Are you thinking of perhaps going out on a limb and asking about her? And why not the older one?"

Sombra shook his head. "No - she comes across as a bit too... eh, 'flighty' for me? But Luna... oh, be still my heart!" He put his hooves over his barrel and sighed longingly, making Hope giggle.

"Well, I hear she's sort of a serious mare; may want to brush up on your etiquette, else you might just embarrass yourself." Hope chuckled, "After all, you and I might enjoy belching contests... but somehow, I'm afraid the subtle nuances would be lost on royalty." They both laughed at that one.

Obsidian felt a sting of satisfaction at that; Sombra's next meeting with Luna (and Celestia) ended with his banishment into ice for a thousand years.

"Sombra," she stepped close, looking eye to eye with him, "I may be better at magic, but... all the changes you've made, just within the past two years, has been incredible. Never in the history of Equus has a nation picked up and begun to thrive as much as the Crystal Kingdom has, since you were placed upon the throne."

Sombra seemed a bit embarrassed, but he continued listening as she went on.

"This nation is poised to be the central kingdom to the entire world... and it's all thanks to the diligent and caring afforts of a stallion with a heart as big as the Crystal Mountains!"

"And the efforts," he added, "of one of the most gifted and powerful unicorns I have ever known. Don't sell yourself short, Hope; you're just as import-"

He suddenly clutched at his chest, and began to cough hard and rackingly. Hope seemed to go into a calm panic, and instantly took hold of him. "Okay, this looks like an easy one, it's okay, breathe..."

His head was dipped down as he'd held himself, but looking up at her, the purple mist was practically pouring from his eyes, and Obsidian could see wisps of pure darkness, dancing over his tongue inside his mouth. "H-Hope..." he moaned as he looked like he was trying to choke back poison, or something just as foul and lethal.

Hope's horn began to glow, and her magic wrapped itself around him as she hugged him tightly. "Easy, easy, eeeeeasyyyyyy..." The two of them sat in the floor, and she stroked his mane as he struggled to bottle up whatever had come loose inside him.

Oh, wasn't this lovely? Dark Magic taking its' rightful possession, punishing a fool for his transgressions, and thanking him for his purging of Empire history. Compared to Sombra, this Crest individual was probably outright saintly.

"Breathe; can you breathe for me?" Hope asked, but the only reply she got from him was another moan. Instead, she simply continued to comfort him as her magic seemed to focus on his horn.

After a few moments, the fits seemed to subside, and he sat back against Hope, shuddering slightly as he finally gathered control. "It's... g-getting worse, Hope..."

She nodded. "I've noticed... did it... did it demand anything new, this time?"

Sombra nodded, wearily. "... The Umbra wants... s-s-slaves..."

Hope seemed to react as if she was unsurprised. "Blood, revenge, power... and now slaves on top of that? Why?"

"If I only kn-knew, Hope," he groaned, "I'd tell you..."

The two of them sat there, in the floor, and held onto each other as if their very lives depended on it. "If I didn't... h-have you," Sombra said softly, "I don't know how I'd ever stay sane..."

She should simply stab him - here and now - instead of letting this insane, cruel beast live any further. How did Sombra get in contact with the Umbrals? Why was it making demands? Speak more, you mad, filthy creature! EXPLAIN YOUR MADNESS!

"I promise you, Sombra... as soon as I have the magic of these altars mastered, the first thing we will do is excise that... that... foulness from inside you. I've watched you suffer with it for far too long, and once I get the Creation Spell cast, then I'll know how the altars work... and I can hopefully bring you peace." Sombra just nodded. "Just hold on a bit longer, alright? I can soothe you, but you have to be the one to fight it..."

"I am... trying..." he groaned painfully.

That voice...

For those three simple words, Obsidian heard the voice of her father - the one she knew and loathed - but it didn't last, as Hope's horn grew an overglow, and Sombra's muzzle slowly began to unwind its' rictus of pain.

"It's okay, it's alright, I'm here, Sombra.... shhhh shh shh shh shh shhhhh..."

Oh yes - letting a possessed pony rule, especially after showing him the Umbral Altars, surely was nothing but a perfect idea! Obsidian was fairly certain that using an untested, potentially blasphemous spell that consisted of playing with Life itself couldn't make aaaaany sort of trouble.

Obsidian fumed at the pair as Hope continued to comfort the stricken Sombra...



The voices of Thunderclap Dash and Stalwart Stance clashed in her ears like cymbals, jarring her awake from her dream.

Author's Note:

Sapphire: Sister or possessed tool? Only time will tell... but we'll get back to the factory later, honest. Hopefully, when there's no one around to draw a crowd, right?

FOURTEEN jobs, yeah - and you think YOU had it rough at work... but again, as he stated, they're all jobs that wouldn't think twice about a Part-Time employee only popping up every now and again, and with his shapshifting ability, he couls always just reapply if he got released. Markannus is a very busy buggo.

And another mysterious dream/memory about Hope and Sombra. Oh, honeychile - if only I could tell you everything right now, but like any good story, it's just better if you take it in, little by little; hopefully, once we reach the point where the truth is fully revealed, I hope that folks enjoy what I've been building up, here.

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