• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 730 Views, 182 Comments

Obsidian: Shards Of Sombra - Randimaxis

Obsidian and company return for another adventure, as she seeks out the remaining shards of Sombra. But sinister things are brewing, and Obsidian must locate her erstwhile siblings before it's too late to stop them.

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Twenty Three: Retired Alicorns Non-Pareil

The inside of the cottage was... surprisingly low-key.

There were a few simple couches, a soft-looking easy chair, a cute little coffee table, and a number of nic-nac shelves all around them. The trinkets were actually little sculptures of ponies; some were familiar (like Twilight Sparkle and her friends), while others were unknown (like a mare with a red and yellow mane in a black jacket). But each seemed to have a place there.

Celestia made her way toward the kitchen, but her progress was blocked as Luna herself showed up.

"Ugh, I still think licorice cupcakes would have been delicious!" She, too, was dotted with batter; her apron read 'Makin' Bakin'', and she also had her normally flowing mane back in a ponytail... though hers looked about to come loose.

Licorice? That actually sounded pretty good. Obsidian had no idea why Celestia would be against that idea; it looked good, it tasted good...

Frankly, Obsidian wouldn't even dare to guess that two alicorns were living in this place - it looked... normal. Probably more normal than her own house (only because - let's be honest - keeping Amy, Tourmy and a Pie in one building was a simple way to make any house... er, not normal).

They seemed to have plenty of souvenirs, keepsakes... then it occurred to her; Obsidian herself didn't have any kind of apron at all. Maybe she should get one? Her adventures in the kitchen usually ended badly, but Cupcake seemed to appreciate the enthusiasm, so maybe he'd appreiate her wearing an apron, too?

"We can try those next time, Lulu. We have guests!"

"We have guests, yes I-" Luna broke off mid-sentence. "Obsidian?"

"Oh?" Celestia turned to regard her more closely. "So this is Obsidian, is it?"

She sauntered up closer, her power feeling as if it was almost shining from her like a sun. "I've heard many things about you; you seem to be on the minds of many a pony, lately. I can see the family resemblance... but I mean that in the best of ways, my little pony."

She turned to head towards the rear of the cottage. "Let me get cleaned up a bit, then we can speak, if you wish. I'll properly introduce myself when I'm presentable enough to do so..."

Luna, however, was also more impressive up close; she was younger and sleeker than her sister, but her eyes... Sweet Darkness, they were bewitching as they looked at Obsidian. "I do hope there's not yet another sibling causing dream troubles again... is there?"

Obsidian bowed deeply in front of Luna - Celestia would have to wait until her return. "Well... eh, as a matter of fact, there... might be... an issue or two to discuss, yes," she had to admit coyly, "and good afternoon, princess; I am quite sorry for this unnanounced intrusion."

Luna gave a hefty sigh, then closed her eyes. "The last one placed me into the dreams of Pinkie Pie - and that is someplace that is... trying, at best."

Short Round looked back and forth between the two. "I... take it y'all know each other already?"

"Indeed, Short Round - this is Obsidian, one of Sombra's children, and-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know that part, Lulu," he interrupted, "but I'm startin' ta get the feelin' that me an' the missus best head back to our own home; sounds like it's gonna get deep in here, if'n ya follow m'thinkin'."

Luna looked to Obsidian. "It's up to you, Obsidian - is this a conversation better left to certain ears only?"

Obsidian looked at Short Round, at Whisper and then at Luna... she pressed her ears against her skull, embarrassed once again by another social blunder. "I... I think so, yes. I sincerely apologize, mister Short, miss Whisper... I didn't think this over very well, it seems. I didn't intend to make you feel that we didn't want to spend time with you as well... but we would be more than happy to join you at your place as soon as possible... i-if it's okay with you?"

Both Short and Whisper nodded. "S'okay - hero stuff, right? Heh, no fur off my flank; no harm done, ma'am. C'mon, hon," he looked at Whisper with a smile in his eyes, "I think we got a bit o' snugglin' t'catch up on, anyhoo."

Whisper smiled, nuzzled her stallion, then waved to them all as the two of them headed out the door. It seemed that they weren't bothered that Obsidian wanted to speak more privately with the princesses... which was good, as she'd hate to insult them accidentially. Once they were gone, Luna's gaze went straight to Siddy's eyes.

"You and I," she stated with some irritation, "must have an earnest conversation about your erstwhile siblings."

"I agree wholeheartedly," Celestia said as she rturned to the room. NOW, she looked like the princess Obsidian had been expecting; she'd left the apron and the doughspots behind, and had let her mane out. When she walked up to Obsidian, she was as regal and royal as every picture or artwork of her could ever accurately portray... and even moreso in the horseflesh.

She gave a low bow. "Lady Obsidian of the Crystal Empire, I am Celestia; a pleasure to finally meet someone whom I've heard so many grand things about."

Luna rolled her eyes. "Oh, once you hear her troubles, you'll get over that soon enough, sister."

Celestia had returned; it was bowing time. "The pleasure is all mine, princess... and please, Princess Luna, it's not my fault that my siblings are, in most cases, cruel psychopaths." She stood up. "I do apologize for bothering the two of you... however, I assure you that I had to discuss this with you personally... or at least two of the issues I'd like to bring up." She was apologizing a lot today, Obsidian noticed.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "Well then, I suppose we should get right to it while the cupcakes are baking. Lulu, you sound as if this could be something you have some experience with?"

Luna nodded. "Unfortunately, yes. She wasn't wrong when she spoke of psychotic siblings; the one I encountered was strong enough to force she and I apart within the Dreamscape, and another one was responsible for the Umbral Incident."

"Oh?" Celestia looked a bit taken aback by this, but she handled it like a Princess, and simply sat down in the easy chair; with her seated in it, it may as well have been a throne. Luna took a seat on one of the nearby comfy-looking couches.

"Please, why don't you sit," Celestia offered, "and tell us what's going on?"

If a princess commands you, then it's probably a good idea to obey... and so, Obsidian sat down on the opposing couch from them. Gypsy seemed to be rather silent, so she peeked over at him to see how he was holding up; the diamond dog was simply standing there, transfixed by the sight of BOTH Pincesses in the same place.

Luna looked at him, then cleared her throat. "Mister Diamond Dog? Are you well?"

He jumped a bit, then wrung his paws together. "I-i-i-it i-i-is a pl-p-pl-p-pl-pleasure t-t-to m-m-mee-m-mee..."

His blush was bright as he shut his mouth with a snap, then his ears drooped... but Celestia smiled. "A pleasure to meet you as well; please, join us."

Gypsy said nothing else for now, but gave a low bow before sitting next to Obsidian. She could feel his slight shaking from where she was, but he was determined not to make a fool of himself. Obsidian patted Gypsy lightly to calm him down a bit; she had completely forgotten to introduce him... so she figured that at least part of his nervousness was her fault.

Damnation... this really wasn't going the way she'd imagined it to have happened. She was supposed to be collected and cool-headed; this felt more like she was a simple filly among goddesses.

Obsidian sighed as she tried to decide where to begin. "Well, the first issue is... well... a-according to some documents from 'Pola Industrial', you personally approved an order that included a number of Dark Magic scrolls for scientific purposes, Princess Celestia. I rather assumed that it was a forgery..."

Celestia frowned... and it was as if dark stormclouds hid the sunny smile that was there mere moments ago. "Forgeries in my name? And for Dark Magic? That isn't good - and no, I would never approve of such a thing, especially in the name of science; they tend to go a bit too far, if they get even an inch with dangerous things."

Luna nodded. "Pola Industrial... you mean the company that builds the mining and lumberjacking equipment? I've seen their machinery before, and it's exemplary... a shame to find out they're not as they appear to be."

Celestia gave a wry smirk. "In Equestria, what is?" She then turned back to Obsidian. "Do you have any proof of this, or are we going by word of mouth alone?"

"I'm afraid I don't have any proof with me, no; it was found by a friend of mine from Ponyville - Mica - and if you like, I can meet with him - with his help, I should be able to bring proof as soon as possible."

She really didn't think this over, and of course it was all her fault; she should have partied less and prepared more yesterday! Obsidian felt like she was showing far too many signs of becoming lazy...

"I also have an issue with yet another sister... one who unfortunately possesses mind-controlling magic, and who apparently can intrude on the dreams of her siblings - myself included. From what I gather, apparently this is possible not through magic directly, but by familial connections between King Sombra's shards. I have come here in hopes that I might ask for some advice on these matters, your majesties."

Celestia looked thoughtful for a moment. "Mica... wait, do you possibly mean Mica Chip, Maud Pie's son? I know who he is - and he wouldn't make up stories about such a thing. And he's quite knowledgeble when it comes to research; I'd be hard-pressed to find a reason not to believe his word."

She gave a soft sigh. "I suppose I'll have to do a little research myself; Pola Industrial is a privately owned company, if I'm correct, so I'll have to look into whom owns it, then."

Luna pondered it over from the couch. "A dream connection, we can handle... but connections through your heritage might be decidely trickier. We can possibly focus on your dreams when next you sleep, but we cannot do this indefinitely; we will have to see what we can do, and perhaps witness such a phenomenon personally. We can-"

"Lulu," Celestia softly chided, "you're doing that 'we' thing again."

Luna blushed a bit, then nodded. "Er, I will have to take a look and see if there is even anything I can do in that instance."

"I am exceedingly grateful to both of you, wise princesses," Obsidian bowed once more, "and if it helps anything, 'Pola' is an anagram for 'Opal' - which happens to be the name of one of my other sisters, one with a talent for mechanical devices... and apparently a rather nasty temper, as well."

She tapped her chin in thought for a moment. "I'm a bit concerned about this 'heritage' connection, to be fair - I'd prefer to avoid being mind controlled, as much as equinely possible. Luckily, as far as I'm concerned, my dear sister Amber should be possible of only reading some of my past memories... which is rather unpleasant, but seemingly harmless. At least, harmless in comparision to direct and total mind control."

Luna frowned at her. "You would be wise not to put such an ability out of hoof so quickly; whatever she learns, Amber could most certainly use against you. - and as we know next to nothing else about your connections, I wouldn't go assuming that such a thing would be harmless."

"Lulu, wasn't there an 'Opal' back in our time in Canterlot?" Celestia asked.

"Who, Opalescence? Rarity's cat?"

Celestia chuckled. "Right - my mistake." She turned back to Obsidian. "Please continue."

"I still see it as being riskier that I might be mind-controlled into killing everypony around me," Obsidian said with a rather saddened voice, "though for the record, Mica also discovered two more places where my siblings could potentially be hiding - and we are already investigating them."

Celestia grew a troubled look. "Obsidian... exactly how many siblings do you have?"

The unicorn gave a forlorn sigh. "There are thirteen shard-children of King Sombra; I can only hope father didn't keep more of us hidden away."

At this, both Princesses groaned as one.

"Oh, that's a headache just waiting to happen," Luna exclaimed.

"Alright then," Celestia sat up in her easy chair, "are they all at large, or are there some we need not worry about? I believe... Onyx... was dealt with during the Umbral Incident; are there any others we can possibly take off the list?"

"Peridot perished two days ago... Tourmaline and Amethyst live with me... and Ruby was killed during the Umbral invasion. I know that there are three of us who are still trapped in our shard-form, and we are currently investigating three more, including Opal. That leaves one unknown... assuming, of course, that my siblings currently under investigation have been working alone."

Celestia counted silently, then nodded. "So, that would mean we have to find out what we can about... these three you're looking into. Do you have any insight, or are you flying blind as we are?"

"I'm certain she knows something," Luna offered, "as I have found Obsidian to be quite intelligent."

"There is a fashion designer in Manehattan going by the name 'Quartz' who apparently looks like one of my brothers; I found a detailed picture of most of my siblings - hang on, I should have it in my saddlebags..."

Obsidian opened her saddlebag and began to hunt for the drawing as she continued. "There were also stories going around about a few blasted trees near Mount Arris; one of my siblings was known for explosive magic, so we considered it to be at least somewhat suspect."

Celestia's eyes widened. "Just a moment... you don't possibly mean 'Smoky Quartz', the fashion designer? But he's been in Manehattan for almost a year now - are you certain it's him?"

When she looked at the picture, however, her muzzle fell. "Yes... yes, that's him, alright. I met him personally once, at a gala we were invited to a few months back. He was flashy, charismatic, maybe a touch arrogant... but I'd have hardly had him figured for a Dark Magic practicioner. Besides, he donates half of his earnings to charity - but I'd know that muzzle and that braid anywhere."

Luna looked to Gypsy. "Fair Diamond Dog, might you have any information that would aid us in any way?" Gypsy's eyes bulged, but he shook his head no; he was still rattled by the two alicorns in the room.

"Well, princess... as you know from the interactions between you and myself, not all of us are dangerous... Ruby was downright pleasant, Tourmalione has adapted quite well, and Diamond is very kind and practices Healing Magic. I hope there is a chance that brother Quartz is a completely innocent pony with only the albatross of a dark heritage," Obsidian spoke earnestly, then took on a look of worry. "But, ah... better safe than sorry, I believe the idiom goes?"

Both alicorns nodded solemnly. "If Quartz IS behind something sinister, it's better that we find out now than later, I agree," Celestia said, "but truthfully, I I hope he's innocent; ego notwithstanding, he was a very sociable and likable stallion. It would be a blow to Manehattan to find out he was up to nefarious things."

Luna pondered for a moment, then looked up at the unicorn. "Well, there is something I can do - but it would have to be your decision to put it into place, Obsidian. I can effectively cut off your connecton to the Dreamscape; you'll sleep, but it will be dreamless until we discover a way to cage Amber, and keep her from delving into your mind."

Dreamless... that would mean that Amber would be unable to do that horrible gouging thing Siddy experienced last night... but it would also cut her off from seeing Ruby, as well.

"That... I believe I would appreciate that, to be honest. Such a horrible experience," Obsidian shuddered. "It could be so much easier if she could be freed from her shard and captured... but with mind-control being fer speciality, it would be risky at best. However, I can't really seem to come up with an acceptable alternative. Even just keeping her as a shard could be potentially dangerous."

Celestia grew a thoughtful look on her muzzle. "And, might I ask where these shards are currently being kept?"

"Well... currently, that's a situation that needs a bit more investigation, princess." (Technically, it wasn't a lie.) "But I believe it shouldn't take too much more time; I'm only afraid that they could be sealed up before they even have a chance at freedom."

"Sealing them might be the answer," Luna said, "as we cannot possibly know what to expect from such an unknown threat. If only we could locate them... we would be able to handle such a situation directly."

"Mmmmm..." Celestia murmured. "Sealing them wouldn't solve the problem, only make it more difficult to deal with directly. Putting your problems in stone doesn't always end them, unfortunately."

"In stone..." Now it was Luna's turn to murmur.

"No, I don't think sealing them off would be a good-"

"Wait, what about Discord?" Luna spoke up. "I would bet that perhaps HE might be able to do something about this that we might not be able to, Cici - he's as unknowable as this situation is, and with his reformation, I'm fairly certain he would help."

Celestia eyed her sister. "You DO realize whom you're speaking of, right?"

Luna waved a dismissive hoof. "Oh, he's not the threat he once was, and you know it. Besides, if Obsidian were to go through Fluttershy to handle him, it should be no trouble at all."

Celestia frowned at her sister. "No trouble at all doesn't even sound anything LIKE Discord."

"You perhaps have a better idea?" Luna asked with a raised eyebrow. Celestia seemed to want to have a better idea... but she said nothing.

"So, um," Obsidian gingerly interrupted, "I assume this means you would support handling them in a manner that wouldn't outright imprison them forever without giving them a chance?" Obsidian dared to ask. "After all, I am rather concerned for the welfare of my siblings, and it would grieve me deeply to see them judged without even a single chance to better themselves."

Celesta smiled warmly; it was as if the sun itself was warming Obsidian. "Of course I do - everyone should be given a second chance. Especially those who are misguided or simply don't understand that there are other options. Mistakes can be made, and if one never gets the chance to learn from them, they can never grow to become better."

Luna even grinned at that. "Sunset Shimmer, sister dear?"

The white alicorn giggled. "Or Starlight Glimmer, whichever you like. But regardless, no - I do not like the idea of robbing them of the opportunity to reform. Don't worry, Obsidian. I wouldn't allow it to happen, at least as long as I have any say in such things."

That was an incredible relief - Obsidian sighed softly as she calmed herself. All of Sombra's 'children' were created and raised up as mere tools, and it would be a terrible thing to punish a victim for a crime they were subjected to. It was especially true for poor Jade, she felt.

Luna looked to Obsidian and Gypsy. "Obsidian? Diamond dog? Do either of you think that perhaps Discord might be an alternative?"

Gypsy gulped, opened his mouth, then shut it again. For an answer, he gave a small whimper.

Celestia gave a light sigh. "I'm with you."

"Thank you, princesses... and my friend's name is Gypsy Rover." She turned to face her friend. "I'm so very sorry that I didn't introduce you earlier, Gypsy..."

Yup, plenty of apologising today.

"Diamond dogs have... some history with Discord, I'm afraid; I think I could talk with Miss Fluttershy and ask him for help through her - maybe he would know what to do with Amber's mind control and..."

Obsidian sighed. "Well, there is another issue with the third shard, entirely. Another one of my brothers - Jade - was tortured by my father and cursed to be some sort of venomous monster that can kill others by merely being in their presence. He..."

She looked up with determination. "I'd like to free him as soon as possible, because his shard was put in a waterfall of acid to torture him even more, but I don't know how to handle this curse yet..." She gave a sheepish expression. "Because the fact is, er... I already found the shards; I was simply too nervous to admit so."

Luna looked a bit shocked, but Celestia's muzzle took on a grim and serious look. "Obsidian... if we're to work together to deal with the situation, you will have to be more open and honest with me; I can't make plans for circumstances and details I don't know about. Anything else you might be withholding, you'd best come clean now - because I will find it VERY difficult to trust someone who doesn't trust me in return."

Celestia settled back in her chair. "I know you might be afraid of what might happen if you reveal secrets... but I assure you, I will be as amendable as I can, and that I won't use these things against you. But you have to trust me. Otherwise, this coversation will end rather quickly."

"I'm not afraid that it would be used against me," Obsidian explained, "I was only worried that if others found out about it too soon, Prince Shining Armor or Princess Twilight would simply give the order to seal the catacombs below the Crystal Empire, leaving my poor brother tortured for all eternity. That is all I know at the moment, however. Below the Crystal Empire, three of my siblings are kept in their shard forms - Diamond, Amber and Jade. Diamond is harmless and kind, Amber is the mind-controlling one, and Jade is tormented by acid and was cursed into being a monster. I found them by accident two days ago, when I was looking for my old room after my altercation with Peridot."

Celestia and Luna both listened intently, then the white alicorn sat forward in her easy chair and nodded. "It would be just like Shining or Twilight to overreact like that; your fears aren't unfounded. So they're beneath the Crystal Palace? Hmmmm... well, I can start researching magical means to transport things safely, so that we can try to get them into a more secure location quickly."

"After which, mayhaps we could request help from them, but not before, I believe," Luna added, "and once we manage to gather them in this fashion, we could possibly see what we might be able to do to help your brother."

"... bathing in acid, for a thousand plus years..." Celestia shivered visibly at the very idea. "Yes, we need to help him - all of them - as soon as possible."

"Thank you for your understanding, princess," Obsidian replied, fully relieved that her siblings would be given a chance.
"Diamond could be freed outright, I think - his talent was Healing Magic, so I am certain he could help with Jade's dilemma. Ruby praised his skills and character greatly, and I have zero reason to distrust her. If anything, I could probably trust her more than myself."

They both stared at her for a moment. "Ruby told you this, I assume, before she died in the Umbral Incident? Or is there more to this story as well?" Luna broached.

"Oh, no - she sometimes visits my dreams! She also appeared when I put on the Light Amulet during the Umbral invasion, though it was destroyed by Onyx in her ritual, sadly..."

Obsidian thought for a moment. "... umm, considering your stares, princesses... I assume this doesn't happen too often?"

The two looked at each other. Celestia said a single word: "Violet."

Luna nodded gravely, then turned back to face Obsidian. "Violet Shye was a small filly who was very gifted with magics, but was also very ill. When she passed away, her mother began to see her in her dreams, as if she were truly there. The mother, Mild Milk, even watched her grow over time, which was seemingly just a figment..."

Celestia continued. "Until Lulu realized that it wasn't a dream. The entity known as Violet Shye had somehow transferred herself into her mother's psyche, and was still existing there. Even growing and learning, mostly from her mother."

"In time," Luna went on, "Mild Milk began to lose her sanity, because she was convinced that Violet needed to come out of her head, so that she could live again. It caused her no end of grief to be aware that her child was living within her..."

"... and eventually led to a heart attack that ended Milk's life... and Violet's, by proxy." Celestia sighed and Luna shuddered. The elder alicorn looked to her sister with sympathy. "Luna felt them both go, as Milk was dreaming at the time."

"Their screams..." Luna visibly shuddered again.

"So," Celestia went on, "it may be possible that Ruby may be alive inside you. But the important question is, is she causing you any grief? Is she hurting you in your dreams, in any fashion?"

Interesting... Obsidian was quite curious why Ruby had been visiting her dreams so often, but assumed that somehow the connection between shards was stronger in death, or perhaps that dead ponies were always able to visit their lost close ones in their dreams. "No, princess - we had a tea party, the last time she visited," Obsidian replied truthfully, "though it could explain why she could feel things happening to my body," she mused.

"That is a relief to hear... it seems as though her presence within you is beneficial, or at least symbiotic - I would NOT wish to experience that again," Luna admitted.

Celestia pondered for a moment. "You say you wish to free one of your siblings? This 'Diamond', I assume, would possibly be of help to us in dealing with whatever other, more disreputable siblings you may come across, yes?"

It was interesting news that Ruby was inside her... but more importantly, it meant Ruby wasn't dead! Obsidian's plan to bring her back had to change, apparently - she was already here! Obsidian just had to find a way to make her a new body; should be easy enough, right?

"Yes, princess - he apparently has some rather potent healing magic. I believe he could easily adapt to modern times, especially if he has as good of a liaison as I did."

Celestia nodded... but Luna looked skeptical. "After a thousand years? I believe you are underestimating how much the world has changed since then... and you had an easy time of such only because you had friends to assist you in such. It would be remiss of me to emphasize that great care would need to be taken in order to acclimate him properly; believe me, I believe both you AND I know what that can be like, Obsidian." Luna's exile to the moon had been explained to Siddy by Mica and Gypsy, as part of their attempts to 'fill her in' on Equestrian History.

"Still, it does stand that a healer would be extremely helpful... especially in light of the fact of more siblings being present. There may come a time where such a healer could save a life."

Celestia visibly seemed to ache over that for a moment; no doubt, she was thinking of a certain orange earth pony.

"Still," Luna went on, "if you feel that such is a good thing, then I would certainly say to take caution... but I approve."

"As do I," Celestia added, "and I would believe that getting the shard out of the Crystal Empire would be paramount. I have," she grinned, "something in mind to get by the border security... but first we would require a means to contain these shards."

"I asked my coltfriend to think about ways to smuggle Diamond into Ponyville; he's a Pie, so I hoped he could come up with an unorthodox, yet highly effective solution. Of course, with your help and approval, I believe we won't have to worry about that so much," Obsidian admitted. "And I only assumed he could easily adapt because I planned to introduce him to my friends. It won't be an effortless or painless adaptation, but he should hopefully be more receptive than I was when I first arrived."

Luna nodded, and Celestia stretched before she answered. "The easiest solution would be for me to teleport them out... but Twilight Sparkle activated your shard when she magically tried to lift it up; I would assume magical manipulation would be out, then. And either of our presences in the Empire would bring far too much publicity... but I DO know of a solution."

Luna looked at her sister with apprehension, but Celestia only smiled.

"I'll introduce you to them shortly, but first... I need to know if you can possibly trust someone else with this information? At least, as far as smuggling the shards out goes?"

"Princess, I was only hiding the information because I was worried that they could be sealed away forever... now, with your approval for our plans, I feel so relieved that I could even improvise a song about it and sing it in public!" Obsidian smiled... then, she realized what she'd said. "... er, metaphorically speaking, of course - I'm terrible when it comes to rhyming."

Celestia's smile widened. "Excellent. Then after I take the cupcakes from the oven - of which, you two may have some, of course - then we can take a short walk to-"

"A short walk..? Oh, Cici, NO..." Luna suddenly moaned, but Celestia's smile only widened.

"Now, Lulu... who else do YOU know who could smuggle a set of crystals out of the Empire without trouble?"

"But they ARE trouble!"

Celestia only shook her magnificent head as she went to the kitchen. "And that's what makes them perfect for this job!"

Luna got up and followed her. "Cici, I don't like them! You know what they're capable of!"

Celestia's voice came from the kitchen. "Which is why they'd not only be good at it, but they'll probably enjoy coming out of retirement for it..." Their voices became muffled as the kitchen door swung closed behind Luna.

Gypsy slowly turned to look at Obsidian. "Th-they are not as r-r-regal as this one thought they w-would be," was all he murmured.

Obsidian shrugged slightly. "That's... a good thing, I guess? The most regal pony I've ever met was my father... and you saw how that ended. You said yourself that they were parents to the nation - and it's fitting, methinks. In many ways."

Gypsy relaxed a bit, and his tail even gave a few weak thumps against Siddy's flank.

"... and that will be fine by me," Celestia said as she returned, holding a tray of fresh cupcakes in her magic.

Luna reappeared as well, her mouth full of cupcake. "Wew, I stiw don' wike id," she said before she swallowed, "but you DO have a point, I suppose."

Celestia brought the tray over to them, offering one of the baked goods. "Cupcake?"

Gypsy timidly reched out and took one, blew on it a moment, then took a bite... his eyes rolled back in his head, and he let out a sound of satisfaction that made Siddy believe he'd just had a soul-changing moment. He slowly chewed, then looked at the cupcake again... and devoured it quickly, in two snaps of his toothy maw.

He looked over at Obsidian. "C-c-cupcake must never know..."

Obsidian looked at Gypsy, at the offered cupcakes, then at Celestia. "They aren't enchanted, are they?" she asked as she took one anyway. She doubted that even an eternal princess of Equestria could make something better than her coltfriend's goodies.

Celestia wiggled her eyebrows. "I don't know..." she looked at Gypsy then, "are they?"

Gypsy licked his lips. "They ARE m-magic... though n-n-not magic magic."

The elder alicorn gave a sweet giggle. "A high compliment; thank you, Gypsy." The diamond dog smiled shyly, then nodded. Celestia again offered the tray. "Come now, don't let them get cold." Gypsy's eyes widened, and he took another, letting his long purple tongue wrap around it comically before it vanished into his mouth.

One bite couldn't hurt, right? Somewhere inside Obsidian's very core, a sigh of contented delight welled up inside her at the first taste; they were heavenly, and it was such a delicious mix of berry and chocolate that the Crystal Empire had never known, nor would ever match. It went down like a dream, and warmed her tummy as the flavor sent her off into a bliss she'd never felt from food before.

Gypsy was right; Cupcake should NEVER find out about these, or he'd spend the rest of his life trying to figure out how to make them himself.

Obsidian was purely dumbfounded for a moment. She liked being surprised with good food; after all, she had to make up for all these years where she was fed tasteless and gritty meals in the Crystal Empire.

"I live with Cupcake Sprinkles, and I had thought that no manner of food could surprise me ever again. I was wrong - very wrong. I'm even pleased that I was wrong..." It was so good that tears appeared at the corners of her eyes, out of sheer delight.

Celestia's smile was radiantly glowing. "Thank you; a thousand years of practice works wonders, hmmm?"

Luna grinned wryly. "Oh yes, dear sister... that's why I'm so very good at identifying moon rocks."

Celestia now was the blushing one. "Touche, Lulu."

Obsidian remained silent. She was savouring that taste - she really couldn't tell Cupcake about this, not in a million years - it almost felt like cheating! Besides, Celestia had a plan in mind; it was her turn to talk.

"Now," she said as she sat the tray down, "if you'll come with me, I'll take you to some... allies... who would probably love the opportunity to help the shard community."

Luna rolled her eyes and groaned, but gave a small grin anyway. Celestia headed for the door, taking her time; she was apparently in no big hurry.

Okay, Obsidian had a choice - abandon these incredible cupcakes... or abandon Celestia. A harsh and difficult decision... but eventually, with great regret, she stood up and joined Celestia in her trek outside.

She really needed only one Cupcake in her life, anyway.

"By the way, princess... do you happen to know of the name 'Radiant Hope'?" Now would be the best time to ask, she thought.

Celestia nodded. "The name is familiar to me; she was Sombra's consort and confidant... until she utterly vanished. No one ever discovered what happened to her... but I have a bad feeling what may have occurred, due to Sombra's tyrrany."

She shook her head sadly. "I met her once; she was very kind, and had a lot of hope for Sombra to 'get better'... unfortunately, it seems as though her hopes were... sadly not to be."

They walked only a short distance until they came to another cottage on the other side of the community. This one had multiple smokestacks, and numerous pipes and wires that were all over the place, and they seemed to chug along merrily as they approached a thick oak door.

Celestia knocked with a hoof. "Gentlecolts? Could I speak with you for a moment, please?"

It was silent for a moment, then:

"NO! We're busy!"
"And the last time you asked for help, we got bamboozled!"
"Taken for a ride!"

Celestia lifted an eyebrow, but smiled. "Even if I offer to pay?"

It was quiet for a moment more, then the door opened wide. "Why didn't you start with that, then? Come right inside!" A voice called out. Celestia wiggled her eyebrows at Obsidian, then went in.

Gypsy whimpered a bit, and looked at his unicorn friend for some comforting words.

Author's Note:

And so - retired alicorns at home, doing what they do, being themselves. It was my thought that, even as regal as they both can be, Celly and Lulu would have simply endeavored to become just another pair of doddering old mares, enjoying the relaxation and stress-free life of a retiree. I hope I portrayed them agreeably, and that there's evidence in there both of the 'royal' aspects of the two... and their 'granny' aspects, as well. I hope it's accurate enough for the fans.

The whole 'Violet Shye' incident was actually taken from a recurring nightmare I used to have as a kid - modified for pones, of course. I felt it would be a good aside here, and it adds a bit of worry towards Obsidian - though it seems she's taking it well enough.

And OH yes... the chapter title is a bit of foreshadowing as to the next canon guest stars coming up. I would wonder if anyone could guess... but I dropped enough hints; it should be highly obvious by now whom will make an appearance in the next chapter. :ajbemused:

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