• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 730 Views, 182 Comments

Obsidian: Shards Of Sombra - Randimaxis

Obsidian and company return for another adventure, as she seeks out the remaining shards of Sombra. But sinister things are brewing, and Obsidian must locate her erstwhile siblings before it's too late to stop them.

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Thirty Three: Diamond's Day Out

It was refreshing to see that King Sombra, their tyrannical father, could spawn somepony so kind and enthusiastic as Diamond; perhaps he wasn't so bad, after all.

But then, why would he scar himself with the creation of thirteen children in such a manner as this spell? Perhaps Diamond was small, but it was clear that there was something good in King Sombra. At least, good enough to create him. Mysteries after mysteries...

The front desk receptionist was kind, and once she finished giggling from Diamond and his plushie's antics, she presented him with his papers. After allowing him to sign for them (for which he wrote in beautiful loopy Crystallian cursive), she smiled and wished him well, which he heartily returned... and Gypsy dutifully translated.

When they stepped outside, Diamond just stood there for a moment, taking in all the sights of just being outdoors. His head slowly tracked from one side to the other, then back as he seemed to drink in every detail. When he spoke, it wasn't the chipper, gleeful sound he'd been making, but once of awe and reverence.

"{Never has the veil of beauty ever been so fully revealed unto me, lo this very day, as I wonder at the wonder that lies before me...}"

His eyes teared up a bit as Gypsy sidled up to Obsidian. "Your brother q-q-quotes a classic nov-v-vel, from the Empire before S-Sombra's rule; this one is impressed that he kn-knows such things."

"{Mine eyes hath seen the glory...}" Obsidian mused under her breath while Diamond was feasting his heart on the sights in front of him - and that was merely the beginning! Her little (yet older) brother had so many things to see, so many new experiences to live through! Friendship! Laughter! Magic! Snugg-...

... okay, there would be some lines. But all that could come along later; right now, the little stallion with the big heart (and the plushie phoenix) needed his moment to enjoy it all.

Mundy looked back at Obsidian and the rest with tears on his cheeks. "{It is the most beautiful sight that my eyes have ever witnessed...}" He then sniffled, wiped his eyes and gave a smirk and a light chuckle. "{Save for Stalwaat Stanze, of course.}"

The three of them made their way along the path that would lead them to (and through) the castle proper - after all, the facility was attached to it, but they were taking the long way... just for little Diamond. And he seemed to appreciate it so very much.

When they reached the front gates, the guards directed them to the office section... however, when the name 'Stonewall' was brought up, the guards all had a similar reaction; each one made some sort of expression that told Obsidian they probably didn't care for this 'Stonewall' very much.

Eventually, they reached a door that held a placard on it that proclaimed:

[Cpt. Stonewall Peavine]

Tourmaline shrugged and sat down at one of the nearby waiting chairs. "If you don't mind, I'll sit this one out right here; probably some boring talk anyway, and that office surely can't hold us all."

"{Will you come with me, Obsidyan? I would very much like to have you with me to meet this Stonewall! Perhaps we can all be friends!}" He looked so hopeful.

Obsidian actually had no idea who this 'Stonewall' was. What should they expect to find waiting behind that door? "{We can try, my brother,}" she replied carefully, "{but it is possible I could be asked to leave - I am not your liaison, after all.}"

"{Regardless,}" Gypsy spoke up, "{this one shall be with you, too; even if Obsidian is sent away, they surely cannot send a liaison away as well, yes? You shall be fine."}

The little unicorn nodded, and then reached up to timidly knock on the door.

"Yes, fine - come in," said a bored and... familiar?... voice.

Diamond looked back at Gypsy and his sister and nodded, grinned bravely to Tourmaline, then went inside.

The office was, to be blunt, a bit of a mess. There were stacks of papers all over, along with a number of swords, a few crossbows, and even a few pieces of plate armor. All were neatly polished and exactly stacked, but the room was just cluttered with so many various objects, there was nowhere to sit down at. In the center of the place was a large desk, made out of what looked like steel. The desktop was organized, but every inch of desk space was taken up by announcements, notices, messages and more.

But it was who she saw sitting behind the desk that told her this could possibly be a bad moment for them all...

"YOU!" he said as soon as he saw Obsidian, and pointed a hoof right at her. It was the pastry thief!

Any trace of a smile simply dropped from Obsidian's muzzle when she saw who this mysterious 'Stonewall' was. Of all the possible ponies around, it just haaaaaaaad to be the thief that tried to ruin Thunderclap's only joy that day! Obsidian started to raise her hoof... then thought a moment about it, realized her situation - more importantly, Diamond's situation - and put it back down with a huff.

"Me," she said with a deadpan voice to match her current expression. The two of them glared at each other for nearly a solid minute before they both heard a voice.

"{Greetings and salutations!}" Mundy was looking up at him, oblivious to the exchange. Gypsy, however, took a step back and watched with apprehensive eyes, being spooked by the initial reaction.

Captain Peavine blinked, and turned his angry gaze on Diamond. "That better NOT have been an insult!"

"P-p-please, it w-was not a-an ins-s-sult to y-you, good c-c-c-captain," Gypsy stumbled out, "i-it is a g-g-gr-g-greeting, n-nothing m-m-more."

Peavine eyeballed the little unicorn, then looked back up at Obsidian. "And YOU... why are YOU here?"

Oh, sweet embrace of Darkness, this going to be fun - and by 'fun', she meant 'ripping your own horn out from the middle of your skull using nothing but your own hooves' kind of fun. "Because I can speak ancient Crystallian. Fairly well. Thank you." It was one of the reasons, sure... just not the most important one; the bastard didn't need any more fuel for the fire he was undoubtedly going to attempt to burn Diamond with.

The stern-muzzled stallion turned and gave a look to Gypsy. "And YOU?"

"Th-th-th-this o-one i-i-is-" the diamond dog stammered, being put on the spot by an agitated unicorn.

"Taking too long, is what you are! If SHE can do the job, then YOU can wait outside, dog!"

Gypsy's ears drooped, his tail hung, and he looked like someone just crushed his paper swan. "Ap-p-p-ap-pol-"

"Just go!" Peavine yelled, and Gypsy padded out of the room quickly with a yip, closing the door behind him. Peavine now sat back s-l-o-w-l-y in his seat, examining them both.

"Now, I was told that this would be another refugee from the Crystal Empire, one that I would be in charge of, generally speaking. I don't know what YOU have to do with this little pone, but with you here, I'm getting a few ideas..." The smirk he put on was anything but reassuring.

"So - is this your friend, by any chance?" He seemed to be quite interested to hear the reply.

Diamond just looked a bit confused, and looked to Siddy with a raised eyebrow.

She could simply kill him; considering the reactions of the other guards, nopony would miss him very much. If anything, she might even get some congratulatory gift baskets. "I literally just met him yesterday... and for your information, you've just rudely sent away his official liaison." The ancient and sacred art of half-truths was going to be demonstrated quite frequently today, it seemed.

"{Oh, Obsidyan is my dear, dear sister - and she is a wonderful sister at that! I am pleased to meet you; my name is Diamond, and I would like to be your friend, if I may?}" Diamond chirped happily.

Peavine slowly narrowed his eyes at Mundy as he spoke, then glanced at Obsidian. "Well?" he said, ignoring her comments, "what did he say?"

"{Use caution, Diamond - this one is not a nice pony.}" Granted, Lemon didn't start too nice either - but at least he didn't try to steal her pastries. "He said that he is pleased to meet you, his name is Diamond, and he wants to... *sigh* to be your friend," she translated almost completely and utterly truthfully.

Diamond looked at her with a curious glance, but Peavine just barked a laugh. "HA! A stallion that small would have little to offer in the realms of royalty, where I spend much of my time, by the way - besides, I already have all the friends I need, and you seem... seem..."

Stonewall leaned forward, his eye going from Diamond's flank to Siddy's, back and forth for a moment, before a slow, wicked grin crossed his features. He then sat back in his chair, pleased with himself.

Jynx was right - FUCK was the perfect word, right now.

Diamond looked back at Peavine again, and then cleared his throat. "*ahem* {Well, though I may not be very important, I would still wish to get to know others during my time here. Yet, I understand if you do not wish to become friends yet; I can wait for that.}" He smiled beatifically at the captain; the smile went unreturned.

"Ask him if he has any previous experience with something along the lines of actual work," the captain said to Obsidian, still grinning like a hyena about to feed.

Was this little fish in a big pond thinking far too much of himself? He certainly was full of himself - annoyingly so. By 'spending much of his time in realms of royalty', he probably meant scrubbing their toilets or something of the sort.

With a heavy sigh, Obsidian reached into her saddlebags and placed a very specific bracelet on her leg. She needed Flur - for some mental stability... or at least a good source of creative swears.

Flurry? she thought, Are you available?

"{Diamond,}" she said aloud, "{he asks if you have had any experience with labor. Or perhaps I should simply introduce you as a medic?}"

Diamond looked at Obsidian with an 'are you serious?' smirk. "{Do you forget that I can understand him? He is the one who requires translation, not me, silly sister!}" Diamond smiled kindly at her. "{But yes, please inform him that I am of a medical ability in my work. Perhaps he would like that?}"

"Okay, what was all that junk?" Peavine said.

Whoa! Sids, is that you? What's up, buttercup? Did you manage to get any of your siblings free yet?

Didn't he say earlier that he didn't know Equestrian? Or... er, did he? "He's a healer... a talented one."

Of course it's me, DUH - did you expect anypony else? Have you possibly made more bracelets like this? To be fair, it was a rather silly question from Flurry. Yes, Diamond is free and he is oh-so-very cute! What is going up with you, my friend?

"Healer? Him?" Peavine goggled at her, then sneered at Diamond's stature. "He looks to me like someone who could barely hold up a cotton swab!"

"{Oh! Does he possibly wish to see a demonstration that I can hold up a... kottan swhab?}"

"What'd he say now?" The captain looked somewhere between trying to figure out the words and not caring much either way.

Ha ha, fuck you - but hey, you got Diamond free - totes awes! And... you say he's cute, eh? Has he got a marefriend yet? Obsidian heard a slight chuckle on Flur's end.

Well, on the subject of fu-... actually, n-nevermind. For some reason, Obsidian got the feeling that if she told Flurry, it wouldn't be long before everyone knew; maaaaaaaybe she'd keep that particular tidbit to herself. For now. But if she DID tell anyone first, who better than Flurry Heart? He is making a valiant effort, but... heh... well, Stalwart doesn't seem to be too eager for his affections, at least at the moment - but he's still trying.

"Captain, this stallion has healed many, many wounds in his lifetime - some being rather terrible ones. This includes the one that gave him that nasty scar on his side," Obsidian earnestly tried to communicate with this... asshat. But unfortunately, the asshat was an asshat.

Really? First Lemon Custard, now Stonewall Peavine; why did it seem like every officer responsible for Sombra's children was hoofpicked for their rude manner and annoying behaviors!?

Peavine looked at the scar she mentioned; he seemed unimpressed. "Hmmph - if he was really as good as you claim, there wouldn't be a scar, now would there? Well, it's fine anyway," he went on, shuffling papers about as he spoke, "because I already have a work assignment for you, once we get past this meeting... and I'm sure you'll just love it."

THAT couldn't be good.

"{He has found an assignment I will enjoy? Wonderful! Perhaps he will be my friend after all!}"

STALWART!? Are you fucking serious - he wants STALWART!? Hooooooooly SHIT, that's fuckin' hilarious!

Obsidian tried to breathe as she attempted to spread her attention properly. "{I do not believe so, Diamond.}" Inhale. Exhale. "I do think that, after being wounded in so gravely a manner, a scar was the least of his worries." Inhale. Exhale. I'm going to MURDER the bastard... INHALE. EXHALE...

The captain waved away her comment with a hoof. "Yes, whatever - where he's going, he won't need those skills, anyway... because he's going to the dungeons!"

Peavine pointed an accusatory hoof at Diamond, and the little unicorn gasped, finally beginning to see what Obsidian was trying to tell him.

The guardpone laughed mockingly at him as he sat back down in his chair. "... to clean them."

Diamond looked at Obsidian, worry writ large on his little muzzle.

"There's a rather sizable number of cells that require cleaning down there, since we don't ever have much call to USE them anymore... so, as his first assignment under MY authority, he is to report to the palace dungeons, grab a mop and bucket - maybe even a sponge - and get to work."

He shuffled through a few more papers, then lifted one up and inspected it closely. "Looks like the Rainbow Suite's open; he can park his flank there, and if he doesn't like it, too bad."

"{Obsidyan... have I done something to make him angry with me? He seems like he might make a good friend, if he would just calm down a bit...}" Diamod looked concerned; was he under the impression that HE had made a mistake here? OOOOOOH, Obsidian was NOT going to have that!

"What's he yammering now?" Peavine asked, the tone of his voice starting to reach that perfect pitch of whine and exasperation that could drive someone over the edge...

Yooooooooooo... what's with all the feelings of hate comin' down the proverbial pipeline, here? What gives?

This stupid fucking asshole guard captain wants to assign Diamond to dungeon cleaning! I'm a fucking Daughter of Sombra, by Darkness! I know some nasty fucking spells and soon e-fucking-nough, I'm going to fucking use them!!! I can marry Cupcake in prison, OKAY!?

Obsidian wasn't in a very good mood at the moment.

"{He tried to steal my pastries, Diamond - and then got angry when I didn't let him,}" she explained shortly. {"He's just a type of small, pathetic creature who got a bit too much power, and now tries to abuse it, all the while failing to notice that bullying the daughter of one of the most notorious warlocks in history can be extremely dangerous... silly, isn't it?}"

Obsidian narrowed her eyes, not bothering to give Peavine a reply.


There was something... authorative... in Diamond's voice as he spoke. "{Are you allowing him to control your joy? Your kindness? Your heart? No - this is not how you handle someone who is angry and spiteful; do not allow his hate to dwell within you, Obsidyan... else you only become him through your own actions.}"

He looked at Peavine again, but still spoke to Obsidian. "{When spite is your enemy, give it nothing TO spite; tell him I thank him for my assignment, and I appreciate his work on my behalf. Please.}"

"Well? Are you going to tell me anything?" Peavine looked practically livid. "What. Did. He. Say!?"

"{Do not let others steal your happiness, Obsidyan - for they always replace it with hatred,}" Diamond said softly.

FUCKOLA, Sids! What the Tartarus did this guy do to get to you like this? SHIT! Who the fuck IS this ass-clown?

Captain Stonewall... he's currently trying to bully my brother, and he puts my kindness, patience and benevolence to the test! I can stand it when somepony tries to irritate or harass me... but my friends and siblings are OFF-FUCKING-LIMITS.

"He... thanks you... for his assignment... and appreciates your work on his behalf," she replied haltingly through clenched teeth; she was already plotting revenge.

Diamond smiled at her sweetly, while Peavine eyeballed them both for a moment. "I fail to see how so many words are needed to say something so simple... but good. Glad to hear he appreciates it."

He swiveled his chair until he reached another stack of papers, riffled through them and pulled out a single sheet. "And I'm GLAD he appreciates it, because there is plenty of work to be done around here! Since he likes it so much, I'll be sure to add a few other tasks as well..."

He then gave Obsidian a snotty grin. "You know... because he'll appreciate that, won't he?"

Stone- CAPTAIN FUCKING PEAVINE?! SHIT! Fuck, Sids, I'm sorry about that shit; he was here for a few years, until Dad got a number of complaints about his behavior toward the other guards. He was an insufferable fuckin' turd! THAT'S why Dad reassigned him to Auntie Twily's castle; so he wouldn't have to look at the fucker anymore! Oh, fuck me with the moon, Sids - that SUCKS.

Mentally, Obsidian sighed. Well... on a brighter note, I proposed to Cupcake.

HOLY SHITBALLS! Woo hooo! Way ta go, Siddy! FUCK yeah! You'd BETTER send me an invite to the damned thing, gurl! Guess you get the High-Score, you magnificent bitch, you! YAAAA-HOOOOOO!

"Now," Peavine went on, "make sure he knows he's to report to the dungeons bright and early tomorrow, and that he'll be expected to return to me after he's done with it; I'll have more assignments for him by then, so I assure you he will NOT be bored."

"{Thank you, Obsidyan - I promise, in the long run, how you conduct yourself among those who spite you will mean far more than how you spite them in return.}" Diamond then turned and bowed low and humbly to the captain.

Peavine looked at him for a moment before his eyes swept back to Obsidian. "Now... unless someone stole your sweetroll, I'd suggest the two of you get out of my sight, this instant. I have some very important work that had to be sidelined to deal with this midget, and I am NOT about to allow it to go wanting much longer."

Of course I will send an invite, Flurry, though it would be probably wise to deal with your problems with Thunderclap before. Your mother would possibly like to know as well... but please, don't tell anypony else. It's, um... fresh news; not even all of my friends here know about it yet.

Perhaps Amy would like to help out with her little Peavine problem? There were SO many accidents that could happen to a bastard like Stonewall. "{Let us go, Diamond,}" she growled with irritation. That bastard - all of that, just for pastries!

Oh, Mom and Dad know all about little love secrets, trust me - ask Pinkie. Oh, she's gonna be so fuckin' STOKED! And... and... do we REALLY have to invite Thunderbutt? I mean, it's supposed to be a HAPPY occasion... and that fuckin' bitch is anything BUT!

"{Of course, Obsidyan. Thank you for helping me.}" Peavine didn't even glance their way as they left, but out in the hall, Tourmaline looked up sharply as they came out; Gypsy was in the chair next to him, curled around his tail and looking nervous.

"{Diamond, what happened in there?}" Tourmy spoke up.

Diamond just smiled. {"Nothing a kind heart and a calm mind cannot handle, Tourmaline."} He then went to Gypsy and began to speak softly to him, explaining that all was well, and that Peavine was just... understandably upset at being pulled away from his duties. Tourmy didn't look as though that answer was satisfactory enough for him... but he said nothing. Yet.

"{And where shall we go now, my most honourable sister?}" Diamond asked, eyes wide and smile sweet.

Oh, shit. "Don't..." Obsidian stopped herself, took a breath, and began again.

"{Please don't call me 'most honourable'; I have some rather... embarassing memories with this specific term, brother. Please.}" Obsidian was still very visibly annoyed - and the fact that this... this push-over - her own brother - seemed to be fine with everything happening to him, only served to irritate her further.

Had Amy been seeing her in the same light? Huh.

"{Perhaps Lemon could do something about it; with his position...}" she mused.

Come now - she's one of my best friends, Flurry. She really is nice now. Hotheaded, yes... but nice. And she genuinely regrets her past actions, too. Come on, at least try? For the wedding?

"{Obsidyan, do not bring more stress, please - to act out against this unicorn would only begin a war between the two of you, and I would be caught in the middle. I beg of you, ignore his anger, and focus on your own happy thoughts; I do prefer to see you smiling, sweet sister.}"

Gypsy got up, gave himself a rough shake to straighten his hoodie, then turned to Obsidian. "P-p-p-pl... p-p-p... {Please, may we go now?}"

Apparently, Gypsy's Crystallian was easier to maintain than his Equestrian; was it just a mental block?

"I think we should, as well," Tourmaline said as he glared suspiciously at Peavine's door while they passed it, headed toward the front gates once more, "and I believe I may have some things to say to... certain parties... that might bring a change or two." He had spent his time in the dungeon playing cards and telling jokes with the guardponies; maybe he DID have a few contacts down there..? Lemon did say he'd been 'charming' them, hadn't he?

The four of them headed for the front gates, but it seemed only Diamond with his little phoenix friend, was now the only one who was in a good mood. This day was shaping up to be fucking irritating.

Stupid Peavine. He simply didn't know what he had inadvernetly unleashed today! Maybe talking with Amy would be a bit too much - but there was always Jynx...

"{Well, what's next? Maybe we could stop in to visit Lemon? We could possibly look for our friends? Perhaps give Diamond a tour through the School of Friendship, then we could take him to Sugarcube Corner, and introduce him to the broad choice of sweets there. Or, we could possibly go to the Carousel Boutique, and introduce him to Eloquence- OH! And I have to meet with him today, anyway. Otherwise, the sky's the limit.}" It was the correct use of this idiom, yes?

Diamond listened intently, then smiled broadly as that foalish sparkle came into his eyes again.

"{I... I want to see it all, Obsidyan! I want to meet the Lemons! To look for friends! To tour the School of Fremship! To go to the Sugared Cubes Corners! To go to the Carry Sell Boutique! TO LIMITS OF THE SKY!}"

Tourmaline and Gypsy both now wore small smiles at Diamond's enthusiasm (and mispronunciations), and Diamond himself was skipping like a filly at recess as he went merrily along with them.

He was just so gee-gosh-darn-heckin cute; even if he was sort of a push-over, he was still a pretty lovely individual.

"{To Eloquence, then. I really need to talk with him a bit, plus I also left a note for Cup that I'd be there. Maybe we will be able to meet him somewhere along the way... and after that, we can buy something sweet for you.}"

"{OOH! Could we purchase a sweets thing for Stalwaat? If I share with her, will she like me?}" Diamond looked so eager-to-please, it was difficult to say no.

Gypsy chuckled. "{Stalwart does not care very much for sweets... however, this one knows she does like spicy foods.}"

Diamond's muzzle lit up, and he looked at his sister with almost a puppy-dog-like pleading. "{May we purchase a spicy sweets for her?}"

"{I'm... not sure if there are any 'spicy' sweets... but if there are, Cupcake would know about it, I'm certain,}" Obsidian was sure about that. Though she was a bit less sure if Stalwart would appreciate the gesture - but that was something she had to discuss with Wart directly - without Diamond around.

The four of them continued to walk through town; again, a number of passers-by waved to them, and Gypsy and Tourmy waved to a few of them. Diamond waved to everybody, whether they waved or not.

Ponyville was bright and cheery today, and it seemed to match Diamond's mood precisely; the way he went through town, it was almost as if the place had been built specifically in mind for the cheery little stallion.

At one point, they reached a furniture store, where four large stallions were attempting to heft what looked like a massive dresser into the back of a cart. Diamond saw this and lifted a hoof to them. "{Please! Allow me to assist you, kind Equestrians!}"

With that, he stepped over to where they were, took one end of the dresser, and lifted it clean off the ground!

Three stunned stallions watched as he simply walked over to the cart, not a sign of strain on his muzzle, and placed it gently in the back... where the fourth stallion, who had apparently been hanging onto the dresser for dear life, had apparently also been lifted and loaded in.

Diamond brushed his hooves together as the stallions gawked at him. {"I am pleased to be of service, gentlecolts!"}

Tourmaline simply chuckled and stepped next to him. {"You never stop helping, do you?"} Gypsy just stared, as open-mouthed and shocked as the other stallions were. The pair of brothers simply walked on, as if nothing unusual had happened, as the mover stallions just gawked at the little unicorn.

"{Diamond, how... h-how is it even possible that you are that strong? That dresser seemed to not only be quite heavy, but also unwiedly!}" Perhaps their father had imbued them with some kind of secondary powers?

Tourmaline laughed. "Oh, that's right - nobody told you; Diamond here can bench press boulders, if he wanted to - he's always been freakishly strong, so it just never occurred to me to tell you about it."

"W-w-w-wow." Gypsy was dutifully impressed, and shut his mouth with a snap.

"{Indeed - I have been gifted with more than enough strength for my compact size; it was FUN helping the stallions!"}

Gypsy pondered for a moment. {"Then... is there a reason you allow yourself to be treated as you were by Captain Peavine? You easily could have shown him merely a demonstration of your strength, and he would have-"}

"{Gypsee,}" Diamond said with that strangely authorative tone, "{the true measure of one's strength is not what you have, but how it is used. There was no need for such, and besides - long ago, have I taken a vow of pacifism. I shall harm no living creature.}"

Tourmaline's muzzle got an almost sick look upon it, but Diamond went on. "{If I were to lift a hoof in violence, it would be so very easy to do so again... and again... and again, until I no longer even consider the peaceful options anymore. I shall not use my strength for violence unto a living being, for I am a healer - that would be against all I believe.}"

It explained why he was terrified out of his wits by Amethyst; he clearly would never strike her back, and she probably knew it. This vow worked a bit too well, perhaps.

"{Was it something done by our father, during the creation process? Some kind of alteration to it?"} Obsidian asked.

Tourmaline shrugged. "{Honestly, I don't know - and he never specified, either way. Mundy's just always been... tiny, yet strong.}" Maybe it was something to do with how powerful Harmony was in this land and age; Sombra may have had only a small amount of kindness, but apparently, a little went a LONG way!

Eventually, they found their way to the Carousel Boutique. Recalling her feelings towards the Rarity Suite, this might once have been downright painful to endure... now? maybe not so much. While placing her in Rarity Suite right after she was dragged from the dungeon she'd called 'home' was a mistake, Obsidian had kind of gotten used to these frills. As such, she was able to look at the building without scowling or retching.

"{Ohhhhhhh}..." Diamond marvelled, "{What a beautiful building! Are we going inside here, Obsidyan?}"

{"Yes we are, Diamond.}" Either he was really easy to impress... or perhaps he really, genuinely liked it.

When they opened the door, a merry little bell gave a tinkling sound that made Diamond giggle aloud. Inside it wasn't quite as frilly as it was outside; this was a workshop, and had all the hallmarks of such. There may have been a decoration or two (or twenty), but the place looked more for action than display.

Around them were a number of dresses on racks; light ones, heavy ones, frilly ones, snazzy ones, sultry ones, cute ones, adorable ones, simply divine ones... anything except ugly ones.

"Ah, salutations!"

Possibly because all the ugly in town was parked on Eloquence's muzzle.

Again, Obsidian was a bit taken aback at how very hideous his face was; it hadn't gotten any better since she first saw him in the library, and from the looks of things, it never would. Diamond stared at him for a moment, just looking at his muzzle directly and unabashedly.

"Obsidian, darling! Oh, I am so STOKED you could make it, dear!" Elo gushed, "I've been looking forward to this for a minute or three, and I see you've brought extra guests as well! Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, one and all!"

"{May I try to heal his face?}" Diamond asked innocently.

Obsidian might not understand why somepony would make a clothing shop in a city where most of the ponies who lived there were almost completely naked, and how they were able to withstand fierce competition (after all, there were a few other shops in town - like the one where she went to with Thunderclap during their 'shooping experience'), but she had to admit these dresses looked nice.

"Hey there, Elo!" She waved to him with a cheerful smile, tainted a bit by the suffering she had to go through while looking at his muzzle.

"{Diamond, that's a bit rude - he's not sick, he just has... er... a unique beauty.}" Okay, that was a terrible lie.

Obsidian turned back to Eloquence. "Well, I most certainly have come to see you; in particular, for a spot of help with one small thing. Do you perchance know where I could purchase a necklace? With custom modifications?"

"Necklaces?" Elo looked shocked. "Oh, sweet-treat, are you mockingme? I happen to have a number of rather exquisite pieces right here in the shop! Designed and crafted by Mother and I, specifically to be worn around the most important necks you could ever know... come now, darling, don't tease like that. It's uncouth."

He made his way to one of the counters, and sure enough, it was a display counter with quite a broad selection of baubles, necklaces, brooches, earrings, bracelets... just about any sort of accessory one could want.

"Now, Siddy-licious, I'm just certain there has to be something here that'll take your minds' eye by the shoulders and shake it into complacency, so feel free to take your time and peruse all the fine wares you'd like," Elo said as he spread his hooves dramatically over the display case.

Diamond looked at Elo, studying him thoroughly, while Tourmaline came over to look at the accessories as well. Gypsy, on the other hoof (paw?) was transfixed by a display that held a number of fine hats... specifically, he was staring at one that had a number of lovely diamonds on it as a trim.

Mundy looked at Obsidian. "{You say he has a unique beauty... where is it?}"

Eloquence still had a rather original manner of speaking... though sadly, most of these necklaces were a bit too frilly for her own tastes. She wanted something plain, something simple... and with no diamonds. She was lucky that she was named after an inexpensive stone.

"Ahem, Eloquence... this is Diamond - my brother. He joined our company yesterday, and it's his first time in Ponyville. Gypsy Rover is his liaison." She turned and answered Mundy softly, {"... in his heart, Diamond. In his heart."}

Elo looked down at little Diamond, and (shudder) smiled. "Well, aren't you absolutely bright and cheery-looking today, hmmm? YOU look like you could use a scarf, because you're just so adorable, you practically NEED some sort of accessory..."

He then leaned in closer to Diamond. "I mean, the phoenix is a lovely touch, but I'll bet we could find that phoenix a cute little matching scarf to go with yours? I mean, if you're going to be so very charming, it would only be fair and just for your little friend to follow suit, right? Plus, I'd consider it fun to see such a heaping helping of CUTE find just the right thing to make them happy; that IS what it's all about, after all."

Diamond smiled broadly at Eloquence. {"Yes, Obsidyan - in his heart. You are correct."}

Elo lifted an eyebrow. "Was that... a yes, perchance? Apparently, I don't speak 'Adorable-ese', so you might have to give me the rundown, Obsi-love, as to what he's saying?"

"He says you've got quite a big heart, Eloquence," Tourmaline answered, and the reply made the ugly stallion smile even more... at least, she hoped it was a smile.

Elo looked down at Diamond again, smiling as well. "Well, aren't you just chock-full of sweetness, darling? Thank you heaps and leaps, my fine sir! Now, we keep our scarves here," he brought Mundy to a rack, "and I'll tell you what; purchase a scarf today, and I shall make a matching one for your little buddy - free of charge!"

Oh gosh, this little phoenix outfitted with a matching scarf would be simply adorable. And with it, Diamond would be able to induce heart attacks in ponies, merely using his cuteness! However, cute as the scene was, introducing Diamond wasn't the only thing that Obsidian had wanted here.

"Did you possibly see Cupcake today, by any chance?" she asked with a touch of hope.

"Cupster?" Eloquence smiled. "Why, yes indeed - he stopped by, bought a little something," he nudged Obsidian and winked at her, "but he said to let you know he would meet you at home, darling - he's been so exceedingly busy at Sweet Apple Acres, I have to admit I was a bit shocked he made time to stop by!"

That was news - he was spending time there?

"{OH! Rapture!}" Diamond lifted a scarf from the rack - a sky blue one with yellow trim - and brought it over to show to Obsidian and Tourmaline. "{Look! It is perfect! I like how it looks, and it is SO SOFT, Obsidyan! May this one be purchased?}"

Elo smiled again. "I can't understand a word he's saying... but his voice is so sweet, and his expressions so merry, I almost don't have to know!" He then looked at Obsidian with an almost sheepish... look... type... thing... on his muzzle. "Almost - what did he say, darling?"

She had a feeling she knew what exactly he bought; probably the very same thing she wanted to buy for him. It was also nice to know he was once again spending time with Butter - they were friends, though Obsidian didn't see her too often.

"{Yes, brother, I'll check on the price.}" She turned to Elo. "He said it's perfect for him - how much does it cost?" She took her purse from her saddlebag; even if it was expensive, she had to admit: Diamond would look terrifyingly cute in it.

"... and now that we're talking about purchases... do you perhaps have any necklaces with obsidian stones, and possibly with a small locket? I need a... um... a-an engagement necklace." Assuming, of course, that something like that already existed; admittedly, Obsidian had no clue.

Eloquence's smile almost seemed to eat itself... no, no; he was smiling widely, that was all. By Darkness...

"Hmmmmmmm... let's see. The scarf will come to ten bits - though, for you darling, I'll say eight; after all, if you're going to be my muse for the next, best, brighest collection I have in mind, then we'll just call it 'a professional discount' and leave it at that, shall we?"

He then looked at Diamond. "Now... are we ready to see the magic of creation at work, my friend?"

Diamond nodded; he was excited.

"Then, by all means, it's time for inspiraaaaaatiooooooon!!!" With that, his horn lit up, and from seemingly every corner of the store, fabric, ribbons, thread and scissors came to life and began hovering over to the table.

As they watched, Eloquence sliced the fabric, added trim, cut the proper length, sewed it together properly, fixed any loose ends, and finished the little copy of Diamond's scarf within the space of a single minute. Once done, things floated back into place as the tiny scarf was levitated over to the stuffed phoenix, where it was lovingly and tenderly wrapped until it looked just right.

As he did this, a small box also floated out from behind the accessory counter, and set itself in front of Obsidian, settling on the countertop.

"There we are! As pretty as my mother! OH! But don't tell her I said that!" Elo chuckled.

The magic of creation, indeed! But Obsidian was more concerned about the small box he'd brought out. With a trip-hammering heart, she opened it to check it's contents.

Inside, it was perfect. A simple, yet elegant necklace of small obsidian beads, and a simple silver pendant which had her own cutie mark etched into it.

Diamond's eyes couldn't get enough of the little phoenix's new accessory. "{Oh my... he's so cute in his little scarf! Oh, THANK you, Mister Eloquence!}"

Elo smiled. "THAT sounded like a thank you; you're a million times welcome, my friend - it warms my heart to see such joy brought by my hard work! And YOU, you adorable little mint, would be welcome to return any time you please!"

Tears appeared in Obsidian's eyes - not of sadness, but of sheer joy and wonder. Her friends were able to surprise her again and again, each time in a different way... and she had no idea how to repay them. Indeed, she could only hope that she was worthy of it.

And because of how incredible it was, Stonewall Peavine was now the farthest thing from Obsidian's mind; Elo had most likely saved his life.

Tourmaline stared at the necklace in front of Obsidian. "Color me impressed."

Speechless, she decided to show her gratitude in a rather plain and simple way - with a strong, friendly hug. "Oh... oh, it's perfect, Eloquence. Really..."

The unicorn gave a soft laugh as he hugged her back. "YOU'RE the perfect one, darling - I just made a little something that helps accent that, is all! Let's say I was... inspired... by Cupcake's purchase. You'll see," he grinned.

He then glanced over at Gypsy, then turned back to Obsidian. "You know, if he wants that hat so much, I could sell it to you for six bits? He probably doesn't even NOTICE the hat, honestly... which is fine, as long as he enjoys the purchase, eh?"

"You could sell winter coats to yaks, Eloquence," Tourmaline observed, "and they'd thank you for it."

Elo laughed merrily. "Darling, yaks have come a long way since mother's days, but I think that may be stretching the possibilities just a wee bit!"

"Isn't six bits a touch too cheap for a hat bejeweled with diamonds?" Obsidian looked at him with surprise. Inspired by Cupcake's purchase... ohhhhh, this was going to be great! She loved that stallion so much!!!

Elo spoke behind a hoof to her, sotto voce. "We haven't been able to sell THAT eyesore for at least a decade; he'd be taking it off our hooves, frankly. Passe fashion like that rarely comes back in fashion... and if it does, we'll just make more. Go on, darlng - make him a happy pup."

Obsidian liked making everypony and everycreature happy. She took out her purse once again. "And the engagement necklace...?"

"THAT," he grinned, "is on the house, Obsidian my dear - because it would be an honor to have crafted something so special for such a special couple. It's yours, darling. No charge."

"{We ride with the desert wind! Come, Pancho! We must go where adventure takes us!}" Diamond now wore his own scarf too, and was making a bold and proud pose. With the matchingly scarved stuffed bird on his back, he looked so much like a child... so bright and cheery, so full of happiness...

It was hard to keep in mind that he was not only an adult, but supposedly older than she was.

Obsidian put hooves on her chest. "It's... too... cute... I'm not sure if... my heart... can take it," Obsidian mock-moaned, then she smiled, "and if my heart can take it, then I know that my teeth will be ruined by all that sweetness!" She simply found herself full of pleasant feelings as she stared at Diamond with cheerful, happy eyes.

That phoenix had been a great idea. The scarf was a great idea, too. Well, Obsidian was apparently responsible for so many good ideas today; she almost felt clever.

"Obsy, your friend here is just a load of adorable on the in-bound train from Cutesville. You ever want to bring him by again, well you just go right ahead and DO so, you hear me?" Elo chuckled as he watched Mundy's antics.

Even Tourmaline laughed. "{Mundy! Stop being so ridiculous - only barbarians ride with the desert wind!}"

Diamond looked back at his brother. "{Then I shall become MUN-DARR, THE BARRRRRRR-BARIANNNNNN!}"

Tourmaline laughed a bit harder, and Elo raised an eyebrow. "I know dramatis personae when I see one; you need to teach him Equestrian - because I would love to know what he's saying right now!"

Gypsy's head popped up to look at what was going on... and the diamond dog gave a toothy grin at seeing Mundy posing dramatically.

By Darkness, it was getting better (or worse) with each passing moment! It was exceedingly strange to see a pony as small as Stalwart, acting so differently - she would probably prefer death than to be caught acting in this particular manner! But it was still oh-so-adorable.

"I shall, Elo; he's already having such a grand time - meanwhile, by this point, I was busy screaming at the rest of the group for being too friendly with me." She chuckled ruefully. "But as bright as his heart is, I expect great things from him."

After all, if the stubborn and Sombra-loving Obsidian managed to evolve into the mare she was today, then Diamond should turn out to be even better.

After exchanging bits (and a touch more cuteness from Mundy and 'Pancho'), the four of them left the shop, out into the sunshine again. From what could be told, it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. Even if there was a hiccup or two, it would be quite difficult to ruin a day like this.

"This o-one thanks y-you for the diam-... er, f-f-for the hat," Gypsy smiled. He wasn't wearing the hat, thankfully - it WAS a bonnet, after all - but he held it in his paws and admired the diamonds inlaid on it.

Even thinking that it would be difficult to ruin such a day was simply an invitation to trouble; hopefully nothing worse than Peavine's blustering would happen. "Enjoy it, Gypsy... but you should thank Eloquence; his prices for friends are quite... generous."

Obsidian smiled giddily, as she was still thinking about her necklace. She'd have to cut a lock from her mane, to put into the locket for her Cuppy... and perhaps some thread to tie it, as it would be a shame if her lock of love would turn into a wadded mess of hair.

"Anyway - we wanted to visit Sugarcube Corner next," Obsidian grinned, "unless somepony has a better idea?"

Tourmaline shrugged, and Gypsy's tail began to wag a bit faster. No complaints here - and at least a diamond dog's approval.

Diamond was actually prancing down the main street, head held high as he and Pancho (the stuffed phoenix) paraded their way proudly through town. A number of other ponies stopped to look at the sight, many of them quite amused and entertained by Mundy's impromptu little march. As they passed the fountain in the center of town, Mundy high-stepped past it, and was joined in-step by four others - three colts and a filly - and they began marching in formation for the cutest little parade Obsidian had ever seen.

When they reached Sugarcube Corner, the young ones all bid Mundy farewell, and went on their way as he waved to them. The shoppe's door was open, and the smell told her that there was a fresh batch of cookies about to go on display.

Diamond stopped short of the doors, then turned to the group with wide eyes. "{Obsidyan... what is that scent?}" He looked as though he was utterly stunned by the smell of fresh cookies.

Obsidian now wanted a foal just to see how Diamond would care for it! Luckily it was only a passing thought, and she didn't pay any special attention to the idea. "{It's the scent of baked sweets. And sweets are sheer happiness, transformed into food form - you'll see,}" Obsidian smiled to him and entered the place, curious as to whom would be behind the counter today.

As they opened the door to the shop, the little bell dingled, and the smell of fresh baked cookies hit her square in the face. Eeyup, nothing could bring down such a day as-

"Oh. It's you. Great."

... and there was Blue Raspberry, sitting on a stool behind the register, reading some magazine with what looked like batponies on the cover, chewing gum. Of course, it was going to be Blue - her not-so-chipper-soon-to-be-sister-in-law. It didn't change the fact that Obsidian still needed to get used to her at some point; might as well be now.

Blue didn't even look up from her reading to greet them. "What do you want, Obsidian?"

"{Greetings, blue mare! I have come to conquer the sweet, so says MUN-DARR!}"

Now, she looked over the top of her magazine. "... when did YOU get a kid?" she asked.

"Hey there, Blue!" It was simple; Obsidian just had to treat her like a kinder, sweeter version of Amy - one that didn't have a violent history with knives. "Nice to see you! This is my brother, Diamond - he's new to Ponyville, I'm giving him a little tour," she replied with a pleasant smile. Now she just had to figure out what might make an excellent introduction to sweets - maybe some donuts?

Blue looked over the counter, down at the little stallion. "Brother, hunh? Looks more like a kid to me."

Gypsy entered the shop behind them... but he was acting strangely; he seemed to be walking on his tiptoes as he made his way in, and looked as though he was almost floating to the fresh-baked counter, where there most certainly WERE cookies ready. They were chocolate, and had chocolate chips in them - if she recalled correctly, Cupcake himself had made her some of these once. It had been amazing, of course.

Diamond looked up at Blue and grinned. "{You are quite pretty, miss mare! I would like to know if I may have some sweet, yes?}"

"Did he just call me a bitch!?" she suddenly sat up straight, glaring at Mundy.

So maybe Crystallian had one or two words that were close enough to other words that might have been misheard... but Blue didn't look like she was laughing about it.

Oh dear - and here comes the trouble with foreign languages. "No, quite the contrary - he said you are pretty. He doesn't even speak Equestrian, Blue - only ancient Crystallian," Obsidian quickly explained. "Gypsy and Tourmy can confirm this."

Tourmaline nodded; Gypsy drooled on his hoodie, looking at the cookies.

Blue glared for a moment more, then gave a single "humph," and went back to her reading. "What you want, point it out, blah blah blah. Just watch his mouth."

Diamond wandered past the displays, wide-eyed, as he tried to eat everything with his eyes. "{There are so many! Obsidyan, are these sweets? Because they look like they would be tasty!}"

What a relief - Obsidian was afraid Blue would want to argue the matter... or possibly throw a punch. It was a bit surprising that Diamond's inherent cuteness charms weren't working on her.

"{They are quite tasty - what would you like to try first? Gypsy, Tourmy, what about you two?}"

"C-c-cooooooooooooookieeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssss..." Gypsy replied dreamily.
"A pastry would be nice," Tourmaline said thoughtfully.
"{ALL of them!}" Diamond squealed.

Blue rolled her eyes, made a dramatic show out of putting down her book, then made her way (slowly) over to the counter, where she leaned on it and waited with a distinctly sour look on her face.

Obsidian once again grabbed her purse, a bit thinner than it had been at the beginning of the day. "Let's see... chocolate cookies for us all, but mainly for Gypsy, a donut for Diamond, a pastry for Tourmy... which pastry would you like, brother?"

And for Obsidian herself, she looked for something with cherries.

Tourmaline smiled. "Perhaps something with cream cheese? I do so enjoy that stuff..."

"{What is this... downut?}" Diamond asked, tearing his eyes away from the display case of treats to look at her quizzically.

Blue gave an exasperated, exaggerated sigh and began to open the display cases and get each thing Siddy had asked for... and taking her sweet time doing so.

"{It's a ring of sweet, fried dough - I hope you'll like it. If not, well... we can always check for something else.}" Why in the world was Blue even working here, anyway? It was strange that somepony could have such a sour attitude in a sweets shop.

As she finished gathering the foodstuffs, Blue looked idly over the counter at them all, then focused on Tourmaline. "Hey. You. Do you rock?"

"Do I... what?" He asked in return, which brought a sour grin from the blue mare.

"Yeah, heh, I didn't think so... how about you, Gyp - you rock?" Gypsy didn't reply, as he only had eyes for the cookies.

Blue scoffed, looked at Diamond, shook her head, then finally looked at Obsidian. "Twelve bits, Obsidian. And make it snappy; I wanna get back to my mag."

Curious; why didn't she ask Obsidian about rocks? Perhaps she already knew that Obsidian rocks... oooooor that she didn't.

"Here you are," she said, giving over the proper bits, "and, if I may, what do you mean by 'rock'?" Obsidian was curious; Flurry had used this word once or twice, but there could be other meanings. Like with 'scoring'.

Blue gave her a flat look. "Like, Rock & Roll? Heavy Metal? Thrash? Music, stupid."

Diamond's head snapped to look at them. "{Music?}"

Blue shrugged, took the bits, and pushed the bag of goodies across the counter to Obsidian. "Not a ONE of you rock - which, really, doesn't surprise me."

Tourmaline gave Siddy a questioning look.

Okay, so it was about music - not 'rocking' in any slang sense. "Blue... our lives themselves are fucking metal," Obsidian deadpanned.

Blue actually took a step back from the counter, eyebrows raising as she looked at Obsidian. "Whoa... unexpected."

Now that she thought about it, they could make a fortune writing a metal album about the Umbral Siege of Ponyville! Though it was likely that some ponies - especially those with victims in their families - perhaps wouldn't approve of such a project. Maybe compose some metal about the Crystal Empire?

Now... if only she knew for certain what this 'metal music' really sounded like. "Well, okay - more like parts of our lives."

Blue then leaned forward and gave her a narrow-eyed stare for a moment... then, she simply stepped back and gave a smirk. "Okay then, metal life, then maybe you'd be up to hear some metal for real?"

She slapped a flyer onto the counter, staring right at Obsidian. "If you really ARE hardcore, then maybe you'd be up for hitting The Feedbag, this coming Saturday night? Unless you're just faking it..." Saturday night... that was four days from now.

The flyer was mostly black and red, with what looked like bloodstained hoofprints in the background of the words:

[Starts @ 7 - lasts 'til we FUCKING WANT IT TO!]
[featuring:] [Bunyip Hollow - The Fracas - Razorslave - Fooscap - Grunting Dawgs - Slither]
[First Prize: 250 bits] [Second Prize: 100 bits] [Third Prize: Free Drinks for the night]
[Anyone less DOESN'T GET SHIT!]
[The Feedbag Bar, Appleloosa]

On the one hoof, Obsidian had no idea what she'd be doing in four days - lately it seemed like each day was spoken for before the previous one ended! On another hoof, however... this was not an offer that Blue had ever made before; it might actually lead to bonding between them, and out of the Pie children, Blue was the most distant.

"Let me check..." Obsidian took a look at the notes she'd gotten from Jynx, just to be sure that it wouldn't collide with the Ogres & Ooby-Doobies(?) game - it was supposed to be in six days time, but damnation if she was going to risk turning her life into a teen drama, with all the required wailing and crying that she'd set up two events at the same time.

"I'll, er... do my best to be there...." Ogres & Oboe-nets(?). Hunting with Amy. Metal concert...

Blue eyeballed her again, then gave a single nod. "We'll see... metal life." But she grinned - it was apparently a good choice.

Battle of the Bandz... perhaps she'd just bitten more than she could chew - unless Cupcake was secretly a metal singer, and
Mica could put a band together in record tme. And it was in... Appleloosa? Where was Appleloosa?

Well, this was going to be fun. "{Brother Tourmy, can you, er... sing, perchance?}"

Tourmaline looked at her as if she had lobsters crawing out of her ears. "{Sing? Obsidian, why in the wide, wide world of Equestria would you ask me something like that?}"

"{Because,}" Diamond spoke up, "{in a world full of Stalwaat, scarves, phoenixes and the sweet, it would be such a joy to hear you sing!}"

"{How do YOU know? I've never been influenced to sing in my entire life, Mundy!}"

"What are they babbling about?" Blue asked, giving them both a skeptical eye.

"Well, I felt... ah, inspired by this bit about the 'battle of the bands', Blue. We speak in Crystallian to keep Diamond in touch," Obsidian explained as she took both the purchased goodies and the flyer, "and we're discussing Tourmaline's chances at being a lead singer."

Lyrics shouldn't be too difficult... instruments... music... ahhh, who was she kidding? Still, it might've been fun - they could have named the band 'The Spawns Of The Dark Emperor', or something like that.

Blue seemed to take a moment to mull over what she'd heard, then looked at Obsidian with a rasied eyebrow. "Wait... you DO know I'm wanting you to show up 'cause I want support for my band, right?"

Wait - Blue had a band? "Really?"

S-she knew that. Yeah. She did. No, really.

"Give me all the details; I want to know everything about it... but I can certainly still check to see if my siblings can scream like demons anyway - just in case."

Blue considered whether or not she really meant it... then, strange to see, a BIG smile broke across her muzzle, and it was almost as though someone had finally plugged her in at last!

"Me and the band - Razorslave - have been practicing for MONTHS to get ready for this shit! Goggle does the vocals, Haunt's our drummer, Roll does the bass playing... and I shred the motherfuckin' guitaaaaaar!"

She took a stance, and made a pose like she had said instrument in her hooves, then gave it a massive strum and flourish, sticking her tongue out as she did. "It's gonna be SO badass! Haunt's got the numbers all planned out, and Gog's been working his pipes for this; we tried last year, but we only scored third - we're gonna WIN the bastard this year! The PIT is gonna be LIT!"

Diamond looked at Obsidian. "{She seems fun - what is a Battle of DeBans?}"

Obsidian nodded her appreciation. "{A contest, Diamond - for music bands,}" she explained quickly to her brother before continuing to Blue. "So... what do you need my support for? It seems you already have everything you'd need."

Blue facehoofed. "DUH! The band that has the most applause and screaming from the audience wins the thing, and the more voices I have on my side in the audience, the more chance we'll have to win! So I want you to get there, get in and fucking SCREAM when we get onstage, got it? I mean, fuckin' ROAR with all that pent-up angst you got in there!"

Diamond smiled. "{Like an Ursa Major? Their roars are exceedingly loud!}"

"Just show up when it starts," Blue said with a partially excited, partially skeptical look on her muzzle, "and cheer us on. Can you do that?"

"So long as there's no mad alicorns trying to murder us all or Dark Magic-infused machines invading Equestria... I'll be there. And I shall torture my vocal cords with the very best screaming I can muster," Obsidian promised solemnly.

Blue actually smiled. "You'd better be, bitch, 'cause you have to see us in action to believe it! Besides, you got that 'metal life' rep to maintain, right?"

It was a welcome change from the morose and snarky atttude she usually had... and it was a change that Obsidian wanted to foster in her even more, if it were possible.

"Right. I'll ask around to discover who else might want to see it. Maybe Thunderclap? That girl has lungs like Tartarus..."

Blue chuckled. "Oh, Clap's gonna be there; she's always there. She rocks."

"{Obsidyan, may I have my downut now, please?}" Diamond asked sweetly, his eyes wide and shining.

"OH! Er... yes." She levitated Diamond's donut to him with a ribbon of her magic. Cookies and pastries - particularly a cherry pastry. Life was good.

"I'll be sure to talk with her about it, then; I'm sure she'll give me... what was that word... a run-down?" Or was it run-over?

Blue grinned. "Oh, I'm sure she will - and she knows the way, too, so no saying you couldn't find the place, got it?"

Diamond looked at the donut for a moment, then laughed. "{It looks like a fat bracelet!}"

He then took a bite.
And chewed.
His eyes went wide, though his mouth stayed neutral.
And he swallowed.

And then, very slowly and deliberately, he placed the donut onto the countertop, walked over to Obsidian and put his forelegs around her, giving her a gentle hug as he began to cry.

"{Oh, Obsidyan... it... it is... there are not the words...}" he said with an impressive measure of awe in his voice.

Gypsy, meanwhile, was gobbling cookies one at a time, the scant few crumbs decorating his hoodie, along with the occasional colorful dried paint splotches. Tourmaline took his treat, gave it a hearty bite and smiled with satisfaction. "Now THAT is a pastry."

"{Brother Diamond, if you liked that, then try the chocolate chip cookies... quickly, before Gypsy gets them all! Trust me, those are even better.}" She graciously patted her little(r) brother on the back, happy that he was satisfied. She had experienced some rather mind-blowing contact with modern cuisine as well; it was fun to share. "{And if you want, you can even take a little bite of my cherry pastry.}"

"Of course, Blue. I'll be there - with Clap." And everyone would be happy - partcularly Blue Raspberry,

They left the shop, a somewhat nice wave from Blue to send them on their way; such a change, yet certainly proof that the punk-rock mare was a little more intelligent and sociable than she typically showed.

During their walk, Diamond tried a bit of everything from each friend, and the tears came with each treat he ate. It was as if he had never known such treats before... deja vu? All the same, Siddy got plenty of hugs, as did Gypsy and even Tourmy took one or two.

The little guy was ecstatic; he finally had his freedom from his father's tyrrany, had siblings who obviously cared deeply for him, his new diamond dog liaison, his Pancho, his sweets... and, for what was possibly the first time ever, his own life.

Making Diamond happy felt good - maybe it was thinning her purse drastically, but it really felt good.

Now, where should they go next... "Gypsy? Do you happen to know where Thunderclap lives?" Perhaps she could quickly inform her that they were going to this particular place together... that way, she wouldn't miss it, not by any chance.

"C-C-Cloudsdale is where she l-lives..." Gypsy then seemed to lose some of his spring, and looked at Siddy with a slightly worried glance. "... w-w-with her m-mother." Oh joy.

"Well then - we won't be able to get all the way to Cloudsdale... at least, not in any form of acceptable time," Obsidian said quickly. Gypsy said it as if Siddy might have been afraid of the blue pegasus mare with the prismatic-colored mane. It just meant she would have to find Clap the next time she was in Ponyville - no big deal. "How about Markannus, perhaps?"

Gypsy scratched his head. "This one kn-knows Markannus has a very b-b-busy schedule; he does n-not know, and is s-sorry."

Tourmaline looked at Diamond for a moment before speaking. "Maybe it would be a good idea to get Mundy here over to his room, so we can see where he'll be staying?"

"{Oh, I would like to see what my new bed will be like! May I ask that it not be a stone floor, please?}" The sad thing was that he looked so earnest in his request that he didn't know that sleeping on stone wasn't typical here.

Considering that Obsidian was out of ideas, and returning home was out of question, as not only was Amy there, but she also wanted to exchange gifts with Cupcake in private.

So she had to agree. "Excellent. The Rainbow Dash Suite, it is - let's go."

She didn't reply to the question about the bed; let Diamond be surprised.

Author's Note:

Captain Stonewall Peavine; no apologies. Hate away.

Eloquence makes another appearance, and we see what most certainly makes him Rare's colt. I love writing for him, because I can thow in all sorts of fun words and phrases that not many other characters can get away with. Plus, it's a bit of a quirk with him - aside from that airship-sinking face. *chuckle*

The Battle of The Bands, for the record, doesn't occur in this story; one of those moments that helped define Blue a bit more, but didn't happen within the narrative. Sorry if that disappoints, but I figure I'd say something now, rather than explain later. (Woulda RAWK'D, tho.)

Super bonus points to everyone who caught the Muppet Babies reference; you're welcome. :ajsmug:

'Gone For A Walk' artwork by SonicPegasus, a talented and fun artist, who I feel captured Diamond's exuberance perfectly. Plus, Gypsy catching butterflies was completely ad-libbed by the artist - and I love it.

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