• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 732 Views, 182 Comments

Obsidian: Shards Of Sombra - Randimaxis

Obsidian and company return for another adventure, as she seeks out the remaining shards of Sombra. But sinister things are brewing, and Obsidian must locate her erstwhile siblings before it's too late to stop them.

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Forty Four: The Game Is Ahoof

'Rather well-mannered?' Obsidian was doing her very best all the time... except for that bit of laughter about the 3-D puzzle joke, but that didn't count.

"Of course he's hiding something; I'm hiding something from him, as well. We just need to find what it may be, and then decide if it makes him less trustworthy or not." Obsidian then shrugged slightly. "At any rate, I say we wait for Herb to return, watch the show for a moment, then try to find Clap, Mica and Wart.

She gave a light grin. "Honestly, Cuppy? I think I like this place..."

Cupcake looked around a bit. "It's... kinda weird, to me; I mean, it feels like a party, but it's so... reserved and stuff. There's no balloons, no confetti... I mean, music, yeah, but-"

It was at that moment, as if summoned, that the music started up.

"Behold! The collection, the revolution, the armada of fashion, that is... SMOKY... QUARTZ..."

The curtains at the back of the stage parted, and a lovely Earth Pony mare came slinking out, walking as if she were trying to seduce every stallion in the room at the same time. She wore a stunning suit/dress that had severe lines, but seemed to frame the mare's muzzle perfectly, and brought out a number of shadowy angles in her features, making them stand out for admiration.

Of course, the dress itself was a puce color that showcased sharp magenta zebra-like stripes, trimmed in a burnt orange and with a purple-and-green polka dotted sash, topped with a bright pink and gold bonnet which obscured one eye.

As models were paraded out one by one, the styles got more and more advanced and skillful... and yet the colors seemed to get more and more obnoxious and clashy with each one. They were magnificently made... but an eyesore to anyone who wasn't colorblind.

Herb finally did show up with the bottle, and profusely apologized for taking so long. He was distraught that he'd missed his boss, but he served a glass to Siddy and Cup all the same, and left the bottle chilling in ice at the table. Cup tried his and made a face... then, he looked around secretively, pulled a peppermint disk from his pocket, unwrapped it and dropped it into his drink, swirling it around a bit before drinking some more and nodding to himself.

Obsidian was more and more inclined to believe that her brother was simply colorblind, but then what was with ponies buying his clothes? Was his name so famous around Manehattan that they ignored the fact that each one looked like the physical representation of a headache?

Or perhaps... he wouldn't risk actually using Dark Magic on them, would he? Especially considering that he was known by Celestia. Obsidian carefully tried her drink as well, while her eyes kept searching for her three other friends. The sooner they could get back together, the better.

The wine was somewhat bitter, but had a pleasant aftertaste. Cup seemed to enjoy his more with candy in it... but then again, he was Cupcake Sprinkles; candy might not do the same for her.

As the show continued, she eventually saw both Mica and Clap, near the stage. Clap seemed excited, and paid close attention to each outfit that was displayed... meanwhile, Mica waited for Clap to turn away from him before his facial expression turned sour, looking at the eyesores as they were paraded across the stage.

Scanning the crowd, she couldn't seem to locate Wart... of course, with her small stature, she wouldn't be easy to spot, even from above, in such a thick crowd.

"Cup, do you possibly see Stalwart anywhere?" she asked carefully. This drink... tasted a bit strange; it wasn't normal juice, was it? Obsidian had never tasted alcohol before, and only now she was starting to suspect that this beverage could contain this mysterious yet infamous poison.

Cup looked out among the crowd, scanning it tightly for any sign of the mighty mini-warrior. "I don't see her... I mean, she might be in the crowd, but Siddy, she's so little..."

Now Cup was beginning to look worried. "Should I go look for her down there? I think maybe one of us should - it'd be awful if she got stepped on or kicked by accident. But... we'd HEAR her if she did, right? Remember the subway?"

"Both of us should, Cup. We would certainly be able to hear if anything happened to her, so I think we simply can't see her. Let's go down and hope that she'll come across us," Obsidian sighed slightly. Okay, splitting up without pairing Stalwart with somepony bigger than she was might have been a mistake...

The two of them headed down to the floor, where Gordon nodded and moved the velvet rope aside. But as they passed him, Cup turned to the griffon guard. "Hey, Gordon? I wanna ask - have you seen a Shettish warrior dressed as a beautiful mare anywhere around here?"

Gordon looked at him with a cocked eyebrow. "What's a Shettish warrior?"

"Wart is! She's like, miniature-sized, but she kicks more flank than most of the royal Guard combined!" He paused, then smiled sheepishly as he realized Gordon needed a better description. "Uh, grey coat, dapples behind her ears, green eyes, about filly-sized, white mane?"

Gordon thought for a moment, then shrugged. "Nope - haven't seen anyone with that description. Sorry."

Cup sighed. "Well, that didn't work. C'mon - let's get Mica and Clap, too."

To be fair, Obsidian didn't think her friends would move around so much; she'd simply assumed they would take specific posts and stick to them - hopefully nopony had kidnapped Stalwart when they weren't looking. All they could do at the moment was look around - and she'd start with going straight to Clap and Mica. Perhaps THEY had seen her?

At stageside as they approached, Mica saw them coming and faced them as they got close enough for conversation. "Please tell me we're leaving now?" He said in an uncharacteristic whine.

"Not yet - we can't find Wart." Mica's expression grew concerned, but the words made Clap turn swiftly away from the models onstage she was watching.

"Wait - what was that about Wart?" she asked directly.

Cup looked worried. "We can't find her, Clap - and with the reason we're here, she might be in trouble."

Mica shook his head. "Not good. Wart can handle physical altercations, yes... but if Dark Magic's involved, it might be more than she can deal with. We need to sweep the club, working our way from front to back, and ask if anyone's seen her."

"Mikey, Mikey, Mikey... I'm a pegasus, duh! I can just fly over the crowds and see if I spot her!"

"And attract the attention of everyone here - in the middle of Quartz's show," Mica added.

Clap shrugged, then turned to Obsidian. "Well? Hoof sweep, or fly-over?"

"Hoof sweep," Obsidian admitted. It was the only logical decision, as ruining Quartz's show would only attract lots of unwanted attention and would make looking for Wart that much harder. "Let's split up - we can meet later near the stairs to the private area."

So, Quartz was not a fighter and he was with them the entire time. Wart could possibly be able to deal with any non-dark-magical danger without too many issues, right? They shouldn't be too worried about her, should they..?

Clap looked over at Cupcake. "Yo - you're with me; Mica, you go with Sids."

Mica lifted an eyebrow. "Why the switch?"

"Because," Clap smirked at Obsidian, "can't have you staring at my flank while we're supposed to be searching; double for you and Siddy, Cuppie. I've seen you staring at her..." Cup blushed, and moved over with Thunderclap.

Mica shrugged. "If it works for you, so be it. But your flanks are magnificent, Clap."

Thunderclap Dash both smiled and blushed. "Eh-heh-heh... y-you big tease..." Though Clap sounded unsure and awkward, it was an attempt to be 'cool' about their relationship... instead of just denying and hiding it. Then, it occurred to Clap exactly what he'd said, and her pride took over.

"Heh... you better believe it." She gave a flex, and Obsidian could prctically hear the straps on her outfit straining... but thankfully, nothing gave out, and she and Cup walked back to the front end to begin their sweep.

Mica looked at her. "Okay, fearless leader... lead the way."

For some odd reason, Obsidian felt that Mica was mocking her with this 'ferless leader' phrase. And to be fair, at the moment Clap was the one acting more like a leader right now, all things considered.

"Let's start from the other end of the room - oh, and if you should see either Pumpkin or Pound Cake, we should ask them about Stalwart as well." Damnation, how hard it was to NOT get lost?

They made their way to the back end of the room, and the search began in earnest. A number of ponies (and other assorted races) were chatting things up, having drinks, or observing the stage show. But the diminuitive dynamo was nowhere to be seen.

Mica even checked under tables... with apologies to those who looked shocked at his behaviour. Of course, he didn't care if they were mortified or not - Mica was searching for his friend, and he had obviously had enough of this soiree's pompousity from the moment he came through the doors. Honestly, Obsidian realized he simply wasn't going to play their social games when his friend was missing.

There was no sign that Wart had even been here at the party in the first place; it was s if she hadn't existed. There seemed to be no clue as to where she'd gone to... until, after a few more minutes of searching, Obsidian saw a suited guardpony talking to one of the Cakes (Pumpkin, was it?), and he held his hoof out at exactly Wart's height.

"Mica... here," she pointed out. She didn't want to waste any time - Obsidian immediately followed this lead, trotting quickly to the guardpony. Even if it was a mere coincidence, it was the only possible sign of Stalwart's whereabouts she'd found since the beginning of their search.

As they aproached, the guard turned to face them as well. He was a unicorn, and though he wore a suit and shades, there was something about his personality that said 'Lemon Custard' in the back of Siddy's mind.

"You there! You were part of the entourage that included a rather short mare, yes?" Pumpkin, who was standing behind the stallion, looked at Siddy and Mica questioningly. "Well, your guest has disappeared in the backstage area - and we do not allow that. So, if you would be so kind," he said pointedly, "then would you please accompany me to locate her immediately? We're not the kind to press charges... but if she's anywhere near the outfits, we will... because THOSE are Trade Secrets we cannot allow to have compromised."

Mica lifted an eyebrow. "No concern for a mare who may be in trouble? Just the clothing?"

The guard gave Mica a slight glare. "Of course, I hope she isn't injured... but I know what I was paid to do, sir. And I'm currently doing it."

"If Stalwart got anywhere near my brother's outfits, then she probably just got lost," Obsidian said with as much diginity as she could muster. Why would Wart leave the main ballroom, though? And asking the guests and help how to find a lost mare was hardly doing what he was paid for. "But... disappeared? And nopony stopped her?" she asked skeptically.

The unicorn glared. "She snuck in... NOT at my post, for your information... and there were a few of us who tried to stop her... yet she was..."

"Impossible to catch?" Mica quirked an eyebrow.

"YES! It's been like trying to catch lightning in a bottle! And she's made fools of some of our staff - though no actual injuries, lucky you... but that doesn't mean we've been slacking, no." He pointed a hoof at Obsidian. "When the camera feed showed us the lot of you coming in together, I was sent to either locate someone who had seen her or YOU, specifically."

Pumpkin suddenly gave a light start, then reached into a pocket and pulled out a small note, which she read... then, her eyes widened, and she looked up at Siddy and began to gesture wildly, out of sight of the security pony.

"Now... are we going to go locate your friend?" Pumpkin pointed at the note frantically, but when the guard tuned back to her, she instantly went still and professional again. "And you... thank you for your help, now please excuse me..."

Mica stepped over to the guard. "Here - allow me to go with you to find her, while Miss Obsidian gathers the others; I'm sure we'll find her easily, between the two of us."

The guard looked at Mica for a moment, then shrugged. "As long as ONE of you comes with me, then I suppose that will do - and yes, gathering your entourage might be best... in case you all should have to leave." He spoke pointedly, indicating that they might just get thrown out for this offense.

Mica went to go with the guard, but he cut his eyes at Pumpkin as he passed Obsidian... he was no fool, and was apparently plnning on keeping the guard occupied while Siddy asked about whatever had gotten the caterer so spooked.

But... if they had to leave? Come now, to have this night ended like that would make Obsidian sore and spiteful. Hopefully they could avoid such a fate, as she had no intentions of spoiling this evening.

As soon as Mica left with the guard, Obsidian approached Pumpkin. What was it? A note from Stalwart?

Pumpkin watched Mica and the guard walk out of earshot, then turned to Obsidian. "Pound sent me an IM, saying Wart found him, and he's hiding her... and he says she keeps saying she has to tell you what she found. I dunno what's going on, but we used to foalsit Wart, too - if she's actually hiding from someone, then something's up. That filly doesn't hide from ANYTHING without good reason!"

So the manure had finally hit the fan - or at least, Obsidian believed that's what ponies in Equestria said in such situations, yes? At least such a petite mare had plenty of opportunity to hide. "Okay, so where is she?"

Well, for a moment, she'd actually hoped that her meeting with Quartz would end painlessly. Wishful thinking, right?

Pumpkin looked around a bit, then motioned for her to follow. She led her to one of the bars, and deftly lifted an apron and a towel from behind the counter with her magic. She then turned and held them out to Obsidian. "Here - put this on and drape that towel over one foreleg; I'll get you back there."

The earth pony mare guarding the nearest backdoor was watching the stage; she was only a doorstop, honestly... but a fierce-looking doorstop.

The towel would surely clash with her dress... but Obsidian quickly followed her orders, disguising herself loosely as a caterer. In a fancy dress. Apron in place, Pumpkin then led Obsidian towards the guarded door. As they stepped up, Pumpkin stood between the mare and the princess, motioning casually over her shoulder.

"Me an' the newbie need to grab the next round of trays," she said simply. The guardmare gave Siddy only the quickest of glances; her attention was on the horrific fashions, and the apron seemed to be enough for her to wave them through, holding the door for them, even.

Once inside, Pumpkin began to trot towards where they'd first met. In the room, Pound was still at the table, making and baking as he went... but seeming like he was purposely going slowly while he was doting over pats of cookie dough on a baking tray.

When he saw them, he breathed a sigh of relief. "Pound, where's-"

He answered Pumpkin's question by flipping open the oven door with a wing - and hiding inside the unlit oven was Stalwart Stance, looking grim as she caught sight of Obsidian. "Lady Siddy!" she spoke softly, but firmly, "I have news to relay... but we must exit this place, as I believe I have been noted to have been eavesdropping on a stallion I believe to be your brother!"

"Yes, you most certainly were, Stalwart - I'm not sure if it was my brother you'd found though, as Cup and I just spent quite a while talking with him." Hopefully it was just a misunderstanding; Quartz was hiding something, that much was obvious... but what would make Wart hide like this? Especially in this fancy dress of hers? IN AN OVEN?

Pound looked at them both. "Stally, if you're really in the fire, then maybe we can get you two out - I can deliver some rubbish to the dumpster out back, and if you don't mind being stuffed in a clean garbage bag, then I can smuggle you out that way."

Pumpkin nodded. "Meanwhile, I can get you back out to the party, where you can gather Cupcake and leave, then go around to the back and let her out."

Wart looked down at her gorgeous dress, then back up at the twins. "... in the garbage?" It was almost a whine - which was unheard of from the tiny mare.

Pound rolled his eyes. "In a CLEAN, FRESH bag, silly - no way I'm ruining an outfit THAT nice."

"Just go with it - we don't have any better ideas, I've never tried smuggling live ponies before, and well... don't worry Stalwart. It'll be clean, after all..." Obsidian offered a grin a an apology.

Wart sighed, resigned. "At your command, Your Majesty... bag me up, then." Pound nodded, and got to work retrieving a bag, while Pumpkin led Obsidian to another side door.

"Look, I dunno what's going on... but if you've got both Cup AND Wart on your side? You can't lose." She opened the door. "Now, g'wan and head out - and don't forget to call us for the wedding catering! We could use the big break!"

"Of course - especially if you will make this Carrot Cake of yours; Cup seems to be pretty crazy about it," Obsidian admitted while trotting alongside Pumpkin.

She smiled as Obsidian went out the door. "Mom's Carrot Cake? HA! You bet your fur!"

Now Siddy just had to ditch this apron, find her friends, and figure out what in Tartarus was going on with Quartz.

The show on the dance floor was wrapping up; guests were milling about, enjoying the atmosphere and chatting idly. It didn't take her long to come across Cup and Clap, and Mica had apparently disengaged himself from the guard he'd been with, as he was busy looking around the bar for Wart.

"Sids! You find her?" Clap asked as she made her way to them... and damnation, but Cupcake STILL looked fine in that suit... If he was a cake, she would simply stare at him for hours instead of eating him - though sooner or later, she would compliment feasting her eyes with more... carnal desires...

Obsidian nodded. "She awaits us outside - let's meet with her, quickly."

Clap nodded, then motioned to Mica, who came directly over. "Found her?" he asked.

"Yeah - Siddy says she's outside; let's get out of this stuffy place!" Cupcake nodded, then looked at Obsidian again... and looked... "I'm sorry we didn't get to dance, love - maybe we could at home before we go to bed tonight?" he suggested.

Taking a few minutes to make their way through the crowd, the lot of them made their way out through the back... but as they rounded the corner, there was a moment of shock: There was a garbage truck there, and it was just finishing setting the dumpster back down. There was a grinding sound coming from where it had dumped the garbage in...


Panicked - PANICKED - Obsidian rushed forward. "STOP! WAIT!"

The truck's engine rumbled, and as it began to roll away, Obsidian heard the sound of garbage inside being crushed, including many, many sounds that might have been bones snapping... at least, to her imagination, that's what it sounded like. The truck shifted gears, and her friends all stared at her as it began to pull away, heading for the main street.

"Obsidian, what's..?" Mica began, confused.

Obsidian pointed at the truck, at the empty dumpster, then at the truck again. "I think... that Stalwart... may be dead..."

"WHAT!?!?" came from the group as a whole.

Clap was off like a shot, and was at the truck's door before he could pull into traffic. "STOP NOW, THERE'S A MARE IN THE BACK! STOP!" The driver, completely taken by surprise, stared at her for a moment, before looking down at his console... and turning white with fear.

Mica galloped to the rear of the truck, and turning with a measured stance, he bucked the back door - which bent at a weird angle and opened up a flood of crushed garbage that buried him completely in a single second.

Cup fell to his knees and began to wail. "Wart! WART! NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

If Stalwart wasn't actually dead, then Mica just ruined his suit for nothing. In fact, Obsidian - shocked and terrified out of her wits - quickly trotted over to help him get out of the mess with her magic. Suffocating in garbage would be an awful way to die.

Mica's head popped up as she grabbed his hoof and brought him to the surface, where he gasped a thank you as he stood up. His suit was officially ruined... as was his coat, mane and tail as well. There were yellow mustard stains all over his legs, a smear of what looked like grape jelly in his mane, and his face was covered with coffee grounds. He didn't even stop; Mica turned and instantly began to go through the refuse, looking for any signs of life.

Meanwhile, Clap had started yelling at the truck driver.

"How da heck wood I know, y'crazy peg? Y'act like I pudder in dere! Whaz she doin' in da garbage anyhoo?"

Cupcake was sobbing hysterically, but still managed to make his way over to the pile of garbage to begin helping with the grim search, his eyes pools of sorrow as he shuffled through the edges of the sea of trash.

Wait. Doors. Something. It couldn't be like this! It was a mistake! Obsidian ran to the rear doors of the club itself, hoping beyond hope that there'd at least be some evidence there to confirm that this had NOT happened!

Reaching the area, she skidded to a halt. Over by the doorway was a single, small bag of garbage, left completely on its' own and outside of the dumpster... and it was squirming.

Obsidian's face went solid still. "She's here - she's over here, everyone. Now, we just need to gather ourselves," she looked behind her at the driver, "and, umm... help this brave stallion with the mess we've made. I am SO sorry, sir - our friend met up with some rather unpleasant ponies and... er... ended up in a garbage bag. We were scared that she'd gotten... c-crushed."

FUCK, what a relief.

The driver honestly looked as relieved as Obsidian herself did. Mica, Clap and Cup all made their way over to Obsidian, all staring at the squirming sack.

Suddenly, a flash of green magic tore a hole in the side, and Stalwart Stance poked her head out and took a deep breath. "By Twilight's Crown, I never wish to go through such a humiliating experi-"

Cupcake, tears rolling down his cheeks, picked up Wart and practically crushed her to his barrel. "WART! WARTYWARTYWARTY YOU'RE ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!!!!"

Wart's eyes practically bugged out of her head when he hugged her, but she gave Obsidian a questioning glance. "What... happened... Lady... Siddy?"

Obsidian held up a hoof to cease her questions, only staring seriously in complete silence as she waited for Cupcake to finish... then, she pulled Wart to her in the most bonecrushing hug she could muster out of her unicorn body.

"WHOOOOF!" she remarked as Siddy held her tightly. "It... is... good... to... see... you... as... well..." she gasped out.

However, when Thunderclap came forward with a quavering bottom lip to do the same, Wart's eyes widened in fear. "NO NO, PLEASE! J-J-JUST A HOOFSHAKE, A HOOFSHAKE!!!"

"We thought the garbage truck had picked you up, and then crushed you," Obsidian explained blandly, too overwhelmed with relief to use fancy words at the moment.

Wart looked at her, then at the truck... and her jaw fell open at the massive pile of garbage, heaped in the alleyway. "You... you thought..." she muttered, then she looked at all the gathered friends around her, and actually blushed. "Your concern for me is... flattering. Thank you all, so very ki-"

"EY! Youse folks made a mess heah," the garbage truck driver looked at them disapprovingly, "but, eh... I kin offer ta clean it all up by m'self... fer da right price, dat is."

The gathered ponies all turned to look at the driver, an earth pony, with matching glares of suspicion in their eyes. The driver quickly put his hooves up defensively. "Whoa, whoa, WHOA dere... all I want's an autygraph from allayaz! My lil' filly LOVES da Siddy Six, an' I'll be da best dad in da woild if I bring'er home somethin' like dat!"

Obsidian gave a tiny sigh. "Well... we don't have Gypsy with us, so it won't be a complete set, but we'll gladly sign something for your little one; it's the least we can do after making such a mess. Does anyone have some paper available, as well as something to write with?" she said, looking around at the rest of them.

Gypsy would have had some paper available, Obsidian idly thought, the light twinge of missing the diamond dog briefly poking its head up.

Mica walked up and removed a perfectly clean flyer for the party they'd just left from his back, turning it over to the blank side. "Will this do?"

Thunderclap gave the driver a sheepish grin. "Eh, uhhh... about that yelling..." she said as she shamedly rubbed the back of her neck with a hoof, the universal sign for mortification.

The driver brought up his hooves again. "Say n'moah - I'm jus' glad dere ain't no crushed body in m'truck! DAT woulda got me inta LOTSA trouble... plus, I ain't no killah. B'sides, my lil' filly would nevah forgive me if I killed one o' yaz like dat. So's, no harm done, dere - I get it."

Clap smiled with relief, as Cupcake (still sniffling a little, but smiling now) pulled out a fancy-looking marker. "So - who do we make this out to?"

"Cocoa Creme - dat's my lil' filly!" The driver's barrel swelled proudly, showing his love for his daughter.

Obsidian sighed quietly; it had ended well, the only victim of tragedy being Mica's poor suit. "Cup, you have experience with foals and families - could you write a nice little 'best regards' note to her? We'll all sign it."

Cup nodded, wrote 'To Cocoa Creme, from your friendly neighborhood Siddy Six!', and they each signed it afterwards, presenting it to the smiling driver as he began to grab a shovel from the backseat of the truck cab. "Tanks, dere - youse go do whatevah ya doin', arrite? Dis ain't m'first cleanup, yo - don'cha worry 'bout me."

With a few waves (and at least two more apologies), they departed from the scene, Mica hanging back a few steps to spare the rest of them his new cologne: eau de garbage.

"Lady Siddy, shall I speak now, or shall we go elsewhere first for more security?" Wart asked as they made their way along the sidewalk.

"The sooner we know, the better, Wart. Especially as the only 'elsewhere' we could go is back to our penthouse... though I rather think that Mica would appreciate a shower right about now." Who would think he could just buck the garbage truck open like that?

"...unless, of course, we will need to stop baddies here and now," Obsidian rolled her eyes.

Wart sighed. "I'm afraid that may be the case, Lady Siddy - I spotted someone who matched the picture on your brother's sketch, and I followed him into the back area. He met with the mare we'd seen at the factory - Sapphire, I believe you said - and he told her that 'we have to move the last batch tonight; Obsidian can't find out, or her plans will be for nothing'."

"Whose plans?" Cupcake asked, but Wart just shook her head.

"I have no idea, as he didn't speak any names... but if he's going to move this 'batch' he was speaking of, then we should get to the factory - and quickly, as he left through the back with her once he was done talking. For all we know, they may be there RIGHT NOW!" Wart looked ready to go at the drop of a hoof.

Obsidian groaned quietly; but of course Quartz had to be plotting something. It was too much to ask for a brother without a Dark Secret, obviously (Diamond didn't count; he was pardoned by grace of cuteness). Perhaps she could simply beat him into submission? After all, Onyx had called him 'harmless', and he didn't seem all that violent...

"Let's go, then, and quickly. Does anypony see Markannus, by any chance? He always seems to be around when he's needed..." Obsidian glanced around with a touch of hope that SOMEthing would go as planned tonight.

Alas, there was only a limousine nearby that was softly piping jazz music into the street. However, as they kept walking, the limo's horn honked, and the driver stepped out and addressed them. "E-excuse me, please, Miss Obsidian? My client has asked me to invite you to join him, should you be so inclined."

Cup looked at Obsidian. "Do we know anybody who's rich?"

Clap simply grinned. "Yeah, hey Sids, a limo would be WAY cool!"

Mica looked down at his suit, then back at them all. "I... may have to get an alternate ride home; I'm not sure any of you would wish to be crammed into a vehicle with me and my wonderful new scent."

"And Mica... well, that would be actually a good idea, methinks. If we have to sneak around or anything like that, you would... eh, give away our position. And we know plenty of rich ponies, Cup," Obsidian mused. However, she was sure none of them would be expected in Manehattan.

"May I ask who your client is?" The easiest way would be asking the driver outright, of course.

"Mister Blue Note, madam - he says he knows you?" the driver answered promptly.

Cup grinned. "Hey, yeah... he bought us lunch in Crystal City, remember?" Well, how pleasant - apparently he really WAS around when you needed him!

Mica sighed, nodded, then turned to Thunderclap. "I'm sorry we didn't get to-"

She suddenly grabbed him by the sides of his muzzle and planted a deep, hard kiss on his lips, blushing furiously as she finished. "Go back and shower, Mikey," she said smoothly, "and we'll talk later, 'kay?"

"Bzrububuh," he said as he turned and began to walk down the street in a daze, a soft grin on his filthy muzzle.

Clap smiled, then wiped the coffee grounds from around her mouth and looked to Obsidian, not even bothering to acknowledge her own bright blush. "Well? We goin'?"

"We goin'," Obsidian confirmed. Say... what if Markannus wasn't a single changeling, but a more like a functional position? Like a police officer, or a nurse? That could explain how he could seem to be everywhere at the same time...

When they got in, they saw Blue Note sitting there... and someone else as well: the saucy bartender who was flirting with Cupcake was seated next to him, holding a glass of something bubbly and watching with bemusement as they all piled in.

Clap was a bit of a squeeze, but seated next to Wart, they had enough room for everyone.

"Well, well, well," she purred, "I stand corrected; they are quite a bunch of characters. Especially this one," she smiled at Cup again, causing him to smile back and give a little wave.

"So," Blue started, "any particular reason that Mica was wearing what looked like fine garbage? Or is that one of Quartz's newest styles I'm seeing?"

Obsidian gave the bartender a glare - completely involuntarily, of course. While she could more or less ignore her while she was just serving drinks, at the moment she was now a bit more annoying, and still seemed to have her eyes on Cupcake, even though she SHOULD be serving drinks, and-

... damnation. She had been seeing her only as a tool, whose use didn't extend past getting something to drink. If she would have considered her to be an actual pony, she might have gotten more jealous, earlier. It was a bad sign - Sombra's legacy of having 'tools' wasn't lost on her, and Obsidian had to make sure not to fall into that mindset as well.

"It's... a long story... but it ends with how we thought Wart got crushed in the back of a garbage truck. Anyway, if you could possibly do us a small favor, we'd appreciate a quick trip to Quartz's factory... er, please?" Obsidian finished with a hopeful smile.

Blue raised an eyebrow, but the bartender mare sat forward. "Crushed? My my, the plot thickens... and it sounds as if you're on the brink of an adventure, too." She turned to face Blue-kannus, "Remember when I used to adventure like that? Just find a trail and follow it, and damn the consequences!"

Blue sighed. "Yes, I do - I also seem to recall that you suffered your fair share of injuries, and made a small hoofful of enemies while you were at it."

The mare waved a dismissive hoof. "Ah, Markannus - ever alert for anything that might bring harm to the hive..."

Blue sighed again. "Or to you, Your Majesty."

Wait... what?

"Wait. Waaaaiiiiit... what?" Clap said.

"Is my brother so dangerous that his actions required attendance from a changeling queen?" This couldn't be good - not by any means...

The mare laughed rather brightly. "No, no, no... Markannus simply brought me along; I use the bartender disguise to get close to others without them giving me the 'high-and-mighty' treatment; it gets old after a while. I'd rather have the chance to meet cuties like you," she smiled at Cup, "up close and personal."

Cup still looked to be in a bit of shock from the revelation; as par for the course, the saucy little come-hither bit was totally lost on the unicorn.

"So, wait - you're a queen?" Clap said, ever attentive for the pickup.

"I know I don't look the part; a moment, if you please..." A band of energy rolled from her hooves up, and the sleazily-dressed bartender mare became a tall and shapely Changeling Queen.

Her tan carapace had a number of what looked like swirls and whorls in it, which gave her an exotic appearance, even for a changeling. She had a long and luxurious orange mane, vibrant citrine eyes with a matching yellow band around her middle, and the strange holes in her legs had metallic trinkets suspended in the middle of them by gold filigree thread, all of which would lazily spin at even the softest breeze. This visage was topped off by her cute yellow freckles that seemed to spot around her muzzle and neck.

"I am Queen Vaxillaria, head of the Vax Hive and mother to thousands of children; it's a true pleasure to meet the Siddy Six at last... well, four of you, anyway," she smirked, wrinkling her pretty, pert snout at them in a playful gesture.

"Your MAJESTY!" Wart bowed low.

"Whoa! A real changeling QUEEN!" Clap remarked. "Now THAT is stylish!"

"Wowzers," Cup observed, "you completely fooled us!"

She chuckled softly, as if regarding them all as adorable. "No surprise there, my little sweetheart - I've been doing so for quite a long time now, so I think I may know a thing or two about it."

"Quartz's factory? Again?" Markannus asked, "Is there something going down tonight?"

As far as Obsidian was concerned, she could be Princess Twilight Fucking Sparkle, and she would still be primarily concerned that she was showing FAR too much interest in her stallion! "...yes. Apparently, Quartz and Sapphire are plotting something - probably on Amber's behalf. Whatever it is, it can't be good."

Markannus nodded, then turned and gave directions to the driver via intercom, while Queen Vaxillaria lifted her eyebrows in surprise, but with an undertone of excitement that she almost completely covered... almost. "Oh - well then, since you'll be going into a possibly dangerous situation, I suppose that backup would be a good idea, yes? I insist that we put our hooves in with you and help you deal with... well, with whatever has to be dealt with!"

Blue gave her a flat look for a moment... then groaned. "Your Majesty..."

"Tut tut, not another word," she smiled at him, "we're going to help the Siddy Six, whether you like it or not, Markie. Just settle yourself with the idea, because I've made up my mind, and I've counted to three."

Again, an uneasy groan escaped Blue's lips. "As... a-as you wish, Your Majesty." Though, to be honest, Markannus didn't exactly seem like he wanted to follow those orders, yet he was bound to his duty, which was whatever the queen wanted - including, apparently, 'adventure'.

"Now, who is this 'Amber', and what sort of plan is she making?" the queen asked, her eyes practically dancing as she looked to Siddy for a reply.

So... you mean she was there merely by accident? Only to have fun, and not to do any important, world-or-hive-saving activities? And then, apparently, treating Cup so salaciously... yet with no deep-seated, sinister goal in mind, like making Obsidian turn Dark out of sheer jealousy? It... it didn't make sense... could it REALLY be possible?

"Well, Amber is my mind-controlling sister; she is currently bound in a warded container and sealed within a crystal shard... but even in this form, she has access to the minds of her siblings, which she can use to communicate with them, read their minds or even control them. We've come to Manehattan to investigate whether or not my brother, Quartz, is under her influence... but even after a rather pleasant first meeting, it seems that he's already under her proverbial spell. Her plan is probably focused on getting free from her imprisonment, I'd wager."

Vaxillaria clapped her hooves together excitedly. "Ooooooh! Intrigue! I absolutely LOVE drama of this caliber!"

Stalwart looked to the queen. "Your Majesty, I am not entirely certain one should be excited for the possible issues Lady Obsidian's siblings may cause... please forgive my rudeness, yet I can't help but wonder why you seem so cavalier about this situation?"

Vax smiled widely. "Oh, it's been FAR too many years since I was allowed to have any real excitement," she said as she shot a withering look at Blue, who sighed and with a flash, became Markannus once more. A good thing, too - Obsidian was starting to forget what he really looked like.

"Naturally, safety taken in regards to you is thrown out the window in the face of fun, Your Majesty?" he said with a slight snark, but she simply smirked back at him.

"Well, then I suppose we'll get to see if you've been keeping up with your training then, shall we?" She winked at the group... though mostly at Cupcake, who still (thankfully) seemed completely oblivious to her attempts to gain his attention.

If she kept up with this flirty behaviour, the bug queen would sooner or later find herself on Obsidian's list of her Least Liked Royals - and number one on this list got turned into a pigeon toilet recently.

"Quartz also has my other sister, Sapphire, working with him. She apparently has power over the elements, as she can manipulate them as she wants - or even fly. She looked rather haggard when we last saw her." Damnation, Sapphie - why did you get the best power?

Vax looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded to herself. "Very well, then - if they're not expecting you, then we should take this silently; if you'd like, I might be able to try to fake my way in the door - unless your family can detect Changeling Queens?"

"More like they'd NOT sense whomever they were expecting, Your Majesty," Makannus answered, "because they have a rapport, remember?"

Vax sighed, then smiled again. "Unless I'm a mailmare!" Markannus facehoofed.

Clap looked out the window. "Well, make your decisions, everybody - we're here."

The limo stopped, and the driver got out to open the door for them all. Markannus stepped out first, then offered a hoof to Queen Vax as she stepped out onto the sidewalk. The others followed suit, and soon they were standing at the front again, but now it was FAR darker, there were no ponies in sight through this industrial area, and the sounds of the city felt distant, though they were merely a block away from a main road.

"None of them should be able to detect a changeling queen, as far as I'm aware," Obsidian went on. "Now, Quartz has mainly defensive magics, and Sapphire has elemental ones - so I doubt either of them would know any magic allowing them to detect any sort of ruse. At least that's my best guess, at any rate."

Obsidian thought about the possibilities. Honestly, she merely wanted to break right inside, consequences be damned. But now...

Could the Queen get through by turning into a King Sombra? No - nopony would believe it.

Well, what about Onyx? 'No, you damned fool, of course I'm not dead! Do you think I'd let this pathetic worm defeat me in any possible scenario?' That could be more believable.

Or possibly Amethyst, who had the advantage of being actually alive.

She turned to Vax, doing an incredible job of not letting the little green-eyed monster in her heart show on her muzzle.
"...do you happen to know of my sister Onyx? How she looked and behaved? Permament scowl, smugness out the flank, a constant feeling that she's the only pony in the world with a brain..."

The changeling queen laughed low and sultry. "Oh, you mean the one who caused all the undead troubles? Yes, my scouts brought back enough information for me to possibly..."

There was a wave of green light that rolled across her body, from hooves to head, and when it finished...

"... look like this?"

For a moment, Obsidian's brain paused; she hadn't seen Onyx in the waking world like this since the Umbral Incident, and yet, here she was right in front of them all. The blood red and stylized mane and tail, the haughty expression, those piercing eyes, the velvety-black coat with the bloody-looking red hooves...

"WHOA! Geez, that's realistic!" Clap exclaimed.

Cupcake walked a circle around her. "Wow... that's uncanny! You did a perfect job of it! You even sound like her!"

Wart took a wary step back; a bit too real for her liking, it seemed.

Now there was a face Obsidian didn't want to meet with too soon... in fact, while she was fine enough with Onyx sitting harmlessly in her head (as long as she didn't find any way to escape or, Darkness forbid, control her), meeting her face-to-face like this brought up some bad memories.

Obsidian couldn't help but frown, but continued on unabated. "Let's hope that Mica won't return before you change back... your majesty... as explaining what's actually going on here might take a while. Anyway, yes - that's Onyx, in her entire punchable, smug glory. I think that it might be enough to get you inside, at the very least. A few random bits of lore, like the fact that Onyx used something called a 'Nightmare Spell' on her siblings, yet she kept a drawing from our brother - a drawing she claimed to have destroyed. Details such as these could possibly make it even more realistic, if pressed for proof."

Vaxyx nodded, but when she spoke, the all-too familiar voice sent shivers down Obsidian's spine. "So, all I'd have to do is keep whoever's inside busy, while you and the others make their way in? Or am I to bluff my own way inside, then open a door for you?"

Markannus sighed a resolved sigh, then a roll of light went down his carapace as well, ending with...

The full-bore gaze of rage and spite wasn't there, but Markus was almost a perfect copy of Amethyst; he even got the little scars and sharp canines right.

"Okay, will this work for backup?" Markathyst said, in an eerily perfect imitation of not just her voice, but her frustrated attitude, too - though Obsidian doubted that part was much of an act.

Okay. That was a bit much. "As far as I'm concerned, we could split into two teams. In fact, I think that it would be possible for you to claim that I've decided to come to the Dark side, and that everythingI've done so far was a part of Onyx's frustratingly unknowable Master Plan. For that matter, it most certainly could be! After all, Sombra did return and if I joined Onyx's side, it would mean that she now has a mole in the ranks of Equestrians. This way we could gather more data from them! During all of this, Cup, Clap and Stalwart could sneak in - perhaps with Markannus letting them in after things get going?"

It could be dangerous, of course... which reminded Siddy... "Also, do you have anything sharp at hoof? I've been carrying a knife with myself at all times, as my brother advised me to; apparently, Quartz can use fabric-based attacks or something of the sort. Amethyst had a Foci Blade too, with which she killed Ruby; I think he might expect her to have some kind of sharp tool or melee weapon."

Vaxyx chuckled, bringing back memories of the Black Pool and her first meeting with Onyx herself, where she revealed her truth from the lie of Miss Tome. "Obsidian, I can mould myself to be anything I wish to be - I doubt he'll be able to restrain me for very long." Of course, the thought of such visibly made Markathyst wince.

Obsidian couldn't really help herself but wince - the queen was simply too good as Onyx. If Markannus started saying something about killing, murdering, torturing or otherwise hurting others, it would definitely be too much for her nerves to handle.

"Ummm... love?" Cup stepped forward. "Are you sure about this? I'm... I'm kinda scared for you; don't get hurt, okay? Please?"

Clap looked up, then grinned. "Hey Sids - I can take Wart with me up to the rooftop; if you can get up there and open the roof access door, we can get in without any trouble at all!"

Wart, though nervous over the prospect of flying, nodded her agreement. "Indeed, Lady Siddy, as it shall also keep us from being discovered by any ground forces that may lie here in wait."

Cup looked at them all, then shrugged. "Well, uhhhh... m-maybe you've come back with a prisoner? Like, for instance, me?"

"Cup, love, trust me, I don't want to get hurt," she reassured him, "but why would you be a prisoner in this instance, though? If I was so heartless as to work with Onyx, I would most likely keep you as a pet. Dragging you around in the role of prisoner would hardly work; it would be easier if I could make your eyes glow green, though," she mused, "and Onyx would probably refer to Wart as a 'vest', since she threatened to make her into one."

Wart visibly scowled at that, but Vaxyx smiled a wicked, exceedingly Onyx-like smile. "Alright, so... we go in, announce ourselves properly, fool them into compliance, then we let the other two inside, and we find out what's going on. Will we have to capture Quartz? He's a rather dapper fellow; I'd honestly hate to have to harm him."

"We need to find out what's going on. It's possible we may have to restrain him for his own good, if he's under Amber's influence. And, Cup," Obsidian looked at her love with worry on her muzzle, "do you really think you'll be able to handle this? After all, all of us - including myself - might have to talk about some very unpleasant things to fool Quartz or Amber."

Cupcake looked at her for a moment... then gave an uncharacteristically small grin. "Well... I know you really love me, so I can handle it; I have not a single little fear in my heart - we're doing this for Equestria, after all."

Wart and Clap looked a bit skeptical... until Cupcake reached up with his hooves and messed up his mane, then hung his head and took an almost swaying stance, as if he were on his last legs. "... w-will THIS d-do, Master?" he said in a reedy, almost groaning voice.

Clap gave a low whistle. "That's... actually pretty friggin' good there, Cupperino." Wart just nodded, staring and looking a bit worried.

"MISTRESS!" Obsidian growled furiously at Cupcake, taking on a muzzle with the coldest possible glare all over it. "How many times I have to repeat that before your worthless, empty brain will finally remember? It's not that hard, you foul little-"

She stopped, her expression convinced as she shook her head. "I think we'll be able to do that without too many problems... though I'll have to treat you extra nice afterwards, Cuppy - and I'm sorry, in advance. I'm going to feel bad for what I may say to you, I just know it."

At least she hoped so; the only other alternative she could see was that she might like it - and THAT would be worrying.

Cup looked up through his disheveled mane at her and winked. "As you command... Mistress."

Vaxyx gave a low, sultry chuckle herself. "And here I thought I was a master of disguise... and you aren't even a changeling... you're just full of surprises, aren't you, sweetheart?"

Hearing Onyx's voice calling Cup 'sweetheart' had to be one of the most unsettling things Obsidian had ever heard.

Markathyst rolled his/her eyes and took the lead, followed by Vaxyx, with Cup taking a position behind and to the left of Obsidian. Clap grabbed up Wart and took off into the air, a tiny 'eep!' escaping from the tiny mare as they went airborne.

Approaching the door, Obsidian noticed something rather odd... it was ajar, just slightly; not locked or even closed. Just... open.

Markathyst frowned. "I already don't like this."

Author's Note:

So, Queen Vax - the thought was to have her come across as kind of slutty, yet to have it revealed that she's simply lonely. That, and she doesn't get out much, as her position as queen keeps her busy a lot of the time. One of those characters who miiiiiight be a bit creepy, but there's a reason for it that makes them likeable.

Wart vs. Garbage Truck was fun for me, as it was merely an idea at the time which became a funny scene to work out. Wungiel actually had Siddy spring on the poor little mare after Cup's hug - and I loved it. I'm glad I kept the scene in the story, instead of removing it for simplicity's sake.

And so, onward to wat might possibly be going on here... and a possible confrontation with Obsidian's brother. I guess the question would be, should Siddy believe the hype, or is she possibly walking into something more than she's ready to deal with?

In case the video link breaks, the song for the fashion show is "Murder My Heart" by KMFDM.

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