• Published 6th Nov 2020
  • 730 Views, 182 Comments

Obsidian: Shards Of Sombra - Randimaxis

Obsidian and company return for another adventure, as she seeks out the remaining shards of Sombra. But sinister things are brewing, and Obsidian must locate her erstwhile siblings before it's too late to stop them.

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Forty Two: Puttin' On The Ritz

She was alone in bed, the shower was running, and through the open door Obsidian could see Mica Chip, sitting on the couch with an amused smile on his muzzle, witnessing Clap and Wart's yelling match. Both mares were in the process of getting ready; Clap was yelling from the other room, while Wart was returning the yell from the kitchen - both supposedly engaged in preparations.

Obsidian groaned, and for more than a single reason; first, she woke up with more questions than answers yet again. Second, she was yet again shoved into the head of a very specific, foolish mare - one for whom Obsidian held only contempt and hate - instead of getting to have some small-talk with her sister... or any of her dead siblings, for that matter. Third... by Darkness, did they HAVE to SHOUT SO MUCH!?

"I can imagine a few more gentle ways to wake me," she grumbled, getting up.

Clap and Stalwart were there, Mica was here, Gypsy was in Ponyville... which left only one pony able to take a shower right now... and which also meant she had no qualms about heading straight to the bathroom to at least wash her muzzle and brush her teeth... and perhaps a bit more, but that depended on Cup's willingness to cooperate.

Mica gave a light wave as he saw her rise, then she entered the bathroom. Oh... The bathroom was as grandiose as the rest of the room had been; the large walk-in tub had the curtain pulled across, and steam filled the air while she could hear her Cuppy on the other side, softly singing...

... I'll be grateful for your CHA-rity
until the bitter end...
Because I've heard that tenderness
Is what you give an ailing-glublbubluble...

Apparently, he was now washing out his own mouth.

She also had no qualms about pulling those curtains aside just a bit to sneak in beside Cup. Especially considering all the other things they'd been doing together lately.

Cup's eyes went wide as she slipped into the shower with him. "Ooooooooh! Does this mean we get to wash each other's backs?" However, he did crack a wide smile, and instantly wrap his hooves around her to pull her close for a deep, hungry kiss. With the water from the showerhead pouring down over them, it added a slippery yet sensual sensation to the act.

When he was wet, Obsidian could see the wiry muscle defined in Cup's body; his coat was fluffy enough to hide much of it, but like this? He was kinda hunky.

The kiss finished, and he stood there just staring into her eyes for a moment. "Would you like me to wash your mane for you?"

While this place was all rich, ritzy, wasteful and decadent... it simply wouldn't be half as nice without her coltfriend. Obsidian immediately felt her annoyance dissapear. It was to be expected, though - she'd already discovered that his hugs were quite calming on her second day in Equestria... or was it her third? Of course, his hugs had now gotten a rather nice upgrade in the meantime...

"It would be a pleasure for us both, so..." she purred into his ear lovingly.

He gave a light shiver and a smile, then he slid around behind her and his hooves seemed to gather her mane before he-...


His hooves were oddly delicate, and felt like they were flowing through her mane and over her scalp. He was getting the pressure in deeply, working those gentle hooves in circles as he lovingly caressed the shampoo into each strand, then rolled circles on her head - between her ears - that made her skull feel softened.

At the same time, his body was pressed against her back, and more than once did she feel him sliiiiide along her wet body, enjoying her curves and somewhat smoothing her coat with his own. It felt deliciously naughty, and yet so loving and sensual... once again, Obsidian realized that her fate might have turned out far differently if she'd have chosen a different liaison.

Regardless of her initial meeting with him, now she found it difficult to think of not having Cupcake in her new, modern life.

"... I want to lick whipped cream off your ear," he whispered to her as he finished with her mane... and slid his hooves along her back, massaging her spine and allowing some of that previous spa-relief to return to her muscles.

Obsidian giggled like a school filly, fully enjoying the pampering she was receiving. Now, who would ever have thought it would turn out like this, a few weeks ago? She was engaged to him! And everything had happened this way only because she'd thought that a talktative liaison would be the better choice.

"Perhaps later, Cuppy... do you think we will have to leave this place quickly?" Purring was apparently set as her new default voice, for the moment.

He rolled his barrel against her, nuzzling under her chin as he did so. "I hope not - I hope we can stay here for, like, a week or so... Manehattan is just so big, and there's so many others here, and the buildings are amazing..."

He then gave her neck a light, slow lick. "Of course, seeing it with you is the best part; you make it all warm and soft inside my heart, like warm caramel - except you are sweeter than even caramel could match." If her voice was a purr, his was a rumble.

"But, if I'm right..." he slid his muzzle up the side of her neck, trailing kisses.

"... then at this very moment..." his lips nibbled softly at her ear.

"... we have..." his hooves flowed down her form like water, accenting each curve.

"... fifteen minutes before we have to leave," his voice rolled in her ear, "or else this could go a lot further than it has right now."

With the physical performance he'd given her, it was almost cruel when he separated from her to slink out of the shower, a light chuckle being all he left to console her lonely body with... but the information that they had a mere fifteen minutes sobered her quickly.

It was simply too little time to continue any of this - and if they did go a bit further, she would be a little bit too... well frankly, a bit too horny to focus properly on their mission! Besides, they had to hurry! Damnation, she hadn't even seen her outfit yet! What if her wedding necklace clashed with it? Or what if her cape didn't look as good as she first thought?

"ILoveYouCupButYouAreRightWeNeedToHurry!" she blurted all at once as she stumbled from the shower quickly.

Getting dressed would take the most time, so after properly drying, the outfit and cape were next. She took up the bundle labeled 'For Obsy', and pulled the ribbon off to open the-


The outfit was black with red highlights; it had a number of straps, but it was more conservative than it appeared to be... yet, with the way it was arranged, it brought a lot of attention to the wearer. Something about it looked both inviting and a bit dangerous, like a femme fatale out of a spy novel.

It blended with her colors enough for a passing glance to mistake the collar on her outfit for simply an extension of her mane; it would cause a lot of second glances, that much was certain. In the outfit that Eloquence had styled for her, she looked almost like a supervillain out of a comic book, and yet still elegant and stylish... not to mention highly flattering of her figure, and the outfit made quite a sudued show of her flank.

The cape, incredibly enough, not only fit, but it looked as though the two different pieces of clothing were incomplete without the other; she looked gorgeous... intimidating... mysterious... adventurous... and as sexy as she had ever seen herself.

Obsidian, in this outfit, was a bonafide knockout.

Behold the Dark Queen of Equestria, and despair that you will NEVER look as incredible and marvelous as her! Obsidian was amused that Eloquence apparently wanted her to look like a far better-looking and less armored version of her father... though the final touch - the cape - was her own addition. Sadly, she didn't have enough time to properly adore it; she had to put it on as quickly as possible, with her necklace as the last piece of her new outfit.

The necklace brought it all together, and sealed her vision as someone to be admired, loved, feared and respected. Someone who could conquer the world, one day... someone named Obsidian.

The fact was, the wedding necklace actually added a little touch of both love and happiness; it made the outfit go from Dark Conqueror... to Shadowy Hero.

Shadowy Hero... that seemed to feel good, thinking that of herself.

At any rate, she was fully dressed - even with the minimum of attention paid to her mane, its' unkempt appearance only seemed to add to the smoulderingly hot mare's looks; if Quartz didn't spot her in this outfit, then the poor fool had to be blind.

Hmmmm... perhaps this wedding necklace was a bit much? No matter; she preferred to keep it on. After all, they were engaged, and as such they shouldn't hide the fact.

Of course, none of that stopped her from ogling herself in the mirror. "*ahem*... heh. Ha ha ha. Ha-ha... HA ha ha... heh heh, ha-HA!" She chuckled darkly at her own reflection, testing her ability to laugh like a proper world conqueror would. "Ha-haaa! HA! HA-HAAAAAAA HA HA HA... HA-HAAAAA! HAH!"

She threw her magnificent head back and gave her best wicked villain laugh; "AAAAAAAH-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAAAAAA!!!"

As she cackled in the mirror (and YES, it sounded just right), the closet door opened, and out stepped Cupcake Sprinkles.

... in a snazzy, sporty black suit, with his mane styled back and slicked down and a neat, trim little black bowtie - looking like a suave millionaire playbuck... even more handsome than when she first laid eyes on him... and wearing his engagement necklace proudly.

"Okay, I think I'm done preening and loo-" He stopped dead in his tracks, his eyes going wide and shiny as her thirsty coltfriend drank in the sight of her.

"... buh... buh-buh... ka... puh... mah... buh..." She would have to thank Elo; he'd rendered the mighty mouth of the Pie family speechless.

Obsidian turned around... and ogled Cupcake as well. Not bad, not bad... in fact, it looked rather... yummy on him. Eloquence had done such a wonderful job; she could feel the hunger inside her for her incredible stallion's attention, and was completely certain she had 100% of it at this very moment.

She slowly approached her coltfriend - every single step, carefully planned and executed as she was doing her best not to walk too slow or too fast, with just enough hip-swaying action to each side... to make it look a bit more... interesting...

"Are you ready to take on The Big City, Pie colt?" she purred, brushing against him as she walked around him, her tail trailing along under his chin in passing.

He gave a light shiver... then, a slick smile slid across his features. He suddenly took up her left forehoof, spun her around and dipped her low, their muzzles meeting snout to snout as she felt the ends of her mane brush the floor.

"They won't stand a chance, my Dark Princess." With that, he kissed her in a manner that lit a FIRE inside her heart, as well as sparking a few other places; tonight, regardless of anything else, would be theirs.

"You CANNOT seriously be wishing to walk around looking like THAT!?"
"Oh my cloud, did you do your own makeup!? HAAAAA HA HA HA HA HA HAAA!"

Oh, for Darkness sake...

Obsidian frowned. "I suppose we'll have to start the night by bringing some order to our friends," she rolled her eyes as she quickly turned and made her way towards Wart and Clap, following the sounds of their verbal battle.

The scene she came upon when she left the bedroom:

Thunderclap Dash was standing in the living room. She'd had her hair done back in an amazing bun-and-braid combination, the colored roots of her mane showing beautifully, wound around the blonde of her longer strands; her tail followed suit, with a long braid tipped with a floof of a twirl. Her lips were glossed with an icy blue, and her lashes were long and luxurious.

The outfit she wore was... well... even though ponies didn't really seem to care whether or not they even wore clothing, the outfit the muscular mare had on was... ah... rather revealing and skimpy. Most certainly, it would bring her plenty of attention... yet, that kind of attention might also have stallions asking how many bits she wanted for a 'good time'. Frankly, she looked like a prostitute - but she certainly looked good as a prostitute, at least.

Was that even a compliment?

Wart was standing on the nearby couch, almost eye to eye with Clap's neck... and Stalwart Stance's dress was breathtakingly incredible. The fabric flowed and rolled across her tiny frame, accenting and even emphasizing her hips and shoulders, and was a shining chromatic silver, with a deep, blood red two-tone effect that almost seemed to flow into each other... an effect that was heightened with Wart's grey coat, even accenting the small dapples behind her ears - a cute feature of hers that most never got to see. The dress itself shimmered in the light like it was a rolling flame, burning on the little mare's body but only serving to draw that much more of the eye to her small, yet graceful figure.

... however, the makeup she wore was so thick, Obsidian could possibly make clay bricks out of it. Her cheeks were CAKED with foundation, her eyelids thick and gloppy, and her eyebrows looked closer to 'hobo clown' than 'charming party guest' - and her lips only added to that mental image.

Mica, who was holding a hoof in front of his mouth to hide his smile, was silently chuckling at their antics, then turned to look at Siddy and Cup... and his jaw dropped open as he gawked at them both.

But Obsidian was not going to suffer any more of this foolishness. She stepped into the room, eyeing both Clap and Stalwart. Mica earned a small glare too; after all, he could have stopped either of them at any time.

"Girls, come on," she tried to reason, "Clap, sweetie - I think your outfit could use a few additions. I'm sure you've bought something else during your shopping spree, right? Oh, and Stalwart, my dear... er, you should either go fully-natural when it comes to make-up, or..." She blinked at her, then looked around at the others. "Could somepony help Stalwart, please?" It was time for some honesty - these two needed help.

Cup stepped over, "I've got Wart - you fix Clap, okay dear?"

Both mares, looking ready to exchange blows, turned to possibly yell at Cupcake for his interruption... and their jaws dropped open just like Mica's had.

"Buh," said Thunderclap.
"Buh-buh," said Stalwart.

BOTH of them were staring unabashedly at Cupcake Sprinkles.

He smiled, tossed his Dark Princess a wink, then took Wart by the hoof and led her along, the little mare walking in a daze as she just stared at Cup. They headed back to the kitchen, where a pile of makeup supplies were heaped onto the countertop.

Clap turned and stared at Obsidian, after Cup left her sight. "... you two... look... incredible..." Now, the big mare's eyes were locked onto Obsidian, and the pegasus marveled at the outfit she wore. "Elo's never gonna top this," she murmured.

Well, they were apparently poised to become the stars of her brother's gala. Soon enough, the entire city of Manehattan would hear about them, and Quartz would have no choice but to realize that Obsidian was on his tail... metaphorically, at least. Not that she suspected him of really doing anything shifty - though Sapphire DID NOT look well - but better to be safe than sorry, right?

"I know, Clap, I know - I'm used to it," Obsidian replied (not so humbly). "Now, let's try to deal with this outfit of yours, shall we? Where are the rest of clothes you purchased today?"

Clap looked at her with a confused expression. "What? This IS the outfit I bought for tonight - isn't it good enough? I mean, c'mon - look at that flank!" She struck a pose that might have been an attempt to look sexy... but just cemented that image of a prostitute that much further into Obsidian's mind.

"I'm not gonna be able to keep the stallion's eyes OFF me - which works out for Mica, 'cause he'll be the target of SOOOOO much envy!" Either that, or he'd look like a pimp. A subdued pimp, in a sensible yet sharp suit, but a pimp all the same.

Obsidian had learned so much from books, yes... but the television had taught her one or two things as well.

"I don't quite think it's good enough for you," Obsidian remarked as she decided to continue being blunt. Very blunt.

"It doesn't exactly fit your style - especially for tonight's gala... it's a fashion party! We should strive for getting attention with our clothes, our fashion sense, and with the harmony between our appearances and our outfits..." Honestly, at the moment she was simply talking about things that she hoped were making sense to the pegasus - but, even with blunt being blunt, she didn't want to offend Clap. "And you, my dear, are... ahem, you're, er... clashing a bit, with your outfit."

Apparently, Siddy knew her friends quite well; Clap's expression changed to one of alarm, and she began looking over her outfit. "Clashing!? Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh SIDDY! You have got to help me fix it! I can't go out with Mica looking CLASHY!"

Change the C-L for a T-R, and well... still, the message got through, and that was what mattered. Clap almost dragged Obsidian to her suitcase, where she began to frantically paw through her other clothing, desperately trying to find something more to wear almost literally at the last minute.

Such a terrible situation, really; Obsidian - who until today was completely reliant on her friends' choice of clothing - was going to help one of those said friends with preparing for tonight's gala. And she had to do it quickly, as they were running out of time.

"Calm down, calm down," she muttered both to herself and Clap as she grabbed every outfit from the suitcase with her magic, pulling it up in an orderly fashion into the air to take a quick peek at everything she had available to her. Clap had to have something more sensible, right?

Her library sorting skills came in handy, as she separated them by color and severity (to the left, the sensible items; to the right... eh, more like what she was currently wearing). Honestly, Clap's range in clothing was rather extreme, either way - the sensible suit and pretty sun dress were miles away from the black lycra miniskirt and the form-fitting pink top.
Maybe a blend of clothing would suffice? At least, in the... eight minutes they had left?

Oh, for Harmony's sake - mixing them would be terrible. They were simply too different! She would need quite a few preparations to pull off anything worthwhile...

Obsidian started to press different dresses to Clap's barrel, trying to figure out something sensible as soon as possible. It was only a matter of math right now, really; there were a set number of clothes, which made for a finite number of combinations. She just had to choose the best among the presented options.

Clap stood there, being a good clothing horse as Siddy examined look after look... but unfortunately, with just what was presented, she was going to either look like a drab mare... or a hooker. Or... wait...

There was a quick flip of a shirt here, a swatch of a belt there, and the addition of an extra large skirt, with some rolling of the ends...

It was certainly original. The shirt and leggings from her previous outfit, combined with some of the other stuff, yet framed in one of Clap's sensible jackets and a partially rolled-up skirt made her look a bit wild... but not like she was selling her flank on the streetcorner. Obsidian didn't know if it was something she'd always been able to do, or if it was Elo's outfit that was channeling his style, or if maybe it was just the franticness of the rush to be done... but she'd done a better job of making Clap stand out, but not for the wrong reasons.

"Whoa... Siddy! Look at THIS!" She gave a twirl, letting her wings flap to lightly touch down. "I kinda look like a rock star... thanks, girl!"

She gave Obsidian one of her strong hugs - and oddly enough, Elo's outfit didn't even seem to wrinkle; it was just as crisp as before the embrace... though Siddy's lungs might need a moment to readjust. "Thank you thank you THANK you, Sids!"

One day, Clap's hugs would kill her - without realizing until it was too late. "Ghhhh... go... ask Mica if that's okay. Check his reaction," she suggested, after regaining the ability to breathe.

Thunderclap strolled outside the room, prancing a bit as she did. "Hey Mikey - check me out, babe."

Obsidian got the answer she wanted as she heard Mica's voice: "... buh."

"GREAT! You look sharp too, there... my hunka burnin' hotness." There was the sound of a kiss, then a light giggle... from Mica.

"I'm going to be the luckiest stallion there," he said, his voice soft and warm.
"You mean, after Sids and Cupper, right?"
"... you've got a point."

Well, Obsidian wasn't a stallion, as far as she was concerned. Still, she walked back into the main room as well. Now, they only had to wait for Stalwart so they could make their way to the gala.

Clap and Mica were in a warm embrace as she arrived, but quickly separated, blushes on both of their muzzles. "SO, UH yeah, uh... h-hey Sids; the look's a hit with my colt, so I'll be wearin' a Siddy Original tonight!"

Mica grinned at her. "Yes, and MY, but you look exquisite, Obsidian... quite fitting, actually."

They both smiled at her... and that's when Obsidian noticed that, even though they separated at her entrance, they were still holding hooves.

"Okay, I've worked my magic as best as I could - and after years of makeup parties with Blue and Patty, I think I've retained a good bit of my skills!" Cup marched out from the kitchen, then looked back over his shoulder. "Well? You gonna show everyone how I did?"

From behind the counter came a light whimper. "I... y-you did a fine job, Cupcake, but..."

"Wart! Come out where we can see you, girl - I wanna see how awesome you look!" Clap cheered, quite the opposite of the mockery she was using earlier.

Maybe there was something to the whole 'Obsidian as the lynchpin' theory?

Slowly, Wart made her way out from behind the counter, looking a bit ashamed as she stepped hesitantly towards the center of the room. "Eh... ta-da?"

She looked absolutely beautiful; her eyebrows were sleek and curved, her lashes long and flowing, and the pale grey accents on her cheekbones gave her an almost statuesque appearance... along with lips that looked full and delicious.

Her bright emerald eyes were glancing nervously at everyone. "Is... i-is it good?"

Instead of responding with mere words, Siddy simply sat her plot down and clapped with her front hooves. The little mare was truly an exquisite sight to behold, and they were lucky that Diamond wasn't there with them - otherwise, Wart would never again get a free moment to herself!

Stalwart Stance, a bonafide hero of Equestria, blushed hotly... which doubled as the others joined Siddy in her light applause.

"You'll be a hit, Stalwart... and you deserve to be." Mica smiled.

The little mare waved a dismissive hoof... and gave a tittering, adorable giggle... as they gathered their things to head out for the party, closing the door behind them as they left the penthouse suite.

In the elevator, Clap looked to her friends. "Okay, now - it's alright if we don't get there right on time; fashionably late, is what's preferred... so like, we should get there in enough time to look like we're the sort who belongs there."

"Sids," Clap pointed at her, "you and Cupster make your way to the buffet - 'cause there's ALWAYS a buffet - and mingle with the interesting folks there. Always be in control of the conversation, and don't let any pretty mares try to slip away with Cup."

"Warty," she pointed the hoof at the unicorn now, "you're gonna be a total success, as long as you stand somewhere you can be seen - there's almost always a stage somewhere, so find it and act like you're listening to who's playing; you'll probably get to talk a lot, but keep it simple - leaves the stallions hanging on to your every word, when ya don't say much!"

She then smiled at Mica. "My Hot Rock is gonna be at my side, and we're headed to the dance floor first - show 'em who's top dog in the spotlight! You guys get in place while we set 'em up, and that'll allow for-"

"Thunderclap Dash, why does this sound more like a planned attack than a gala event?" Wart asked curiously.

Clap's eyes narrowed, and she got a serious look. "It IS an attack... an attack on the high society of Manehattan, making 'em weak in the knees at our beauty, making 'em fall all over themselves to be near us, to generate the MOST conversation at this party about us that we possibly can..."

She now leveled that look at Obsidian... and smiled. "Our group is set to conquer this party like it's 'manifest destiny'! HA!"

No pretty mare would be able to slip away with Cup; not only because Obsidian would guard him like he was made of gold, but also because there was no way Cup would be prone to slipping away in the first place. After all, Obsidian trusted him more than herself.

Still, there was one little issue with Clap's otherwise perfect plan. "Er... Clap? What is this 'manifest destiny'?"

Clap started to speak... then stopped, scratched her head, and shrugged.

"Manifest Destiny," Mica spoke up, "was one of the reasons more warlike nations gave to justify their annexing of territory, to put it simply."

"I was just trying to get us pumped for this - c'mon!" Clap whined slightly.

Wart smirked. "I think the 'conquering' part will be of hearts tonight."

Okay, so Obsidian now knew the definition of 'Manifest Destiny'... but she still had no idea exactly what it was. A war plan? Dark Magic? Light Magic? A weapon? Come on - you can't just mention something about conquering, then leave her in dark! It was cruel!

They hailed a cab (sadly, not Markannus), and soon they were making their way out of the vehicle and onto the sidewalk outside of a rather showy and glitzy setup.

The place was lit up with spotlights which criss-crossed through the clouds that had been carefully placed for the event. The entranceway was draped with velvet curtains, and the guests, all done up in fancy (and sometimes nonsensical) outfits, were making their way in casually, smiling and occasionally waving for the throngs of onlookers crowded against the velvet ropes.

At the door was a minotaur in a suit, who was apparently checking invitations. He was huge, but he looked calm and reserved. He wore a well-tailored black suit, with pants and shades to match. Every now and again, he would lower his glasses and stare at the hopefuls, then shake his head and pont meaningfully.

So far, nobody had dared make the massive mountain of muscle irate.

Well, Obsidian considered, this minotaur was kind of... big. It was the first time Obsidian was able to see a real minotaur with her own two eyes, so she couldn't help but stare in a bit of fascination. A bipedal stance, like diamond dogs, but his paws don't seem to be able to dig so quickly... far more muscles... they would possibly make good shock troopers...

She smirked and adopted that interesting walk as she headed toward the guard. "My friends... let's conquer this party; divide et impera."

She took out her invitation, patiently waiting for the rest of her friends to join her. With everything in order, she should be able to meet with her brother at last... or at least witness the effects of his fashion empire.

The minotaur gave them a bow as they approached. "Good evening," he spoke in a cultured tone, "your invitations, if I may please?" Each one of them showed their invites, and each one got a prim nod from the massive minotaur. "Very good; please... enter, and be amazed." He gave a grand, sweeping gesture to the doors.

"Thanks, big guy!" Cup chirped as they passed him, and Clap winked at him as she slipped some bits into his breast pocket in passing.

"You're doin' a fine job tonight," she said as she left the tip there, "keep up the good work, buddy!" The minotaur raised an eyebrow... but said nothing as they went inside.

It was a grand ballroom, indeed... but every corner and harsh edge had been hidden from view with silk hangings and tapestries that gave the room the appearance of the inside of a cushion; there were a number of soft-looking round pillows, and many guests had taken to sitting on them, so it must have been okay to do so.

There was also what looked to be a full bar at the far end, and on the small vet highly visible stage was a stallion dressed in a business suit, wearing a large, paiper-mache dragon's head that had smoke rolling from its' nostrils as he worked his hooves back and forth between two turntables, the music playing being a savvy mix of modern beats and classical melodies.

For some reason, Obsidian doubted that the bits Clap slipped into the minotaur's pocket would truly be appreciated; considering the apparent cost of this place and all its' trappings, she was sure the big guy was well-paid.

As soon as they entered the room, many heads turned and many eyes settled on them all, murmured conversations becoming livelier. A number of mares and stallions gravitated towards them, attempting to remain in conversation with the other guests, yet all the while their eyes were betraying their interest.

It felt... powerful... to command so much attention and interest from these high-society types.

Ahh, yessssss... the destined queen of the Crystal Empire has arrived! Obsidian felt that was already gathering the proper attention that was worthy of her royal status-...

...okay, wait - so why did Sombra and Crest have their titles of 'King', while their country was called an 'Empire'? Not to mention how it was currently under the rule of a 'Princess'? What was the reasoning behind all this? Was Cadance merely a princess due to the ancient Equestrian traditions, which were dead-set on making every alicorn that appeared into a 'Princess of Something-Or-Other'?

Yes, this place seemed to be perfect for a little fashion gala. There were plenty of ponies, but it was different than in Ponyville when Twilight threw the surprise party for her - Obsidian's attitude, the overall mood of the location, the goal of her visit... everything was different.

"Sometimes, having a sibling can be... beneficial," Obsidian admitted with a predatory smile worthy of King Sombra.

The crowds were filled with stallions and mares, all decked out and dressed to the utmost, but most of the eyes were on Obsidian and her entourage... and in this case, it probably was an entourage.

The center stage was shining with lights and steam-effects, and the music ground and thumped in the background as they all made their way toward the center of the room. Clap turned to look at them, then chuckled.

"We have got to be the sexiest folks here - so, we gonna go with my plan?" She seemed to really want to... but was, of course, looking to Obsidian for approval.

"Yeah, Clap - as long a we stay close, we should be both safe and useful to split up. If we notice anything dangerous, then we'll have to group up again," Obsidian nodded. "Be careful, all of you; hopefully, this will stay a fun night."

Honestly, what was the worst thing that could happen, here at a fashion show?

"So, Cuppy... let's see if there are any non-alcoholic beverages available at the bar," she grinned as Obsidian nodded to where she saw ponies drinking from fancy glasses.

Cup smiled, and offered a forehoof. "Then, shall we, milady?"

The group separated; Clap and Mica strolled to the dance floor, both of them giving each other looks that Siddy could almost see sparks jumping between.

Wart, looking a bit nervous, walked over to the stage and attempted to lean in a non-chalant manner against one of the podiums - which gave a wobble, threatening to fall over. Wart quickly righted it and decided not to do that again, choosing instead to simply stand there, looking like proverbial bait, waiting for the wolves.

Cup sniffed at the air once or twice, then smiled as he led her towards an area that, sure enough, had a long buffet table, filled with little foodstuffs... as well as a few mares carrying snacks on trays. Cupcake lightly snagged a few chunks of cheese and, after downing a couple, offered some to Siddy.

Obsidian smiled but nodded towards the bar; that was her original goal, wasn't it? She hadn't really had much of an opportunity to eat or drink anything since she took her nap, after all; she could use a little something light to snack on.

For once, all of her etiquette lessons would pay off - in fact, she'd almost forgotten those lessons completely. It had hardly been the most useful skill in her Equestrian life; they didn't teach how to kill zombies, and they weren't really important as a librarian. Now, however, she felt a calm wash over her - the smooth calm of knowing that she was in control, and that she had the proper knowledge on how to deal with this situation.

The bartender was a rather sultry-looking mare with a grey coat and a jet black mane and tail, wearing a tight-fitting and revealing outfit, whose eyes practically devoured Cupcake as the two of them stepped close. "Well, hel-lo, handsome," she purred, "you look plenty thirsty... It'd be my pleasure to get you something tasty, if you're interested?"

Siddy didn't need practice at social functions to know the mare was lusting for her stallion; she felt it, in her heart... and for the first time, Obsidian was the recipient of a little green-eyed monster who poked juuuuuuuust a bit at her.

Cupcake smiled at the mare, though it was a smile that told her he was operating on auto-pilot where the bartender was concerned. "Um, yeah - can you do virgin cherry smoothies?"

The mare smirked. "Oh, I can do a lot, honey; you might be surprised."

"Right then! Two virgin cherry smoothies, and can you add those little umbrellas, too?" The smile he gave the mare was one of his big grins - he was probably completely unaware of her flirtatious lines, though it didnt seem to deter her much, as she gave him a half-lidded stare and smile.

"You got it, sweetflanks - comin' right up." She then turned to work the magic that bartenders usually did... except her flank seemed to swing slowly and deliciously as she worked, to the beat of the music, in a rhythm that would have made almost any other stallion utterly hypnotized by her swaying rump.

Of course, Cup paid no attention. "So, love - what do you think of the whole she-bang here?"

Of course, being jealous didn't really make any sense, considering that Cupcake was completely and utterly oblivious to any flirtation attempts, and Obsidian was well aware that she was better than any mare that might try to seduce her wonderful coltfriend.

"Oh, it's quite interesting - bigger than anything we've attented in Ponyville, I'd daresay. I can hardly wait to meet my brother," Obsidian replied with a very carefully relaxed voice, though she was doing her best to take a look around - all the while, pretending not to care about her surroundings.

"Two virgin cherry smoothies, hot stuff," the bartender purred as she presented them with two tall glasses filled with a sweet-smelling concoction. "Now, if there's anything else you'd like a taste of, just ask." she smirked.

Cup took the drinks and gave one to Obsidian as he smiled back at the bartender. "Thankies!" The mare simply gave him a wink in response, but Cup was too busy grabbing straws for him to have caught it.

This place, the sounds, the lights, the mingling... it was all as grandiose as Obsidian had ever experienced, but she was never more in her element than now. She was cool, she was collected, she was calm... and as long as the bartender didn't push the issue much further, Obsidian would stay that way.

It wasn't long before a caterer mare in a fancy outfit walked by with a trayful of sweet-smelling snacks... a tray which got Cup's attention.

"That scent... I know that scent..." He got up and, in a surprisingly somewhat subdued manner, he began to sniff at the air, following the mare with the tray as she made her way towards the back.

Cup glanced back at Obsidian. "I swear to you, I KNOW that scent, and my sniffer never lies when it comes to food!" For some reason, she could totally believe it.

"I never said it didn't," Obsidian said somewhat defensively as she had no reason to doubt it - not a single one. If he told her he had a super-sense that let him see sweets with only the power of his mind, she would believe him too. "Who's that? Another relative of yours, perhaps?"

Cup followed the mare - a unicorn, she noted - to the back hall, where she slipped behind one of the tapestries and into a service door... with a sneaky Cupcake Sprinkles hot on her tail! He caught the door just before it closed, and looked back at Obsidian.

"Okay, you've got my back here, right? I say we go see what we can see in the back areas - I KNOW that scent, and I'm not giving up 'til I FIND it!" he grinned mischeviously.

Obsidian could always just go back to the party, maybe go hang out with Wart, perhaps strike up a conversation with someone else... or, as per usual for her fiance, she could stick with him and probably find herself on some sort of adventure before too long... and she'd made that choice when she kissed him for the first time, didn't she?

Obsidian sighed a bit, but didn't complain. "Could you at least tell me about what we are looking for?"

He grinned as he snuck in the door, then held it for her while she followed suit. "When I was a foal, I had all sorts of sweet treats, but there was only ONE TIME I ever experienced the most delicious, most divine Carrot Cake I'd ever know in my entire existence as a pony... and, I swear to you, THAT was IT! Almost like a I was a foal again, myself!" He continued to sniff about, now a bit more physically, until he began to make his way down a side hall.

The area wasn't made for public consumption; the walls were drab, the floor was dreary tile, and the lights buzzed overhead with a drone that felt like it was trying to push its' way through her skull. However, it wasn't dirty or cluttered; it was clean and neat as a pin, even if not very showy.

Rounding another corner, the two of them came across a group of similarly-dressed caterers, all standing in a semi-circle, facing someone Obsidian couldn't quite see. The mare Cup had been following walked over to another table, where a similar-looking pegasus was busily cooking at a portable stove, stocking up all sorts of treats.

Including what looked like a huge Carrot Cake, among the other foodstuffs on the nearby table.

The unicorn set the tray down, then wiped the sweat from her forehead with a hoof. "Whew! There's gotta be, like, at least three hundred folks out there! See, that's what I meant by 'getting our names out there'; after a party like this, there won't be a single soul in all of Manehattan who won't know our names!"

"Yeah, sis," the pegasus spoke back to her, "but how many of our business cards have you passed out yet?"

The mare gave the pegasus a flat stare. "Pass them out. Really. With as much as I've been hoofing it back and forth across the floor, taking orders, returning compliments, asking if anyone needs refills and managing what we've already got out there, tell me how I'm supposed to have even five seconds to give out a business card, eh!? Don't get on my case about passing out business cards when I didn't know we were supposed to!"

The stallion sighed loudly and dramatically. "What are business cards FOR, dummy? Were you waiting for permission to advertise???" Cup was staring at the two of them... hard.

Obsidian very, veeeeeery carefully put her hoof on Cup's back. To be fair, she really thought he was looking for somepony, not for something - perhaps one of his mother's baking friends? Somepony from his family? There were plenty of options...

But the fact that he was looking for a cake - a delicious cake - worried her a bit. "Love, er... why are you staring that hard?" Which was yet another thing that was spiking her anxiety at the moment.

"Because," he muttered, "I think I know them..." He stepped forward, slicking his mane back with a hoof before approaching the two caterers.

"Excuse me," he began, in a mock-regal voice, "but might I inquire as to the origins of that cake you're sporting there?"

The unicorn turned, trying her best to seem professional, to look at Cup with a slight sigh. "Sir, thank you for the compliment, but I must direct all questions to the guardstaff, as we're a little understaaaAAAAAAAAH!"

The mare's entire being seemed to almost jolt awake, and she kept looking Cup over as if she'd never noticed he had a blue coat before. "Sweet Twilight's Crown! Is that you, Cupcake Sprinkles!?"

The look of shock and happiness blossomed on her muzzle, and she turned to her brother. "Hey look - it's CUPCAKE!"

The pegasus looked up from his stove, and a twin sunny smile broke across his features too. "Cupcake Sprinkles, oh my word!" The two of them came around and locked Cup in an embrace between the two of them.

"WOWZERS!" Cup exclaimed, "I never thought I'd see YOU TWO here!"

For a moment, Obsidian was worried that they'd just met some random sworn enemies of the Pie family, and she would possibly have to steal this cake and brainwash those two into believing that sky was made of gummy bears, just to give them enough time to escape.

Obsidian stepped forward, only slightly disoriented. After all, it was Cup; around him, she should always expect the most unexpected things. "Cuppy, who...?"

He turned and gasped, then directed both siblings to the sight of Obsidian. "Siddy, this is Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake - they're the foals of Mr. and Mrs. Cake, the ones who built Sugarcube Corner!"

"Yeah, and I hope it's still standing, with YOUR appetite!" Pumpkin laughed.

"Pound, Pumpkin - I wanna introduce you to Obsidian, Dark Princess of the Crystal Empire, Hero of Ponyville... and my wonderful fiancee!"

Both of the Cake twins went wide-eyed. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!"

Pound stepped forward first. "You managed to score a stallion like Cupcake? Let me tell you, you won the happiness lottery on that call!"

Pumpkin gave a slight bow. "Good to meet ya! I'm glad to see that Cuppers grew up to have some taste - other than food, of course!"

The half-circle of caterers all chuckled at some joke she didn't hear; were they being entertained between work shifts?

Now that Cupcake had mentioned their names, Obsidian remembered hearing about them - owners of Sugarcube Corner, working there and so on. She didn't think she'd ever heard any real details though, so some bits of Ponyville History were completely new to her.

"A pleasure to meet you two," Obsidian gave a slight bow, "and yes, we're both quite happy with each other... though I had to get used to it first," she shyly admitted.

Pound laughed. "I'll BETCHA ya did, there! Cupper's always been a little... rambunctious?... spirited?..."

"A little insane," Pumpkin finished with a smile, "so we understand ya there - but his heart's as good as gold, and twice as precious, don'tcha know?"

Cup's grin put them all to shame. "Pound and Pumpkin here used to foalsit me; they're the ones who helped me learn how to have fun with cooking!"

Pumpkin shot her brother a knowing glance. "And we taught him the comedic value of a sack of flour, too!"

All three of them laughed heartily at that; they seemed like old friends, and even though it was a warm moment, she couldn't help but feel like a proverbial fifth hoof. However, before it became a burden on her mind, Obsidian caught a quick snippet of conversaton from the caterers gathered behind her.

"... you said more chocolate? By Darkness, you would think so many reed-thin mares wouldn't be putting such a strain on our cocoa reserves..."

By Darkness?

Obsidian was a bit hesitant to ask about sacks of flour; luckily, it seemed that she didn't have to, as something else got her attention. Perhaps ruining the warm, friendly mood here... but also perhaps bringing them a bit closer to fulfilling the real goal of this mission. And their original goal was not at all connected to any carrot cakes or to walking around and feeling beautiful in this perfect, wonderful dress... sadly...

"Pardon me, but... do you happen to know who I heard, just now? That voice that was just speaking about cocoa," she asked Pound and Pumpkin.

The two of them looked at each other and Pumpkin shrugged. Pound then gently took wing, giving a quick glance as he flapped once or twice - then his eyes went wide, and he swiftly landed, giving a nervous look at his sister.

"The BOSS is here," is all he said, as he went back to his stove and began cooking with a fervor.

Pumpkin grimaced. "Good to see you again, Cuppie, but we'll have to catch up another time - we're at work right now!" She blanched a bit, then grabbed up another round of treats and refilled her tray as deftly as a knife-thrower making a public demonstration.

"Sorry, Cup - but catch one of us before you leave, and we'll give you our- WAIT!" She scrambled over to Obsidian and gave her a small card with letters printed on it. "Our business card! Just get in touch when you can, okay?" She smiled, gave Cup a quick peck on the cheek as she passed him, and returned out towards the ballroom.

Cup blinked at Obsidian. "... the 'Boss'? Wouldn't that mean..."

"Oh my shades and shadows..." The voice was surprised and stunned, but still rich, regal and cultured - even in shock. The stallion it belonged to made his way out from the semi-circle of employees, all of whom went back to work as he did.

"May I possibly take a guess and state that you simply must be Obsidian, yes?"

Author's Note:

Thunderclap Dash is funny to use as a clueless humor node. Not to say she's dumb - not at all - but I tried to justify the reason for the blonde in her mane. *chuckle* Seriously though, everyone makes mistakes - Clap's are just more fun, in my opinion.

For some reason, when I consider the sound someone makes when they're taken completely by surprise by something attractive, I always come up with some variant of 'buh'. Why? I dunno - because it sounds funny? And after what had happened all the way back towards the beginning of this story - after the girls got their spa treatments - I felt that a little bit of payback was in order. :rainbowdetermined2:

Yes - Wart and Clap's fighting was influenced by similar moments from the show, usually between AJ, Dash or Rares in some combination of two of them. I actually found their back-and-forth quite amusing... especially the coining of the phrase, oh my cloud.

Another cameo - TWO, even! I figured they'd be following in similar hoofsteps to their parents, and since it was mentioned that the Cakes had moved to Manehattan... well, I just figured it'd be a good time for another couple of canon characters to show up. (A pair of siblings that are LESS notorious and LESS alicorn-y than the others presented so far.)

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