• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,090 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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As Sunset made her way through the cafeteria she sat down and soon found herself interrupting a heated debate as Applejack said, "All I'm saying is, yes it's good they went back and dubbed it with the current cast, but you can still tell it's an ova that came before the series, I mean look at the way Diana acted!"

Rainbow scoughed as she said, "Please, that was the standard anime movie thing of bumping up personalities to give a quick intro of everyone, they did the same thing having Lotte do her spirit singing so often, and Susie dumping mushrooms in their potion."

"OK yeah... maybe that was a little much compared to the series, but still Diana was like a whole other person," said Applejack.

"She seemed fine to me," said Rainbow with a shrug as she turned to the newcomer saying, "What did you think Sunset?"

Sunset thought for a moment before saying, "Gonna have to go with Applejack on this one, yes it was still good but you can tell it isn't canon. Though I don't mind Diana being full on tsundere for Akko like she was, albeit it makes it extra hard to believe that Akko wouldn't notice she likes her."

The others let out there own chuckles as Fluttershy slightly blushed saying, "So how was showing the new students around?"

Sunset shrugged as she said, "It went alright, they seemed nice enough and where interested in entering the Musical Showcase."

"Oh that's good, means we'll get to meet them soon," said Rarity.

"And I'll get to party with them Pre-Showcase Bash tomorrow!" said Pinkie excitedly.

Rainbow Dash shrugged as she said, "Eh, that is if they can enter that is. After all they gotta make sure to have plenty of time for the encores everyone will want after they hear my latest song."

"I thought we agreed to do my song," said Fluttershy with a pout.

"Yeah but," began Rainbow Dash before interrupted as the pout soon turned to a particular stare as she nervously chuckled saying, "Of course we're playing your song... sorry I forgot."

Fluttershy cut off her stare and smiled at that before munching on her salad.

Sunset chuckled slightly as she reached for her own food, but the second she caught sight of her arm though she remembered what else happened with the new students as she sighed saying, "It wasn't all good news though, since it looks like I don't have as much control over my powers as I thought."

"What do you mean?" asked Applejack.

"I... don't know, right before I met those new girls it just started glowing on its own and I couldn't turn it off," said Sunset.

"Oh dear," added Rarity.

"Did it act like it was trying to tell you something like yesterday?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Sunset thought as she said, "Maybe... It said something about needing strength to protect myself."

"Well that doesn't sound good," said Pinkie as her hair deflated slightly.

"I mean, considering one of the things her parents gave her was a gun, I don't think this journey is going to be all peaches and cream," said Dash.

Sunset was just about to shrug and agree to that, when Fluttershy suddenly stood next to her saying, "DO YOU FEEL OK!? Did you remember to take your medicine!? Do you have some on you just in case!?"

Sunset backed up slightly as she said, "Oh well... firstly yes I feel fine, secondly also yes I took some today, and finally," she then reached into her pocket and pulled a small cloth bag saying, "I put two in here just in case like you said."

Fluttershy relaxed slightly as she said, "Well that's good then... although that bag doesn't seem the best place to keep it, it's going to get covered in lint." She then thought for a moment as she blushed before reaching into her pocket saying, "I was going to give you this later, but you should have it now." She then reached out
to Sunset holding a small plastic container with a butterfly shaped clasp.

"Wow... thanks," said Sunset as she took the case in her hand.

Before they could continue on though they suddenly heard the doors to the cafeteria open as they all turned to see the three new girls enter and begin singing

As the three sung the girls watched as the cafeteria descended into fighting and chaos. Meanwhile Sunset had to tuck her arm behind her back as it began to glow again, once the song was over though it stopped... only this time she started to feel weak after words. She briefly panted as she popped open her butterfly case and took one of the pills, instantly feeling better.

"Are you alright Sunset?!" asked Fluttershy in renewed concern.

"Yeah... I'm good," said Sunset as she sat back up and looked at those girls as they seemed to revel in the chaos before they sat down at a now empty table and began eating.

"What was up with them?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"And what did they do to everyone?" asked Pinkie as she looked around at the fighting youths before them.

"The... the Sirens," said Sunset as her breath calmed down and the realization dawned on her.

"The what?" asked Applejack.

"Those creatures you read about?" asked Fluttershy.

"Yeah, they supposedly sung enchanted songs that caused everypony to fight and fed off their negative energy," said Sunset.

As Applejack watched two students begin to push each other she briefly stood up to separate them before saying, "That certainly sounds like what's going on."

"But how did some ancient Equistrian monsters end up here of all places?" asked Rarity.

"Starswirl banished them to another world... a world without magic," said Sunset as she realized what that meant.

"This world," said Fluttershy finishing her thought.

"Yup... I hate to say it but the brightest minds of Equestria may have used this whole world as a magic dump," said Sunset with a sigh.

"Well that's kinda concerning," said Applejack.

"Does that mean stuff like Big Foot and Loch Ness monster are real and from Equestria?" asked Pinkie somewhat excited.

"I wouldn't go that far," said Rarity. "Still though, that must have been such a long time ago."

"Over a thousand years ago," said Sunset.

"Damn, they look good for their age," said Rainbow, resulting in some glares from the others as she said, "WHAT!? I couldn't have been the only one thinking it!"

The others stared in silence for a moment as Pinkie simply shrugged before saying, "Eh, she's not wrong."

"Moving on though... why would they just show up now?" asked Rarity.

"I don't know," said Sunset before she stood up saying, "But I'm gonna find out."

Before she could move any further though she suddenly found herself being stopped as she turned to see Fluttershy grabbing her and saying, "Wait!"

Sunset looked down at her as she said, "You saw what they did and how my hand started glowing... I think the're the threat it was trying to warn me about."

"Maybe, but whatever they did also seemed to take it out of you, can't exactly fight them if you pass out before you can get close to them," said Applejack.

Sunset paused at that as she said, "Maybe, but..." she soon trailed off as she saw Fluttershy's pleading eyes looking up at her as she sighed saying, "I guess I can let them go for now, at least until I can get home and read more about them."

Fluttershy smiled at that before returning to her food saying, "Maybe you should talk to Celestia or Twilight about it, after all you got enough on your plate trying to find out about your parents."

"Maybe," said Sunset as she began to eat while thinking this over.

The three girls simply sat at the table as Aria groaned saying, "God, I forgot how bad High School cafeteria food is in, this is why I swore I'd never come into one of these places after we got kicked out of Sunnydale."

"You kidding!" said Sonata as she munched away at her plate of tacos saying, "THIS IS THE BEST!"

Aria rolled her eyes as she said, "So what's the deal Adagio? I mean sure we managed to get some more of that weird energy but we pretty much only did our usual thing."

Adagio winched as she said, "To the untrained eye yes, but to someone who actually has a brain in their head they'd know this is a scouting mission." She then pointed at the Sunset saying, "Firstly her hand was glowing right before we took the energy so that's where it must have come from, secondly right after we took it she looked like she was about to pass out before taking a pill so if we want to use her as a battery we'll have to make sure we don't drain her dry too quickly. Thirdly you see the girls around her?"

"What about them?" asked Aria.

"They seem nice," said Sonata.

"Exactly, they aren't fighting like the others meaning they where protected from our magic which means," said Adagio as she pointed at Aria.

Aria chuckled as she said, "So the Equestrian magic batteries are friends with her."

"Exactly, and I managed to do a little test of our new abilities," said Adagio as she parted her hair revealing that instead of a normal human ear, she had her large pointed Siren one.

"HEY! I thought you said not to use this stuff yet!" said Aria as a bit of red overtook her eyes.

"And I maintain that," said Adagio as she let a shimmer of red go across her head turning her ear back to normal as she said, "Which is why I only used a small amount, after all our hearing as Sirens was so much better then as humans and with that I picked up a little tid bit that will make our plan come to a head." Adagio then looked at Sunset with a smirk as she said, "So she's looking for family huh, well maybe she's already found one."

Author's Note:

And thus Adagio's plans becomes clearer, what will happen next? Find out next chapter around this time next week.

Anyway thanks for reading, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day