• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,090 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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A Much Needed Checkup

Sunset looked up to the red figures as she began to hear the man speak up saying, "Are you sure this is the right call?"

Immediately followed by the other turning towards him, as the woman began saying, "It's the only call we have if we want to keep her safe."

It was then that the two bent down closer to her, however the finer details of their appearances still alluded her as she heard them say, "We love you Sunset."

"Sunset, Sunset SUNSET!" she heard as she suddenly found herself awake. As her blurry vision began to clear up she saw that she was laying down in the very backseat of a three row van. She soon felt a warmth beneath her head as she looked up to see that she was laying on Fluttershy's lap as she slightly smiled before turning to the others and saying, "She's awake."

Sunset groaned as she said, "What happened," as she reached her right arm up to her face and jolted as she saw it was... completely normal. "Was it another hallucination?"

"The freaky glowing hand thing," said Rainbow Dash as she leaned towards her from one of the passenger seats. "Nope, totally happened."

"Hold on a minute darling," said Rarity as she leaned from next to Rainbow Dash saying, "What do you mean 'another hallucination'?!"

"Oh..." said Sunset as she thought, "Whelp I guess the cats out of the bag." She sighed as she said, "It's nothing, just... when I get really stressed out and my heart rate get's too high I start seeing and hearing things."

"What kind of things?" asked Fluttershy in concern.

Sunset looked up at the concerned look, before blushing as she turned to the side, or at least tried to but found she was much weaker then she thought at first and couldn't manage it. She instead looked away saying, "Just weird monster creatures and crazy dialogue, that doesn't make any sense." Sunset briefly smirked as she tried to lighten the mood a bit saying, "I remember one time I heard someone yell 'I should have been the one to fill your dark soul with liiiiggttthh,'" as she started a laugh that quickly turned to a cough.

The comment failed to make any of the others so much as chuckle, not even Pinkie as Sunset noticed her in the front passenger seat seemingly giving Applejack directions as she drove. "And how long has this been going on?" asked Rarity.

Sunset's coughing fit soon ended as she simply closed her eyes and said, "All my life. I didn't want to bother Celestia or any of the castle staff about it since it didn't seem like a big deal, and until now I didn't really have anyone here who would care."

"Well you have us now," said Fluttershy as Sunset felt her stroke her hair again comfortingly.

Sunset smiled slightly as she said, "Thanks... it actually feels kind of nice to tell someone after so long." Fluttershy smiled back down at her as they simple sat for a moment before Sunset came to a realization as she asked, "So where are you taking me?"

"THE HOSPITAL OF COURSE!" said Pinkie somewhat panicky as she turned the map she had to the side as she said, "Take the next right."

Sunset suddenly got nervous at that comment as she said, "Are you sure about this, I mean whatever is going on seems to be magic."

"That may be sugarcube, but we can't exactly get in touch with Princess Twilight right now and if they can at least give you something so you don't pass out again that'll be a start," said Applejack.

"Actually I might have a way to talk to her, back at my locker at school," said Sunset as she tried to sit up saying, "We should go back and-" but she was quickly interrupted as she found herself collapsing back on Fluttershy's lap.

"Enough darling! We can talk to Twilight later, you need a doctor now!" said Rarity.

"Why are you so nervous about this anyway?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Sunset looked away as she did not want to answer the question, and as Fluttershy stroked her hair she suddenly realized why as she said, "You never answered our question."

"What question?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Rarity gasped as she said, "Wait you mean!"

"You've never been to the doctor... have you Sunset?" asked Fluttershy.

Sunset sighed before saying, "No, Celestia took me in when I was a filly and she would always just use a health check spell every now and again to make sure I was in good shape, and after I came here I was..." Sunset trailed off as she nestled deeper into Fluttershy's lap.

"You're scared aren't you?" asked Fluttershy. She got no verbal response, but felt Sunset slightly nod at that.

"Oh, it's alright dearie... I'm a little nervous whenever I have to go in for a checkup," said Rarity.

Rainbow Dash nodded as she said, "Yeah, even I can be a little scared, especially when I'm hurt and think they might tell me I have quit the sports teams or something."

Sunset slightly perked up as she looked out at everyone as Applejack said, "There's no shame in being scared."

"We're right here with you," said Pinkie.

Before she could say anything, she suddenly felt her hand being gripped tight as she looked up to see a calm and reassuring look from Fluttershy. Sunset smiled back for a moment before noticing that the van had come to to a stop as she glanced towards the window and saw the large white building with the red cross above its entrance.

Fluttershy looked her in the eye as she said, "If you need to wait to go in we understand."

Sunset sighed as she said, "No, I can go now... I'll need some help though."

"Of course," said Fluttershy as she lifted up Sunset by her left arm and hefted her over her shoulder before saying, "Rainbow."

Rainbow Dash nodded as she said, "I'm on it," before sliding the van door open as she quickly made her way over grabbing Sunset by the other arm as the two carefully lifted her up and out of the way as Sunset shakily stood being held up by her shoulders. Rarity and Pinkie quickly followed after placing themselves behind and in front of her respectively ready to catch her in the event of a fall.

Applejack reached over and grabbed the door handle as she said, "I'll find a place to park, you all get her checked in," before sliding the door shut as she began pulling away.

As the group made their may towards the door they saw several wheel chairs sitting near the entrance, as Pinkie asked, "Do you think you need one of those?"

Sunset looked over at them before nodding as Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash carefully lowered her into one before Fluttershy began pushing it as they made there way through the door. As Sunset looked around she didn't really see many other patients but did see the woman sitting at the reception desk suddenly gasp and pick up the phone upon seeing her as she thought, "God, do I look that awful right now?"

As they approached the desk Rarity stepped forward saying, "Yes, our friend Sunset here suddenly passed out in the middle of our band practice and she hasn't been able to move much since then."

"I figured," said the woman as she quickly hung up the phone before standing up as she said, "Follow me please, you're in luck. Dr. Noceda just finished up with her last appointment and should be free for the rest of the day."

She then bent down to Sunset as she held out a form saying, "Sweetie, do you think you could fill this out or do you need a friend to do it?"

"I-" began Sunset but her nerves started to flare up.

Thankfully Pinkie came forth saying, "I got it," as she grabbed the forms and began filling them out.

The nurse simply nodded as they began to follow her down. Sunset's nerves only got more and frayed as her breath began to become ragged as where she was fully dawned on her. As she looked to the side of the hall she briefly saw what looked like a human sized wooden puppet with blades for hands as she thought, "Oh come on not now!"

As Sunset's panting increased she expected the voices to come... but instead suddenly found a hand placed on her shoulder, as she turned to see Fluttershy smiling down at her, flanked by Pinkie, Rarity, and Rainbow who where also doing their best to reassure her. Just seeing them caused her to calm down as she felt her breath and heart rate slow down as her vision began to clear. No sooner had that happened had they reached a door as the nurse took the clip board from Pinkie with a nod, before opening the door and leading them through where she quickly caught site of a woman standing near the standard examination table she had seen in countless movies. The woman turned towards them, and gave Sunset a sympathetic look before taking the clip board from the nurse as she quickly exited.

She looked at the papers saying, "Hello Sunset, I'm Dr. Noceda and... oh pobre querida. You passed out in the middle of school?"

Sunset simply nodded as her friends pushed her forward.

Dr. Noceda adjusted her glasses as she continued to look at the clip board saying, "And according to what your friends have written this isn't the first thing that has made them concerned about your health."

Sunset nodded again as she said, "Deep down I think I knew something was up, but I felt fine and I just...."

Sunset trailed off before suddenly finding a new hand on her shoulder as she looked back to see Dr. Noceda right in front of her saying, "No need to explain, I have a daughter just a little younger then you so I know being nervous when I see it. I promise though this isn't that a big a deal."

"Really?" asked Sunset.

Dr. Noceda stood up saying, "Absolutamente. Most of what they wrote doesn't particularly sound bad... odd to say the least but trust me when I say that odd isn't always bad. Our big concern though is why you fainted, and why you feel so weak right now." She then looked at the others as she said, "Girls, do you think you could help her get her jacket and shirt off and get on the exam table while I get the equipment ready?"

Without even being given a response, Sunset found herself being lifted by Rainbow and Fluttershy again as she was moved towards the table. As she looked at them she did her best to focus and keep calm as she lifted her arms allowing for her jacket and top to come off more easily as Rarity quickly folded them both up and laid them flat across her lap.

Sunset briefly felt cold at having only a bra covering the top half of her body, but such concerns quickly melted away as she saw Dr. Noceda turn back around and slip a blood pressure cuff on her arm as she began to pump it up and say, "Now then. What have you had to eat and drink today?"

Sunset thought back as she said, "I had a light breakfast of toast and orange juice, but had a big lunch with a salad, some milk, and a piece of cake."

"I see," said Dr. Noceda as she continued pumping before saying, "Are you a vegetarian?"

"Yes," said Sunset as she thought, "Even after living in the human world so long, I still can't bring myself to eat meat."

"Hmm, I'm not saying that's bad but you might need to look at your diet carefully to make sure you're getting plenty of iron," said Dr. Noceda.

Sunset slightly moved her eyes as she asked, "Could that be what caused this?" highly doubtful that it was something so simple.

Dr. Noceda simple shrugged as she said, "I doubt it, but it's just some friendly advice." She then removed the cuff as she said, "Now then, your blood pressure seems to be normal. So far so good." She then raised up her stethoscope as said, "Lo sentimos mucho, but this is going to be pretty cold."

Before Sunset could respond she slightly shuttered at the cold feeling on her chest as Dr. Noceda began listening to her heart beat. "Hum," she simply said.

"What now?" asked Sunset in renewed concern as she reached out slightly and was thankfully greeted by Fluttershy gripping her hand again.

"Your heart beat is slightly irregular, not bad mind you just different... do any heart diseases run in your family?" asked Dr. Noceda.

"I don't know... I was adopted when I was pretty young and don't really remember my birth parents," said Sunset before briefly having a flash of the two red figures before refocusing on the present.

"Oh lo sentimos mucho," said Dr. Noceda as she briefly looked away embarrassed.

Sunset slightly smirked as she said, "Está bien."

Dr. Noceda smiled slightly as she said, "You speak spanish too?"

"Just a little, I took a few language classes online," said Sunset mentally adding, "Granted they where all in case I needed to quickly get out of the country as part of an evil plan, but probably shouldn't say that."

Dr. Noceda smiled further as she began moving her stethoscope to Sunset's back and said, "Now I need you to take a deep breath in and hold it until I say."

Sunset nodded as she did as instructed. Dr. Noceda looked at her watch as she listened and counted the seconds before saying, "And breath out." Sunset let out the breath and soon the process repeated.

After the fifth time Dr. Noceda moved back in front of Sunset as she said, "Now then... your breathing seems fine... it doesn't look like you're sick." She briefly scrunched her face in thought before saying, "I think I have a pretty good idea of what this could be, but I just need to do one more thing."

"And that would be?" said Sunset.

Dr. Noceda sighed as she pulled out a small needle and a cotton ball saying, "Your friend here failed to fill out a blood type for you... and I'm guessing that's because you don't even know it."

Sunset gulped as she nodded. Dr. Noceda sighed saying, "Sorry honey but I need to check this to be sure."

Sunset trembled slightly as she found her friends putting their hand on her shoulders. She did her best to hold still as she simply nodded before placing her hand out.

Dr. Noceda stepped forward as she quickly began wiping the needle with a sanitizing wipe saying, "Say, do you read the Good Witch Azura books?"

Sunset seemed taken aback slightly as she said, "Um.. no."

She grabbed Sunset's hand as she said, "I only ask because my daughter really loves them and is always telling me about them, and... if I'm being honest I did pick up the first book and read through some of it while she was at school, you know just to see what the fuss was about and it was muy interesante. Though of course I haven't told her that yet since if she knows she'll probably make me read all the books and watch the movies with her which... I'm not sure I'd be ready for right now."

Sunset did her best to politely listen but began to grow slightly impatient as she said, "No offense but can we just get on with getting the blood sample?"

Dr. Noceda simple smiled as she said, "Actually, I've already taken it," as she showed the blood soaked cotton ball before putting it in a test tube.

"How did you?" asked Sunset in confusion.

Dr. Noceda simply smiled as she said, "Like I said, I have a daughter and know how to deal with these kinds of things."

Sunset smiled at that as she unconsciously thought, "It must be nice having a mother like her."

Dr. Noceda went to her desk with the test tube as she began using a dropper to squirt some other substances onto the cotton ball before putting it under a microscope connected to her computer. She watched as the substances began to form near the red blood cells, only to be completely ignored by them as she said, "Que? Imposible."

"What's wrong?" asked Sunset.

Dr. Noceda continued staring at the screen for a moment before saying, "Nothing... I'm sure our chemicals are just out of date or something."

"Why's that?" asked Sunset as she gripped Fluttershy's hand tighter in worry.

"Well... OK. So how we determine blood type is we place several antibodies near the blood cells and whatever ones the blood cells take in determine the blood type, i.e. if they take in type b antibodies it's type b blood and so on," said Dr. Noceda.

"OK," said Sunset as she believed she understood.

"Well," said Dr. Noceda before gesturing to the screen as she said, "As you can see, your blood isn't taking in any of them... almost as if it's a totally unique blood type."

"Oh," said Sunset as she thought on this new information.

"Well like I said though, it must be some kind of mistake... regardless I believe what is wrong with you is a genetic disorder and... since you can not ask anyone for confirmation I was hoping that some blood work could confirm it instead," said Dr. Noceda.

"I see," said Sunset as she continued to think on this.

Dr. Noceda pulled out her notepad as she said, "I'll call you when I can actually get some proper readings, in the meantime I'm going to prescribe you a basic vitamin supplement that I think will help and write you a note to get you out of school for the next few days while," before tearing off those notes and handing them to Pinkie.

"Thank you Doctor," said Sunset as Rarity began helping her get her shirt and jacket back on, before the others began moving her back to the chair.

Dr. Noceda quickly joined in helping Sunset ease into the chair as she said, "Please call me Camila," with a warm smile towards her.

Sunset smiled back as she said, "Thanks Camila... say, that book series you mentioned, what was it called again?"

"The Good Witch Azura," said Camila as she watched the others begin to wheel Sunset out.

"Yeah, I think I might check it out, after all I'll be laid up at home the next few days. Who knows, maybe I'll like it as much as your daughter does," said Sunset.

Camila's own smile widened as she said, "Buena idea, I'll have Luz look out for you at the next convention."

Sunset smiled at that as she said, "Absolumanete, I'd be happy to meet her," as she meekly waved goodbye before exiting the room. She leaned back in the chair as she said, "I guess that wasn't so bad."

"See dearie, it was no big deal," said Rarity.

"Yeah... you guys where right," said Sunset.

As they went through the lobby the group briefly waved goodbye to the nurse before exiting, or at least attempting to as Applejack suddenly stood in the door and looked at the assembled crew saying, "Shoot that was fast."

"More like you where slow, what the heck AJ?" asked Rainbow Dash.

Applejack simple groaned as she said, "Well you trying finding a place to park a big hunking van this time of day." Her annoyance soon turned back to concern as she remembered what was going on saying, "Never mind that though, how's Sunset?"

"Well, I'll live if that's what you're wondering," said Sunset now feeling a little calmer about all this.

Fluttershy spoke up saying, "The doctor said she has a genetic condition, and prescribed a vitamin supplement that should help."

Applejack nodded as she said, "Sounds good, I'll pull the van around then we can pick up the prescription and take her home."

"And then take me to the school so we can pick up whatever Sunset needs to talk to Twilight, and I might as well drive her motorcycle back while we're at it," said Rainbow Dash.

Sunset blushed as she said, "You don't need to do that all for me."

"Nonsense dearie, you'd do the same for us if we weren't well," said Rarity as the group moved outside. She then looked around before saying, "Besides, if this is magic related we should contact Twilight asap."

Sunset thought about before nodding as she said, "Maybe..." and held her head down in thought.

Pinkie noticed this as she stepped forward saying, "What's wrong?"

"I'm just thinking, yes there is certainly a magic component to this... but if this is also genetic it just has we wondering about..." before she trailed off.

"Your parents," said Applejack as she looked down in thought herself at that.

The silence was palpable as Applejack shook her head clear before running towards van leaving the assembled group. Fluttershy was the first to speak up saying, "Do you know anything about them?"

Sunset prepared to say no, but had the image of the two red figures cross her mind causing her to change it to, "I don't think so... I knew Celestia could probably find some info is she really wanted, being a Princess opens a lot of doors after all, I was just scared at what she might find out."

The others thought on that before Rarity said, "Well, now might be a good time to ask."

"And if the answer is something scary, we'll be here to help you deal with it," said Fluttershy as the others nodded in agreement.

Sunset smiled as tears of joy flooded the corners of her eyes before she said, "I couldn't ask for better friends."

Before she knew it Sunset found herself being carried through her door as the others, sans Applejack and Rainbow Dash, where leading her through her living room as Rarity said, "Alright girls, let's get her changed into her pajamas and get in bed so she can go right to sleep as soon as she takes her medicine."

The others nodded as they slowly worked together getting her up the stares before Sunset quickly found herself sitting up in bed in her pajamas. She smiled at that as she said, "Thanks again for all the help girls."

Pinkie smirked as she said, "Don't thank us yet because we're not done helping."

"What do you mean?" asked Sunset.

"We all texted our families what was going on and they said it was OK for us to spend the night and stay home from school tomorrow to help out," said Fluttershy.

Sunset looked down at that as she said, "I don't deserve all this help."

"Yes you do," said Fluttershy as she placed her arm on Sunset gently and gave a comforting smile.

Sunset blushed slightly as she smiled back before laying down in bed.

The group simple sat in a comfortable silence before hearing a definite motorcycle engine as Rainbow and Applejack quickly entered the room. Applejack moved forward as she opened an orange pill bottle, poring one into her hand as she moved a water bottle to Sunset before giving her the pill as she said, "They said you can go ahead and take this now, and start taking one every morning from now on."

Sunset nodded as she took the pill and popped it in mouth, before taking a swig of the water to swallow it. She coughed slightly before saying, "Thanks, I feel better already."

Applejack smiled at that while Rainbow stepped forward as Sunset noticed she was carrying more then she should be. Rainbow also smiled as she said, "OK, so I got the book from you locker you said," as she held up the familiar brown journal with Sunset's cutie mark on it, before moving another book in front of it as she said, "And I took the liberty of stopping by the bookstore on the way back and picked this up for you."

Sunset smiled as she saw the cover

"Thanks Rainbow, that means a lot," said Sunset as the girl handed her both books with a nod. She briefly smiled down at the novel, before letting out a sigh as she opened up the journal.

"So what is that anyway?" asked Fluttershy.

"It's basically the magic version of e-mail. Whatever I write in this book appears in a book Celestia has, and vice versa," said Sunset. She paused at that before saying, "If you had told me only a month ago I would be doing this again I'd say you where crazy."

The others recognized the hurt behind that humor as Rarity said, "Darling, are you sure about this?"

Sunset thought for a moment, before looking up towards Fluttershy as she saw the usually meek girl giving her a look of confidence and support thinking, "Man, I'm really gonna have to find a way to thank Fluttershy especially after this is all sorted out," before saying, "Yeah... I've put this off enough," as she began to reach over to her bedside table to grab a pen. The others moved forward to help her but she simply said, "I got it," before she grabbed the pen and leaned back over. "Hmm, I was just joking around when I said I was already feeling better, but I actually kind of do... I guess human medicine is as advanced as they say."

She then looked down at the journal with a sigh as she turned to the next blank page and began saying out loud as she wrote, "Dear Princess Celestia, hi.... it's been a while and I know this isn't the best way to start us talking again but I need your help. Something is happening to me and it seems to be magic related, I can't explain how or why but my hand began to glow as it let me grab something several feet away from me. After words though I felt so drained I had to go to a hospital, the doctors over here seem to think it's something genetic and I can't help but think the're right... I know we've never talked about it but if there's anything you can tell me about my parents I need to know now. Your, not always faithful but faithful from here on out student, Sunset Shimmer." Sunset then closed the book with a sigh as she simply said, "And now we wait."

"Nope, no waiting for you my dear," said Rarity as picked up the book saying, "You need to get some sleep."

"Wait but," began Sunset but was quickly interrupted as the others pulled the covers over her.

"Now come on sugarcube, staying up all night waiting for an answer wouldn't do you any good, especially now," said Applejack.

Before Sunset could protest further Fluttershy spoke up saying, "We promise to check for messages every so often and get you if we need you."

"And in the meantime feel free to get us if you need us for anything at all," said Pinkie.

"You got it," said Rainbow as she pulled Sunset's phone from her jacket and sat on the bedside table saying, "Just in case you can't quite yell loud enough to reach down stares."

"Well... OK," said Sunset as she reluctantly curled up in the bed saying, "Goodnight girls."

"Goodnight," they all echoed back.

"Hmm," cried Celestia as she suddenly awoke from her slumber. A strange noise permeated the air as her sleepy mind tried to make sense of it as her blurry vision spotted something glowing in the distance. Instantly she began to think it was an intruder, but quickly she also thought of the possibility that a maid simply was trying to get something she missed in the day before Celestia woke up as she quietly grabbed the light switch in her magic to get a better view. Once the lights where on though she gasped as she saw something she never expected to see again.

Carefully she got up and made her way towards her desk as with every hoof step she became more and more aware of what exactly she was seeing. Finally she reached the desk as she saw a very dusty journal with her cutie mark on it glowing and vibrating. Still barely believing it she opened the book and turned to the last page as she began to read it.

Soon the door to her room opened though as another familiar voice spoke up saying, "Sister are you alright? I sensed you woke from your slumber rather abruptly."

As Luna approached she saw Celestia with her muzzle buried in a particular book as she appeared to be reading and re-reading a page over and over again. Luna was briefly confused before she got a look at the book as she began to say, "Is that-"

Before she could finish though Celestia put the book down as she said, "Assemble the messengers to get a message to Princess Cadence, I'll write a letter to Twilight."

"NOW! Sister it's rather late, what is this about?" asked Luna in confusion.

"Yes now... I've put this off long enough," said Celestia as she got to writing a letter.

"Put off what long enough, what did Sunset tell you?" asked Luna.

Celestia briefly stopped writing as she sighed saying, "She asked me some questions... questions I should have answered for her a long time ago... questions she deserves to have answered face to face, and if we're going to open the portal early to do that we're going to need as much magic as we can get."

Luna didn't quite understand what was going on, but could feel the intensity in Celestia's voice as she simply nodded and exited the room.

Celestia watched her leave before letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding as she said, "The hospital... she wound up in the hospital because of this... if I had only told her sooner then maybe she wouldn't be suffering now... maybe we would have never..." Celestia let out a tear at that before shaking her head as she said, "Well, no point in dwelling on the past... time to move forward," as she went back to writing the letter.

Author's Note:

Well then, what does Celestia need to tell Sunset? Find out all this and more next chapter... next week.

Decided to publish this chapter a little earlier then planned because 1. I wanted to brag that I was actually smart with this story and wrote multiple chapters before publishing it and 2. just to let you all know this will continue to update for a bit while I also try and work on some other things (gonna be on a weekly basis from here on out)

Anyway, any constructive criticism is welcome, thanks for reading, hope you liked it, have a great day.