• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,090 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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Uninvited Guests

Sunset and Fluttershy stared as the two creatures crashed through the second story window and onto the ground in front of them. One a large lizard like creature, the other appearing to be a man in a large bird like mask and white cloak.

As Fluttershy let out a surprised scream Sunset got in between her and the two strangers ready to leap into action.

Action that seemed unnecessary as the lizard creature only seemed interested in attacking the masked man as he hissed out, "Stay out of this witch," before striking out with his clawed hand.

"No you stay out of this you demon freak!" said the much angrier man as he dodged the blow before sticking his hand out and twirling his finger in the air as Sunset watched in shock a a ring of light trailed behind it before firing off a fireball at the creature, just like with her.

Her brain lurched as she thought, "Is... is this guy a friend?"

And as if to immediately disprove that he yelled out, "The forbidden child must be taken into custody by order of the great Emperor Bellos!"

The creature raised its shield and blocked the flames as it said, "Your 'emperor' is NOTHING compared to the power of Lord Mundus, he demands the girls head."

Immediately Sunset grew out her wings as she flew up to the second floor balcony with Fluttershy, putting distance between them and the newcomers.

"Who are these guys!?" asked a slightly panicked Fluttershy.

Sunset looked down as she said, "I'm not sure, but they don't really sound friendly. Let's just let them fight for now and see if maybe we can get some answers out of the winner."

Fluttershy gulped slightly as she nodded at that and began to calm down.

Sunset watched as the girls gaze turned calmer and more focused as she smiled slightly thinking, "That's my girl," before turning back to the others.

Nero impatiently tapped his foot on the vans roof as he heard Lady working. After about the twelfth tap though he groaned as he sat up ready to berate her once again, but stopped as he saw a figure approaching them fast. "Um... guys?" he said as the figure got closer revealing the large sword it was carrying.

Lady looked away from her work as she groaned saying, "Oh shit, we're already dealing with this."

Trish cocked her head to the side to look at the figure only to fully turn and gasp as she mumbled, "It can't be."

Nero hopped down as he pulled the sword from his back saying, "He doesn't look so tough," before sticking it into the ground and cranking the motorcycle like handle causing the blade to begin to heat up and glow.

Trish grit her teeth as she said, "Lady, keep working, we need to get out of here as soon as possible!"

Lady looked confused for a moment, but the second she saw the serious look on Trish's face she simply nodded and got back to work.

Trish then grabbed the large sword from her back as she got into a ready stance and flared up her power. Instantly her body was covered in lighting as she literally jolted forward saying, "I'LL HANDLE THIS NERO!"

Nero groaned as he said, "Oh come on, you bring me out to the ass end of nowhere and then you take the first thing that came through all day?"

"I MEAN IT! STAY BACK!" yelled out Trish as she brought her sword to bear against the figures as she stared into his eyes, seeing the brief glimmer of something behind their normally soulless light.

Nero did a double take thinking, "Woah... never seen Trish this serious before," as he sat back down saying, "Well alright, but for the record you know I can take this guy."

"NOTED!" called out Trish as she pushed him back and the two began to size each other up. Trish gulped as she thought, "I don't doubt you could Nero, but no boy should have to kill his father."

As the lizard ran forward it managed to knock off the mans mask with its claws as it grinned in triumph, only to suddenly have his face contort in pain as he looked down to see a spear of ice formed in the mans hand and stabbed directly through its heart, before it fell to the ground dead and its corpse began to dissolve away.

The man then turned towards Sunset and Fluttershy showing his short spiked brown hair, red eyes, and pointed ears as he said, "Victory for Steve, now then." He then moved his finger forward and twirled it as the ring began to form and Sunset braced herself in front of Fluttershy. Only for the ring to crack apart as Steve continued saying, "Time for a nap," before collapsing to the floor.

The two stared in disbelief for a moment, before being snapping out of it as Steve began to snore very loudly. "What just happened?" asked Fluttershy.

"I think... he used too much power and passed out," said Sunset as she began to descend the stairs.

Fluttershy followed after as she said, "Just like you."

"Yeah... between that and the pointy ears I think guy might be the same race as me," said Sunset as she leaned down to look at him. "At least, partially," added Sunset at noticing the lack of a glowing arm.

"Well then, what should we do about him?" asked Fluttershy.

"Well... I guess we tie him up and see if we can get any answers out of him when he wakes up," said Sunset as she hefted his limp body up and plopped it down in a nearby chair.

"Isn't that kind of mean? I mean he did kind of save us from that lizard guy," asked Fluttershy.

"Only so he could kill me for himself," said Sunset.

Fluttershy thought for a moment before saying, "I'll get the rope," as she went off towards the kitchen.

Trish groaned from the effort of pushing back Nelo Angelo's massive sword as he muttered, "Yamato."

She leaned into the clash and whispered, "Hey Vergil, if you're in there that guy is more then someone hanging onto your sword, he's-"

Nelo Angelo didn't seem to care to let her finish as he suddenly jumped past her and ran forward screaming, "YAMATO!"

Nero chuckled as he stood up saying, "Well, sorry Trish but it looks like this guy wants a new dance partner." He then reached his glowing Devil Bringer arm forward and allowed the the katana to materialize as he said, "You want this big guy? Then come get it!"

Nelo Angelo said nothing in response as he simply rocketed forward, only to have Nero instantly swipe him across the chest with the Yamato. For a moment he just stood there in a daze, and then suddenly everything changed as the Yamato did what it was made to do, cut away demonic influence. His armor began to crack apart as the cape behind him burned away.

Nero chuckled once again at seeing this enemy literally breaking before him as he said, "See, I told you I could take him."

That confidence melted away though as the figure turned toward him and his eyes which only a moment ago had only the faintest hint of intelligence, now stared at him with a cold unfeeling logic that sent a chill down Nero's spine that he'd never felt before. Even as the figure appeared to be literally falling apart it began to speak in a now gruffer voice saying, "I can't die yet I... need more power!" In a flash he was suddenly on Nero, and grabbed the Yamato out of the confused mans hand. Before anyone could respond the figure swung the sword in the air, or rather through the air as it opened a inky black portal in its wake.

As the figure turned towards it though it suddenly flinched as it watched the Yamato disappear in a sparkle of light that flowed back towards Nero's arm as he gripped it into a fist saying, "Sorry buddy, but the sword and the arm are a package deal, can't take one without the other."

"Good to know," muttered the figure before it hopped through the portal that closed behind him.

Nero and Trish stared in disbelief for a moment before Nero asked, "So do you know what was up with that guy?"

For a moment Trish lurched as she debated whether or not to finally tell him the truth about his father thinking, "Dante said he'd tell him eventually, but I don't think he'd have known this would happen either... or course he looked in pretty bad shape when he left, between that and ditching an order from Mundus no way he's living much longer, so telling him might just bring him heartache."

Thankfully Trish was saved from having to make a decision as she heard the vans engine suddenly roar to life as Lady called out, "We can talk later, for now let's get hell out of here!"

As the two looked up at the tied up man before them Fluttershy asked, "So how long do you think he'll take to wake up?"

Sunset shrugged as she said, "Don't know... a few hours maybe."

"Do you think we should give him one of your pills?" asked Fluttershy.

Sunset thought for a moment before shaking her head as she said, "Nah, I don't think we'd really want him at full strength."

Before they could continue they suddenly heard a voice yelling out, "SUNSET SHIMMER!"

She sighed as she said, "Especially since we have enough to worry about," as she and Fluttershy both ran towards the window to see a dozen men dressed just like Steve standing on the street with a pale blue haired woman, holding a white staff stood in front of them.

The woman yelled out once again saying, "I AM HERE TO TAKE YOU TO WHERE YOU BELONG!"

Sunset gulped as she made sure her cloak was gripped on tight and grabbed the Jade as she said, "Alright, guess I'll see what this is about."

"Do you want me to go with you?" asked Fluttershy.

"No, you keep an eye on Steve," said Sunset as she gestured to the snoring form.

Fluttershy looked for a moment before nodding as she said, "Well good luck, I wish I could do more though."

"I know," said Sunset as she placed a hand on her shoulder saying, "And I'm sure if our friend weren't out of town for the summer they'd say the same thing, but trust me." She bent down and gave Fluttershy a quick kiss before saying, "I got this."

"I.. I know," said Fluttershy with a blush as she watched Sunset go out the front door.

Mundus lurched as he said, "Impossible." He grabbed his chest in slight pain and disbelief as he felt his link his Nelo Angelo be severed. "How can this be," he asked as he brought up a projection of the area where Nelo Angelo had been as he saw exactly what kind of energy he faced as he once again said, "Impossible." He blinked in disbelief at seeing he had fallen far from where the girl was, and yet the putrid glow of Sparda's energy was still what did it. "How can that be, unless," began Mundus before the realization struck and his eyes began to glow red with rage. "There's two," said Mundus as he rised from his throne saying, "That detestable traitors bloodline that should have ended with him, and yet it has continued on to include not only two sons but two grandchildren as well!!!" He then kneeled down as if to meditate as he said, "Well no more! No more plans of half measures, I shall put an end to this infernal lineage once and for all, and I shall do it with my own hands!!" As he said this a rune slowly began to form in front of him as the process to form a portal strong enough for him to pass through had begun.

Author's Note:

And so everyone is coming together, what will happen? Find out next chapter around this time next week.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day