• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,090 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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Fashion and Music

As Sunday morning rolled on in, Sunset was honestly surprise to wake up at a reasonable hour as no one had come to wake her up early. She took her pill and then quickly went down stairs and made herself some microwave waffles before sitting back to reading the notes, all the while with a groan as she mumbled, "Why does this have to be so hard, maybe I should have asked Twilight to come through and help, I bet she could read it all and write me a detailed essay in under a day... then again she has such a nerd crush on Starswirl that her essay would probably be longer then all this somehow so maybe that's not the best idea."

Just as she was thinking about this though she was greeted to a knock at her door as she went over and greeted those at the door saying, "Oh hey Rarity, Rainbow Dash," before noticing a particular absence as she said, "Where's Fluttershy?

"Oh, she said she had something to take care of today," said Rarity.

As Fluttershy scribbled in her notebook the words, "good friend" repeated in her head as she began writing saying, "I may not have the courage to tell Sunset directly how I feel, but maybe this musical showcase is a good time to sing it." once again she heard those two words as she scratched what she was writing before starting over saying, "I just gotta make sure it's extra clear."

Sunset shrugged as she said, "That makes sense, she has been here pretty much all day everyday," she then gestured for them to come in saying, "So what can I do for you two today?"

"Oh, well I figured I could look over that cloak of yours and see if I can find out anything... and all though you said it's probably a waste of time, it couldn't hurt for me to inspect that necklace as well," said Rarity.

"Sure that makes sense," said Sunset as she reached out to grab the cloak and necklace, only to hesitate.

"What is it deary?" said Rarity.

"Well it's just... aside from when I shower I haven't really taken these off since I got them," said Sunset.

"Oh... well I can assure you I'll be careful dear," said Rarity.

Sunset turned her head down as she sighed saying, "I'm sure you will but I just..." before trailing off.

Rarity placed her hand on her saying, "Darling I understand, these are gifts from your parents after all and you feel uncomfortable being away from them even for a second." Sunset nodded as Rarity said, "Well if that's the case I can always just look at them later."

Sunset thought about that before letting out a sigh as she reluctantly pulled off the cloak saying, "No it's fine, I trust you... and besides I can't exactly wear the cloak to school, the necklace sure but not the cloak."

As Rarity took said cloak in hand she said, "Why ever not deary?"

"Well... I mean for starters Trixie would probably go off saying I'm copying her style," said Sunset.

Rainbow Dash chuckled as she said, "Yeah Trixie can be a little crazy about that stuff, one time I was out in the sun a bit too long and she accused me of being a darker blue then her on purpose and plopped in a tanning bed to try and change it."

Rarity let out her own chuckle as she said, "Oh I remember that, though by the end she was more red then blue,"

The three let a slight laugh out at the memory before Sunset grew serious again saying, "More then that though... people already look at me weird enough right now, I don't want to add another thing to the pile, especially since it might make them tease you all for hanging out with me."

"Oh darling no," said Rarity as she placed a hand back on her giving a comforting look as she said, "You shouldn't think like that."

"Yeah who cares what a few dicks have to say about you or us anyway," said Rainbow Dash with a shrug.

Rarity had her hung down in thought for a moment before saying, "Normally I don't approve of such crude language but in this context... dicks is far too generous a word to describe people like that."

Sunset's seriousness broke through into a chuckle at hearing both the encouragement, and just how odd it was to hear Rarity talk like that as she said, "I guess... I still would feel weird about it though," said Sunset as she handed the necklace over to Rarity.

Rarity smiled as she said, "Well I at least recommend you bring the cloak in your hand bag so you can put it on if you change your mind." She turned away and seemed to have a slightly nervous smile as she said, "And besides, I feel like the students might surprise you next time you see them."

As Sunset prepared to ask about that, Dash suddenly stepped between them saying, "And while she's doing that stuff, I want to check out some of the stuff your cool glowy hand can do."

Sunset stepped back as she said, "I'm not so sure about that, remember the fire ball I shot."

Rainbow simply waved her hand as she said, "Pffthh, firstly that was awesome, secondly," she then reached into her bag and pulled out several balls as she said, "I just figured we could try and work on that whole long range grabbing thing, how about I throw these balls in the air and you try and catch them."

Sunset thought on that for a moment before seeing the pleading look on Rainbow's face as she let out a chuckle saying, "Alright.. that actually sounds kind of fun anyway."

"OH YEAH!" said Rainbow as she pumped her fist in the air excitedly.

Rarity simply rolled her eyes as she laid the cloak and necklace out flat on the table and began getting her examination equipment out of her hand bag.

Sunset simply smirked as she focused her mind and made her right hand begin to glow as Rainbow readied the first ball saying, "Alright here we go," as she gently lobbed it above her head resulting in Sunset reaching out an etheral hand, catching it with ease.

Sunset chuckled as she said, "If you really want to test me, you're gonna have to do better then that."

Rainbow smirked as she said, "Oh that was just a warm up, try this on for size!" Without warning Rainbow tossed several balls in the air at once. Sunset stared at them as everything began to look like it was slowing down just like it did when she was using her gun, taking advantage of it she reached out and grabbed all the balls before sitting them on the table.

As Rainbow stared in disbelief she let another smirk form on her face as she said, "Alright, you got speed down but how about distance." This time she only tossed two balls up but in radically different directions as they sailed up three feet apart from each other. Even with the world appearing to slow down, Sunset knew she couldn't get both in time and without thinking she split the distance reaching out for the dead center in between them. To her and Rainbow's shock though a much larger hand shot out of her own grabbing the two balls into its grip. Sunset stared at the large clinched fist in disbelief before moving it back towards her as it shrunk down to normal size placing the balls in her hand like always.

"That was... AWESOME!" said Rainbow as she now stood in front of Sunset excitedly.

Sunset let out a surprised huff as she said, "Yeah," before glancing at her hand as she said, "Didn't know it could do that."

As she glanced at the hand she casually wondered, "I wonder what else you can do."

As if on cue Sunset suddenly saw an image of the hand bigger then her apartment as a voice called out, "THIS HAND WAS MADE FOR SENDING GUYS LIKE YOU BACK TO HELL!"

She lurched back at the vision and voice as Rainbow Dash went from excited to concerned as she said, "Woah girl... you OK?"

Sunset stammered for a moment before saying, "Ye-yeah, I'm good.... heart rate must have got too high from the excitement is all."

"Dang... I thought it was just stress that triggered it?" said Rainbow.

"Technically it's happened whenever my heart rate get's really high up in general but the visions are always worse when I'm stressed... this though was different," said Sunset as she calmed herself turning her hand back.

"In what way?" said Rainbow Dash.

"Well it... it showed my hand, or at least one that looked like it growing absolutely massive and said something about sending guys back to hell... it was almost like it was answering my question about what else it could do," said Sunset in thought.

"Hmm," said Rainbow Dash unsure of what to say to that. She then simply put the balls back in her bag as she said, "Well maybe we should take a break."

"Good idea," said Sunset as she smirked.

The two then turned back to Rarity as she was looking over the cloak intently, seemingly not even noticing what was going on.

"Um Rares?" asked Rainbow Dash as she soon plopped down next to her.

At the sudden motion Rarity looked up spying Sunset as she said, "Oh perfect timing, I actually found out something you might like."

"Really?" asked Sunset as the questions melted away at this new development.

"Indeed, firstly I'm sad to say Celestia was right, I was unable to find a gem like what this one is... though I must say it is gorgeous. Secondly while the fabric is not recognizable look at the stitching on it," said Rarity as she showed it to Sunset.

Sunset bent down and looked at it... not sure exactly what she supposed to see as she raised an eyebrow looking at Rarity as she said, "Um... what am I supposed to be seeing here?"

Rarity pointed at the stitches as she said, "Look at the mild differences in the spacing, and slight frays here and here... this is hand made Sunset. This isn't just something your mother gave you... she made it for you."

Sunset's eyes widened as she held the cloak in hand again and slipped it back on, now glancing down at with much greater appreciation as she imaged the pained needle pricks of making a garment, her eyes slightly watered as she smiled saying, "You know what... you girls are right, to hell with anyone else, I'm wearing this and my dads necklace tomorrow and everyday from now on!"

"HELL YEAH!" said Rainbow Dash as she jumped up.

"Well said," said Rarity with a nod.

Once again the day seemed to tick by like normal from there on, with Sunset looking over some more papers, and reading more of Good Witch Azura, before plopping into bed.

Author's Note:

Well... then honestly not much happened this chapter. Sorry about that, this was mainly meant to establish a few things happening over the weekend before Monday. What will happen with Sunset's first day back at school though? How will the Dazzlings factor in all this? Find out next chapter a bit after this time next week. (Posting early because internet is out at my house right now and I might not be able to post later)

Anyway thanks for reading, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day