• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,073 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

  • ...

New Days, New Sunset

Twilight did her best to keep her eyes open as she sleepily made her way into the main hall of the Crystal Castle, and was instantly greeted to the sight of the other princesses awaiting her arrival.

Cadence was the first to notice her as she smiled and walked up to her excitedly saying, "Twily!" She then lowered her head to the floor and gestured with her hooves as she began to say. "Sunshine sunshine ladybugs... awake.." but trailed off as she saw Twilight not joining in.

She let out a yawn as she said, "Sorry Cady, but can't really wake up the ladybugs if I'm not awake," with a slight smirk.

Cadence chuckled at that before she was interrupted by a slight fake cough intended to get her attention. This brought her back to reality as she turned back towards the table and began walking, and it was then that Twilight finally got a good look at the others. Luna seemed normal enough, kind of serious but she was always kind of serious thought Twilight. It was Celestia that was really upsetting as she had never seen her look the way she did now. Her mouth was stern and resolute but her eyes seemed to be unfocused, as if her mind was constantly wandering to somewhere far away or to a time long past. Whatever it was, it was enough to get Twilight to straighten up as she also made her way over and said, "It's good to see you two as well."

"Likewise," said Luna with a slight smile trying to lighten the mood.

Celestia simply nodded as she said, "Yes it is good to see as well Twilight... now then I'm sure you're all wondering why I gathered you here at such an hour."

"Is everything alright auntie?" asked Cadence already knowing the answer.

Celestia didn't even seem to register the question as she said, "I'll make this simple, I received a message from Sunset Shimmer and it is imperative we open the portal as soon as possible so I can reply."

The group simply sat in silence for a moment processing the statement, before Cadence spoke up saying, "Wait what?"

Once again Celestia didn't seem to register the question as she moved towards the crystal mirror in the back of the room saying, "The four of us together should be able to open the portal long enough for myself to go through, after all Starswirl was only one unicorn and he was able to fully create it."

"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!" said Luna as she stood up giving Celestia a look of pure disbelief. "That's your plan, brute force the portal open and trap yourself on the other side just to tell Sunset whatever it is you won't tell us!"

"I have to agree with Luna, it doesn't seem like you've thought this all the way through," said Cadence.

Celestia looked back with a huff as she said, "I assure you I have," she then lifted a saddlebag onto her back as she said, "I have prepared everything I will need for this world based on the notes that Twilight provided me about it, as well as a device that will allow any of you to move the sun while I am away. I'm confident you all can handle things for the few months before the portal naturally reopens."

"Assuming it will reopen after we tamper with it like this," said Luna as she leaned against the table in annoyance at all this.

Celestia seemed to get even more irrational at this before turning to Twilight as she said, "Twilight, my faithful student you must understand that what I am doing is for the best. After all, one should do whatever it takes a help a friend," and let out a somewhat nervous smile.

Twilight simply sat stunned at seeing how her mentor was acting as she said, "Well I... don't understand."

"What?" said Celestia as she was totally floored at the fact that the one pony she thought would be a given wasn't on her side.

"I'm sorry Celestia but I don't understand... mainly because you're refusing to explain it to any of us," said Twilight.

"Indeed sister, you have not given me or anypony else a straight answer since you got this message," said Luna.

"I... it's a personal matter, between me and Sunset," said Celestia as she looked away from the three alicorns who where now all in front of her, both figuratively and literally confronting her.

Twilight was the first to speak again saying, "Sunset is my friend too, and if this is as bad as it seems I think I deserve to know too."

Cadence nodded as she said, "As do I, I may not have known Sunset for long before she went to this other world, but at the very least I also feel I deserve an explanation if I'm going to help you help her."

Celestia's head only lowered further as she muttered, "I suppose."

She simply sat there before feeling a hoof placed on her shoulder as Luna looked at her saying, "Clearly you're worried about whatever is going on and we'd be glad to help you, but to do so we need to know what it is."

Celestia paused for a moment before sighing as she said, "I... I'm sorry everypony... I should have been more upfront with you from the beginning but this is... something I have kept secret for so long, and in doing so I may have jeopardized the very life of someone I care about deeply."

"What do you mean?" asked Twilight.

Celestia only went back to her seat as she gestured for the others to sit near her which they soon did. She sat for a moment in thought before saying, "Sunset Shimmer is not in good health, and while the doctors of the other world seem to be helping, I fear that they do not know what is truly going on.... and it's all my fault."

"What do you mean!?" asked Twilight as her concern mounted.

Celestia sighed before saying, "While it's true that I found Sunset when she was just a filly and took her in... I did not find her on the street like I had previously said... rather I found her in front of that very mirror," as she pointed her hoof to the Crystal Mirror.

"What?" asked Cadence in shook as she looked down saying, "So... does that mean?"

Celestia nodded as she said, "Sunset is not from Equestria... I doubt she is from the world she currently calls home as the mirror was behaving very strangely the night she came through it, though that story is one I definitely believe Sunset should hear first, never the less she is indeed from another world."

"And you didn't tell her this?" asked Luna in shook.

Celestia winched as she said, "And not a day goes by I don't regret not telling her... if I did perhaps we might not have drifted apart like we did and maybe..." Celestia looked at the mirror as she shed a small tear at what could have been before sayin, "At the time I thought telling her would only make her feel like an outsider... she barely interacted with the ponies in the castle as it was, I worried she might totally cut herself off if she found out she wasn't one of them."

The group sat in thought for a moment taking this information in before Twilight spoke up saying, "Not to sound rude or anything but if she isn't really a pony then... what is she?"

Celestia looked back down in shame as she simple said, "I do not know."

Sunset's eyes slowly opened as she began to stir from her slumber. As she began to look around she let out a light sneeze as she rubbed her nose and quipped saying, "Someone must be talking about me," she sat up with a smile at her own joke before she realized something... she could sit up. As the memory of yesterday flooded back to her she looked down at her hands that she struggled to move at all yesterday, as she made a fist as easy as she normally would. Carefully she lifted the covers off herself as she moved her legs towards the floor and began to stand up, prepared for shaky struggling steps. Instead though she looked down in surprise as she found herself standing up firmly and easily as she moved around feeling this out and said, "I feel.... good... great even!" She smiled as she began to do lunges as she suddenly felt filled with energy she wanted to burn off. As she did this she noticed the pill bottle on her bedside table as she smiled saying, "Guess Camila was right about me needing these," as she opened the bottle and popped the one she was supposed to take in the morning in her mouth and followed it up with a swig of water.

She began to walk towards her door only to feel some giddiness as she felt the energy she was feeling seem to get stronger as she said, "God this must have been some kind of chronic genetic issue, because I actually think I feel better then I ever have in my whole life!" As she exited her room she wanted to go into a full sprint but quickly backed down to a tip toe as she looked from her balcony and saw all of her friends sleeping. She quickly looked over at the clock as she thought, "Wow, 5am... makes sense considering how early I went to sleep but still, I'm not sure when the last time I've been up this early was, let alone felt good about it."

She slowly made her way downstairs as she took in the sight of the others sleeping on her various pieces of furniture with with some simple blankets being their only proper bedding. Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Rarity where scrunched together on the couch while Pinkie Pie slept and on a bean bag chair, and finally Fluttershy slept on her recliner. As Sunset looked at her, she noticed that her journal was resting on Fluttershy's lap as she thought, "I wonder how long she waited for a reply before passing out... also WHAT THE HECK CELESTIA! What have you become a heavy sleeper in your old age!?"

Sunset grimaced at the thought before thinking better of it as she thought, "It is nice they did all this for me... I should probably pay them back somehow... breakfast would be a good start, but I'm not much of a cook, plus they'd definitely wake up if I tried." She then looked around as she saw they had placed her bag on the coffee table as she thought, "Then again, the coffee shop will be open this early... and I do feel like I need to burn off some more of this energy."

She grabbed the bag before looking down at her purple pajamas with her cutie mark on the shirt as she thought, "Should I go back up and change?... nah, no ones out this early, besides these can probably pass as a track suit, especially with no sun out." She carefully slipped on her tennis shoes and made her way out the front door exiting as she quietly said, "Besides I don't really have anything good for running... probably because I've never really been running before," she then swung the bag behind her back as she went into a full spring saying, "Right now though, I feel like I could run halfway across the world."

As Sunset basically kicked in the door of the coffee shop, she let out an excited whoa, as she pumped her fist in the air saying, "I'm starting to see why Rainbow Dash likes jogging so much!"

The man working the counter was surprised to say the least at not only seeing a customer this early, but one he recognized, sort of, as he began saying, "Um... hey Sunset... right?"

Sunset looked at him and chuckled saying, "Yup, hey Mocha Bean, and yeah I get why you'd say that, honestly I feel so good I don't believe I'm me right now."

Mocha Bean smiled at that as he said, "Happy to hear it, you'd seemed kind depressed lately."

Sunset briefly winched as she approached the counter saying, "Yeah schools been... a little tough lately," her smile returned though as she said, "But I've got some genuine friends helping me get through it."

"Great to hear," said Mocha as he turned to the side saying, "Wish my friends where so reliable, HEY CAFFEINE FREE GET YOUR ASS UP! WE GOT A CUSTOMER!"

Caffeine Free groaned as he was forced to get up from his nap behind a few boxes of supplies as he said, "This early... why!?"

Sunset simply chuckled at the twos antics as she said, "Sorry Caffeine but I got a big order today."

"Getting stuff for your friends?" asked Mocha Bean.

Sunset nodded as she said, "Yup, just a way of saying thanks for them being there for me... so yeah let's see... I'll take my usual half caf no foam latte and sesame seed bagel for me, a plain bagel and straight black coffee for the practical Applejack, a strawberry jam sand which and milk for the simple Fluttershy, an everything bagel and if I remember correctly... tall double caf no fat late with a caramel drizzle for Rarity, and a bear claw and hot chocolate with whipped cream and rainbow sprinkles for Pinkie."

Mocha chuckled as he straightened his apron and got to work saying, "Sounds like a pretty diverse group."

"Sounds like a complex order," said Caffeine as he too got to work with a groan.

Mocha nudged his shoulder as he said, "Come on dude, it's one customer and besides we just finished the first batch for the day so it's all fresh and ready to go. Pretty much all we have to is bag it up for her."

"It's still more work then I want to do right now," said Caffeine as he begrudgingly fit the cups into the machine and began punching in the drink commands.

Before she knew it Sunset was grabbing a bag of food and tray of coffees as she handed her money to Mocha for him to put in the register as she then slipped a five to each of them saying, "Thanks for helping me out so early."

"Anytime," said Mocha with a smile.

Caffeine had the briefest of smirks as he said, "I guess this makes it kind of worth it."

Sunset smiled back as she secured her things and made her way out the door.

Caffeine began to go back to his napping spot as he said, "Was that really Sunset?"

Mocha got to wiping down the counter as he said, "Yeah, I'm glad to see she seems to be back on her feet."

"I guess, but what's with the dye job though?" asked Caffeine as he made a pillow out of a bag of plastic lids.

Mocha shrugged as he said, "Beats me, but the new look seems to have given her confidence so I didn't say anything."

"Whatever," said Caffeine as he rested his head down with a yawn before briefly letting out, "You don't see someone willingly having a white streak in their hair often though," before drifting off to sleep.

Ironically, at that very same moment someone's eyes began to open as Fluttershy began to yawn and stretch her arms. She took a glance around the living room before looking down at the book and pouted as she mumbled, "Still nothing." She slowly got to her feet though as she made her way towards the stairs and quietly said, "As long as I'm up I should really check on Sunset." She carefully tip toed to the balcony on top of the stairs before gripping the doorknob and gently easing it open. As soon as she looked in the room and caught sight of the empty bed though, the normally quiet girl suddenly burst through the door as she yelled from the balcony, "WAKE UP EVERYONE! WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!"

The others sleepily got up as Rainbow Dash was the first to speak up saying, "What's wrong Shy?"

Fluttershy looked down at the group in panic as she called out, "SUNSET'S MISSING!"

Instantly the others where fully awake and on their feet as Pinkie yelled out, "WHAT!?"

"Are... are you sure she didn't just make her way to the bathroom or something?!" asked Applejack trying to stay level headed.

Fluttershy instantly ran down the stairs and opened the door to the only bath room in Sunset's apartment as she cried, "SHE'S NOT IN HERE!"

"Oh dear, where could she have gone?" asked Rarity.

"Poor thing probably thought she was feeling well enough to go out and grab something," said Applejack as she thought for a moment before saying, "Alright I'll get the van, Pinkie and Rarity will come to be my look outs while we check around the school and the suburbs, Rainbow you take the bike and look uptown. Fluttershy stay here in case Sunset comes back."

Fluttershy nodded and as the group prepared to leave only to all stop as they heard the click of the front door unlocking and turned to see Sunset as she blushed upon seeing them saying, "Looks like you're all awake."

Sunset stepped into the room as she sat the bag and tray of coffees she was carrying down as Applejack in disbelief repeated, "Looks like you're... WHAT! Where have you been!? We where worried sick about you!"

Fluttershy stepped forth with a nod that twinged at Sunset a bit as she nervously smiled saying, "Um... I got breakfast," as she patted the items on the table.

"Forget breakfast, you shouldn't have gone out like that," said Rainbow.

Sunset blushed further as she looked away from everyone saying, "I.. I'm sorry I made you worry, I just wanted to pay you guys back for helping me out like this and also..." she trailed off at that.

"Also what?" asked Pinkie.

Sunset blushed further as she said, "Well... I think Camila was right about this being a genetic thing."

"Why's that?" asked Applejack

Sunset stood up as she said with a slight smile, "Because I feel better then I have in my whole life, I have more energy then I've ever had before and I just HAD to go out and burn some of it off. I definitely should have started taking those pills years ago."

The group looked at her as they all paused for a moment before Fluttershy spoke up saying, "Well... that's good at least."

Sunset nodded at that as she slightly smiled thinking, "I REALLY have to find a way to thank Fluttershy after this is over." She then moved over to her kitchen saying, "Exactly, now if that's settled I'll get plates for everyone."

"Well, I don't know if I'd call it settled... but I am hungry," said Applejack with a sigh.

Sunset nodded as she got the plates over to her table and began spreading the food among them.

The other girls began to sit down as Rainbow noticed the logo on the bag and said, "I guess a trip to that coffee shop wasn't that big a deal. It's not like it's too far away."

Sunset nodded as she said, "Exactly I was only gone for a few minutes."

Rarity groaned as said, "Oh please darling it must have been longer then that with your other trip."

Sunset tilted her head to the side in confusion as she said, "What other trip?"

"Don't think we didn't notice, it must have been a rather good salon to get that perfect a streak in your hair," said Rarity.

"It looks nice though," said Fluttershy with a smile.

"Oh I'm not denying that darling, though I am a little annoyed that I'll have to redo some of the outfits I made you to better compliment it," said Rarity as she took a bite into her bagel.

Sunset became slightly concerned at this as she asked, "What are you all talking about?!"

The others looked at her for a few seconds, before realizing she wasn't joking as Rarity pulled out her compact mirror and handed it to Sunset. As she took it her eyes went wide as she saw that one of the iconic yellow streaks on the left side of her head had turned pure white as she looked in disbelief saying, "I... I didn't do this."

The others all sat up a little straighter also concerned as Rainbow asked, "You still feel fine right?"

"Yeah... but I," said Sunset as she could her heart rate elevating at this unknown development.

Before the voices could come though Applejack spoke up saying, "Maybe it's a side effect of the medicine," before pointing to the kitchen counter as she said, "The prescription sheet is over there."

Sunset quickly stood up still in a panic and without even thinking reached out her hand towards the counter. The others watched in awe as once her hand began to glow red and blue as the ethereal hand shot forth, grabbed the sheet and pulled back into Sunset's organic hand. Sunset jumped back at the result as her heart only increased more and the voices began to return.

"Might controls everything."
"Well this is gonna be interesting."

As Sunset looked at the others in fear her panic only rose as she heard a voice yell out in rage, "DON'T COME ANY CLOSER YOU DEVIL!" Sunset suddenly began to back away feeling like she might actually be a danger to her friends, she found herself backing into something warm though as she felt a pair of arms wrap around her back.

Fluttershy hugged her deeply as she said, "Shh, it's OK."

"Yeah, we're here for you sugarcube," said Applejack as she slowly approached.

"How do you feel dearie?" asked Rarity.

"I..." said Sunset before saying, "Still feel pretty good," as she began looking at her hand with a clearer head saying, "I don't feel drained like I did last time anyway."

"Hmm, then maybe this isn't so bad then," said Rainbow Dash as the others looked at her. "WHAT! You gotta admit that was cool, plus we got the whole ears and tails thing going when we play music... maybe this is Sunset's thing."

Sunset thought on that as she said, "Maybe." She then shuttered though as she remembered those words and said, "But the way my skin is red though... it almost looks like when I."

Before she could finish though, they all heard a noise as they turned to see Sunset's journal glowing and vibrating.

Pinkie was the first to move towards the book as she began flipping through the pages. As she did so Fluttershy slightly moved towards Sunset's ear and whispered, "I know what you where going to say and you don't need to worry about that, you're a better person now Sunset so even if this is related that doesn't mean it's bad."

Sunset blushed and gulped at that as she thought, "Is... is she right? If this is some kind of remnant of my demon form... can I control it... can I use it for something good... something like what Twilight did?"

As Pinkie reached the last page she quickly read through it before moving the book to Sunset as she said, "You might want to read this yourself."

Sunset looked down at the book and read the quick words, before her eyes went wide in disbelief as she re-read them out loud to make sure of what it said. "My dearest Sunset, this is a matter we absolutely must discuss in person. With the help of my fellow Princesses I have reopened the portal and thanks to Twilight's directions I should be at your apartment very soon, your teacher... and dear friend who has been longing to see you, Celestia."

Author's Note:

Well then, Sunset is feeling better thanks to her medicine, but at the same time her "symptoms" have increased. How will she react when Celestia tells her the truth though? What does all this mean? Find out next chapter... around this time next week (man I should really write several chapters ahead more often)

Anyway thanks for reading, any constructive criticism is welcome, hope you liked it, and have a great day