• Published 12th Feb 2021
  • 5,073 Views, 302 Comments

Sunset Heritage - luckyboys121

After undergoing mysterious transformations Sunset is forced to dig into a past she does not remember and confront the parents she's never met

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The Search Begins

It was impossible to tell how long they had sat for, but it was long enough that Applejack had led the others back through the door, only to be taken aback by the sight of the two comforting the still sobbing Sunset. "Oh um... we can just come back later," said Applejack as she and other began to turn around.

"NO!" said Sunset as she quickly stood up. "I..." she said, before taking a calming breath and wiping her face as she said, "I'm good." She then quickly got down though and hugged Fluttershy and Celestia saying, "Thank you both for helping me with this."

"Anytime," said Fluttershy as she returned the hug.

"Of course my dear... friend," said Celestia as she thought, "Now more then ever I want to say dear daughter but I can't do that to her... not now when she has learned about her true mother and father." Celestia did her best to internalize those thoughts though as she stood up saying, "Now then, I have one more thing to give you before I go."

"You're leaving already?" asked Sunset.

Celestia sighed as she said, "I'm afraid so... as while Twilight has found a way to open the portal permanently using the journal as a tether, she only did so under the condition that I return of my own free will after I have helped you."

"Oh," said Sunset as she looked down slightly saddened, as she had finally made up with Celestia only to have to part from her again. If she had any tears left she would have let them out now.

Celestia let out a slight tear in her stead as she cleared her throat saying, "Now then... I wanted to provide you with all the notes Starswirl had taken of all the various worlds he visited with the mirror as while granted those would be a thousand years out of date they would at least be a start." She then groaned before saying, "Sadly though Starswirl had a nasty habit of thinking EVERYTHING he knew was common knowledge and thus only ever mentioned things like that in passing while talking about other things, a trait which he sadly passed onto his apprentice as well. So unfortunately I have no choice but to do this." Celestia then turned the messenger bag she had been carrying on its side as a seemingly impossible amount of books and scrolls began to fall out of it.

As everyone watched in awe at the seemingly endless amount of papers finally ended, Celestia spoke up saying, "These are all the notes taken by Starswirl the Bearded and Clover the Clever after the portal was first created, be thankful I was able to narrow it down to this, otherwise I would have basically had to bring the whole library to you, both the public and forbidden section."

Sunset nervously laughed, less at the joke and more at the shear amount of work that lay before her as despite being a top student, she was more of a hands on learner rather then a book reader and this would be no easy task.

Celestia sighed as she said, "I suppose I should leave it to you then... but before I go." Sunset instantly found herself wrapped in another hug as Celestia continued saying, "Remember, the portals open all the time now, so if you need ANYTHING I can come right back and you can even come back to the castle if you want... I'm planning on having the mirror moved to your old room in Canterlot Castle for you... if you're ready for that of course."

Sunset gripped the hug tighter, honestly unsure if she was ready as she simply said, "Sounds good."

Celestia nodded, understanding the deeper meaning behind such simple words as she nodded before releasing the hug as she said, "Well then... it's good to know Sunset has many good friends here to help her though this time," as she glanced to the others before turning to Fluttershy specifically as she said, "Especially those so close to her heart."

Fluttershy blushed at this resulting in Celestia chuckling slightly before making her way towards the door as she said, "Well good luck my student... I hope you can find your answers soon." She quickly made her way out the door as the others simply stood for a moment.

The group stood in silence before Rarity spoke up saying, "I'm sorry dear but... what exactly is going on?"

Sunset sighed as she sat and leaned back on the couch saying, "Basically... I'm not actually from Equestria, my parents had to send me away for some reason and now I'm gonna comb through Starswirl's notes about other worlds in hopes of finding out what one I'm really from and... go from there." Sunset then paused in thought as she wasn't entirely sure where this would end up.

Those thoughts where interrupted though as Rainbow Dash broke the tension saying, "Whelp, I guess we better to work reading all this stuff."

Before she could reach the pile though, Sunset stood before her as she said, "Thanks girls, but I feel like this is something I should do myself... after all, the goal is to figure out which world I came from based around my hallucinations being dormant memories... and no offense but some of those hallucinations are things I doubt I'd be able to describe in a way you could understand."

"Well if... you're sure darling," said Rarity.

"Is there anything else we could do to help?" asked Pinkie Pie.

Sunset thought for a moment on that, before she was greeted by a large growl from her stomach as she said, "Maybe you can grab lunch... something big, now that I have a task for this I'm not so nervous anymore and my appetite is back with a vengeance."

The others briefly chuckled at that as Applejack checked her phone saying, "Shoot, it's noon already. I think we should all probably have some lunch, we'll head out to the pizza place and bring a couple back here."

Sunset's stomach once again growled as she said, "Get an extra large veggie lovers just for me... and I'll still probably eat slices from yours as well. Also grab a strawberry sundae from the dessert bar. Not sure if it's due to all these changes or just because I hardly ate anything yesterday but I can not exaggerate at how hungry I'm feeling."

Once again they chuckled as Rainbow Dash said, "You got it... if it turns out it's more then you can handle though, make sure to puke away from us."

Sunset let out a giggle of her own as she said, "You got it."

The others quickly headed out the door as she turned back to the couch and was greeted to the sight of Fluttershy still sitting there as she still had a slight blush on her face. Sunset didn't seem to notice that though as she said, "You could go with the others if you want too."

Fluttershy quickly shook her head as she said, "No, I'd like to stay. Even if I can't help with the reading I can at least be here for you... just in case."

Sunset smiled as she said, "Thanks... that means a lot." As she sat back down and opened the nearest scroll.

Fluttershy looked over as she asked, "So do you think you'll really have to read all of this?"

"Probably not, I mean this is clearly useless just a chili recipe that...." said Sunset as she suddenly stopped in disbelief.

"What?!" asked Fluttershy as she leaned over in concern.

Sunset repeatedly read it in disbelief before saying, "At the end of this long winded multi paragraph recipe that goes into excruciating detail about how much red pepper too add to maintain the flavor without over powering the cumin... he basically wrote 'oh and by the way I learned this from an alternate universe Sombra that was king of Canterlot, but whatever'."

Fluttershy's jaw dropped as she said, "Oh my... are... are you sure you don't want any help reading all this?"

Sunset simply sighed as she said, "Sadly it looks like that isn't even an option," as she handed the scroll to Flutteshy who took it and was instantly greeted by seemingly, and technically, alien symbols as Sunset continued saying, "It appears as though Starswirl had his head firmly stuck up his own flank as he wrote everything in old ponish rather then the common writing language, which is coincidentally the common language of this part of the world but that's not something I want to get into right now."

She then sighed as she sat back down saying, "Well this is gonna be a long night."

As the trio walked through the dimly lit streets one of them spoke up saying, "Why are we going this way Adagio?"

Adagio turned back to the purple girl as she groaned and said, "Because that magic burst we saw was over a school, which wouldn't exactly be open this time at night, especially on a Friday and even if it was we need the students around to try and get information out of them. So for now we need to be focusing on finding a place to stay and if my memory is right there should be a good hotel just down this road."

"Whatever," said Aria as she rolled her eyes and they continued on.

The third girl skipped slightly behind the others as she began tracing the wall of the building they where walking past with her hand, trying to ignore the bickering of the others. Soon however she found herself in a dead stop as she caught a smell of something coming from the door in front of her, something familiar yet different. She took in a deep breath letting whatever it was fill her as her gem began to glow and she thought, "This is just... wow! Like magic but with something else thrown into the mix it's.... positively intoxicating." As Sonata smiled warmly she absorbed this energy as the red of her gemstone intensified and began to spread towards her eyes, it was at that point her hand still on the door began to flicker and change, said change though was quickly interrupted by a yell.

"SONATA! HURRY UP!" called back Adagio from the front of the crowd.

This snapped the girl back to reality as she said, "Hey Adagio I smelled-"

She was soon interrupted though as Aria said, "I don't care if you spied a cheap taco truck, we can get better tacos from hotel room service anyway."

"Tacos!" said Sonata excitedly as she jogged to meet the others, quickly forgetting about the door or what she smelled coming from it as her eyes faded back to their usual color, yet the gem continued to glow unnoticed.

Once they where out of sight though, that door opened up as Applejack said, "Are you sure you're cool with us leaving... we can stay another night."

"No it's fine... you've already done enough, besides you should probably get a change of clothes and a shower and stuff. We can pick this back up tomorrow, thankfully it'll be Saturday so we won't miss any more school.... and I'll have more time to look at all this," said Sunset as she leaned back with a groan.

"Oh if you need a good distraction, you should try and get a beat on your sweet new powers," said Rainbow Dash as she smiled. The others looked at her as she said, "What, the're awesome so far, besides maybe understanding them can help figure out where she's from, like she might a read a thing saying that a world has creatures that can do the stuff she can."

"Hum, that's actually more thought out then I expected," said Rarity.

Rainbow looked at her annoyed as Sunset giggles before saying, "Actually I think I have some idea on how they work... kind of." Sunset then stood and focused her mind on something that would make her angry, causing her hand to begin to glow, "This seems to change whenever I feel threatened in some way, or just have a goal in mind that it can help with, like with grabbing things at a distance." As a way of demonstrating Sunset used it to grab the nearest book off the table. She then sat it on the couch next to her saying, "And I noticed how it turned back to normal when I grabbed Fluttershy's arm so," she then used it to grab her non glowing arm causing it revert to normal as she said, "It looks like I can turn it turns off on instinct whenever I'm holding something important to me, or when I've completely calmed down like when she stroked by back... so until I figure out how to use it better that should do."

"AWESOME!" said Rainbow Dash as she beamed at the demonstration.

The others seamed to echo that while Fluttershy moved to the side blushing as she thought, "Did she just say I'm important to her!?"

Applejack stepped forward saying, "Well... if you're sure you'll be OK... I guess we'll see you tomorrow then."

Sunset smiled and gave a thumbs up as she said, "You got it, though don't put yourselves out, if only a few can visit that's fine, you all have to get back to your own lives eventually after all."

The others all nodded at that and said their goodbye's as they went out the door and began getting in the van to be dropped off at their respective homes. Sunset waved as they pulled away before moving back over to her couch, at which point she noticed the book she had grabbed wasn't any of Starswirl's, rather it was something much better. Sunset looked over the cover of the Good Witch Azura book as she said, "Well... I could use a break from the research, and this does seems like it could be something good to unwind with." Sunset then cracked open the book to the first page saying, "I'll just read a little before bed," as she began to read and soon found herself entrapped by a world of magic and wonder as she eagerly flipped to the next page.

Author's Note:

Well then Sunset has begun her research and the Dazzlings have entered the equation, what will happen next? Find out next chapter this time next week.

Thanks for reading, hope you liked it, any constructive criticism is welcome, have a great day