• Published 21st Dec 2011
  • 11,663 Views, 195 Comments

SPIDER-MAN: Edge of Equestria - Kapwnage

The Amazing Spiderman, must save PonyVille from the grips of Dr. Octopus.

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Intro: Good Times

(If you have no clue who or what Spider-Man is, please for the love of Celestia check this out: Marvel's Spider-Man)

Spiderman: Edge of Equestria

It was a regular old day in New York City. The sky was a stingy blue, skyscrapers stood tall and clean, and jets blasted overhead. All was so peaceful. A young man, Peter Parker, whom has an alternate name and lifestyle of fighting crime and kicking butt. Spider-Man! The abilities to stick to walls, spin organic webs, and super strength.

"Uh, excuse me? I believe the technical term is called 'Stick 'em' Powers."

Anyways; Peter has been Spider-Man for around two years now, and ever since he had that Spider-bite, his life had been changed. Today, will be another one of those rare occasions that he will never forget, a trip to Equestria.


"Parker! Get in here!" A man at the desk yelled from a distant room. He had a scratchy voice, and one that would grow to be annoying.

"Yes Mr. Jameson?" Peter ran into the room, and ended his conversation with the secretary.

"I want more pictures of Spider-Man! The one's you took today we're crap!"

"Uh, ok. I don't know if Spider-Man is out today. It's been pretty clear since this morning."

"He's probably out somewhere, robbing a bank! Go on! Go get photos!"

"Jonah, I told you a hundred times! He's not the enemy!" Said Jameson's head editor, Robbie. He was a tall, good-willed, black man who stood in dignity and looked up to Spider-man for his talents and heroism.

"I don't pay you to kiss his ass, Robbie! Now go back to work!" Jonah got up from his desk and looked out the giant, glass window. He puffed on his large, expensive cigar. "Parker, if you don't... Parker?" He noticed Peter had left the room during his delightful conversation with Robbie. He turned back to look out the window once more, and his gaze met a blue and red spandex-wearing man, swinging on webbing. "There he is! Parker get back in here!"

Peter had other plans in mind other than to take pictures of himself during swinging. It never got his good side anyways. "I'll just have to find a problem, and fix it like I always do! Now where's a purse snatcher when you need one?" He thought, swinging around dark allies. Not a scream or yelp to be heard.

"Hmm, what to do. What- To do. Maybe I can go... Or maybe... Um... I never actually found myself looking for bad guys." He landed on a building top, and paced around a bit. "Pictures... Of myself. How could this be any more difficult? I could just make up stuff, and not show what I'm attacking." No more ideas came to head for Peter.

Just as he was giving up, and taking off his Spider-wear, distant cries could be heard from below the complex he was on. "Bingo!" He yelled, snatching his suit up in a hurry. He crawled down, and entered the building through the vents. As he came to a halt, a single vent hatch was in his way. Quickly tearing it off, he sprung down and landed with a soft thump. The wood floor was no match for his adhesive limbs, and he chuckled at the "Caution: Slippery Floor" sign. Dulling the distraction, he focused his Spider-Sense and noticed that one of his arch nemesis(es), Doctor Octopus, was stealing from a vault. The screaming was coming from outside the large, iron bolted doors. A single women, the cashier, stood in terror.
Spider-Man web-zipped the young woman to him, and told her to get out of the building, as the fight would be brought to epic proportions.

Continuing his search for Doc-Oc, he bolted straight into the vault area, and a large beam was met to his face, but easily dodged due to his Spider-Sense.

"So we meet again, Spider-man!" Dr. Octopus said, with a toothy grin.

"What's up doc?" Joked Spidey, slinging his webbing to dodge the bags of golden coins the enemy threw at him.

"Working on my newest creation: how to kill a spider!"

Doc-Oc kept tossing coin bags, but Spider-Man kept dodging them back. He spurt out a small mist of webbing, and it materialized on a bag, creating a web line straight to his wrist. He slung it straight into Doc's face, knocking him down. This was Spider-Man's advantage point, to attack the enemy at hand. He jumped onto Doc's chest and repeatedly punched him in the jaw. With his Spider-Strength, he could easily kill a human with one fatal blow at full strength. He had to lessen his punches, so it couldn't potentially kill the attacker, but wound him enough to go to jail. A few jabs in the side, and with a mean left hook; Spider-Man beat down Doctor Octopus without a sweat. It became a regular thing to beat villains like this.
Dazed, Doc was mumbling his plans under consciousness.

"Money, yes. Teleport. Science."

"What are you up to?" Spider-Man questioned to the unconscious villain.

The police arrived late, as usual. Traffic makes it hard for them to navigate around the city quickly. Peter didn't blame them, he was just happy he got some good photos while fighting. He thought to himself about what Doc-Oc was saying. Teleporter? Is he planning to make some sort of telepathic device? What it's worth, things may get interesting.

*Authors Note: This is by far, like any of my stories. It is not a reboot of Spider-Mane. For it's another Human in Equestria, but I make that human SPIDER-MAN! I get all my jokes and info from past Marvel Cartoons, Comics, and others. Please let me state: I do not own Spider-Man or Marvel Franchise in anyway possible. All characters are MARVEL. -Kapu0*